另外還有簡介:一枚軍閥銀章此枚胸章為湘軍軍閥唐生智,1924年在衡陽任軍四師長期間治軍掌政,深感要駕馭好自己的軍隊,但靠紀律約束不夠,還需要 การแปล - 另外還有簡介:一枚軍閥銀章此枚胸章為湘軍軍閥唐生智,1924年在衡陽任軍四師長期間治軍掌政,深感要駕馭好自己的軍隊,但靠紀律約束不夠,還需要 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


此枚胸章為湘軍軍閥唐生智,1924年在衡陽任軍四師長期間治軍掌政,深感要駕馭好自己的軍隊,但靠紀律約束不夠,還需要尋找一種精神支柱,決定仿效北方馮玉祥軍隊“基督化”和南方革命軍赤化的做法,在自己的軍隊推行“佛化”要求一律佩戴“大慈大悲 救世救人”胸章,信守五戒。

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
There is still a description:A caudillo silverThis Gold Badge because Hunan final final 閥 Tang Shengzhi, 1924 in scale Sun any final four Normal University long period between rule final Palm political, deeply to 駕 馭 good himself of final DUI, but by century law approximately beam not enough, still need 尋 find a kind of spirit pillar, duel set follow North Feng yuxiang final DUI "Christ of" and South revolution final red of of practices, in himself of final DUI implementation "Buddha of" requirements are wearing "merciful saved world save" badge, keep five ring.Mother, is just the trick on me?!?Are you Zhang Royal Buddha!? This is the 謂 鬥 family is white washing it!?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Another profile:
一枚warlord Silver
This gold badge for the Hunan warlord Tang Sheng-chih, 1924 in Hengyang Zhangzheng any army commander during the four army deeply to manage their own army, but by the discipline is not enough, also need to find a spiritual pillar, decided to follow the example of the northern army Feng "Christ" of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Communist takeover of the South practice in the implementation of his army "Buddha" of the requirements will be wearing the "merciful salvation save" badge, abide by the Five Precepts. Special mother, or engage in my right! ? ? Buddha Bar is your Queen! ? This is called family washed down fighting approach is it! ?

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Also introduction and:
a warlord silver chapter
this gold badge for Hunan warlord Tang Shengzhi, 1924 in Hengyang Ren in teachers during Army palm administration, deeply to control their own forces, but by lack of discipline, but also need to find a spiritual pillar, decided to follow the northern Fengyu Xiang army "Christ" and the south of the revolutionary army communizes practices. In his army implement "Buddha" uniform wear "merciful savior save" badge requirements, abide by the five precepts.

mother, or engage in me is!?? It is your big Buddha
!? This is the so-called fighting family washed it is!?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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