第349章 焚天门的求助 今日的焚天门再也不复平日的磅礴威凌,尤其太上门主重伤,太上长老焚子牙死于云澈之手的消息传来后,整个焚天门都笼罩在一 การแปล - 第349章 焚天门的求助 今日的焚天门再也不复平日的磅礴威凌,尤其太上门主重伤,太上长老焚子牙死于云澈之手的消息传来后,整个焚天门都笼罩在一 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第349章 焚天门的求助 今日的焚天门再也不复平日的磅礴威凌,尤其太上

第349章 焚天门的求助


































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 349 burning heavenly gate for help Burning heavenly gate could no longer usual today majestic Wei-ling, door-to-door among other things too badly wounded, elders burning teeth too after the news of the death at the hands of Yun Che, whole burning heavenly gate is shrouded in the midst of a panic atmosphere, subglottic disciples panic, they hung up, faintly smelled the smell of destruction. ↗ 頂 little novels, Even if the disaster stop there, burning heavenly gate is not eligible in the future and the Sky Sword village, ice fairy, Xiao Zong continue, and said the large door. Burn the God Pavilion, burn will just wake up, burning rains and gathered all elders, the club owners are remaining here, everyone's faces, were dark and sad. Each time you played against Yun Che, they will find themselves once again underestimated the strength of Yun Che. Every time they are confident will be able to kill Yun Che, the other party will give them a nightmarish results. The name Yun Che, has become their most terrifying nightmares. "Father, how your injuries? "Burning rains step forward asks, voice reveals a deep sense of powerlessness. For him, and now the only thing that could be called comfort, Yun Che is also hit, otherwise, he would not choose to escape right away. "Don't die ... ... Cough, cough cough...... " Burning vast export, that is, a bad cough, and every time I cough, I will bring patches of blood. Yun Che stroke "滅 days of return of the Jedi", easily shattered all his mysterious force defense, so his organs in a drastic displacement and trauma, injury, even if the arms of the throne, and the time to at least three months to fully recover. "So the door......" several elders quickly got up and around Wai yi Jue-burning."No ... ... Me, I'm fine. "Burning must operate under mysterious pressure injury, looked up, eyes reveal deep shade and cold:" I misjudged Yun Che strengths, all of us, have misjudged his strength! And you ... ... The enemy! ” Elders are lowered his head, his face pale and Ashen. Yi Jue-burning chest rise and fall, continued to sink track: "Yun Che many things, can not be measured with common sense. Two days ago, he clearly injured leave, but only after one day, he had the injury heal ... ... He must be some special secret method of back injuries. This time, although he does not hurt me, but he probably can, and just like last time, recover in a short period of time ... ... When I burn the worse destruction! ”Yi Jue-burning comments, everyone suddenly Ashen. After these words not from others, but Elders say on too! And he said, it is absolutely irrefutable grim. Elder yunmie on the too, fire burning star had been destroyed, so the door seriously, Yun Cheruo tapping on the door again, they really don't have anything to do with the fight against capital. "My father, now, what do we do? We burn the Tianmen Millennium Foundation, can be destroyed! Otherwise, what colors go to his grave to see their ancestors! "Burn the rains clenched his hands road. "Right now, there are two ways! "Yi Jue road-burning. Burn deep sorrow and immediately the spirit of a presbytery, and hope flow again on her face, eagerly asked: "what ... the ... Any way! ” Burn a great breath, low said, "this disaster, we have cuts and bruises, unable to resist. For now, only ask for help ... ... Yun Che strength, have the ability to solve this, swords village, the only day the ice cloud fairy, and Xiao Zong. Ice cloud fairy doors without complaints of my grace, and was unwilling to participate in the dispute, so help ice clouds Asgard are sure nothing ... ... Sword Mountain Resort and Xiao Zong only for help ... ... I and Sky Sword too Zhuang Zhuling day inverse of Villa has had a very good friend, a wine when I've laughed if burning heavenly gate hit an impasse, hoping he would help out, he answered with a smile ... ... " Ling Tian inverse? Sofu Xuan accepted the first man, juggernaut bullying day inverse!? The name, as in everyone's ears ring as the Thunder, and they all looked pleasantly surprised. Little did they know, burning of Yi Jue Cang wind, of course, and the first person to have such a friendship, but also had a burning commitment to gate out of distress! If bullying day reverse shot, burning heavenly gate disaster will no doubt resolve ... ... Yun Che though, surprisingly strong, but is unlikely to be a transit day counter opponent! What's more, transit the day behind the counter, also has a large sword Villa. "Okay!" I know I sound day sword mansion Ling Yuefeng! Let him tell the Sky Sword too landlord! "Burning rains some exciting road. "Not to celebrate too soon. "Burn very slowly:" I and Ling Tian inverse, has for decades is not goodbye, his mind is weak, diving for 20 years, may be DUN spirit empty, don't want to contaminate the world of dust, willingness to help, still a mystery. Xiao Zong there ... ... I-Shaw relentless go way back, but not very good friends. Xiao Zongruo know Yun Che strength should also be flatly unwilling to offend such a formidable enemy for us ... ... Both of which can try, but little hope. ” "Haven't tried, how do you know I can't! "The rains-burning brow tightened, but the look is not so dark before:" juggernaut will sell and I'm not sure, but Xiao Zong there will certainly help! ” Burn will raise eyebrows, looked puzzled. Burn the rains immediately: "when everything in the previous surveys Yun Che, we learn that when he was out of the House, the root cause was controlled by Xiao Zongzong major Shaw would last persecution of Zi Xiao Yun! Because Shaw crazy clouds that year wanted to take his wife, and wants to get their hands on his aunt. ” Yi Jue-burning eyes: "is this thing? ” "Is this thing! "Burning rains nods:" Yun Che because we attacked his family, vowed to destroy our burning heavenly gate, showing that he attaches to his family, and is an extremely narrow, who seek revenge! Cloud Shaw crazy so much enmity with him, he will not return! If Shaw is also just an ordinary Xiao Zong disciple, but he was God's son! It was enough to change entire Xiao Zong Cheng Yunche and hate! But Xiao Zong did not seem to realize this, and Xiao Zongruo know about it and know Yun Che seek revenge after ... ... If I is Shaw days, I wouldn't choose sleepless nights waiting for Yun Che door some day, but took the opportunity to joint, Yun Che kill shots here! ”"I'm going to sound Tian Jian Shan Zhuang Xiao Zong!The same time, Xiao Zong. "What are you talking about ... ... The matter in earnest? "Shaw absolutely scary. "It's true! Pale Fire tens of thousands of people witnessed the battle before the city, and soon the entire blue air are known. "Shaw great days ahead, an old man looking solemn way. "This ... ... This is really unbelievable. I remember rows of war, he was 17 years of age this year, at best, only 19 years old, right? "Shaw surprised capacity must face lingered, he can't believe that a boy was 19 years old, was a personal force, strength is not weaker than Xiao Zong burning heavenly gate was almost pushed to the wall and against burning heavenly Gate two at the same time when Wang xuanlan, killing one person on the spot. This is how terrible strength! How shocking news.“真不知道,究竟是什么样的师父,竟然培养出这样的弟子!还是他真的天赋异禀到这种程度?或者说,他真如传闻一般,是圣地的传人?”萧绝天感叹着,他忽然问道:“云澈坚持要灭了焚天满门,究竟是源于什么深仇大恨?难道焚天门灭了他的全族?” “不!”老者摇头:“真实原因,或许宗主会觉得可笑。焚绝城之前欲迎娶苍月公主,被云澈搅局,大失颜面。焚天门欲找云澈寻仇,似乎过于急切,于是用了卑鄙手段,从云澈出生的流云城掳走了他的两个家人,引诱他前往焚天门……云澈因此怒满乾坤,誓要毁掉焚天门。” “哼,焚天门竟然使用如此下作不堪的手段,”萧绝天不屑冷哼:“难道,是他的两个家人被焚天门虐杀?“不!他的两个家人都是安然无恙……但仅凭焚天门掳走他的家人,他便要灭其满门。”老者抬起头,慎重的道:“显然,这是个睚眦必报,一旦仇恨在心,就会如疯子一般的人物……绝不能惹!” “当然不能惹!”萧绝天颔首:“一个能只身把焚天门逼入绝境的人,还有着恐怖到极点的成长速度,就算不能成为朋友,也绝然不能成为敌人……明日早会,记得通告全宗,今后遇到云澈,以及与云澈有关之人,都要退避三舍,宁可示弱,绝不触犯。” 作为苍风四大霸主之一,萧宗在外从不需畏惧任何人。但焚天门那血淋淋的例子,让他无法不在心中对云澈生出深深的忌惮……甚至畏惧。 这时,一个黑衣老者从外面匆匆而入,急声道:“宗门,焚断魂刚刚传音,请宗门念在焚天门与我宗素来交好,协助其对抗云澈。” 闻此,萧绝天并不觉得意外,淡淡的笑了笑,道:“无需理会。我萧宗与焚天门的交情,还没好到要为其去招惹一个可能带来灭宗之危的人。” “可是……可是……”黑衣老者狠狠的咽了一口口水,艰涩的道:“焚断魂说……他说……他说焚天门只因掳了云澈家人,便要遭遇灭门报复,而云澈对我萧宗的仇恨,更要深上百倍……如果不出手相助,等灭了焚天门,就……就轮到我们萧宗了。” 萧绝天的眉头猛的一皱:“一派胡言!我萧宗和云澈无冤无仇,何来仇恨!焚断魂为了让我们出手,这等低级白痴的言语居然都说的出口。” 黑衣老者擦了擦额头上的冷汗,声音开始发颤:“宗主,你可还记得,三年前,萧峥长老离世,离世前,他对留在流云城的那一缕血脉念念不忘,请求宗主去带一个后人回萧宗……而那时,宗主派去的人,便是小少爷……当初,陪同小少爷前去的,是东阁执事萧漠山……小少爷回来之后,萧漠山曾和我说过,小少爷在那边时,曾为了染指那里一个年轻弟子的新婚妻子与其姑姑,而设了一场陷害之局,最终还逼的那人被永久赶出家门……”“而那个人……那个人……就……就是今天的云澈!!” 黑衣老者最后一句话说出时,萧绝天的脑袋里仿佛忽然有一个闷雷炸开,他一下子站起身来,全身颤抖,脸上的肌肉狠狠扭曲到了一起:“你说……什么?!!”章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Cap 349 for help burn Tianmen
Tianmen burning today no longer on weekdays majestic complex Wei Ling, especially the main door too seriously, too much on the elders died after burning cloud Che Ziya hands of news, the whole burning day doors enveloped in an atmosphere of fear among the subglottic disciples panic, they are among the uneasy, vaguely smell the smell of destruction. ↗ vertex fiction, but even if the disaster stop there, the burning of Tianmen the future is not qualified and the Sword Hills, ice clouds Asgard, Xiao Zong continue adding four large doors. Burning House of God, the burning of justice must just woke up, burning Lethal and all remaining elders, Gezhu are gathered here, everyone's face, are a dark and sad. Every once and a cloud Che fight, they will find themselves once again underestimated the cloud Che strength. Every time they confident that when the cloud will be able to kill Che, the other will give them a nightmarish results. The cloud Chul this name, this time also has become the heart of their worst nightmare. "Father, how your injuries?" Burn Lethal stepped forward and asked, voice reveals a deep sense of powerlessness. For him, the only thing you can be called a comfort thing that is the same cloud Che has been hit hard, otherwise, he would not choose to escape from immediately. "Also die ...... Well, Keke ......" Yi Jue burning an outlet, is a violent cough, every cough, will bring out the movie bloodshot. Yun Chol trick "off days Jedi", easily crushed all of his mysterious force defense, so his organs substantial displacement and trauma of heavy injuries, even though pregnant with the power of the throne, should at least be fully restored three months. "Too main door ......" several elders quickly got up, gathered around the burning Yi Jue side. "No ...... me alone, I'm fine." Yi Jue burning operation under mysterious pressure injury, looked up, his eyes reveal a deep and cold Yinhen: "I misjudged the strength of cloud Che, all of us are He misjudged his strength! And you ...... actually incurred by such an enemy! " the elders are looked down, his face sometimes pale, sometimes livid. Yi Jue burning chest rise and fall, continued Chen Sheng said:. "A lot of cloud Che body, they can not be measured by common sense the day before, he obviously injured to leave, but only every other day, and he did it force injuries healed ...... he must have What special secret law to restore the injury, this time, although he hurt than me light, but maybe he can and, like last time, in a very short period of recovery to come ...... when I burn on the day the door is perishing! " Yi Jue words a burning, everyone suddenly Mianrutuse. After these words not from others, but himself too much on the elders say! And he said, is completely unable to refute the brutal facts. Too much on the elders fall from the sky, the day burnt constellation destroyed the main door too seriously, cloud Che if the attack on the door again, they really will not get any to confront capital. "Father, now, how do we in the end? We burn Tianmen Millennium Foundation, how can this be destroyed! Otherwise, we go to heaven to see Youhemianmu ancestors!" Burning Lethal clenching his hands and said. "Right now, there are two ways!" Burn Yi Jue Road. Lethal and elders burning spirit suddenly startled, his face again showing hope, eagerly asked: "! What ...... any way," meaning the vast burning breath, low and said: "This disaster, we have It is black and blue, unable to resist. Right now, the only way to help others ...... and cloud Che strength, the ability of the solution to this robbery, and only the Sword Hills, ice clouds and Xiao were Asgard. Asgard and my door ice clouds Well no grudges and disputes from reluctant to participate, therefore, help ice clouds Asgard certainly no avail ...... only help Sword Hill and Shaw were ...... I too庄主凌day against the Sword and Villa had been some close friends, when there is a wine, I had joked that if the burning Tianmen encounter desperate hope that he will be shot to help, he was also promised a smile ...... " Ling-day reverse? Cang wind Genkai recognized as the first person, Ling-day against the Juggernaut! ? The name, like thunder general swing in each individual ear ring, let them all cheeky surprise. They did not expect, of course, the burning of justice must actually wind and the dark green of the first person with such friendship, there is a commitment in the days when the burning door distress shot to get along! And if really shot along the inverse Ling-day, the day the door of the burning suspense of this disaster will have no resolve ...... cloud Che although surprisingly strong, but then how can not be Ling day against opponents! Moreover, behind the inverse Ling-day, there are huge Sword Villa. "Good! I know, I sound upload Sword suzerain Lingyue Feng Ma! Let him tell suzerain Sword too!" Lethal burn some excitement Road. "Do not be happy too early." Yi Jue burn slowly: "I and Ling-day reverse, is not goodbye for decades, his heart and mind in this respect the weak, Qianxiu two decades, perhaps it is the heart of escape empty soul, do not want to contaminated dust earthly, is willing to sell to help, still unknown. As there were ...... Xiao Xiao ruthless and although I was friendship, but nowhere near to very good friends. Xiao Yun Chol cases if they know the strength, but also should We absolutely do not want to offend such a terrible enemy ...... although two routes can try, but all little hope. " " never tried, how do you know not! "Lethal burning brow tightened, but the look has not Prior is so gloomy: "I'm not sure Juggernaut will not sell, but Shaw were there, will be a helping hand extended!" Yi Jue burning eyebrows, cheeky puzzled. Burning Lethal once said: "In all previous investigations cloud Che, we accidentally learned that year that he had been expelled from the house, simply because that is the main萧宗宗fourth sub Xiao Xiao day absolutely mad persecution because cloud! Xiao Yun mad then wanted to occupy his wife, but also want to encroach on his aunt. " Yi Jue burning eyes a move: "? it's true." "! it's true" Brahman Lethal nodded: "Cloud Che because we captive of his family, he vowed to destroy us burn days door, showing his family very seriously, at the same time is a mind extremely narrow, vindictive person! And Xiao mad cloud with his forged so much hatred, how could he not report ! If Hsiao Yun was just an ordinary萧宗弟mad son also just, but he is the son of the sovereign! This is enough evolved into a cloud and the entire Great Che Xiao Zong hate it! But now it seems Shaw were not aware of it, And Xiao know if the matter were, and knew cloud Che vindictive temperament after ...... If I were absolutely Hsiao days, I would never choose spook wait Che cloud door one day, but took the opportunity to joint, shot cloud Che kill it! " "I'll go acoustic Sword Hills and Xiao were! the same time, Xiao were being. "What did you say ...... this matter in earnest? "Xiao sound absolutely scared sky day. "absolutely true! Cang fire tens of thousands of the city witnessed before that war, and soon entire Cang wind will be no wonder. "Xiao absolutely front day, an old man looking awe of the road. "This is ...... This is really incredible. I remember qualifying wartime, his age also seventeen, this year, at best, only nineteen years old, right? "Xiao day absolutely scared face lingering capacity, he is difficult to believe that a nineteen-year-old boy, even to single-handedly, the strength is not weaker than the number of cases of burning days Xiao door almost cornered, still Battle at the same time burning Tianmen two Wang Xuan, on the spot to kill a person. This is too horrible strength! Qi shocking news. "I really do not know what kind of master, even cultivate such a disciple! Or he really gifted to such a degree? Or that he really as rumors in general, is the successor of the Holy Land? "Xiao day absolutely sigh, he suddenly asked:" insisted Che cloud burning days off over the door, whether it is derived from what hatred? Is burning the day the door off his whole family? " "No! "The old man shook his head:" the real reason, perhaps the sovereign will feel ridiculous. I want to marry must burn the city before dark green on the princess, cloud Che was upset, big loss of face. Tianmen burning desire to find a cloud Che revenge, seem too eager, then use the despicable means, Che was born from the cloud city clouds abducted two of his family, he went to the burning of days to lure cloud Che door ...... therefore anger over heaven and earth, vowing to destroy the burning gate of heaven. " "Well, the burning of Tianmen even use tools such testimony was unbearable," Xiao absolute disdain lengheng day: "Is, is his family burned two days door slaughtered? "No! His two families are safe ...... but they alone will burn Tianmen abducted his family, he will have to destroy it over the door." The old man raised his head, carefully said: "Obviously, this is a Grievance must be reported, once the heart of hatred !, will be as crazy in general must not provoke people ...... " "! Of course not provoke" Xiao day absolutely nodded: "One can be alone to burn Tianmen impasse of people, there is a growth rate of extreme terror, if not become friends, and must not become the enemy ...... then tomorrow morning will remember notice Fonds, the future Che encountered a cloud, and people related to the cloud Che, have shied away from, rather a sign of weakness, not violated. " As the wind Cang four One of the big dominant, Xiao were outside without fear from anyone. But the day the door was burning bloody example, so that he is not in the hearts of the cloud Che could not give birth to a deep fear ...... even fear. In this case, a black man hurried into the room from the outside, emergency channel: "these doors, the burning Lethal just acoustic, please read these doors in the burning days of the door and I were always befriend, help them confront cloud Che." Wen This, Xiao day absolutely not surprised, faint smile, and said: "Do not bother me and Xiao were burning Tianmen friendship, not good enough to want to provoke a crisis could bring cases of people off. " "But ...... but ......" black old man fiercely swallow a mouthful of saliva, incomprehensible: "The burning Lethal says ...... ...... he said because he said the burning of Tianmen captive cloud Che family, they have to face Daughter revenge, but for me Xiao Yun Chol were hatred, a hundred times more to deep ...... if not shot to help, and so off the burning days door, ...... our turn were the Xiao. " Xiao Meng's absolutely heavenly brow Yizhou: "! nonsense I Xiao and Yun Chol were no injustice Wu Chou, how to hatred burning Lethal order for us to sell, which include lower idiot actually said the words export!." black old man wiped his forehead cold sweat on voice began to tremble: "sovereign, you may remember, three years ago, Xiao Zheng elders passed away, before he died, he left the city in the clouds that ray of blood obsession, with a request to the sovereign descendants Xiao Zong back ...... and then, sent to the sovereign people, is the little master ...... did, accompanied by little master to go, is the East Court deacon Xiao desert mountain ...... little master came back, Xiao desert mountain once and I said, small Master When there, had to meddle where a young disciple of his new wife and their aunt, and set up a trap of the bureau, the man ultimately forced to be permanently evicted ...... " "...... that person and that person ...... to ...... is today's cloud Che! " when the black man to say the last word, Xiao day absolutely head as if suddenly there is a muffled thunder exploded, he suddenly stood up, trembling, his face muscles severely twisted together to: "You say ...... What !!?" section errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Cap 349 burn Tianmen help
today burning Tianmen no longer on weekdays majestic Wei Ling, especially Sihanouk gate main injured, honorary retired elders burn Ziya died Che Yun news came, the Fantian door are shrouded in a panic atmosphere, next pupil in the door to panic, they hung up between, the faint smell of destruction of taste. ? vertex novel.

and even the disaster ended, burning Tianmen will no qualifications and sword country villa, ice Asgard, Xiao Zong to and called the four large door.

Fantian main Pavilion, burning the righteousness just woke up, burning duanhun and the rest of the elders, all gezhu are gathered here,Each person's face is a dark and sad. And every

clouds against time, they will find themselves once again underestimated the strength of the clouds.

every time they sure that will kill the clouds, each other, will give them a nightmarish results.
and clouds of the name, which had become the most terrible nightmare for them.

"father, how are your injuries?" Burn duanhun stepped forward and asked, in the voice of a deep sense of powerlessness. To him, now the only can something called comfort is Che Yun also hit. Otherwise, he wouldn't choice immediately escape.

"Not yet...... Cough, cough......" Burn a

righteousness export, is a violent cough, cough every time, will bring a piece of blood. Che Yun that trick "destroy Jedi, easily shattered all his mysterious force defense, let his organs in large amplitude shift and trauma, injury, even a throne to fully restored to at least three months time. "On the main door......" Several elders quickly got around to burn, meaning the vast side. "Not...... Me, I'm fine." The burning operation pressure injury Xuan Yi Jue, looked up, eyes revealed a deep cold and haggard:"I miscalculated the strength of clouds, all of us, have misestimated his strength! And you...... Such an enemy should have!" The elders are

to lower the head, face and pale, and livid.

burn righteousness chest heaved, continue to sink a track: "clouds of many things on the body, can not be measured by common sense. The day before yesterday, when he left injured, but not every day, he will force injury recovery...... He must have what special arcane injury recovery. This time, although he was not hurt than I am, but he might as well as the last time, in a very short time to recover...... At that time,Is the destruction of the phase I burn tianmen!" The meaning of these words is
burn out, everyone suddenly One's face turned white. After these words not from others, but on the mouth of the elders! And he said, but also completely unable to refute the brutal truth. Honorary retired elders yuanmie. Skyfire burned star array were destroyed, Sihanouk gate main injured, cloud Cheruo again attack door, they really will take not out of any confrontation with the capital. Now, father,

"what do we do? We Fantian Millennium gate foundation, how can this be destroyed! Otherwise, we are ashamed to see an array of ancestors in the lower!" Burn duanhun clenched his hands together. "At the moment,There are two ways!" The meaning of the vast tract burn. The elders suddenly burn duanhun

mental shock, face to reveal hope, eagerly asked: "what...... What method!" Burn the vast breath
righteousness, Dihuan way: "this disaster, we have been unable to resist is covered all over with cuts and bruises. For now, only to turn to others...... The clouds of strength, is able to solve the robbery, but also the only sword villa, ice and Xiao Zong asgard. Ice and Asgard without my door and from the well, do not want to participate in the dispute, so,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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