第四百六十三章 首次联手进攻2013-09-24 08:00:00 林婉儿一手握着龙吻匕首,一手擎着一柄泛着圣昀器光泽的铁伞,就那么平静的看 การแปล - 第四百六十三章 首次联手进攻2013-09-24 08:00:00 林婉儿一手握着龙吻匕首,一手擎着一柄泛着圣昀器光泽的铁伞,就那么平静的看 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第四百六十三章 首次联手进攻2013-09-24 08:00:00 林

第四百六十三章 首次联手进攻
2013-09-24 08:00:00















































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 463 first attack2013-09-24 08:00:00 Lin Waner hand holds with Dragon Kiss dagger, hand q with a handle pan with St Yun device gloss of iron umbrella, on so calm of see with asked sword, light said: "you keep with I and East secret casting has so more of backlash God arrows, a sentence words not said of with main au came to bahuang city, deliberately of buy intelligence, even let you found has purple magic forest so a Zhang map, asked sword, I has never no thought you of heart opportunities so heavy, cut Dragon elite layer all off 10 level, you what do has what? ” Ask swords hold a sharp edge, light way: "this is what I want to do something, do not need to explain what, you want to kill me, just come, today, Li xiaoyao and I only live one! ” Lin Waner lifted his right arm, long Kiss gloss light up the beautiful face, clear eyes appearing to kill, she smiled: "in that case, I hero declared war graves for long! East side, rescuing Li xiaoyao, fire magic! ” The crowd, Dongcheng months flew out a blinking, wand raised, erupted lava pit in the soles of my feet, suddenly "snapping" burning to punish God arrow poison ivy, poison ivy at this hundred-meter penetrating my body, still continue to reduce blood, if I have a vigorous therapy and life values, would have hung up. …… "Brush brush ... ..." A treatment of light fell, killing the Dragon guard hanging pots have me, moments full of blood, Lin Waner looking back at me a smile: "How are you? ” I see with a to of cut Dragon players body, Li Mu, and wipe tea, and months pour shallow, people all killed, we of elite layer has almost loss out has, backlash God arrows of launched too too suddenly, completely beyond has we of expected, heart suffering, I softly road: "is are bad, are blame I, ignored has originally 8000 people of hero mound why in station field within only 7000 people, is I ignored has that 1000 people, is I ignored has why sword tears will ahead of from battlefield Shang disappeared, is I too along the has, only...... Before we suffered such humiliation and loss...... " Lin Waner delicate shoulders quiver slightly: "fool, don't blame yourself, don't blame you, is another man more scheming......" "Well. ” After I get out, Long Chijian gently swing, vindictive puddles in the wind, swept behind the cloak covered with blood, and several were invited arrows shot through the hole, broken apart, but even more combative, looked up to ask several metres away the sword, hilt I hold, and said in a low voice: "ask, and you must die! ” "Do you have the ability? "Ask smiled, outpouring of hero graves in the jungle behind the player, which will carry the sword on sword tears asking sword side, smiled:" brother, strategies for success, but there is no thought how can bookstores have long guards the Guild, a bit of news at all...... " Asked staring at me, light said, "in order to ease, pale eyes have been hiring book City secrets, I should have known, this chop longjinweijun never exposed outside their Guild emblems, sneaky practice levels to do the task, well, 4 rows, this cheat is really well done! ” Lin Waner head asked sword, smiled: "you are not too severe? Before I entered the graves of heroes, what did you promise me? You promised never to long war, the results now? Dongbing is calculated, now, keep two deputy leader, who cast nearly filled arrow of God, I am not being cheap person but, casting to punish the formula but I play out with East side arrows, retribution, and arrows of the first world war actually used in killing the Dragon, who, I must lie on it...... " Lin Waner behind an engine came with a halberd, Knight MM, Deputy Chief emblem of the flying overhead, month demon yan, ranked forefront Knight professional Bookstore, she whispered: "dark pupil, sister, stop blaming yourself, ready to play and asked sword is still a lot of people, what do we do? Don't forget where deaths are falling 10...... " "MMM! ” Lin Waner looking asked sword, smiled: "Violet will help us get him......" "Violet? "I turned around to look at her. Lin Waner gaze of a sweep, in a heap of broken wreckage of the jungle, a purple Dragon wings, a pair of young eyes watching us, it is a purple Dragon--? "Don't think about it......" Lin Waner Snort: "Zi-Lin Dragon, a dragon, Xian-Lin first BOSS level, I found in the bookstores not death mountain baby, had been secretly practicing to 79, property was amazing......" I nodded, holding the hands of longchi sword and said, "Wan, be sure to kill ask, otherwise I cannot account for long so many brothers, be sure to kill him! ” "Well. ” Parties at odds, ask me, Lin Waner standing in front of the array, without any means of escape. "Keng! ” Raised will cold iron sword also with pulled out, I a sound not left without, Lin Waner put I pulled into team among, she softly road: "asked sword of 燐 light methyl can upgrade 120% of defense force, continued 7 seconds, this 7 seconds within not too good killed, but we has bows hand can broken methyl arrows to broken anti-, I will command small purple cut asked sword and follow-up of contact, we took killed off he, but to carefully asked sword of Kickback, also has that sword tears, she of operation also is strong, moments explosive amazing! ” "MMM! On my first ... ... " “好……” …… Between Lin Waner nod, I'm already with God Tiger flame rushed out, vindictive wall blessing of success, far away is a seven-star sword chopped locks broken Yue asked! "Boom! ” "MISS! ” Not surprisingly, asked MISS a lateral displacement of the sword easy cut off seven break Yue, however I take advantage of throwing out of the cold iron sword, blade spin attack tracks has finished, "brush" a sword of light cold iron sword along the bevel angle of 30 degrees to kill the past, while I hold the Long Chijian from culling to the right wing! "Much better! ” Ask swords sword in one hand, laughing suddenly burst shape, blade "Keng" impact in the long pool with a sword, two people are all a flutter, but at the same time cold iron swords across the chest in ask, out of 3,678 points, higher defense! I have no travel, Long Chijian Flash from the Pan sweep out a sword and asked sword action and response capacity is attained in the State, boots a kick on my wrist, suddenly shock arm numb, almost can not hold long Chi Jian. Riding Boots-punch, rotate the body suddenly leaped to determine precise hand grasp the cyclotron and the cold iron sword, with the sword is the Dragon Pool air 5 times to cut sharp blow! "Keng kengkeng......" Splash on Mars, was asked three times to Parry successfully, attacked twice successfully kill him 7000+ of qi and blood. "Rustling......" Distressed several steps back and asked sword suddenly opened behind Red Wings, is the Eagles cut! "Jie Jie! ” Sharp chirping sound, teleport the blade almost shaking in my breastplate, asked a pretty face with anger, residual homeopathy towing over light chop, Vertigo 1.5 seconds, and caused low harm-the "3418! ” "3531! ” Scary guy, offensive and defensive attributes is not inferior to me! 1.5 seconds, that's enough, ask the sword caused a smile on her lips, even launching – the Thunder six! "Ho! ” A loud roar, flames God Tiger claws raised, "bang" take ask with a sword hilt on the butt, immediately even had direct first move was to eliminate invisible, this is a double-line operation, succeeded! Trace dismay in asked sword of face Shang over, he returned a sword earthquake back flame God Tiger, roars a sound will sword thorn into Earth on, Wolf group broken array to has, 10 code within everywhere are is running of Wolf group, Lin Waner was is rescue, is had to opened iron umbrella to defense Wolf group broken array of attack, she end also is a Assassin, how may suffered have live asked sword of attack! Meanwhile, asked a sword behind many archers, nethermancer also set fire to me! 就在眩晕消失的瞬间,我猛然低吼一声,发动了特技——龙变!一道道龙鳞光泽浮现在皮肤上,甲胄之上也凝聚成为狰狞如刃的龙甲,双剑微微颤抖,发出阵阵龙吟,战袍烈烈而动,接受了一次斩龙近卫军悬壶者的悲悯之握之后马上冲向了问剑,龙变之后的袭杀! 身体在空中蓄气回旋,猛然之间俯冲了下去,双刃舞动,7连斩! 第一次武器碰撞中,问剑的剑刃就已经被震退了,力量悬殊开始变大,紧接着6次攻击悉数印在了问剑的肩膀上,但太多人给他治疗,瞬间似乎也杀不掉他。 “小心,剑泪锁定你为攻击目标了!”林婉儿说道。 我咬咬牙:“拼了,剑泪要杀我,问剑肯定也会一起,婉儿、东城上,我来承受剑泪的攻击爆发,你们一起配合我宰掉问剑!” “好!” …… “吼吼……” 龙吟声中,紫麟龙猛然从天而降,“嘭”一声撞击在丛林中,龙息与利爪落在问剑身后的人群中,我暗暗叫好,来的时机太好了,紫麟龙的攻击至少让问剑失去了一半以上的火力增援和治疗增援,我们瞬杀问剑的机会已经来了! 侧翼,剑泪MM一脸寒霜的擎着剑刃杀了过来,猛然抖出一个剑花,长剑之上浮现着冰华形态,是冰霜系的攻击,一瞬间就将6剑倾泻在我的身上,果然是一个超高爆发力的剑士系顶尖高手! “2711!” “3102!” “2528!” “2718!” “2577!” “3019!” 一瞬间,我的气血直接见底了,问剑嘴角微笑一掠而过,猛然与我错身而过,铁拳轰在我肩膀上的同时,剑刃也划过我的脖颈,NND,这是要秒杀我?! 灌下一个血瓶,发动龙骑将治愈特技,忍受着切肤之痛,左手寒铁剑一摆,剑泪MM几乎已经撞进我怀里的攻势,剑刃直透魔恨铠,而我则以寒铁剑的剑柄重重轰在了她的后背上,“嘭”一声,铠甲崩裂,鲜血溅射,直接染红了她的披风。 “呜……”剑泪一声惨哼。 我身体回旋,战靴猛然踢在了剑内的手臂上,直接震退,右手龙池剑则居高临下的向下突刺,问剑无法躲避,被我一剑从肩膀刺入,他也是拼了,长剑一颤,烈虎决发动,猛虎形象出现在剑刃之上! …… “糟了……”我的气血原本就不多,怕是加不回来了。 却正在这时,一柄火红色的龙吻匕首掠过,“铿”一声直接磕碰开了问剑的剑刃,林婉儿晃动左手匕首,凿击成功,下一刻,苍瞳大小姐可怕的瞬间爆发技能出现了,连环击+双刃合璧+利刃折跃+冰锥漩涡,能量瞬间耗光。 “阿猪!”她回眸看向我:“快点洪荒界!” 我瞬间明了,洪荒界能降低被攻击者50%的治疗效果! 猛然张手一收,洪荒界超近距离爆发! "And BAM! ” A hit zhihou, behind East months has opened white fingers, lightning channeling moving in refers to between, Thunder refers to + flame bursting stone + lava abyss moments outbreak, suddenly, asked sword of body completely was East months of magic tore, 7 gold sparkling of warring States team broke, together with a article St Yun device level of necklace and a heap assorted of equipment, which are spirit Yu device level of elite equipment. Well, ask swords burst rate is good!! Cake layers not high Ah, seeking to force!
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Four hundred and sixtieth chapters first joint offensive
2013-09-24 08:00:00
Ms Lin Long Kiss hand holding a dagger in one hand and a knife were holding glowing holy Yun is Tiesan shiny, it looked so calm and asked sword, light, said: "you treated me Dongcheng secret casting so much to punish the sky, but said the main Union came with glorious city, deliberately buy intelligence, and even allows you to find the purple magic forest so a map, ask a sword, I never thought the opportunity to your heart so heavy, long cut off all elite 10, in the end you do what? " asked the sword clenched razor, lightly:" this is what I want to do things do not need to explain what you want to kill Ms although I put the horse back, and today I only live a Lee Happy! " Ms Lin raised his right arm, Long kiss gloss lit up the elegant face, clear eyes reveals the intention to kill, she laughed: "! If so, then I cut the dragon to bar East war hero mound, rescue Li Happy, flame magic!" the crowd, flashing a month Dongcheng fly out, Yang Staff since the outbreak of lava abyss in my feet, suddenly "snapping" punish the sky burning poison ivy, poison ivy that nearly 100 meters through my body, it is still constantly by blood, if it was me Heal the value of life and has rich, probably would have already hung up. ...... "Brush brush ......" down a road of light therapy, slaying the dragon who guards hanging pots have to treat me, and instantly full of blood, Ms Lin then look back at me smile: "? Okay," I looked at one place Killing the dragon of the players body, Li Mu, green tea, pour month shallow et al give all killed, our elite has been almost wiped out, the sky punish launch too abruptly, completely beyond our expectations, heart pain, I softly He said: "no, not, blame me, ignoring the original 8,000 Addison why only 7,000 people inside the station, I overlooked that 1,000 people, is why I ignored sword tears will disappear from the battlefield in advance, I was imprudent, only ...... just let everyone suffer such humiliation and loss ...... " Ms Lin delicate shoulders slightly shocked:" fool, do not blame yourself, do not blame you, is another person more tricks ...... " " ah. " after I get out, longchi sword gently pendulum, vindictive mixing in the wind, behind the war swept cloak covered with blood, and several Bei Zhu sky shot through the hole, ruins unbearable, and yet even more combative, looked up to ask a few meters away the sword, I clenched the hilt, whispered shouted: "! Q sword, you must die" ? "you have the ability to do," asked the sword He laughed behind the jungle emerged a large number of players Addison, which put the sword to the sword tears standing beside ask sword, smiled: "My brother, a successful strategy, but did not think how every bookstore will cut the dragon Guards guild, we have not heard ...... " I asked staring sword, lightly:" in order to travel freely, Cang pupil who has been secretly recruiting in bookstores, I really should have known, and this slaying the dragon ! Guards never put his mind to reveal the outer row emblem, sneaky leveling to do the task, oh, four guild, this deception is really well done, " Ms Lin asked tilted to see the sword, smiled:" you not too bad? before I entered the hero mound, I promise you what? you promised military forces are not going to cut the dragon, the result now? Dongbing no problem, and now without the knowledge of two deputy chief, secretly casting a nearly punish sky, I'm not pinch pennies people, but ask sword, casting punish sky recipe but I Dongcheng play out, really retribution, to punish the sky actually used in the first battle cut Long body, I deserve it ...... " Ms Lin behind, were holding a halberd Knight MM came over, fluttering overhead deputy chief emblems month demon Yan, Department of occupational knight who ranked the forefront of the bookstore, she whispered:" Cang Hitomi sister, do not blame yourself, ready to face it, there are many people still ask sword, how do we do? Do not forget, here is to the death of 10 out ...... " " ah! " Ms Lin looked up at Q. sword, smiled: "little purple will help us get rid of him ......" "little purple" I turned to see her?. Ms Lin eyes swept away in a pile of broken wreckage into the jungle, is conducting a purple dragon wings, a pair of eyes watching us ignorant, this is a - Zi? "Do not think ......" Ms Lin Puchi smile: "Lin purple dragon, a dragon, fairy Lin order BOSS grade pets, bookstore where I found the baby dead in the mountains, has secretly got 79, the property is very amazing ...... " I nodded, clasped hands longchi sword, said:" Ms, be sure to ask the sword to kill, otherwise I can not explain to cut so many Long brothers, we must kill him! " " ah. " the two sides at loggerheads, sword and asked me, Ms Lin stood in front of the array, and no means of escape. ! "Hang" cold iron sword also raising his hand to pull together, I was silent, Ms Lin pulled me into the ranks, she whispered: "Ask A sword Phosphorescence can improve 120% of the defense force, 7 seconds , not very good to kill seven seconds, but we have archer armor arrows can break defense, I will command a small cut purple sword with the follow links ask, we took the opportunity to kill him, but be careful to ask sword counterattack, And that sword tears, her operation is also very strong, explosive moments amazing! " " ah! I'm first on ...... " " well ...... " ...... between Ms Lin nodded, I already took God tiger flames rushed out, wall grudge blessing success is a distant seven Yue broken sword to cut the lock to ask! "Boom!" "MISS!" Not surprisingly, he asked a sword easily sway MISS Yue cut out seven pieces, but I will throw a homeopathic cold iron sword, blade empty spin attack trajectory has been edited " brush "a Jianguang cold iron sword along the miter angle of 30 degrees to kill the past, and I were holding a sword longchi culled from the right wing and to! "To good!" Asked the sword sword single hand engine, the laughter suddenly stature onrush blade "hang" sound impinges on longchi sword, two people are shocked, but at the same time also to penetrate the cold iron sword ask the sword in the chest, with a 3678 points of damage, good high defense! I have not the slightest stay longchi sword flash disk swept out from under the sword, with the ability to respond to the operation and asked the sword indeed be reaching Transformation, and lift it boots kick on my wrist, arm suddenly startled dumb , almost can not hold longchi sword. Riding boots cloud force, Xuanshen suddenly leaps, raising his hand to seize the judge precise maneuver from cold iron sword, with the sword is sharp longchi air five times Slash! "Keng Keng ......" Mars darting, asked three times by the sword parry is successful, the other two successful attacks kill him 7000 + blood. "Rustle ......" embarrassed a few steps back and asked bloody sword behind suddenly opened wings, YJ is cut! "Jie Jie!" Sharp sound of birds, almost Teleport general will shake the blade on my chest armor, a sword and asked Zhang Junxiu face with anger, dragging homeopathy afterglow cut off, dizziness 1.5 seconds, and it caused no harm low - "! 3418" , "3531"! good horror guy, offensive and defensive attributes in no way inferior to me! 1.5 seconds, enough to ask sword mouth Yang Qi smile, even strokes launch - Liuhe thunder! "Roar!" I heard the roar, flames God tiger claws raised, "bang" sound shot in the bracket on the back and asked the sword hilt, suddenly even strokes actually direct the first move was to eliminate invisible, and this is my a two-lane operations, actually a success! Trace of dismay crossed his face asking sword, he turned around and sword Zhentui flames tiger god, the sword piercing roar loudly above the earth, wolves Destroys came within 10 yards of wolves running everywhere, Ms Lin was originally rush to the rescue, but had to defend open Tiesan Destroys wolves attack, after all she was a assassin, how could withstand ask sword attack! At the same time, asked the sword behind numerous archers, spiritual surgery division also began to set fire to me! At the moment of vertigo disappeared, I suddenly growled launched a stunt - Long changed! A Road Interfax shiny surfaced on the skin above the armor also unite to become as ferocious edge dragon armor, swords trembled, bursts Dragons, shirt and move its might, to accept a cut dragon guards hanging pot after the grip of compassion who immediately rushed to ask sword, Xisha Long after the change! Body in the air accumulator roundabout, between suddenly dive down, double-edged dance, 7 even cut! The first weapon collision, asked the sword blade had been Zhentui, the power disparity began to become larger, followed by 6 attacks all printed on the shoulder to ask sword, but too many people to treat him, the moment seems not kill him. "Be careful, lock your sword tears as a target!" Ms Lin said. I gritted teeth: "fight, kill me tears sword, the sword will surely be asked together, Ms, Upper East Side, to bear my tears sword attack broke out, together with you I ask massacred sword!" "Good!" ...... "Left ......" dragons sound, Lin purple dragon suddenly fall from the sky, "bang" sound crash in the jungle, long interest rates and Talon asked the sword falls behind in the crowd, I secretly applauded to time too well, Lin purple dragon sword attack and asked to make at least lost more than half of fire support and treatment reinforcements, instant kill us the opportunity to ask the sword has come! Flank, tears MM sword blade lifts her face frost kill over, suddenly blew the whistle on a Jianhua, China on the sword emerge with ice form, frost attack, the moment will pour my sword 6 the body, it really is an ultra high explosive swordsman line top players! "2711!" "3102!" "2528!" "2718!" "2577!" "3019!" Moment, I direct blood bottomed out, and asked the sword Yilue mouth smile, and suddenly I was on the wrong body over, Tekken boom on my shoulder while also blade across my neck, NND, this is going to kill me? ! By filling a Xueping, launched Qijiang cure stunt, endured painful experience, his left hand pendulum cold iron sword, sword tears MM almost crashed into my arms offensive blade Zhitou hate magic armor, and I cold places iron sword hilt heavy bombers in the back of her, "bang" sound, armor crack, blood sputtered directly dyed her cloak. "Woo ......" Sword tears Canheng. My body swing, boots suddenly kicked in the arm inside the sword, direct Zhentui, right longchi sword thrusting down the condescending, asking not escape the sword, by my sword piercing from the shoulder, he is also a fight, sword shocked, decided to launch fierce tiger, tiger image appears on the blade! ...... "Oh ......" I had not much blood, fear is not added back. But then, fire red Long Kiss edged dagger passing, "hang" sound directly bump kept a sword blade, Ms Lin shaking left hand dagger, Gouge success, the next moment, the eldest pupil Cang terrible moment of the outbreak skills appeared, comic hit Combination + + double-edged razor fold jump + picks whirlpool, and instantly run out of energy. "! A Zhu" Looking back she looked at me: "! Come on prehistoric world" I instantly understood, prehistoric community can reduce the attacker 50% treatment effect! Suddenly hand to a close, close - prehistoric community outbreak! "Bang!" After a hit, Dongcheng month behind already open white fingers, lightning ran in the fingers, sudden thunder means + fire + lava stone abyss moment the outbreak, suddenly, asked the sword body was completely torn East magic month , 7 sparkling Warring States broke easily intimidated, along with a holy Yun is level necklace and a bunch of assorted equipment, Ling Yu is many of them elite level equipment. Ah ask sword burst rate is good! ! Cake layers is not high ah, seeking to force!

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