第357章 针锋相对纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “这是个王玄境六级的家伙!而且已在这个实力层面停留多年,玄力雄厚无比,还带着 การแปล - 第357章 针锋相对纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “这是个王玄境六级的家伙!而且已在这个实力层面停留多年,玄力雄厚无比,还带着 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第357章 针锋相对纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “这是

第357章 针锋相对





































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Chapter No. 357 tit-for-tat Online reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit "This is a Wang xuanlan borders six guys! And have the strength to stay for many years, black solid, also with an unusually sharp breath. "Jasmine voices caution:" unexpectedly, on this land, there came to Wang xuanlan's middle of the border people. With your strength, is definitely not his opponent. ” Wang xuanlan's medium-term? Yun Che people look to the South, faces a grave. After listening to Molly, Yun Che suddenly think of a person ... ... Meanwhile, Ling Jie was also thought that warning.Blue wind first – Ling Tian inverse!! Sofu territory, with such strength, and Ling Tian inverse! Ling Jie's warning came true ... ... No, it was more thoroughly than he had warned. He not only shot, and personally to the Imperial City, and tone throughout the city to take his life! Ling Tian inverse sword Manor of the previous Lord, was the top myths of Sofu Empire, was recognized as the blue wind first. His youth will shock the world, mad sword, 20 years ago, has become the best in all people, the mysterious and sword are to peak of attainments of the border, no one can. Today, he has exactly untold people 20 years ago, but dark empire but never spread his myth, young Hyun, who also are listening to his tale, growing up in endless yearning for him.Today, the pinnacle of this mythical figure appearing before men, objective is to kill Yun Che. Only Yun Che also received such an honor. When Ling Tian inverse voice that he and Yun Che distance is quite close. Yun Che can feel he's in front of the Palace less than three places. He even suspects that, Ling counter has found his place, just don't want to get into the Palace to start it.After all, the Sky Sword Mountain Resort and pale when wind at the start of the Royal family has a lot of sources. "Until burning heavenly gate ended, he wasn't there, I thought that all my fears are redundant, unexpectedly, he appeared. "Yun Che Jasmine whispered," However, he had reached the rear, at the sound of the whole city just to make me appear ... ... If should not retreat, I Yun Che! ” "Well, I kinda figured you'd say that! "Molly is disdain:" If you are not willing to run away, it can go to war with him. Although you are unlikely to win him, but you have dragon blood body, he wants to kill you, it is not so easy. But if you stop, you will die. ”"I understand that, but nothing is more precious than my life, how I would allow white to die here ... ... Now that he has arrived, just in, I'd like to see the famous Sofu first person in the world! ” "Little CHAN, here we go! ” Snow Phoenix beasts contained Yun Che, a long, straight to bullying day inverse direction. And then, at the moment they vacate their snow Phoenix beasts, the breath of a great mountain, Yun Che tightly locked in the body. "What?" That man is ... ... Ling Tian inverse? The legendary juggernaut? ” This is, after all, the Imperial City, and among the older generation, there are a number of people have seen the Sword style of the year. When Ling Tian when over the counter appears in the Imperial City, some old man with a shocking voice shouted out his name."The sword ... ... Juggernaut? The legend of the sword? Oh, my God! I saw the dark wind myths! ” "It is no wonder that Ling Ran to kill Yun Che ... ... In addition to juggernaut, who had the strength and courage. ” "Yun Che was in trouble, he even then normal, there cannot be a juggernaut opponent. Yun Che if you are smart enough, you should immediately went into hiding. ” "I hear juggernaut 20 years do not ask things, the burning days ended, shocking blue wind, even he was startled. ” "I heard the sword upright like a sword, intense disdain for that year too burned and burning days must also have a deep friendship, Yun Che will be burning heavenly gate ended, he would appear in person, in fact, is not surprising. ” Palace over three points ahead, a dark object floating in there, dressed in black robes under the wind fluttering sound. Beneath his crowd gathers more and more intensive, talk was overwhelming, rapid surge here is not a man who, looking up at the legendary sword. And then, a loud Bell came from the Palace, fast as lightning approaches a sweep of white shadow, stops in front of the man in black, and his vision. "Ah? Is ... ... Is Yun Che! ” "He's really in the imperial city ... ... And it appeared! ” "His strength, though distorted to allow burning heavenly gate ended, but it cannot be a juggernaut opponent ... ... Sword to kill him, he dares to show! ” "This is very interesting. ”Ling Tian inverse looks about 40 years old, he was the father of Tian Jian Shan ZHUANG Ling Yuefeng, but looks younger than Ling Yuefeng instead, looks similar to Ling Yuefeng has six points, but he didn't swing the sword, but Ling Yuefeng sharp several times. Turned to Yun Che Ling Tian inverse moment ... ... Just look, let Yun Che instantaneous had a few terrible sword thorn on the body. "You are Yun Che? "Ling-day reverse slowly aloud, the voice plain water. "The younger generation Yun Che, meet Ling predecessors. Meeting with the legendary sword, the younger a privilege. "Yun Che Road courteously."The age of light, mysterious force only black level seven, but can make burning heavenly gate collapse, so, when I was young, is far less. "Ling awed day against apathy gives juggernaut say" than "these four words, Yun Che is definitely the first one. After the glamour, it is cold to her death: "your talent, can be proud of Sofu, master, reached even the Sky Sword I Villa were only looking at height, represented the Sofu greatly if the future ranking of seven wars, has the potential to change the blue wind of the Millennium last disgrace, get no glory. But your hearts so vicious! Because of personal animosity, slaughter burning heavenly gate 73,600! Such acts of heinous! ”云澈却是淡淡一笑,道:“前辈言重了。我虽然算不上一个善人,但也绝对不敢自称‘歹毒’,我虽然杀人很多,却从不会无缘无故的去杀任何一人。我将焚天门灭门,是因为他们触动了我的底线,是他们咎由自取。我刚好也可借此告诉所有人动我亲人的下场……不过,这件事是和我焚天门之间的恩怨,又与你何干呢?” “哼,焚天门惨案人神共愤,你这等恶毒孽畜,该遭天谴,人人得而诛之!我杀你,是替天行道!”“替天行道?哈哈哈哈!”云澈大笑一声,声音转冷:“我与焚天门接触的时间不算太久,却深感焚天门人的行径下作卑劣之极。此等宗门,在这千年之中所做的丑恶之事必然数不胜数,被他们仗势欺压的人,甚至被他们直接或间接害死的人,将远远不止七万三千六百口!那个时候,你在哪里?你怎么没出来替天行道!” 凌天逆忽然语塞。我听闻,天剑山庄和苍风皇室有着极深的渊源,你天剑山庄的始祖,和苍风皇室的始祖皇帝当年是生死与共的兄弟,当初分别创立天剑山庄和苍风皇室时,曾发誓时代相依相存,相互扶持,但,天剑山庄日益鼎盛,并寻到天威剑域作为靠山,苍风皇室日渐衰弱,到了今日,更是危机重重,甚至被萧宗和焚天门乘虚而入,就连苍风皇帝都受人暗算。以你天剑山庄的势力,不可能不知道苍风皇室的危机,但这期间,为什么却没有看到半点来自你天剑山庄的相助!你所谓要替天行道,为什么却这最基本的道义都完全置之身外!反倒是我,救了苍风皇帝的性命,若不是我出手,苍风帝皇现在已经一命呜呼,等你死去之后,我看你如何面对你的祖宗!” 云澈手指凌天逆,横眉道:“你口中的‘替天行道’,在我听来就是个笑话!你根本就没有资格谴责我!若不是你挂着个‘剑圣’的名号,我今天连看你一眼的兴趣都不会有!反倒是……我灭了焚天门满门,不仅仅是泄我之恨,而是真正的替天行道!” 凌天逆兴师问罪而来,面对屠杀焚天满门,犯下惊天血债的云澈,他本是站在道义的一方,从而丝毫不惧公于人前,甚至打算当着众人之面将云澈制裁。没想到,却是众目睽睽之前,被云澈反骂一顿,而且句句直击要害,直点死穴,让凌天逆都无法说出反击之言。本是“替天行道”而来的凌天逆,硬是被云澈三言两语反逆成无情无义之辈,而且理由罗列之下,竟是让下方的人群都不由自主的生出认同之感。 尤其是那些经常遭到强势宗门欺压,却又敢怒不敢言的玄者,云澈的一些话更是直击他们心灵。那些曾受过焚天门、或者焚天外门欺凌的人更是双手攥紧,心神澎湃,对于剑圣的仰望,都淡漠了几分。齿。但纵然你舌灿莲花,也无法掩盖你犯下的滔天血债,为了死在你手下的七万亡魂,今日,我必制裁你于剑下。万千理由,也别想逃过一死。” “呵!”云澈冷笑:“你以为我刚才浪费口舌和你说这么多话,是想让你放过我?你想的太多了,凭你,还没资格让我害怕,更没资格杀了我。” 面对一个要杀自己的人,云澈自然不会再有任何虚伪的客气,他手臂一甩,九尺龙阙现形手中,荡动一声啸天龙吟:“今日,我便会会你这剑圣,让我看看,你的‘道’,有没有资格撼动我的‘道’!云澈从雪凰兽背上跃下,焚心开启,身上气势陡然暴增,龙阙在半空划下漆黑的轨迹,带着让风云动荡的威势轰向凌天逆。 凌天逆缓缓抬眸,手中,一把青色的长剑无声的出现,剑身无光无泽,甚至看不到锋芒,却它被握在剑圣手中,竟释放出一种让人无法直视的威凌。 迎着云澈蕴藏着狂暴力量的一击,凌天逆身形未动,没有任何避其锋芒的意思,而是迎着龙阙,缓缓的刺出一剑。 没错,是缓缓的刺出,无论云澈,还是下方的任何一人,哪怕只是一个入玄境的玄者,都清清楚楚的看清着剑身移动的轨迹,但,明明是如此缓慢的一刀,竟如跨越着空间,甚至跨越了时间一般,半息之前还在三十丈之外,半息之后,竟然如此缓慢的……刺到了云澈的胸前。 一股极度危险的气息骤然袭来,身前,毫无防备的忽然出现了一股山崩地裂般的磅礴气浪,一股强烈的剧痛感也从他的胸口部位传来,云澈心中陡然一惊,想也不想,一个星神碎影骤然闪离,然后快速翻滚落下。 落地之时,他的胸口已是血流如注,两道半尺长的剑痕深深的刻印在上面……而云澈甚至不知道自己是如何被他的剑刺到。R1058 最快更新,无弹窗阅读请。章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Cap 357 tit
text read online site domain synchronous read phone visit "This is Wang Xuan territory six guys! And have the strength to stay for many years in this level, extremely strong mysterious force, but also with an unusual sharp breath "Jasmine cautious voice said:.".. I did not expect, on top of this land, even still exist throughout the mid-foot to Wang Xuan people to your current strength, simply can not be his opponent, " Wang Xuan mid ? Yun Chol eyebrows look to the south, his face a dignified. After listening to the words of Jasmine, cloud Che ...... suddenly thought of a person, but also think of the warning Lingjie day. Cang wind first person - Ling-day reverse! ! Cang wind territory, with such strength, and only the inverse Ling-day! Lingjie had warned fulfilled ...... not, is more thoroughly than he had warning. He not only shot, but personally chase Imperial and sound transmission throughout the city to Qutaxingming! Ling-day inverse, Sword Villa main door on the term, is the most mythical Cang peak wind Empire, it is recognized as the first person Cang wind. He would shake the world in the small, silly sword by nature, twenty years ago as the first person in the world, its mysterious power and the sword of the accomplishments have been to the pinnacle of the territory, and no one can. Before today, he has been a full two decades did not reveal, but Cang wind Empire but never spread his myth, a young black who, also mostly listening to his legend, grew up in his endless longing. Now before this mythical character has appeared in person pinnacle, purpose, that is to kill Che cloud. Yun Chol and only get through this award. When Ling-day against the sound of his distance from the cloud Che is fairly close. Yun Chol can sense he is now less than three years in the palace in front of the place. He even suspected, Ling day against fundamental have found the place where he just did not want to enter the palace to start it. After all, the Sword Resort and Cang wind royal family has a lot of origin at the time of starting. . "Until burn days door Daughter, he did not appear, I thought that all their concerns are unnecessary, did not expect, he finally appeared," says Che to Jasmine whispered: "However, he has tracked the ass later, also at the sound transmission throughout the city, is to force me to appear ...... if not retreat, did I as a cloud Che! " "Well, you know you would say that!" Jasmine was very disdain: "You If not willing to escape, and that he could have rushed to war. Although you can not prevail against him, but you have Dragon blood of body, he wanted to kill you, it would not be so easy. But if I do not know retreat, you die no doubt. " "I know, my life Jingui, but more than anything else, how I would allow myself to die in vain ...... since he came here, just, I have to enlighten me on this reputed in the world of first person Cang wind ! " " Xiaochan we go! " Huang beast snow load from the cloud Che, soon blew straight day against fly azimuth Ling is located. And in the snow beast phoenix vacated the moment, a breath heavy as a mountain, but also firmly locked in the cloud Che's body. "What? The man is ...... Ling-day reverse? Legendary Juggernaut?" Here, after all, the Imperial City, among the older generation, many people have seen Juggernaut elegance of the year. So when the day against over the Imperial Ling appeared in some old man with a shocking moment voices shouted out his name. "Sword ...... Juggernaut? The legendary Juggernaut? Oh my God! I actually witnessed the Cang wind myth! " " No wonder even kill natural cloud Ling Che ...... except Juggernaut, who so the strength and boldness. " "Cloud Che This time trouble, he even then metamorphosis, it is impossible Juggernaut rival ah. Cloud Che if smart enough, you should immediately hide." "I heard that already Juggernaut Twenty years do not care, the burn days Daughter, shock Cang wind, even gave him alarmed. " "I heard Juggernaut outspoken nature such as the sword, the evil, then the main door and the burning of days too there is absolutely righteous burning deep friendship, the cloud will burn days Che Daughter door, he would personally appear, in fact that is not surprising. " over the three years of the Department of the Royal Palace in front of a shadow floating in there, under a black robe fluttering blast sound. Below him, the crowd gathered more intensive, the buzz is overwhelming, the number of people who do not love fast surging to here, looking up at the legendary Juggernaut. And then, at long beep came from the palace, and soon, skimming the white lightning approaching, stopped in front of the man in black, the relative and depends on him. "Ah? Yes ...... cloud Che! " " He actually really in the Imperial City and also appeared among ......! " " His strength though perverted to allow the burning of Tianmen Daughter, but it can not be Juggernaut ...... Juggernaut clear opponent to kill him, he actually dare to appear! " " Oh, have looked good. " Ling-day inverse looks about forty, although he is the father of the Sword Hills凌月枫, but but instead it appears to be younger than凌月枫more on looks similar with凌月枫six points, but his body naturally stirs Jian Qi, but better than Lingyue Feng sharp several times. Ling-day against the turning moment cloud Che ...... just look, let cloud Che had a kind of instantaneous numbered Jian Qi thorn terrible feeling in the body. "You are the cloud Che?" Ling day against the slowly out loud, sounds plain water. "The younger Cloud Che, Meet Ling predecessors. Can meet with the legendary Juggernaut, the younger generation the most supreme." Cloud Road Che gentle and polite. "Young so light, mysterious force only to mysterious seven, but it allows the burning of Tianmen destruction of this and other achievements, when I was young, far less." Ling day against the indifference of praise, let Juggernaut himself to say " far less than "the words, cloud Che is definitely the first one. But after praise, but it is cold Murder: "With your talent, this may disdain Cang wind, a great master achievement, reaching even I can only look up to the Sword Hills height, if the future on behalf of Cang wind Tianxuan seven countries participating in row The War, it is possible to change this stigma Cang wind millennium bottom, access to supreme glory, but your heart was so vicious! because of personal grudges, unexpectedly Tianmen massacre burning up and down seventy-three thousand six hundred! such acts ! heinous " cloud Che is a faint smile, he said: "The older I'm too serious, while not a good man, but definitely not claim 'malicious', although I kill many, yet no reason to go. kill any one of them. I would burn days door Daughter, because they touched my bottom line is that they only themselves to blame. I just have to tell everyone can take the fate of their loved ones move me ...... But, it is the door and I burn days scores between, and you matter? " "Well, the burning of Tianmen massacre indignation, you Niexu this and other malicious, sacrilegious, everyone was rather vocal! I'll kill you, for good! " " for ?! Ha ha ha ha day way street, "says Che laugh, cold voice:" I am in contact with the burning time Tianmen not too long, but deeply human burning of Tianmen extremely despicable acts mainly as these were the door in. ugly things being done this millennium inevitable numerous, Zhang Shi oppressed by their people, or even killed by their people, directly or indirectly, will be far more than seventy-three thousand six hundred! At that time, where are you? how did you come out for good! " Ling-day reverse suddenly speechless. I heard, Sword Resort and Cang wind has a deep royal roots, ancestor of the emperor your ancestor Sword Hills, and Cang wind year are common destiny royal brothers, were originally founded Sword Resort and Cang wind royal family, he had vowed age dependent phase, mutual support, but, increasingly prosperous Sword Hills, and find a sword domain Tianwei as patron, Cang wind royal increasingly frail, to the day, it is crisis-ridden, even Xiao Zong and take advantage of burning Tianmen Even the subject of the emperor Cang wind plot. Sword Villa with your forces, could not know Cang wind royal crisis period but, why did not see the slightest help from your Sword Hills! To punish you called, why was this basic set of moral are completely beyond the flesh! Contrary to me, saved Cang wind emperor's life, if it is my shot, Cang wind Emperor has now expired, and so on after you die, I see how you face your ancestors! " Yun Ling day against finger Che, Nose bridge: "You mouth 'for good' in my ear is a joke! You simply not qualified to condemn me! If you hang a 'Juggernaut' name, I could not even look at you today, there will be no interest! Contrary ...... I went out the door over the door burning days, not just vent my hate, but the real punish you! " Ling-day against the punitive expedition from the face of the massacre burning days over the door, shaking blood debt committed clouds Che, he was of the party of moral standing, so that the slightest fear public in front of people, even going to the front of the crowd cloud Che sanctions. I did not expect, but it was before the watchful eyes, is the anti-cloud Che scolded meal, and the key sentence Watch, straight point bane of Ling day against the counter can not say the words. This is "punish" and Ling-day to reverse, it just was a few words cloud Che inversive into ruthless generation of, and the reasons set out below, actually let the crowd below are involuntary birth of a sense of identity. especially those who often suffer from strong Munekado bully, but silent resentment of the mysterious person, cloud Che something more Watch their hearts. Those who had suffered burn days door, or burning the outer door of bullying is clenched hands, mind surging, looking for Juggernaut, are somewhat indifferent. teeth. But even if you eloquent, can not conceal the commission of heinous blood for you, in order to die in your hands 70,000 spirits today, I will sanction you to the sword. myriad reasons, but also . Do not try to escape death, " "! Oh," says Che sneer: "Do you think I just wasted tongue and you talk so much, I want you to let you think too much, with you, not qualified? Let me scared, but did not qualify to kill me. " Faced with a kill their own people, cloud Che naturally would not have any kind of hypocrisy, his arm toss, nine feet long Que borrow hands loudly whistled across the sky dragon stirs Yin: "Today, I will be you this Juggernaut, let me see, your 'Road', there is no qualified shake my 'Road'! Huang Yun Chol beast back from snow jump, Fenxin open, body momentum suddenly exploded, Long Que in the air to draw the dark track, with the power and influence to make the situation volatile day against the Hong Xiang Ling. Ling-day reverse slowly lift eye, hands, a blue sword appeared silent, sword body matt matte, or even see the edge, but it is held in the hands Juggernaut, actually release a people can not look into the Wei Ling. Greeting the cloud Che bears a violent force of a blow, Ling day against stature does not move, there is no meaning to avoid the edge, but facing the Long Que, sword thrusts slowly. Yes, it is slowly thrusts, regardless of cloud Che, or any one of them below, even if only into the mysterious territory of a mysterious, and both clearly see the blade movement of the track, but, obviously is so slow knife, Jing Ru across the space, and even across time in general, is still before the thirty-half interest outside the husband, after a half interest, could be so slow ...... stab to the chest cloud Che. an extremely dangerous atmosphere suddenly hit the front, unsuspecting suddenly appeared like an Shanbengdelie pounds Bo blast, a strong sense of pain from his chest portion came, cloud Che heart suddenly surprised, Xiangyebuxiang, a broken shadow star suddenly flash from God, then quickly tumbled down. When landing, he The chest is bleeding profusely, two half a foot long Jianhen deeply engraved on it ...... and cloud Che did not even know how he was stabbed by his sword to .R1058 fastest updates, no pop Reading Please. 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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 357 tit for tat
pure polyphonic text online reading the mobile domain synchronous reading please visit

"it is a Wang Xuan exit six guy! And has been in the strength of the level for many years, the mysterious force is very strong, but also with an unusually sharp breath." Jasmine voice carefully: "unexpectedly, this piece of land, even there came to Wang Xuan territory middle man. With your present strength, it is impossible to be his opponent."

Wang Xuan mid?

clouds startling to see to the south, a dignified face. After listening to the words of jasmine, clouds suddenly thought of a person...... At the same time, also thought of the day of Ling Jie warning.
The first person of the Cang Feng - Ling Tian inverse!!

pale wind territory, with such strength, only Lingtian inverse! Ling Jie had fulfilled the warning...... No, it was more than he had warned. He just shot, and personally to the Imperial City, and the sound to his life! Lingtian

inverse, either the main door sword villa, is the peak of sofu Empire myth, is recognized as the first person sofu. He in the less will shock the world, chi sword and drunkenness, twenty years ago became one of the best in the world, the mysterious force and the sword of the attainments have to reach the peak of environment, and no one can. Today, he has a full twenty years before the show,But the dark wind Empire has never been a myth, the young people, but also to listen to his legend, in the endless yearning for his growth.
now, this mythical figure has appeared before the peak, the purpose, is to kill the clouds. Only clouds got

so honor. When the sound Lingtian

inverse, and the distance he clouds is quite near. Clouds can feel him now in front of the palace to three miles. He even suspected that the inverse of the day has been found that he had found his place, just do not want to enter the palace to start it. After all,Tianjian villa and sofu has great Royal origin in the starting time.

"until burn Tianmen daughter, he did not appear, I thought own all worry is redundant, did not expect, he finally still." Che Yun to Jasmine whispered, "but he has tracked the rear, also hesitate to sound spread throughout the city, is to force me to appear... If it is I should not retreat, as clouds!"

"hum, knew you would say!" Jasmine is very much the way: "if you are not willing to run away, that big can go up to fight with him. Although you can not overcome him, but you have the blood dragon armor,He wanted to kill you, but it's not so easy. But if you have no sense of propriety, you will surely die."
"I understand my life, but what is precious, how can I allow myself to be die here...... Now that he is coming, right, I'll see the man in the world!" "Xiaochan, we go!" The snow beast set from Phoenix

clouds, a cry, a straight line to Lingtian inverse location. The moment in the snow and vacated the Phoenix beast, a heavy mountain atmosphere, also firmly locked in the clouds on the body.

"what? That person is...... Ling day inverse? The legend of the sword?"

Here is the Imperial City, the older generation, many people have seen the Kensai elegance of the year. So when Lingtian inverse appeared in over of the Imperial City, some old man with shocking voice shouted out his name. "Sword...... Yurnero? The legendary juggernaut? Oh, My God I actually saw this dark fairy!" No wonder that Ling Ran

"kill clouds...... Besides the juggernaut, who has such strength and courage."

"clouds this trouble, he even metamorphosis, it is also impossible is yurnero's opponent ah. If the clouds are smart enough, you should immediately hide."

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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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