After the North received a call from Lu Chengyu Qu Ling and Zhang Shuo, could hardly believe his ears, Mr Lu had contacted theaters so soon, and Yu and other domestic famous Studios, which were simply too much to their surprise. "The ' Mr Luk ', really not simple figures. "Qu Ling bei Lu Chengyu usually acts, the other side is a very personable and easy-going young man, to the Director on down to the porters on the set seems to be very good impression of him. And he knows that lay direct a professional malpractice, filming movies, not to tell them, not because of any actor to please let him this writer revised the script, in circles, it is extremely rare. Writers in this circle, said tartly, apart from several famous writers, most will be forced to change to change to the script, even men and a changed man and two, girls and a woman three that are to occur. They originally thought Lu Chengyu wanted to play, so it will be like this. But in fact we did not have much interest in filming this, even landed a bit part, but also to fit with cost savings. "Ability is the ability, but I just look at his face, you can't help but take him for recent college graduates," Zhang Shuo scratched, "that we now carry them in the past? ” "Don't send, don't keep you playing? "Reminds him of posters are designed by Mr Rudd, posters will be also contact Mr Rudd who" come to moving things into the car. ” Two posters leaflets are also moving to some broken van, then driving up to Yu and film city, arrived at the destination, see Lu Chengyu were already waiting for them at the gate. "Two hard again," Lu Chengyu to both side, helped lift a box of stuff, "I have contact with Zhuang brother OK, we go now. ” Zhang Shuo was nervous behind him, when he stepped into the elevator, very disturbing, said: "Mr LU, movie City boss will give us daily? ” "Should be worried about? "Lu Chengyu turn to see Qu Ling and Zhang Shuo, North face tight look, then smiled," I believe in you, even if at first they arranged seating less, also must be added after. ” North Qu Ling and Zhang Shuo heard this, blushing, but they must feel for Mr Rudd to say quite sincerely, didn't like to comfort them. When the three men came to the offices of Zhuang Yu, you see the Office door was closed, Zhuang Yu are talking on the phone with people. Lu Chengyu carries two people stepped back, such as Zhuang Yu hung up the phone after, just knock on the front door two times, heretics at the door: "Zhuang, still busy? ” "Little land? "Zhuang Yu see Lu Chengyu, smile and let three people came in, but after a few words, put the words into the chase and began talking into publicity problems. Theaters don't have much money now, Zhuang Yu has no intention of competing with Lu Chengyu interest in this one. Because of margin and has its own movie theater, so the main contents of his talks with Lu Chengyu, is on the cinema into. Qu Ling and Zhang Shuo, looking north of Zhuang Yu and Lu Chengyu said about brothers, while smiling and talking about the split, obviously very mild scenes they stupefied to taste some kind of confrontation. "Okay, that's it, Zhuang brother helped me so busy this time, my heart was very grateful," Lu Chengyu sighed, "is now investing a movie is really difficult, 7788 spending ticket sales I can get above 35%, it very well. ” "This is not the way it is, investing is not easy at this cinema, just built a small cinema, together with screening equipment and other facilities, large and small, need tens of millions of" both views have clearly agreed Zhuang Yu followed sighed, "we will not be easy, but also to mix for a meal. ” Lu Chengyu nod, a fellow boat people look. Zhang Shuo: "......" North Qu Ling: "......" While both men say such things, so have you thought about how they feel? Lunar August 14, is Gregorian September 30, night at 11 o'clock, flying of bird silent released, at cinema outside has hanging Shang has this Department movie of propaganda poster, although Director and actor are is everyone no heard had of,, but because poster do have is eye-catching, quality also good, some has began vacation of couples on hold with dispensable of mentality, buy has this Department play of votes. However, attendance was less than 20%, and is very quiet. But movie, start to finish, almost none of the audience out early, and occasionally also burst of laughter, it was more the atmosphere didn't seem to be very low attendance, Hong Kong. Movie into half of the time, someone has already started tweeting, talks about the birds flying the film's funny and witty, but because fewer people tweeting, did not cause any reactions. While the movie played into the second half, on Twitter regarding the content of this film started up, "Lulu Lulu: I went to, I must have seen the movie in a wrong manner, I saw some time ago to fire the Q senior grass-level xueba appeared in the film, the way God put on my glasses, and was about to cry I'm handsome. This show is so funny, and tomorrow I'm going to call on friends to look at it again. ” Lulu Lulu is famous for micro-blogging, she sent this Tweet to go after someone says she is this marketing microblogging, was also on the show new interest in Twitter now, who's making plays. The third day of the flying birds have become a hot topic on Twitter, and even began to play in someone's hero, and Lu Chengyu plays rich handsome image chart, bring ridicule * and Gao Fushuai. But no matter how to play in which Lu Chengyu was wearing gold-rimmed glasses, right index finger gently push of the glasses have go crazy on Twitter. This low budget films in the blockbuster-studded this time, Leng out of Hades, from attendance under 20% full, many theaters began to add a field to this drama. But in spite of this, some on Twitter complained that myself at one o'clock in the afternoon to line up to buy tickets, but only till 12 o'clock in the evening session and expressed the hope that the cinema continues to add field for the film, which shows how hot is this movie. 有媒体人戏称《飞扬的小鸟》是今年电影圈杀出的一只黑鸟,有专家出来研究这部电影为什么如此卖座,也有人说这种低级喜剧电影,只是一盒快餐,看似有趣,实际没什么营养。 不过,这种说法很快被人顶了回去,甚至嘲笑这个专家为了批评而批评,甚至有可能连电影都没有看完。因为就连普通人都能看出,导演与编剧借用这部喜剧电影,拍出了底层人物的精神与无奈,还有主角乐观的生活态度,以及对社会某些行为的讽刺。所以,这是一步从头至尾都在传达积极向上精神的好电影,幽默不失风趣,诙谐却又富有精神。 “这种既能传达精神又诙谐轻松的电影,明明是很好的作品,在某些人眼中却成了一文不值的垃圾。或许在某些人眼中,电影投资没有过亿,演员不是大牌,风格不是文艺,就不是好片子。不知道有这种看法的专家教授是电影界的可悲还是黑色幽默?”这是一个民间影评人在微博上说的话,这条微博很快引起很多人的转发与思考。 电影上映第四天,开始有人爆出《飞扬的小鸟》总投资不到三百万,为了节约成本,从导演到剧组的杂工,都在剧中扮演了各种路人。 男主演高伯阳在微博上调侃,全组上下最值钱的就是高富帅开的那辆跑车,要是车子出了问题,卖了剧组所有的东西都赔不起。 Asked him in some tweets, the crew is so poor, how do find this limited edition sports car? Gao Boyang said investors finding friends borrowed it, but did not mention the investor who also did not mention who are borrowing the car people, but fans aren't interested in investors. Anyway, in their minds, investors look on most automatic mosaic, even if a bit handsome uncle, also is a family man, not who's going to care about that. This is not in all the movie actor and actress, but actor and Gao Fushuai of few shots, have to say, the reality of the social watch face, Zhang shuai also are taking advantage of the face. Lu Cheng Yu Weibo's number of fans, in a matter of days, up by millions of enthusiastic sister paper called him God. But some male fans seems to be not so nice of him, praising his acting in place of Justice, likes to poke fun at and he was burnt to death, slightly resenting the Gao Fushuai and envy him ... ... All call him guys. But, in view of his micro-blog fans are mostly cute and tough sister paper, most of the time, these guys are sister papers are tough hits rich language skills a little residue is left. Therefore, Lu Chengyu in recent days most likes to do is brush microblogging adorable sister paper vs pick male comments below. However, precisely because of their sister paper the powerful combat capability, so he decided, after fellow female must be as warm as a spring breeze, or women into his bones to the cold and tragic. "O my celestial sister paper! "He was feeling prompted the base made such a micro-blog, then sadly finds himself wretched factor because this Tweet to spread unconsciously. Fortunately, most people thought he was grateful to female fans to help him, that he has many sister paper rather than in the tweet, bragging about his lovely. But even so, Twitter will still appear under unknown creatures. The Tweets sent out three hours later, he happened to see a message, message, however, was a man, Lu Chengyu, in other words meaning is deliberately courting women, said Chinese women how superficial, will only look look, watching each other have no money, and virtuous than women xxx, and so on, even using words to describe women such as female form. Man as he is, but the side most of the girls are very good, and his mother is also very good people, those words in the words look down on women even swear when your male, first sorry with him to take care of his mother, who later success is failure. "Every year more than: I was the one who loves to please men, pleasing parents as a child, studying Polish, after graduation, curry favor with colleagues ╮ (╯ _ ╰) ╭. But abusive friend, please keep in mind, before you begin to think about raising their own people, swearing won't make you tall, it will only make you look bad. In my case, please respect and cherish, because only you have respect for others, then others will respect you. ” This is similar to laugh at his own and admonished, giving rise to many people forward, a lot of guys standing at his side. Well, he had a day before the male satin hands, also forwarded to this tweet, forwards wrote this sentence: God, I want to please you. This, of course attracting a crowd of people kind of ridicule, Lu Chengyu man and sonship of God, so they decided on the. Once some male fans don't like him after looking at his past after the microblogging, found no flaunting on Twitter, no self inflate nor put petty remarks, but interesting theory on a very serious professional, as well as some local cuisine, and almost all of these places will not upscale venues, but such roadside stalls or small restaurants. Then, many male fans also have a crush on him, acting men's title is not how many people have called. Of course, few deliberately finding fault exception. He watched the revelry of the Twitter following, smiled and closed the microblog. He opened the nation's largest public forums, making things ready before, show is has been flourishing on the film was released, and some drama, that are needed to start. Author has something to say: thanks MOM, 14194660, small fruit Yue Yong an, eternal beauty, black tea, charcoal, precious precious, fish, win _ like, Cc, Chen Chen, Shen bridles, Eridens, not Feng you big mines, Yao Yao da ╭ (╯ 3 ╰) down Thanks Wai_kun big three mines ╭ (╯ 3 ╰) down Thanks erfreut ╭ big two mines (╯ 3 ╰) down ============== Say four more, but because there is no timecode reach so many characters, so today four more will come in the night, please forgive me, Yao Yao da
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