第316章 王玄龙阙现在的你,虽然玄力之上没有任何变化,但在龙神之髓和龙神之魂下,你的躯体和灵魂都有了升华一般的飞跃,只是在完全融合它们之后 การแปล - 第316章 王玄龙阙现在的你,虽然玄力之上没有任何变化,但在龙神之髓和龙神之魂下,你的躯体和灵魂都有了升华一般的飞跃,只是在完全融合它们之后 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第316章 王玄龙阙现在的你,虽然玄力之上没有任何变化,但在龙神之髓和

第316章 王玄龙阙






























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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 316 Wang Xuanlong queNow you, mysterious force without any change, but under the spirit of the Dragon God of pulp and the Dragon God, your body and soul has been a sublime leap, only after complete mixing of them, your own feeling is not obvious. Combined with the spirit of the Dragon Lord and the OTO cord, power of your dragon blood in your body can be more complete release, you now, war is already several times before ... ... In addition, with the strength of your soul, can barely open our group of Dragon Dragon soul area '! ” "Dragon soul ... ... Area? You mean ... ... Area? "Yun Che exclaimed. Areas, it is Wang Xuan can unleash powerful forces, could bring the lean summer months fields, because she was nine black Pocket heart, and now is the occult, really could bring the throne to their field?"There is no wrong. Dragon soul is not an attack areas, not suppress, check and defensive areas, but an absolutely hegemony of the spiritual realm. It's powerful, will know when you open it. However, although the spiritual realm, but still part of the mysterious force to support you both in sea power, and mentally, slightly reluctance to open the field of Dragon's soul, not a last resort, I don't want you to open it, because it has the potential to damage you caused unpredictable soul ... ... As you get stronger, Dragon soul also will become more powerful in the area, your road to strong, very long. ” Yun Che silently feel a spirit in a sea of power silently nodded, slightly excited."Well, your souls are stained with blood and evil, but just as transparent as Crystal, I believe that I will not wrong, wrong ... ... I left all the power of inheritance, which was later inherited and this is the last one. People who inherit my blood ' that place ' established ' Dragon ', and countless years of heritage in more strength, but strong, often breeds arrogance, greed, I do not know now how the Dragon clan has been. People who inherit the spirit of the pith of the OTO and OTO, you ... ... Was the only one. Hope you did not forget had made a commitment to me. ” Yun Che nod and sincere way: "last made a commitment, I have not forgotten. If one day, I arrived at the place, I would have to search for the sword that you say. If it's found, I will do everything I can find a way to break that spell, let your daughter see a bright future.Well ... ... So, remnant of a soul I've struggled for so many years, will finally be relieved to go. Let me use the last power, done for you ... ... One last thing. If I guess correctly, your body should have a long dragon, Wang Xuanyan Dan, and Long Juejian it together call HIV beads come from heaven. ” Yun Che one, did not ask anything, according to the statement and the one that has been hiding in a day Long Juejian HIV beads can be said except days of HIV Pearl and circle mirror most valuable things out.Over of Black Dragon blue MOU suddenly a Flash, Dragon que and Wang Xuandan while floating up, floating in over, Swire Black Dragon of voice sounded: "this put Long Juejian, is thousand years Qian a into Dragon God try refining of human failed Hou by left, sword body among, seal with a article young dragon of soul, thousand years among, it due to exists Yu Dragon God try refining of to, has I of Dragon card nourish, because has been no silence, since, you of body just has a star Wang xuanlan's of Dragon of Dragon Dan, so, on fulfill has it's! ” Instantly, Wang Xuanlong Dan suddenly burning up has red red of flame, that is belongs to really Dragon of Long Yan, hot of even air are seemed to burning up, Long Juejian in Blu-ray of led Xia rushed into has Wang Xuanlong Dan of flame among, soon was flame completely of package, with of, whole put sword into has a huge of fire mission, like completely burning has up...... If you can do so through the flames, will find the burning Dragon touched on in the Dragon towers of great sword, and as slowly as the liquid dispersed until fully attached, into the Dragon towers above. Buzz! Extinguished the fire in the sky an instant, Wang Xuanlong Dan disappeared, Long Juejian fall down ... ... Time, absolutely a stream of bossy, hot as Sun, than it did before the heavy and strong potential for several times to pull down around the space of silence. Bang!!! Dragon que steadily fell to Yun Che's hands, Yun Che tread is an instant crack, slight shaking the whole cave, Yun Che tightly hold Long Jue, stiff arm, eyes showing shock, and excitement to the extreme light. Long Jue outwardly and obviously nothing special, but it weighs less than before, from arm heaviness told Yun Che, long que weighs 28,000 pounds at least, at this point, but its momentum, even more so as a host, he has a sense of suffocation. He lifted his hands, Heng long que, mysterious force into the body, suddenly, eyes of the dragon head sword parts location, flashing up two dazzling light, just like a live Dragon ferocious eyes, body, the complex keel line is in a slight twist, creep ... ... Yun Che hands holding a sword, but clearly felt a strong soul ... ... Long Jue soul! Great heaviness, Yun Che arms extraordinary has a little unruly, but more are excited, because he witnessed the birth of Wang Xuanqi ... ... In his hands, is the unique Sofu Empire, Wang xuanlan's sword enough to stir the world!! It is conceivable that such a sword falls, will be how the destructive power of a terrorist. Its invisible sword, and was appalled by how many people without a fight. Whew!!Yun Che suddenly waved long que, heavy stone heart-breaking, and its attendant, is a clear long Yin! "There is the soul of this unruly, but you now have the spirit of the Dragon God, and the Soul Calibur and source at an early age spirit of the Dragon, it will fully surrender to you, even if you now just occult can also complete control it ... ... Unfortunately, you seem to be too late to get used to it right away, because your enemies will appear soon, and I also had time to leave. Try to become powerful, and strive to live ... ... You carry my last blood ... ... And the last hope ... ... " “那个可怕的感觉……希望……只是虚渺的错觉……” ………… 苍蓝色的眼睛消失,太古苍龙的声音,也在这一刻完全沉寂了下去。在这里存在了不知多少年的龙神之息,也终于完完全全的消散……而它最后留下,似乎是自言自语的一句话,让云澈一头雾水。 “可怕的感觉?什么意思?”云澈低念了一声,会是什么东西,能让强大的龙神感觉到“可怕”。短暂的沉吟之后,他目光一转,看向了山洞之外……那几个对他穷追不舍的人,已距离他不到百丈之遥……而且,是七个全在! 云澈冷笑一声,拖着龙阙走了出去,每走一步,脚下都会踩下一个半尺深的脚印,直到走出十几步后,他才协调好了身姿和龙阙的重量,完全走出山洞时,脚下已经没有了脚印。 云澈一出山洞,周围便炎影晃动,七个人影从天而将,分别落在了他的周围,将他团团的围住,七股强大无比的玄力气息,也死死的将他锁定。 一个地玄境的玄者单单被一个天玄境强者玄力锁定,都会全身僵硬,呼吸不畅,而云澈同时被七个天玄强者锁定,但却是泰然自若,脸上非但没有半点惊慌,反而一脸微笑,仿佛眼前这七个人不是来要他命的,而是来迎接他的一样。 “云澈!任你再狡猾千倍,也别想逃出我们的手掌心!这次,我看你往哪里跑!”焚莫然抓起焚天刀,怒吼着道。“啧啧,”云澈一撇嘴,不屑的道:“你们这几条老狗每次见面时的台词能不能换一换,每次都说我跑不了,但可惜我每次都是想走就走,你们只能跟在后面像没头苍蝇一样吃灰尘,看你们这脸肿的都已经跟猪脸一样,就不怕再肿成屁股吗?” “不要和他废话!”看到云澈,焚莫离憋了一肚子的火蹭蹭的烧了起来:“马上把他给我拿下!云澈,我看你这次还怎么跑!!” “小辈,受死!!” 焚莫然距离云澈最近,一声大吼,全身燃火,焚天刀出,一招“焚天红莲”劈向云澈。不仅仅是焚莫离,他们几个名震天下的人物一起出动去诛杀一个年轻人,居然到现在还没成功,还被耍的团团转,所有人都是憋了一肚子火气,焚莫然一出手,便是极狠的一招,恨不能一刀直接将云澈劈成两半。 焚莫然靠近之时,云澈迅疾转身,却不是挥剑招架,左手却是忽然从剑柄上离开,一把抓向了焚莫然的焚天刀。 “找死!”焚莫然勃然大怒,但马上,他的眼睛便被惊骇完全的充斥。 咔咔咔咔咔……云澈的力量就如火山一般忽然爆发,竟赤手一把抓在了焚莫然的焚天刀之上,随着一阵让人心脏抽搐的响动,燃烧着火焰的焚天刀直接扭曲……再扭曲……上面的火焰一息之间完全熄灭,而整把焚天刀,已被扭成了麻花。 “什……什么!!”焚莫然的两颗眼珠子差点从眼眶之中跳出来。 作为焚天门十三长老,焚莫然的刀当然不可能是凡品,他手中的焚天刀名为“炎獒”,是一把高等的地玄器,在灌入他强大的玄力之后,足以摧山裂地,崩破精钢,却在云澈的手中,被轻描淡写的扭成了麻花……这比直接将其轰断更要难上数倍。 而云澈的手上,只不过是留下的一道不深不浅的血痕而已。 经过龙神之髓的淬炼,云澈此时的骨骼坚韧到了一种常人都无法理解的强度,恐怕就是焚莫然全力一刀砍在上面,也顶多留下个浅痕,根本别想斩断。 “你们焚天门还真是寒酸,堂堂长老级人物,居然就用这么一把一拧就弯的破刀,简直让人笑掉大牙……下一辈子投胎,可要记得选个好点的宗门!!” 云澈面带微笑,龙阙剑猛然砸在焚莫然的胸口之上。 轰!!! 强大无匹的力量如山洪海啸一般爆发,巨响声中,焚莫然的身体瞬间被砸成两段,如两个破布袋般飞了出去,连闷哼声都来不及发出。章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 316王玄龙Que
you now, although there is no change on the mysterious force, but in the spirit of the Dragon and the Dragon of marrow, your body and soul have a general leap sublimation, just after they complete fusion , your own sense of it is not obvious. Coupled with the soul and marrow of the Dragon of the Dragon, you can force your body more thoroughly Dragon blood release, now you are fighting force several times before ...... In addition to your current soul strength, has barely open our Dragon family of 'Dragon Soul domain'! " "Dragon Spirit ...... field? You mean ...... field? "Cloud Che exclaimed. Field, it is a powerful force in order to display the realm Wang Xuan, summer months can cast pour field, because she has Jiuxuan exquisite heart, while he now is the mysterious land border, can really play Throne to play the field? "Make no mistake. Dragon Soul is not an attack areas of the field, nor repression, containment and defensive fields, but a spiritual realm overbearing exquisite. It's powerful, you will know when you turn it. But, although the spiritual realm, but still be part of the mysterious force to support you now in terms of the mysterious force, or spirit, the soul of the field to open the dragon or slightly reluctantly, not a last resort, I do not want you to turn it on because that might cause you unpredictable damage ...... With your soul strong field will be even more powerful dragon soul, your strong road, very, very long. " Cloud Che quietly feel a lot of power in the spirit of the sea, silently nodding, heart slightly agitated. "well, your soul, although stained with blood and sin, but happens like crystal generally transparent, I believe I not the wrong person, the wrong people ...... all power in heritage left me, this place, is the latest to pass along, also the last one. Inherit my blood of the people in 'that place' established the 'Dragon family', and increasingly grow under countless years of tradition, but powerful, often derived from arrogance, greed, I do not know today's Dragon family has exactly how. The inheritance of the Dragon Soul Dragon marrow of the people, you are the only one ....... Hopefully, you have not forgotten the promise I had to promise under. " Cloud Che nodded, sincere and said: "The last time commitments under promise, I naturally have not forgotten. If one day, I arrived at that place, I will spare no effort to find you said that sword. I should really found it, I'll do everything we can to find a method to unlock the seal, so your daughter brought to light. Well ...... so, I struggled for so many years residual soul, can finally feel at ease go. Let me use the last strength, as the last thing you do ....... If I am not mistaken, your body, should have a dragon dragon Wang Xuan Yan Dan, put it, and Long Que sword, called out from the day together in the right poison beads. " Che Yun surprised a moment, did not ask anything, Yi Yan Long Que sword and sinking to have been hiding in the days of toxic beads, it can be said in addition to day poison beads and mirror of the most precious things reincarnation took out. over the blue dragon eye suddenly flashed, Long Que and王玄丹simultaneously float, floating in the sky, Pacific black dragon's voice: "This is the sword Long Que, after thousands of years ago to enter human trials fail Dragon left, the blade of the , the seal of a young dragon soul, among the millennium, it is due to the presence in the Dragon trials of the land, with my long interest nourish, because there has been no quiet, since your body just has a dragon dragon Wang Xuan Dan, I would fulfill it now! " instant,王玄龙Dan suddenly burning from the red red flame, that was the real dragon of Long Yan, hot even the air as if to burn up in the blue dragon Que sword driven into the flames among王玄龙Dan , soon to be entirely wrapped flames, along with the whole sword into a huge fireball, as completely burning up ...... If the line of sight can pass through the flame, you will find the burning of the dragon in the dragon Dan touch Que on the huge hilt, and then slowly dispersed such as liquefied general, until completely attached, into the top of Long Que. Om! flame instantly extinguished the air,王玄龙Dan disappear, Long Que sword drawn down ...... a time, an overbearing exquisite, hot as the sun, and before the heavy than the tyrannical Jian Shi enveloped down several times, so that space completely quiet surroundings. bang !!! Long Que fell steadily cloud Che's hands, and Yun Chol foot of the land is instantaneous crack, the cave has a slight jolt, holding tightly cloud Che Long Que, while stiff arm, eyes being exposed shocked, and excited about the extreme light. Long Que appearance up and apparently no particular changes, but its weight was far better than before, a sense of heavy arms coming to tell cloud Che, this time Long Que weighing at least twenty-eight thousand jin, and its momentum, even more so As a master, he has a sense of suffocation. He raised his hands, cross from Long Que, will be poured into the blade into the mysterious force, suddenly, the position of the tip portion eyes dragon head, actually flashing from two wipe the glare of the fire, like a live Mouguang ferocious dragon, above the blade, the complex keel lines actually a slight twist, squirm ...... Yun Chol hands holding the hilt, but clearly felt a strong soul ...... Long Que soul! great heaviness, so extraordinary cloud Che arm has felt a little unruly, but he is more, it is excited because he witnessed the birth of a Wang Xuan ...... his hands , is unique in the whole empire Cang wind, enough to stir the world !! Wang Xuan of the sword can imagine, this sword falls, it will cause dreadful destructive power. It's invisible Jian Shi, and many people will not fight appalled. Call !! cloud suddenly waving Che Long Que, piercing sound of heavy rock pressure as the heart, and accompanied by, a cry very clear Dragons! "There is this unruly soul, but you now have Dragon Soul, Soul Calibur and it is also the source childhood Dragon Soul, it will be completely subservient to you, even if you now just to mysterious territory, the same can full control it ...... Unfortunately, it seems too late once you go adapt to it, because your enemies will appear immediately, and I also went to the departure time. Strive to become stronger, and strive to live ...... you carrying blood ...... my last and final hope ...... " "That horrible feeling ...... ...... just hope delusion Xumiao ......" ............ Cang blue eyes disappear, Pacific black dragon's voice, at this moment down completely quiet in here I do not know how many years the Dragon of interest exists, and finally completely dissipated ...... but it finally left, it seems word to himself, let cloud Che confused. "terrible feeling? What does this mean? "Cloud Che low read a cry would be something, to make a powerful Dragon feels" horrible. "After a brief pondered, his eyes a turn, look to the outside of a few of his cave ...... pursued dismay of people, has been away from his less than Baizhang away ...... Moreover, the seven all in! Yun Chol sneer, dragging Long Que went out, every step, will depress the foot of a half a foot deep footprints until out of the ten steps later, he was coordinating the posture and weight Long Que, completely out of the cave, the foot has no footprints. Yun Chol came out cave, rock videos inflammation around it seven figure from the heavens The were landed around him, he will be surrounded by clouds of seven stocks mysterious force so powerful breath, he also tightly locked to the mysterious territory of a mysterious person alone is a strong mysterious territory Tianxuan power locks, will be stiff body, shortness of breath, and cloud Che simultaneously Tianxuan seven strong lock, but it is poised, not only did not the slightest panic on his face, but smiling face, as if in front of which seven did not come to him life, but to meet him as. "Cloud Che! Either you cunning thousand times, not even think to escape our palm! This time, I see you where to go! . "Burn burn days Moran grabbed a knife, roaring Road "Gee," says Che curl one's lip, disdain and said: "This is a few lines you old dog when they meet each can for a change, every time say I have not run, but unfortunately every time I want to stay away, you can now eat dust like a headless flies in the back, see you this swollen face have been the same with Zhulian, not dreaded swollen ass into it ? " "Do not bullshit him! "To see clouds Che, burning Mo from anything in the fire burning Cengceng up:" He gave me immediately win! Yun Chol, I think this is also how you run! ! " "Junior, death! ! " Burning Moran from the cloud Che recently, roar, body lights the fire, burning days knife out, a move "burn days HL" pixiang cloud Che. Do not just burn off a few of them reputed world figures Heaven sent together to a young man, actually to now not succeed, was also playing around, everyone is anything in anger, burning Moran a shot, that is very hard for a move, hoping to teach a knife directly Yun Chol will split in half. When burning near Moran, the cloud Che swift turn, is not the sword parry, but it is suddenly left the hilt from the left to the burning Moran grabbed the knife burning day. "killed! "Moran burning rage, but soon, he would be horrified eyes completely flooded. Ka Kaka Kaka ...... cloud Che forces such as volcanic erupted suddenly in general, actually burn bare hands grabbed at the Moran's burning days on the knife, while people with heart twitch of the ring, burning flame burning days and then twisted the knife ...... ...... twisted directly above the flame in one breath completely extinguished, and the whole day to burn the knife that has been twisted into twist. "What ...... What! ! "Moran's two burning almost eyeball to jump out from the eyes into. As burning Tianmen thirteen elders, burning Moran knife of course not be where the goods, Brahma knife in his hand, called "Yan mastiff", is Higher land a mysterious device, he poured in after the mysterious force powerful enough to destroy the mountain cleft, collapse broken steel, but in the cloud Che's hands were twisted into cannabis ...... understatement than directly to its boom is several times more difficult to break. The cloud Che's hands, but is not a deep and shallow bloodstains left it. After the marrow Dragon grown up, cloud Che's bones tough at this time to an ordinary person can not understand the strength, I am afraid that the burning of Moran knifed in the above efforts, leaving at most a shallow mark, cut off not even think about. "You burn days door really is shabby, dignified elder class people, actually use such a a twist on the curved knife broken, people simply laugh ...... next life reincarnation, you had better remember to choose a good point Munekado! ! " Cloud Che smiling, Long Que sword suddenly hit upon the burning Moran chest. Boom !!! matchless power powerful tsunami such as the outbreak of mountain torrents, loud sound, the body instantly smashed into a burning Moran two, such as two break out the bag like a fly, even Menheng issued too late. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Xuan force poured into the blade, suddenly, sword tip part of Longshou binocular location, actually flashing up two wipe glare, like a Huolong ferocious Mou light, blade, the complexity of the keel lines unexpectedly in slightly distorted, peristalsis... Clouds hands holding the hilt, but clearly felt a strong soul...... The dragon soul que!

huge heavy feeling, let the arm extraordinary cloud Che are feeling a little difficult to navigate, but he more and is excited, because he witnessed the birth of the king Xuanqi...... In his hands, the wind is the one and only enough to stir the Cang Empire, king of the world Xuan sword!! One can imagine,It was to be king of the realm of Xuan, a powerful force to display the, Xia Qing month can display field, because she has XWB exquisite heart, and now is more mysterious territory, really can display the throne to display the field? "There is no wrong. Dragonic field and not an attack in the area, is not pressing, containment and defense fields, but a kind of overbearing peerless spirit field. It's powerful, you'll know when you start it. But although is the spiritual realm, but still want to part of the mysterious force to support, you now regardless of the mysterious force, and the spirit to open Dragonsoul field or somewhat forced, less than a last resort,I don't want you to open it, because it may cause damage to the soul There's no telling you...... With your strong, Dragonsoul field will be more powerful, your strong road, is very long."

clouds silently feel a spiritual force in the sea, silently nodded, the heart was excited.
"very good, your soul although stained with blood and evil, but it happens like crystal transparent, I believe I can't see a wrong person, choose the wrong person... In all the power I have left, this place is the latest to pass, but also the last one.Chapter 316 Wang Xuanlong que
you now, although mysterious force without any change, but in the marrow of the dragon and the dragon soul, your body and soul have generally leap sublimation, only after completely fused, your feeling is not obvious. Plus there is the soul of dragon and the Dragon pulp, you can release the power of your body dragon blood, more thorough, now you, combat power is preceded by several times... In addition, with your current strength of soul, has barely can open us a 'Dragonsoul field'!" Dragonsoul

"...... Field? You are saying...... Field?" Clouds surprised. Field,I will do everything we can to find methods to seal, let your daughter to be delivered from oppression. Good...... So, I struggled for so many years of soul, also can finally feel at ease to go. Let me use the last strength for you to do...... The last thing. If I didn't guess wrong, you should have a dragon Dan in a star king Xuan Yanlong, put it and the Dragon que sword, together from the poison day bead call come out. "

clouds one Leng, did not ask anything, in accordance with the word of the Dragon que sword and the heart has been hiding in the poison day bead can be said in addition to poison day beads and recurrent mirror the most precious things took out. Dragon eyes suddenly flashed over,Inherit my veins in 'the place' established 'dragon family', and under the inheritance of countless years of increasingly stronger, but powerful, often derived arrogant and greedy, and don't know today is the dragon family has exactly how. The inheritance of pulp and Ryujin Ryujin of the soul, you...... Is the only one. I hope you did not forget the promise I made."

clouds nod, sincere replied: "a promise, I did not forget. If one day, I arrived at that place, I will try my best to find the sword you say. If really found,Dragon Que and Wang Xuandan float, float in the sky, Pacific dragon's voice sounded: "the Dragon que sword, is thousands of years ago a after entering the Dragon trials of human failure left, blade, seal with a baby dragon soul, thousands of years, it due to the presence of refining of the land to the dragon, I of the dragon's breath nourish, because there has been no silence, since your body just has a dragon Dan in a star king Xuanzhi dragon, then fulfill it!"

instantly, Shan Wang Dan suddenly burning red flame, it is belong to the real dragon in lung inflammation, hot even the air seemed to burn up,Let the space around the space be completely silent. Bang!!!

dragon que steady fall in Che Yun's hand, and the clouds at the foot of the land is instantly crack, the cave was slight shaking about, cloud Che tightly holding dragon que, a stiff arm, binocular showed shock, and excitement to pole light.

dragon que appearance does not seem particularly obvious change, but its weight but far better than before, arm came the heaviness of being told Che Yun, at this time the Dragon que weigh at least 28000 pounds, and its imposing manner is to master who have a sense of suffocation. Does he raised his hands to cross the dragon, que,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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