众家主莞尔一笑,不过呼延雄说的确实没有错。(..)聂离仅仅只是用了这么一些药剂、红油之类的东西,就兵不血刃干掉了这么多妖兽,令光辉之城的伤亡 การแปล - 众家主莞尔一笑,不过呼延雄说的确实没有错。(..)聂离仅仅只是用了这么一些药剂、红油之类的东西,就兵不血刃干掉了这么多妖兽,令光辉之城的伤亡 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



















































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Smile at the master of the House, but huyanxiong said there is really no wrong. (.. ) NIE is just so some pharmaceutical, oil or something, bloodshed has killed so many beasts, the glorious city of casualties can be reduced a lot. This credit cannot be denied! Ye Xiu and Ye Zong over one eye, Ye Xiu smiled, Ye Zong know Ye Xiu is said to the family house to listen to, Nie Li noted the credit, public house, and he later acknowledged to be NIE. Ye Zong ahead in the endless wave of beast in the distance, shining city is protected, ready to attack by beast wave, maybe one day went. If Nie Lizhen can keep shining city, it marries Yun Nie Li, it's nothing. Yun son marry Nie Li, Yun son shining city in the Lord, that may be, it is an appropriate choice. Just think cold, Ye Zong cannot help slightly sighed and looked into the distance, cold and wears a suit of armor, stood on the Tower in the distance, a lonely figure, like a statue. Wants cold to cheer up a bit. Ye Han although good, but compared to now, Yun, Nie Li, a lot less, and the shining city, and no contributions worth mentioning, is unsound. Nie Li was too much credit, have completely cold, cold even wanted to fight would dispute however. Seems to feel something, on the Tower of Ye Hanchao Ye Zong took one look, little did he expect, there are so many endless means Nie Li, shiduowanzhi beasts were killed, including two black gold. Han came to understand why Ye Zong increasingly NIE, heard of magic demon spirits would be assigned by the Nie Li. Nie Li both credit alone, and he was afraid he would be difficult to get NIE. Ye Han right hand grip, sharp fingernails like the palms of your hands to pull bleeding, only sharp pain can be eased he resigned and resentful, when in close proximity of the city. But he didn't get, watching all this distance themselves more and more. Ye Han remembered Shen Xiu's remarks, if he could not set foot on the city, that his position. Even the garbage is better! Cold eyes blood red, through gritted teeth thought to myself: "it was you forced me! ” At this point, the wall of another. Continental drift, Wei Nan, who was so excited that I can't, they also use bamboo killed dozens of beasts. "The beast boom, not good! "Continental drift stations ' on the wall. Against the fluttering wind, Sirleaf, laughing. See continental drift that smug look, Xiao Xue was not just cry for mother, Sirleaf went under, she just really wanted to kick drifted from the kick down the wall on land. "Don't get too excited early, mega-beasts of the tide, we eliminated the one-tenth. "Douzet is a bit speechless, beast boom is just beginning. In addition to the continental drift, a heartless guy, others still somewhat dignified. Beast wave has broken, after all, has three lines of Defense. Next, how many cards can also be used? Three lines of Defense, has been insisting on for half an hour, killing a hundred thousand of the snow beasts and those storm beasts are still frantically wave upon wave. Snow beasts are looming under the city, rolling gates were hit. "Come on oil Red! ” Warrior stacked rear buckets of Red oil, spread at the bottom, then throw a bit of Mars, h. The flames. Under the city wall, is the fourth line of defence! Flame instantly devoured countless snow-beasts, the moat at the bottom has become a sea of fire, Blizzard beasts were screaming wildly. Like hell. Wall of guards have been armed, alert at any time. Once you break the fourth line of defence, it's hand-to-hand combat, then they will have to face the hordes of the snow beasts. "Demon beast washed up on the wall! "There was a scream in the distance. Red hot oil, eat a lot of snow beasts, but there are some strong gold snow demon beast washed up on the wall. Each family's strong once snatched the sword and rushed to those storm beasts. "Ho! "Those gold snow beasts waving claws and killed several guards, suddenly the walls bleed. Swish! Several figures rapidly toward the gold-level snow beasts and left at least these people are masters at Gold level and above, even black gold, siege of some of them, those gold beasts quickly killed, and bodies of these beasts and then push down from the wall. There had been fierce fighting on the walls, while shining city have some casualties, but compared to previous waves of animal, but it is so much better. Beasts of the past boom, are often washed up on the wall in droves, and hand-to-hand combat, like meat grinders, can instantly kill a lot of people. And this time, normal snow beasts are buried in flames, leaving only a handful of snow beasts to wash up on the walls at the gold level, and snow beasts and the bear hot flames below, fell into their fighting capacity. Wall family of strong men keep strangling rush snow beasts. A bucket pour down buckets of Red oil, wave after wave of flame, eat up batch after batch of snow beasts. Melee on the walls continued, Nie Li was anxious to direct kick, although oil very much, but only a few hours at best. But Nie Li has something like Ming wen to the Alchemist Association, allow the Alchemist Association to begin volume manufacturing blood bottle burst, run out of oil, it would burst with the blood of the bottle! So far, not even family home owners sell, they do nothing on the alert. "Immediately sent home, family, and all the people with whom I can move, this will fire the snow beasts! "Cry huyanxiong said several huyan family immediately set out, to collect the Red oil. Other families have also sent people to collect the oil, even if this year does not eat oil, also want to destroy those storm beasts! If you know of marked oil is used on the snow beasts, shining city residents who would not hesitate to put their home on the Red oil are donated. Ye Zong looked into the distance, his eyes fixed on the snow beasts Corps that more than 10 in black and gold beasts, the black gold beasts are the most dangerous, the entire beast boom is driven by these black gold beasts! Fight in a State of anxiety, is like a giant meat grinder under the walls, has a hundred thousand of the snow beasts were strangling the walls above fall into the melee. Hundreds of people have died, and thousands of seriously wounded were carried off. But such victories, for the shining city, and perfectly acceptable. NIE from the command of those who start at the same time. Suddenly feeling that his as if in a world of empty, below the city walls of countless beasts howling sound that seems far, killed countless beasts. As if there are an infinite number of souls float up into the air. Nie Li to do road soul force, toward their aggregation, these souls keep into the Nie Li souls in the sea. Boom Boom! Sea of souls under the impact of these souls, stirring up crazy. Nie Li soul and seems to burst up, body movements become very slow, NIE frown, critical, even such an accident. Swish, a group of beasts of gold washed up on the wall, Douzet, continental drift, and others have fused demon spirit challenge. Duan Jian is the lead, gold beasts killed the most dense places in the past. Just then, two gold fell beasts Nie Li. "Nie Li, be careful! "Xiaoning, first discovered Nie Li next strange, Nie Li seemed in a daze, and frowning, very painful, and she immediately hurled himself toward the Nie Li came up. Assists Yun Nie Li was also felt strange, Xiaoning rushed to save Nie Li, beside the two gold beasts Nie Li and Xiaoning came down. If you don't stop, whether Nie Li Xiaoning, I am afraid, will be in danger, leaves purple Yun immediately urge the snow Queen's evil spirit. Instant Palm into two storms towards the two beasts went to gold level. Assists Yun has just stepped into a gold star, the two beasts at least in gold more than Samsung, but assists Yun not so much, two storms that bombarded those gold beasts, who paused in their bodies. Ice wall art! Assists Sang Yun quickly spell. Snow Queen's demon spirit of troublesome ice forces, moments in Nie Li and Xiaoning formed behind a thick wall of ice. Boom! Two gold beasts hit the ice wall, sobbing sound pedal pedal pedal to back out. Assists Yun also turned slightly pale, overflowed a little blood on her lips, her strength, and against two beasts Gold Star too hard. Xiaoning came out Nie Li, a grateful glance leaves purple Brassica, assists and Nie Li Yun saved her just now. And BAM! Xiaoning and NIE fell down on the ground, Xiaoning cannot help but stuffy snorted, although fix has reached gold, but her being a demon spirit, and body is not strong, rolling out, was NIE from the pressure in the following. "Ning and NIE before you go! "Purple Yun rush said she continued to urge Dairy Queen, stop in front of the Nie Li and Xiaoning. "Violet Blue Merle, you. "Xiaoning son see with assists Yun, heart slightly a pain, she also remember is small of when, they is most better of friends, but with time of over, Xiaoning son gradually to understand has they Zhijian status of gap, leaves purple Yun is city main of female, and she what are not, also to was forced to accept family to she of fate, married Shen fly that asshole. She was so indignant, the fate of the unfair, have been working with, wants to change his own life. Until then, Nie Li helped her healing, make her one of the most outstanding genius of the family, you can get rid of the terrible shackles, she was let go, however, Nie Li is like assists yun. Fate was always joking with her, why always leaves purple blue Merle. Today, however, saved them and assists in Brassica. "You be careful. "Xiaoning is good after all, she can't bear to see assists Yun accident verbally warned. Nie Li suddenly by has shocks, long to woke up turned came, suddenly feel to himself seems to pressure with what things, feel body Xia pressure with what, a unit soft of touch and girls of fragrance came, he barely to open open eyes, original is gel son, across with thin of clothes, vaguely can feel to that bump has caused of body, NIE away from consciousness slightly awake has is, see gel son that anxious of face, slightly stunned the. He suddenly recalled, he had a soul suddenly hit the sea, there seems to be two beasts to its gold came is coagulation son saved his. “聂离,你醒了?你刚才怎么了?吓死我们了。”肖凝儿看到聂离醒来,这才松了一口气,忽然感觉到聂离还压在她的身上,顿时脸颊绯红了起来,她赶紧推了推聂离,“快点起来,紫芸她在对抗妖兽,很危险!” 聂离的身体压在她的身上,她想把聂离推开,但又怕聂离身体受了伤,会让聂离的伤更加严重,肌肤的接触令她又是羞涩,又是着急。 聂离却没有注意这些,他的灵魂海中突然涌入了那么多灵魂力,陡然遭到了重创,身体还有点无力。 听到肖凝儿的话,聂离赶紧催动灵魂海,在突然涌入了那么多灵魂力之后,灵魂海似乎扩大了一些。 聂离有点明白了,城下的战场死了那么多妖兽,这些妖兽的身上逸散出了很多的灵魂力,这些灵魂力仿佛受到了某种力量的牵引,进入了他的身体,聂离的灵魂海一时间吸纳不了,所以才造成了这样的状况。 聂离艰难地想要爬起来,但是灵魂海仿佛被撕裂了一般。 这一挣扎,痛得聂离呲牙咧嘴。 “聂离,你怎么样了。”肖凝儿焦急地道,赶紧扶住聂离问道。 “没事,我需要炼化一下灵魂力。”聂离说道,他勉强地盘坐了起来,赶紧炼化灵魂海中的灵魂力,只有尽快恢复,才能投入战斗。 为了避免聂离遭到妖兽的攻击,肖凝儿守护在聂离的旁边。 虽然城墙上各个世家的高手们斩杀了不少妖兽,但是冲上城墙的白银、黄金级妖兽越来越多,所有人都陷入了苦战当中。 叶紫芸融合了风雪女皇妖灵,身体来回地穿梭,躲避那两只黄金级妖兽的攻击,一道道风雪化作利剑朝那两只黄金级妖兽激射而去。 嘭嘭! 道道冰凌爆开,仅仅只是令那两只黄金级妖兽行动迟缓了一些,那两只妖兽怒吼着扑向叶紫芸,令叶紫芸有点躲闪不及。 叶紫芸融合的是风雪系的妖灵,而且只达到了黄金一星,虽然能够越阶战斗,但也无法同时对付两只黄金三星的妖灵。 看到叶紫芸陷入危险,肖凝儿焦急不已,正准备去救叶紫芸,旁边另外一只黄金级的妖兽朝她和聂离扑了上来,肖凝儿见状,立即融合了风雷天雀妖灵,挥动翅膀,一道闪电朝那只黄金级妖兽轰击了下来。(未完待续。)
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Public house master smiled, but said the exact male Huyan not wrong. (..) Nie from just spent so some pharmaceutical, oil and things like that, forfeit kill so much evil, so that the glorious city of casualties can be reduced a lot. This credit can not be denied! Ye Zong and repair phase, as a leaf, leaf repair smiled, leaf cases that leaves repair this is to say to all of you purposely family home owners to listen, to help Nie from the credit note of this, after all the master of the house agree Nie away from. Leaves were endless stretches far into the distance beast tide, the city has always been precarious Shining, at any time would have been beast tide of attacks, maybe one day the city are extinguished. If Nie from really live the glorious city of guardian, that the NIE from Yuner married, possessed nothing. If Yuner married Nie away, let Yuner when the city of Santo Shining, that perhaps, really is an appropriate choice. Just think of the cold leaves, leaf parcel can not help a slight sigh, and looked toward the distant, cold leaf wearing a suit and standing on a distant outpost, lonely figure, like a statue in general. We hope to open a little cold children can see it. Ye Han Although talent is good, but with the current Yuner, Nie away than up, a lot less, but also for the city's glorious, no noteworthy contribution to the foundation of instability. Nie from too much credit, completely overshadowed leaf cold leaves cold even want to fight, fight, but I am afraid of. What seems to be felt, leaf leaves were cold toward the outpost on the side glance, he never expected that, Nie from so many actually have the means endless, kill more than 100,000 Wicked, which even two Only black gold grade. Ye Han gradually understand why more and more value Nie leaves were off, and I heard a large array of demons demon spirit is Nie from the arrangement. Nie just from these two credit, he probably would be difficult to win over Nie away from. Ye cold hand clenched, sharp nails like that to pull the bleeding palm, only this sharp pain in order to ease his heart unwilling and resentful, bit Santo obviously close at hand. He failed to get, watched it all farther and farther away from their own. Ye Han Shen Xiu thought remark, if he can not set foot on the place Santo, that his status. Not as good as even the garbage! Ye cold blood red eyes, teeth secretly thought: "This is you forced me!" At this point, another one on the wall. Gone Lu Wei Nan, who was not just excited, they also use the Ming Zhu kill dozens Wicked. "This beast tide, very good thing!" Miss Gone standing on the walls. Greeting fluttering wind, Joseph laughed. Gone to see land that proud look, Xiao Xue not angry, just still Kudiehanniang it, he was Joseph on the next turn, she just wanted to kick the continental drift down from the wall kick. "Do not get too excited, the influx of millions of animals, we eliminated the tenth of it." D'Souza bit speechless, beast tide has only just begun. In addition to this land floating heartless guy, the other person's heart still somewhat dignified. After all, the beast has broken three tide line of defense. Then again, how many cards can be used? Three defense, has been insisting for half an hour, to get rid of more than a dozen ten thousand snow Wicked, Wicked or snow can those crazy after another. Wicked snow were getting closer to the next city, rumbling, and the gates were the attacks. "Come the red Youpo down!" a public military who put behind stacked barrels oil, spraying toward the bottom, and then threw a spark down, boom. Flames. Under the city walls, it is the fourth defense of it! Flames instantly engulfed countless snow Wicked, moat below has become a sea of fire, snow Wicked frantically screaming. Like purgatory general. The guards on the walls have been heavily armed, ready to be fight. Once the break through this fourth line of defense, that is, bayonet, and that time they will have to face hordes of snow Wicked. "There are walls of the Wicked rushed!" Came a distant exclaimed. It marked the formation of flames, although a lot of snow devour evil, but there are some powerful snow Wicked Gold rush the wall. Each family's strong immediately put the sword snatched toward those snow Wicked. "Roar!" Then a few snow Wicked Gold waving claws, shot dead a few City Guard, suddenly the wall was blood disseminated. Whiz! Few figure rapidly toward those Gold snow Wicked rushed, these people are at least above the level of a master gold, and even black gold level, they laid siege to several people quickly beheaded those gold Wicked and then pushed the bodies of these Wicked down from the wall. A fierce scuffle occurred on the walls, although the city of glory here there are some casualties, but compared to the previous beast tide, but it is much better. As a conventional beast tide, the walls are often rushed in droves, then that is bayonet, like a meat grinder, as many people instantly be able to strangling. This time, ordinary snow Wicked basically died in the flames, leaving only a handful of snow Gold Wicked rushed to the walls, and most have lost snow Wicked hot flames below, Their number fell to fighting. Each family of the strong walls were kept strangling Wicked rushed to the snow. Pour buckets of marked down, that flame waves, swallowed a batch after batch of snow Wicked. Scuffle on the walls has been continued, Nie is also anxiously command from busy, although marked very much, but most can only insist on a few hour only. But Nie Wen-ming from already put things like alchemy teacher associations to let Association alchemy people begin mass production of blood burst magic bottle, and so marked run out, then use the blood burst magic bottle! So far, even less than the individual family's home owners are shot, they are only responsible for the alert. "Immediately sent back to the family, so that all people in the family can give me all the oil to move over, I would fire the snow today Wicked!" He said Huyan male cry, several Huyan family who immediately dispatched, before I went to collect marked. Each of the other family also have to send someone to collect oil, even if this year does not eat out of oil, but also to exterminate these snow Wicked! If you know of marked oil is used to deal with snow Wicked, glorious city residents certainly would not hesitate to put his own house marked with are donated. Ye Zong toward afar, his eyes fixed on the snow Wicked Legion dozen black gold that Wicked, Wicked those black gold is the most dangerous presence, the whole beast tide all these black gold Wicked driven! Continued fighting in anxious state, under the walls like a giant meat grinder, hundreds of thousands have been strangling the only snow Wicked, and the walls above is also caught in a melee. There are hundreds of people have been killed, thousands more seriously injured of the wounded were carried down. But such victories, the glory of the city, it was perfectly acceptable. Nie from the commander of those weapons are at the same time. Suddenly felt himself as if living in a world of open, beneath the walls of countless Wicked wailed, the sound seems to be getting away, countless Wicked death. If there are numerous souls drifts into the air. Nie feel ten million souls from forces toward their gathered from these soul forces kept Nie rushed to the soul from the sea. Honghong! The soul of the sea under the impact of these souls force frantically stirring up. Nie soul from the sea, as if to burst general, movement of the body has become very slow, Nie from his brow furrowed, this critical time, actually out of such an accident. Whiz, a group of Gold Wicked rushed the wall, D'Souza, Lu, who have converged floating demon spirit to fight. Segment sword is the lead towards gold Wicked where the most intensive killed in the past. Just then, two gold grade from Wicked towards Nie rushed to embrace. "Nie off, be careful!" Xiao Ning children found next to the lead from the strange Nie Nie away seemed in a daze, and frowning, very painful way, she immediately rushed off towards Nie rushed up. Yezi Yun Nie also spotted from the strange to see children rushed to save Nie Xiao condensate from the next two Gold Wicked towards Nie Xiao Ning children away and rushed down. If we do not stop, or whether Nie Xiao condensate from children, I am afraid there will be a danger, Yezi Yun immediately pushed snow Queen demon spirit. Palm moment condensed into two groups storms that step two Gold Wicked bombers to go. 叶紫芸just entered a gold star it, which is at least two Wicked gold star and above, but not so much Yezi Yun, two groups that storm bombarding him in those two Gold Wicked, so their bodies He paused. Ice wall of the surgery! Yezi Yun quickly singing spell. Snow Queen pushed the ice demon spirit power, instant Nie Xiao Ning children away and behind a thick wall of ice formed a. boom! Two gold Wicked hit the ice wall, sobbing loudly, Deng Dengdeng back out. At this Yezi Yun also face slightly pale, mouth overflow trace of blood, with her ​​strength now, while gold against two Samsung Wicked also difficult. Xiao Ning children from the Nie rushed out after gratefully looked Yezi Yun, just to save her and is Yezi Yun Nie away. BOOM! Xiao Ning and Nie children from heavily fall on the ground, Xiao Ning Menheng children can not help but cry, although revised to achieve the gold level, but she was as a demon spirits division, the flesh is not strong, rolling out later, Nie from the pressure in the following. ! "Condensate child, you go first with Nie from"叶紫芸urgent voice said, she continued to pushed Dairy Queen, stop in front of the NIE and Xiao condensate from children's. "Ye Ziyun you." Shaw looked Yezi Yun Ning children, mind a slight pain, she remembers very young, they are best friends, but as time goes on, Xiao Ning child is beginning to understand between them Gap status叶紫芸female Santo, but she did not, but also to the family was forced to accept her fate, SAC marry that bastard. She was so grief, the unfairness of fate, has been working, trying to change their destiny. Until then, Nie pain from treatment to help her, so she became the family among the best talent, you can get rid of that terrible yoke, she was relieved, however, from the likes of Nie is Yezi Yun. Fate always joked with her, why always Yezi Yun. However, today saved them, but also Yezi Yun. "You be careful." Xiao Ning children, after all, is good, and she could not bear to Yezi Yun accident, the statement warned. Nie away suddenly suffered a concussion, leisurely awoke, suddenly felt something pressing seems to feel what the next body pressing, an soft touch and fragrance girls came, he reluctantly opened his eyes, originally condensate children, separated by a thin clothes, can feel vaguely that there are convex body, Nie from consciousness a little bit awake, anxious to see that the condensate children face, slightly Yizheng. He suddenly retrospect, he was the soul of the sea suddenly under attack, it seems to have two gold level Wicked towards his rushed over, condensate child is saved himself. "Nie off, you wake up? You just how it? Scared us." Nie Xiao Ning child seen from the wake, sigh of relief, suddenly I felt Nie from further pressure on her body, suddenly cheek Crimson up, she quickly shook off Nie, "Hurry up, Ziyun her against evil, very dangerous!" Nie from the physical pressure on her, she wanted to leave open the NIE, but fear Nie from the body injured, let Nie from more serious injuries, contact with the skin so that she is shy, and anxious. Nie away but did not pay attention to these, his soul sea sudden influx of so many soul force, suddenly was hit, the body still a little weak. Xiao Ning children hear the words, Nie quickly pushed away the soul of the sea, after the sudden influx of so many soul power, soul sea seems to expand a little. Nie from the little understood, battlefield dead city under so much evil, and those who Wicked escape out of a lot of soul force, these souls as if by the force of traction of some force, into his body, Nie from a time to absorb the soul of the sea can not, so that has caused this situation. Nie from hard to want to get up, but the soul of the sea seems to be torn in general. This struggle, pain from Ziyaliezui Nie. "Nie from, how you like it." Xiao Ning authentic children anxious, and quickly hold off Nie asked. "It's okay, I need to look at refining the soul force." Nie said from his site reluctantly sat up quickly refining the soul of the sea soul force, only to restore order into battle. Nie was evil in order to avoid attacks from Shaw condensate child guard beside Nie isolated. Although each family on the walls of the master who beheaded a lot of evil, but rushed the walls of silver, gold Wicked more, all of them caught in a bitter struggle. Yezi Yun combines the snow queen demon spirit, body shuttling back and forth to escape those two Gold Wicked attack, a road snow turned into a sword that step two gold Wicked lasing away. Bang bang! Round after round of ice burst open, just to make it two gold Wicked slow some, that two Wicked roared toward Yezi Yun, Ye Ziyun make a little dodge. Ye Ziyun Fusion is the demon spirit snow line, but only reached a gold star, even though it can fight the order, but it can not at the same time deal with two gold Samsung demon spirit. See Yezi Yun danger, Xiao Ning child while anxious, is preparing to save Yezi Yun, another one next to Gold Wicked toward her and rushed up from Nie, Xiao Ning children seeing this, the integration of wind and thunder days immediately bird demon spirit waving wings, lightning toward the bird Gold Wicked bombardment down. (To be continued.)

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The Lord smiled, but from the male said really is not wrong. (..) Nie from just use so some potions, marked oil and the like things, bloodless killing so many monster, make bright city casualties can be reduced a lot. This credit is not denied!

Tzong ho Yeh leaf repair mutually see one eye, ye Xiu smiled, Hamune Tomomichibanaga this is deliberately said to everybody family home listening, help Nie from down under this credit, after all the master of the house agree that the left Nie.

Ye Zongyao Wangyuan stretch endless beast tide, bright city has always been precarious, at any time will be attacked by the monster tide,Maybe one day are out. If Lizhen Nie can protect the glorious city, the son to marry off but also didn't what Nie. If he can marry Nie

, let the son when the glorious city of Santo, perhaps, is indeed an appropriate choice.

just think Yehan, Pope leaves can not help tiny sigh a sound, toward the afar, Yehan wearing a suit of armor, standing on a distant outpost, lonely figure is like a statue. Cold can
hope cheer up. Although Ye Han

good talent, but now with the son, from Nie than, those a lot, and the shining city,Nor is it worth mentioning, the foundation is not stable. Nie from credit is too big, completely overshadowed Yehan even if you want to fight, Yehan, I'm afraid for but also.

seemed to feel what, on this side of the towers Ye Hanzhao Ye Zong one eye, he absolutely did not expect, Nie from actually endless means so much, get rid of the more than 1 00000 only monster, which even have two black gold grade.

Yehan gradually understand, why in the leaves of more and more attention from the Nie, heard that this is a large array of demons from the layout of the nie. Light is the two Nie credit from him, I am afraid it is difficult to argue from nie.

Yehan right hand clenched,The sharp nails like the palm dig bleeding, only the sharp pain to assuage his heart unwilling and anger, Santo obviously in close proximity. But he couldn't get it, and he looked at it all the way.

Yehan words of Shen Xiu's thought of that, if he is unable to set foot on the city position, his position. Even the garbage is not good!

Yehan red eyes, teeth said to himself: "this is you force me!"

at this time, another on the wall. Lu Wei, et al.

floating South excited no, they also used to kill dozens of Ming bamboo creature. The beast

"tide, not how!"Lu Lu is on the wall. Facing the wind fluttering, Joseph laugh.

see continental drift the complacent, Xiao snow gas have no, just cry father cry mother does, it was Joseph on. She could really want to kick continental drift from the wall kick down.

"don't get too excited, millions of animals we have wiped out the tide, 1/10." Du Zeyou point Speechless, monster tide also has just begun. In addition to the continental drift

heartless guy, other people's mind is somewhat dignified. After all, the beast tide has broken through the three line of defense. Then, how many cards can be used? The three line of defense,That lasted for half an hour, only to kill hundreds of thousands of snow can be wicked, wicked or those storms crazy to advance wave upon wave. The snow monster beast approaching

to the city, the gate was rumbling, shock. "Hurry up Red oil splashed down!" The researchers put

Wu stacked barrels of Red oil back towards the bottom, spraying, and then threw a point on Mars, detonation. Flames. The wall is fourth

, line!

flame instantly engulfed the countless snow bewitching monster, beneath the moat has become the flames, snow bewitching monsters frantically screaming. Like hell.

Guards on the walls have been heavily armed, always alert. Once the breakthrough of the four lines, that is, the bayonet charge the. When the time comes, they will have to face hordes of snow monster. A monster rushed

"walls!" The distance came a scream.

marked the formation of flames, although consume a lot of Snow Demon monster, but there are still some powerful gold snow bewitching monster rushed on the walls of the city. Each family of strong men immediately put the sword away, toward the snow monster.

"roar!" The only gold snow monster waving claws, shot dead a few city guards, suddenly the wall was stained with blood.

sou sou sou!

Figures quickly toward the gold level snow bewitching monster rushed, these people are at least gold above the level of the master, and even black gold grade and they besieged, quickly will the gold - bewitching monster beheaded and then put these demon monster's body from the wall pushed to.

on the wall in a battle royal, although the city of splendors here have so few casualties, but compared to the previous monster tide. It is a good too much the. Previous monster tide way are often in droves rushed on the wall, then is the bayonet charge, like meat grinder as, instantaneous can strangle many people. This time,Ordinary snow bewitching monster basic are buried in flames, leaving only a few gold snow bewitching monster to punch the wall and snow bewitching monster the bear hot, below flames, their combat fell into several. The walls of each family of strong men kept a strangling rushed to the snow monster.

buckets of Red oil pour down, the flame wave, swallowed another batch of snow monster.

on the wall in a melee continued, Nie leaves is also anxious to command busy, although marked very much, but most can only adhere to the hours.

However the Nie from things like Ming Wen have been handed over to Liandan division association, let the alchemist association to begin mass production of blood magic bottle burst, marked out, it with blood burst magic bottle!

so far, even used to home owners each family shot, they are only responsible for the alert.

"immediately sent back to the family, let everyone in the family can use oil all give me to move over, Lao Tze today to set fire to the snow monster!" From the male cry said, several people immediately dispatched from family, went to collect Red oil. Each family have also sent other

to collect Red oil, even if this year not to eat the oil,To exterminate these wicked snow! If you know the marked is used to deal with snow beast, bright city residents have certainly will not hesitate to take home use the marked were donated.

Ye Zongzhao afar, his eyes fixed on the snow monster Legion in the dozen gold yaoshou, those black - bewitching monster that is the most dangerous, the monster tide is driven by the black - bewitching monster!

fighting in continuous anxious state and the wall under is like a huge meat grinder, has strangled the hundreds of thousands of only snow bewitching monster the, on the top of the wall into the fray. Hundreds of people have been killed in battle,There are thousands of wounded soldiers were carried down. But this

victory, for the glorious city, can be accepted. From those who command

Nie Wu at the same time. Suddenly felt as though he were living in an open world, the walls below countless wicked wail, the voice seems to be gradually far, numerous bewitching monster death. As if there were countless souls floating in the air.

Nie from feeling to do soul force, towards their gathered, the soul does not stop rushed into the Nie from the soul of the sea. Bomb! Under the impact of the soul of the sea in the soul force

, madly surging up.

Nie from the soul of the sea seemed about to burst, the movement of the body has become very slow, Nie from frowning, this critical time, even out of the such an accident.

sou sou sou gold level, a number of monster washed up on the wall, Du Ze, Lu et al have this challenge with fusion. Duan Jian is at the gold level take the lead, in the most intensive areas to kill the past.

at this time, two gold level monster from the head up toward the nie. From "Nie, be careful!" Next to the Xiao Ninger first discovered the Nie from the strange, Nie from seemed to be in a trance, and frowning, very painful appearance,
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