实际上,梁国明动完手后就后悔了,虽然他早已经给上面打过招呼,但在警察局这么闹起来,又有华鼎总裁在场做那小子的代理人,他要是不把事情摆平,麻烦 การแปล - 实际上,梁国明动完手后就后悔了,虽然他早已经给上面打过招呼,但在警察局这么闹起来,又有华鼎总裁在场做那小子的代理人,他要是不把事情摆平,麻烦 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
In fact, Liang guoming regretted it when you, though he earlier had greeted it, but at the police station so noisy, and Hua Ding President made the pitch that the kid's agent, if he doesn't have relented, will be in big trouble. Just at dinner at noon to accompany several ye pretend Liang guoming was hidden fed, was excited by Lu Chengyu, suddenly anger above, drinking the upwelling, the action becomes faster than the brain, bench just flies out. This Lu Chengyu seen with blood on his face, reporters and don't know where to get out, he suddenly wakes up is more than half knew that he stands out. Early reaction from the police, polite and a few reporters out. But the two angry stare Liang guoming young girls still in the room did not leave, police inquire the reason later, I realized that the two men were eyewitnesses, was to provide evidence for the police. In the two girls did not speak when Liang guoming first spoke, he forced smiles for a few minutes in a quandary: "this ... ... Mr Luk, today I drank too much wine, his mind confused, you don't talk to me alone, you suffered the injury I have to pay for, I was wrong about it, your Lordship a lot, don't give me an old man alone. ” Lu Chengyu was originally just wanted to provoke Liang guoming swearing at the police station, but did not think this one will begin, himself close to look a bit, he has an unpleasant smell each other's food and wine taste, hurried from the dinner to come here. Leung because recent events become depressed, Liang guoming pretend around, but he was a good son of the spare no trouble for him, that's really moving celestial cheating representatives of the good son. Listen, Liang guoming this, Lu Chengyu know brain awake, tried to put down, he intentionally scared to take a step back, clutching his nose with his head down to speak, a look of being scared silly. Two girls with disdain, it is wiser, arrogant behavior forced Fisher to forgive him? "Wiser, no face! "A girl whispered curse, but like a room full of police is not heard, no one came out to stop her behavior. The police and water and Lu Chengyu towels of the room, but it is undisguised anger on her face, although only a small police station with them, but someone beat of momentum in front of them arrogant, also filmed by reporters, this thing is destined not just to settle, make good collateral they have to suffer. Secretary heard Liang guoming in the yard with beat officers were spotted by the journalists and nearly lost my breath, he hurried to the front parlor, watching colleagues go to the few reporters in the room, with laughs on "how on earth does not mean that they are witnesses, how the still camera equipment, which does not comply with the law? ” "People have the right, if we did not come in today to see, who would believe ... ... Someone could then hit the bench at the police station? "The answer reminded reporters before the witnesses copies of videos, Fury road, the" first move is made, and why he has become a victim, now Mr Rudd at the police station were wounded, with blood on his face, is this what you and beam home in cahoots? ” "How is that possible?! "The Secretary had become extremely serious, sonorous and forceful way," that we have made sure the alarm Liang MOU and sustained no injuries, so it does not constitute assault. Matter of the informant's father was in the police station attack, we will give you an explanation. "This is already a done deal, much less the than Liang Jia Lu Chengyu of the man behind the power, it is the difference between the elephant and the Ant, which he did not mind, and knew on which side to stand. Reporters heard the Secretary does not seem to be harbouring Liang Prince ye means, suddenly lost interest in question, they have a version ready to go back to catch and send messages. Even if police had acted in this matter, but Liang's father and son beat this kind of event, is also a big point, not to mention is Rikuo's collection are fire at playing God, do not worry about the topic. Reporters out of the police station, they sent a message to the editor, and before the media to witness took to post a video on the Web, now it is a drop of water into the Pan and almost exploded. Video began with Lu Chengyu talking with two middle-aged men on the roadside, while the lens is blurry, but was happy to chat to see that three of them. Then there's a Porsche parked in the three-man front, Liang's Prince came out from and grievances on his face almost spilling out of the video. Thanks to witness high-pixel cell phone worked so the whole picture is clear. Then they see the Liang Prince ye held his fist and rushed out to beat Lu Chengyu, Lu Chengyu obviously was going to take a step back, see Liang Prince still hand towards him, kicked each other, seen from the video, this foot is not so heavy, that's a hit, more like self-defense. Video camera shake a few times, shooting people is to see something bigger, so go somewhere closer to shooting, and then everyone clearly heard the Liang Prince ye cursed a Word. "Without MOM, uneducated father like you can only hang out with this, I Pooh!" Many people, after hearing this, my anger was ignited, this use of people without mother or father who is too sick. However, the Q Commander 360 degree blind man God had no father or mother? Person is known as a person, because they have their own moral values, have a lot of animals have feelings. So, a lot of people will uphold justice, injustice will anger, sympathy for the unfortunate people. Although some people may faint, will admit that he's not sympathy for the flood of Notre Dame, but the fact is, these people also unconsciously bias makes sense, because that's just human nature. So when the video after upload, public opinion is leaning to the side of the Lu Chengyu, Liang family once again stood on the cusp. When Liang guoming in police beat Lu Chengyu with blood on his face after the photos came out by media, Fryer immediately online. Lima do it yourself alarm tag, now father and son pitched, diligent people parentless young people playing like this, it's too rare and too cheeky! Online some originally on like Lu Chengyu of people see these news Hou, a almost incarnation for bucket beat Buddha, also not knows is which people put Lu Chengyu grew up to big have had of award, participate in had of various race, also has University in served as of various posts, representative Q big graduates statement, various deeds a strips listed has out, some even distribution Shang has figure, to proved authenticity. These things came out, suddenly shocked men's Chin. That man is God, from small to large is a charming student teacher, was not the obnoxious nerds, this is a legendary life winner, was against God! A forum Shang has a claiming to be is Lu Chengyu old neighbors of appeared, said has Lu Chengyu grew up has more knows courtesy, he dad mom is how has correctional, and said Lu Chengyu grew up is adults mouth of "others home children", they whole building floor of parents are love took Lu Chengyu do example, later Lu Chengyu parents in new community buy has set House, results just decoration good, also didn't before live in, on accident died has. 于是,网友们知道了陆承余生活在一个有教养,幸福安宁的家庭环境中,还是别人家的孩子,若是别的时候,大家还会开玩笑的说句,最讨厌这种别人家的孩子了。可是此时此刻,大家却只会觉得同情,幸福的家庭突然崩塌,这对于还是学生的陆承余来说,是怎样的一种痛苦?梁德佑拿别人的痛苦来骂人,究竟人品低劣到什么程度? 有人把梁德佑骂陆承余没爹没妈后画面一张张的截图,众人就清楚的发现,陆承余脸上的表情就像是被一盆冰水浇了的小黄鸭,狼狈又让人觉得心疼。 网上闹成了什么样子,在警察局里的几个人还不知道,严穆扶着陆承余的头,面色冰冷看着梁国明:“难道这就是梁总的行事作风,今天真让我开了眼界。”他不等梁国明回话,对为首的警察道,“梁总在警察局持凶伤人,我希望在座诸位会对受害人有个交代。陆承余虽然只是一个无依无靠无父无母的普通人,但他身后还站着我们华鼎,我们华鼎不会任由旗下员工无缘无故被人如此冤枉欺负。” 警察们默默看了眼摔在地上已经断了一条腿的凳子,大概能算得上凶器? 作为目击证人的两个女孩子当下多看了严穆好几眼,眼中满满是对严穆的赞同。 陆承余很少听严穆一口气说这么多话,并且语气还这么严厉,表情如此难看,他想伸手去摸摸自己有些痒痛的鼻子,被严穆一把拦住手,“别乱动,血刚止住,你还想流点血出来?” 陆承余笑了两声,就把手放下了,有些歉然道:“今天这事,真是麻烦你了。” “你是我员工,我管你是应该的,”严穆看着他衬衣领子上的几滴血,转身对询问的警察道,“各位有什么问题请尽快问,等下我们还要去一趟医院。” 两个女孩子这才想起自己是来做什么的,她们把之前拍好的视频交给警察做了一个备份,又讲述了她们目击这个事件的全过程。 不过整个叙述过程中,在座警察都能听出她们对梁家父子的不满。 “多谢两位特意前来为这个案子作证,”警察让两人在证词上签了字,笑着感谢道,“二位让我们的工作顺利了很多,谢谢。” 两人摆摆手,其中一个直接道:“我们也不想无辜的人含冤受屈。” “两位梁先生还有什么要说的吗?”为首的警察把视频打开,听完梁德佑骂人的言语后,警察局诡异的安静了一刻后,负责这件案子的警察才道,“既然此事与陆先生无关,这件案子我们会按照法律程序撤销。不过,梁先生你扰乱警察办案,并且故意伤人,想必需要给我们大家一个交待。”说完这话,他把目光看向严穆与陆承余,似乎是想知道二人对他这种是否满意。 "As this was, we went to the hospital to check the injury now. Regarding Mr girder and beams, two please wait for a subpoena, "Yan Muleng," and although you may malicious slander and evil hurts this kind of behavior is unacceptable, but we are a law abiding citizen, how can this judgement, we will be referred to the legal judgments. "With that, lawyers picked" hurt "out to go Lu Chengyu. "This, this ... ..." where Liang guoming guessed Yan Mu had a small staff to take things so seriously, looked at busy with hurried outside, it had to make big, LEUNG to be worse? "Overall, please wait a minute, we consulted about it, you say that is not a small thing, why make ... ..." Liang guoming just hurried outside, almost not to Flash lost the eye in broad daylight and saw police outside, many holding a cell phone or a camera for the whole door jammed, crackling patted photo. These people saw Lu Chengyu was helped out on his shirt stained with blood, as it now to Lu Chengyu shirt hits, some young girls also loudly asked Lu Chengyu has no injuries, will go to the hospital, police said. "Please make way," lawyer Yan Mu cried, "I am Mr LU's lawyer, before things have been identified, Mr Rudd did not cause any harm to the body of Mr Leung. Mr LEUNG before giving hurtful comments, but also because a word not violence against my client because our client self defense and was not harmed, his anger and alarm, but fortunately police comrades down, abide by, and found out the truth, my client a fair chance. Leung about the CEO Chair hurt my client, we will use legal means to protect the interests of Mr LU. Now we need Mr Rudd went to the hospital for treatment, please let me or our car couldn't drive out, Mr Rudd's injuries were no good, thank you. "The lawyers of his intervention, said Liang Deyou alarm events but the cause and effect, by the way also praised the dedication of the police law enforcement, and indicated that it will prosecute Liang guoming wounding one thing Lu Chengyu at once defined in the victim's position, and let law enforcement officers on their side had a crush. Lu Chengyu although not law, but was able to recognize the genius of the lawyers to his Office, he looked up and smiled to the crowd, only the nasal cavity have been stuffed with papers, he, like this seem a bit funny. "Little fish, don't worry, we are all on your side," said a woman gave a loud yell, outsiders have shouted, "the little fish, don't be afraid! ” Lu Chengyu watching these people he came and ran to the police station to, these people do not even say a few thank you, after Yan Mu cars on sat, we shook, and these people call him "Xiao Yu" or "small fish", he doesn't mind at all. Liang guoming looking more and more wrong, de Yow when I called earlier, does not mean that the other person was just an ordinary, how so many people to him now on the outside, but how do these people know about it, can we say it was poked into the net? "The beam? "The lawyers behind him looked at, I motioned for him to get out, worried that the angry crowd beating. Essentials of waiting in the car, busy open the luxury Bentley car door for him to get off, is preparing to doors, you see those crowds to their car taken violently, scared he quickly covered her face back to the driver's seat, Liang Deyou followed, such as bus, immediately started the car out of the station. People gathered outside the police station to see the parties had left, the Police Department has also acted in this matter, you are ready to go home, and suddenly a man said: "who is holding his little fish who just now? ” Others shook in succession should not know, speculation that Lu Chengyu friends or relatives, but this person asked, "little fish if there are drive Maybach's friends or relatives, never to be Liang's Prince Edward free to slander now? ” "It was his boss," just did eyewitness the two girls came out now, hear this talk, one humanity, "we were inside to hear him say those words, feel that he was dead. ” People have asked what happens after, so much that she said things, and finally says: "be able to care for the employees of the company, must be a conscience business, after buying their stuff, we increased performance for small fish. ” Someone put this incident went on Twitter, so Yan Mu a title called "someone's boss" huading positive images also take things spread on the Internet. Bentley car, Liang guoming finished Liang Deyou talked, almost did not anger vomit blood, though he always loves this child continues to rage at the moment, "do you know what company is now one of ours, your old man in order to make up for good things before me, pretend in front of those people all day long. You poured indiscriminately just to stir up trouble, provoked and not the person. YAN: MU is easy to get along with, do you know him
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

























































การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
In fact, Liang Guoming had the hand after regret, although he has already given above greeting, but at the police station, so make up, and Hua Ding president present that kid's agent, if he does not make things right, big trouble.

I just in the dinner party with several big ye with grandchildren Liang Guoming was hiding a stomach gas, just be Lu Chengyu words a shock, immediately anger above, wine gas upwelling, the action becomes faster than the brain, stool so fly out. This reporter saw Lu Chengyu with blood all over his face, and do not know where to drill out, his wine suddenly woke up one half, and understand with their heart, I'm afraid he stands a thing.

The police early one step reaction to come over, put a few reporters polite please out. But the two Nu stares at Liang Guoming young girls still stays in the house did not leave, the police inquire after, just know originally this two people are the witness, is to give the police to provide evidence.

also did not speak at the time of the two girls, Liang Guoming spoke first, he squeezed a smile: "this is in an awkward position...... Mr. Lu, today I drank too much wine, idiot, you don't give me the same level as sb., you hurt me a certain compensation, it is my wrong, you a lot of adults, don't give me an old man the same level as sb."

Lu Chengyu originally only want to annoy Liang Guoming cursed at the police station, but did not think of this person will start, waiting for people from his past, he could smell them there was a bad wine taste, seems to be come from the hasty dinner.

think Liang because of the recent things become unable to get up after a fall, Liang Guoming must install grandchildren around, but his good son still spare no effort to give him trouble, this is really touched the China cheating a good son to send a representative. Liang Guoming listening to these words, Lu Chengyu know each other mind awake, want to put it down, he intended to step back in terror, clutching his nose low head dare not speak,A pair of the other was scared silly appearance.

two girls disdain to, this is like pride oneself on being a veteran, forcing the small fish to forgive him arrogant behavior?

"Pride oneself on being a veteran, shame on you!" A girl whispered to scold, but a room full of police like did not hear the like, no one came out to stop her behavior. The police is

house water is to Lu Cheng Yu towel, but the Nu idea on the face is not hide them here, although only a small police station, but someone when they face the momentum of the arrogance of the hit, also be the reporter photographed, it is doomed to not just right, not trouble they also suffer a good joint.

The director heard Liang Guoming in the Juzi beat people were reporters found, almost all of a sudden not breath, he hurried to the reception room, looked to be a colleague invited several reporters in the room, face a smile way: "you not to say that they are the witnesses, how also with camera equipment, this Is it right? Not in conformity with the law?"

"people have a right to know, if we do not come to see, who will believe me...... Someone can hit at the police station the stool?" Answer the reporter recalled before witnesses there copied video, with anger, "clearly started it is about,Why he instead became a victim, now Mr. Lu in the police were wounded, with blood all over his face, is this is hello collude with Liang Jia?"

"how is this possible?!" Director of complexion becomes extremely serious, sonorous strength, "things we already know, alarm beam of a body and no scar, so it does not constitute what crime of injury. As things shooting the informant's father in the police station, we will give you a replacement." This is That's final. things, not to mention that Lu Cheng Yu people behind the power compared to Liang Jia, it is the difference between the elephant and ant,
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