674.第674章 离别之际6 苏落回到苏府的时候,天色已经渐渐变黑了,这时候苏溪还在那跪着,估计今晚是回不来了。 绿萝兴致勃勃地走上来伺候 การแปล - 674.第674章 离别之际6 苏落回到苏府的时候,天色已经渐渐变黑了,这时候苏溪还在那跪着,估计今晚是回不来了。 绿萝兴致勃勃地走上来伺候 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

674.第674章 离别之际6 苏落回到苏府的时候,天色已经渐渐变黑了

674.第674章 离别之际6










苏落娇小的身子投入黑幕中,身影敏捷而快速, 朝着晋王府的方向飞奔而去。






















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
674.第674章 离别之际6 苏落回到苏府的时候,天色已经渐渐变黑了,这时候苏溪还在那跪着,估计今晚是回不来了。 绿萝兴致勃勃地走上来伺候苏落。 苏落见她眉开眼笑,喜事连连的样子,不由好奇问道:“什么事这么高兴?” “小姐,现在外面都传遍了,都在传瑶池仙子为了逼您,不惜与夫人联合下毒呢!外面传的有鼻子有眼的,仿佛亲眼见到似的。”绿萝很高兴。 苏落嘴角勾起一抹淡漠冷笑。 李瑶瑶做了那样的事之后,还想全身而退?怎么可能呢? 即便背后有瑶池李家撑腰又如何?每个人都要为自己做的事负责。 此时今日在苏府才发生,一转眼就传的满大街都是,沸沸扬扬的,这背后是谁在操纵?苏落第一个就想到了南宫流云。 半夜。 夜色漆黑如墨。 苏落娇小的身子投入黑幕中,身影敏捷而快速, 朝着晋王府的方向飞奔而去。 苏府的侍卫没有一人发现苏落已经走脱。 晋王府四周护卫林立,不过他们全都认识苏落,所以对她没有任何阻拦。 苏落畅通无阻地进了晋王府。 拉着管家问一声,才知道南宫流云在浴室。 苏落也不进去,只坐在他寝宫里等。 不多时,南宫流云一身月白中衣走出来。 此时的他一头如墨的黑发披散在脑后,沐浴后的肌肤闪着象牙白的莹莹光泽,看起来诱惑极了,简直秀色可餐。 还未等苏落反应过来,南宫流云长袖一卷,再定眼看时,苏落已经坐到南宫流云身上。 看到苏落,南宫流云显然兴致很好,这张对外人不苟言笑的的俊颜上,眉眼都带着笑意。 那张被温泉雾气氤氲熏成水润荧光的深眸,此时一动不动地凝望着苏落,妖娆朱唇勾起邪魅低沉的邪笑:“本王正待去找你,你就自动送上门来了,你和本王真是心有灵犀呢。” 苏落软绵绵的媃夷抚上他的脸,点点他鼻子:“你想夜盗香闺?” “现在反过来由你盗了,本王就勉为其难接受吧。”南宫流云温暖的手臂抱起苏落就往大床上行去。 被丢在大床上,苏落以仰视的姿势望向南宫流云。 这厮皮相长的还真是美绝人寰。 那天下无双的俊颜上,漆黑如墨的眼眸深邃似海,散发着多人呼吸的致命诱惑感,深的几乎能将苏落整个人都吸进去。 他的嘴角勾起一抹邪魅笑容,笑得苏落心头噗通噗通乱跳。 “别过来。”意识到他要做的事,苏落一个打滚想跃起来。 然而此时南宫流云已经朝她饿狼般扑去。 于是,苏落的鼻子很不巧地撞到他胸膛,发出一道剧烈的碰撞声。 南宫流云闷笑出声,他一个翻滚仰躺在床上,而苏落以趴在他胸膛的姿势维持着。 苏落捂住鼻子,没好气地瞪南宫流云:“好粗鲁!” 南宫流云闷笑一声,苦笑地帮她揉鼻子,那态度就像在哄小朋友:“是是,本王错了,下次保证温柔似水。”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
674. Section 674 Chapter 6 on the occasion of parting
Su Su House fall back when the weather has been gradually darkened, and this time it was still kneeling Suxi estimate tonight is come back. Scindapsus happily took to serve the Soviet Union fell. Su off to see her grin, Heralds look, could not help but wonder asked: "What? S so happy," "Miss, are now spread out, in order to force you to pass the Jade Pool Fairy, at the joint with his wife poisoned it! pass out there nose eyes, as if witnessed like. "Scindapsus very happy. Su drop mouth brought back a touch indifferent sneer. After Li Yaoyao do something like that, I would like to get out? How can that be? Even Yao Chi Li backing behind how? Each person should be responsible for their own things to do. At this time it happened in the Soviet Union House today, a blink of an eye filled pass, uproar, who is behind this manipulation? Poor Sue thought of a palace clouds. Midnight. Night as black as ink. Su petite body down into shady, the figure agile and fast, toward the palace Jin flew away. Su House guards and no one has been found Soviet fall Zoutuo. Jin four weeks palace guards everywhere, but they all know the Soviet Union fell, so she does not have any stop. Su Jin fall unimpeded into the palace. Butler pulled ask, before we know the palace clouds in the bathroom. Sue does not go off, just sitting in his palace like. A little while, the palace clouds in a pale blue dress out. This time, he a head as ink black hair loose in the back, shining ivory skin after bathing Yingying shiny lure looks great, just eye candy. Not wait for Su drop react, long-sleeved Palace clouds roll, and then be watched when the Soviet Union has been to sit down upon the palace clouds. See the Soviet Union fell, the palace clouds obviously good spirits on this outsiders stern Jun Yan, facial features are a smile. Spa smoke was dense fog goes into deep moist fluorescent eye, this time motionless staring down the Soviet Union, voluptuous lips evoke deep Xiemei Xiexiao: "The king is awaiting to find you, you automatically send home come, you and the king is really the heart have it. " On the Soviet Union fell limp媃razed ask his face, bit his nose: "You want to burglary Xianggui?" "Now turn to you steal, the king would reluctantly accepted . "Palace clouds warm arm picked up the Soviet Union to go down go out into the big bed. It is lost in the big bed, the Soviet Union and look down to bottom position palace clouds. This guy really is skin deep, long the United States must survive. That the world is unparalleled Jun Yan, eyes black as ink deep like the sea, it exudes a sense of Fatal Attraction people breathing, deep down almost the entire Soviet people are capable of sucked. Xiemei his mouth evoke a touch of a smile, laugh Su Putongputong bounce off the heart. "Do not come." He realized that to do, Sue wanted to jump off a roll up. But this time she has been moving clouds palace sprang like wolves. Thus, the Soviet Union off the nose is very unfortunately to hit his chest, he issued a dramatic impact sound. Palace clouds stuffy laugh, roll him a supine in bed, and the Soviet Union to lie down on his chest posture maintained. Su off his nose, snappily stare Palace clouds: "! Good rude" Palace clouds stuffy laugh loudly, rubbing her nose to help a wry smile, that attitude is like to coax the child: "yes yes, the king was wrong, Save guarantee gentle Things. "

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Inter 6
chapter 671 674 absence Su dropped back to the Su Fu, the weather has been gradually darken, this time Suxi is still the kneeling, estimated tonight is not coming back. To be in the best of spirits came up on Scindapsus

Su fall. Fall to see her look cheerful Su

happy, like, not by the curious asked: "what are you so happy?"

"Miss, has spread outside now, are you willing to force Yoke Senko, and his wife with poison! Outside, there is a nose and eyes, as if to see it." Scindapsus very happy. Su Luo mouth evoke a

indifferent sneer. After Li Yaoyao did such a thing,Still want to return? How could it be? Even behind Lee

yaochi backing and how? Every man is responsible for what he does. The government today in Su

it happen, it will spread all over the city, the raise a Babel of criticism of who is behind the manipulation, this? Sue falls first think of Nangong clouds. The middle of the night. The dark night.

Su fall petite body into the dark figure, agile and fast, toward the direction of Jin Palace ran. Nope, Su mansion of a man found Su Luo has come off. Jin palace guard around

everywhere, but they all know Su falls, so there is no stop for her.
I fall into the SMOOTH OPERATOR Su Jin palace. Pull the housekeeper asked

, just know Nangong clouds in the bathroom. Don't fall into the Su

, just sit in his palace.

not a long time, Nangong, walked out of a white cloud.

at this time he first such as ink black hair fanned out in the back of the head, the skin after bathing flashing Ivory Yingying luster, temptation to look extremely, just eye candy. Before the fall of Su

react, Nangong clouds long sleeved on a roll, and then set the watch, Su Luo has sat on the cloud in Nangong. See Su

fall, Nangong cloud apparently good spirits, the foreign people the handsome Yan serious in speech and manner,Eyes are smiling.

that is hot spring mist smoked as fluorescence Hydra deep eyes, at this time motionless, staring at the Su Luo, enchanting lips evoke evil deep evil laugh: "this king is looking for you, you will automatically send the door to the, you and the king is heart Lingxi." Fall soft Rou

Su Yi Fu on his face, his little nose: "you want the home?" "Now you

in turn by the thief, the king was reluctant to accept it." Nangong clouds warm arms hold to bed up to sue falls.

was lost in the bed, fell to sue looking up to the position to Nangong cloud.

This guy is really beautiful skin long the vast world.

that is unparalleled in the world of the handsome Yan, dark as the ink eyes deep like the sea exudes fatal temptation of breathing, deep almost to Sioux Falls as a whole are sucked in.

his mouth brought a evil smile, laugh heart plop plop jumping off the su. "Don't come." Aware of what he wants, Su a jump to roll down. But this time Nangong has cloud

towards her wolf like flapping to. So drop nose Su

, unfortunately hit his chest, a violent clash.

Nangong clouds a nicker noise, he rolled up in bed,And the position of the Su to fall to lie prone on his chest is maintained.

Su Luo nose, peevishly at Nangong cloud: "so rude!"

Nangong cloud nicker, wry smile to help her rubbing his nose, that attitude is like trying to coax the child: "is that this king wrong. Next time guarantee gentle."
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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