第一百八十三章 风雪灵神readx(); 铭纹卷轴之上,一股股可怕的雷电力量凭空生成,那可怕的电蛇向四周蔓延,天空之中到处涌现出一道道磨盘大 การแปล - 第一百八十三章 风雪灵神readx(); 铭纹卷轴之上,一股股可怕的雷电力量凭空生成,那可怕的电蛇向四周蔓延,天空之中到处涌现出一道道磨盘大 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第一百八十三章 风雪灵神readx(); 铭纹卷轴之上,一股股可怕的雷

第一百八十三章 风雪灵神
readx(); 铭纹卷轴之上,一股股可怕的雷电力量凭空生成,那可怕的电蛇向四周蔓延,天空之中到处涌现出一道道磨盘大小的雷球,足有数百之多。

















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
183th snow spirit Godreadx(); Scroll of Ming wen, a terrible Thunder force generated in a vacuum, the terrible serpent to spread the expanse of the sky everywhere and a lightning ball the size of a millstone road, with hundreds of feet of. Terrible lightning breath was felt suffocating pressure. Two black and gold eyes betrayed the slightest fear of the strong color, they felt the sunset: the power of thunderstorms. But before they had any response action, lightning in the sky and it went boom down to the ground.Two black-gold falls road by crazy lightning light ball over the strong. Rumbling detonation, electro-pop, under intense thunderstorms, a radius of hundreds of meters of area bombing of the moment has produced countless big pit. Two black gold strong unexpected NIE is actually need such tricks, they are too late to Dodge. Legendary scrolls this stuff, is the legendary demon they consumed a lot of souls in myriad of precious materials, is a legendary demon spirit masters of life things. Such things, and General of the black gold can withstand the strong?Few thunderstorms fall upon them, they who hold up a defense instantly broken, the people were blown out, blackened all over, naked, and fell to the ground, grunting to climb up. Followed by Chen Hong, after feel wrong, quickly swept out of the thunderstorm area, but was hit by some snakes, her clothes torn directly, the skin is covered with dense scar. Watching the two black gold fell stronger, Chen Hong face a slight change, he ran in time, otherwise, I am afraid that as miserable as both black and Gold master! Sunset thunderstorm, this is a legendary forbidden spells! Who can cast the demon spirit of blind soul legend artist. Ye Mo was the only one, who passed down the ancient carving legend of the forbidden scroll, have already failed, Nie Li the legend of the forbidden scroll is where come from?Chen Hong of the depressed, the other is a gold level, but Loach-like slipperiness. He can't close, and that means endless, was caught off guard. Nie Li looked at the fallen two black gold strong and crumpled in the distance, standing in the place of Shen Hong, stand up, smiling: "Shen Hong Lord, do you not to pursue? ” "Boy, you don't run away! Don't think that by such means. Old man can't you! "Chen Hong was distributed to smoke, he thundered a sound, the body rapidly change, turned into a Giant Eagle sculpture, sky, Nie Li fell down. Flame Peng carve it?Nie Li smiled, this fire Eagle sculpture, than before the leaves of black scales earthworm to be outshone. No wonder Chen Hong has been unable to jinjie legend levels. Fix inferior Ye Zong so much. On the talent, Shen Hong is not inferior to Ye Zong. But the fusion of demon spirits are with Ye Zong or worse a level, which is the reason for Chen Hong unwilling heart. Although Shen Hong is a strong black gold peak, but Nie Li Chen Hong has never been seriously, he had enough way, when Chen Hong at your own retreats! However, there is no need to continue with Chen Hong playing here anymore. "Sword. This to you, I went to start the evil demon spirit! "Nie Li called said, jump back and never flew, with Duan Jian strength, even if it is no match for Chen Hong. Shen Hong 1:30 can't wield a sword.Once the magic demon spirits, people don't want to run one of the sacred family! Fire Eagle Eagles the subduction under the sweep at the same time, a figure flew over the hasty, Duan Jian were standing not far from the NIE did not leave until Nie Li calling him, he didn't show up. At this time he stretched a huge black wings, holding sword black inflammatory, just like a demon General, facing the fire Eagle carved rushed up. Boom! Boom! Boom! The sky erupts in a burst of terrible sounds of gas explosion.Duan Jian repeatedly was hit by a fire Eagle sculpture that awesome power, but no injuries, but heroism continue rushed up, a round and huge flames burst in the sky, this fierce battle instantly attracted the attention of many people. "Has received intensive attack, was unharmed, the young man's body was so awful! ” "This young man is really human? This body is comparable to Dragon! ” Duan Jian and without fusion of demon spirits, have been cast are only physical strength and physical strength can reach such a level, it's amazing.Color of eyes crosses shock Ye Xiu, Chen Hong is very clear about the strength, that's shining city after Ye Mo, Ye Zong two people as a whole. Ye Xiu and leaves two people to the new, only managed to resist the integration of the fire Eagle carved Shen Hong, did not think of the young man, even with physical force, told the fusion torch Eagle carved in against Chen Hong, and not drop the wind looks like. Experts see this scene of the Holy family, face changing, if Chen Hong is stall, these people tried to break out. And BAM! Shen Xiu was a Palm strike flew out, spit blood, and miserable. Shen Yue, who is even more unbearable, huyan family and the young masters of the Hades family violently beat, direct control.As for the black gold of the divine family of the strong, was completely unable to keep the snow family, the Holy Ghost family and black gold masters of huyan family confrontation, after all, the numbers are too wide. Black gold of the Holy Family looked at each other and one of elders, they drank a, one of our scrolls fly out, fly around in their circles, constantly into clouds of flame. Moment, a dark atmosphere rushing. "Dark the shadow fiend art of Association, we care! "Ye Xiu, who thundered a, take them to the next flyby.Black gold of the sacred family elders debut red eyes instantly burst shooting mount, showing a few chill blood. Bang Bang Bang around the flame of the week they are open, there is a mysterious powerful being, as if in the darkness came. 有几个风雪世家和圣冥世家的人刚刚接近这些神圣世家的黑金级长老,身体直接爆开,成为了一团团血雾。 天空中出现了一只巨大的黑影,宛如幕布一般遮蔽了天空。那一对巨大的血腥瞳孔,俯视着下方,那缕缕黑影宛如利刃一般扫过,噗噗噗,鲜血飞溅,瞬间有上百个高手被斩杀。 “哼哼。我要你们,全都死!”神圣世家领头的沈元长老怒声咆哮着,状若疯狂。叶修、叶朔等人逃过一劫,不禁心有余悸,这影魔之术太可怕了,就连他们也差点遭了毒手。不过影魔的利爪还是如影随形地跟来,令他们不得不向后躲闪。 “该死,居然被逼得用了影魔之术!”正在跟段剑大战的沈鸿,郁闷地咒骂了一声。他别提有多恼火了,施展了黑暗公会的影魔之术,就宣告了彻底叛出光辉之城,必定会引来所有世家的围攻,他被段剑缠得根本脱不开身,根本无法支援神圣世家或者继续追杀聂离,他的修为明明比段剑强很多很多,但是段剑的肉身太强大了。不管什么样的攻击,都只能对段剑造成一些皮肉伤。根本无法将段剑彻底地击杀。 “你的对手是我,居然还有时间关心别人!”段剑冷喝了一声,一往无前地挥动黑炎剑斩向了沈鸿。 轰轰轰!又是一轮激烈的战斗。 神圣世家这些黑金级长老们迫不得已才施展了影魔之术,暂且地缓解了被围攻的压力,但也造成了很严重的后果,原本神圣世家面对的只是风雪世家和呼延世家等少数几个世家。其他世家的高手们都还在观望中,但一看到神圣世家这些黑金级长老施展出影魔之术,他们瞬间就确定了。神圣世家已经背叛了光辉之城,投靠了黑暗公会。 “神圣世家已经背叛了光辉之城,围住他们!” “不要让他们跑了!” 知道神圣世家的背叛。各个世家的高手们顿时眼睛都红了,充满了杀意,背叛这样的事情,是绝对不能容忍的,黑暗公会作恶多端,跟每一个世家几乎都有不共戴天之仇,各个世家几乎都有人死在黑暗公会的手里。看到一些人围了上来。 神圣世家的几个黑金级长老嘴角泛起丝丝冷笑,召唤了影魔,这些人还敢往前冲,简直是找死。 噗噗噗! 道道黑影宛如利爪划过,瞬间又是斩杀了上百个各个世家的高手。 那几个黑金级长老身体缓缓地浮空而起,他们的身体笼罩在可怕的黑暗之中,一团团火焰在身周缭绕。“哼!区区召唤影魔之术,也敢在我城主府嚣张!”叶修冷哼了一声,飞快地掠到大殿的墙边,只见这大殿的墙上,每一处都篆刻着奇怪的符文,叶修双手迅速地结印,然后一掌印在大殿的墙上,“既然敢把你们召进城主府,我们又岂会没有完全的准备?” 只见整座大殿陡然间金光大放,一个身穿白色战甲的巨神,慢慢地从大殿上方站立了起来,他手持两把巨大冰斧,浑身都笼罩在暴雪之中,站在无尽虚空之中,有一种无上的威严。 这个巨神双目犹如铜铃一般,目光瞪视着虚空中的影魔,可怕的威压像是瞬间地掐住了所有人的脖子,令人窒息。 “这是,风雪灵神?看到这一幕,神圣世家的几个黑金级长老顿时吓得脸色苍白,风雪灵神之名,他们还是听说过的,数百年前兽潮来犯,就是这风雪灵神,硬生生地扛住了三只传奇级妖兽的攻击,让光辉之城化险为夷。 数百年来风雪灵神再也没有被召唤出来过,光辉之城的人们渐渐地已经忘了它的存在,很多人以为,风雪世家已经完全忘记了如何召唤风雪灵神了,直到现在,风雪灵神再度被召唤出来,这些神圣世家的黑金级长老们,才想起来风雪世家还有这样的底牌。 一个是笼罩了半边天幕的可怕影魔,一个是风雪世家的守护者风雪灵神,两个巨物在虚空中对峙着,更加可怕的大战即将爆发。这两种可怕的生物,仿佛都不是来自这个位面的存在。(未完待续。。) ...章节错误,点此举报(免注册)5分钟内会处理,举报后请耐心等待,并刷新页面。如果20分钟内没解决请发邮件给我们。谢谢书迷们的支持!
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
One hundred and eighty third chapter blizzard Spirit of God
readx (); scroll pattern on the Ming, a Unit of the terrible power of lightning is generated out of thin air, that awful electric snake spread around, the sky is full of the emergence of a disc the size of a Road Ray Ball, enough to have as many as several hundred. He felt terrible lightning breath of suffocating pressure. The two black gold eyes showing the strong level of the slightest fear of color, they felt the power of this sunset thunderstorm surgery. Before they have any response actions, the sky thunder ball Pianxiang ground boom fell down. The two black gold was crazy strong level down round after round of lightning enveloped the photosphere. Honghong, electro-optical fulmination, under intense thunderstorms meter radius of the area and instantly blown out of the numerous pit. The two black gold from the strong level of unprepared Nie actually cast out such a tactic, they had no time to dodge. Legend reel this stuff is legendary demon guru who consume a lot of soul force, made ​​of precious materials with numerous, legendary demon spirit's life insurance division thing. Something like, How is the strong level of ordinary black gold can resist? The number of road thunderstorm fall on their hands, and the defense was propped them instant boom broken, the people blown out, covered with charred, naked, fell to the ground, moaning get up again. As followed by Shen Hong, then feel right, quickly thunderstorms grazing area, but was hit by a number of electric snake, his clothes were torn directly on the skin, covered with dense scars. Two lying on the ground looking at the strong level of black gold, Shen Hong face a slightly changed, thanks to his run in time, otherwise, I'm afraid with this master class as miserable two black gold! Sunset thunderstorm surgery, this is a legend Jinzhou! Jinzhou now able to cast the legendary demon spirits division. Only Mexican leaves one person only, for those carving legendary forbidden technique inherited from the ancient scrolls, already has expired, Nie forbidden technique from legendary reel in the end is where they come from? Shen Hong that depressed ah, obviously the other side is just a gold level only, as slippery like a loach. That he could not close, and endless variety of means, it is hard to detect. Nie looked down to the ground from two black gold class strong, and the distant find any, stood Shen Hong, foothold, smiling authentic: "Shen Hong master of the house, you do not continue to chase it?" "Kid , a kind you do not run! Do not think that with these tools. The old lady can not do nothing to you! "Shen Hong angry QiQiao smoke, his anger Heleyisheng, rapidly changing to the body, turned into a giant Peng carving, vacated sky, toward Nie rushed down from. Flame Peng carved it? Nie from a faint smile, which carved flame Peng, than before the leaves were black dragon scales to be much more limited. No wonder Shen Hong has been unable to Bridging the legendary stage. Repair is also inferior lobe were so many. On talent, then indeed, Shen Hong is not inferior to the leaves were. But the fusion of demon spirits with the leaves were still worse one level, it is also estimated Shen Hong heart unwilling reasons. Although Shen Hong is a pinnacle of the strong black gold level, but will never leave Nie Shen Hong indifference, he has more than enough approach, Chen Hong and close their own time to get out! However, no need to continue with Shen Hong to play here anymore. "Section sword. Here to you, I go to start a large array of demons demon spirit!" Said Nie broke off, and went straight jump skimming away to segment the strength of the sword, even if not Shen Hong opponent. Shen Hong 1:30 would not do nothing segment sword. Once you start a large array of demons demon spirit, a divine family of people not even think about running! Just dive torch Peng eagle swept down at the same time, a figure rapidly skimming over, segment sword has been the guardian of a place not far away from the NIE did not leave until Nie call from him, he was coming out. At this point, he stretched a huge black wings, black inflammation sword hand, like a demon general, against Peng carved rushed up the torch. boom! boom! boom! He broke out in the sky of sound waves terrible gas explosion. Segment sword once again to be the torch that terrible power Peng carved hit, but it did not look like a little injured, but courageous continued rushed up, a huge flame balls in the sky burst open, which instantly attracted fierce battle countless people's eyes. "Subject to such intensive attack, gall safe, the flesh of this young man is really horrible! " " This young man is really human? This is almost comparable to the Dragon of the flesh! " segment sword and no fusion demon spirit, has been cast are just flesh power only, the flesh was able to reach such a level of power, really amazing. Ye Xiu, who shocked eyes passing touch of color, Shen Hong's strength they are very clear, it is second only to the city throughout the Shining ink leaves, leaves were the two exists. Even if the leaves and leaf Shuo repair two together, they only managed to resist the fusion torch Thai Peng Shen Hong, did not think this young man, even by virtue of the strength of the flesh, with the integration of the torch Thai Peng Shen Hong confrontation, but did not fall wind look. Holy family of experts who see this scene, his face changed, changed, if Shen Hong has been held, they would never expect these people basic Win a. BOOM! Shen Ye Xiu Xiu was beat knock out, Kuangtu blood, very sad. Shen Yue, who is unbearable, the family and the holy offerings Huyan family of the young master who meal storm hit, direct catch. As for the strong level of the sacred family of black gold, black gold is also completely unable to master class with the snow family, holy offerings and Huyan family against family, after all, the number of the gap is too poor. Several sacred family of black gold grade elders as a phase, their low Heleyisheng, a picture scroll flying, flying around in their hovered constantly heap of Danchi flame. Moment, an dark atmosphere blowing. "Magic is the art of the dark shadow of the Society, care!" Ye et al anger Heleyisheng repair, with everyone sideways flyby. I saw the holy family of black gold grade elders eyes in an instant burst shot round after round Hongmang, showing a little chill bloodthirsty intended. Bang bang bang around in their body weeks have burst open flame, there is a strong presence of mystery, as if waking up in the dark in general. There are several deep snow family and Saint family who just close to these sacred family of black gold grade elders, direct body burst open, became a round Xue Wu. It appeared in the sky a huge shadow, like a curtain generally obscured the sky. The pair of huge bloody pupil, overlooking the bottom, like a shadow that strands of razor generally swept puff puff, blood spatter, and instantly have hundreds of experts was beheaded. "Hmmm. I want you, all dead!" Holy family elders led Nu Sheng Shen Yuan growled, Zhuangruo crazy. Ye repair, leaf moon, who escaped unharmed, could not help but shudder, intraoperative this terrible shadow magic, even they were almost the hands. But shadow magic still go hand in hand with claws come, so they had to dodge backwards. "Damn, actually forced starting the art of shadow magic!" Is now paragraph sword war Shen Hong, depressed cursing loudly. He indescribably irritated, cast a dark shadow magic art of the Association, it declared the rebels out of the city completely Shining, will certainly lead to all the family of the siege, he was section sword Chande simply tied up and can not Support sacred family or continue to kill Nie away, his cultivation sword obviously a lot stronger than the segment, but segment sword flesh too strong. No matter what kind of attack, can only cause some bruising on paragraph sword. The segments can not completely kill the sword. "Your opponent is me, there is still time to care about people!" Duan Jian cold Heleyisheng indomitable waving black sword Zhan Xiang Yan Shen Hong. Honghong! It is a fierce battle. These sacred family elders black gold grade was forced to cast a shadow magic of art, for the time being to relieve the siege of pressure, but also resulted in very serious consequences, the holy family had faced just snow family and family and so few Huyan a family. Other family of experts who are still waiting to see, but saw the holy family elders to cast out those black gold grade art shadow magic, they instantly identified. Sacred family has betrayed the glorious city, the refuge of darkness guild. "Holy Family has betrayed the glorious city, surrounded them! " " Do not let them run! " knew the holy family betrayal. Each family of experts who suddenly red eyes, full of intention to kill, betray such a thing, is absolutely intolerable, dark guild kinds of evil, with almost every family has sworn revenge, almost each family has died in the hands of dark guild. We see some people around us. Holy family of several black gold grade elders mouth formed the slightest sneer, summoned shadow magic, these people dare to go forward, it is simply seeking death. Puff puff! Cn shadows like claws across the instant they are beheaded hundreds each family of master. That several black gold grade Presbyterian body slowly floating into the sky, their bodies shrouded in terrible darkness, clouds of flame-filled week in the body. "Humph! Mere summoning shadow demons, dare I Santo arrogant!" Ye repair Lengheng a cry, quickly Luedao Basilica of the wall, I saw that the wall of the hall, everywhere are carving a strange runes, leaves his hands quickly repair mudra, then a handprint on the wall in the hall, "If you dare to summon the main house into the city, how could we not completely ready?" Suddenly I saw the whole hall golden Great place, wearing white armor of the Titans, slowly stood up from the top of the hall, he was holding two huge ice ax, the whole body being enveloped in snow, standing in the endless emptiness, there is a supreme majesty. The Titans eyes like bells in general, eyes staring void in the shadow magic, terrible moment like coercion grabbed everyone's neck, suffocating. "This is the Spirit of God, wind and snow? Seeing this, the holy family of several black gold grade elders suddenly pale and scared, snow spirit the name of God, they are still heard, hundreds of years ago to commit beast tide, This snow is the Spirit of God, abruptly Kang Zhu three legendary Wicked attacks, so the city saved the day Shining. For hundreds of years the snow Spirit of God had never been summoned, people gradually Shining City already exists to forget, a lot of people think, snow family had completely forgotten how to summon the spirit of God the snow, until now, the snow was again summoned the spirit of God, the holy family of black gold grade of these elders, just think snow family up there is such cards. One is enveloped half the sky curtain terrible shadow magic, a family guardian is snow blizzard Spirit of God, the two Giants confrontation in the void, even more terrible war is about to erupt Both of these horrible creatures, if not from this plane of existence. (To be continued ..) ... section error Report (Free registration) will be treated within five minutes, after reports please be patient, and refresh the page. If you have not been resolved within 20 minutes, please send us an email. Thanks for your support book fans!

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 183 snow spirit
readx (); Ming Wen scrolls, shares terrible lightning strength groundless generation, the terrible electric snake to spread around, the sky everywhere emerged a millstone size thunder ball, the foot has many hundreds. Terrible lightning breath is

feel suffocating pressure.

the two strong level of black eyes showing the slightest fear of color, they feel the greatness of the sunset thunderstorm operation.

before they have any reaction to the action, the thunder ball fell to the ground bang. That two gold strong level was crazy fall ball lightning road shrouded. Bomb,Electro pop, under heavy thunderstorms, radius of 100 meters area was blown out of the crater of countless moments. The two class strong black

actually cast out of the Nie off guard from this tactic, they have no time to dodge.

the legendary scroll is legendary for masters consumed a lot of soul force, with numerous precious material is legendary for masters of life insurance. Something like this, and it is able to resist the strong level of ordinary black?
number of thunderstorm fell on them, they hold up the defense was an instant boom broken, the people were blown out, whole body charred, naked, lying on the ground,About to get up. As for immediately thereafter Shen, feel wrong, quickly Lue area of thunderstorms, but was hit some electric snake, his clothes were torn and skin full of dense scar.

at the two fell on the ground of black gold grade strong, Shen Hong turned slightly changed. Thanks to him, run time, otherwise, I am afraid that with the two black level master as miserable! The

This is a thunderstorm, the legend of jinzhou! Can now cast an epic spell. This division. Only one person leaves the ink, the ancient legacy engraved legend banned scrolls,As early as the failure, the legend of the ban on the ban on the reel in the end is where?
Shen Hong that depressed ah, when the other party is just a gold level only, but like a loach as slippery. So he can not close, and the endless variety of means, it is hard to detect.

Nie leaves to see the eye pour on the ground two gold class strong and, in the distance, astonishing, standing in the place of Shen Hong, to stop the pace, smiling tunnel: "Shen Hongjia. Do you don't continue to chase it?"

"boy, where are you running! Don't think there are these means. The old man could not reach you!" Shen Hong was really fuming, he thundered out a sound,The body quickly changes into a giant Peng carving, into the sky, toward the head down from nie. Peng

flame carving?
Nie from a faint smile, the flame Peng carving, than before the leaves were black scales more favorably to earthworm. No wonder Shen Hong has been unable to order legend. For so many cases of inferior lobe. The gift of

really, Shen Hong is not inferior to the leaf zong. But this leaves with fusion or worse cases of one level, this estimate is Shen Hong heart unwilling.

although Shen Hong is a black level peak strength, but Nie from never Shen Hongfang in the eyes of, he has enough,The whole body and retreat when Shen Hong is near!

but did not need to continue to play here with Shen Hong. A sword

". This to you, I went to start this large array of demons!" From Nie Langqing said, without looking back and flew to, to Duan Jian's strength, even if it is not Shen Hong's opponent. Shen Hong one thirty will also can not do some sword. Once you start this magic
million large array, the holy family a person don't want to run!

in the flame Peng carved subduction grazing at the same time, a figure quickly skimming over, sword section always guard in distance Nie not far from where did not leave, until Nie from calling him. He appeared.

At this time of he, stretching huge black wings, holding a black inflammation sword, like a devil, facing the flame Peng carved rushed up.

h! Detonation! Detonation! The outbreak of a burst of terrible gas explosion sound in the sky. Once again, I was struck by the terrible power of the flame, but there was no point in the way of the wounded, but bravely continued to rush to the sky, a huge fire in the sky, the fierce battle instantly attracted many people's eyes. "By

so intensive attack, was still safe, the young man's body is really horrible!"

"this young man is really human?This is almost comparable to the Dragon body!"

Duan Jian and no fusion for that has been cast are just physical force only, physical force can actually reach this level, really is amazing.
Ye Xiu et al in the eyes flew slightest shock color, Shen strength they are very clear, that is the bright city after ink leaves, leaf Zong existence. Even repair leaf and leaf Shuo two people together, only clings to resist the fusion torch carved Peng Shen, did not expect the young man, even with physical force, with integration of the torch carved Peng Shen against, and did not fall ahull appearance.

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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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