面色一白,“不是我,是她自己,不是我!”她是想陷害庄络胭,即便陷害不了,也能让庄络胭落下一个残害地位分妃嫔的名头,可是哪里知道庄络胭这么惊觉 การแปล - 面色一白,“不是我,是她自己,不是我!”她是想陷害庄络胭,即便陷害不了,也能让庄络胭落下一个残害地位分妃嫔的名头,可是哪里知道庄络胭这么惊觉 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด















感谢珊瑚、紫雪琉璃、uciazheng、北冰、舒、花儿、千天流云、月夜离歌、cibamai、小秋、随风吹过、彩色多谱勒、温黛黛、1uciazheng、狱妖、雨雪霏霏、纳兰秋荻、鲨鲨、choy诸位童鞋的雷。鞠躬~ [本章结束]
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
面色一白,“不是我,是她自己,不是我!”她是想陷害庄络胭,即便陷害不了,也能让庄络胭落下一个残害地位分妃嫔的名头,可是哪里知道庄络胭这么惊觉,在那么短短一瞬间,也能做出反应。 她知道这个手段算不上高明,但是她也知道,人在没有预防的情况下,不会那么快的做出应对,而她只需要庄络胭愣神的那一刻。 但是庄络胭连这么一刻时间也没有给她,反而将计就计,害得她怎么也说不清,这下不管她有理无理,皇上都不会饶了她。 “皇后娘娘,出事了,”和玉面上带了一丝焦急,见皇后与贤妃坐在一起,行了一个礼,恢复规矩的模样,“昭充仪被孙容华推进荷花池,现在太医去了熙和宫,昭充仪这会儿还没醒来。” 皇后当下面色微变,孙容华是她的表妹,若是昭充仪真的出了什么事情,只怕皇上那儿她的颜面也不好看了。 贤妃闻言倒是皱了皱眉,“孙容华与昭充仪并无过节,孙容华为何做出这般事情?” 和玉一五一十的把打听来的事情说了出来,贤妃与皇后面色都不好看,只怕这出戏是孙容华想陷害昭充仪,结果被将计就计或者中间出了什么岔子。 皇后脸色更加难看了,她这个表妹还真是出息了,想出这么个没脑子的主意,即便她们同日进宫,昭充仪比她受宠,也不该因为嫉妒做出这种事。 简直……不可理喻! “去熙和宫!”皇后从牙缝中挤出这几个字,她知道今日的事情不能善了了,皇上刚翻了熙和宫的牌子,熙和宫的主子便被她表妹推进了荷花池,若是不好好处理,这善妒的名头只怕连她也揭不了。 作者有话要说:因为身体原因,最近可能不能保持日更,但是至少保持隔日更,状态好的话日更,状态不好就是隔日更,请大家见谅,鞠躬。 另外,还有没有哪位童鞋后台余额是负数的,如果今天后还是负数状态,可以站短管理员进行解决。 感谢北冰的手榴弹。 感谢珊瑚、紫雪琉璃、uciazheng、北冰、舒、花儿、千天流云、月夜离歌、cibamai、小秋、随风吹过、彩色多谱勒、温黛黛、1uciazheng、狱妖、雨雪霏霏、纳兰秋荻、鲨鲨、choy诸位童鞋的雷。鞠躬~ [本章结束]
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Looking for a white, "not me, was her own, not me!" She wanted to trap village rouge network, even if not framed, but also allows network rouge down a village mutilation status points concubines name of the first, but the network know where the village rouge so surprise, in that short moment, but also to respond. She knows this means really clever, but she also knows that people in the absence of preventable cases, will not be so quick to make a deal with, but she only needs Chuang network rouge moment stupidly. But even such a village rouge network did not give her a moment of time, but will be counted on the meter, depriving how she can not tell, whether she justified under this irrational, the emperor will not spare her. "Queen Goddess, an accident," and with a hint of anxiety on Yumian, see the Queen and Xianfei sitting together, bowed to restore the rules look like, "Zhao charging instrument is Sun Ronghua advance lotus pond, now imperial went Hee and Palace, Sho charge instrument at the moment not wake up. " Queens moment looking slightly changed, Sun Ronghua was her cousin, if Sho charge instrument really what happened, I'm afraid the emperor where her face is not good-looking. Xianfei'd heard frowned, "Sun Yung Hua and Zhao instrument does not charge the holidays, why make such a thing Sun Ronghua?" and to find out to what jade lay that out, looking not Xianfei with queen good-looking, I'm afraid China would like to play is framed Zhao Rong Sun meter charge, the results were to be counted on the meter or in the middle of what was wrong. Queen's face more ugly, and she really is the cousin Offer, and to come up with the idea of such a no-brainer, even if they are on the same day the palace, Sho charge than her favored instrument, and should not do such a thing because of jealousy. ...... Simply ridiculous! "Go Hee and the Palace!" Queen from the teeth out of the words, she can not know today what a good, the emperor had just turned Hee and the Palace of the brand, and the Palace of the master Hee will be promoted her cousin lotus pond, if not properly treated, this jealous name of the first, I'm afraid even she could not expose. Author has to say: because of health reasons, more recently may not be able to keep the date, but at least every other day to keep more, the state is good day more, the state is not good the next day more, please forgive me, bow. In addition, there is no Which shoes background balance is negative, and if after today or negative state, can stand short administrator to resolve. Thanks Artic grenades. Thanks coral, Zixue glass, uciazheng, Arctic, Shu, the flowers, one thousand days clouds, moonlit night from the song, cibamai, Xiaoqiu, the wind blowing, color Doppler, Wen Daidai, 1uciazheng, prison demon, rain and snow started falling, Di Nalan autumn, shark shark, choy of you shoes of mine. Bow ~ [end of this chapter]

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The complexion is white, "not me, it is her own, not me!" She is trying to frame Zhuang Luo popliteal and even framed, also can let Zhuang Luo popliteal fall under a crippling status of the concubines of, but did not know how Luo Zhuang popliteal so surprised to feel, in so short a moment, also can respond.

she know this means not clever, but she also knew that, people with no prophylaxis, would not be so fast to respond, and she only needs Zhuang Luo popliteal stupidly. At that moment.

but Luo Zhuang popliteal even such a moment to also did not give her, but beat him at his own game, harm she how also say not clear, this whether she justifiable and unjustifiable.The emperor will not spare her.

"empress accident," jade and surface looks like with a hint of anxious, see queen and the wise imperial concubine sit together, a gift, to restore the rule, "Zhao instrument is Sun Ronghua promote the lotus pond, now cure too much to the city and the palace, Zhao filling instrument at the moment didn't wake up."

queen when the following color slightly changed, Sun Ronghua is her cousin, if Zhao instrument really out of the things, I'm afraid the emperor there her face does not look good.

Xianfei is I frowned, "Sun Ronghua and Zhao filling instrument has no holidays, why does Sun Ronghua do something like this?"

And jade Yiwuyishi to listen to the things said out, virtuous imperial concubine and queen complexion are not good-looking, I am afraid that the play is Sun Ronghua wanted to trap Zhao instrument, the result was beat him at his own game or in the middle of the accident.

Queen's face became ugly, her cousin really ambition, come up with the idea for such a mindless, even on the same day they enter a temple, Zhao instrument than she favored nor the because of jealousy to make such a thing. Simply...... Won't listen to reason "Go to the palace and the city!" The queen from the teeth out of the words, she knew not what was good today, just over the city and the emperor palace brand,Master to the city and the palace was her cousin pushed the lotus pond, if not properly handled, the jealous and afraid even she Jie can not.

the authors have something to say: because of physical reasons, most recently may not keep more, but at least keep on alternate days more, good days, the state is not good is every other day, please everybody excuse me, bow.

in addition, there is no which shoes background balance is negative, if today is a negative state, short administrator to resolve. Thanks to the Arctic grenade. Thank you

coral, glass, uciazheng, Arctic Zixue, Shu, flowers, clouds, moonlight on a thousand days,Cibamai, small autumn, the wind blowing, color Doppler, Wen Daidai, 1uciazheng, prison demon, in the snow, nano Lan Qiudi, Sha Sha, Choy beloved children's thunder. Bow to the end of this chapter
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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