980.第980章 生死时刻2 掌印忽然间拉长,变大,很快变得如同山岳般庞大! 烟霞老巫婆一挥手! 整座山岳猛然间砸向苏落! 一时间,狂风大 การแปล - 980.第980章 生死时刻2 掌印忽然间拉长,变大,很快变得如同山岳般庞大! 烟霞老巫婆一挥手! 整座山岳猛然间砸向苏落! 一时间,狂风大 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

980.第980章 生死时刻2 掌印忽然间拉长,变大,很快变得如同山岳

980.第980章 生死时刻2














































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
980. Chapter No. 980 moment of life and death 2 Paw prints suddenly stretched, larger, soon to become as large as a mountain! Haze a wave of witch! Whole mountain suddenly hit the Soviet fall! Time, blustery. HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS outbreak in the sound space. Watching the mountains to its hit, Sue falls miniatures of the pupil. But soon, Sue fell eyes flashed a relieved of light. Good magic, another layer of experience to feel it before his death. Temple cloud, you blame me, you always blame it ... ... Don't come back for me ... ... Sue falls mouth smile more bright ... ... At this moment, mountain down! “啪——” Whole yanyun mountains issued a violent shake. Sue far hit left to fly out. Smashing out the moment, Sue falls have lost the perception of pain. Once again fell heavily to the ground, she was feeling no pain. Sue falls hit by mountains that moment- Because empty space is already in the first when run over by a witch over cracked, nature is not used within a short time. Sue falls dead when a white light since the Soviet Union fell suddenly fly out of the body. Little dragon like a missile mount, haze the old witch and explosive shot away at full speed. Air leaving a confusing blur. Hazy fairy because attention was focused to the Soviet Union fell, and so did not notice the white light closer. When she noticed, the little dragon has leapt to the front of her! Small dragon flew into hazy fairy with a OfficeCE@HIT-CE. Hazy fairy the little beast is about to be killed. 却将小神龙身体灵活多变,转瞬间便咬向烟霞仙子的右手大拇指! 烟霞仙子百密一疏,竟然着了这小神龙的道。 小神龙一口朝着那手指狠狠咬去! 只听见“咔嚓”一声,烟霞老巫婆的右手大拇指竟然被小神龙齐根咬断。 烟霞老巫婆气得七窍生烟。 那只大拇指手,带着一只通透碧绿的扳指,那可是…… “快吐出来!”烟霞老巫婆怒极,一把掐住小神龙的脖子。 小神龙毕竟实力与之相差很大,一个不慎就被烟霞老巫婆拎住脖子,两只后腿悬空直蹬。 烟霞仙子的力量很重,掐的小神龙舌头吐直,两眼翻白。 “吐出来!信不信老娘将你活活掐死?!”烟霞仙子面目扭曲,眼睛瞪的几乎要掉出来。 小神龙原本黑白分明的清澈大眼,此时却冒出条条血丝。 它那锋利爪子狠狠划向烟霞老巫婆的手腕。 顿时,手腕鲜血淋漓。 烟霞仙子气得脸色铁青,她下意识地就将小神龙重重朝石头上撞去! 龙族小气又护短,烟霞仙子不是不知道,所以她才没有像对苏落那样,对小神龙喊打喊杀。 小神龙被烟霞仙子这十成十的力道一撞,顿时脑袋一歪,昏死了过去。 烟霞仙子恨恨地瞪着小神龙。 如果可以的话,自然是剖开小神龙的肚子,将那碧绿扳指取出来。 但忌惮于龙族威势,烟霞仙子不敢杀小神龙,即使是在荒无人烟的密林中,她也不敢。


การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
980. 980 CHAPTER 2 Inasmuch
handprint suddenly elongated, bigger, and soon became as huge as the mountain! Haze old witch of a wave! Su Yue suddenly threw off the whole mountain! For a time, blustery. Space friction broke out Zizi Zi's sound. Seeing the mountains towards his hit, the Soviet Union fell pupil miniature. But soon, the Soviet Union was falling eyes flashed a relieved light. Good wonderful experience to feel another layer of it before his death. Palace clouds, you blame me, blame it go on forever ...... never go back to find me ...... Su drop mouth smile more brilliant ...... at this moment, who spent severely mountains! "Snapped -" the whole mountain Yanyun have issued violent shaking. Su drop by drop fly far out. Drop out at that moment, the Soviet Union has been falling unconscious pain. And other heavy fall to the ground again, she has completely feel the pain. Sue was hit in the fall of mountains that moment - because space has been hazy nothingness old witch grinding crack at the first move when, a short time is naturally not used. At the occasion of the Soviet Union to die down, a white light from within the Soviet Union suddenly fly off the body. Little Dragon Mountain as a bomb, haze towards the old witch rapid burst shooting away. Air leaving a dazzling blur. Fairy hazy because the attention is focused upon the Soviet Union fell, so did not notice the white light of the close. Etc. She noted that when the little dragon has jumped into the front of her! Little Dragon thorn slip soon to haze fairy flying. I tried this little beast fairy hazy shot dead. Little Dragon puts the body flexible, suddenly they bite right thumb to hazy fairy! Haze fairy imperfection, even with this small dragon's Road. Little Dragon a bitter bite to go towards that finger! Only to hear the "click" sound, hazy old witch's right thumb turned out to be a small dragon Siegen snapped. Haze old witch Qiqiaoshengyan anger. Bird hand thumb, with a transparent pull that green, that's ...... "fast spit!" haze Nuji old witch, grabbed a small dragon's neck. After all, the strength of a small dragon with a big difference, a mistake was hazy witch Linzhu neck, two hind legs dangling straight kicking. Power heavy haze fairy, pinch a small dragon tongue spit straight, eyes discolor. "Spit it out! Believe it or not his aging mother will strangle you alive?!" Hazy fairy face distorted, eyes wide almost fall out. Little Dragon original clear black and white big eyes, but this time out roads bloodshot. It was fiercely sharp claws to draw hazy old witch's wrist. Suddenly, wrists bloody. Fairy hazy livid with anger, she will subconsciously heavily towards small dragon stone hit go! Dragon stingy and Justifying, hazy fairy does not know, so she did not like the fall of the Soviet Union as small dragon Hansha enemies. Little Dragon is hazy fairy force this Kazunari ten a hit, suddenly the head of a crooked, lost consciousness in the past. Hazy fairy small dragon stared bitterly. If you can, naturally small dragon's belly is cut open, the green pull pointing that out. But fear in the Maronite power and influence, not kill little hazy fairy dragon, even in uninhabited jungle, she did not dare. Hazy fairy picked up only a small dragon, a finger in its mouth dig dig ah. Side endured nausea, while trying to busy. However, she shelled out for a long time, but it does not pull out.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 980 chapter 980th moment of life and death 2
suddenly become large, elongated handprint, soon become like like a huge mountain! The old witch waved his hand! A mountain suddenly hit. Sue falls!

a time, blustery. The outbreak of a friction sound Zizi Zi

in space. Seeing the mountain toward his

hit, falling pupil miniature su.

but soon fall, but a flash of Su fundus light relieved.

wonderful, another layer of experience to feel it before he died. Nangong

clouds, you blame me, you always blame it...... Never look back to me...... Su

fall to smile more splendid......

At this moment, severely hit under the mountain!

"pa --" the mountains are a violent shaking yanyun. Sue falls far

hit fly out. At that moment it

out, Su fall unconscious pain.

once again slammed to the ground, she has completely do not feel pain.

in Sioux Falls is hit the mountain in the moment -

because the empty space has been in the first move is hazy old witch grinding crack, short time nature is useless.

in the Soviet Union fell wait for death on the occasion, a white light from the Su fall inside the body suddenly fly out. The dragon as a bomb

awn,Fast towards the old witch shot burst to haze. The air leaving a

let people see things in a blur blur. Because of the haze fairy

attention to Su falls on the body, so close to the white light did not pay attention to. When she noticed the

, the dragon has jumped to her!

dragon sting to slide away a fly into haze. Is this to be the fairy

in little beast shot dead. But the little dragon

flexible body, flash then bite to the haze fairy's right thumb! The fairy was a

the flaw in the plan, dragon road. A

dragon toward the malicious to bite fingers!

just to hear a "click" sound,The old witch's right thumb was dragon Qi root cut. The old witch was fulminate with anger. The only hand thumb

, with a transparent green pull, but the......

"quickly spit it out!" The old witch angrily, grabbed the dragon's neck.

dragon after strength and difference, a mistake was hazy old witch carrying around his neck, two hind legs suspended pedal straight. The power of heavy haze

fairy, pinch the Dragon tongue straight, his eyes are white.

"spit out! I believe you will be strangled alive?!" The fairy face distorted, eyes almost fall out.

The Dragon had no confusion of clear eyes, yet out of all the blood. Its sharp claws hard row to

in the old woman's wrist.

suddenly, wrist bloodshed.

haze fairy was livid with rage, she subconsciously will be dragon stone to hit heavily toward!

dragon mean and justifying, phantasy fairy does not know, so she didn't like the Su Luo that dragon shouting to shout to kill. The dragon is in this

ten into ten fairy. A hit, suddenly head one crooked, hunsi the past. The fairies hate

stared at the dragon.

if possible, nature is the dragon's stomach cut open,Take out the green fingerstall. But the fear in the Dragon

pomp, hazy fairy dragon not to kill, even in no human habitation of the jungle, she did not dare. The fairy picked up only

the dragon, a finger in his mouth to dig out.

side endured nausea, while hard to busy. However, she took a long time. But, what did not come out.
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