这后宫中,还有什么比帝王的情爱更虚无缥缈呢?她自从进宫后,并不得宠,皇上偶尔宠幸过两次,面对俊美的帝王,她是动过心的。『雅*文*言*情*首* การแปล - 这后宫中,还有什么比帝王的情爱更虚无缥缈呢?她自从进宫后,并不得宠,皇上偶尔宠幸过两次,面对俊美的帝王,她是动过心的。『雅*文*言*情*首* อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด




































“童太医言重了,我自是知道太医院之事繁忙,”庄络胭让童太医起身,又赏赐他一些东西,继续道,“只是我们姐妹一场,总是有几分担心的,想烦劳童太医再去请脉一番,不知会不会累及童太医 ... [本章未完,请点击下一页继续阅读!]


















待摆好后,高德忠带着花匠安安静静的退下,退到门口转身时,高德忠又看了眼那金边六月雪以及罗汉松,头埋得更低出了门。 [本章结束]





















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
In the harem, there's nothing more ethereal than Emperor's love for me? After she entered the Palace and not spoil, the Emperor once in favour twice, facing the handsome King, she's had the heart. "Ya * to * say * the * first *" the Emperor is the first man in her life, and is the only man, but also so beautiful. But time long has, see with this men in different woman Palace in the circulation, see with he see himself Shi indifference of eyes, she gradually of break has this copies mind, in Hou Gong Anan points points stayed with, although not is than, but also not like relegated of those woman hard, around Chiang Kai-shek home also is South family, Palace in other concubines pour also never deliberately embarrassed had she. Today see Zhao filling instrument in front of the Emperor's appearance, then hide the crush's eyes, her mind drifts. She thought Zhao instrument smart ever since he was left out after the filling, so promoted to the Zhao Zhuang Wanyi again and again filling the instrument now, where is the clever, but still shouldn't have moved. Woman she wanted to laugh at the stupidity, but felt bitter woman some compassion on this mood, but thought about his position in the House, where also are eligible to exercise mercy. Away, not to watch surrounded Imperial Palms catkin, it's warm Palms today Zhao instrument-filled hand, yesterday brought the who, who tomorrow will hold? Feng Jin Jiang Xianpin is not deep, only that it was a weak woman, Jiang Jia are scholars in the South, however, Jiang Xianpin no contamination to the brilliant scholars, but are books dull boring, but this woman in the harem was peace of mind, at least clean. "Now that meet two consort rather than walk along with me," Zhuang Luo yan, Feng Jin released his hand and look at the garden, "lest you be later to admire the view, also can't stand the Sun. ” Luo yan and Jiang Xianpin two people bowed to him with him in the side, and Jiang Xianpin compared to the grim, Luo yan Zhuang eyes many of God, just like a color picture, so if like Feng Jin, occasionally all the way instead of saying a few words. "Everyone loves colorful flowers in the House, I think this spirit of several pine full," Feng Jin, pointing to several strains of pines and cypresses not far away, "second wife what do you think? ” "Serious, and not press," Jiang Xianpin respectfully replied, "evergreen, couldn't be better, in the world, the Emperor more upright than pine, more dignified, more wind and rain not press" Feng Jin Wen nodded, but noncommittal, then look at Luo yan Zhuang, see her a pensive look, short cut: "love does not endorse good wives say? ” "The rational nature of Chiang's sister, but I think not so much," Chuang Luo yan smiled shyly, pointing to the shadow of pine and cypress, the "bar those places must be very cool in the summer. Yu Qielai said, your Majesty is the towering trees are towering beams. "With that, pointing to one small inconspicuous flowers at the foot of pine and cypress," born of concubine was the leaning tree flower, may never fully know that pine can do, but relies heavily on pine is born. "Ya * to * say * the * first *" " Men say, there is nothing better than knowing that women rely on him more satisfaction with more confidence? After listening to the words Feng Jin, Zhao on instrument surfaces with a trace of shame-filled, seems to feel sorry for such shallow words but don't know how to save appearance, light openings with a laugh, "Kings such as pine and cypress, but pine was not Emperor. ” "My tongue, Emperor forgiveness" Jiang Xianpin heard this, pale white, and fell to their knees straight. Luo yan Jiang Xian wives that look, to kneel, but reached out and stopped by Feng Jin, "Jiang Xian wives need not be so, what crimes have you? "Although he has not been Jiang Xianpin words of dissatisfaction, but ultimately has little interest for rule Harper of Jiang Xianpin, light comfort two sentences, it is no longer open. Jiang Xianpin said he heard the Emperor "Jiang Xian wives", the biting her bottom lip up and stepped aside, sunlight on her face made her feel my cheeks burning pain. Feng Jin converted tone, Luo yan said: "love with flowers than, not to see what was under the tree that flowers? ” That is shiny flirt with, Luo yan Zhuang bashful smile on the face, to strongly despised by the men of evil, on the mouth and was told: "the King is taken out of context, we are just where is to spend more than you? ” Always spend a hundred days of good, one hundred days of red. Even Americans like Johnson, but beauty, after all there was late in day, her brain is normal enough, where to spend their own, let alone is so poor, yummy flower? More important is, if it took longer to dry under a tree, she will be in big trouble. Meanwhile, Luo yan was going to own a mouth, call you a bitch, that you forget to decent men and indecent! Line of people approached the strains of inconspicuous flowers, Luo yan relieved, this Queen of flowers than not a few days ago to enjoy the flowers, white flowers in Phnom Penh, with pale green leaves, feeling a kind of cute and elegant. "Your Majesty, this is Phnom Penh, serissa," Gao Dezhong stepped forward to whisper explains: "some people get this flower pot, is avoiding wind Sun. Doctors pet name for white horse, I am not understand medicine, but when she heard that flowers have liver through blood, expelling hot wind-dispersing effect supposedly beneficial flowers. ” "Well," Feng Jin nodded, thoughtfully: "even so, we transplant it into my house, spend little more gratifying but look is simple but elegant. ” "Yes," Gao Dezhong busy replied: "slaves today let the Palace gardeners do their work. ” "Well, don't hurt. "Feng Jin finished, turned to look at the hanging high in the sky, the Sun, Luo yan and Jiang Xian wives:" Sun big, early Consort is also back. ” "I resigned," Chuang Fu Fu, Luo yan, glanced at the little plain Jane flower, slowly stepped back several paces, turned and left. Until out of some distance, walking beside Luo yan Jiang Xianpin said: "shade-tolerant anaerobic Sun-bits, but under the pine and cypress, but hard task, if comfortable, may open better. ” Zhuang complex yan surprising of see has Jiang Xian wives a eye, Jiang Xian wives this words although is unlikely to ear, but thin wanted to, is no malicious, is with has some reminded of asked, just pretended to so also is genuinely, Zhuang complex yan is points not clear has, so just back road: "may that June snow love in that tree Xia, you I not June snow, where knows it free or not? ” "Sister put it," Jiang Xianpin voice in something else, she looked at a glance at Luo yan Zhuang, which is a pretty young girl, a pair of eyes as their own, earlier lost the cutting is the harem, "If comfortable happy life is the best. "As women of the harem had never favoured, she told Zhao filling instrument without resentment or jealousy, just a pity that so vibrant woman, a cavity really wrong pay. They go to Tao Yu GE, a Zhuang Jiang Xian Luo yan invited to wives for tea, after Jiang Xianpin declined, she won't force, into a soft Chair sat down, his dizziness, was cured by fubao. Too hospital hearing is in favour of Zhao pulse instrument need to be filled, dares to neglect, child cured went to Zhao instrument-filled place. Child cured more than 40 across a handkerchief Zhao charge detector pulse, immediately find out that Zhao and filling apparatus and sound, but the same cannot be said, and said this could be the hot weather, let it rest and so on. "Child cured so say, I were very relieved," Chuang Luo yan pretending to expect them to ask, "I heard Wang Pin my sister is ill, her body can cause illness? ” Child cured to know a tiny Wang Pin, according to Luo yan Zhuang asked, had said: "Wang Zhuzi non-Mandarin's veins, Mandarin is not clear, Zhao master forgiveness. ” "Child cured made, naturally, I know too the hospital thing busy people," Luo yan Zhuang child cured up, gift him something, and continued, "our sister, and there is always somewhat worried, want to bother Lao Tong cures go vein, I do not know will not involve child cured ... [This chapter unfinished, please click next to continue reading! ]。 ” "Masters of well-being is, Mandarin's duties, where Dan winner troubles of two characters. "Child cured the moment they see, Zhao filling instrument this is good thinking too hospital healing Wang Pin. Children cured from static live peach yuge Jiang Xianpin and Wang Pin after Yu GE, bamboo coming in with the ice Bowl, "which in the Palace of the people, are so high-stepping on low. ” "Who is not now," smiled Luo yan Zhuang, high stepping on low is the normal thing to do, once her son Wang Pin, but Xie Jiangxian wives have good intentions. Women scholars, though it is good, but it is not fit for the Palace, and Jiang Xianpin today to stir their own, rather than someone else. But everything there is cause and effect, if anyone else, nor condemn Jiang Xian wives to say time. Jing Yu GE, Jiang Xianpin is sitting in the Wang Pin bed beside her, a maid entered, with a lighted on in a hurry. "My Lord, so child cured of the hospital entrance. ” "You mean the medical skills of children cured? "Jiang Xian wives some amazing looking maid, needless to say now is not the pulse of the time, even as they cure will not come to Jing Yu GE. "Slave listen to Tao Yu GE Zhao, Wen Tong cured after pulse filling instrument, then went straight to our static Yu GE. "Maid of a straight answer. "Peach yuge that how to help me? "Wives Wang coughed, somewhat puzzled sat up, leaning against the bed gasping slightly," sister, do you know how it is? ” "No matter what, first watch your disease is the axiom," Jiang Xian wives appease a glance at Wang Pin, motioned that maids Tong Tai medicine came in, then continued: "you will feel at ease. ” Wang Pin sighed, God, with my eyes closed, she and Jiang Xianpin not favoured man, today no matter what Zhao instrument-filled thoughts, without her help, what your own body will become that even she can't bring herself to think about. After treating children cured, Jiang Xianpin, see welcome their attitude, cussing is extremely careful, even more determined to be Zhao warned the person filling instrument, reminded Emperor Zhao filling instrument loving look in her eyes and say those words, sighed softly, I do not know are Wang Pin for yourself or for Zhao charging instrument. Qian Empress, but the Sun was fierce, as a eunuch Explorer Gao Dezhong, with a holding pot of eunuchs rush line, treated into dried Empress, he breathed a sigh straightened on the robes, main room whispered: "your Majesty, Phnom Penh serissa bonsai ready, and do not know where in the? "If the other pot, he would not ask this time, but today is somewhat different. Are marking Memorial Feng Jin looked up and saw an eye serissa in a gardener carefully held it in my arms, looking around the eyes, pointing to Podocarpus on flower road, he "put beside that. ” "Yes," Gao Dezhong look at yellowwood, motioned for a gardener carefully placed. After the set, Gao Dezhong gardener, quiet retreat, back to the door and turned around, Gao Dezhong and look at the Phnom Penh June snow and Podocarpus, head further out the door. [The end of this chapter]"Why the masters to help Wang Pin? "Hear the bamboo care and give Luo yan Zhuang pinched shoulders," slaves, Jiang Xianpin and Wang Pin in the Palace without making enemies, but will definitely be of no help. "Ya * to * say * the * first *" " "They now only is enough captive, what on instrumental I, just didn't want to provoke a enemy just," Zhuang complex yan by with chair back, attitude extremely lazy, only poor can't wait to didn't long bones has, "today Emperor but look with I and she go in a at does, besides she today also is has coaching of en, this harem in what can owes, is cannot owes favors. "Besides, Jiang Xian wives interested in reference to Wang Pin is sick today, meaning I'm afraid has to let her help. Bamboo the moment realized, but reminded Jiang Xianpin to remind masters not to be tempted, I jumped, remembered two months before those words of pear orchards in the masters, and he doesn't know what to say. Once again looked up, they saw that the Lord had narrowed his eyes, she stopped, made a sign behind the seven maids, their movements are lighter, then got up and quietly backed out. "Master is asleep? "Yun XI end of soup with cranberry ice, bamboo will look at housing within eye and quietly said," that I put this soup in the ice tray. ” "Just over their shoulders before eating the ice Bowl, the cooling setting aside or" bamboo-look at the Sun, and carefully wiped her brow sweaty, "this year the weather is not hot, last year when the weather is hot, the Emperor Dowager Queen and has the face of the masters went to the mountain resort. ” "Last year, really hot," cloud night remembers last House also prepared to send over their shoulders up and down into the Palace, now the masters are from three product filling machine, the days slipped by so quickly. "Zhu, Yun XI, House of the people in the province to ask here have enough ice to make, if not, then immediately and sent over. "Fu Bao Ding a Khan came, saw two men, he asked. "Empress slept at the moment, the ice used in the House, don't have for the time being, told them after noon back to" hear bamboo thought for a moment, "remember to ask a slave of the reward money. ” "Come," Fu Bao nodded, "I said. ” Summer nights late, Luo yan Zhuang wearing veil, sitting by the window shade, but sat there for a moment, discovered the Northwest corner seems to be too strange, her frown, just outside of loud noise, there seems to be a big deal. "My Lord," Yun XI came on his face did not have much color of panic, "Rui Qing Palace be on fire on the northwest side. ” "Rui Qing Palace? "The name of this Palace listening to the very side but harem does not seem to be any concubines living inside, she thought," this masters who lived inside? ” "There are Fei Fei Wei's Palace, later first emperor death Wei Feifei, scaling, son of King Wei Feifei penned in inside," bamboo complexion than cloud evening stillness for a few minutes, she stayed in the House a little longer, naturally heard harem privacies. "King of dirt? "Luo yan heard the title, and she knew how much the late Emperor hates the Wei Princess scrap. "To inquire about other wives have to ask around," Luo yan Zhuang muses, "this matter and we have nothing to do not know too much. "Ya * to * say * the * first *" " See bamboo and Yun XI is out, Luo yan Zhuang and continued staring at the flames all over the Northwest corner, didn't know it was her delusion or not, this thing was more than simply be on fire tonight. Soon listen to bamboo and Yun XI back, obviously much more quickly than before, "master, except the Emperor and Empress, but also have several masters have been chased away the only slaves watched Yasukiyo Nian Gong Deshu chaise longue sitting step hurried to Rui Qing Palace, heard and even the Dowager Empress went. ” "Then we go and see it," Luo yan gets up and a formal gown, took a simple bun will go. Sitting on the great shakes, Luo yan Zhuang thought some of those rumors. Wei Feifei once pet Crown harem, even even Queen also to avoidance its edge, but last is was late Emperor found she contact mother suported II Emperor alive Port-au-Prince by line of all privacy of thing, last late Emperor a anger gave has Wei Feifei three feet white silk, joint II Prince also was gave has a scale Word circle ban Yu Wei Feifei originally of Palace, spit with blood dry finished these thing of late Emperor, and drag with body spit has several months of blood, last a life dead, will by at of Port-au-Prince, is now of bearing Emperor succeeded, and scale King will again not out had Swiss celebrates Palace. Qing Palace, close to the Swiss, I see many eunuchs maids carrying water to put out a fire, the fire has been under control, the Emperor
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]


































“童太医言重了,我自是知道太医院之事繁忙,”庄络胭让童太医起身,又赏赐他一些东西,继续道,“只是我们姐妹一场,总是有几分担心的,想烦劳童太医再去请脉一番,不知会不会累及童太医 ... [本章未完,请点击下一页继续阅读!]


















待摆好后,高德忠带着花匠安安静静的退下,退到门口转身时,高德忠又看了眼那金边六月雪以及罗汉松,头埋得更低出了门。 [本章结束]





















การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
This temple, there are more than what the emperor with no reality whatever love? Since she entered the palace, and out of favour, the emperor occasionally favour two times, in the face of handsome king, she is the heart of the. "Ya Wen * * * love * * say first" the emperor is her in this life the first man, and only man, but also so beautiful.

but a long time, looking at the man in a different woman palace circulation, looked at his watch themselves indifferent eyes, she gradually break this mind, in the temple an sub stay, although not easy, but the women who are not about the tough relegate to limbo, Chiang is Jiangnan family,The palace was not tried other concubines for her.

today see Zhao filling instrument appearance in front of the emperor, then hide secretly look, let her have some suddenly. She always thought that Zhao filling instrument since was left out in the cold after clever, so from Zhuang Wanyi repeatedly promoted to Zhao filling instrument, now, where is the wise move, but is should not move heart.

she wanted to laugh at the stupid woman, but felt bitter about the mood, the woman have a pity, but thinking about yourself right now in the palace of the position, where it has the qualification of compassion. Out of sight, not to see the emperor the hand palm by parcel,Today the palm warm Zhao filling instrument hand holding, who yesterday, tomorrow will hold to?

letter Jin to Jiang Xianpin impression is not deep, only remember a few women, Jiang Jia is a literary family in Jiangnan, but this Jiang Xianpin no contamination to the literary family of talent, but was books teach dull boring, but this woman in the harem pour also worry, at least clean.

"since meet the two love princess, not a walk with me," Jin Zhuang Luo Yan letter loosen the hand, look at the garden, "wait a minute you will enjoy the scenery, also do not live the sun."

Zhuang collaterals rouge and Jiang Xianpin two people salute to be by the side of nature,Compared with Jiang Xianpin's callous, Zhuang collaterals Rouge eyes will have many of God, is like a picture with a color picture, so even if a silent letter to Jin, along the way also occasionally and say a few words.

"palace person all love brilliant purples and reds flowers, I pour is feel that several strains of pine and cypress good spirits," letter of Jin pointed to not far from several strains of pine and cypress, "two love Princess think that how?"

"dignified and imposing, wind and rain do not urge," Jiang Xianpin answered respectfully, "and evergreen pines and cypresses, again good however, in the world, the emperor is more forceful than the pine and cypress, more dignified and imposing, more wind and rain do not urge"

letter Jin Wenyan nodded, pour not to say yes or no,Then look to the Zhuang Luo Yan, see her a look as if thinking of sth., short cut: "love Princess didn't agree with Hyun Bin words?"

"Chiang sister words natural rational, just want to have no so many concubine," Zhuang Luo Yan shy smile, pointed to the pine and cypress shadows must be very cool, "Xia Tianzha places. In the concubine, the emperor is the towering big tree, the girder is heaven." Say that finish, also at the foot of the pine and cypress an inconspicuous flowers, "concubine is born that relies on the tree flowers, may never know the pine and cypress ability, but rely on the pine and cypress and. "Ya Wen * * * love * * say first" "

in the man said,
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