陆承余把装着蛋糕的碟子放到旁边的吧台上,听出盛韶元话中有话,看了眼跟在盛韶元身后的秘书,他从高脚凳上跳了下来,食指点了点吧台桌面,笑呵呵的对 การแปล - 陆承余把装着蛋糕的碟子放到旁边的吧台上,听出盛韶元话中有话,看了眼跟在盛韶元身后的秘书,他从高脚凳上跳了下来,食指点了点吧台桌面,笑呵呵的对 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด




















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Lu Chengyu next to dishes containing cake onto the bar, heard Cheng Shao Yuan there, read eye behind Cheng Shaoyuan's Secretary, he jumped down from the stool, fingers point to point it desktop, smiling and laughing on the bartender said: "give us the Cheng Zonglai Cup Louis 13. "To finish this sentence, he looked back to Cheng Shao said," drink good, a bottle of strong. ” Bartender opening wine, and got a few clean brandy glasses, poured himself a cup put Cheng Shao-Yuan before, made a slow gesture, then politely returned it to the side. Cheng Shao Yuan Lu Chengyu at a glance, lifted slowly Jolt wine red Bantam glass liquid, after sipping a chuckle: "duoxielu Assistant in hospitality. "Can't drink too little strong wine is his habit of telling people, Lu Chengyu ought to know better, and now he just drink the srongest Louis 13, didn't know it was unintentional or is it something else. Hear this sound thanks, Lu Chengyu smiled, "Sheng total pleasure. ” Their hotel was originally a senior Club, most people can't come in at all, so there's no shortage of expensive alcohol and tobacco products. He hears Cheng Shao Yuan made fun of meaning in the words, so it is sort of fill plug to the other party. Zhang Zeyun Cheng Shao Yuan and Qi Jingfeng is not too familiar with, after all they are all mixed-capital circle, in s city bully Cheng Shao Yuan have little understanding. However, they could see that this person is not simple, especially seeing Lu Chengyu please each other to drink this wine, will become even more vigilant in the heart. "Overall good fortune-find devilishly," Cheng Shao Yuan glanced in a cup of wine, then smiling and laughing on Yan Mudao, "can we really envy these people. ” The seemingly enviable, but really became a dependent Lu Chengyu said Gigolo Yan Mu life, perhaps in the eyes of Cheng Shao, Lu Chengyu even though there are hundreds of millions of worth, but compared with Yan Mu, or worse so far, two people have separate day sooner or later. Words hear Cheng Shao Yuan, Zhang Zeyun somehow, his mind suddenly appeared suddenly beat Lu Chengyu look cool when, unconscious stand Shao Sheng yuan a step far, nudged towards the Lu Chengyu, to show their position. "Sheng was always joking, what wife? He never loved to cook at home, because without me, it will probably starve yourself pass out, "Yan Mu four deflected the path," he roll-outs of a billionaire who for me, to be an Assistant, has so wronged him. ” Cheng Shao Yuan pulled his mouth smiled, did not think Yan Mu Lu Chengyu was willing to say these words, his eyebrow a glance at smiling Lu Chengyu from beginning to end, though it looks to men pile really shines, but handsome man it is, didn't think Yan Mu's taste is like this. "What's yours is mine, I help myself, have any grievance," said Lu Chengyu smiled and looked to Cheng Shao Yuan, "sheng has always something to envy, you're stronger than me, seeking to find a mate. ” This sounds pretty polite, seems to be what's wrong? Next to Qi Jingfeng quizzical look at two people, but Cheng Shao Yuan still smiling appearance, so sat down to drink. Cheng Shao Yuan know Lu Chengyu's words back to him, he don't laugh, lift the Louis 13 bottles of wine to pour a few people present were drunkards, and then hold their wine glasses, "and rarely meet together for a drink. "He never reveals himself in outsiders like when just one glass of wine, he Sheng Shao Yuan can afford. Lu Chengyu side glass, Cheng Shaoyuan gently touched the Cup changed hands after smilingly knocked Yan Mu, gracefully took a mouthful, like this was a high-level reception, rather than a place to have fun. Zhang Zeyun flickering smile look at several people, know that Cheng Shao this person is not simple, is probably the business rivals of Mu Ge, Lu Chengyu do, he were to cooperate with, and people are justifying he was no exception. Alcohol after drinking, Cheng Shao Yuan glass down, smiled and pointed at the next table, sight upon Yan Mu and Lu Chengyu swept through, personable way: "come here, not what is the meaning of the play two, landing Assistant can play a round with me? ” "I don't play well, Sheng General don't laughed," Lu Chengyu today without hesitation said yes, and Cheng Shao opposites to sit down at the poker table, then raised: "sein total, please. ” "Please," Cheng Shao Yuan lit a cigar, and increasingly brilliant smile on his face. Secretary puzzled eyes behind his laid-back Lu Chengyu across one eye, according to a survey reported that Lu Chengyu never touch plug, and Yan Mu's life is even more water-like, sitting on the table at the moment is not ignorance once again, it looks nothing like the body passes, really don't see shortly is a rich young man. And yet Mu yan Lu Chengyu the young lover-goddess connived at the point, which lies open to throw people out of the way, pour yourself panache of sitting around and waiting for dealer licensing, both men who was to catch who has thighs? "Call! "Cheng Shao Yuan isn't looking at the hands of the licence directly out of the pile of chips. "Follow. "Lu Chengyu smiling shelf stack of chips out and smiling look at Yan Mu, Yan Mu make up another pile of chips in his hand. "Land and attendant good fortune," Cheng Shao played playing the cigar, "Yan pretended to you the total figures. ” Lu Chengyu knew he had ridiculed him by means of words meaning Yan Mu fans to distraction, because Yan Mu Cheng Shao's identity, the card table has a lot of people who watch, said Cheng Shao Yuan not to him, but said those spectators who see. "He is my man, and asked him to give me some more chips more normal thing," Lu Chengyu played with a chip, don't like listening to Cheng Shao hualiyouhua, and smiled, "and alleged lover, you are my, my is your, if you care about these things, and what is meant by a lover. Sheng General, you say it's not such a mean? ” We were having fun, are people in some capacity, they listen to Lu Chengyu this passage, he saw behind him, Yan Mu has nothing against, and even lighted within minutes, had to admit that city famous Yan Da son planted in the hands of a man. "Land-Assistant," Cheng Shao Yuan soon a pile of chips, meaning continued, "that hold a shallow. ” Lu Chengyu smiling without a Word, just launch chips continue to talk, apparently didn't scare by Cheng Shao-dollar backers, but around spectators interest is mounting. Don't say throw hundreds of thousands of cards of two chips, said Yan Mu and Lu Chengyu of gossip, is enough to make them curious. They think yan Lu Chengyu is only temporary and Nice, but look at the way, like Prince Lu Chengyu is really true love, look like this, it was there Lu Chengyu means everything. And they were busy watching the lively, not interested in winning hands, so when Cheng Shao Yuan and Lu Chengyu desktop chips thrown open when you are finished, all surprised to discover, has piled millions of chips on the table. "QKA flush," Cheng Shao Yuan to put out cigar in the ashtray, sitting by the back of her chair, apparently very satisfied with the cards in their hand. Lu Chengyu in no hurry to turn over his cards, own smiles and applause: "good good cards. ” When the surrounding audience who think Lu Chengyu dished, he slowly turned over his cards, a pair of slightly surprised expression: "Gee, this is really a coincidence, turned out to be three kings. ” They suddenly exclaimed, all three with the child but the card than Cheng Shao Yuan, presence, mostly in the capital mix, natural emotional bias Lu Chengyu, rather than Cheng Shao Yuan s city of outsiders, hands so settled, around the crowd was clapping. "Carry on," smiled Lu Cheng Yu Chaocheng Shao Yuan, nor does he see dealers pushing up chip, back half, "me with overall it was just a joke, forget these chips. ” "Land Assistant is doing, losing is losing, winning is winning, but how can you forget," Cheng Shaoyuan smiled and stood up, "just one more game to pass the time, landing Assistant is not too polite. ” Lu Chengyu stood up and smell the mixture of laughs: "Sheng always chic, is my fun. ” Cheng Shaoyuan smiled twice, then said, "you win and you lose, fine. ” Zhang Zeyun hears this, something was wrong, could not help but look at Yan Mu and Lu Chengyu, see both of them looks as usual, so as the other person is just a sentence, but in his heart, Mu Ge and Xiaolu's perfect match, power of expression controls at least much better than he was. Cheng Shaoyuan after leaving the table, look at the time, they apologize for Lu Chengyu, who smiled, "I still have some things to do, again in the future. ” "Take care," Lu Chengyu smiled and watched Cheng Shaoyuan go, waiting for someone to disappear into the door, he whispered to Yan Mudao, "said Sheng general purpose seems poor. ” Yan Mu mouth: "let him alone. ” Zhang Zeyun touched noses, looks at the Yan Mu, then at Lu Chengyu, speechless. "Boss, the Lu Chengyu was too aggressive," Secretary followed behind Cheng Shao, frowned and said, "Let us try to fix him. ” "Fix him? "Cheng Shao Yuan stopped, looked me up and down a skinny Secretary," you go to? ” CLERK: "......" Cheng Shao Yuan hissing sound, then said, "dare to tack with Mu Xiuen Mu Jia the Don love, he's kind of a little guts. I wish I could be home with Mu Jia lively again, I'll fix him what to do. ” Secretary bowed silently, spoke so generous, just like you're not being provoked anger. Cheng Shao Yuan to look behind the eyes of the clubhouse, drooping eyelids and pulled mouth, at least he now knows Lu Chengyu is biting Fox, awkward to deal with. He kept on waiting to see Mu Jia when shot. This lively capital, he also didn't want to miss.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]


















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Lu Chengyu put his cake plate on the side bar, hear Sheng Shaoyuan overtones in conversation, look at with Sheng Shaoyuan behind the Secretary, he jumped down from the stool, his forefinger bar table, laughing the bartender and way: "give us the Sheng cup of Yi Shisan." Saying this, he looked back to Sheng Shaoyuan and said, "surely good drinker, a bottle of strong."

the bartender opened wine, took a few clean brandy, poured a cup in front of Sheng Shaoyuan, made a please slow to use gestures, they politely retreated aside.

Sheng Shaoyuan saw Lu Cheng one eye,Hold the stoup slowly rocked the wine in the red liquid, sipping smiles: "thank Lu assistant and hospitality." Can not drink too strong wine is how little he told others habits, Lu Chengyu should not know it, he come up to drink himself the strongest Louis thirteen now, do not know what is meant to be or because something else.

heard this thanked, Lu Chengyu smiled, "Sheng don't mention it." It was the place where they are is a senior club hotel, even in ordinary people can't come in, so here is the lack of expensive alcohol. He heard a filled with fun of meaning Shaoyuan words,So it is not too big and not too small to give each other a plugging tim. Qi Jingfeng and Zhang Zeyun to Sheng Shaoyuan

not too familiar with, after all, they are all mixed capital circle, not many know about doing a scoundrel in the city of S Sheng Shaoyuan. However, they saw that the person is not simple, especially to see Lu Chengyu please each other to drink this wine, heart more alert.

"Yan general good fortune, to find such a virtuous wife," Sheng Shaoyuan glanced at the cup of wine, then smile to Yan Mu road Oh, "we see these people are really envy." It seems the envy of the word, is actually Lu Chengyu said to become attached to Yan Mu life toy boy,Perhaps in the eyes of Sheng Shaoyuan, Lu Chengyu even with a few hundred million worth, but compared with Yan mu, or difference too far, two people have to leave a day sooner or later.

Sheng Shaoyuan heard these words, Zhang Zeyun does not know how, suddenly suddenly mind show Lu Cheng Yu to hit the cool appearance, not consciously stand Sheng Shaoyuan far step toward the direction, Lu Cheng Yu Ceng Ceng, to show their position.

"Sheng joke, what wife? At home he never don't love cooking, if not me, probably can starve yourself dizzy in the past, "Yan Mu four two dial one thousand jins," he was a billionaire guys because I do a assistant,He has been very grievance."

Sheng Shaoyuan pull the corners of the mouth smile, no thought of Yan Mu unexpectedly to Lu Chengyu wants to say these words, he picks eyebrow to read more from A to Z keep smiling land bearing one eye, although this appearance in the pile of men do perfectly, but it is again handsome man, I really did not expect Yan Mu taste unexpectedly is this.

"you and me, I help myself, what is the good of injustice," Lu Chengyu smiled and looked at Sheng Shaoyuan, "Sheng have what envy, you better than me, be sure to find a partner after one's heart."

that sounded polite, as if there is not right?Next to Qi Jingfeng doubt look at two people, but see Sheng Shaoyuan still smiling appearance, so simply sitting to one side drink to.

Sheng Shaoyuan know that Lu Chengyu is just of the words back to him, his anger reverse smile, Louis filed thirteen bottles to the presence of a few people pour wine, holding his glass said then, "seldom meet together, drink a cup of." He never revealed in the outsiders when their preferences, just a cup of wine, he Sheng Shaoyuan afford.

Lu Chengyu end up glass, slowly and Sheng Shaoyuan touched the cup changed hands, smiling and Yan Mu touched, to elegant drink a mouthful,As if there is a senior party, rather than play place. A faint smile on one's face

Zhang Zeyun saw an eye a few people, know Sheng Shaoyuan this person is not simple, I'm afraid is mu brother business competitors, so what Lu Chengyu did, he was fit, people are a shield, he is no exception.

drinks after, Sheng Shaoyuan set the glass down, laughed and pointed down the table, glancing over at Yan Mu and Lu Chengyu body, graceful bearing of the way: "here, don't play two have what mean, Lu assistant can play a few games with me?"

"I didn't play well, Sheng don't laugh at me," Lu Chengyu immediately agreed without hesitation,Then at the table and sat down opposite Sheng Shaoyuan, and then the hand way: "Sheng, please."

"please," Sheng Shaoyuan lit a cigar, face smile more brilliant. Behind him the secretary looked puzzled eyes opposite KEF land bearing one eye, according to a survey report said, Lu Chengyu never touch block, and Yan Mu between days had more white boiling water like, sitting should not the half of the support at the table, the upper and lower body with fan Er, also really do not see is a rich young man.

and the Yan mu of Lu Chengyu the little lover also te indulge a bit, this person to person aside,Be like a lion himself sitting there waiting for the dealer licensing, what these two people who catch who thighs?

"filling!" Sheng Shaoyuan didn't look at the cards in his hand, directly out of a pile of chips.

"with." The smiling Lu Chengyu put a pile of chips to hand out some, and then smiling look at Yan mu, Yan Mubian turned for a pile of chips in his hand.

"Lu assistant good fortune," Sheng Shaoyuan flicks the cigar, "Yan Zong such character are in every matter to you."

Lu Chengyu know he words to taunt him by means of the Yan Mu fans have be entranced meaning, because Yan Mu and Sheng Shaoyuan identity,The table has stood many spectators, Sheng Shaoyuan words not said to him, but said to these watch people see.

"he even the person is my, tell him to give me some more chips for a normal thing," Lu Chengyu played with a chip, if can't hear Sheng Shaoyuan hualiyouhua like, smiling way, "the so-called lovers, is you is I, I is you, if you care about these small things, and what is the lover. Sheng, you say Is it right? So mean?"

can be in play, are some of the identity of the person, they listened to the words of Lu Chengyu, he saw behind him, Yan Mu unexpectedly no objection,Even reveal somewhat happy, have to admit that the well-known Beijing Yan big childe planted in a man's hand.

"Lu assistant opinion," Sheng Shaoyuan put out a pile of chips, the meaning is to continue with, "Sheng is a superficial."

Lu Chengyu smiling without a word, just out of a chip to continue with, apparently was not Sheng Shaoyuan's deep pockets to frighten, is to watch people around a surge of interest.

not say two people a hand thrown out hundreds of thousands of chips, said between Yan Mu and Lu Chengyu gossip, enough to make them curious. They thought that the original Yan chief of Lu Chengyu is just a fresh, but look like this now,Yan big childe Lu Chengyu seemed to really love, look this way, faint and kind of everything according to the meaning of Lu Chengyu.

all busy to watch the scene of bustle, pour on the board wins not interested, so when Sheng Shaoyuan and Lu Chengyu put on the desktop chips after throwing open the card, all the people were surprised to find, on the table have been piled over millions of chips.

"QKA flush," Sheng Shaoyuan snuffed out his cigar in the ashtray, sat back in his chair, apparently on their own hand very satisfied.

Lu Chengyu not anxious to turn his card, his smile to clap a way: "good cards cards."

in the crowd all thought that Lu Chengyu lost time,He slowly turned his card, a pair of slightly unexpected expression way: "Oh, this is really a coincidence, unexpectedly is three K."

all suddenly exclaimed, this same three but greater than Sheng Shaoyuan the brand, present mostly in the capital in the mix, emotional nature more in favor of Lu Chengyu, and not Sheng Shaoyuan the S city of outsiders, so the game settled around, everyone suddenly clapped.

"admitted," Lu Chengyu Zhaosheng Shao yuan smiled, see also don't see dealer to push yourself over the chips, but back to half, "I told Sheng is just a joke, even if these chips."

"Lu assistant what is this,Lose is lose, win is win, how can forget it, "Sheng Shaoyuan smiled and stood up," but is a game of pass the time, Lu assistant or not too polite."

Lu Chengyu followed stood up, smiled to smile: "Sheng is handsome, I am disappointed."

Sheng Shaoyuan smiled two, then said: "this win or lose, it's normal."

Zhang Zeyun heard saying something wrong, can't help side head looked at Yan Mu and Lu Chengyu, see two people look as normal, and also as the other just casually sentence, but felt that, Mu brother and Xiao Lu really are perfect for each other, at least this expression control ability is much more powerful than him.

Sheng Shaoyuan left the table, looked at the time, Lu Chengyu et al. Sorry to smile, "I have some things to do, get together later."

"walking," Lu Chengyu smiled and watched Sheng Shaoyuan left, others disappeared in the doorway, he whispered to Yan Mudao, "the general purpose like bad sheng."

Yan Mu crooked mouth: "leave him alone."

Zhang Zeyun touched the nose, looked at Yan mu, looked at Lu Chengyu, silent.

"boss, that Lu Chengyu is too arrogant," secretary told in Sheng Shaoyuan behind, frowned, "let's think of a way to pick up his."

"tidy up him?"Sheng Shaoyuan stopped, looked up and down some thin secretary," you go?"


Sheng Shaoyuan sneered, immediately way: "dare in the Mu family he eyelid son with Yan Muxiu love, he is some guts. I wish Yan Jia and the Mu family reheat alarm point, I'm going to finish what he does."

Secretary down silently think, speak so generous, like you haven't been other provoked angry like.

Sheng Shaoyuan looked eye behind the club, drooping eyelids pulled to pull a corner of mouth, at least he now knows that Lu Chengyu is only bite the fox, and not easy to deal with.

he waited to see what time the Mu family shot.

The capital of this lively, he also don't want to miss.
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