第四百六十九章 凡尘之盾2013-09-27 08:00:00 “池羽寒?” 我微微一怔,提剑道:“名字倒是挺梦幻的……很厉害吗?” 安吉拉 การแปล - 第四百六十九章 凡尘之盾2013-09-27 08:00:00 “池羽寒?” 我微微一怔,提剑道:“名字倒是挺梦幻的……很厉害吗?” 安吉拉 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第四百六十九章 凡尘之盾2013-09-27 08:00:00 “池羽

第四百六十九章 凡尘之盾
2013-09-27 08:00:00







































苍瞳 LV-87 神隐者





































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 469 of mortal shield2013-09-27 08:00:00 "Cold pool feather? ” My slightly stunned, sword: "name is actually pretty fantastic ... ... Very ill? ” Angela points nodded, story road: "in I also no was born of when, pool feather cold on has is aspect city of master has, age gently on breakthrough has sky Knight realm became city Shang numbered of sword St, in he 20 age Shi, continuous challenge seven big Empire of sword St level master, even defeated 14 people, was as city Shang most strong, until later, pool feather cold finally breakthrough sword St, is Nirvana kopan stepped into St domain of Shi, is 30 Qian, Led by father bahuang 10 Magister levying lock law bans it in the soul a deep in the jungle, at this point, the forest was officially named the sword of the forest...... " I frowned: "pool cold plume also did not do anything, why Princess Rooney led the Mage to seal his power? ” Angela shook his head, beautiful face Shang full is helpless: "I not know, Palace Annals all on Chi Yu cold of history are has was wipe to has, in those big magic mentor of mouth I learned that some message, pool feather cold had in city most southwest border of Chi especially tribal abyss in cultivation had, then by Royal of courtesy, became zeyuan city of General, for zeyuan city conquered, way continuous swept sea city, and fire Cloud City, soldiers front straight arrived bahuang city outside, later, is found bahuang city of generation name Chi yang is he of father, But Chi yang is rumored to have been killed, Chi Yu Han flew into a rage and Commander million mighty wash bahuang city, probably because of that, so his father would feather the seal pool cold...... " I can hear some audience, couldn't help but exclaim: "so, is this cold pool plume is indeed a day of longitudinal, but actually go into the sanctuary was sealed, too bad......" "Oh? "Angela gave me a glance, could not help but smile:" What concept of holy land, do you know? Sanctuary is a practice sword, into the sanctuary, is the closest to the man of God, look across the continent, Holy Land level is also one of the strong, even my brother Rowling hasn't been the sanctuary level master, imagine...... " "All right! ” I look behind Angela's powerful army, said: "her Royal Highness Princess you are do you want to swing the forest Gets the sword? ” "Yes!" "Angela nodded seriously. I cough a smile and said, "I think if Chi Yu Han really step into the Holy Land, you're with these people is to die, no use at all......" Angela slightly laugh: "this without concerns, pool feather cold just is has wake of signs, but when many big magic mentor of seal still also in, pool feather cold even is wake has, so can using of power also not to 30%, so is not need too dread he of, I to do of, is killed into sword St of forest, found Chi Yu cold of hiding at, killed off he! ” My heart moved, smiled: "Angela, his Royal Highness, that's why you do it yourself, and give me good, you want me to do what I do just for you! ” "Really? "Angela smiled looking at me:" you don't lie to me? ” "Of course not! ” "But ... but ..." Angela gave a worried look, way: "Chi Yu Han's power is unfathomable, I worried that you just went to die......" I patted his chest and said, "don't worry, I can find some very strong companion, so you do not feather the cold front in the pool did not resist the power, don't worry, I'm sure. ” "That ... ... All right ... ... " Angela reached back quivers side and pulled out a roll of gold scrolls, said: "this is father Second Kings reels of my King, you take this scroll, to the sword deep in the forest, kills ... ... Oh no, as long as the cold pool feather caught on the line, then took him back to bahuang city reports, you can get a very generous rewards and glory! ” I thought for a while: "bahuang city he brought back alive? You set a domain-level powerhouse will obediently follow me, please? ” "Don't worry about that......" Angela and out has a root blood red of cable, laughed: "this is big magic mentor Pei Yun to magic quenching refining out of tied magic cable, to Earth deep cold iron casting and into, this mine iron can significantly of seal fought, even is Chi Yu cold is St domain, once was tied magic cable bundled zhihou also will became weak, such you can security put he with back bahuang city has! ” I'm holding the scroll of the commandment of the King and bind the magic cable, happy smile, Angela looks at me and smiles: "young warrior, you really did receive the arduous task of determining? ” "Yes!" ” "Okay!" ” The next moment, a ringing in the ears – "Bing! ” Prompt: congratulations, you received the SSS main quest "sword pool cold plume"! Task content: get Angela Princess of originally, with King life scroll, and tied magic cable into sword St of forest deep, looking for to sword St abyss of deep, in sword St abyss of seventh layer beat Chi Yu cold, then to tied magic cable seal he of power, will he with back bahuang city, you will in bahuang city main Rooney there get rich of award, but must to carefully, pool feather cold of power far beyond you of expected, you must with some is strong of companion is low of completed task of chances, task shared number ceiling: 10 people. …… Exciting, task a hand, then there is the happy journey of crazy gains experience points, just, people such as Li Mu, shallow lean months fell 10, to bring together, the task is to make up for them, quickly brought up the level of core capital, so that line dance we do not fall into the wind! Fold long Chi sword, I stepped forward into the Dragon, then sends information to the beautiful lady: "Wan, occupational transfer completed yet? ” "Well, done, what's the matter? ” "Old city I got a SSS-class main quests! ” "Wow, what luck you guys! ” "Hey, do not say, let me see your divine hermits what is now! ” "Well, come at once! ” "MMM! ” Arriving in Dragon Gate, I stood waiting outside the rough stone walls, soon after, Lin Waner, East Moon, lean months discussion, Li Mu and others, this group of people together to do the task, Lin Wan left in the forefront, fluttering one line of words, very visible – Cang Tong LV-87 divine hermits Main city: bahuang Guild: killing the Dragon Position: Deputy Chief Title: bahuang town second days are …… Looking lady dancing looks like, I couldn't help but chuckle: "well, what divine hermits Super skills learned? Let me see it! ” Lin Waner was a very tall and full of peaks, extremely charming smile: "you really want to see? ” "MMM! ” "All right! ” Lin Wan, waving at me, smiled: "that you get when my bag Oh......" "PA" a red flag goes down, this is a good fix, I'll pedal, low boom started wall of vindictive, and Zhong Thunder Dragon Roar BUFF also bonus, Lin Waner attack too high, if I do not have enough high defense and resistance can now blow can't afford her. "Have you? "Lin Waner laughs slightly. I nodded: "Yeah, come on! ” Lin Waner no say what, must beauty of face Shang with charming smile, opened fingers, suddenly on with I slightly a sound Johnson drink, "OM" around of space seemed was twisted General, I of body in intangible power of promoted Xia directly forward Mobile has 3 code, quickly a vibration arm, low drink a sound stopped shape, this is Lin Waner of new skills--field control, get must of field power! The next moment, Lin Waner gave flew, with a sweet smile on her lips, long Kiss dagger appeared on the red light, and I Heng Long Chijian, cold iron swords to defend, attack was as much as could offset chest pain coming, Lin Waner "Ka Ka Ka" cut three times, strong blow blow! “3172!” “3718!” “4019!” 匕首之上的光芒渐渐消散,好强的攻击,神隐者的特有技能——诸神之刃,连续三击,攻击力不断递增,是单体点杀的绝强招数。 林婉儿嘴角勾起,轻轻笑着:“我又来了哦,快点加血……” 我急忙治疗术外加一个龙骑将治愈,点头:“来吧!” “刷!” 龙吻匕首猛然被冰雪光华包裹住,一道道美丽雪花飘荡在美女大小姐诱人的身段周围,已然发动技能了——冰刃回旋,10秒钟内,林婉儿的任何一次攻击都有30%的几率冰封对手,持续2秒,冷却60秒钟,又是一个石破天惊的单挑神技! “咔咔咔……” 连续三次攻击,我迅速全身冷却,身体周围凝结出了厚厚的冰层,被冰封了! 林婉儿停止了攻击,再这样打我就被揍死了,她笑吟吟的看着我:“好啦,不能一直不让你还手,来吧,攻击我,用你最强的技能!” “哦,确定?”我笑了:“被打痛了不许哭哦……” “唔,来吧!” 我手臂一颤,寒铁剑已然利刃空旋杀了出去,龙池剑上则浮现着连击光芒,直接扑杀向了美女大小姐,就在我即将触及的时候,林婉儿的身体微微一振,一个护盾技能加持成功——凡尘之盾,凝聚凡间的斗气,大幅度提升自身防御与抗性,冷却60秒! Series damage figures start to fly, under double attack of blade rotation + combo, Lin Waner Defense also couldn't resist a higher, after a gasp, she launched a fifth career skills-of the gods! For 7 seconds of flight time and flight time property promotion, 20%! "Wow! ” Suddenly jumps up, beautiful lady in my side over 10 yards high, like beautiful fairy smiled: "play it now Oh......" I have a hand, slightly smiled: "catching the Dragons! ” Lin Waner immediately pouted: "well, you caught me, I cry for you! ” I'll stop haha laughed: "come down, God Ninja skills I know, really, really bad, almost be called challenged the King's career, but also has the ability to control, well, future weapons of war, Wan open a temporal Shield will be able to battle with me......" Lin Waner chuckled canceled the discussion: "well, that's what I thought, Yes, you get SSS-class main task? Let us see, then choose to go ahead and do it, guys yell, there is no higher-order map can be brushed yet...... " "MMM! ”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Four hundred and sixtieth IX mundane Shield
2013-09-27 08:00:00
"Chi Yu cold?" I hesitated slightly, mention Kendo: "? Name it very very powerful dream ...... do" little Angela head, sounds and said: "I was not yet born at the time, the pool is already a master of the cold plume aspect of the continent, young, broke through the sky knight becomes the realm of a handful of the continent Juggernaut, in his 20-year-old , the master of the seven-stage continuous challenge Juggernaut empire, 14-game losing streak, as the strongest on the continent, until, finally broke through the cold pool Yu Juggernaut, when about to Nirvana into the sanctuary, which is 30 years ago, the father led the glorious city of 10 Magister jointly launch lock soul be banned circle in a deep jungle, so far, this forest was officially named Juggernaut'm a ...... " I frowned. head: "Chi Yu Han did not do anything, why do you want to lead Duke Rowley Mage to seal his power?" Angela shook his head, a pretty face full of frustration: "I do not know about all the annals of the palace pool Yu cold history have been erased in the mouth of those great Mage I learned some news, Yu cold pool was in the southwest border of the continent Chi practicing tribal abyss before, followed by royal privileges, Yuan Ze become a big city General Ze Yuan City Civil war, all the way continuous sweep Linhai City, City Fire Dragon, Bing Feng straight glorious city, and later, they found a famous general Chiyang glorious city is his father, but has been rumored to fight Chi Yang dead, so the pool Yu cold rage, commander Baiwanxiongshi intended bloodbath glorious city, probably because of this, so his father would seal pool Yu cold ...... " I hear some ecstatic, can not help but exclaim:" so to say, this really is a cold pool Yu Terry talented, but actually going into the sanctuary when they were sealed, too bad ...... " " Well? "Angela glanced at me, can not help laughed: "you know what the concept of sanctuary sanctuary is still in the top right Juggernaut practice level, into the sanctuary, that is closest to God's people, look at the whole continent, the sanctuary is also a strong level of flexor can? number, even my brother rollin are not regarded as sacred level master, imagine ...... " " all right! " I look at the mighty force behind Angela, said:" Her Royal Highness, you this is to overcome the Juggernaut Huijun Lin it? " " Yes! "Angela nodded seriously. Keke I laughed and said: "Actually, I think, if the pool is really cold plume into the sanctuary, and that you take these people are going to die of it, there is no use ......" Angela smiled slightly: " this need not worry, just a cold pool Yu signs of awakening, but then many large Magister seal still still, Yu cold pool even awake, then not to be able to use the power of three, it is not too ! afraid of him, I have to do is reach the Juggernaut of the forest to find the pool cold feather hideout, kill him. " my mind a move, he smiled and said:" Angela Highness, why this kind of thing your hands, ! better to leave it to me to run, and you need me to do, I do it for you it wants. " " really? "Angela smiled at me:" you do not lie to me? " " of course not! " " but ... ... "Angela revealed the worried look and said:" but the strength of the cold pool Yu is really unfathomable, I was afraid you go too but just die ...... " I shot each of the offerings, said:" Rest assured, I can find some very strong companions, so they would not in front of the pool Yu no force to resist the cold, and rest assured, I'm sure of. " " that ...... Well ...... " Angela hand in the back next to quiver remove the roll of gold scrolls, he said: "this is the next to my father Wang Ming reel, reel you take this, go to the depths of the forest Juggernaut, kill ...... oh no, as long as the cold pool Yu captured on the line !, and then took him back to the glorious city complex life, you can get very rich rewards and glory. " I thought:" take him back to the glorious city you live determines a sanctuary strong level will be good? ? along with me, " " do not worry about ...... " Angela and took out a blood-red iron chain, smiled and said:" this is a big Magister Pei Yun magically grown out of the magic rope tied to the land of deep cold cast iron, iron ore that can significantly seal grudge, even if the pool is cold plume sanctuary, once they are tied rope tied magic will become weak, so you can safely take him back to the glorious city! " I was holding the king's command magic scrolls and tied rope, smiled happily, Angela then looked at me, smiled and said:"? the young warrior, you really sure you receive this arduous task yet. " " Yes! " "good!" the next moment, a ringing in the ear echoed - "bite!" prompted: Congratulations, you accept the main task level SSS [Han Yu] Juggernaut pool! Quest Content: Princess Angela get exhortations, with Wang Ming reel, tied rope into the depths of the magic forest Juggernaut, Juggernaut looking into the depths of the abyss, the abyss of the seventh layer in Juggernaut beat Yu cold pool, then magic tied rope seal his power, he will bring back glorious city, you'll get in the glorious Santo Loredo rich rewards, but be careful, Yu cold pool strength far beyond your expectations, you have to take some have a low probability of a strong partner to complete the task, the task of sharing the maximum number of: 10 people. ...... Excited, the task at hand, the next step is insane Happy Journey gains experience points, and just, Li Mu, month, who have poured out light 10, put together, they make up for this mission to look good, quickly put these core level of the main lift up, so the line will hegemony process, we will not fall on the next wind! Collapse longchi sword, I move toward the Dragon, and then send a message to beauty Missy: "Ms occupational transfer is completed or not?" "Ah completed, how is it?" "Dragon come, then I SSS level to a main task! " " Oh wow, you guys what luck! " " Hey, do not say, let me see you this now is to what extent God hermit! " " Okay, come at once! ' " ah! " Dragon arrived outside the gate, I stood in the humble stone walls outside waiting, and soon after, Ms Lin, Lower East Side, the monthly poured shallow, Li Mu, who came, was a group of people to do the task, Ms Lin walking in the front row of words flying overhead, very eye-catching - Cang Hitomi LV-87 God hermit main city: glorious City guild: Killing the dragon position: Deputy chief title: City glorious day of the second list of people ...... Missy looked at the appearance of high spirits, I could not help but laugh: "?! how, what God hermit superior skills learned now let me see about it," Ms Lin Ting Ting full of tall peaks , extremely charming a smile: "I want to experience?" "ah!" "All right!" Ms Lin waved at me, smiled and said: "What do you when I sandbags oh ......" "pop" a bloody battle flag falling, which is learn the rhythm, I'll foot the earth, Di soon launch a wall of a grudge, and the bells of thunder Longxiao etc. BUFF also one addition, Ms Lin's attack is too high, if I do not have a high enough defense and resistance can not dare to bear her current hit. "Good?" Ms Lin smiled. I nodded: "! Ah, come on," Ms Lin did not say anything, with a charming smile on the beautiful face, fingers open, suddenly in front of me a little cry Jiao, space "Om" in general seems to be twisted around, I the body is directly driven by an invisible force moved forward three yards, quickly pick up arms, Di soon stopped stature, this is Ms Lin new skills - areas of control, access to certain areas of strength! The next moment, Ms Lin jump flyby mouth with a sweet smile, a kiss on the dragon dagger emerge with color light, and I cross from longchi sword, cold iron sword to defend, to attack is much more than offset by how much, chest pain came, Ms Lin, "Kaka Ka" three cut, blow too strong a blow! "! 3172" ! "3718" , "! 4019" light dagger over gradually dissipated, good strong attack, God hermit unique skills - Clash of the blade, the third consecutive hit, attack power continue to increase, monomeric point kill never strong tricks. Ms Lin mouth brought back, gently smiled: "I go again Oh, come on plus blood ......" I hurried therapy plus a Qijiang cure, nodded: "! Come ' !" Brush " Long Kiss dagger suddenly Guanghua be live ice wrapped in a Road beautiful snowflakes floating around the beauty Missy alluring figure, already launched skills - Frostsaber roundabout, within 10 seconds, Ms Lin to any attack has a 30% chance of frozen opponents 2 seconds, 60 seconds and cooling, but also singled out a ground-breaking nirvana! "Kaka Ka ......" three consecutive attacks, I quickly cooling the body, around the body condense out of the thick layer of ice is the ice! Ms Lin to stop the attack, and then I was hit so Zousi, and she looked at me smiling: "! Well, not always let you fight back, come against me with your strongest skills," "Oh, ? OK, "I laughed:" fight the pain was not allowed to cry, oh ...... " " Well, come on! " I was shocked arm, cold iron sword already empty spin kill sword out, then emerge with a sword longchi batter light, culled directly to the beautiful Missy, I am going to reach in time, Ms Lin's body slightly pick up, a shield skill blessing success - shield mundane, mortal grudge cohesion, and greatly enhance their own defense resistance to cool for 60 seconds! A series of injuries digital fly under the razor empty + spin combo double attack, Ms Lin's defense could not withstand the high again, after a gasp, she launched a fifth vocational skills - Clash of the Pro! For seven seconds of flight time, and the whole property a 20% increase in the flight time! "! Wow," suddenly jump dancing, beauty Missy stuck in my side over 10 yards height, like a beautiful fairy smile at me: "Now not hit oh ......" I have a hand, smiled slightly : "! Deep Stalker" Ms Lin immediately pouting and said: "Well, you dare to arrest me, I cry to you!" I'll be a close hand, haha laughed: "Come down, God hermit skills I understand it, indeed very powerful, almost it can be called benevolent singled profession, but also in the field the ability to control this, ah, the future of large-scale team battles where Ms mundane shield can open with me strikes the ...... " Ms Lin chuckled canceled learn:" huh, I also think so, yes, you received a grade of SSS main task it to us quickly, and then select the people to do it together, just these guys? are clamoring no higher order map can brush it ...... " " ah! "

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