素色马车缓缓停在蒋府门口,出门迎接的夏研身子颤了颤,便见两个丫鬟扶着一个清丽少女走下马车来。 那少女正是蒋素素。比起三年前,蒋素素显然长得更 การแปล - 素色马车缓缓停在蒋府门口,出门迎接的夏研身子颤了颤,便见两个丫鬟扶着一个清丽少女走下马车来。 那少女正是蒋素素。比起三年前,蒋素素显然长得更 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
素色马车缓缓停在蒋府门口,出门迎接的夏研身子颤了颤,便见两个丫鬟扶着一个清丽少女走下马车来。那少女正是蒋素素。比起三年前,蒋素素显然长得更高了一些,许是在家庙中呆的久了,身上似乎也有一种安定的气质。从前些许的骄纵全然不在,只剩一种淡淡的清高之感。她唇畔含着笑,脸庞上的疤痕竟是一点也看不出来了。而五官生动明媚,不知是怎么回事,分明还是清丽的长相,却又似乎含着一种隐隐的勾引,若是认真去瞧她的一举一动,竟会有些分了心神。夏研起初看到她的脸时心中便是一喜,扶着腰笨拙的上前走了几步,才看着蒋素素的脸道:“素儿,你的脸怎么好了?”当初来府里看过的大夫可是说,蒋素素脸上的疤痕怕是好不了,日后若是寻些名贵的药材来,许是会瞧着淡化一些。可眼下蒋素素的皮肤若剥了壳的鸡蛋,哪里还有一丝一毫毁容的痕迹。蒋素素瞧着她轻轻一笑,道:“时间到了,自然就好了。”她那双眼睛就这么轻轻瞧了夏研一眼,夏研竟觉得心神一荡。不知道为何,只觉得面前的蒋素素陌生的出奇,与过去判若两人。可细细一看,却仍是原来的那个蒋素素。她忍住心中狐疑,道:“素儿,你回来了就好,这三年,你都狠心不肯见娘……”Jiang Susu turned a deaf ear, over the summer which is landed in a soft on the car in front of Government House.It is a Begonia and soft sedan chair, exclusively in the Palace of the four bodyguards carrying, and the sedan both delicate and gorgeous, does not indicate the car's identity. Along the way, there have been many curious people, want to see exactly what your home elegant.The sedan was stopped at the gate of the Chiang Ching-Kuo fu.Jiang Susu staring at the litter goes without saying.Come out two dresses from the sedan rear girl, smiling open palanquin bead curtain, tossing people out.Rong-absolutely brilliant, red dress, walking its own soul-stirring and magnificent. Her gallop, every step, Summer Institute to put into the Palms fingerprint on deeper and deeper.Finally, the red dress walked to the front of Xia Yan, said with a smile: "Ruan Niang, seen her mother, and two younger sisters, long time no see. ”Xia Yan merely feeling chest the grievances came straight into the face. Jiang Ruan pomp in the Palace, of course, has that zuikuai came. Thinking about the Xia Yan wanted Jiang Ruan mercilessly tore. So good luck, how not to fall in on Jiang Susu. Jiangsusufang mansion, Jiang Ruan is picked at this time came, this hatchback comparison, look in the eyes of people outside, who knows what tomorrow in Beijing will. People were stepping on high low hands. Also into the temple, Jiang Ruan glory back, Jiang Susu is a horse-drawn carriage. She blew, Jiang Ruan is intentional!蒋素素静静的看着蒋阮,忽而一笑:“大姐姐,许久不见,更加倾城了。”她神情平淡,真有几分出尘姿态,可不知怎么的,全身又流露出一种特别的意味,便是女子见了也会忍不住有些心动。若定要用一个词来形容,便是妖尼。是的,蒋素素身上尚且带着檀香,衣裳青素,脂粉不施,真有几分仙姑的感觉。可那一举一动……竟又带着一种别样的诱惑。不可看,不可看,看了便会失魂。蒋阮收回目光,微微一笑:“二妹远出有所不知,如今太后娘娘请封了我为弘安郡主。虽然你我二人同为姐妹,我与母亲也是母女,可是规矩不可废,传出去怕是有藐视皇家之言。所以阮娘斗胆提醒一句,日后,该立起来的规矩,还是要立起来的好。省得传出去叫御史们听到,又得参上父亲一本。”蒋素素本是平静的脸待听到这话时,两颊的肌肉狠狠一抽,竟是有几分不自然的扭曲起来。她缓缓抬头看向蒋阮,一瞬间眼中情绪风云变幻。最后回归平静。她微微一笑,给蒋阮屈膝福了下去:“素娘见过郡主。”蒋阮含笑着令她起来,夏研几乎要将牙咬碎,蒋阮略略一想,目光若有所思的落在夏研的小腹上:“母亲便免礼吧,如今母亲怀了身子,若是伤了身子,怕是阮娘也难辞其咎哪。”夏研见着她的目光,悚然一惊,双手下意识的护住小腹,警惕的盯着她,勉强笑道:“哪里的话。”蒋阮笑的更加温和:“母亲护的这样紧,不知道的,还以为我要对母亲肚里的孩子怎么样呢。母亲多虑了。”她转过头,恰好看见蒋素素瞧着夏研肚子的模样,眸光亮的惊人,竟有一种不寒而栗的感觉。蒋阮心中暗暗警惕,含笑道:“瞧着二妹的样子也是极为喜欢母亲肚里的小家伙,看来母亲很快就能给府上添一个小弟弟了。”说罢,竟是不再多等,笑着令丫鬟跟到府里去了。夏研自是下意识的看向蒋素素的目光,这一看之下却大吃一惊。蒋素素看向她小腹的模样哪里有一分温柔可爱,那目光仿佛盯得不是小腹,而是一盘美味佳肴,下一秒就要扑将过来。将她吃的一干二净。夏研如今就将她肚里的这个看做命根子,见蒋素素如此可怕眼神,登时就后退一步。她动作太大,蒋素素回过神来。眸中那股贪婪顿时消失殆尽,微笑道:“母亲,我也先进去了。”说罢,又意味深长的看了一眼夏研的小腹,缓步进了府内。夏研呆怔在原地,还想着蒋素素方才那一抹眼神,不知为何,心中寒凉一片。……在府里住了几日,倒也没有什么特别的事情发生,太后随宜的赏赐一台一台的搬回蒋府,竟也没人敢来打主意。蒋超整日跟着宣离在外头忙活,进府自是没有见过。蒋权更不会主动来找蒋阮这个女儿谈心。露珠打听到这三年蒋丹倒是越发的不爱出门了,性子更为内向。蒋老夫人的身子也开始了明显的衰败之势,回府当日只叫蒋阮过去说了一会子话便乏了。夏研的胎已经过了头三个月,后面若是细细养着自然无碍。上一世夏研肚里的这个孩子到底是没有生下来,就在一个月后小产了,当时查出来是五姨娘红缨动的手,蒋权大怒,将红缨关进柴房,红缨却自己寻了绳子上了吊,死在柴房中。如今看来,倒是种种疑点。虽然红缨极有可能做出这事,可自己上吊,却不是她的性子能做出来的。这一世便是循着上一世的痕迹,夏研的胎儿也保不住。只是红缨……她也很好奇,真是红缨下的手?正思忖着,连翘便掀开帘子,道:“姑娘,五姨娘来了。”蒋阮挑了挑眉,红缨的动作倒是极快。命人将红缨迎进来,红缨的衣着比起三年前可要精致多了,虽然仍不显得富丽堂皇,可那料子首饰,无一不是好东西。看来这三年,蒋权待她不错。想来也是了,上一世她刚回蒋府时,正是这个时候。当时的红缨便已经到了与夏研分庭抗礼的地步。如今夏研有了身子,红缨伺候蒋权倒是更方便些。红缨有些小心翼翼的在蒋阮的对面坐下来。这三年她过的极为舒心惬意,夏研之前所做种种本就令蒋权心中有了疙瘩。两人不甚亲近,她倒是有了可趁之机,这三年蒋权待她越来越看重,谁知夏研却是在这个节骨眼儿怀了身子。好在蒋阮回来了。红缨对蒋阮总有种莫名其妙的敬畏,自从三年前在府里见识了这个看似温和的大小姐种种厉害手段后,她就有心拉拢。如今证明她的眼光果然没错,蒋阮得了懿德太后的青眼,蒋信之又步步高升,赵光也看重,眼下成了郡主,凭她的手段,这府里还不是她的天下?想到此处,夏研恭顺了神色,谦卑道:“贱妾见过郡主。”“姨娘何必多礼。”蒋阮端起面前的茶壶:“姨娘与我都是自己人,不必虚礼。”她含笑看着面前女子:“一别三年,姨娘瞧着也过得不错。”“都是托大小姐的福气。”红缨笑道:“大小姐才是有福之人。”蒋阮便微笑着与她寒暄起来,没过多久,果然,红缨便试探的问道:“大小姐可知夫人怀了身子的事情?”“父亲老来得子,这府上谁人不知?阮娘又不是聋子瞎子。”蒋阮语气中含着淡淡的嘲讽,登时听得红缨眼角一跳。然而戏还要唱下去,她的面上顿时浮起一抹忧色:“说来让大小姐见笑,这正是贱妾担忧的。”




























การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Plain carriage slowly stopped in Chiang House door, go out to meet the summer research body flutter flutter, we would see two maidservants escorted down the carriage to a gorgeous girl. It Jiangsu Su maiden. Compared to three years ago, Jiangsu Su apparently some taller, Xu temple stay at home for a long time, who also seems to have a stable temperament. Formerly a little arrogant completely absent, leaving only a faint sense of lofty. She Chunpan With a smile, a little scar on the face actually could not see out. The bright and vivid facial features, I do not know how it is, clearly still looks elegant, but it seems his mouth one kind of faint seduce, if serious minutely her every move, would be some points of the mind. Summer research initially saw her heart is a happy face, leaning back awkwardly stepped forward a few steps, just watching蒋素素face and said: "Su children, how good your face?" had to House But seen in the doctor he said, Jiangsu Su scar on his face is really afraid of the future if to find some rare medicinal herbs, and perhaps will be looking at a number of desalination. If it can now Jiangsu Su skin peeling shell eggs, where there the slightest traces of disfigurement. Jiangsu Su smiled gently at her, and said:. "Time is up, naturally enough," her eyes so softly look at the summer research, summer research actually think mind of a swing. I do not know why, I just feel蒋素素before surprisingly unfamiliar with the past a different person. May look thin, but still is the original that Jiangsu Su. She held back the hearts of suspicion, said: "Su children, you come back like this for three years, you are cruel refused to see your mother ......" Jiangsu Su turned a deaf ear, gazing over the summer and fall in front of the government's research a top软轿. It was a top Begonia color软轿, invariably the four guards carrying palace, that chair doing both delicate and gorgeous, does not indicate the identity of the human car. Along the way there have been many people watch along, you want to see in the end is which your family's elegant. That chair in Chiang House door stopped. Jiangsu Su stared at the chair without saying. Two costumes maidservants out from behind the chair, smiling chair curtain opened, the inside of people welcome it. Girl in Red Rongse change my life, walking between its own thrilling magnificent. She slowly the line, every step forward, the deeper into the palm of the summer research pinch fingerprints. Finally, the red girl walked in front of the summer research, smiled opening:. "Nguyen mother, met his mother, Sister, long time no see," Xia Yu research just felt chest an air straight from the side door. Jiang Nguyen pomp at the palace, would have a loose tongue that pass out. This summer thinking and research is anxious to Chiang Nguyen severely shredded. So good luck, Zensheng not fall Jiangsu Su head. Jiangsu Su back to the government side now, but it is Jiang Nguyen came over to pick at this time, this hatchback a comparison, look at the eyes of people outside, Zhibuding tomorrow in Beijing will play any rumor. People are holding high the low step. The same is into the temple, Chiang Nguyen will return this splendor, Jiangsu Su just a carriage. Her heart to explode, Chiang Nguyen is clearly intentional! Jiangsu Su Jiang quietly watching Nguyen, suddenly smile: "Big sister, long time no see, more Allure." She looked dull, really sort of posture Chu Chen, can not know how the body but also exudes a special meaning, Woman is met will not help some heart. If set to use one word to describe, is the demon Nepal. Yes, Jiangsu Su Shangju body with sandalwood, clothes astaxanthin, powder is not applied, there was some fairy feeling. ...... That every move can end up with a different kind of temptation. You can not see, can not see, will be looked Lost Souls. Jiang Nguyen look back, smiled: "Sister far out may not know, now Dowager Empress please sealed me Hongan Princess though you and I the same as the sisters, my mother and also her daughter, but the rules must not waste. came to fear is despised royal words. So Nguyen Mother venture reminder, in the future, the rules stand up, or to stand up for good. save censor outgoing'll get to hear, it's also the father of a reference. " 蒋素素this is to be calm in the face when you hear this, cheeks fiercely pumping muscle, was actually a bit unnatural twisted up. She slowly looked up to Chiang Nguyen, a moment in the eyes of the changing mood. Finally, return to calm. She smiled, gave Jiang Fu Nguyen knees down: "Su met Princess Mother." Jiang Nguyen up to her with a smile summer teeth grind almost to chew, Jiang Nguyen slightly a thought, gaze thoughtfully falls on summer research belly:. "Mother would free gift of it, and now his mother was pregnant with the body, if the body hurt, fear is also to blame Mother Nguyen which" renowned for her summer research gaze, erect surprised, Subconscious cover your belly with both hands, staring at her vigilance, barely smiled and said: "Where words." Jiang Nguyen laugh more modest: "Mother protected so tight, do not know, I thought my mother to unborn child how to do. mother worry. "She turned her head, looked at the summer just to see Jiangsu Su research belly appearance, bright Mouguang amazing, as much a chilling feeling. Jiang Nguyen heart secretly alert, with smiles:. "Sister looked like the mother is also very fond of the little guy goes, it seems that the mother will soon be able to add your home a little brother," he finished, actually no longer wait, with a smile so maid gone to the government. Summer research naturally subconsciously look to Jiangsu Su's eyes, the glance was surprised. Jiangsu Su look to her belly looks like there is a point where the gentle and lovely, that look as if not stare lower abdomen, but a delicacy, the next second would rush will come. Her eating completely. Summer Institute will now be seen as the lifeblood of this she goes, see Jiangsu Su so terrible eyes, once you take a step back. She moves too much, Jiangsu Su recovered. Mouzhong kind of greedy suddenly disappeared, smiled and said: "Mother, I go in the." When he finished, they looked meaningful summer research belly, slowly into his government. Summer research Daizheng in place, but also thinking just that touch of Jiangsu Su eyes, I do not know why, a cold heart. ...... lived in the palace for a few days, There's nothing special happening, the Queen Mother with a suitable reward for a move back to Chiang government, no one would dare to actually targeting. Jiang Chao Xuan from the outside all day along busy, into the House naturally not seen. Jiang right not to take the initiative to come to Chiang Nguyen daughter talk. Dew Jiang Dan asked to be this year but added more and more do not love to go out, patience is more introverted. Ms. Jiang Lao's body began a significant decline of the situation, only to be called back to the House the same day Chiang Nguyen past Shuiliaoyihui child will lack the words. Summer Institute of tires has been overdone three months later if carefully reared naturally harmless. Summer Institute on I unborn child is not born in the end, just one month after a miscarriage, then check out the five aunt Hongying move the hand, Jiang right furious, the HY locked woodshed, red Ying but find themselves on a rope hanging, dead in the woodshed. Now it seems that it touches all sorts of doubts. Although Hongying is likely to make this thing, you can hang yourself, do not temper her out. This world is on I follow the traces of summer research fetus also retain his job. Just Hongying ...... She is also very curious, really Hongying next hand? Positive wondering, forsythia opened the curtain, said:. "Girl, five aunt coming" Jiang Nguyen raised an eyebrow, but added Hongying action fast. Ordered the HY welcome to come, HY dress more exquisite than three years ago, it had better, though still looked magnificent, but that material jewelry, and both are good things. It seems that for three years, Jiang right to her good. When also wanted, and I, she had just returned to Chiang on the government, it is this time. HY then it has come to the point where rival with summer research. With summer now research body, HY Jiang right'd wait more convenient. Hongying some carefully across Chiang Nguyen sat down. This year she had a very comfortable cozy, before the summer this would make all kinds of research done right Jiang came up with the lump. They do not quite get close, she'd have to take advantage of the machine, this year more and more value to her right Jiang, who knows summer research is at this point children pregnant body. Fortunately, Jiang Nguyen back. HY Chiang Nguyen always kind of inexplicable fear, since three years ago in the palace seen all this seemingly modest powerful eldest various means, she had the heart to win. Now prove her vision was right, the Queen Mother Esther Jiang Nguyen got blue eyes, Jiang faith and backgammon, Guang also valued, now became a princess, with her ​​means, which is not her government in the world? Thought here, a summer research submissive look, humility said: "Jianqie seen Princess." "Why aunt polite" Jiang Ruan reach teapot before:. ". aunt and I are our own people, do not have to empty ritual" She smiled and looked at the front of the woman: "in the three years, aunt looked also doing well." "Missy care are a blessing" HY smiled and said:. ". Missy is blessed person," Jiang Nguyen will smiling with her ​​greeting up, not long before, and sure enough, he ventured Hongying asked: "? Missy seen Mrs. pregnant body thing," "father, son came, who do not know that your family are not your mother Nguyen? deaf and blind. "Jiang Nguyen faint mocking tone in his mouth, his eyes suddenly heard HY-hop. However, the play also sing, her face suddenly float a touch of Youse: "Said to let Missy laughed, which is Jianqie concern." "Oh, aunt have nothing to worry about," Jiang Nguyen smile?? I asked. "Jianqie people when eldest is intimate, also shy of the dough and the eldest said Mrs. she This tire is desirable, but in recent years because the relationship between lord and lady Jianqie be more than a misunderstanding. If students the little master, Zhi Buding how to attack Jianqie. "HY panic look, really look, if very uneasy. "Aunt too serious." Jiang Nguyen smiled to comfort her: "Mother heartless, how would attack aunt Besides, his father would not laissez-faire if aunt had been wronged, his father refused to let a certain head?.." Hongying rubbed his eyes took the veil, wiped tears unwarranted, smile:. "master Jianqie be good, is a blessing Jianqie What can women have children, always extremely dangerous, and say something nasty, If the lady in the middle of what went wrong, blame should Jianqie who Jianqie swallow, fear is how grievances can not be eluted. Jianqie your family in this life is solitude, if that really is the placement of charges, fear is the fear that even dead ...... failed to leave the whole body. " Jiang Ruan Jingjing looked HY. Hongying in what sort of true and false remarks aside, but could see that was a wise man, not only have thought of this a little. But since thought of this, how could I, with the Summer Institute of the road. Jiang Nguyen does not believe I was on summer research HY harm miscarriage, in fact, HY is a very smart woman, it will assess the situation and if there is a risk of things not assured, she will not do. That being the case, that a miscarriage but is imposed on HY summer research body culpability, but on summer research exactly how I child out? Although the brain think so, but still on the HY Jiang Nguyen revealing a smile: "This aunt also saying some really terrible, there are so many people guarding your family lady goes and aunt afraid of what is not. Nguyen Mother felt that research is not a priority aunt Mrs. unborn child, when to have a child of their own body is near. " She did not marry a Boudoir girls, children openly discuss things with your family aunt, look also seen slightest attentive, as if extremely natural. Hongying mind though shocked, but still could not help but blushed and said:. ". Missy, not Jianqie students do not want to, but ... but ......" born brothel girl since childhood to take a drug that drugs can make the woman's body white and smooth, but also allows the body to issue the woman fragrant, which is naturally the girls off to win means grace. However, such drugs can also have a side effect, there will destroy fertility. HY into the House when the original is indeed only want to discuss Jiang's favor right, like the right to get Jiang. She also did, but stay longer in the house yard, you want the more strongly a child's wish. Man's favor may not be long-lasting, but if a child, to a son, her position will be able to rise on a large portion. She did not seek further inquiry put down with summer, because summer summer research behind it are backed by the government, but let Jiang right that she and summer research is flush, that is good. Each time Jiang yard right after her break, summer research will make Li Momo sent avoid looking at her child to drink soup. Every Li Momo to be gone, she Kouzhuo his throat to force myself soup handle all spit it out. Even so, a young man in a brothel in the medication too, she had secretly asked the doctor, the doctor said she was pregnant with little chance of. Not pregnant child is a thorn in her heart, to coincide with the summer research but at this time pregnant body, seeing everything in front of painstaking get, do we need to all their colors? But she could not. What can that way? She was always pregnant not on. Chiang Nguyen leisurely reach for a sip of tea to drink, lightly: "how will this world not pregnant, no pregnant woman is not the child's?." HY surprised a moment, looked up at Jiang Nguyen: "Missy What does this mean?" Jiang Nguyen pity at her: "how to do it, five aunt, Mother Nguyen also sympathize with you, but in order to secure life in the palace, you first have to have a child you. ?. get it if you want to have children, it would certainly have children, " HY startled for a moment before Jiang Nguyen digested the meaning of words, at once shocked, not understanding the general watching woman: "Missy ....... " Right Jiang smiled: "in the end is the aunt of life, Nguyen Mother have no right to intervene." Hongying heart chaotic, Jiang Nguyen the meaning of words, actually revealed a vague meaning: deceitful! If this thing is successful, she did in the House seat will be on a more level. But doing so taking too much risk, and once they are found, and that is a great sin clan heirs of confusion is to be clubbed killed. She scared to Chiang Nguyen clear sky to say this thing was incredible, Jiang Jiang Nguyen is the daughter of the House, how will the initiative to use someone else's blood inherited Jiang House position. She can be there to Chiang as their person? Under Hongying distracted for a time I could not think of any clue. Chiang Nguyen then although frightening, inexplicable may also be tempted to let her. But she is also difficult to resolve a sudden, they can only hastily said: "Missy, then Jianqie ...... Jianqie heard Jianqie just think of, and some things to do, they will not bother.." Jiang Nguyen also not to retain, he smiled and said: "aunt carefully consider, do not hurry, ...... and so long as the mother of the accident like before." HY heard these words, mind is jump, never stay long, so she took her maid hurry to leave. Forsythia fled look at her, pushed open the door came in and said: "Five aunt Zende so scared?" Angelica quietly stand aside without a word, he touched his nose forsythia: "set is the girl grace scared. " Jiang smiled Nguyen, dew just pushed the door came a look of excitement and terror, reflexive door tightly locked up. Then shut the windows, draw the curtain and walked around Chiang Nguyen. Several people were dreadfully puzzled look of her, bent over dew small channel:. "Girl let Susan Court slaves check things, slaves find out the" Chiang Nguyen looked at her: "This child, will be what is not ? properly, how the " "Actually, I'm nothing wrong," dew mysterious smile: "

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Plain carriage stops slowly in Jiang at the door of the house and go to greet the Xia Yan body fibrillation fibrillation, I would see the two maidservants helped a lucid and attractive girl got out of the carriage. The girl is Jiang Susu. Than it was three years ago, Jiang Susu obviously grow more high, is to stay in the temple for a long time, the body seems to have a stable temperament. From the previous Xu arrogant completely not in, only a faint sense of loftiness. She had a smile on her lips, and the scar on her face was a little too. And facial features vivid bright, I do not know how to return a responsibility, clear and elegant appearance, but seems to contain a faint seduce,If to seriously look at her to some mind every act and every move.

summer research at first when I saw her face heart is a happy, leaning on the waist clumsily stepped forward and walk a few steps, just looking at the Jiang Susu face way: "son, your face how good?"

of the original house seen the doctor but said Jiang Susu on the face scar if it is not, in the future if find some rare medicinal herbs, perhaps will look down some of the. But now Jiang Susu's skin if shelled egg, where there are traces of a tiny bit disfigured.

Jiang Susu looked at her smile, said: "at the time, nature is good."Her eyes so gently see Xia Yan eye, Xia Yan felt a swing in mind. I don't know why, just feel in front of Jiang Susu strange and not surprisingly, in the past. May be careful, but still is the original Jiang Susu. She refrained from heart suspicion, said: "in children, you come back just fine, these three years, you are not willing to see her cruel......"

Jiang Susu eyes more research turn a deaf ear to, summer palace in front of a car on the soft top.

that is a top Begonia color soft Jiao, uniformly is in the palace of the four guards carry, the sedan is delicate and gorgeous, did not identify the identity of the sedan.Along the way there have been many people want to watch the following, have a look what's on. The sedan stopped in Jiang

at the door of the house. Jiang Susu stared at the chair

not words. From a rear out

two costumes Yahuan, smiling to open a curtain, the people came up inside. The girl in red appearance jueyan

, walking between its magnificent and be struck with fright. She walked slowly, every step forward, Xia Yan pinch fingerprint more deeply into the palm of the hand.

finally, the girl in red go to summer research front, smiled an openings way: "Niang Ruan, and saw his mother, sister, long time no see."

Xia Yan feels chest in a straight face to qi. Jiang Ruan in the palace of the event, is that zuikuai came. Thought and this summer research is to hate the Jiang and the hard to tear up the. So good luck, how will not fall on the head of Jiang su. Now Chiang Mr.Zhou back to the house, Nguyen Chiang is picked at this time come together, contrast of the hatchback, the outside people look in the eye, refers to the uncertainty in Beijing tomorrow and will play what gossip. People are on the low holding high. The same is in the temple, Jiang Ruanbian Jiang Susu is a glory return, carriage. She had the heart of the gas explosion, Jiang Ruan is clearly intended! Jiang Susu quietly looked at Jiang Ruan,
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