针灸治疗中风偏瘫的方法众多,在临床上,不同的针灸方法取效的快慢和效果大小各不相同,功能恢复的速度快慢及针灸效果的大小对患者健康的恢复具有重要 การแปล - 针灸治疗中风偏瘫的方法众多,在临床上,不同的针灸方法取效的快慢和效果大小各不相同,功能恢复的速度快慢及针灸效果的大小对患者健康的恢复具有重要 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


针灸治疗中风偏瘫的方法众多,在临床上,不同的针灸方法取效的快慢和效果大小各不相同,功能恢复的速度快慢及针灸效果的大小对患者健康的恢复具有重要意义。分期针刺治疗中风偏瘫是临床上常用的治疗方法,然而,分期之后如何合理的运用不同针刺方法或者结合推拿方法,则是治疗的关键所在。本课题根据针灸经络理论及Signe Brunnstrom提出的中风偏瘫后机体运动功能恢复的六个阶段的特殊病理过程,将中风偏瘫分为四个分期,灵活采用针刺、放血、点穴推拿以及火针等治疗方法对不同分期的中风偏瘫患者进行治疗。
、 目的:
① 第一期(中风软瘫期):采用以“醒脑开窍法”结合张氏“手三针”(穴位:后溪、中渚、间谷(奇穴,为合谷穴与三间穴连线中点))和张氏“足三针”(穴位:足临泣、太冲、内庭)为主,针刺关节处穴位为辅进行治疗;
② 第二期(中风痉挛期):以“靳三针”(脑三针、颞三针、舌三针、手三针、足三针)和张氏“手、足三针”为主,辅以火针点刺穴位、肌肉、关节痉挛处穴位及阿是穴,针后拔罐;
③ 第三期(中风恢复期):以张显臣老师的“手三针”“足三针”进行动针治疗,辅以点穴推拿松解痉挛的肌肉,十宣、气端放血以调血运;
④ 第四期(中风后遗症期):以“井穴大接经”针刺疗法为指导(阴证从阴引阳,即从手太阴肺经少商穴开始,至足厥阴肝经大敦穴结束;阳证从阳引阴,即从足太阳膀胱经至阴穴开始,至手太阳小肠经结束),放血与针刺并举,辅以常规体针治疗。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
针灸治疗中风偏瘫的方法众多,在临床上,不同的针灸方法取效的快慢和效果大小各不相同,功能恢复的速度快慢及针灸效果的大小对患者健康的恢复具有重要意义。分期针刺治疗中风偏瘫是临床上常用的治疗方法,然而,分期之后如何合理的运用不同针刺方法或者结合推拿方法,则是治疗的关键所在。本课题根据针灸经络理论及Signe Brunnstrom提出的中风偏瘫后机体运动功能恢复的六个阶段的特殊病理过程,将中风偏瘫分为四个分期,灵活采用针刺、放血、点穴推拿以及火针等治疗方法对不同分期的中风偏瘫患者进行治疗。、 目的:观察在分期的前提下,综合运用针刺、放血、点穴推拿以及火针等治疗方法对不同分期的中风偏瘫患者的治疗效果。二、方法:选择40例中风偏瘫患者,随机分成两组,分期治疗组20例,传统针刺组20例。治疗组根据不同分期,结合不同的针刺手法及选穴,综合运用毫针、火针以及刺络放血等方法进行治疗,10次为一疗程,疗程间隔7天,连续治疗3个疗程。① 第一期(中风软瘫期):采用以“醒脑开窍法”结合张氏“手三针”(穴位:后溪、中渚、间谷(奇穴,为合谷穴与三间穴连线中点))和张氏“足三针”(穴位:足临泣、太冲、内庭)为主,针刺关节处穴位为辅进行治疗;② 第二期(中风痉挛期):以“靳三针”(脑三针、颞三针、舌三针、手三针、足三针)和张氏“手、足三针”为主,辅以火针点刺穴位、肌肉、关节痉挛处穴位及阿是穴,针后拔罐;③ 第三期(中风恢复期):以张显臣老师的“手三针”“足三针”进行动针治疗,辅以点穴推拿松解痉挛的肌肉,十宣、气端放血以调血运;④ 第四期(中风后遗症期):以“井穴大接经”针刺疗法为指导(阴证从阴引阳,即从手太阴肺经少商穴开始,至足厥阴肝经大敦穴结束;阳证从阳引阴,即从足太阳膀胱经至阴穴开始,至手太阳小肠经结束),放血与针刺并举,辅以常规体针治疗。对照组不对患者进行中风分期,均采用“醒脑开窍法”结合“靳三针”(脑三针、颞三针、舌三针、手三针、足三针)为主进行治疗。10次为一疗程,疗程间隔7天,连续治疗3个疗程。三、结果: 从中风肢体偏瘫改善情况看,传统针刺组及分期治疗组均能取得明显进步,治疗前后均有明显差异。而从传统针刺与分期治疗对于改善肢体偏瘫功能的对比来看,对中风患者进行运动功能FMA评分、临床神经功能缺损程度评分显示分期治疗组均优于传统针刺组,两者比较有明显差异。四、结论:Treatment method and traditional acupuncture can effectively improve the stroke patient's motor function and activity of daily living, but treatment method than traditional acupuncture by stages.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
The method of acupuncture treatment of hemiplegia many, in clinical practice, the speed and effectiveness of different sizes take effect acupuncture methods vary, functional recovery speed, speed and size of the effects of acupuncture on the recovery of the patient's health is important. Staging Acupuncture treatment of stroke hemiplegia is often used in clinical treatment, however, after the staging of the reasonable use of different methods or a combination of acupuncture and massage methods, is the key to treatment. Special pathological process in accordance with the subject of acupuncture and meridian theory proposed by Signe Brunnstrom stroke hemiplegia motor function recovery of the body after six stages, will be divided into four stages of hemiplegia, flexible use of acupuncture, bloodletting, acupuncture and massage therapies such as acupuncture and fire hemiplegic stroke patients with different stages of treatment.
Purpose: To
observe under the stage into consideration, the integrated use of acupuncture, bloodletting, acupuncture and massage as well as fire, such as acupuncture treatments for different stages of hemiplegia patient outcomes.
Second, the method:
40 patients with stroke hemiplegia were randomly divided into two groups, the treatment group stage in 20 cases, 20 cases of traditional acupuncture group. Depending on the treatment group stage, a combination of different techniques and acupuncture point selection, the integrated use of needle, fire needle Bloodletting and other methods of treatment, 10 times as a course of treatment interval of 7 days continuous treatment of 3 courses.
① first phase (flaccid paralysis of stroke): Using the "resuscitation in" binding Zhang "hand three needle" (point: after the river, Nagisa, between Valley (singular points, and three points for the Hoku even midpoint)) and Zhang's "foot three needle" (point: Pro feet weeping, Taichong, Chambers) based, supplemented by acupuncture points to treat joints;
② the second phase (stroke spasticity): in " Jin three-needle "(brain three needles, three needles temporal tongue three needles, three needles hand, foot three-pin) and Zhang's" hand, foot three-pin ", supplemented by fire needle prick acupoints, muscles, joints, cramps at Ashi points and, after the needle cupping;
③ third (stroke recovery): Zhang Xianchen teacher to "hand three needle" "three foot needle" in moving needle therapy, acupuncture and massage combined with muscle spasms release, ten Xuan, gas end bled to bring the blood supply;
④ fourth (stroke sequelae): the "big points well connected by" acupuncture guidance (yin yang card from the female lead, from the hand lunar lung Shaoshang points start to foot Jue Yin liver Meridian Dadun hole end; yang from yin yang cited, namely by Yin Xue to start from the bladder full sun to sun small intestine by hand end), both blood and acupuncture, body acupuncture combined with conventional treatment.
The control group of patients not stroke stage, are used "resuscitation in" combination "Jin three-needle" (brain three needles, three needles temporal tongue three needles, three needles hand, foot three-pin) main treatment. 10 times as a course of treatment interval of 7 days continuous treatment of 3 courses.
Third, the results:
hemiplegia from stroke to improve the situation, the traditional acupuncture group and staging treatment group has achieved significant progress, it was significantly different before and after treatment. From the comparison of traditional acupuncture and staging treatment for improving hemiplegia functional point of view, for stroke patients with motor function FMA score, clinical neurological impairment score display stage treatment group were better than traditional acupuncture group, both of which are more obvious difference.
staging and traditional acupuncture therapy can effectively improve the motor function of stroke patients and activities of daily living, but stage treatment method is superior to traditional acupuncture.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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