第一百五十九章 兽潮readx(); 神圣世家和黑暗公会的秘密分部,都要想办法除掉,否则的话,将会成为光辉之城的心腹之患。 聂离沉吟了片刻道 การแปล - 第一百五十九章 兽潮readx(); 神圣世家和黑暗公会的秘密分部,都要想办法除掉,否则的话,将会成为光辉之城的心腹之患。 聂离沉吟了片刻道 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第一百五十九章 兽潮readx(); 神圣世家和黑暗公会的秘密分部,都

第一百五十九章 兽潮
readx(); 神圣世家和黑暗公会的秘密分部,都要想办法除掉,否则的话,将会成为光辉之城的心腹之患。























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
159th beast wavereadx(); Secret of the Holy Family and the dark society Division, have to find a way to get rid of, otherwise, will become a shining city of xinfuzhihuan. Nie Li hesitated for a moment: "rather than time, his father-in-law in the name of Duke, master of all family mansion. Said the tide beast has to have to control levels. Called up, rest of the things to Ye Xiu to solve, evil demon spirits, there are other family help, does not believe in Holy family can run anywhere. Banquet bride take to clear the dark guilds branch, sent a small group of people besiege no player sits the Holy family. ” Hear what Nie Li, Ye Zong nodded: "this is indeed a good way how specific do you want to talk!See Ye Zong expression, Nie Li know Ye Zong also had a plan. Three people discuss things, deliberated for a long time. Smooth shining city, simmering, who do not know, what will happen next shining city events. Zhiqian NIE away from appeared in ladyhood College, is wants to snake from his nest, is didn't thought didn't led to sacred family of people, is led to has a leaves cold, with leaves cold of that a war, makes Nie Li in whole ladyhood College inside reputation big noise, just later, Nie Li broke into black prison world, disappeared has dozens of days, whole ladyhood College, on only left has on Nie Li of all legend.Recent @-... For a few days, Nie Li, who appeared in the ladyhood College, openly haunted libraries and other places. Occurs, so be huyanlan if keep hiding, running all over. The Holy family. "Master, we have just received a message, Nie Li boy appeared again, every stay at school of ladyhood. Is simply reckless. "A middle-aged, wearing a grey coat guard, knelt in front of Shen Hong RoadWell, let this boy dog some time! "Shen Hongleng laughed a loud," snow family can't find evidence of collusion between the US Association of dark, sent the boy We hooked, wanting to make us holy family reveal their weak points! This little trick. Underestimate me Holy family also. Notice, all obediently stay for me, don't do anything! ” "Is. "The middle-aged guard respectfully replied. Shen Hong sat in the high seat, fingers slowly banging on the armrest, while the Holy family by family in the snow and wind pressure, but the Foundation is still in, the snow family wants the removal of the Holy family, that would have to watch get kicked in the divine family. According to the original plan, two years after the dark associations will motivate a large wave of beast. Shining city at that time will be swallowed up, and Holy family would be the first to exit the shining city, back into the ancestral mountains where security, beast, after relocated to the prison world and the dark society again. Chen Hong was one of the few known black people in prison world.Due to the recent snow family began to weigh on the Holy family, dark Guild is ready to immediately motivate small wave of beast, beast wave can make snow at this small family away from Holy family, which makes for a bit of respite from the Holy Family! A couple of days. Chao will attack the beast shining city. Chen Hong did not know that the snow family has already mastered the sacred family contact Association of dark secret evidence. Nie Li is allowed to continue in the school of ladyhood lingered, just keep the sacred family in the past. Evening slowly deepens.Nie Li, who leaves purple Yun's yard to practice still, Nie Li understand that whether it is dark or Holy Family Association, there are many masters, to his current practice is far from enough. Especially the dark Guild and dark Association business for so many years, certainly hide a lot of strong masters. Current Nie Li and others, is just about a star, the strongest Duan Jian. Black gold has reached the one-star level, and with a super body, ordinary black gold master may not dry out. Nie Li to continue refining grain of red blood. Night was cool as water, leaves purple Brassica why not sleep in the room, then walked to the yard, Nie Lizheng painstaking cultivation in the yard.Assists Yun quietly watching, spiritual sky, NIE from the people, always so much more elusive, sometimes as a child, sometimes deep and cool, between her and the Nie Li, what does it matter? Assists yun was also a bit confused. Bright moonlight shining on her, and make her like a moon Elf in General, Holy and beautiful. Feel the scent of violet blue Merle, Nie Li very serene. After a few days, in the main house. Ye Zong and other high-level is planning a snow family in recent days what action, encirclement and the Holy Family and the dark guilds branch, all of a sudden, the elders of a black gold rush came in. “城主大人,不好了,我们在数百里外发现了兽潮,正在朝我们光辉之城这边过来,估计五个时辰之内,就会到达我们光辉之城。”那个长老急声禀报说道。 听到这个长老的话,叶宗豁然站了起来,脸色微沉,他们正准备对付神圣世家呢,没想到黑暗公会那边先动手了,这兽潮绝对是黑暗公会引动的。 “兽潮规模怎么样?”叶宗问道。 “大概数百万只的样子,其中以普通和青铜级妖兽居多,有部分白银、黄金级的,少数几只黑金级的,目前没有发现传奇级的。”那个长老拱手说道。听到这句话,叶宗众人微微松了一口气,百万级的兽潮,光辉之城还是有一定能力抵挡的,尤其是兽潮中没有发现传奇级妖兽,如果有传奇级妖兽,那就麻烦了。不过也不能掉以轻心,毕竟那可是兽潮! 曾经毁灭了无数帝国,杀戮了无数的强者,令人族的文明一下子跌落,光辉之城也无数次差点覆灭,他们深知兽潮的可怕。 “立即敲响警钟,全城戒备!”叶宗沉喝道。 咚咚咚!很快地,急促的钟声响彻了整个光辉之城。 听到这钟声,光辉之城一下子变得灯火通明,人声鼎沸了起来。 聂离豁然睁开了眼睛,他自然不会忘记这钟声,前世的两年之后,就是这钟声响起的时候。聂离眼睁睁地看着光辉之城遭遇了一场可怕的灾难。 “神圣世家!”聂离怒意勃发,按理说兽潮要在两年之后爆发,没想到神圣世家和黑暗公会这么快就按耐不住了。所幸的是,城主府有了万魔妖灵大阵守护,至少有了一张足以保命的底牌,最不济也能退入黑狱世界。比前世的情况要好了很多。“聂离,发生了什么事情?兽潮要来了?”正在旁边修炼的杜泽等人纷纷询问聂离。 “嗯,是兽潮!”聂离点了点头,“你们快点召集所有人,跟段剑一起先留在这里,我立即去见城主大人!” 此时不管是肖凝儿还是叶紫芸,都流露出了关切之色。 “我跟你一起去!”肖凝儿和叶紫芸几乎同时说出了这句话。 “你们先在这里等我的消息!”聂离摇了摇头,化作一道残影直奔城主大厅。 大厅之中。叶宗、叶修等人已经在紧张地布局防御工事了,一批批风雪世家的强者。不停地赶往各处的城墙。外面各个世家的军团,也纷纷集结而来,守在大厅的外面。 “叶修大人,这次兽潮的规模有多大?”看到叶宗在忙,聂离急忙询问叶修道。 “这次兽潮大概是百万级,目前发现的最强的妖兽是黑金级的。”叶修说道。 听到叶修的话,聂离微微松了一口气,百万级的兽潮。虽然能够对光辉之城造成一定的威胁,但应该不足以将光辉之城灭城。前世光辉之城遭遇的,可是亿级的兽潮!直接就把光辉之城吞没了,连抵抗之力都没有! “这次兽潮以什么类型的妖兽为主?”“风雪妖兽。”叶修道。 “距离兽潮抵达还有多久?” “大概还有五个时辰,估计最先冲击的,是光辉之城南面的城墙。”叶修说道,他想要看看。聂离有什么想法没有。 “五个时辰,时间足够了!”聂离心中想到,对叶修道,“叶修大人,能否安排给我五百个人。我去守南面的城墙。” “五百个人?”叶修微微皱了一下眉头,道,“你现在的处境很危险,不管神圣世家还是黑暗公会,都在盯着你!万一趁着兽潮袭城的时候过来偷袭,那我们也是防不胜防。”聂离微微一笑道:“我懂易容之术,可以化妆成其他人。” “你要五百个什么修为的?” “五百个普通武者就够了!”聂离笑了笑道。 听到聂离的话,叶修呆愣住了,五百个普通武者,那能有什么用?那可是百万级的兽潮啊! 或许聂离有什么独特的想法,反正不影响大局,不妨让聂离试一试,叶修想了一下道:“行,我给你派一千个普通武者,随你怎么折腾!” “那就多谢叶修大人了!”看了一眼正在忙碌的叶宗,现在叶宗肯定已经焦头烂额了,聂离也就没有上去打招呼,下去开始布置了。 这几个时辰,对于光辉之城的居民们来说,简直是一种煎熬。在光辉之城漫长的历史上,经历了许多次千万级的兽潮,光辉之城曾经被毁灭过无数次,虽然每一次都重建了起来,但往往都是伤亡惨重,人口都要去掉十之七八。





การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 159 monster tide
readx (); Holy Family and dark guild secret division, must want to way to get rid of, otherwise it will become a scourge to the bright city.

Nie from pondered a short moment way: "it is better to find a time, father of the bride in the Duke's name, called a master of all the family came to the castellan mansion. Said that now the beast tide has reached the level of control. Together after and the rest of the things over to leaf repair adults to solve it, ten thousand demons for array, and other family's help, do not believe Holy Family can run where to go. The party when his father-in-law took people went to suppress the dark guild division,In addition to send a few people and no master in the Holy family."

hear from the Nie, leaf cases ordered to nod a way: This is indeed a a good way, specifically how to do but also discussed a lot! I see the expression of the leaf, the Nie leaves will know, ye Zong probably also have a plan to. Three

about various things, for a long time.

calm shining city, simmering, who do not know, the light of the next city will occur what kind of events.

Nie from appeared in Shenglan college is to yinshechudong, but did not expect not attracted the holy family, but drew a Yehan, with Yehan the war,Make Nie in whole Shenglan college fame big a confusion of voices, but later, Nie off into the world of black jails, disappeared for a couple of days, whole Shenglan college, leaving only the Nie from the various legends about. Recently, @
-,.. a few days, Nie et al in the st from school, library and other places to haunt the stately. After

appeared, and was still blue if Huyan chased hide oneself from place to place the world over. The holy family.

"master, we have just received a message from the boy, Nie again, stay in school every day inside St. Almost without any fear." A man wearing a gray middle-aged bodyguard, kneeling in front of Shen Hong road.Hum, then let this little boy proud of a period of time!" Shen Hong sneered, "snow family couldn't find our collusion dark guild evidence, sent the boy leads us to rise to the bait, want to let our sacred family show flaw! This little trick. Too small to despise my holy family. Notice it, all the people are to me to stay, nothing can be done!"

"." The middle-aged bodyguard replied respectfully.

Shen Hong seated on the high seat, finger slowly beat with a handrail, the Holy Family in spite of the snow family pressure, but base is in, snow family want to expulsion of the holy family.It is a sacred family of anti bite.

according to the original plan, two years after the dark guild triggers massive monster tide. The bright city will be swallowed up, and holy family will be the first to exit the city of splendors and retreat into a safe place to patriarch mountains, etc. after the monster tide, and dark public will together and moved in the world. Shen Hong is one of the few people know the world has found.
due to the recent snow family began to suppress the holy family, dark public will be ready immediately to motivate small-scale monster tide the, the small monster tide will let the snow family too busy to take into account the holy family.So as to make the holy family get a bit of breathing! Almost a few days. The beast will strike the glorious city.

Shen Hong does not know is, the snow family already possess the Holy Family with the dark guild secretly contacted the evidence. The reason why Nie guangdang in College from to st, just let the Holy Family relax vigilance. The night went.
Nie et al from inside the Ye Ziyun of don't the hospital quietly uniting, Nie from that, regardless of the holy family or the dark guild, a lot of superiors, to his current repair is still far from enough. Especially the dark society, the dark Association for so many years,Surely hide a lot of powerful expert. At present, the Nie from

et al, are only a gold star, the strongest period of the sword. Is has reached a gold star level, and by virtue of superior flesh, master of ordinary black gold grade and may not be done off the sword section. Continue refining red Nie

from the blood crystal.

the night is cool such as water, Ye Ziyun in the room how to sleep not and went to the yard, off the NIE is the yard concentrated practice.
Ye Ziyun quietly looking at that time wandering outside the day, Nie from the people, always so unpredictable through, sometimes like a child, sometimes profound calm, away from her and Nie.What is the relationship? Ye Ziyun is a little confused.

the moon shone brightly in her body, she like the moon elves in general, holy and beautiful.

feel Ye Ziyun's breath, the heart is quiet from nie. After a few days in the castellan mansion

. Tall snow

Ye Zong family is planning a, in recent days is supposed to act, the Holy Family and dark public campaign will segment, all of a sudden, a black elder hurriedly rushed in.
"castellan adult, is not good, we in hundreds of miles found the monster tide, is moving in our glorious city side over estimated in five hours.Will arrive at our glorious city." The report said the elders urgent sound.

to hear the words of the elders, ye Zong suddenly stood up, facial expression tiny to sink. They are preparing to deal with the holy family, did not expect the dark public there begin, the monster tide is absolutely dark guild priming. How

"monster tide scale?" Ye Zong asked.

"probably millions only appearance, in the majority of ordinary and bronze - bewitching monster, part of silver, gold, a few black level, that there is no legend of." The elder hand said. I heard this sentence, the leaves were all slightly relieved, millions of animal tide,Glory of the city still has a certain ability to resist, especially no legend - bewitching monster monster tide, if there is a legend - bewitching monster, you're in trouble. But don't let down, but after all the beasts tide!

have destroyed thousands of imperial, killing many of the strong, a family of civilization all of a sudden drop, shining city also countless times almost collapse, they know that the terrible monster tide.

"immediately sounded the alarm, the alert!" Ye Zongchen said.

quickly, shortness of bells rang throughout the shining city.

hear this bell, shining city suddenly lit up, Jaleo.

Nie from suddenly opened his eyes, naturally he will not forget the bells, two years after the previous is the bell sounded. The NIE is close to the city of glory to see a terrible disaster. "The Holy Family!" Nie from the Nu idea Bo, arguably the monster tide to in the two years after the outbreak, did not think of the Holy Family and dark public will so fast. Unable to bear. Fortunately, the castellan mansion with ten thousand evil for a large array of guardian, had at least a to life insurance cards, the most incompetent can retreat into the world of black jails. It's much better than past life. "Nie, what happened? Is the beast coming?
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