Cap 500 Ukrainian heritage
Yun Chol silence down, although he repeated from the shock calm down, but the heart is always not calm. He had just put here as a complete stranger different world, where the strong, and then look to regression Tianxuan Big 6 is the only direction, but now, all in all, have been turned upside down. This is not only not a distant and unfamiliar world, and he also inextricably linked. "Cloud Che, you ask the person, 'Jinwu Lei Yan Valley' What is this place?" Jasmine suddenly asked aloud, his tone was very dignified. "King Wu Fen Yan Valley", the world first and clouds Xiao were all mentioned, and said this is a great test of the adventure of the land, but the cloud has been permitted to enter the home. "...... Could it be, you suspect this 'Jinwu Lei Yan Valley' and ancient animal 'black gold' has contact?" Cloud Che asked. "I do not think this is just a coincidence of names on." Jasmine faint replied:. "If you really and 'black gold' related, then it may be interesting," Yun Chol pondered for a moment and asked: "Yun Xiao, the premise of your off '金乌雷inflammation Valley', is what? you goes home fast weak forces can not enter金乌雷inflammation ...... Valley is one of the reasons this place is really so magical? " " uh ...... are you even金乌雷inflammation Valley I do not know? "Xiao cloud with a very surprised look at him. "I came here for the first time experience, my master and I have never spoken of what magic demon world, so金乌雷inflammation valley the name, I was the first time I heard." Che cloud then quite true, But this cloud Xiao naturally impossible to hear that he was a different world, he nodded his head, a small channel: "Cloud brother so much, it really is not no reason, it seems that the practice of the time, really did not distract ... ...金乌雷inflammation Valley this place, although I have never been able to go in, but it is very familiar to me from all grew up listening to this name, because it is the ancestor of the origin of the royal family to magic demon. " " Origin of the land? "Cloud Che Yizheng. . "Ah," says Xiao nodded: "Cloud Brother, you have not heard of the ancient animal 'black gold'? " " I heard that the fire department had three supreme Suzaku, Phoenix, King Wu, in ancient times, "says Che nodded... And his body, blood still flowing Phoenix. "金乌雷inflammation valley so named because of the existence of the animal in which the power of the Ukrainian heritage." "Oh," says Che suddenly side, his mind, Jasmine sounded muffled voice: "? really the case, but really! Strange, the Blue Star obviously just a lowly planet, why would there be so much even divine inheritance ...... Phoenix, Dragon, Jin Wu, and even divine seed Cthulhu are present in this world ...... Is in ancient times, The world had given birth to any particular thing? " "This ...... very strange? ' ' is more than strange, but never normal, "Jasmine whispered:." divine inheritance, births are concentrated in nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine Among gods world, worlds trillion planet, there can divine inheritance, an estimated one billion stars in one of immune memory, and even higher astral planes, but also no one million, and A small blue pole star, he now has four now, and oh, also coupled with a sense of mysterious Mars appears veins summer Yuanba! mysterious gang goes home, it might be true in some ancient god power ...... if this came out, even the gods are enough to disturb the world! " Cloud Che: "......" Yun Xiao continued: "magic demon royal forefathers just a demon neon colored birds, and later in Lei Yan Gu being inadvertently opened the Ukrainian animal left heritage, won the gold black blood and Ukrainian inflammation force to invincible in the entire magic demon world, then all the families of its as emperor, became the magic demon world first demon king. Later, which continue to multiply the race, which is now in fantasy demon royal family, is claiming Ukrainian descent, by animal Ukrainian God Bless, Lei Yan Gu also been renamed金乌雷inflammation Valley, becoming the first divine magic demon world. " "金乌雷Yan Gu The elements of the atmosphere is extremely thick, filled with strong flame around the force of Thundercloud, and continue to rise to a variety of powerful fire spirit, the spirit as well as various fire thunder, lightning-based Wicked. Similarly, various other where a rare day material to treasure, but also in which the derivative is extremely easy. So, enter Jinwu Lei Yan Valley among, not only can get a good experience, but also easy access to a variety of adventures, almost every valley into the Jinwu Lei Yan people, can have a considerable harvest, and some even soar. " "Jin Wulei inflammation are eligible to enter the valley, and only magic demon guardian of the royal family and twelve, are fixed once every five years to enter. However, Since afterwards a hundred years ago are no longer goes home ...... we were allowed to enter. After the other guardian of the younger generation to enter the family金乌雷inflammation Valley, after it will get a lot of strength on the transformation even sublimation, and our cloud family, you can only have been helplessly watching ...... " Xiao Yun breathed slowly, sadly the color of his face. He went to the now older, or less master of the house goes home, but was never able to enter into the Jinwu Lei Yan Gu ...... even look at the chance. . "So that," says Che gently nodded: "In other words, magic demon royal family have Ukrainian blood, also has inflammation of the Ukrainian forces, no wonder the world are becoming royal worship. " " Not this ...... "cloud. Shaw is unexpected denial: "magic demon royal family who do have Ukrainian blood, but are handed down from generation to generation, their blood is very thin mysterious fire burned, although higher than the average of the mysterious fire a lot stronger. But no biggie Ukrainian forces ...... Finally have a real power of black gold, is already dead demon king. " "Why is that? Obviously not all heritage of Ukrainian blood it?" says Che Yaran said. "Because, only with the Ukrainian soul recognized and given, in order to obtain Ukrainian flame Xuangong 'black gold burn world record', otherwise, can only rely on the Ukrainian blood, burning mysterious fire with the Ukrainian property only in fantasy demon royalty, In addition to the demon king, others practice, are other flame Xuangong. " "Ukrainian burning World record ...... Does that mean that the Ukrainian flame Xuangong can not be passed on to someone else?" says Che frowned up ...... "Ukrainian burning world record," the name, the cloud is not the first I heard of Che. Jasmine in a few years ago and he mentioned: "Suzaku Wei Ling Song," "Song of the Phoenix World Code", "Ukrainian burning world record", are the three things in the world that year Megatron "burning World hieroglyphics." "Yes! Ukrainian burning world record heritage can only be obtained from the Ukrainian soul there. Ukrainian soul, there is inflammation in金乌雷end of the valley, where it is known as black gold shrine, was only allowed to enter once every thousand years. And enter there The only key ...... is because my grandfather and living in the 'demon Huang Xi' Tianxuan big 6. " Cloud Che: "......" Yun Xiao helplessly: "Ukrainian shrine millennium may enter once, so the demon emperor also Millennium a relay, when the former demon king adults century died in those wicked hands, but also just about to reign of the millennium, the demon emperor throne, will be able to use the demon Huang Xi entered the Ukrainian Holy Land, to get more powerful Ukrainian blood and gold black burn World record, however, the demon Huang Xi lost, it can not enter the Ukrainian Holy Land. no real Ukrainian heritage, it can not become a true demon king ...... former centuries, but helpless demon emperor throne, since Ukraine did not get gold heritage, it can only be called 'demon emperor', and can not be dubbed a true demon king in the name, after the demon too. Well, if you can not get back the demon Huang Xi, then burn the Ukrainian perhaps disappear from the world record known to the world. " "No wonder lost demon Huang Xi, the family will bear such a big cloud of guilt." Che cloud slowly Road. . "Grandpa is certainly not intentionally lose," says Xiao gently teeth: "My father said, grandfather and demon King adults as close as brothers, then, he did not see the demon king body, we must not admit demon king is dead, and Huang Xi demon is the demon emperor personally give him the guardian, unless the demon emperor died, otherwise there is no demon king's order, he will not be handed over to anyone, even the son of demon King ...... As a result, he has been put on body, never to anyone, even go Tianxuan Big 6 Looking demon king, also refused to let the demon Huang Xi from the body ...... This is Grandpa loyalty performance, he certainly did not want it more than anyone is missing. But magic demon Some of the royal family, but ...... " Yun Xiao cheeky color angry, but did not continue. "Do you want a chance to go Jinwu Lei Yan ri see?" Jasmine interest and said: "Anyway, you just have 'that thing'." "King Wu of flame, and the Phoenix flame, which is more powerful? "Cloud thought Che asked. "Three fire department supreme, with Suzaku to Phoenix for the times, the last black gold, but if a single on the fire power, but it is the most Jin Wu!" Jasmine faint Road. "...... Why the Ukrainian ranking is last? " " Because this is not the strength of the ranking. Suzaku inflammation of divine attributes, is the coexistence of ancient times and Protoss most feared inferno flame, it had been called 'salvation inflammation'; when Phoenix inflammatory properties with love, not only to burn off, can purify, has been called 'the world of Yan Song', which is why you accept the Phoenix trials, must pass a third off Trials of the Heart. " The Ukrainian the inflammation, is the most pure, the destruction of the most extreme inflammation! Jin Wu, also known as 'Sunbird', the legend is the gods in the center of the sun's extreme nurtured, its flame, such as sun, hot and violent, in addition to the destruction, no other. Legend of the most extreme Ukrainian fire, entire worlds are not things that can not burn it off. I have mentioned three flame supreme qualifying, but they rank in recognition hearts of the world only. Ukrainian although not beasts, but it's nature as its flame is generally violent, naturally inferior 'salvation' and 'Ode to the World' Suzaku phoenix. But this ranking to the Ukrainian nature, of course, would never admit it. " "So, you want me to try to get the Ukrainian heritage? "Cloud Che pondered the road. "Ukrainian heritage? Hey ...... "Jasmine Dan Xiao loudly:" You think too much. If you did not have Phoenix blood, then there are some possible, but since you have a Phoenix inflammation, could never again get the Ukrainian inflammation. I let you go, but confirm whether there really Ukrainian heritage! " "Why? "Cloud Che slightly stunned. "Well, it is hard to understand? Three fire department who also refused to accept the Supreme in who think they own the world again strong fire. A personal memory of one of the blood, the other two, they would never allow their blood and strength to coexist! Especially the black gold! It is extremely irascible temperament and staunch, wanted to make it his own blood and power transmission to the power of the blood of a person owns Phoenix ...... it is impossible to do. " Chapter errors Report (free registration), reported after maintenance staff will correct chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.
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