因为陆承余为航班遇难家属花费了五六千万人名币,他再度出名了,但因为他不是娱乐圈的人,自己更加不是喜欢靠炒作出名的人,所以并没有接受记者的采访 การแปล - 因为陆承余为航班遇难家属花费了五六千万人名币,他再度出名了,但因为他不是娱乐圈的人,自己更加不是喜欢靠炒作出名的人,所以并没有接受记者的采访 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด












































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Because Lu Chengyu flights for victims ' families to spend 50 million or 60 million renminbi, he again became famous, but because he's not the entertainment of people, feel more like hype, famous people, and there is an interview with journalists, after a day's rest, and went to work. Though the cast for a month, but is there anything of his work, Cao Jingshen were a message to him, two people have been very understanding. Internal employees when faced with Lu Chengyu huading, did not know what attitude? They call Lu Cheng Yu Tezhu was the second boss is better? Because Lu Chengyu are not company a while ago, and personnel BOSS arranged for two temporary, while Lu Chengyu became Special Assistant. We now know that Lu Chengyu rely on their own ability to earn hundreds of millions of, with the capital very close family relationship between Childs, were Lu Chengyu is also willing to do the Special Assistant to the BOSS to them it was true love. So when Lu Chengyu emerged when the company together with Yan Mu and his colleagues most warmly, eye Blaster, even some usually familiar with a few colleagues, watching his eyes were weird. When he stepped into the elevator, Lu Chengyu dry cough: "colleagues today seems particularly enthusiastic. ” "Maybe they haven't seen you for so long," Yan Mu look the same way, "after two days we went to branch visits and new change in the company's Finance Manager do you want to meet? ” "His profile I have ever seen," Lu Chengyu knows that some problem before, Yan Mu "please" out of the company, so after the appointment of new finance manager, Lu Chengyu to check the person information "is very suitable. ” Yan Mu nodded, wait until after the floor, the two President room to go out of the lift, when he passed outside office area, Lu Chengyu found outside a person's cubicle, he traveled over one eye, then retracted the view: "here are two of the new arrangements for personnel assistant? ” Yan Mu at will after seeing eyes, opens his Office doorway: "well, usually they work here, and so your assistant, do you have what it takes to run errands, just leave it to them to do it. "This two-person capacity is no problem, but for working ability than Lu Chengyu is really bad too far, so Yan Mu have any important things, is not willing to let these two people to do it. Lu Chengyu catch in her strict Muslim meaning, see the two assistants standing up, then to the two smiled: "hard. ” Two assistants are more than 20 young men, see Lu Chengyu they moderate, just busy with kind words, Lu Chengyu and Yan Mu into the Office, two people looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. Saying unkind words, their current positions have always been Ding Lu Chengyu left vacant if Lu Chengyu eye dots, they don't mix. Now, however, Lu Tezhu, the way seems to be nothing special lot of disgust for them, so they trust more. When he stepped into the CEO's Office, Lu Chengyu look at almost no change in Office: "outside the two Assistant looks pretty tender. ” "They're two years older than you," Yan Mu looked at the table, took out two documents from behind the safe and handed to Lu Chengyu in front: "shengrong company began to have action. ” Lu Chengyu took files looked, he found it all about some recent shengrong, after he took one look and frowned: "Cheng Shao Yuan a person, no small ambition. ” "To do business if there is no ambition, do not go on," Yan Mu also gave a separate document Lu Chengyu, faces a similar weird moods, "this is for you. ” Lu Chengyu he didn't look quite right, wonder took the file looked, turned out to be two copies of the title deed copies, a bar owner, says he and two of Yan Mu name, lived in two houses he and Yan Mu of large villas and cottages. After the file is closed, look at Yan Mu Lu Chengyu flickering smile after half a day: "do you're own dowry? ” Yan Mu: "......" "Knock knock" Knock on the door stop for a few seconds after, Cao Jingshen out half of my body through the door: "I'm not bothering you, right? "He ignored Yan Mu and Lu Chengyu expression, lifted several reports placed on the desk," which is shengrong latest information. "At this point, he looked to Lu Chengyu said," hear about shengrong, President of the entertainment industry are interested in investment with a big-budget film, movie time, and two movies that you invest. ” Lu Chengyu picked the eyebrow: "he did not play real estate, still see it meat scraps? ” "This success story, circles recently very interested in investing in movies," Cao Jingshen nudged his glasses, "movie earned hundreds of millions of money, who doesn't envy? "He glances at Lu Chengyu at a glance," you had a bad start. ” "Oh, I'm so sorry everyone. "Lu Chengyu chuckled twice, Yuan Cheng Shao thing hanging in the heart, does not know whether he was too romantic, he always felt that Cheng Shao Yuan prepared illusion of Gallants with him. He looked Yan Mu, not to mention real estate thing, but smiled and said: "I'm going back to the Office, is there anything call me. ” Yan Mu to see him look as normal, meaning nor rejected, his mouth slightly higher: "well, don't get too tired. ” While Cao Jingshen pushes glasses, this is the difference between family and outsiders, the outsiders followed him boss a year, nor did he see when the boss is so mild to say such things, we can see that people are not, more than you are stuffed. Lu Cheng Yu had met President room, followed by Cao Jingshen went out, then took Lu Chengyu shoulders: "Although it doesn't kill me makes me stronger, but you be careful in the future. "Probably because cousin wedding when insight to how Lu Chengyu those relatives at home of Lu Chengyu apathy, so he looked after Lu Cheng Yu, after seeing news of the plane crash came out the day before yesterday, he thought Lu Chengyu is really on the plane, was also upset, and then I saw people take airports, he would be carried over to God. "They say the scourge survived for thousands of years," Lu Chengyu smiled radiantly and Cao Jingshen's neck, smiling, "I certainly long-lived Chitose. ” Cao Jingshen were startled by his actions, busy looking back at President room doors, see also locked the door: "don't take liberties if was seen by the boss, I jumped into the Yellow River will not wash. ” Lu Chengyu cut sound, later gave him a hand: "our shoulders more often went to Mu Ge when you walk through shoe, you mind Artemis small. "Finished, smiling with one hand holding the folder into his Office and leave Cao Jingshen a dashing figure. Push the eyes, Cao Jingshen silent sighs, because my boss is such a character, so eat vinegar was particularly horrific, Xiaolu is still too young. A month to the company, but when Lu Chengyu handled things over, still as crisp as usual, was given two assistants a vivid lesson. City, both of them for more than two or three years, but many more than the ability to work, is indeed a big difference. Just half a day, they had to convince Lu Chengyu capacities. At lunch time, after Yan Mu and Lu Chengyu appeared at the company's restaurants, and caused a lot of people watching, and between two people didn't used to think what the employees feel that their previously missed how many wonderful things, strictly between Lu Tezhu and always full of friendship, why did they not see it? Often two people gather together in a pile of Cao Jingshen also well-advised to not do light bulbs, but some people sit down together for dinner in the same sector, also wondered from time to time to cope with a few colleagues, even a lunch to eat clean. Lu Chengyu after dinner and Yan Mugang, Lu Chengyu received a call from Lu's brother-in-law, luliang tomorrow turns out to be married, brother-in-law wanted the wedding to become scenery, so I wanted him to drive a luxury car did marry. Lu Chengyu while with two primary relationships in General, but in his memory, brother-in-law who is indeed a very good face, cousin of luliang, was willing to give him the mouth, bride's family should be better than the conditions in luliang home. He and relatives from the land now there is not much known, but Lu Liang and his childhood are good, and somebody else's wedding, he was holding a cell phone: "well, I drove to the wedding in advance. ” Lu Erbo probably also feel a little embarrassed, thanked, adding the sentence: "If you have time the surname yan's friend, and he wants to have a cup of joy bar. ” "Well, I'll tell him. "Lu Chengyu know Yan Mu things might get so big, Lu Jia, who could not have been unaware, but he has no need to explain these, mention it, after a few words, just hang up the phone. After he hung up the phone, Yan Mucai frowning: "relatives of yours? "He told Lu Chengyu do not like home to relatives, and he and Lu Chengyu knew for so long, Lu Chengyu to several hospital, had never seen those relatives come to visit, have one or two younger, to a telephone. When it comes to this collection, they would not forget Lu Chengyu. "Well," Lu Chengyu takes a SIP hot drinks, "the day after tomorrow and I have to drive our cars get occasional. ” Hear the word we, Yan Mu expression suddenly changed some, trying to make himself look less rippling: "our garage car shot, do I need to set a team? ” Lu Chengyu: "......" What makes Mu Ge become so funny?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]










































การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Because of Lu Chengyu's flight for victims' families spent 5589 RMB, he has become famous, but because he is not a person in the entertainment industry, own more not like hype famous people, and so do not accept a reporter to interview, after a day off, I went to the company to go to work.

although he cast in this month, but what he needs treatment work, Cao Jingshen mail to him, two people cooperation very tacit understanding. It is Huading internal staff to face Lu Chengyu, do not know what attitude? The name's Lu Chengyu

they help or two boss is better? Some time ago because Lu Chengyu was not in the company,Finally, the personnel department has arranged two temporary assistant to BOSS, Lu Chengyu became a special assistant. We now know that Lu Chengyu rely on their own ability to earn millions of dollars, and those CHILDES Beijing family relations very close, feel Lu Chengyu is willing to do the special assistant, on their BOSS it is true love.

so, when Lu Cheng Yu appeared together in the company and Yan mu, he was the most enthusiastic colleagues look of shock waves, and even some of the usual familiar with several colleagues, look at his eyes Du strange. The elevator into

after, Lu Chengyu just cough track: "Today my colleagues seem very enthusiastic."

"They probably too long did not see you," Yan Mu looking the same way, "in two days we went to inspect the company branch, the new change of the financial manager, you see?"

"his personal data I've seen," Lu Chengyu knew before that some of the problems, is Yan Mu "please" out of the company, so the financial manager of the new office, Lu Chengyu checked the information about him, "very appropriate."

Yan Mu nodded, wait until the floor, two people out of the elevator to go pass by President room, outside of the office area, Lu Chengyu found outside the cubicle occupied, he omitted a glance, then recover the sight:"This is the two personal assistant new arrangements?" Yan Mu

will saw eye, open office doorway: "well, usually they work here, also quite so your assistant, you have what errands, gave them to do." The two men although the identity is no problem, but the ability to work rather than Lu Chengyu, is really bad too far, so Yan Mu have what important thing, is also not willing to let the two men to do.

Lu Chengyu understand Yan Mu was saying, see two assistant stood up, went to two people laughed: "hard."

two assistants are more than 20 years old young man,Lu Chengyu for their smiles gentle, was busy polite several, such as Lu Chengyu and Yan Mu into the office, the two talents as a sigh of relief. That nasty little words, their current position, is the top after Lu Chengyu left vacant, if Lu Cheng Yu eye dots, two of them don't mix. However, now see Lu special help look, there seems to be no what special big antipathy towards them, so that they are more at ease.

entered the president's office, Lu Chengyu looked at almost no change in the office: "outside the two assistant looked very tender."

"they two years older than you,"Yan Mu view the desktop, remove the two documents from the safe behind, pass in front of Lu Chengyu:" Sheng Rong company started a movement."

Lu Chengyu took a look at the file, found it was all about Shengrong company some movement recently, he generally looked after, frowned: "this man Sheng Shaoyuan, ambition is not small."

"doing business without ambition, do not go down," Yan Mu to another document or to Lu Chengyu, his face appeared uncomfortable emotions like, "this is for you."

Lu Chengyu sees his facial expression is not quite right, doubt took the file a look, turned out to be two copies of a copy of property card,The owner of a column, write him and Yan mu the name of two people, the two sets of real estate is a large villa he and Yan Mu lived with small villa. Close the file, Lu Cheng Yu a faint smile on one's face looking at Yan Mu day after way: "you this is to bring the dowry?"

Yan Mu:"......"

"knock knock knock" sound pausing for a few seconds, Cao Jingshen from the door to the upper half of his body: "I'm not disturbing you what?" He ignored the Yan Mu and Lu Chengyu's face, straight into the several reports on the desk, "these are the most recent data Shengrong company." Having said this, he looked toward Lu Cheng Yu, "heard Shengrong president recently to the entertainment interest,Invest in a great film, film of the time, and your investment of the two films about."

Lu Chengyu picked to pick eyebrow: "he's not playing real estate, also look on the entertainment circle this meat residue?"

"you this successful example, recently circles to invest the film very interested," Cao Jingshen pushed his glasses, "the movie earned billions of money, who does not envy?" He glanced at the land bearing one eye, "you had a bad head."

"ha ha, that I'm so sorry to everybody." Lu Chengyu ha ha laugh twice, the heart Sheng Shaoyuan things hanging in the heart, do not know Is it right? He too romantic,He always felt that Sheng Shaoyuan had a ready to hit the ring with his illusion.

he looked up at Yan mu, not to mention the property of things, but with a smile: "I go back to the office, what call me."

Yan Mu sees his facial expression as usual, also did not refuse the meaning, mouth slightly higher said: "good, don't be too tired."

Cao Jingshen pushed his glasses to one side, this is their own people and outsiders difference ah, he this outsider with the boss for one year, also did not see the boss what time so mild said this kind of words, visible people is not more than, than the more core plug.

see Lu Cheng Yu the president room,Cao Jingshen followed him, and then patted Lu Chengyu on the shoulder and said: "although the escape from death in a great catastrophe will come, but your boy or after careful." Probably because when attending the wedding's cousin, has seen more than those in the land bearing relatives of Lu Chengyu have more cold, so he take care of Lu Chengyu, the day before yesterday just saw the news came out after the plane crash, he thought that Lu Cheng Yu really on the plane, also sad for a, then see good appearance the airport, he just slow lead to god.

"people say evil left thousands of years," one Lu Chengyu grinning Cao Jingshen's neck, "I must be long-lived chitose."

Cao Jingshen is he this action was frightened, busy looking back President room door, see the door is locked before: "keep your hands off me, if the boss sees, I jumped into the Yellow River also wash not clear."

Lu Cheng cotangent a, hard Le him after the withdrawn: "number two of us jump to the more, Mu brother what when it comes to you through the shoes, you this heart also te small." Say that finish, single hand smiling into her office with folder arms, leaving Cao Jingshen with a natural and unrestrained of figure.

push her eyes, Cao Jingshen silent sigh, because the boss is such a character,So eat vinegar is terrible, Xiao Lu still too young.

although a month did not come to the company, but Lu Chengyu processing of the things work, still as usual neat, but to the other two assistant a vivid lesson. Although the two of them, bearing Yuliangsan, but compared with the ability to work, is indeed a big slice. Day short period of time, let them have to convince the ability to play Lu Cheng yu.

at noon meal time, Lu Chengyu and Yan Mu appear in the company canteen, and attracted many onlookers,Before don't think two people between what employees that think she had missed many wonderful things, obviously Yan general and special assistant between land full of friendship, how could they not see it?

often talked to two people gathered together to eat Cao Jingshen today also do not to do the electric light bulb, but sitting at dinner with several people in the same department, but also from time to time to cope with several colleagues asked, even a lunch eat not clean.

in Lu Chengyu and Yan Mu just after dinner, Lu Chengyu received a land home brother-in-law phone, originally is Lu Liang the day after tomorrow uncle want marriage, wedding become a scenic spot,So I want to let him drive a car in the past master of wedding. Although Lu Chengyu and brother-in-law

general relationship, but in his memory, uncle is indeed a very good face, in order to cousin Luliang thing, was willing to give him this, looks like the bride over the family conditions should be better than Lu Liang home.

he and Lu Jia relatives now has no great friendship, but Lu Liang and his childhood relationship is good, is people the big things, he will be holding a mobile phone way: "good, I will advance drove to the wedding company."

Lu Erbo himself probably feel some feel shy, repeatedly thanked, added:"If you are the surname Yan friends if you have time, please he deigned to drink the cup like bar."

"OK, I'll tell him." Lu Chengyu knows he and Yan Mu thing is so big, Lujia people may not know, but he didn't need to explain to them that after a few words, polite, and hung up the phone.

he hung up the phone, Yan Mu to knit the brows a way: "your relatives?" He told Lu Cheng relatives more and not what good, he acquainted with Lu Chengyu for so long, Lu Chengyu spent some time in hospital, also didn't see those relatives to visit, also one or two juniors, to have a telephone.To the collections of the time, they didn't take Lu Chengyu to forget.

"um," Lu Chengyu drank hot drinks, "the day after tomorrow I will drive a car to go to our should occasion."

hear our word, Yan Mu look immediately some variable has changed, try to make yourself look less ripples: "we the car in the garage, literally open, need to group a team?"

Lu Chengyu:"......"

what let Mu brother become so funny than?
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