He believed that if the quality of Thai parboiled rice could be significantly improved, it would certainly be possible to market it to high-end parboiled rice consumers throughout the world.
With that in mind, Mr. Vichai introduced parboiling rice processing technology from the United States to the mills of the family and set up Riceland International Ltd as the marketing arm of the family operations. Riceland International Ltd was thus founded in 1978.
At present, the family owns and operates two rice mills in Thailand that produce parboiled rice.
From Trend Setters to Market Leaders
Today, Riceland supplies both brown parboiled and milled parboiled rice, in bulk or packed in bags and shipped via conventional vessels or containers.
Riceland annual sales are consistently in the region of 400,000 metric tons of rice. Riceland has been ranked among the top 3 exporters of parboiled rice in Thailand by volume for many years running. This places Riceland among the top 10 exporters of rice in Thailand by total volume.
Riceland is also a proud member of the top 300 companies in Thailand by total revenue.