外室中的气氛十分压抑,皇帝面无表情的看着带血的榔头,皇后面色难看的站在旁边,连带着淑贵妃等人更加不敢贸然开口了。 “这后宫之中事务繁杂,朕本 การแปล - 外室中的气氛十分压抑,皇帝面无表情的看着带血的榔头,皇后面色难看的站在旁边,连带着淑贵妃等人更加不敢贸然开口了。 “这后宫之中事务繁杂,朕本 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Atmosphere was depressing in the outer Chamber, Emperor's deadpan look bloody hammer, Queen pale and ugly stood, along with Sue Goodfriend, who dare not rashly spoke. "This harem among Affairs complex, I this thought you can management good harem, results is make out so more things out," seal would like to xinqier not shun, hand put with of blue-and-white porcelain tea lamp again was sweep falls in to, he slammed of station up, see with four a woman, then on Queen road, "I regardless of you with what method, must to put such of HIV woman find out, I this harem among, capacity down such of woman. ” Queen's blessing, "I completely surely found this thing. "Your Majesty take it to her, at least show that this has nothing to do with her, as for everyone else ... ... Queens with eyes down, she would like to know, who is really hurt her harem right instability. "All of you down," I have waved, do not want to see a few more people. Several others bowed silently exiting day House, Queen's hand holding and jade, sighs: "that this House did not think the harem had thought such a vile man, real scared. ” "More than Empress accident and concubines concubine is very frightened," Sue chaise longue with a smile, "Unfortunately, Zhao Yin Rong is a crime, if she had not been the wrong trap, so canceled brands, might be able to forgive the crime. ” "Happening in the world who can anticipate," Yin tone chaise longue with distressed, "blame blame that evil man obsessed with Zhao Yin Rong wanted framed, poor Zhao Yin Rong young, we suffered so much suffering, fortunately, have their lives, or ... ... Alas. ” Queen's look at Sue Goodfriend, a great step on, "that this House would have set up this thing, I looked at the wrong take any chances of the heart. ” "Escort the Empress," Sue Goodfriend watched Queens go with a smile, great step after a few paces away, smile on face fade down, turned a faint smile to Yin chaise longue, "" imperial concubine Zhao Yin Rong is distressed. "With that, great Yin Royal spoke on the steps of its having been away. Ning Fei silent, looked at three verbal confrontation, after treating three people left only on his chariot, back door to look at the touch, lanterns in the night wind shakes, kind of unspeakable cold. Son House quieted down again, Feng Jin sat on a chair outside room until the tea will not take out heat on the new, he did not move a muscle. "Your Majesty, it was late at night. "As the Emperor's personal Manager, despite Emperor Gao Dezhong know feelings, nor should they say the comfort. "I know," I have stood up, as Gao Dezhong thought he was going to leave, only to see him turn around and went into the inner room. Gao Dezhong come here often in the past, past here with all kinds of flavor, but no medicine. Today here is what scent is gone, only it was only a pungent medicinal smell. Corner shelves of Podocarpus are still green, and water lilies are going to see a hint of greenery. Cloud bed wait overnight to see the Emperor in, silent blessing blessed body, stepped back a few paces. Feng Jin sat down, reached out and gently touch his pale face, feeling that his skin was piping hot, now pale and slightly changed, "how to start to burn? ” Yun XI brow exhibition: "back to the Emperor, Imperial doctor said, the Empress was seriously injured, night fever, is heat is not refundable. ” "In that case, let too the hospital people waiting outside tonight," would like to take cloud evening hand towel, gently on the Luo yan Zhuang's forehead, "let people bring me a pot of hot wine. "He remembered the high fever does not return, his wet nurse is with wine to his retirement in their heat, although a civil method of soil, but it is very useful. Spirits sent don't Yun XI Feng Jin, who stepped forward to help, watch out for the Luo yan Zhuang's forehead, palms and feet rubbed my back behind the wine, cover tightly after the quilt, just way: "care your Empress, is there anything as soon as I reported. ” Nearly four times more, he can stay in touch, we can't trust asked the son of palace maids and sent several experienced mothers to serve, was relieved to leave. Down towards the back, move back Qian Empress, but son Zhao Xian capacity and saw that his fever has retired, Empress Jing Yanggong chased away again. "This is what lent day House of slaves? "I have turned over the booklet, not much expression. Queen listened to the exacerbation of "borrowed" smooth voice replied, "going back to the Emperor, all the lists are already in it. ” "CHEONG building, Le Palace, linyue Xuan, Yi Mae Kok ... ..." I would like to read out one by one, then throw on a few brochures, "Xu Zhaorong, soft Fei, Yan beside your wives, Su Xiuyi minions are not enough, I was mistreated them. ” "They called to ask, I would like to know, where ill-treatment of their! "I have the tone suddenly increased," even slaves to get through it! ” The Queen paused and said, "I never thought that they are going to touch the Palace borrows the fates. ” Then news broke, gentle Princess was Emperor retired to a month makes, Yan brand of your wives with Su Xiuyi was taken three months, Xu Zhaorong was blamed by Emperor Jing Yanggong minions, brand does not say three months of penalty and fined a year's salary, the emperor or even rage, saying its position it was Zhao let. Luo yan Zhuang again when you wake up, almost noon, opened my eyes to see hair cures one proud not to, she could speak, you see the hair cure an exciting splash her face on my knees, what da Fuk Li said Geely that kind of thing, then there are several cures poured in, all are kowtowing to her is a good word. "All up to you and talk, this temple had a bad headache," Chuang Luo Yan once spoken, feel his voice for the poor, some dry throat and dumb. But several cures hear Zhuang Luo yan, a busy quieted down. ZAO longans, forced to drink a few mouthfuls of pork soup, envelope scented with a little spirit, just a bad headache, she did not dare to move, what's wrong with the brain, if, do not die to also want die in the harem. "Empress, one has already been reported to the Emperor," listening to pass the maid behind the bamboo Bowl, Zhuang Luo yan, careful to wipe his face, "in the morning under Emperor, and Empress, but Empress still did not wake up, the emperor sat there for a moment and goes. ” “是吗?”庄络胭面上露出一丝复杂的笑意,“我以为皇上不会再来这里了。” “朕怎么不会再来。”就在这时,封谨大踏步走了进来,无视一堆子请安的人,按住想要坐起来的庄络胭,“你不要动,脑袋上伤得那么重,还动来动去,可是不要命了?” 见庄络胭低着头的模样,封谨软和下声音道,“朕这些日子没来看你,朕知道你心里难受,以后朕不会再这样,你也要好好的,别再出这些事情来吓朕了。” “后宫姐妹众多,便是妾怎么了,皇上又……” “胡说!”封谨沉声道,“其他人是其他人,朕要你好好护着自己的身子,不要去想其他。” “可是皇上你明明知道,妾不会去找纸鸢,为什么您不相信我?!”庄络胭红着眼眶看着皇帝,“皇上说让他们自由在一起,妾怎么再把他们找回来。” 在场的太医太监宫女太监这会儿恨不得自己没有长耳朵,这种带着埋怨意味的话昭贤容敢说,他们也不敢听。 封谨有些不能直视这双眼眶发红的眼睛,移开视线沉默了片刻后道:“是朕想差了,待你身体痊愈了,朕会好好待你的。” 庄络胭红着眼眶闭上了眼睛,泪水顺着脸颊流下,然后没入鬓间。 伸手擦去温热的眼泪,封谨心里闷得有些难受,他替庄络胭压好被子,“朕会好好查这件事,你这个样子,朕瞧着心疼。” 紧闭的双眼睫毛颤了颤,终究还是没有睁开。 叹息一声,封谨转身看向身后的诸人,平淡的开口:“该怎么伺候昭贤容,你们已经知道,若是昭贤容又什么不是,你们也就没有必要站着了。” 不去看诸人惊恐的神情,封谨又多看了庄络胭几眼,可惜对方一直没有睁眼睛,他站了一会儿才离开。 待皇帝离开后,庄络胭睁开眼睛,明明是哀戚的神情,眼中却有着一丝笑意。 有些东西来得太容易,人们往往不懂得珍惜,可若是这件东西要失去了,人才会惊醒这物件有多可贵,有多让人舍不得。女人给男人的爱情同样如此,若是一味的沉默付出,男人会从原本的愧疚变得理所当然,只有让他有失去的危机感后,他才明白,这份感情有多可贵。 封谨虽然是个男人,但同时又是一个皇帝,所以女人对他来说,太容易得到。女人的爱情于他或许可贵,但是得到了也算不得多精贵的东西,只有这份爱情被他亲手伤了,他才蓦然发现,爱情有多难得。这种心理,又何尝不是一个贱字作怪呢? 出了熙和宫,封谨的脸色沉了下来,他心里不好受,别的人自然别想好受,“查出来了没有,昨天晚上哪些宫里的人出现过熙和宫周围。” “回皇上,昨儿晚上出现在熙和宫周围的奴才很多,在昭贤容出事当天,皇后娘娘、两位贵妃娘娘,柔妃、宁妃、徐昭容、苏修仪、嫣贵嫔、蒋贵嫔、林嫔的奴才都靠近过熙和宫。”高德忠顿了一下道,“奴才觉得,单这样并不能查出是何人害昭贤容。” “自然查不出,若是有心害人,可以让人提前到熙和宫四周某个地方躲着,害了人也不必马上离开,待第二天事情闹大了,趁乱离开才是上策,”封谨冷笑,“后宫这个地方,谁没有个吃人害人的心。” 高德忠心头一惊,皇上既然说了这话,那么究竟是什么意思? “不管有多少人经过,全部给朕细细的查,这些人中哪些耽搁了当职,或者莫名其妙的失踪了半个时辰以上,只要有半点可疑,就全部给朕好好盯着。”封谨冷冷的开口,“朕想要弄清一件事,那就谁也没本事瞒着。” 高德忠背脊一寒,皇上这次是真的发怒了。 作者有话要说:大家晚安=3= 感谢兜子里的猫的火箭炮与手榴弹。感谢雨后庭院的火箭炮。 感谢夜、似风若雨、唐糖、彼岸-末端几位童鞋的手榴弹。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The outer room atmosphere is very depressed, Emperor face expressionless looking at with the blood of the hammer, Queen complexion is difficult to see standing beside him, joint Shu imperial concubine, more can't hastily opening.

"this temple complex matters, I thought you can manage the harem, the result is the sudden so many things out," seal sincerely heart qi is not smooth, hand put the blue and white porcelain tea cup was again sweep to fall in the ground, he suddenly stood up, looked at four women and told the queen, "I whether you with what method, we must find out such women, I this temple, let not this woman." The queen blessing body,"I must have thoroughly found out this thing.." The emperor handed over to her, at least not to prove that the matter, as for others...... The queen eyes cooled, she also wants to know, who hurt her harem right instability.

"you are down," seal with bailiaobaishou, don't want to see a few people.

a salute to silence from the city and palace, Queen helped and jade hand and sighs: "the house did not expect harem actually thought so malicious, really let people scared."

"more than the empress empress accident, wives and concubines is also very panic," Shu imperial concubine smiled answer. The only pity Zhao Xianrong being the this crime.If she had not been tried against, that was removed from the brand, may be a crime."

"happening in the world who can anticipate," virtuous imperial concubine tone with a distressed, "blame the mind vicious people obsessed with tried to implicate Zhao Xian volume, poor Zhao Xian volume age gently, will suffer so much suffering, but fortunately saved lives, or... Well."

queen see eye Shu the imperial concubine, the chariot, "the house will thoroughly investigate the matter, hope the Dairen don't cherish the luck of the heart."

"escort queen," Shu imperial concubine smiled and watched the queen left foot, to leave after a few steps away,On the face of smile gradually faded down, turned to see a faint smile on one's face "Yin Xian imperial concubine, concubine Zhao Xian Rong is distressed." Then, do not speak on the Royal taiken foot left.

Ningfei silent looked at three verbal confrontation, three people have left, just on his chariot, look back the eye Xi and the palace gate, palace lantern in the night breeze gently swaying, say a chilly.

hee and the palace again quiet, seal like sitting in the outer room chair, until the new tea again also does not take out heat, he did not move for a while.

"emperor, late at night." As the personal Explorer next to the emperor,
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