hack cookie kakao อยากได้codeจัดไป 由於手機沒有root我都是用BS在刷錢的(BS沒有飛航模式)以下是修改 การแปล - hack cookie kakao อยากได้codeจัดไป 由於手機沒有root我都是用BS在刷錢的(BS沒有飛航模式)以下是修改 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

hack cookie kakao อยากได้codeจัดไป

hack cookie kakao อยากได้codeจัดไป

銀幣 552->553
黃金熊 503->553
粉紅熊 504->553
衝刺 403->402


銀幣 552->504
黃金熊 503->553
粉紅熊 504->553
衝刺 403->402
X千 ->Pass


銀幣 552->504
黃金熊 503->553
粉紅熊 504->553
衝刺 403->402



จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Hack cookie Kakao อยากได้ code จัดไป
by in hand airport no has root
I are is with BS in brush money of (BS no has fly Airlines Mode)
following is modify of right these results fruit (are has bought 1600 fast open began Czech 徑)

Reflection ' 1, doppelganger
silver 幣 552->553
yellow gold bear 503->553
powder Red bear 504->553
rushing thorn 403->402
right these has good both ' gold outrageous
X k. 1 萬. 2 萬. 3 Nations finish include

is a modified their palate with score so far is gold money

makes makes the avatar
this time such as 1 gold money score not inferior too much

so modified silver 幣 bear-552->504
gold 503->553
Powder 504->553
rushing Red bear thorns 403->402
let the quantity up to silver 幣 modified components of highest number of powder sugar
盡 Red bear software makes Gold money: score =1:100
is money 1 萬 time
score approximately 100 Nations makes the slightly outrageous
right all these gold:
X thousand->Pass
1 Nations->Pass
1 Nations 5->Pass
2 Nations->Pass
2 Nations 5->Pass
3 Nations->Pass
3 Nations 5->
by include Outrageous know about gold then I control the money took 1X Stadium in the 2 Nations around 7

so were not Feeling complete when you get 46 of this statue to get
used to wash fruit handy Macedonia include Q_Q
x! on no! high Ying this wash chemicals! X!
I thought for a moment about relationship
guess measured Userboxes/Time
I this statue brush money of when waiting with full, skateboard 餅 dry full, small spent helicopter airport
brush to 2 萬 7 when between over in short 暫
so was judge why outside like

-> cannot in is short of when between inside 獲 take large gold money

knows has probably direction
again open a only 1, doppelganger
modify a like
silver 幣 552->504
yellow gold bear 503->553
powder Red bear 504->553
rushing thorn 403->402
makes Gold 幣 stub points number made balance
餅 dry with Chong real are with no has accelerated of
Avoid too fast was convicted just
only outside this same brush up those handy no matter
I'll move down click Script for Elf to its own brush fully furnished apartments have been 21

※ used to study:Gold money score ratios do not vary too much between the brush when a powerful tool not too fast

I bought every Gatwick Jie 徑 800 1600 fast start Experience can only double love heart
5 section 21

※ above does not necessarily apply in all, to think twice before washing
no entering into going with me like a Buddha idlen include >
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
hack cookie kakao อยาก ได้ code จัด ไป
because the phone did not root
and I are proficient with a BS in (BS no flight mode)
The following is a modification of the experimental results (both bought 1600 Quick Start shortcut) 1. creating a one avatar, etc. silver 552-> 553 Golden Bear 503> 553 Pink Bear 504-> 553 sprint 403> 402 experiment several amount of X one thousand Wan .1 .2 .3 Wan Wan are finished a change was locked -> think it is Money with scores Mom 2 is an avatar, etc. In order to make money with the scores do not minds so modified silver 552-> 504 Golden Bear 503> 553 Pink Bear 504-> 553 sprint 403> 402 so that the largest number of The silver coins into the highest score pink gummy bear try to make money: Score = 1: 100 is the money when there are 10,000 to 1 million score roughly the experimental value: X one thousand -> Pass 1万-> Pass 1万5-> Pass 2万-> Pass 2万5-> Pass 3万-> Pass 3万5-> was locked to know about the amount of money I put the control in about 20,007 1X wash properly the field feeling all right so he opened 46 and other deity to wash the result was a wash immediately be locked Q_Q x! not it! higher wash should be more insurance Yeah! X's! I thought about the relationship between speculation may be the time when I am proficient with the full deity and other skateboard biscuits + helicopter full of flowers and other brush to 20,007 times too short it is judged to be plug-in -> can not get a lot of money in a very short period of time . 3 know about the direction to open a spare one and other modifications, like silver 552-> 504 gold Bear 503> 553 Pink Bear 504-> 553 sprint 403> 402 gold coins and fractional strike a balance so that cookies are used with no acceleration pet wash too fast to avoid being judged as plug-in brush a few games so nothing I use QuickMacro with a script to its own brush now 21 waiting ※ Conclusion: Money scores do not Mom & brush proportion of time not too fast , I have to buy every 1600 Quick Start shortcut +800 experience redouble 5 families can hang on to love 21, etc. ※ The above may not necessarily apply in all of the body, think twice before you have to wash like me, otherwise it will be locked deity Account>

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Hack cookie kakao อ ย า ก ไ ด ้ code จ ั ด ไ ป
the mobile phone does not have root
I used BS in the brush money (BS no flight mode). Here are the results modify (have to buy 1600 quick start shortcut)

and 1 at 552->553
Huang Jinxiong 503- >553

. Pink bear 504->553
sprint 403->402
experiment several amount
X thousands of.1 million.2 million.3 million
is a finished are locked

-> think money with fractional difference too much

is 1 copies of this in order to make money to score. Not too much difference
so modified into
silver 552->504
gold bear 503->553
Pink bear 504->553
sprint 403->402
let the largest number of coins into the highest score of the pink gummy bear
try to make money: the fraction of =1:100
is 10000 when the money
score approximately 1000000
experimental amount:
X ->Pass
1 ->Pass
1 5->Pass
2 a thousand million million million million million million ->Pass
2 5->Pass
3 - > Pass
3 5-> locked
know about the amount of I put the money in 20000 about 7
washed 1X field all right feel ready to open 46

the deity to wash to wash a immediately locked Q_Q
x! Not! Higher washing should be more insurance! X!

I think about speculation can be. Relationship of timeI used the money when I brush full board cookie full of flowers helicopter
brush to 20000 7 time is too short. So is judged as external

-> not in a very short period of time to obtain a large amount of money

know about direction
another one in 1, double
modification as
silver 552->504
gold bear 503->553
pink bear 504->553
let gold sprint and fractional balance
cookies with pets are not accelerated
avoid wash too fast is judged as plug-in
so brush several fine
I use the wizard button with the script for it, now 21, his brush

* conclusion:Don't time scores don't too bad I brush too fast

I each have to buy 1600 quick start to experience
5, 800 double love can be up to 21

* above do not necessarily apply to all people, to wash twice before
otherwise would tell me a sample your account number is lock >
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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