打开微博下面的评论,他才知道是华鼎内部的某个女职员发了有关他的微博,引起了网友们的围观与调侃。 看了一些圈自己的内容,全是以玩笑的口吻称自己 การแปล - 打开微博下面的评论,他才知道是华鼎内部的某个女职员发了有关他的微博,引起了网友们的围观与调侃。 看了一些圈自己的内容,全是以玩笑的口吻称自己 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Open the Twitter comment below, he knew was inside the tripod were made by a female staff member about his tweets, causing netizens to gather around and ridicule. Read some rings with your own content, is all a joking tone call themselves God, said what their knees or something, he frowns slightly a bit, and then quickly sent a tweet. "Every year more than: the man who had the gold, the daughter who had the diamond, and not be sent to others the knee, knee can be quite embarrassing. Especially the guys, you gave me knee, after proposing to my girlfriend? Study hard, everyday work, don't take a knee out playing. ” Lulu Lulu: the gods are so serious tone to educate people, really exceptionally cute Ah. For nine days and nine fish: male/male God, my knee falling for you, and you accept it. A piece of tofu: xueba God, you're so serious, a colleague know? Lu Chengyu smiled, stopped going to see these messages, switching micro-blogging small brushes of various cold joke, view something about user discussions on the Internet huading electronics reviews, better understand the psychology of young customer base. Collected about the various views, Lu Chengyu suddenly remembered, the flying bird does not pull to advertising sponsors on their own privately financed if Ding Hua products have recently developed a new senior community, for Hua Ding is very good publicity, and he later also to speak please Yan Mu helped him contact the movie line of the House of Lords. He knows the movie will cause the kind of stir, so not willing to give up the propaganda huading opportunity, but the matter must be decided after discussing it with Yan Mu. After work on Thursday, Lu Chengyu found Yan Mu was not very busy when I went to talk to him about it. Yan Mu after hearing that after Lu Chengyu, meditating for a long while back: "you mean, huading soft implanted in movies ad? "Tripod is not advertising in other TV shows or movies, but the general effect. "Yes," Lu Chengyu know mean unfinished Mu yan, then said, "Although this film is low budget, but my intuition tells me that this movie will fire if huading logo with product placement in the movies, it's going to be very good publicity. ” Serious Yan Mu knows the age of information, publicity for the company's products, it is also very important part. In recent years, many companies are increasingly high share of money spent on publicity, because we all know that visibility impact on sales, but funds tend to invest a substantial amount of advertising, but the effect is not always good. There is too many ads, and all patience because of the pressures of life become more and more difficult, so are very impatient to see ads when watching TV, saw the ads will change the channel. So in the TV-movie product placement, or variety show to be aired titled, is not offensive, but also can increase the visibility of the method. Presumably out of trust for Lu Chengyu, Yan Mu that this movie might really be improved tripod fame, then said: "well, the film's ads cost ... ..." "No, this is the film I shoot for fun with my friends, our own companies, but also advertising," Lu Chengyu waved, "I wait for the next chapter to the telephone, to discuss how to shoot it. "Then, he looked up and saw a smile usually sober Yan Mu, he didn't react, he said something so Yan Mu happy like that? "The boss? "Lu Chengyu puzzle a glance at Yan Mu, Mu looked up at him and said," what do you want me to do, all right, let me out. ” "Well," Yan Mu nod, smile on his face had disappeared. Lu Chengyu do not care, and had not gone to the door, they stopped by Yan Mu, he looked, saw Yan Mu with two horse boxes. "I hear from Gunsen you love tea, take this," Yan Mu looks at Lu Chengyu, behold, he stood motionless, added, "family friend tea, I drink too much, you helped me some. ” Lu Chengyu took over tea in his hand, shaking his tea laughed: "thanks, boss. ” Glanced at the name of tea, Longjing, a good thing Ah, summer is most appropriate to drink this tea. Watching Lu Chengyu smiling out of the Office, Yan Mu face mild expression of the unconscious two minutes, turn over files in hand, realized his Kew after a few deep breaths and slowly return to normal. Lu Chengyu return to Office soon opened a box of tea, smell the fragrance of tea-flavored, head thrown back, dislike and look at their value lay in the Cup only three tea bags, have no hesitation in this cup of tea to feed the flowers on the balcony, put on Yan Muxin sent tea. Holding the new bubble tea, Lu Chengyu sitting in an Office Chair, lazy and dialed the phone, then huading placement deals with Zhang Dao said things. As a Director, is actually not too fond of their works include too many advertisements, but Zhang Dao Lu Chengyu was with tone to discuss with him about this matter, and with films and quality-oriented, if it is not, it's OK not to join the ad. Zhang Shuo was still a little embarrassed, having heard the things Lu Chengyu, but think this is no big deal, was implanted an advertisement by his cooperation with Qu Ling bei, can't do bad such trivial, ' Mr Luk ' such a good investor, he can't make them difficult to do it? Hear Zhang Shuo responded positively, Lu Chengyu smiled and hung up the phone, shaking his ass Chair and slowly sipped tea, hum some tune, opening the computer begins processing the files. As an Assistant, some files are not important enough to help the President to do, if you need him to do anything, it is the effort to do it. However, Yan Mu's confidence level has exceeded his expectations, does this man not suspected he might be a commercial agent? Blind to his own mind flies too far, Lu Chengyu enough corners, at Yan Mu people of such status, before using one, check into his background. 周四一过,很快就是周五,基本上到了这天,周末能休假的员工心情都会比较好,陆承余的心情就不是那么好了,因为他接到陆家几个亲戚的电话,这些都是自己的伯伯还有姑姑,虽然平时很少联系,但是在陆栋要结婚的前一天,这些人终于想起自己这个侄儿来了。 除了陆栋的妈妈,他的大伯母打电话来是为了邀请他参加婚礼以外,二伯与大姑二姑都是来打听自己送多少礼钱的,还想打听一下自己现在的工作,顺便带出自己儿子或者女儿每个月赚多少钱的内容。 四两拔千斤的接完这些亲戚的电话,陆承余叹了口气,自从上辈子父母离世后,他与这些亲戚就很少来往了,大概亲戚们也觉得他大学毕业后,日子过得有些丢人,平时很少联系他,甚至都不怎么在外人面前提起自己这个侄儿。他呢,也不想去感情淡漠的亲戚家,寻找那么点虚无缥缈的亲情,所以一来二去,感情就更淡了。 当初父母意外身亡,除了自己现在住的这套房子外,还留有一套老房子和一笔存款,加上事故赔偿款,这些钱加起来也足够让不少人眼红了,当时大学的好友还担心他的这些亲戚会因为这笔钱心生算计。但是事实证明,父母两边的亲戚都还算厚道,没有谁算计过这笔钱,但对他也没什么热情,都只是是面上的客气而已。 当初他卖了旧房子换成一笔钱,也没谁来管他,要不是当年开餐馆出了问题,赔了不少钱,他也算的上小有余钱的人。也不知前世他死了,存在银行的钱还有那套房子,归了谁? 不管前世如何,他现在接个电话也这么不尴不尬的,实在有那么点没意思。 “陆助理,你要的数据表,”秘书助理敲了敲门,又停了几秒后才推了门走进来,她因为自己发了一条微博引起大家对陆承余围观的事情,有些后悔自己的行为,所以面对陆承余时,又愧疚又心虚。 “麻烦了,”陆承余接过数据表,对她笑了笑,见她面色为难的看着自己,便问道,“请问还有什么事吗?” “陆助理,我是来跟你道歉的。”李彤现在很后悔自己前两天的行为,就算她崇拜陆助理的工作能力,但是也不应该把现实生活中的事情发到微博上。幸好这只是一些玩笑的话,没有引起陆助理的困扰,但如果因为她的微博影响了陆助理的生活,事情又该如何收场? 她昨天早上一觉醒来,就有些后悔了,可是却没有勇气来道歉,只是删除了那两条微博。 但是现在看到陆助理对她这么客气有礼,她觉得自己更加没脸看对方了:“前天那两条微博是我发的,我没有想到会引起那么多人到您微博下去留言评论,我以后不会再做这种没脑子的事了,真的很对不起。” 陆承余愣了一下,随即笑道:“没事,网上的事情,热闹两天就过去了。”他停顿一下后道,“这种事情你能明白过来,就是最好的事情。知错能改善莫大焉,以后别犯这种错误就好。”说完后,他担心这位小助理心里难受,又劝慰道,“没关系,去做事吧,我没有生气。”他虽然不喜欢这种事情,但是对方现在这种态度,还是让人欣赏的。 他上辈子遇到过很多不同类型的人,自己犯了错反而倒打一耙的也有,李彤能来道歉,就代表着这个年轻女孩子品行上是没有问题的。曹京申有这么个助理,也算不错。 李彤浑浑噩噩的出了助理室,想起陆助理温和的话语,忍不住揉了揉微红的脸颊,她以后再也不干这种蠢事了,还有,陆助理真是货真价实的男神啊! 刚才微笑的样子,简直把她给帅哭了! 总裁办公室门外,严穆看了看李彤走进电梯方向的背影,又看了眼助理室关着的门,犹豫了一下,便装作不经意的路过助理办公室旁边,借着未拉上的百叶窗,他看到陆承余正捧着茶杯,认真的看着桌上一份文件。 脚步慢慢放缓,他皱着眉头想,为什么他会觉得陆助理认真的样子……看得让人心里很舒服?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]















































การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Open the micro-blog comments below, he knew a girl clerk Huading internal hair about his micro-blog, caused the netizens of the onlookers and ridicule.

read some circle own content, is all to jocular tone call himself God, say what they like to accept the knee, his eyebrows is tiny tiny on picking, then quickly issued a micro-blog.

"May there be surpluses every year: a man below knee gold, diamond daughter under the knee, do not casually give knee to others, the knee will be very embarrassed. Especially for men, you gave me my knee, later took what to my girlfriend to marry him? All Study hard, every day to go to work,Don't take your knees out to play."

mm: male god so be poker-faced tone to education, it is particularly adorable.

nine days fish: male god God, my knees fall for you, you accept it.

a piece of tofu: Curve Wrecker God, you're so serious, the company's colleagues know?

Lu Chengyu smiled, no longer to see these messages, switching micro-blog trumpet to brush a variety of cold joke, by the way, in the online to see some about the net friend to discuss Huading electronic product reviews, good to know more about young customers psychological.

collected a variety of views, Lu Cheng Yu suddenly remembered,"Flying bird" not to sponsor, depends on your own private financed, if Huading products and senior residential new development recently captured, for Hua Ding is a very good publicity, and he later or opening please Yan Mu to help him contact film house of Lords line things.

he knew this film will cause what kind of sensation, so don't willing to give up the propaganda Huading opportunity, but it must consult to decide after Yan mu.

Thursday after work, Lu Chengyu found a Yan Mu is not very busy, go to him on the matter.

Yan Mu after listening to Lu Chengyu said,Meditation after a way: "you mean, in the film implanted Huading soft advertising?" Huading not in other TV shows or movies in the ads, but the general effect.

"on," Lu Chengyu knew not Yan mu the meaning of the words, then, "although the film is small cost, but my intuition tells me, this movie will fire, if with Huading trademark product placement in movies, this will be a good publicity channels road."

Yan Mu know now era information seriously, publicity for the company's products, a ring is also very important.In recent years, many companies in the propaganda of the money spent proportion is more and more high, is because we all know that the influence of the well-known for the share of sales, but often invested a lot of advertising dollars, but the result is not always good.

now too much advertising, and everyone's patience because the pressure of life becoming more and more poor, so watch TV are very impatient to see advertising, advertising will see in taiwan.

so in the TV movie ads, or the title to broadcast some variety show, is a not easy disgusting, also can increase the well-known method.

is probably out of Lu Chengyu's trust,Yan Mu think this movie might improve Huading fame, and said: "well, the cost of advertisement to implant the movie......"

"no, this is my friend Pat with play movies, our own company, but also what the advertisement fee," Lu Cheng Yu waved his hand, "I wait for the next chapter of the telephone, to discuss how to shoot it right." Then, he looked up and saw Yan Mu always serious to smile, he some not reaction to come over, what she had said, let Yan Mu like Gao Xingcheng?

"the boss?" Lu Chengyu interrogatively see Yan Mu one eye, such as Yan Mu looked up at him, before,"What work I need to do, all right then, let me out." "Good," Yan Mu

nodded, on the face of smile an idea has disappeared.

Lu Chengyu don't care, turned and could reach the door, is Yan Mu stopped, he looked back, see Yan Mu holding two slap big box.

"I listen to Beijing explanations do you like tea, that you take," Yan Mu looked at Lu Chengyu, and see him standing still, added, "there are friends to send tea house, I don't drink so much, you help me to drink."

Lu Chengyu took his hand shaking tea tea, smiled and said: "thank you, boss."

Glanced at the tea's name, Xihu Longjing Tea good stuff, ah, summer is the most appropriate to drink this tea.

looked at Lu Chengyu smiling out of the office, Yan Mu face not consciously mild dichotomy, turned down his file, only aware of their own are distracted, and take a few deep breaths, slowly returned to normal.

Lu Cheng one back to the office, is unable to hold oneself back opened a box of tea, smell the fragrant smell of the tea taste, turned to mind, take a look at my cup lay value is only three yuan a packet of tea, do not hesitate to take this cup of tea to feed the flower of the balcony, Yan Muxin put on a send tea.

holding fresh tea,Lu Chengyu sitting in an office chair, lazy dialed chapter of telephone, and then with the chapter guide speaking implanted Huading advertising.

as a director, is actually not too like to join too many advertisements in their own writing, but chapter guide to listen to Lu Chengyu with consult him about tone on the matter, and explain to the film quality is heavy, if it is not, not to join the advertisement also never mind.

zhangshuo originally felt some difficult, etc. Lu Chengyu after hearing these words, but feel that this is not what great things, is not an implanted advertising, with he and curved North cooperation, difficult don't become to still do well such a trifle,Mr. Lu so good investor, he always can't let the other side to do not?

heard zhangshuo affirmative reply, smiling Lu Chengyu hung up the phone, swaying hips under the chair, slowly sip tea, croon a few acoustic songs, open the computer to start processing departments some files. As an assistant, some less important documents is to help the president to deal with, if what all need the boss do it by yourself, it is exhausted to do.

however, Yan Mu to his trust degree, has exceeded his expectations, is this person not suspect he may be commercial spy?

aware of my thoughts fly a little far,Lu Chengyu enough to hang up a corner of mouth, in Yan Mu this status, must use a person before, had put his background check.

Thursday, soon is Friday, the day to basically, the weekend will leave the staff mood will be better, Lu Chengyu's mood is not so good, because he received the Lu family several relatives of the phone, these are your uncle and aunt, although usually very little contact, but in the land the house to the day before the wedding, the man finally remembered his nephew to the.

except Lu Dong's mother, his great aunt calling to invite him to the wedding outside,Uncle and aunt aunt are inquired about his send many gift money, also want to inquire about their current work, by the way, bring out their son or daughter earn each month how much content.

four two jack is connected through these relatives of the phone, Lu Chengyu sighed, since life parents died, he and the relatives had little contact, probably relatives also think he after graduation from the University, the day some shame, seldom contact him, don't even mention her in front of strangers the nephew. For him, also don't want to go to the feelings of indifference relatives, for then the point with no reality whatever family, so in the course of contacts,
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