20. Chapter 20 of the present king busy, no empty 2 early in the morning the next day. The birds are in the trees crowing, eight palace. Snow homes, house children who have to get up early. "Would not you?!" Early in the morning, they heard a room exclaimed. Su months to go pull a door, knowing that the government go back to the song's only two of them uttered a handful of them. "Pull month, the reaction can not be so intense? Is my back to the door, but not you?" Tan song touches the heart of children and mirror calm, things have been put back to the door ready to be prepared. "Tan children, princes how would no time?" Qu Tan Su January Lara had children, try to turn things asked a plainly is not. Everyone knows the world is the various princes ink Citylink most busy, from ignoring affairs of state, romantic day, to get the word poetry. Back to a door, it is impossible not empty. "Ah, when we come back, come back specifically to you listen to it, and how?" Oh, unwise, life missteps. Qu Qu Tan children back to the government being tangled thing, it is not in the mood to see the ink Citylink yesterday described the situation on. "No, now I say, I can not wait for you to come back." "I'm not and never came back, how do you put it into a song if I like the government to get out. " " Hard to say. Great lady is sure to embarrass you. "Su-month pull his face serious. "Rest assured, die, not that a trip back door? I come back, then the back door of the interesting things I say to you with a small CD to listen to, so you can have fun." Song Tan children light patted month Pull on the shoulder, when it is comfort, God! People now have to comfort her? Is there a mistake? Suddenly, last month pulled again sentence: "Tan child, be careful. " " Do not worry, I'll go back and figure of ah, think, also more than two people I talked to mirror heart back ah "Qu Tan children. plain talking. "Huh? Who else?" Moon pull wondering, princes I really did not empty, instead of sending others? Unexpectedly, Qu Tan child next sentence, but enough to be her gas vomiting blood. "Oh, there are those bearers ah what number a lot, a full four bearers have it, there are guards ah. There are these people, I would like to take the opportunity to escape all escape." Then, song Self Tan children laugh a lot. These people, including the four bearers, are palace. Zhou housekeeper arrangements, said there was protecting her role, she sounded like surveillance more. "Are you -?? So I still feel pastime it" ? "right ah, otherwise, what you want" "You and mirror heart, plus four bearers, which many of you have said the number of ? "turn iron into steel! "Yes ah, there are four people, eight eyes, eight hand. Even less? I have too much point number." Walk to, is the best time of day will be spend on the road, that is the ideal Method. "Tan children!" Moon pull to freak. "Well, time is running out, and so we came back again, to talk to. ...... Mirror heart, my cloak have got it?" Qu Tan child gently smile, and so the heart that took the mirror, she Yibalaguo mirror heart, regardless of what else to say Su pull months, rushed to the front door to go directly to the palace. The house of people have not had time to respond, they figure they have disappeared. Palace door, the chair has been waiting outside. Qu Tan children and mirror heart came out, she shuffles again got into the sedan chair, he told:. ". From the car it do not go too fast, this princess wanted to look at the street view" from the palace and then to eight Qu House, though not far from the road, but the chair to go fast enough.
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