第二百零六章 神秘妖兽readx(); 不知道过了多久,聂离的疼痛虽然减轻了一点,但黑暗和光明两种法则之力,依然没有彻底地瓦解。√∟, 要怎 การแปล - 第二百零六章 神秘妖兽readx(); 不知道过了多久,聂离的疼痛虽然减轻了一点,但黑暗和光明两种法则之力,依然没有彻底地瓦解。√∟, 要怎 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第二百零六章 神秘妖兽readx(); 不知道过了多久,聂离的疼痛虽然

第二百零六章 神秘妖兽
readx(); 不知道过了多久,聂离的疼痛虽然减轻了一点,但黑暗和光明两种法则之力,依然没有彻底地瓦解。√∟,













































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 206 mystery beastsreadx(); I do not know how long, Nie Li pain has eased a little, but the darkness and the light strength of two kinds of law, still did not completely collapse. √∟, How do you deal with them? Nie Li suddenly thought has himself Soul Sea deep of that strains vine vine, this strains vine vine very mystery, maybe can surrender law of force, Nie Li wants to has about, will refining of of dark and light two species law of force injected to vine vine inside, that strains vine vine just began of when, no absorption two species law of force, but with time of over, this strains vine vine seems to adapted has two species law of power, began crazy to absorption.Vines keep growing, finally connecting to the two laws forces of light and dark, like a big gulps in General, two kinds of laws of the swallow, and then along the stem transportation, body has been transported to the Tiger Panda, Tiger's Panda produces a remarkable metamorphosis, hair becomes more bright, both dark and light forces around its body constantly flows. Canine pandas, have light and dark two Soul force, today power level change. Shadow demon demon spirits, are absorbing part of the dark force of law, as well as change, whole body gleaming, hard to see clearly its subject. Vines when the road swallowed darkness, light after the two laws of force, NIE breathed a sigh, he casually cast it and found it dark, light force of two kinds of law although it was swallowed by the mysterious vine, but the NIE itself could bring these two forces.The vines should be considered part of the soul of the sea, Nie Li is uncertain, this vine was born, after all, mean Nie Li cultivation way, has been quite different. Just when the NIE from the practice, plume quietly suspended in front of the Nie Li, the goddess. Her beautiful face, exuding a hint of surprising color, she can feel the NIE in the dark, bright two laws of the force of a collision, was when the worried NIE, NIE found near the body was a more powerful, more mysterious force devour the darkness and light force of two kinds of law. Nie Li, who hides many secrets? Her heart was full of curiosity. Being a psychic, the world knew all she is, but didn't think of Nie Li cognition, appears to be a level higher than her.Plume goddess a little wonder, and simply don't want to, she lazily had a stretch, to reveal her beautiful curves, she is dominated by force of law, even if not practicing. All the fire power of the law, or continuously at her body, absorbing the force of law, plume goddess practice can continue to improve. After more than 20 days, Nie Li, cultivation reached the peak in the gold star from the black gold is only a thin line between bad. Suddenly opened his eyes, Nie Li light flash in the eyes of God, after such a long cultivation. Their practice and improve a small realm. For cultivation of heaven God tactic, Nie Lixiu for enhanced speed is very slow. Jinjie difficulty of continental drift, Douzet is several times more than they, but NIE remains by virtue of their understanding of cultivation, cultivation by leaps and bounds.Jinjie high difficulty, Jin after the order's gains are striking, fully laminated with strength grade of master, even skipping challenge black gold was strong. God of Indian auction house auctions will be conducted as scheduled. When printing the auction house auction NIE from the engraved inscription marks the start of weapons after armour, boiling the whole XV, they didn't think, Nie Li's works, much larger than in a quiet night master's power utility works. Set off a wave of fanatical **. The strong have several top underworld domain Hao throwing gold, auction Nie Li's works. After all, a good weapons and armor, can greatly improve the strength, in a world where the law of the jungle, power is everything. What's more, Underworld domain master side in recent days serve the gods of outgoing messages, Underworld domain master to recruit a student passing on his legacy.Hades domain master but one top God! Once dominated by underworld domain value, they will step into the world of! The temptation for them, is too big, and if you become a disciple of the master of the underworld domain, in addition to some strong outside can also become the master of ghost town! Ghost town is a very mysterious place, legends rich abundance, brought together various ethnic beauty, and there are countless devouring, devouring is a mythical creature, can swallow up subterranean lava, an evil spirit, ghost town and supply the master training. When Pluto's owner, will have infinite money! Critical juncture in the underworld domain master is about to start, Nie Li manufacturing of weapons and armor, nature also inflate. Yu ming-grain Indian families have a senior guru sits, auction house seal behind the forces of deterrence, blood demon who chose peace with jade-Indian family for the time being, jade-Indian family crisis, started to liaise with various forces, and expand their influence. On this day, Luo Xiao, his face lit up to Nie Li, jade-Indian family influence is very ill, with joint forces, and was the God of Indian auction house asylum. Has been trying to probe this mysterious inscription hidden in the yuyinshi home grain Division's identity, but they found nothing. It can be predicted that future jade-Indian family's power will be significantly improved. "My good nephew, I've had people spy on dark Guild recently, was good enough, nothing happened. "Luo Xiao light on laughs, he did not understand why Nie Li always staring into a dark Guild," you make me to spy on the cold, there is news. Is said to be a newcomer that joined the family of fortune-telling, also known as Ye Han, Ming-lines but also a primary teacher. ”Hear what Luo Xiao, NIE brow rugulose, does the Association of Han have moved out of the darkness, joining other family? "That this family of fortune-telling, recently in what to do? "Nie Li thought of asking. "Fortune-telling family recently, seems to mobilize people, exactly what to do, I don't know. "Luo Xiao road, a short silence. Nie Li was mildly upset, this family of fortune-telling, much more difficult than the dark Guild. Leave the shining city for such a long time, it's time to go back and take a look. "Uncle ROM, I'm going away for a while. "NIE to see Mr Xiao said."Nie Lixian nephew going to leave? "Luo Xiao heard what Nie Li, suddenly suffer a face. Have to say, the NIE is too important right now, how could he trust NIE go elsewhere? "Luo uncle, rest assured, I'll be back before too long, these days I have given you some grain of seal-high Ming weapons and armor. "Nie Lidao, shining city is not far from here. Just a month back and forth, "I have decided, please Uncle ROM not persuaded. ” "Nie Lixian nephew, or I give you some security guards to protect your security? "Nie Li so firmly, Luo Xiao thought of road, if forced to leave Nie Li, I am afraid it will only backfire and send a few people to protect the NIE. He can feel more at ease."Yes." "NIE nodded road, was what he meant, now jade-Indian family with one's bundled together, and Nie Li these days on the observation of the Jade-Indian family, found that ethnic Indian families really rely on expanding living space, with shining city is on the same side! Jade-Indian family master's protection, but also safer. "Well, I sent three Ming Luo. My good nephew's personal security guard! "Luo Xiao thought of Tao, Ming Luo, three. Is the realm of legends can be strong, although it did not reach the legendary peak or God tier, but generally should be able to get back from the. "Uncle duoxieluo. "Nie Li smiled slightly, three legend levels of thugs, and still feel good."This is our auction arms armor to get the demon Crystal stone. "Luo Xiao a space ring and gave Nie Li, and Crystal stone is their common currency. This time the auction, selling a total of more than 600 million Monster Crystal stone, jade-Indian family to 30%, there are more than 180 million, this is Jade-Indian family income the sum of more than 10 years. There is so much evil Crystal stone. Jade-Indian family can recruit a number of strong offerings, enhancing the strength of jade-Indian family! Nie Li, ring took up space, the demon Crystal stone, who knows when to use it. "After my good nephew need we jade-Indian family, just say it, Yu printing family, as long as I can do it! "Mr Xiao said with pride. "Uncle duoxieluo. "Nie Li DAO away slightly, with jade-Indian family backing, can alleviate the shining city is a lot of pressure.In the underworld domains so long, it is time to go back to, knew all his underworld domain, all Ye Zong say is! Shining city if it is leaked, they would have to give. With plume goddess of the thugs and the legendary realm of three bodyguards, the harvest is great. Luo Xiao, Luo Jian farewell then, Nie Li in three legendary border under the protection of bodyguards, taking advantage of the night to leave the black stone. Shining city.After Ye Zong stepped into the realm of legends, fix for a qualitative change, he also got Nie Li in law some pointers, plus he's smart people, practice speed was beyond the imagination of ordinary people, seems to have stepped into the legendary two-star level. Shining city seldom has a few quiet moments, but city guards are afraid to have the slightest let up. After so many wars, comrades of some loved ones passing away, all heavy. Ye Ziyun, Xiaoning, land drift, Douzet, Duan Jian, Wei Nan and other people, you are frantically retreat cultivation, also went to the black market where experience, practice at this time they also by leaps and bounds, especially swords, owner of Dragon's blood, he, together with Nie Li's instructions, only one step away from the legend levels.Just some time ago, shining city comes a new batch of guests, all whole-day operation to tribe relocated to the shining city, the city settled down under the arrangement of the main house. Shining city population is reduced each year, there are a number of new guests arrive, they are welcome! Fix though sky tribal people are not strong, but it is as a result of lack of method, if we can give them suitable exercise, let younger children entering the school of orchid cultivation, the power should be able to quickly improve. At this point, the distant sky plateaus, heiquan abyss. The bottom of the abyss, a bottomless black, spray keep plump plump up, a mighty force, swept out two old voice came out, make the heiquan abyss continued to shock."Brother, I do not feel the flame the bitch breath! ” "Well, I feel, although the heiquan seals are still in, but the plume that she is not in it! Today disappeared. Plume that woman has been the combination of a God? This is not possible, by anticipating, she want to re-unite body, at least another million years! ” Nie Li Ming method, simulation of plume in a while after the goddess's breath, finally expired. "If the plume that she escaped again unite the gods, I'm afraid we can't speak to master account! ” "She gods molder, condense back to a part of the Godhead, it is estimated that only barely reached the legendary realm, as it is today, running away, it must run away, we immediately go after! ”"Well, plume that bitch if caught, I must ruthlessly ravaged her! ” The sound falls, two black-sky from from heiquan abyss, flew into the sky and then disappear quickly. Sky plateau crashing collapse of a large, black Springs deep buried. (Not to be continued ... )uChapter error, click here to report (no registration) within 5 minutes of processing, reports please wait patiently, and refresh the page. If not solved please email us within 20 minutes. Thank fans for their support!
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Article 201 chapters mysterious Wicked
readx (); I do not know how long, Nie although reduced from a little pain, but two kinds of laws of darkness and light power, still not completely collapse. √∟, to how to deal with them? Nie suddenly thought of his own soul from the depths of the sea growing on the vine, this strain of vines very mysterious, might be able to overcome the power of law, Nie thought for a moment from the forces of darkness and light are two refining injected into law Inside the vine, vine growing on the beginning of time, there is no force to absorb the two laws, but as time goes on, this strain of vines seem to adapt to the power of the two laws, and began frantically absorbed. Vine that grows and grows, and finally connected to the light and the dark forces of two laws, swallowed like a general, the law will force the two swallowed, then transported along the stems, have been delivered to the eye teeth panda who witnessed dramatic eye teeth Panda transformation, color becomes increasingly light, darkness and light two forces around it to keep the whole body circulation. Panda eye teeth, it has two kinds of light and dark soul force, and now power levels metamorphosis took place. As shadow Yao Yao Ling, it is absorbed by a part of the dark power of law, but also the transformation occurred, Quintana looming, it is hard to see clearly its body. When that road arabesques engulfed the darkness, the force of light after the two laws, Nie from the sigh of relief, he casually cast a bit and found the darkness, the force of law, although the light of two mysterious piece of vine I swallowed, but Nie from itself or can cast these two forces. This should be regarded as part of the vine of the soul of the sea, right, Nie away not sure, after all, the birth of this vine, the practice from the road means Nie has been a big difference with the previous. At a time when the NIE from practice, plume goddess quietly suspended in front of Nie isolated. Exquisite on her beautiful face, showing a trace Yaran color, she could feel the NIE from the body of darkness, the light of the two forces collide law, being away from the worry of Nie, Nie from the body we found there was a more powerful, more mysterious force devour the forces of darkness and light are two laws. Nie's body from the many secrets hidden in the end? Her heart full of curiosity. As the Spirit of God, everything in this world she can be said of its hand, and no one thought of cognitive Nie away, it seems an even higher level than her. Plume goddess a little do not understand, simply do not want to, she lazy a lazy stretch waist, revealing her beautiful curves, she is controlled by the power of the law, even without practice. Power law of fire in all directions, just kept Kuangyong towards her, to absorb the force of these laws, the plume goddess of repair can continue to improve. After about two days, Nie from the repair finally reached the pinnacle of the golden star from the black gold grade is only a thin line worse. Suddenly opened his eyes, eyes flashed Nie from an SG, after such a long practice. Their cultivation has raised a small realm. Heaven God for practicing tactics, Nie from amendments to improve the speed should be very slow. Bridging the difficulty is that land floating, D'Souza they are more than several times, but still Nie away by virtue of their understanding of the practice, repair leaps and bounds. Bridging difficulty although high after earnings Bridging is amazing, the strength of fully rolling master the same level, or even leapfrog challenge the strong level of the black gold. Indian god auction auction will be carried out as scheduled. When God began to stamp auction Auction Nie Wen-ming from engraved armor weapons, the whole city is boiling fifteen, they totally did not expect, Nie from work, the power utility is far greater than even quiet night masters. Set off a wave of fanatical **. Several deep domain peak of the strong who have ho throw Wanjin, auction Nie from work. After all, a good weapon armor, can greatly enhance their strength, in the law of the jungle world, strength is everything. Moreover, the most recent deep domain control of those around paternity of God who came news of deep domain control were to recruit a disciple, inheritance his mantle. Deep domain controlled by the Spirit of God, but a peak! Once deep domain controlled by value, they will be in one fell swoop into God's world! The temptation for them, is too great, and if it becomes deep domain control of those disciples, in addition to be a masterpiece strong outside, but also become the owner of Ming city! Ming City is a very mysterious place, where legend wealthy rich, beautiful women of all races gathered, but there are countless Devouring, Devouring is a mysterious creature, can swallow underground lava essence, then fed Ming City The owner of the practice. Once you become the owner of Ming city, you will have endless wealth! Deep domain control at the crucial moment by the upcoming election believers, Nie from smelting Weapons Armor, naturally continued to rise. Because jade seal family here are a senior master sits Ming pattern, deterrent god Indian forces behind the auction house, blood demon family chose a family temporary reconciliation with jade seal, jade seal of family crisis lifted, began to approach major Terran forces to expand their Impact. On this day,罗啸春wind sounded, Nie came from here, jade seal of family influence expansion was very powerful, united forces with several parties together, but also by the shelter of God's stamp auction. The outside world have been trying to probe the hidden world at home in the jade seal of the mysterious inscription grain division's identity, but they are nothing. The foreseeable future family of jade seal strength must be greatly improved. "My fair niece, I have let his men inquire too, most recently the dark guild, it touches a very law-abiding, nothing happened." Luo Xiao hint of a chuckle, he do not quite understand why the NIE from always staring at the dark guild "Also let me inquire leaves you cold, there are news. It is said that there is a family of newcomers join the witch ghost, also called leaf cold, but also a primary Ming grain division." hear the words of Luo Xiao Nie from scowled , does the leaf has been out of the cold dark guild, join the other family? "Well, this witch ghost family, recently doing?" He asked Nie thought for a moment away. "Witch ghost family recently, like in the mobilization of troops, what exactly to do, I was not very clear." Luo Xiao silent for a moment and said. Nie from the heart up slightly uneasy, this witch ghost family, much more than the dark guild also tough. Shining City leave for so long, it's time to go back to look at the. "Luo Shushu, I want to leave for some time." Nie off to see the Luo Xiao said. "This will leave Nie from fair niece?" Luo Xiao Nie hear from, then suddenly bitter face. I have to say, now is too important Nie from, how he assured Nie away somewhere else? "Luo Shushu not worry, I'll be back before long, these days I have given you to make some carving Ming pattern of advanced weapons and armor." Nie from the road, anyway, Shining City is not far away from here. A month will be able to return, "I intended to have agreed, but please do not persuade Luo Shushu. " " Nie from fair niece, or I send you some guard, protect your safety? "Nie see from so determined, Romania Xiao thought for a moment, if forced to leave Nie away, I'm afraid would be counterproductive, send a few people from the protection of Nie. He can feel at ease a little. "You can." Nie nodded off, he is also has this meaning, interest jade seal family is now bundled with their own, plus the period Nie jade seal from the observation of a family, a family really found jade seal is wholeheartedly expand living space in the human race, with the glory of the city should be the same burst of line! With a family of master jade seal protection, but also a lot safer. "Well, I sent three Luo Ming. Do my fair niece bodyguard!" Luo Xiao thought for a moment, Luo Ming three. Legends are all state of the strong, did not reach even the legendary peak level of God, but the general situation should be able to cope over. "Thank Luo Shushu." Nie from a slight chuckle, more than three legendary level thugs, the feeling is good. "This is our auctions obtaining weapons of demon armor crystal stone." Luo Xiao Nie a space ring and handed off, the demon crystal stone is common currency here they are. This time the auction, sold a total of more than 600 million demon crystal stone, jade seal even if the family is only assigned to three percent, there are a million more than eighty million, this is the sum of the jade seal of family income of more than ten years. With so much of the original stone demon crystal. Jade seal family can recruit several of the strong worship, to enhance the strength of family jade seal! Nie looked away, the space ring close up, these monster crystal stone placed first, Zhibuding whenever they need them. "After my fair niece there is anything we need to jade seal family, as long as you can say, as long as I can do the jade seal of the family!" Said Luo Xiaohao gas. "Thank Luo Shushu." Nie from slightly hand over, with the jade seal of family backing, you can relieve a lot of pressure on the city's glory. In deep domain for so long, it is time to go back, get him in all deep domain Discovery of all cases with the leaves is talk! Location Shining City if it was leaked, that they have to advance in mind. With plume goddess of the thugs, but also the three legendary realm of bodyguards, the harvest is still a lot of it. After Luo Xiao told, Jian Luo farewell, Nie from territory under the three legendary bodyguard protection, taking advantage of the night to leave the black rock. Shining City. Leaves were later entered the realm of legend, the repair is already a qualitative transformation, he also got some pointers from the power law Nie, plus he himself is extremely intelligent person, the speed of practice is naturally beyond the ordinary imagination, seems to have entered the legendary two-star level. Shining City has been somewhat rare quiet moment, but Cheng Weijun who are not the slightest slack. After so many wars, some of his comrades lost their loved ones, so that everyone have some heavy. As Yezi Yun, Xiao Ning children, land drift, D'Souza, Duan Jian, Wei Nan, who, it is crazy to retreat practice, the period also went to the Black Market and other local experience, this time they also repair leaps and bounds, especially segment sword, with dragon blood in his body, he, together with Nie pointing away from the legendary stage only a step away. Just some time ago, the glorious city to a new batch of guests, the entire day operation tribe everyone moved to the glory of the city, at Santo arrangements to settle down. Shining City every year to reduce the population, there are a number of new guests arrive, they naturally are most welcome! Although day operation tribe repair is not strong, but this is due to the lack of power law's sake, if we can provide them with appropriate exercises, so that younger children into the Academy of St. orchid cultivation, and that strength should be able to be quickly lift up. At this point, the distant plateau day operation, Heiquan abyss. At the bottom of that abyss, bottomless black among the spray kept up Gudonggudong risking a surge mighty force, swept out, two old voice came, the whole Heiquan abyss constantly shocks. "Brother, I feel the breath of the plume Napo Niang! " " ah, I also felt, though still black spring seal, but the plume Napo Niang no longer inside! It is only today disappeared. Is plume Napo Niang has been re-unite the Godhead? It can not, according to the time estimated that she wanted to re-unite Godhead, for at least another thousand years! " Nie Ming pattern from the circle, in a period of time simulated plume of breath after the goddess, Today finally ineffective. "If the plume Napo Niang escaped, re-unite the godhead, I'm afraid we can not explain with the Lord! ' "she godhead chipping, even if part of the godhead cohesion back, it is estimated could barely reach the realm of legend, since it is run away today , it must run far, we immediately catch! " " Well, if caught plume Napo Niang, I must mercilessly ravaged her! " the voice down, two black light soaring into the sky from the black abyss Springs and quickly fly to the sky and then disappear. Day operation of a large plateau crashing collapse, burying the black abyss spring up. (To be continued ..) u chapter errors Report (Free registration) will be treated within five minutes, reports Please be patient and refresh the page. If you have not been resolved within 20 minutes, please send us an email. Thank you support book fans!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 206 mysterious monster
readx (); do not know how long after, Nie from the pain, although a little relieved, but the dark and bright two law of force, is still not completely disintegrated. V

, how to deal with them?

Nie from suddenly thought of his own soul in the depths of the sea that strains of vine. The plant vines are very mysterious, maybe you can surrender rule, Nie from thought for a moment, refining of dark and light two laws of force into the vines, the plant vines at the beginning of time, did not absorb two law of force, but with the passage of time, this plant vines seem to fit in with the two kinds of the power of the law,To begin to go wild.
vines kept growth, finally connected to the light and dark two rule strength, like a swallow in general, will devour two law of force, and then along the stem transport has been transported to the Huya panda, tiger panda the amazing transformation, the coat color becomes increasingly bright, dark and light two forces around it aches constantly transfer.

it is with tiger panda, two kinds of light and dark soul force, now the power level changes. As for this shadow demon

, is a part of the dark absorption law of force, but also degenerates, the looming,It's hard to get people to see it clearly.

when the vines swallowed up in the dark and light two law of force after, Nie from the breathed a sigh of relief, he casually display, dark and light two laws of force while being engulfed in the mystery of the vine, but Nie from itself, can still display the two strands of the force. This vine should be considered part of the soul of the sea, the NIE is not sure, after all, the birth of this vine, which means that the road to the practice of Nie, has been greatly different from the past. When practicing Nie

from the plume goddess quietly suspended in front of the nie. Her beautiful face,Showing a trace of Yaran color, she can feel Nie in vitro darkness and light two law of force of collision, is Nie from worry, Nie in vitro have a stock is more powerful, more mysterious strength devour the two laws of the dark and the light. Nie from the body in the end, the number of hidden secret? Her heart is full of curiosity. Body is the spirit of God, the world of all she can be described as well-informed about the, but did not think of the Nie from the cognitive, seems than she even higher level.
plume goddess would not understand a bit, simply do not want to, she is lazy to stretch a stretch, showing her beautiful curve,She is the master of the law, even without practice. The power of the law of fire in all directions or kept toward her crazy Chung, absorb these laws, goddess of plume of repair can continue to upgrade.

about twenty days later, off the Nie fix for finally reached the peak of the gold star, from the black gold grade only line.

suddenly opened his eyes flashed from the eyes of Nie a beam, after such a long time of practice. Their cultivation has raised a small state. Because the practice of heaven God Jue, Nie from enhance the repair speed should be very slow. The difficulty of the order is the land of the land,They are more than Du Ze several times, but still from the Nie by virtue of their understanding of the practice, rapid repair.
Jin order of difficulty, although a high, Jin rank after the return is amazing, strength fully rolled to the same level as the master, even leapfrog challenge gold strong level.

God printed auction auction will be conducted. When the gods printed on the auction house to start the auction of the Nie after the war of the inscription, the entire fifteen cities are boiling, they did not expect that the work of the Nie, the power utility is even greater than the work of the night. Set off a wave of enthusiasm. Several top

giants who have strong ho throw gold,The work of the auction of nie. After all a good weapons and armor can greatly enhance their strength, in the world of the law of the jungle, the strength is everything.

not to mention, the recent offerings for a period of time domain control side of the servant of God who came news and offerings to the domain of the control to recruit a disciple, inherit his mantle. In the control domain
but a pinnacle of spirit! Once the domain controlled by Pluto

value, they will be in one fell swoop into the world of god! The temptation for them, too, and if the offerings to the domain of the control to be disciples, in addition to become a masterpiece strong, also can become the master of the Ming City!

Ming City is a very mysterious place, where legend richness, gathered the beauty of all races and countless devouring, devouring is a mysterious creature, can swallow the essence of lava underground and supply Ming City, the owner of the practice. Once a night

City owner, will have endless wealth!

the underworld domain control is about to begin acts a critical moment, Nie from the smelting of weapons and armor, nature also follow a rising tide lifts all boats.
because jade seal family here have a senior Ming Wen master sits, God printed auction behind the power of deterrence, blood demon family chose to jade seal family temporarily reconciliation, jade seal family crisis lift.Began to contact the adults and the influence of their own.

this day, Luo Xiao chunfengmanmian, came to the Nie from here, jade seal family power expansion is very powerful, with a few faction united, but also by the asylum God printed auction. The outside world has been trying to hide the identity of the mysterious man in the jade family, but they are nothing.

can be predicted, the strength of future family jade seal will be greatly improved.

"you, I have asked men to inquire after, dark public will last a period of time, law-abiding, no movement." Luo Xiao smile together,He can't understand why, Nie from always staring at the dark guild, "you also let me know the news also Yehan. It is said to have a new addition to the witch ghost family, also known as Ye Han, but also a primary inscription." I hear Xiao Luo's words, Nie from the eyebrows is tiny wrinkly, it has been out of the dark Yehan guild, join another family? It

"witch ghost family, recently in what?" Asked the Nie.

"ghost family recently, as in the mobilization of troops, exactly what to do, I am not very clear." Luo Xiao Tao was silent for a moment. From my heart slightly

Nie uneasy up,This ghost family, will be more than the dark, difficult.

left shining city for so long, it's time to go back to see.

"Luo uncle, I want to leave for a period of time." From see to Luo Xiao Nie said. "This Lixian
Nie nephew to leave?" Luo Xiao Nie heard from it, suddenly suffering a face. Have to say, now the NIE is too important, how can he rest assured that the NIE to go elsewhere?

"Uncle Luo rest assured that I will not be long before the back, the past few days I have to you making some carving a senior Ming Wen of weapons and armor." The NIE is away from the road, the city of glory is not far from here.A month to go back and forth, "I have no idea, but also asked Luo Shushu not to persuade."

"Nie Lixian nephew, or I send you some of the guard, protect your safety?" See Nie from so determined, Luo Xiaoxiang way if forced to leave Nie from, I am afraid that would be counterproductive, send a few people to protect Nie from. He can be a little relieved. "Can." Nie from ordered to nod a way, he also is this meaning, now jade seal family interests with their bundled together, and this time the Nie from observation of jade seal family, found jade seal family really is wholeheartedly in the Terran expansion of living space,And the city of glory should be on the same line!

had protection jade seal family master, can also be a lot safer. "Well, I

three sent Luo ming. Do nephew bodyguard!" The Xiaoxiang Luo Road, Luo Ming three people. But it is a legendary realm of the strong, although not to reach the legendary peak or even God level, but the general situation should be able to cope with the. "Thanks to Luo Shushu." The Nie smiled, more than three legendary class thugs, still feel good.
"this is our weapon armor for auction demon crystal stone." Luo Xiaojiang a space ring pass from nie,Monster crystal stone is the currency they here. This time the auction, selling a total of more than 600 million demon crystal stone, even if the jade seal family assigned to three, there are more than 1.8m, but this jade seal of the family income of the 10 years combined. There are so many monster crystal stone. Jade Indian family can recruit a number of strong, and enhance the strength of the jade seal!

Nie from the look, the space ring up, these evil crystal stone first, that when you can use.

"niece after what need we jade seal family, just say you can, as long as I jade seal family could accomplish!Luo Xiao boldly said. "Thanks to Luo Shushu." From the tiny Nie hand way, the jade seal family backing, can ease the pressure a lot of shining city.
in the domain of Hades spent so long, it is time for the back, have to take everything he in Hades domain discovery, all with leaf Zong said said it is! If they were leaked out, they would have to plan ahead. The goddess of the plume

thugs, and had three legendary state bodyguard, the harvest is great. After Luo Xiao, Luo Jian

with farewell from the NIE in the protection of the three legendary exit of bodyguards, took advantage of the night to leave Blackstone city.

Glorious city.
leaf cases entered the legendary state after, fix for already have a qualitative transformation. He has also been on exercises on some guidance from the Nie, and he himself is clever extremely, practice rate nature is beyond the imagination of the ordinary people, seems to have entered the legendary Capella level.

shining city with some rare moments of serenity, but the city guards are afraid of the slightest slack. Experienced so many wars, some of the relatives of the dead, so that everyone has some heavy. As for Ye Ziyun, Xiao Ninger, Lu, Duan Jian, Du Chak, floating, southern Wei et al., it is crazy to retreat practice,During to the black Hui and other local experience, this time they repair by leaps and bounds, especially Duan Jian, with dragon's blood, he, from Nie pointing, distance legend class only one step away the.
in some time ago, bright city to the a new batch of guests, whole tribes of Tianyun all people are moved to bright city, under the arrangement of the castellan mansion settle down.

shining city population is decreasing every year, a new batch of the arrival of the guests, they are naturally welcome! Although Tianyun tribal people repair is not strong, but this is because of the lack of power law, if you can offer them for the power law.Let the younger children enter the school of St practice, that strength should be able to quickly raise up.

at this time, the distant days plateau, black abyss spring.

the abyss at the bottom, deep does not see the bottom of the Blackwater, spray does not stop gudonggudong to run, a mighty power, swept out, two old voice spreads, make the black abyss spring keep shake.
"big brother, I do not feel her breath plume!"

"well, I also felt, although black spring seals are still, but the woman has no plume inside! Was gone.Does the woman have to re unite the plume of God? This is not possible, in accordance with the time of reckoning, she wants to re unite the gods, at least a thousand years!" From the Mingwen

Nie method, after a sustained period of time simulation of plume goddess breath, today finally failed. "If the woman

plume escape, to re unite the charisma, I am afraid that we are unable to master!"

"she Godhead crumbled, even gather back part of the Godhead, it is estimated that only barely reached legendary state, since it is today run away, that certainly can not run far, we immediately went to chase!" "Well, if
the woman caught plume,I must be hard on her!"

that voice down, two black abyss spring from the black sky, quickly into the sky and then disappear. The collapse of a large plateau day came, the black abyss buried stephen. (to be continued.. U
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