Wind. The wind isn't big, but in winter, a little wind swishing. Zhang ye body chills, running out already without a coat, got up from the bench a brisk trot to the Bank side, found a Leeward places squatting, just across from the Café and restaurant, but he did not take my wallet, can't get into, it'll run for it. Guess what I want? This topic is the most simple, because technical skills are not, at the same time is also the most difficult, because the issue had no idea, of course, this is to everyone else, this question is impossible to answer them in others, unless you hit the big luck! But for Zhang ye, he is not the way to do it! Zhang ye do one thing, he opened the game the Lord of the rings screen, hand into your inventory, take out a piece of Crystal, crushed. "In the archive. 】 "The archive is complete. 】 "Storage time: 30 minutes. 】 这是张烨存下的最后一块“存档水晶”了,为了见水莲月,他可是下了血本,捏碎水晶的时候还是很心疼的,因为他知道这东西的重要性,甚至张烨之所以能顺利出道当上电台播音主持人都是托了“存档”的福,不然的话,他可能现在还没找到合适的工作呢,不可能像现在这么顺利的跟娱乐圈发展。嗯,不过话又说回来了,这些物品抽奖来了不就是为了使用的么?不能因为物品比较重要就存到死吧,那才是得不偿失呢,张烨可不想当一个守财奴,况且以后这种神奇的物品还可以再抽冇出来呢,该出手时就得出手啊,舍不着孩子套不找狼啊! 对面可是个身材极好的美妇,估计就算不是绝世美女,也不会太难看的,美妇谈吐又十分得体,很让张烨心动,这种机会能抓住当然是要抓住的,不然错过了这次,以后说不准就没机会了。 这时,水莲月的信息也到了,“你确实要试试?” “对。”张烨发送道:“您说吧,什么问题?” 隔了一会儿,水莲月才道:“我心里已经想好一个颜色了,知己,你说说你想到的颜色吧。” 张烨瞎猜道:“白色!” 这是刚看过水莲月裙子内衬的色彩,随口就说了。 水莲月送来淡淡的微笑表情,“可惜,猜错了。” 张烨呃了一声,“你再出一道题。” Shui Lianyue: "I think the good numbers, and your turn. ” Zhang ye asked: "number? ” Shui Lianyue: "it cannot be said, or how the seas? ” Zhang ye nonsense, "32! ” Shui Lianyue: "Oh, sorry wrong again. ” Zhang ye: "what is the number and color that you want? ” Lotus Moon: "I would certainly guess wrong you're saying is wrong, that there is no need to lie to you or not? Well, you are unwilling, I a few questions, which you can have a guess and I think, as I want to, I'll say we're friends, how come? ” Zhang ye not counselling, "you ask. ” Lotus months down the phone does not know is not in play with Zhang ye, and seemed intrigued, "What book do you think big sister loves to see? ” Zhang ye wink, "I guess you like to see Chen Tianmo essays? ” Shui Lianyue: "Unfortunately, I prefer raw Pu-Erh or ripe Pu-Erh? ” This question is optional, a half chance to right, Zhang ye and j ī, Lotus Moon said, met as long as one can guess, also he repeatedly thought about something, most people are fond of cooked Pu-Erh, the answer is it against? But if that simple Lotus months how can you ask? Ripe Pu-Erh tea is the answer? Going backwards twice to guess? Zhang ye decided, "do you like ripe Pu-Erh tea! ” Shui Lianyue: "wrong, well not nonsense, elder sister, had the opportunity to chat again. ” Zhang ye quickly: "don't do that, you haven't said what is your answer! Big sister? Big sister? "Sent three or four consecutive information, they're not. 这是他没想到的! 我去!没答案我怎么弄啊我! 张烨又不甘心地发了几次,对方的头像还亮着,不过却没有回声,也不知道是故意不回的还是在开车。想到这里,张烨决定去碰碰运气,就一路朝琉璃厂跑去,速度很快,用起了中短跑的速度! 大概十多分钟,他跑到了琉璃厂,可是左看看右看看,这边街道几乎空无一人了,几家卖文房四宝的店也都关了门,有两家正在熄灯关门,一辆车子都没有,显然,水莲月已经回去了。懊悔啊,自己刚才就不该跟水莲月臭贫,直接过来看人不是结了?不过好像也不行,琉璃厂太大了,还分东西琉璃厂两条街,天知道水莲月是在哪里买的宣纸又在哪里赏月的?后面那一条条胡同密布,想找一个人太难了,关键自己还不知道水莲月什么样子,看着胸脯找人?从胸型大小弧度上辨认?张烨也没这个技能啊! 失算了啊! 这真是没预料到的! 张烨没辙了,只要无精打采地往家里面走,也不知走了多久,往南溜溜达达到了虎坊桥的时候,手机响了! 是水莲月:“大姐到家了,你也早休息吧。” 张烨可算等到她了,飞快道:“我还没回家呢,在外面,一直猜你那些问题没猜出来呢!您不告诉我答案我没心思回家呀!” Shui Lianyue: "it is a joke, not. ” Zhang ye, "it! My heart is! Don't know to sleep at night! ” Water Lotus on a peaceful expression: "to tell you it anyway, big sister just color is dark blue, number is......" She said, when Zhang ye will continue to watch again, anxious, when Lotus month after all finish, Zhang ye never have a moment of delay, game ring press the options! "Saving and loading. 】 "In reading. 】 "Reading is complete! 】 …… The first Halo! Eyes of a flower! Zhang ye who had just run to the Liu Lichang when fatigue suddenly disappear, leaving only a little bit tired, hufangqiao that brightly lit scene, also ceased to exist, the immediate picture, Zhang ye returned to the sleepy banks back secretly, several passersby had raised eyebrows. Come back! Archived records read back 28 minutes ago! Good insurance! If only a couple of minutes ... ... No, just a minute, this archive will be free fail, the archive can only store a maximum of half an hour! Whether it be a minute or 30 minutes, before the archive can read progress Zhang ye back to store records then and there that, but once the limitation more than 30 minutes, the archive has no effect, the balance! Cell phone in hand, exactly 28 minutes ago Windows when chatting with Shui Lianyue, Zhang ye just sent her a "try". Drip drop! Windows is ringing! "Are you sure you want to try? "Lotus Moon road. Just like before! Zhang ye will change your results, just past the words of, "Yes, you say, what's the problem? "He didn't even know the other side of the water Lotus month when replying to this message will pause for five seconds. One second ... ... Three seconds ... ... Five seconds ... ... Sure enough, the Lotus Moon spoke, said: "I've had a color, friend, you say what you think of it. ” Zhang ye did not hesitate: "cornflower blue. ” Shui Lianyue immediately responded: "......" Zhang ye smiled, "did I guess right? ” Shui Lianyue seems to be muttering: "you're lucky. ” Zhang ye only knows it's not shit luck, if violet says, you come to a dark blue Dark Green Khaki, that sort of stuff, Immortals to guess it, this is not the primary colors, but the blend color, said the blue colors, Royal blue sky blue dark blue water blue, and so on and so on, this is how many? Who could guess Ah! That Zhang ye will know in a different way, but knows he can't see clearly, Lotus month is not ready to meet with myself, so this seemingly simple problem appears to take a chance on the line, in fact, it's not luck, not much worse than the lottery! Shui Lianyue: "I ask. ” Zhang ye: "you requested. ” Shui Lianyue: "I think the good numbers, and guess what? ” Zhang ye directly: "19! ” Shui Lianyue: "............" Zhang ye smiled: "I guess right? ” Shui Lianyue road again: "what do you think of elder sister like books? ” Zhang ye want to want to: "the Analects! ” Shui Lianyue: "... ... You guess? ” Zhang ye smiled: "friends, read UU ( I, I also like watching the Analects. ” Lotus Moon paused, "well, I have one last question, I usually like to drink tea, you think of elder sister is like ripe Pu-Erh tea Pu-Erh it? ” The problem is the pits! Before he thought it was a choice of topics, dug a pit is actually a water Lotus month! Zhang ye laughed: "I think you cooked Pu-Erh tea Pu-Erh are not like drinking, you like tie Guan Yin. ” This question answered, Lotus months have nothing over there. Zhang ye blinked, "big sister? ” Shui Lianyue "well. ” Zhang ye coughs: "I guess right? ” Shui Lianyue: "tie Guan Yin is older sister suddenly fell in love these days, even met my friend for more than 10 years does not know, I do not understand how you guessed. ” Zhang ye: "I am also blind cover. ” Shui Lianyue: "I know that you are blind and Inner Mongolia, it wouldn't have my numbers to know what you think, it seems that you're elder sister best friend? ” Zhang ye was excited: "you don't deserve it. ” Shui Lianyue: "sister don't believe in fate, but today have to believe again, I mean it, we see it today. ” (No wait) "." If you like this work, you are welcome to create cast featured tickets and monthly passes, your support is my biggest motivation. )
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