第415章 惨烈纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 每抵挡云澈一剑,凤赤火便感觉仿佛是被一座山岳狠狠撞击,直震荡的他五脏都几欲破碎。面 การแปล - 第415章 惨烈纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 每抵挡云澈一剑,凤赤火便感觉仿佛是被一座山岳狠狠撞击,直震荡的他五脏都几欲破碎。面 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第415章 惨烈纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 每抵挡云澈一

第415章 惨烈




















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 415 tragicOnline reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit Each sword against Yun Che, chicken red fire will feel as if they are hit by a mountain, shocks his internal organs are broken. Yun Che impact of terror coming from the blood-red eyes and arms, he began to get really scared ... ... But this time, Yun Che EPEE under repression, he don't retreat to escape, even not say a Word. Yun Che sight in the world, has become a blur of red, and the Red world, Feng red fire was left with only one heart, filling all the Phoenix red fire killed an idea. Phoenix red fire, after all, is the high throne, even if is the limit state of Yun Che attack, continues to be blocked again and again he, Yun Che and his eyes became more somber, left arm, and a green light suddenly shot out.Black gang was originally red, with dragon blood into Orange, evil spirit status of yellow, heart-burning status of green, but at the moment the "purgatory" ... ... Impressively into the sea and clouds of blue! Blue black gang, will equal half my power! Limit State, the use of black gang will no doubt greatly increased consumption, on his body, the strong impact of unpredictable consequences, but in order to completely suppress chicken red fire, Yun Che finally used a black gang. Bang!!Phoenix red fire resist the EPEE is extremely reluctant, black gang, he no longer spare capacity to shield black gang mercilessly slammed into the head ... ... Suddenly, his brain with a roar, the whole back went flying, and then plunged to 50 feet on land outside, will hit the ground a few feet deep crater, head and upper body were buried directly into the bottom of the pit. "Ah! You mix this...... " Phoenix red fire let out a roar of the beast from jumping out of the pit. His face is covered with blood, his face is more than the blood red, forehead, impressively printed blood hole the size of a fist. Angrily he was like crazy, but cursed haven't had time to fully export, a Flash of his eyes suddenly figure, his pupil, grey appears again the burning Phoenix inflammatory EPEE, and turned into EPEE cyan black gang.Phoenix red fire eye redness, hands hold a sword, most limit of the body poured above the flame sword, welcome to Yun Che EPEE and black gang. 轰!!!! That Flash, two people near of three seat short mountain was while earthquake collapsed, was cut into flat of mountain between, seemed just rises has a round blood day, in this blood day among, all of rocks, and trees, are was destroyed into has small of powder, two a people like two tablets was wind rolled up leaves, buoyant of fly to has two a different of direction. Bang!!Phoenix red fire of heavily hit in the body on an ancient tree, he fell to the ground, severe cough, coughed once, will bring a lot of clots, is almost visceral coughed out broken ... ... But, even if has reached such a stage, he still does not get chance to breathe, because Yun Che figure, as possessed by ghosts appeared his eyes again. Yun Che situation than he was at this time, his body is the blood from from the extremities of the face, almost can not find a place where not being stained by the blood, especially he focuses on sword arms, caught in the way blood flows into stocks fell. But his terrible momentum, there are ghostly speed is no less, in Phoenix red fire eyes just caught him, the next moment, Yun Che a star God broken shadow rushed to the front of his body. "You ... ... Maniac!! "Chicken red fire two eyes frightened and almost burst open, although he Yun Che you suffered a heavy blow, but Yun Che, and subject him to a sword, he can see also Yun Che wound weigh ... ... But such a State that he should not suppress that wound, but chasing so fast! Phoenix red fire more than 100 years, not seen insane, but never seen the crazy to the point of crazy. His teeth and was about to lift the whole body black, suddenly, his eyes suddenly zoom ... ... Among pupils, reflecting a man howling pale blue dragon shadow. Dragon soul area! Soul shock longyin ring from the Phoenix mountains, above the flame of countless mysterious beast in the mountains all lying on the ground, trembling. Phoenix red fire-body began to huddle up, summon a deep fear on his face, just get the mysterious force quickly looked in fear ... ...Yun Che "purgatory" until now, is already near the end of the limit, if you can, he'd like to use "滅 Jedi" chicken red fire, but his internal injuries at this time, the body is more to the brink of collapse, if the use of "Jedi 滅 day", maybe your body will burst in a Flash. Use Dragon soul area, will make overdraft in his body, while spirit is also an enormous loss ... ... 滅 days cannot be used in case of Jedi, though costly, in order to be able to eliminate all accidents, completely kill the chicken red fire, he resolutely open areas of the Dragon soul. Field to allow him the Dragon soul sword hits, the most important thing is to let each other in fear, even the mysterious force defenses completely collapsed. Phoenix red fire if the normal state, being a high throne, Dragon soul of his influence will be reduced in the area, but to be covered with cuts and bruises, Phoenix red fire of the mind is confused, his spirit was instantly defeated most of Yun Che bounced, will end all power, all in his hands."Meteorite Moon sinking star!! ” EPEE lifted, lifted Phoenix inflammatory, carries the long que of Yun Che last forces, death breath, hit the heart of the Phoenix red fire ... ... Facing death approaching, Feng Chi water, Shivering in fear of hands, guarding in front of the, even managed to open a mysterious force defense. 轰!!!! Crack the Earth, chicken red fire build defenses in a collapsed State, as crushing as a fragile bubble, earth-shattering roar, a crack at the foot of Yun Che spread rapidly, extending beyond the baizhang, and chicken red fire in the line of sight disappears completely, ... ... His body, had not known how deep-shelled ground. Flip ... ...Flip ... ... Blood of blood flow as break of beads General from Yun Che of refers to sewing between fast living in feet of ruins Shang, a drops drops of broken split to, just of full a hit, let he body are collapse open Shang hundred road cracks, blood will he of body dye of like from Shura battlefield climbed out of blood evil magic God, even brushed had he body of wind, are with Shang has pungent of bloody taste. Finally ... ... End ... ... Bang!!Long Jue from Yun Che hands unable to fall in the ring floor, Yun Che red light disappears in the eyes, black gang are back into his arm, his eyes slowly closed, after whole body shakes, finally fell heavily to the ground ... ... At stake when you have to kill Phoenix red fire, he knew the inevitable tragic war. Because with his strength if it is to kill a high throne, had to pay a heavy price. Finally, he did it ... ... Hyun kill Wang xuanlan's late, he is creating a myth of a mysterious city, never had. The result, initially his unexpected break chicken red fire arm, played a crucial role, or even limit State, he will struggle to suppress the Phoenix red fire. "Must ... ... Right ... ... Leave ... ... Here...... "Yun Che's arm hard out, in front of the land, all his strength was almost exhausted, and only allow yourself to creep forward a few inches away. He was supposed to heal, but here is the vein of Phoenix mountain, Phoenix Shenzong's site! Below, there is a Phoenix. He played against Phoenix red fire is great, is likely to have moved Phoenix Emperor Shenzong who, if he did not leave right away, the consequences would be unthinkable. Then don't say it is a throne, even if just for Phoenix Shenzong most inferior disciples, also can raise your hand between his life. He looked to his left, with his thoughts again and again called the snow Phoenix beasts, but black printing flashing several times, Phoenix beasts but the snow never came. Black printing does not disappear, proves snow Phoenix beasts did not die, but chicken red fire that shot, enough to make it seriously dying. "... ... ... ... UH...... "Heavy and painful moan, suddenly came from the Yun Che reaches, and gradually from far and near, Yun Che's face slightly, a little bit of turn, in that one-day the Wolf cut out of the ravine edge, suddenly out of hand ... ... Following this, a systemic blood figure, a bit of climbing up. Phoenix red fire!! "Oh ... ... He's not dead! "Jasmine sink channels. Phoenix red fire at this time, it is miserable to the point, the whole body is covered in, and can't find any human form. But he is still alive, and so fast from the gully, proved his status, much better at least than Yun Che.Impossible ... ... Dragon soul area ... ... He was almost defenseless ... ... How could he not dead ... ... Feng red fire, climb up to the rickety station, and saw lying on the ground, General Yun Che is blood, his body shaking, but making a crazy hoarse with laughter: "Ah ... ... Haha ... ... HA HA HA HA ... ... You ... ... Little bastard ... ... How is it possible ... ... Kill me...... " He stepped forward, step by step to Yun Che on his face, revealing of the ferocious terror: "I want you ... ... A little bit of tear ... ... Your whole body ... ... Completely torn...... " Just then, the sky, suddenly swept a huge shadow, some weak and with a loud Bell, Yun Che difficult rise, eyes with Ecstasy: "Chan!! ”Snow Phoenix beasts almost half of the snow feathers are dyed red, but still strong came, it came to over Yun Che, wings and Pat, three ice thorns along with cold, straight into chicken red fire. Putt-putt-putt!! Usually, snow Phoenix beasts attack, how can it hurt Phoenix red fire half, but Phoenix red fire is all broken, link road have been unsteadily, impossible to resist a live snow Phoenix beasts attack. Three ice thorn would easily run through all the Phoenix red fire body, one, Phoenix red fire throat throughout the blood hole the size of a fist.凤赤火眼睛圆瞪,在冰刺的冲击力下,重重的向后倒了下去,再也没有了动静,身下,一大滩血快速的蔓延……这次,他是死的不能再死。或许,他曾经很多次的想过自己会是以什么方式终结生命,但绝对不可能想到,自己会死的如此之惨,更不会想到,自己会是死在一个只有地玄境的玄者,和他只有天玄境的契约玄兽手上。 云澈重重的舒了一口气,精神松弛之下,发动龙魂领域的副作用也汹涌而来,让他的意识出现了严重的恍惚。他向雪凰兽伸出手,声音嘶哑的道:“小婵……我们……快走……越高越好……越远越好……” 雪凰兽卷起一阵轻风,将云澈卷到它的背上,随之,它振翅而起,直飞高空而去。云澈的心总算安定了一些,而这时,茉莉忽然冷冷的出声:“你最好先尽量保持意识的清醒……你之前叫了它那么多次,它都没有马上出现,你就该知道它伤的必然极重,而且还是伤在羽翼。它现在虽然勉强飞起,但一定飞不远的。” 云澈:“……” 茉莉的话,绝不是在危言耸听,云澈一咬舌尖,让自己的精神出现了短暂的清晰,顿时感觉到,雪凰兽的全身都在剧烈颤抖,它平时遇到再大的狂风,都可以平稳而行,但此时,阵阵不强烈的山风吹来,都会让它的身体出现剧烈的摇晃。 “小婵……坚持住!”云澈低声喊道。如果不能飞出凤凰山脉,他将是必死无疑。但是,他显然低估了雪凰兽的伤势,在挣扎着飞出了十几里后,一阵强风迎面而来,在这强风之下,雪凰兽忽然发出一声痛苦的悲鸣,双翅骤然痉挛,然后整个身体就这么飞坠而下。 “小婵!!” 面对云澈的呼喊,雪凰兽却是没有了任何的反应,因为它已是直接在空中昏迷了过去。云澈有着凤凰血脉、龙神血脉,有着真神玄诀护身,身体无比变态,多么重的伤都能扛过去。但雪凰兽不同,它只是一只普通的天玄兽。在重伤之下挣扎飞行这么久,已是它的极限。云澈随着雪凰兽飞坠而下,没有力量的双手连它的雪羽都已无法抓住,逐渐的在空中和雪凰兽离散……飞坠没多久,他的身体重重的砸落在一片并不太硬的土地上……那似乎是一个倾度很大的斜坡,他落下之后,和雪凰兽一起向着一个方向快速的翻滚而去,翻滚之中,他迷糊的视线,捕捉到他们滚落去的地方,竟却是一处……不知多深的断崖!!视线漫过断崖,他看到的是一座座低矮的山峰……没有一座山峰的高度,超过他此时的高度。 这一刹那,他顿时明白,自己和雪凰兽竟是落在了这凤凰神脉最高的那座山峰之上,他们,正在从这最高峰的顶峰……一千五百多丈的高度向下滚落……身体终于滚落到了断崖处,然后从滚落,变成了直线跌落……他头部向上,看不到下方,不知下方是山体、山腰……还是会就这么一直跌落下去,直到山底。 狂风在呼啸向上掠去,精神、体力严重透支,又全身是伤的他已根本无法在空中控制身体,甚至无法聚起任何防御玄力……他不确定,自己有着神之血脉和力量保护的身体,能不能在没有玄力保护的状态下,承受的住落地那一刻的冲击力……会不会直接粉身碎骨…… 狂风呼啸的声音淹没了所有的听觉,云澈的意识里,除了风啸声,再也没有了其他,就连叫喊的力气都完全失去。几十息过去,耳边依然是风声呼啸,终于…… 砰!!!!他听到了自己落地时那巨大的声音,隐隐约约的,似乎还有一个女孩清脆的惊叫声…… 全身的痛感消逝,他的视线随着意识的逝去而快速模糊着……最后的画面,一半是高高的断崖,一半是碧蓝的天空,画面的最后,碧蓝的天空忽然出现了一个如梦幻一般美丽的少女脸颊,她瞪大着一双比星辰还有璀璨的美眸凝视着他,这双美眸纯净的如同皎月,充满着纯真、惊吓、诧异、好奇……云澈的身边有着太多的绝色佳人,但在这如梦幻一般的美丽面前,心神依然不受控制的剧烈颤荡…… 好美…… 是天堂的……仙女吗…… 这副美丽到仿佛不该属于人间的画面,成为了云澈最后的意识,随之,他完全失去了知觉。 ——————————R1058 最快更新,无弹窗阅读请。章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Cap 415 tragic
text reading online phone site domain synchronous read visit every cloud resist Che sword, phoenix red fire it feels as if a mountain was severely hit, straight shock of his internal organs are broken Jiyu. Yun Chol face blood red eyes and arms of terror came impact, he began to really fear up ...... but this time, under the cloud Che epee repression, he fled to mention retreat, even a words are indescribable. Cloud Che sight in the world has become a hazy red, and this red world, and will be left in a red fire phoenix people, hearts, filling of Phoenix are all red fire intended to kill. Phoenix red fire after the senior throne, even though the most extreme attack cloud Che state, was still a time of Dangxia him, Che's eyes cloud becomes more gloomy, on the left arm, a glaucoma suddenly shot. After the mysterious gang initially red with the blood into the Orange Dragon, evil soul status is yellow, Fenxin status is green, but at the moment, "Purgatory" state ...... impressively into a general sea of blue and clouds! Blue mysterious gang, will have the equivalent power of their own half! Limit state, the use of mysterious gang will undoubtedly greatly increased consumption of his body, it will cause unpredictable consequences of a strong impact, but in order to completely suppress the phoenix red fire, cloud Che finally spent a mysterious gang. Bang! ! Phoenix red fire is extremely reluctant to resist the epee, a mysterious gang, he never spare capacity to resist, is mysterious gang severely hit in the head ...... Suddenly, he heard the roar of the brain, the whole person to fly upside down out, then plunged into the land of five hundred feet outside the ground several feet punched a deep hole, head and upper body directly buried at the bottom of the pit. "Ah !! You mix ......" phoenix red fire uttered a roar like a beast from the pit in a harsh jump out. His face is a mouthful of blood, his face crimson blood is Geng Shibi, brow, was printed a fist-sized hole in the blood. He is angrily seemed insane, but not enough time to completely exit cursed, his eyes would suddenly flash figure, his pupil among the burning phoenix again inflammation gray epee, and turned into heavy Sword cyan mysterious gang. Phoenix crimson red fire eyes, hands Wojian the body most extreme poured over flame blade, Looking Cloud Che epee and mysterious gang. boom! ! ! ! Moment, two nearby dwarf mountain three simultaneously collapsed and was whittled plains between mountains, as if out of thin air raised a round of blood, in the blood among this date, all the rocks, the trees, were destroyed become a fine powder, two people like two leaves are rolled up wind, floating fly two different directions. Bang! ! Phoenix fire red body on a heavy hit in the trees, he turn over the ground, severe cough, cough every time, will bring out a lot of blood clots, almost all the internal organs of the broken ...... but cough out , even has reached such a point, he still can not get respite, because the cloud Che's figure, as possessed by spirits general re-emergence of his eyes. At this cloud Che situation unbearable than he looks, his body of blood, from the face from the limbs, almost did not find a place dyed with blood, especially his arms holding epee, round after round of blood lymph flow into stocks fall. But his terrible momentum, there are ghostly speed is unabated, red fire him in Phoenix just to capture the attention, and the next moment, the cloud will be a star god Che broken shadow rushed in front of him. "You're crazy !! ......" Two eyeball horror phoenix red fire are almost burst open, although he suffered a heavy blow Che cloud, but the cloud Chol, also clearly affected by his best sword, he also Che could see clouds have multiple injuries at this time ...... but such a state, he did not go to suppress the injury, but the chase so fast! Phoenix red fire live a hundred years old, he is not never seen a madman, but had never seen the crazy to the point of crazy. He tightly bite, just to mention the mysterious force body, suddenly, his eyes suddenly amplified ...... pupil among illuminates a pale blue sky and the roar of the dragon shadow. Dragon Soul fields! Dragons shock soul sound resounded over the Phoenix Mountains, so that the flame countless mountains mysterious beast all Pafu the ground, shivering. Phoenix red fire up the body began to shiver, to gather up his face deeper fear, just gathered together the mysterious force in fear ...... fast collapsing cloud Che "purgatory" state is maintained until now, it is close to the final limit, If possible, he would like to use "off days of the Jedi," the phoenix red fire destroyed, but he now internal injuries trauma very heavy, the body is to the complete collapse of the edge that, if the use of "off days of the Jedi", perhaps the body will be in a instant burst. The use of the dragon spirit realm, let him in advance of the remainder of the body, so that the spirit can be a huge loss ...... but you can not use off days in the case of the Jedi, even at great cost, in order to eliminate all accidents, thorough culling red phoenix fire, he resolutely opened the Dragon Soul fields. Dragon Soul areas not only allow him to hit the sword inevitable, the most important thing is to let the other party in fear, even mysterious force defense completely collapse. If red fire phoenix normal state, as a higher throne, dragon soul influence will be greatly reduced his field, but the body is injured, mind chaos phoenix red fire, his spirit was instantly defeated half, suddenly rushed cloud Che to, all their last strength, are collected in the top of your hands. "Meteorite star Shen month !!" epee lift, Yan Feng lifted, carrying the cloud Che Long Que last forces, with the general atmosphere of death, heart pound red phoenix fire ...... the face of approaching death , shivering in fear phoenix red fire instinctively reach out, care in the front, and even a mysterious force barely opened his defense. boom! ! ! ! Cracked earth, phoenix red fire in a state of collapse build defenses as they like crushed the fragile soap bubbles, earth-shattering roar, a crack at the foot of the rapid spread of cloud Che, it has been extended to the outside Baizhang, and red phoenix The fire has completely disappeared in the line of sight ...... his body, has been bombarded to know how deep below the ground. ...... Pata Pata ...... blood blood as broken beads generally from the clouds Che fingers fast living at the foot of the ruins, a bit of broken off, just quanliyiji, let his body hundreds are open rift collapse, blood staining his body as if to climb out of the devil evil blood Shura battlefield, even the wind blowing through his body, he was brought to the pungent smell of blood. ...... ...... Finally ended bang! ! Weak hands fall from the cloud Che Long Que, in Snooze the floor, eyes are red Che cloud disappeared into the mysterious gang also returned his arms, his eyes slowly closed his body flashed a flash after finally throwing himself on the ground ...... heavy when determined to kill red phoenix fire, he knew this very tragic war inevitable. Because now his strength if it is really to kill a senior throne, we must pay very heavy price. Finally, he succeeded to the mysterious ...... kill the late Wang Xuan, he can be said to create a Tianxuan continent has never been a myth. And the result, the initial surprise, he smashed red phoenix fire arm, played a crucial role, otherwise, even if the limit state, he will also be difficult to suppress phoenix red fire. "Must immediately ...... ...... ...... leave here ......" cloud Che tough arms stretched out, according to the land in front of the almost exhausted body strength, only to himself and crawled forward a few inches of distance. His most should be, which was supposed to heal, but here is the Phoenix Mountain, Phoenix Shenzong site! Below, there is a large array of Phoenix. He and Feng red fire fight of a great movement, is likely to have alerted the Phoenix Ancestor, and if he did not leave immediately, the consequences could be disastrous. When the time came not to mention a throne, even if only a most inferior Phoenix Ancestor disciples, but also to his life between their hands. He looked to his left hand, with his mind again and again beckoning snow phoenix beast, but, mysterious flashes several times printed, snow phoenix beast did not occur. Mysterious India does not disappear, prove snow phoenix beast is not dead, but the phoenix red fire blow, sufficient for it to seriously injured dying. "Call ...... Call ...... uh ......" heavy and painful groan, suddenly Che's hand came from the cloud, and gradually from far and near, cloud Che's face slightly changed, a little turned around, in Sirius cut the edge of the road gully blasted, suddenly stuck his hand ...... subsequently, a silhouette of the body is blood, a little climb up. Phoenix red fire! ! "Oh ...... he was not dead!" Jasmine Chen Sheng Road. At this time the red phoenix fire, can be miserable to the extreme, the whole body is badly mutilated, people can not find the slightest way. But he was clearly still alive, and so fast up from gully to prove his status, at least much better than the cloud Che. Halong soul field impossible ...... ...... ...... he almost defenseless how could he not dead ...... climb phoenix red fire rickety stand up, saw lying on the floor, the body is blood cloud Che , his body shaking, like the mouth of madness has issued hoarse laughter: "Ha ha ha ha ha ...... ha ...... ...... You little bastard ...... ...... ...... how could kill me ......" He steps forward, one step Yun Chol step toward his face, revealing a hideous terror: "I want you to tear up a little ...... ...... ...... your body are completely torn ......" At this point, the sky suddenly swept to a huge shadow, and accompanied by a loud sounding somewhat weak, the rise of cloud Che difficult, he followed his eyes showed ecstasy: "Xiaochan !!" Snow Phoenix beast nearly half of snow birds have been dyed the color, but still extremely strong fly over, it came over the cloud Che, wings pat, three ice barbed accompanied by coldness, straight flying to Phoenix red fire. Puff puff! ! If normal, snow phoenix animal attacks, how could hurt the phoenix red fire half points, but this time the red fire phoenix body is dilapidated, even the road has gone unstable, impossible to resist the live snow phoenix animal attacks . All three ice barbed easily throughout the body phoenix red fire, which one will fire phoenix red throat through a fist-sized hole in the blood. Phoenix red fire eyes Yuan Deng, under ice barbed impact, heavy backwards down, no more movement, the body, a large pool of blood spread quickly ...... This time, he is no longer dead dead. Perhaps, he thought he had many times in what way will the end of life, but it is absolutely impossible to think that he would die so miserable, would not think that he would be dead in a mysterious territory only to the mysterious person and his contract territory only Tianxuan mysterious beast hands. Yun Chol heavy sigh of relief, under the spirit of relaxation, launched Dragon Soul areas avalanche side effects, so that his consciousness a serious trance. He held out his hand to the snow beast Phoenix, hoarse voice said: "We Xiaochan ...... ...... ...... brisk walking farther the better the higher the better ...... ......" Snow Phoenix animal raising a breeze, the clouds roll Che to its back, along with its wings into the sky, direct high-altitude away. Yun Chol heart finally settled for some, but this time, Jasmine suddenly cold aloud: "You'd better try to keep conscious of ...... you call it so many times before, it did not appear immediately, you The inevitable know it hurt very heavy, but also hurt in the wings, although it is now barely fly, but must fly far. ". Cloud Che: "......" Jasmine, then, is not alarmist, cloud Che a bite tongue , so that their spirit is present a brief clear, suddenly felt, snow phoenix beast whole body to shake violently, it usually encounters then a big wind, you can smooth the line, but this time, not strong bursts Mountains wind, will make the body appear violent shaking. "Xiaochan ...... Hold on!" Cloud shouted Che whispered. If you can not fly out of Phoenix Mountain, he would be certain death. However, he clearly underestimated the snow beast phoenix injury, struggling after flying out of the Shiji Li, a strong wind oncoming, under this strong wind, snow phoenix beast suddenly uttered a painful lament, wings suddenly spasm, then fell from the entire body so down. "Xiaochan !!" cries the face of Che cloud, snow phoenix beast is not any reaction, because it is directly in the air and fell into a coma. Yun Chol has a phoenix blood, Dragon blood, God has mysterious tactic of body, body very sick, how heavy injury can carry over. But snow phoenix different beast, it's just an ordinary Tianxuan beast. Under the injured for so long struggled to fly, it is its limit. Huang Yun Chol as snow fell from the beast down, do not force the hands with its snow plume have been unable to catch, and gradually in the air and snow fell from Phoenix beast discrete ...... Before long, his body heavy Zala and not too hard on a piece of land ...... it seems like a lot of slope inclination, after he fall, and snow phoenix beast together toward a direction away fast tumbling, tumbling, and that he confused sight, capture They rolled to go, but it is actually one ...... I do not know how deep the cliff! ! Gaze swept over the cliff, he saw a mountain ...... low seat height of a mountain of no more than he was at this height. That moment, he suddenly understood that it was actually the beast and snow fell on top of Phoenix Phoenix God this vein highest the hills, they, are from the highest peak of the peak ...... height of more than fifteen hundred feet down rolled ...... body finally rolled to a cliff, and then from rolled into a straight fall ...... he head up, can not see the bottom, I do not know the bottom is the mountain, the mountain ...... or will have been so fall down, until the bottom of the hill. Wind whistling swept up to the spirit, grueling, and the body is injured, he has no control body in the air, can not even play any defense poly mysterious force ...... he was not sure that he has the blood and the power of God protected the body can no mysterious force in the protection of the state, afford to live the moment of landing impact will be directly destroyed ...... ...... wind whistling sound drowned out all hearing, cloud Che consciousness, in addition to Feng Xiao sound, no other, even completely lost the strength to cry. Dozens of interest in the past, the ear is still the sound of the wind whistling, and finally ...... bang! ! ! ! He heard a huge sound that own landing, vague, it seems there is a crisp girl screams ...... body pain disappeared, along with his sense of sight quickly blurred with the passing of the last of the screen ...... , half of the high cliff, half blue sky, and finally, the blue sky suddenly appeared a picture as dreamy beautiful girl on the cheek, she widened compared with a pair of bright stars also Meimou staring at him, This double Meimou pure as moonlight, full of innocence, frightened, surprised, curious ...... around cloud Che has a lot of stunning beauty, but in this dreamy beautiful as before, the mind is still uncontrolled violent trembling Dang ...... so beautiful ...... is paradise ...... do ...... fairy beautiful pair seemed not to belong to the world of images, Che has become a cloud last consciousness, followed, he completely lost consciousness. ---------- R1058 fastest updates, no popups reading please. 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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 415 tragic
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each to resist cloud Che sword, Red Phoenix Fire will feel seems to be a mountain to severely impact, shock straight his internal organs are few desire broken. The face of terror impact clouds blood red eyes and arms came, he began to fear up...... But at this time, under the suppression of clouds Epee, he don't retreat to escape, even have a word to say.

cloud Che sight in the world has turned into a haze of red, and this red world, leaving a red phoenix fire, in the heart, filling all of Red Phoenix Fire intended to kill.Red Phoenix Fire, after all, is senior throne, even Che Yun in the limit state under attack, still he is again and again blocked, Che Yun's eyes become more somber, left arm, a glaucoma suddenly shot.
Xuan Gang initially red, with dragon blood after orange, evil soul state is yellow, heart burn is green, and "Purgatory" state at the moment...... The cloud sea and impressively

into general blue! Green Xuan Gang, will have a powerful force equivalent to half of their!

limit state, the use of Xuan Gang will undoubtedly greatly increased consumption, on his body, will cause the strong impact of unpredictable consequences.But in order to completely suppress the Red Fire Phoenix, clouds finally use the Xuan gang. Bang!!
red phoenix fire against the Epee is extremely narrow, the Xuan Gang, he also does not have the ample force to resist, Xuan Gang hit hard in the head... Immediately, his brain with a roar, the whole people upside down flew out, and then plunged into fifty feet land on, the ground hit a few feet deep crater. The head and upper body directly buried in the bottom of the pit. "Ah!! You this mix......" The red fire phoenix

uttered a bestial roar, jump out from the pit severely. He's face is blood,His face is red blood, than the forehead, printed with a fist sized hole. Flustered and he is like madness, but cursed haven't before exports, his eyes abruptly figure is one Shan, his pupil, appear again burning Feng Yan gray epee and turned into Epee cyan Xuan Gang.
Red Phoenix Fire eyes in crimson, the hands hold sword, body limit the most devoted on the flame blade, welcome to the Che Yun epee and Xuan Gang.


the moment, two people near the mountain and spalling, mountain was cut into the ground, as if out of thin air rises a round of the blood,,In the blood,, all the rocks, trees, collapsed into the fine powder, two people like two pieces of wind rolled up leaves, gossamer flew to the two different directions. Bang!!
Red Phoenix Fire body heavily hit in an ancient tree, he turned to fall in the ground, violently coughed, each a cough will bring out many clot, is almost the broken viscera are coughed up... But, even to the point of such, he had still not breathing, because the figure of Che Yun, as possessed by ghosts general re emergence of the his eyes. The clouds of

looks better than he would,He is covered with blood, from the face from the arms, legs and hands, almost can not find a place no blood dyed, especially he grabbed the arms to the Epee, road flow into shares of the shower falls. But his terrible vehemence, and ghostly speed is unabated, Red Phoenix Fire eyes just caught him, a moment, Che Yun will a God Star suiying rushed to the his before the body. You

"...... Crazy!!" Two Red Phoenix Fire eyeballs are frightened almost burst open, he while subjected to Che Yun blows, but Che Yun, also clear by his full sword, he can draw Che Yun at the wound to have multiple... But such a state,He is not to suppress the injury, but so fast pursuit! Phoenix red fire live a hundred years old, not without seeing a madman, but never seen crazy to such a point of the madman.

he tightly to grind teeth, just to mention the body Xuan force, suddenly, his eyes suddenly enlarged...... The pupil, reflects a mt.huandshan roar of the blue dragon.

Dragonsoul field!

shock soul Longyin ring over the Phoenix Mountains, mountains of countless flame Xuan beast all lie prone on the ground, shivering. Phoenix red fire body began to huddle together, gather more and more deep fear on the face,Just gather scattered in fear of mysterious force quickly......
cloud Che "Purgatory" to now, is close to the limit, if possible, he would like to use the "destroy days Jedi" will destroy the Red Phoenix Fire, but he now the severest traumatic injury, the body is a to the brink of collapse completely, if the use of "destroy days Jedi", perhaps the body will burst at the moment. The use of Dragonsoul

, will let him in the physical overdraft, so that the spirit of a huge loss...... But in the case of the use of the case can not be used, even if the price is huge, in order to prevent all accidents, completely destroy the Phoenix red fire,He opened the field of Dragonsoul put one's foot down. Dragonic field can not only let him the sword will hit, the most important is to each other in fear, even mysterious force defense completely collapsed.

if the normal state of Red Phoenix Fire, a higher throne, Dragonsoul field of his influence will be greatly reduced, but for body is hurt, mind chaos Red Phoenix Fire, his spirit is instantly defeat half, cloud Che suddenly rushed to, will be his last all the strength, condensation in the hands. "The moon sank star

Epee lift, Feng Yan lifted, carrying the clouds finally force the Dragon que, with the general atmosphere of death,At the heart of the red fire phoenix...... Facing the approaching of death, in fear trembling Phoenix Fire Red instinctive stretched out his hands and protects in the body, even reluctantly opened a Xuanyin defense force.


the earth cracking, Red Phoenix Fire in a state of collapse build defenses as fragile soap bubble like crushing, earth shattering roar, a rift in the clouds at the foot of the rapid spread, has been extended to the outside Baizhang, and Red Phoenix Fire has in the line of sight completely disappear... His body, which was not known to have been bombarded to the ground below. There......

Blood flow such as the string of beads from Che Yun to seam quickly wandered at the foot of the ruins, drops of cracked open, full blow just, let him body collapse opened hundreds of cracks, blood will his body was stained with the like from the battlefield to fix Luo to climb out of the blood evil magic God, even blowing wind of his body, are put on the pungent smell of blood. Finally...... Over...... Bang!! The hands of the Dragon
que Congyun Che weak fall, landing in the heavy noise, red cloud Che eyes disappeared, the Xuan Gang also returned to the his arm, his eyes slowly closed, the body swayed in a flash after,
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