第352章 灭天珠readx(); 剑网初成,萧无义的速度忽然暴增,整个人犹若化作了一道黑色光束冲了过来。在四大宗门之中,萧宗的身法玄技首屈 การแปล - 第352章 灭天珠readx(); 剑网初成,萧无义的速度忽然暴增,整个人犹若化作了一道黑色光束冲了过来。在四大宗门之中,萧宗的身法玄技首屈 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第352章 灭天珠readx(); 剑网初成,萧无义的速度忽然暴增,整

第352章 灭天珠
readx(); 剑网初成,萧无义的速度忽然暴增,整个人犹若化作了一道黑色光束冲了过来。在四大宗门之中,萧宗的身法玄技首屈一指,而萧无义的速度,更是达到了惊世骇俗的程度,极速之下的剑影漫天交织,让人眼花缭乱,目不暇接。
































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 352 out beadsreadx(); NET early into the sword, Xiao Wuyi speed suddenly mushroomed, and entire people turned into a black beam bounced. In four cases, Xiao Zong, his mysterious skills second to none, and Xiao Wuyi speed, but reached outrageous proportions, top speed under the shadow of the sword interlaced in the sky, dazzling, dizzying. Yun Che eyes screwed up ... ... Speed, he never dominated, but he also never fear speed is far better than his enemies, because no matter how amazing speed, how fancy moves, he needs to do, it is ... ... Simple sword! Yun Che foot star God broken shadow lightly step forward, with the ghost of elongated, he instantly moved forward 20 lengths, a sword blow to Xiao Wuyi sword.Bang Bang ... ... Bang!! ” Shadow as Xiao Wuyi sword raging waves, space ripped teetering, while Yun Che EPEE blow, as sand waves rolling in the Dragon, on the rewind, form the world ... ... Instant, crush the whirling sword of shadows to be thrown, the sword and the Dragon towers head-on, an ear-bashing, Xiao Wuyi stuffy snorted, rolled, landing when he frowns cross sword and was surprised to find the sword body had dozens of large and small gaps. Xiao Wuyi face twitches, before coming here, he heard Yun Che EPEE in the hands of a terrorist, and must not be positive confrontation with it, but being a high throne, not to be reconciled to his wary generation ... ... And Yun Che only a face to face confrontation, his arms were shaking and needles, his decades of love, have been directly damaged pieces, almost no possibility of full recovery. Xiao Wuyi sword away, his hands clenched, jointed rattle: "really have two brushes ... ... It seems that I was much more seriously. ” "Dismiss it! ” With a loud ring, Eagle shadow behind Xiao Wuyi suddenly torn, turned into a giant rotate cyclone, along with it, the cyclones suddenly enlarged at an extremely fast rate, until it spread to nearly 30 feet around Xiao Wuyi distance. "The wind is very ... ... Fields!! ” Deep voice still ringing in our ears, Xiao Wuyi fretting ... ... For a moment, then suddenly appeared in front of Yun Che, lightning speed if running at this moment, than earlier speeds several times faster than everybody, including the Yun Che, only faintly see the ghost of a suddenly plunder.Wind with Xiao Wuyi shape, Yun Che hung over in an instant, with a roar of Xiao Wuyi, wind suddenly violent, Yun Che within 30 feet around, completely into the hell of a wind each wind into the sharpest blade, under the sweeping, as crazy as a raging green waves engulfed Xiang Yunche. Yun Che of eyes micro-variable, but without panic, he roared a sound, Dragon que rage lifted, a sound longyin pressure had rage of wind spin, direct to distant of sky on, soared of EPEE sword mount on as article roaring of evil dragon, roll of rushed into wind spin among, that terrible of pomp, seems to is to even void are breakdown...... Blat from the Blat from the Blat from the Blat from the Blat from the Blat from the ... ... Green light together into one of chaos, striking and tearing sound impact everyone's eardrums. Wind very field in the of wind spin in raging, as thousands of knife like wants to will Yun Che completely tore, but these wind spin touch touch to Dragon que of sword mount, all was crushed into nothingness, longyin sound in the, 30 Zhang of wind very field was directly rushed out a a Zhang more wide of gap, Yun Che figure Flash, moments prolapse, also not landing, body has suddenly Rotary, Long Jue series swinging, seven road "Phoenix broken" with Phoenix of inflammatory of hot and EPEE of pomp hit to Xiao Wuyi. Detonation rumble rumble ... ...Enough to strangulation all of wind very field is no can block Dragon que of PA Granville, was moments tore seven a gap, Phoenix of inflammatory from gap irrigation into, fire with wind burning, blink, whole wind very field directly into Phoenix inflammatory of marine, fire among, a figure running of fly has out, mess very of landing, and he body of cloak has was burn off most, show has he of full faces. His Visual Yun Che, was surprised in the eyes. Played against Yun Che himself, he knew Yun Che dire, and truly understand why almost ruined the whole burning heavenly gate in his hand. Horror among his EPEE, completely beyond his expectations. Cast powerful area of his throne, but he so casually destroyed, he even thought the whole dark wind, and what is his hands that destroy EPEE! Yun Che surprisingly awful he was shocked when his awe-inspiring, it is today will kill his firm determination to ... ... Otherwise, with the disposition of the him to seek revenge, Xiao Zong, will most likely become the second burning heavenly gate!Xiao Wuyi's hands, quietly holding a fight beads. "Hey ... ..." Xiao Wuyi stood up, deep sneer: "really bad burning heavenly gate can be made to this point, but do you think that you can beat me is wrong ... ... I like Xiao Zong Xiao Wuyi, on how you can beat a junior's hands! ” Xiao Wuyi eyes down, suddenly there was a roar, physical violence, body strength right hand body rolled up a huge jade-green wind, straight into Yun Che. "Well, overconfident! ” Yun Che yesterday, though not open purgatory, is sufficient to deal with Xiao Wuyi, not to mention Yun Che's strength has a new breakthrough. His arms up, just acting, all of a sudden, his heart slammed the move, a strong sense of danger had to face, made his attack instantly stopped. The same time, he heard Molly's cries in my head: "just beat it! The power of his hands is not a reaction ... ... Quick duck!! ” Xiao Wuyi's face, showing grinning at this time also, he always clenched hands suddenly let go, a slightly purplish light suddenly shot out: "go to hell!!Xiao Wuyi speed is very fast, and that's out of his hands shot out beads is quick to the point. At this pace, less than 20 feet apart and both distances, and even a throne, also did not avoid possible. Purple point of light in the eyes of quick enlargement, can make him feel dangerous things is by no means unusual, he wanted to or not, body slam. Whoosh!! Destroy the beads hit the Yun Che's body, but not yet Xiao Wuyi grin sound, but who suddenly see this fight beads through Yun Che figure, straight to his rear. Yun Che's body, external oblique, there has been over.When Yun Che EPEE body, speed although the great disadvantage, but with the aid of the star God broken shadow, his instant bypass and instantaneous ability to RAID is strong to the extreme, is almost a perfectly made up for EPEE the biggest disadvantage. See Yun Che slowly dissipate in sight of ghost, Xiao Wuyi shock, response is fast, and in the next instant lock Yun Che shifted position, another shot out beads in the sky. Two pieces, one before and one after less than one-tenth breathing time. This time, Yun Che in the air unable to avoid her, he slammed a teether, full body black crazy ... ... "Cloud lock day!! ” 轰!!!!两声天塌地陷般的巨大轰鸣在同一时间交叠响起,周围的焚天弟子虽然慌不迭的以玄力护身,但依然双耳剧痛,甚至鼓膜流血。两团火光伴随着雷电的嘶鸣冲天而起,周围数十丈之内的一切事物都被摧成灰烬,距离较近的焚天长老们全部被一股迎面而来的风暴远远的推出,他们迅速运转玄力,脸上满是惊骇……仅仅是余波便如此霸道,其威力,简直恐怖的无法想象! 这样的威力,完全足以轻易重伤一个真正的王座!而天玄,甚至半步王玄,在这样的毁灭之力下根本不存在幸存的可能! 雷火之下,一团团浓烟缓慢升起,但诡异的没有随着风暴逸开,而且在升起一定高度后聚集在那里,久久不散,烟雾的颜色,是诡异的绿色…… 见血封喉的毒雾! 萧无义脚步迅速后退,看着炸开的雷火,他的脸上终于露出狞笑,随之直接仰头狂笑了起来。焚义绝的神色也松弛下来,焚断魂和众长老的脸上都露出了惊喜的神色,他们都是眼睁睁的看着云澈被灭天珠直接轰中,如此的威力,云澈纵然不死,也绝对要当场重伤,而重伤之下一旦沾染剧毒雾气,必死无疑! “死了吗?”一个焚天长老满心激动的问道,这个可怕的恶魔终于要陨灭在他的眼前,他激动的几乎老泪纵横。 “哼!”萧无义冷笑着傲然道:“灭天珠威力无匹,就算是我宗太上宗主也不敢逆其锋芒,刚才那枚灭天珠的落地,又刚好是云澈的心口部位……他必死无疑!” “哦?是吗?” 一个嘲讽的声音,忽然从烟雾之后响起:“那可真是抱歉了,我好像还活的好好的。” “什……什么!!”这个声音,如同阵阵惊雷响起在所有人耳边,让他们同时瞪大了眼睛,心脏骤然收紧。 声音落下,烟雾之后,也缓缓的映现出云澈的身影。他双目阴厉,嘴角挂着嘲讽的冷笑,全身释放着淡淡的怒气和森然的杀气:“原来这个东西是叫‘灭天珠’啊?啧啧,这名字起的还真是狂妄到无边无际,这声势倒也是相当不错……可惜并没有什么卵用!”章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Cap 352 off Dzi
readx (); into the early Jian Wang Xiao nonsense of speed suddenly jumped, the people still if turned into a black beam rushed over. Among the four large doors, Xiao Xuan Zong agility skills second to none, and Xiao nonsense of speed, but also to the extent Frightening, Jianying interwoven speed under the sky, dazzling, dizzying. Cloud Che ...... eyes squint up speed, he never dominant, but he was never afraid of the speed is far better than his enemies, because no matter how alarming rate, how fancy moves, he needs to do, is ...... simple sword! Cloud Star Che foot broken shadow of God, understatement step forward, with the ghost of the stretch, he instantly forward the twenty body position, sword Hong Xiang Xiao Jian Zhen nonsense. ...... Bang bang bang! ! " Xiao Jianying nonsense as raging Jingtao, will tear the crumbling space, while cloud Che epee blow, as the waves roll Until dragon, rewind and on, the arrogance of the world ...... instantaneous, sky ying bombers pulverized blade collided with Long Que, very shrill of a crash, the Xiao nonsense Menheng soon roll away, landing, he frowned cross from the hands of the sword, the sword was surprised to find body actually more than a few dozen large and small gap. Xiao-nonsense face twitch, before coming here, he naturally heard of cloud Che hands epee unparalleled terror, must not clash with the front, but he, as a lofty throne, How can a junior ...... afraid of willing himself with the cloud Che only a face to face confrontation, his arms were numb collapse, officials, following decades of his whole love sword, destroying a direct hit severely, almost gone Fully recovered may Hsiao sword away the nonsense, hands Jinzuan, joints rattling: "really solid two ...... opinion, I have to point to much scrutiny. " "Laugh it! " Baoxiang, Xiao nonsense behind the eagle ghost suddenly tear, turned into a huge cyclone rotation, followed by this cyclone extremely fast speed suddenly enlarged, until spread to nearly the distance around the feet of Xiao nonsense . "Wind extremely ...... fields! ! " deep voice still ringing in our ears, Xiao nonsense pace jog ...... moment, he suddenly appeared in the clouds before Che's body, this moment if ponley faster than the previous speed several times faster on superabundant, all those present, including cloud Che, only vaguely see a hint of a sudden predatory ghost. wind rotation with Xiao nonsense stature and move, Che instant cloud enveloped them, along with Xiao nonsense roar, wind rotation suddenly berserk, surrounding cloud within three feet of Che, completely became a wind of hell, every trace of wind turned the sharp razor, under the sweeping, as the surging waves of green like crazy engulf the cloud Che. Che's eyes cloud slightly changed, but without panic, he yelled out, Long Que violent lifted, I heard the Dragons pressure over the violent wind rotation, forward pass to the top of the distant sky, soaring as epee Jianmang a roaring dragon, irresistible force into the wind rotation among the terrible power and influence, seems to be empty even have a breakdown ...... Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi ...... chaos even as a green light, impact and tear sound impact on everyone's eardrums. wind pole field rotating in the wind raging as thousands of knives like Che want to cloud completely torn up, but these wind rotation to touch Jianmang Long Que, were all crushed into nothingness, Dragons sound, the wind field pole three feet is more than ten feet straight out of a wide gap, cloud Che figure flash, instant prolapse, has not yet landed, the body has suddenly swing, swinging successive Long Que, seven "Phoenix broken" with Phoenix inflammation burning and epee pomp pound Xiao nonsense. Honghong roaring ...... enough to strangle all areas of wind pole but failed to stop the dragon Pa Que Wei, was instantly ripped seven gap, gap poured from Phoenix inflammation, wind fire burning, instant, the entire wind field pole turned into a phoenix direct inflammation of the sea, the sea of flames, a figure desperate to fly out very awkward landing, and His body had been burned more than half cloak, revealing his full face his visual cloud Che, his eyes full of surprise color. personally and cloud Che fight, he was clearly aware of the terrible cloud Che, but also really understand why whole burning day the doors are almost ruined in his hands. His hands epee of terror, completely beyond his expectations. powerful force field he cast throne, he was hit so casually destroyed, he even think Cang wind among the whole, what is his hands that epee indestructible! Che unexpectedly terrible cloud shocked him when his mind awe-inspiring, it is determined to kill him today anyway determination ... ... Otherwise, with his vindictive nature, Xiao Zong, will most likely become the second burning days door! Xiao nonsense hands, quietly holding a one off beads. "Hey ......" Xiao nonsense stood up, deep sneer with: "really powerful, no wonder can burn Tianmen pushed to this point, but do you think this will be able to beat me, think again ...... I dignified Xiao Xiao were nonsense, how can you defeat in the hands of a junior ! " Xiao nonsense gaze sank suddenly roar, body violence, the body strength cohesion right hand, body rolled a huge aquamarine wind rotation, straight cloud Che away. "Well, overconfident! " The day before yesterday the cloud Che, even if not open purgatory, is enough to deal with Xiao nonsense, not to mention the strength of Che cloud has a new breakthrough. He raised his arm, just to engaged, suddenly, his heartstrings shoved a move, an a strong sense of danger oncoming, let his momentary stop attacking moves. at the same time, his brain came jasmine cry: "Look out! His hands have abnormal reaction force ...... fast way! ! " Xiao nonsense face, are then exposed grinning, he has been Jinzuan palm suddenly open, a microstrip purple light suddenly shot out: "Go to hell! ! Xiao nonsense of this on the fast speed, while While emitted from his hands off the beads is approaching the extreme. At this rate, and the two separated by less than two feet distance, even a throne, but also did not avoid the possibility. Purple spot in the pupil quickly zoom, make him aware of the danger is no ordinary thing, he Xiangyebuxiang body shoved flash. Whoosh! ! Dzi off hit in the cloud Che's body, but not so the Shaw nonsense grinning out loud, but suddenly see beads actually destroy While Che's figure through the clouds, flying straight to his rear. And Mami cloud Che, has feet outside obliquely upward. Yun Chol epee at the body, though very inferior speed, but with the star of God broken shadow, and his ability to avoid instantaneous moment but it is a strong raid the extreme, it is almost perfect make up epee biggest disadvantage. Che looked at clouds in sight slowly dissipate ghost, Yu Xiao nonsense shock, the response was very swift pace, the next moment they locked position shifted cloud Che, and一枚beads when empty shot off. A series of two, one after the other in less than a tenth of a difference breathing. This time, the mid-air cloud Che simply inevitable, he shoved a bite, body mysterious force took crazy ...... "seal Cloud Lock Day !!" Boom! ! ! ! TWO Tiantadexian like a huge roar at the same time overlap sounded around the burning day disciples although Huang Budie to the mysterious force of body, but the pain is still ears, even the tympanic membrane bleeding. Accompanied by thunder and lightning fire two groups scream sky, everything around within a few hundred feet into ashes are destroying, burning days from the close of the elders were all far from an oncoming storm launch, they running quickly mysterious force, his face full of horror ...... just aftermath Even so overbearing, its power, simply can not imagine the horror! Such power, fully enough to easily wounded a real throne! And Tianxuan, even half a step Wang Xuan, under such forces of destruction did not survive may exist! Under thunderbolt, clouds of smoke slowly rising, but not as strange storm Plaza opened, and at a certain height raised gathered there, lingering, smoke color is strange green ...... Antiaris throat smog! Xiao-nonsense pace rapidly back and watched thunderbolt exploded, his face finally showing a grinning, laughing his head and followed up directly. Yi Jue burning look also relaxes burning Lethal and the elders of the faces are exposed look of surprise, they are watched cloud Che beads direct bombers destroyed in such a powerful, cloud Che even immortality , there is absolutely serious injury to the spot, but once contaminated with highly toxic vapor under serious injury, die! "Dead?" A burning day full of excitement and asked the elders, this terrible demon finally perish in his eyes, he was excited almost tears. ! "Well," Xiao nonsense sneered proudly: "destroy Tianzhu matchless power, even if I were too much on the sovereign dare against the edge, just off the beads rocket landing, also happens to be part of the cloud Che chest ...... He will die! " "Oh, is not it??" a mocking voice suddenly sounded from the smoke after:. "It is really sorry, I seem to still alive and well." "What ...... What !!" the voice, Like everyone bursts of thunder sounded in the ears, so that they stared at the same time, the heart suddenly tightened. Sound down, then smoke, but also slowly illuminates Che cloud shadow. Yin Li his eyes, mouth hanging sarcastic sneer, the body releases a touch of anger and awe-inspiring murderous: "So this thing is called 'off beads' ah Gee, this is really name from the boundless arrogance,? This momentum down is quite good ...... but did not use any eggs! " section errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 352 arc beads
readx (); Jian Wang into the early and Xiao Wuyi the speed of the suddenly jumped, the person is turned into the a black beam rushed over. In the four large door, Xiao Zong of Xuan technology is second to none, and Xiao Wuyi speed, more is to the extent of the shock, interleaving Jianying speed under the sky, let dazzling, dizzying.

clouds eyes narrowed...... Speed, he never takes advantage, but he never do not fear the speed far better than his enemy, because whether it is amazing how speed and how fancy moves, he needs to do is... Simple sword!

Cloud Che foot star God suiying, lightly a step forward, with an elongated virtual shadow, he instantly forward twenty body position, the sword boom to array Xiao Wuyi sword. Bang Bang...... Bang!!"

Xiao Wuyi Jianying as raging billows, the space is tearing the crumbling, and Che Yun sword blow, such as mad sand waves rolling dragons, rewind and, the arrogance of the world... Instantaneous, all over the sky Jianying was hooted crushing, sword and dragon que collided head-on, a loud crash, Xiao nonsense stuffy to hum a, rolled out, the landing, he frowned, cross the sword in the hand,They found the body was more than dozens of large and small gap.

Xiao Wuyi face twitches, before coming here, he heard Che Yun in the hands of the Epee terror matchless, never to positive and confrontation, but he is a lofty throne, how can we be reconciled their fear a Junior...... And with Che Yun just a face to face confrontation, his arms were shock of pins and needles, follow him throughout the decades of love a sword, actually is the direct destruction of individual finished skin, almost no complete recovery possible.
Xiao Wuyi will sword down, hands clenched, Beck rattle: "it has two brushes...... It looks like I have to be serious.


a crack, Xiao Wuyi behind the eagle falsely copies suddenly tearing, turned into a rotation in the great cyclone. Subsequently, the the cyclone to extremely fast speed suddenly magnified, until the spread to Xiao nonsense around thirty feet distance.

"polar wind...... Field!!"

low voice in the ear of Xiao Wuyi, the pace of fretting...... For a moment, then suddenly appeared in front of the Che Yun, this moment of speed fast if ponley, than before, the speed of faster on the times more, in the presence of all the people, including Che Yun, only vaguely see the touch of suddenly predatory ghost. With Xiao Wuyi's stature
wind spin move,Instantly will Che cloud enveloped them, with Xiao nonsense a loud roar, the wind spin suddenly furious, Che Yun around thirty feet, completely a piece of hell, every trace of wind are turned into the sharp blade, swept under, such as green waves surging like crazy phagocytic cloud Che.

clouds look slightly changed, but no panic, he roared, dragon que turbulent lifted, Longyin pressure too violent wind spin, direct spread to distant firmament, soaring epee Jianmang is like a roaring dragon, like gangbusters rushing wind rotation among, that terrible threat potential seems to be even all vanity breakdown......

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi chi......
The green light chaos into one, striking and tearing sound impact all ears. Polar wind field in wind spin in the raging, like tens of thousands of knife like want Che Yun completely torn, but the wind spin touch Jianmang dragon que, all were crushed into nothingness, Longyin sound, thirty feet of the polar wind field directly out of the a ten feet wide gap, cloud Che figure in a flash, prolapse of the moment, has not yet landed, body has suddenly turn, dragon que successive swinging, seven "Phoenix broken" with inflammation of the phoenix burning and Epee pomp pound Xiao nonsense. Bang Bang Bang Bang......
To strangle all polar wind field but could not stop dragon que viper, was instantly ripped seven gap, inflammation of the Phoenix from the gap filling, burning fire in the wind, in the blink of an eye, sea of the wind field directly turned into Feng Yan, flames, a personal shadow helter skelter flew out, distress and matchless landing, and his cloak on the body has been burned half, exposing the complete his face. His eyes are full of visual clouds, surprised.

personally and cloud Che fights, he was clearly know Che Yun terrible, also only then truly understand why the Fantian door almost destroyed in his hands. He hands the terrorist Epee, completely beyond his expectation.Destroy him to cast the throne of strong field, unexpectedly is he so lightly. He even thought the Cang breeze, what is he hands the Epee indestructible!

cloud Che unexpectedly terrible let him shocked when awe inspiring in his heart, it is firm today anyway to kill his determination... Otherwise, with his temperament Xiao Zong, will seek revenge for the smallest grievance, is likely to become the second burning of tianmen!
Xiao hands hold the nonsense, quietly killing a tianzhu. "Hey......" Xiao nonsense stood up, a sneer: "really badly, no wonder the Fantian door forced to the point,But you thought it would be a mistake to beat me...... I am Xiao Zong Xiao Wuyi, how can you defeat at the hands of a junior!"

Xiao Wuyi vision sinks, suddenly a loud roar, the body suddenly and violently, the body force cohesion right hand and body rolled up a huge jade green wind rotation, straight into the clouds Che. "Well, Too Big for Her Skin!" The
clouds, even without purgatory, is enough to deal with Xiao Wuyi, not to mention the strength of clouds has a new breakthrough. His arm up, just to meet, all of a sudden, his heart suddenly move, a powerful risk sense oncoming, let his attack instant action to stop.

At the same time, his head came Jasmine shouts: "fast away! His hands had a normal force response...... Flash drive!!"

Xiao Wuyi face, also then exposed grin, he has been tight grip in the palm of your hand to suddenly let go, a microstrip purple light suddenly shot out: "to die! The speed of this nonsense
Xiao fast, and this one shot from his hands and Tianzhu more rapidly to the extreme. This rate, and two people are far less than twenty feet away, even if it is a throne, there is no escape possible. Purple spot

quickly increase in the pupil, let him feel dangerous stuff is not unusual,He didn't want to think, the body suddenly flashed.


destroy beads hit Che Yun. But before Xiao nonsense grinning out loud, but suddenly see the gold beads unexpectedly through the cloud Che figure, straight toward his rear. The clouds have been physically, at ten feet outside the top.
cloud Che Epee at the time the body, speed although very inferior, but with God Star suiying, his instantly avoidance and instantaneous raid is the ability of the strong to extreme, is almost perfect for the Epee is the biggest disadvantage. Look at the clouds in the sight of the shadow slowly dissipated, Xiao Wuyi shocked, the response is very fast,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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