多少少男少女做梦都想成为演员歌手明星艺人,受万人追捧爱戴,享受锦衣玉食一般的生活状态,确实这种生活固然令人向往,可同样有多少人在此道路上 การแปล -   多少少男少女做梦都想成为演员歌手明星艺人,受万人追捧爱戴,享受锦衣玉食一般的生活状态,确实这种生活固然令人向往,可同样有多少人在此道路上 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


  多少少男少女做梦都想成为演员歌手明星艺人,受万人追捧爱戴,享受锦衣玉食一般的生活状态,确实这种生活固然令人向往,可同样有多少人在此道路上未能圆梦甚至打上了自己的大好青春?  现在在韩国SM公司旗下的艺人如漫天的繁星一样,但是能够出道的没有多少,大红大紫的更是屈指可数,但是依然有人愿意远渡东洋来到韩国成为旗下的练习生,邢就是其中一人。  但是可惜的是这些只不过都是虚幻的梦境异常,在其刚刚发布了自己被选中不久之后SM公司官方微博就来辟谣称并未选中其为旗下的艺人或是练习生,据此网友戏言邢昭林这孩子是想出名想疯了已经患了“妄想症”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
How many boys and girls dreaming to become an actor singer star artists, sought after by the people love to enjoy a sheltered life in general state, it is clear that life is certainly desirable, many people may also have failed to realize their dreams in this way even marked their precious youth? now in Korea sm company's artists such as starry sky, but can debut not much in the limelight is only a handful, but still people are willing to come to South Korea to become Yuandu Japan's trainee, Xing is one of them. But the pity is that these are merely illusory dream abnormalities,In its just released soon after they have been selected sm company official microblogging to rumor says that it is not selected artist's or trainee, whereby the child is friends joked Xingzhao Lin want to be famous like crazy already suffering from a "delusional disease "
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
How many boys and girls dream to become a singer star artists actor, admired by thousands of others like to live an extravagant life, enjoy life in general, and indeed this life is desirable, but also has many people on the road failed to come true even on a good youth themselves? Now in South Korea SM company's artists such as the sky as the stars, but not much to debut in the limelight, it is can be counted on one's fingers, but there are people willing to do the Japanese came to Korea to become its trainees, Xing is one of them. But unfortunately these are just dreams anomaly,In its just released their selected shortly after SM company official micro-blog to rumor did not choose it as artists or practice, the netizen joked that Xing Zhaolin is this child want crazy had "paranoia"
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
  How many boys and girls have dreams to become an actress singer celebrity entertainer, beloved by people on the other side, once the general living conditions, does this kind of life is of course desirable, but also how many people failed to make their dreams come true on this road even on a life of their own?  Now Korea SM's artists such as sky like stars, but I started out without much, rounds is a handful, but still someone willing to made the Japanese came to Korea became its trainees, XING is one of the men. But unfortunately these are illusory dreams only exceptionIn that it has just released its own selected soon after SM's official Twitter to dispell the called but not selected for each of its artists or trainee, netizens joked Xing Zhaolin the child wanted to be famous like crazy has been suffering from a "paranoid"
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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