第406章 凤凰葵纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 公孙宇一口气把价格提到了一千紫玄币,然后斜眼看向了云澈。若是在黑月商会的拍卖会上 การแปล - 第406章 凤凰葵纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 公孙宇一口气把价格提到了一千紫玄币,然后斜眼看向了云澈。若是在黑月商会的拍卖会上 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第406章 凤凰葵纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 公孙宇一口

第406章 凤凰葵





























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Phoenix chapter No. 406-sunflowerOnline reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit Yu mentioned price 1000 purple black coin in one breath, and then squinting to Yun Che. If it were in the dark Moon auction of the Chamber of Commerce, he is categorically not a little arrogant, but in this underground trade fair, with his sword Wal, absolute arrogance, contempt for some qualifications. He is thought, a mere occult people, how dare he warn, and his rival bid. Excalibur au prestige, combined with his deep pockets, and the improved offer, he thought Yun Che would directly be browbeaten, unexpectedly, no changes in each other's face, very calm: "1100 purple Xuan coins!More than 1000 purple Xuan coins just blurt out, if there is no strong family is impossible. Yu being the sword of God's son, led purple Xuan currency at around 20,000 a year, and this is the year he needed to practice, with varying occupations bought two purple crystals chalcedony and basically is the limit for him, and substantially more than the value of amethyst and jade. But full of pride, now suddenly out individual bluntly of his offer, so if he was down, wouldn't it be humiliating in the extreme. Yu's dark teeth to bite, but the look is a relaxed: "1200 purple Xuan yen. ” "1500! "Not the slightest pauses and hesitations, Yun Che followed Yu's voice shouted. Hall all look weak, small paint a face is smiling into the Begonia flower, she did not put too much focus on Yun Che's body, Xiang Yunche eyes are gazing at this time, a pair of Feng MOU cutesy little drops of water. Yu's face finally get hard looks, purplish black 1500 coins, it was essential that he spent a month, and used the money to buy two purple crystals chalcedony, which has far exceeded his psychological bottom line. A purple-black crystal ore gave birth to the most essential, purple-veined Crystal, Amethyst second chalcedony, 1500 purple black money, enough to buy one or two purple veins on the Crystal, buy the purple Crystal nucleus pulposus is simply throwing money away. He turned, but said "friend, you being so heroic, like his family must be distinguished. City of Phoenix in this God, but of great family, the son does not say I know everything, but there are 7788, very look unfamiliar to you. You are not people from the field? Oh ... ... You look at this costume, it is six-nation friends? ”Yun Che knew that Yu's intentions, secretly laughed at, no taboo, directly: "you guessed right, I am not God Phoenix Chinese, but the blue from the East wind, but where I come from, and this fair should have nothing to do with it? ” Blue wind come from? Everyone in the Office was still speculation Yun Che origins, thought he was so generous and without fear and Yu cry, some extraordinary family, hear he was from the blue wind, no not scorn to the extreme, even amusing look. Their God Phoenix Chinese, State-owned an almost instinctive contempt for the other six, six and blue wind weak. Sofu people in their eyes, has always been low is a real person.“哦……哦!哈哈哈哈,原来是苍风国的朋友。”公孙宇直接狂笑了起来,之前被云澈压制的不爽感瞬时一扫而空:“难怪对这紫晶玉髓如此上心,想来在你们苍风国,应该从来见不到这上等宝物吧?既然如此,那本公子当然是愿意拱手相让……只是本公子有些好奇,你要这紫晶玉髓做什么呢?莫非是同本公子一样,为武器增加灵性?哦不对,在你们苍风国,一把天玄器应该就是顶级至宝了吧?这紫晶玉髓也用不上啊。再说你的玄力只有地玄境,嘿嘿,好像驾驭个天玄器都够呛……要说作为玄舟的能源……嗯?苍风国莫非也有人开的起玄舟?” 厅中顿时响起阵阵毫不压抑的哄笑,在苍风国人的面前,他们之中纵然实力地位最低的,也油然而生一种人上人的感觉,讥笑一个下等人,还需要藏着掖着?在报出自己是苍风国人后,云澈便知道会出现这样的场景,他面不改色,懒得和这些人废话一个字,拿出一千五百紫玄币,然后从小柒的手中拿过放置着两块紫晶玉髓的玉盒。紫晶玉髓是只有在足够庞大的紫玄晶矿中才会孕育出的精华,有着一定的天地灵性,所以应该的确可以增加武器的灵性,就是不知道增加的幅度如何。若是效果明显的话,他会尝试着多入手几枚。 And then, in the second transaction, is the aim of Yun Che to! Xiao Qi again took the Jade box from behind the old man, smiling: "the second treasure, is a plant of medicinal herbs, though it is not as luxurious as the Amethyst and jade, but in terms of rarity, but is also more than amethyst and jade. Say, little Qi has opened the Jade box, one flashing red light, flame-like vegetation present in people's eyes, and then, jade was immediately closed to prevent its potential losses. "Oh, is actually the Phoenix Kwai! "One amazing road. Hear Phoenix Kwai three words, Yun Che's eyes suddenly fell on the Jade box ... ... It can go ahead."Yes, Phoenix, Kwai, but also is a plant that just grow to maturity without damage of Phoenix in Kwai. "Xiao Qi smiled:" you son know that Phoenix Kwai Tong Xuan, not only can be used as medicine, forge, and practicing fire black, especially the impact neck has a great help. However, once Phoenix Kwai, Shenzong Phoenix all away the first time. Nujia in the hands of this strain, is the God throughout the Phoenix Empire, in addition only Phoenix Phoenix Shenzong Kwai, even the dark Moon Chamber of Commerce, are unlikely to buy ... ... So your son if need be, be sure not to miss it, otherwise have to wait until this time next year it is possible to buy. ” Small seven sounds exaggerated, but Yun Che knew that is not false, because he went Dark Moon Chamber of Commerce yesterday, indeed even where there were no Phoenix Kwai. Xiao Qi said, he was straight out: "low prices? ” 小柒的水眸向云澈的方向微微一转,声音软软的道:“看来这位来自苍风国的公子对这凤凰葵也很感兴趣,这株凤凰葵,低价一千紫玄币。”凤凰葵虽然稀少,但绝非什么顶级的丹药,而且入药有着极大的难度和流失率,对于不修炼火系玄功的人而言,并无什么太大的作用,所以一千紫玄币的价格委实过高,显然是把着“最后一株凤凰葵”的噱头漫天要价,厅中的人基本都表现出毫无兴趣的样子,但小柒的话刚一说完,云澈便紧接着出声:“两千紫玄币,我要了!” 身怀千万紫玄币,云澈的底气无比之足,他现在只想早早的拿到这株凤凰葵,不想再浪费任何时间……排位战还有半个月就会到来,时间对他来说每一分一秒都格外贵重。 “我靠!”不少人当场低呼出声。 花一千五百紫玄币买两枚紫晶玉髓……现在居然一口两千紫玄币买一株凤凰葵…… 这苍风国的小子是钱多还是脑子秀逗!? 报出一千紫玄币之后,小柒的心里还满是忐忑,因为她很明白这个价格确实有点虚高,但没想到,自己的话才刚一说完,价格便直接暴涨了一倍,她瞬间心花怒放,一张脸也变得光彩莹然:“这位来自苍风国的公子真是豪爽大气,直接出价两千紫玄,奴家最喜欢这样的公子了……还有哪位公子愿意出更高的价格吗?这可是今年最后的一株凤凰葵了哦,若是错过,就算有再多的钱,也是不可能买到了……”其他人都是安静无声……笑话,除非是修炼火系玄功到了瓶颈,或者急需用来炼制重要的丹药,否则谁会花两千以上的紫玄币来买一株凤凰葵。小柒见无人回声后,笑眯眯的走向云澈:“恭喜你这位公子,这株凤凰葵就是你的了,可要小心拿好哦。” 云澈干净利落的交出两千紫玄币,然后拿过装着凤凰葵的玉盒……凤凰葵到手,今天的目的也已达到,接下来,他只需找个地方用天毒珠淬炼乾坤丹,然后用大概两到三天的时间炼化,玄力应该足以提升到地玄境的巅峰,面对凤凰神宗时,也就有了更大的把握。 至于后面卖的什么东西,他已经毫无兴趣。云澈刚要准备起身离开,忽而,一个大笑声从外面传来:“哈哈哈哈!小柒姑娘,真是不好意思,路上遇到几个不开眼的,随手教训了一下,所以来晚了,小柒姑娘可千万不要怪罪。” 这个声音粗壮厚重,而且充斥着明显的霸道,随着声音的响起,一个身材高大魁梧,身着轻甲的男人昂首阔步的走了进来。这个人看上去三十岁左右,身材虽然比不上夏元霸,但也格外魁梧,尤其是裸露在外的肌肉,每一块都高高鼓起,还闪动着金属一般的光泽,让人仅仅用目光都能感受到其中爆炸性的力量。 他的头发呈赤色,根根朝天竖起,就如一簇燃烧着的火焰,身上,也散发着浓厚的火系玄功气息。 一看到这个高大男子出现,厅中众人的脸色都明显的一变,就连之前一脸嚣张的公孙宇都神色一紧,露出了深深的忌惮之色。 看到这个人,小柒就如同看到了亲爹一般,直笑的五官全部绽开,脚步袅娜的主动迎了上去:“哎唷!炙公子,你说的什么话,你能来,是奴家万世修来的荣幸,怎么可能会怪罪……来,炙公子快请上座,交易会才刚刚开始,重头戏还没有到呢,相信今天的‘重头戏’,炙公子一定会很感兴趣,绝对不虚此行哦。” “这个人是谁,神态这么嚣张。”云澈右边座位上的一人向自己的同伴低声询问道。 “你没听到小柒姑娘喊他‘炙公子’吗!他当然是炙阳宗的人!” “什么!炙阳宗?神凰帝国仅次于凤凰神宗的第二宗门?”“没错!这个人叫炙焱,是炙阳宗的七少!天资极为妖孽,今年才二十八岁,已经是半步王玄,据说已经在冲击王玄之境!在这神凰帝国,除了凤凰神宗,没有谁惹得起他。” “小柒姑娘说的重头戏,那自然是一定要看的。不过本少今天来的主要目的,是小柒姑娘手中的凤凰葵。”炙焱满脸傲然的道:“本少的王玄瓶颈已经松开,突破在即,急需凤凰葵相助,但那混蛋的凤凰神宗又把凤凰葵全部卷了个空,好在小柒姑娘这边还有一株。这株凤凰葵,本少是要定了,谁要是和本少抢……嘿嘿。” 炙焱是什么人,和云澈没半毛钱关系。他已经从座位上站了起来,准备直接掉头离开,但听到炙焱口中说到“凤凰葵”三个字时,云澈的脚步顿时停顿…… 又特么的日了狗了!R1058 最快更新,无弹窗阅读请。章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 406 Phoenix sunflower
text read this domain synchronous read phone online, visit Kung Yu breath the price mentioned a thousand purple mysterious coins, then squint to cloud Che. If Black Moon at auction Chamber of Commerce, he categorically not have the slightest arrogance, but in this underground trade fairs, with his sword were the Wal-Mart, it is absolutely arrogant and despotic contempt some qualifications. He did not think, a paltry ground mysterious territory who dare warned in his speech among, and he also destabilize bidding. Sword Wal Union, coupled with his strong financial and sudden increase offer, he thought cloud Che will directly be deterred, did not expect the other side of his face did not change in the slightest, very calm: "eleven hundred mysterious purple coins! a thousand mysterious purple coins casually blurt out, if not very strong family property how can not do. Kung Yu as the son of the sovereign were the sword, received a year purple coins in mysterious about twenty thousand, and it was his practice required throughout the year, come up with a thousand to buy two amethyst chalcedony, basically is the limit for him, and also significantly exceeded the value of amethyst chalcedony. But before full of arrogance, now rather abruptly blaze personal unceremoniously top his offer, so if he is pushed down, is it a disgrace to the extreme. Kung Yu-dark teeth to bite, but it is a relaxed look: "twelve hundred Hyun hundred purple coins. " "fifteen hundred! "Without the slightest pause and hesitation, cloud tight with Che Kung Yu's voice shouted. hall everyone is face slightly changed, a face is small qi smile into Begonia flowers, before she did not put too much attention Che's body force on the cloud, then look to the cloud Che's eyes are languishing, a charming almost Shuangfeng eye drop water. Kung Yu's face finally become hard look, fifteen hundred of mysterious purple coins This has essentially spent his month, with the money to buy two amethyst chalcedony, which has far exceeded his psychological bottom line. a mysterious purple crystal mine nurtured the essence, purple veins Crystal, followed by chalcedony amethyst, purple mysterious fifteen hundred dollars, are enough to buy one or two purple veins Crystal, buy this amethyst stone marrow, is simply throwing money in. He turned, smiled leather meat do not laugh and said: "The friend, see you shot so heroic, presumably prominent family background must be very. In Phoenix, this God, but all the extraordinary family background, the son did not say all know, but there are also 7788 is very look unfamiliar to you ah. Could you people come from overseas? Oh ...... see you this dress, is it a friend of the six countries? " Cloud Che Kung Yu certainly know this intention, secretly sneer, nor taboo, direct, said: "You guessed right, I am not God Huang people, but from the East Cang wind country, but where I come from, and It should be fair and has nothing to do, right? " Cang wind come from? everyone in the hall still had all kinds of speculation that cloud the origins of Che, I thought he shot so generous, and without fear and Kung Yu destabilize certain extraordinary family background, this time he actually heard from Cang wind country, no not expose the extreme contempt, even ridiculous in the eyes. They Phoenix people of God, for the other six state-owned with almost instinctive contempt, and among the six countries, on Cang wind weakest. Cang wind people in their eyes, has always been the letter of the lower man. "Oh ...... Oh! Ha ha ha ha, the original is a friend Cang wind country. "Kung Yu directly laughing up, before being pressed unhappy cloud Che transient flu swept away:" No wonder this amethyst chalcedony so got the idea and wanted to Cang wind in your country, you should never see this fine treasure right? That being the case, of course, that the son was willing to hand over the son ...... just curious, chalcedony, amethyst what you want to do this? Could it be the same with the son, as a weapon to increase spirituality? Oh right, the wind in your country Cang, a device should be the top Tianxuan treasure, right? This amethyst chalcedony do not have access ah. Say your mysterious force only to the mysterious territory, hey, like control devices are enough to choke a Tianxuan ...... say as a mysterious boat energy ...... ah? Could Cang wind country was also open from mysterious boat? " Hall suddenly burst into laughter bursts without repression, the wind in front of Cang people, and among them even the lowest position of strength, but also felt a sense of Exalted, laugh at an inferior people, but also need to Tibetan the tuck? in a newspaper of their own country after Cang wind, cloud Che will know there will be such a scene, he keep a straight face, too lazy nonsense these people a word, he took fifteen hundred mysterious purple coins and small qi It took the place of the two Yuhe chalcedony amethyst. Amethyst Chalcedony is only large enough mysterious purple crystal mine will be bred in essence, there is a certain spiritual world, so it should indeed be able to increase weapon spirituality, just do not know how to increase the amplitude. If the effect is obvious, then, that he would try to start several more. The second thing the next trading goods, is this to the purpose of cloud Che! small qi again from behind He took an old man Yu He, smiling said: "The second treasure it, is a strain of medicine, although it does not amethyst chalcedony is so luxurious, but the rarity, but it is even more than the purple Oh chalcedony crystal. While he was talking, a small qi has been opened Yuhe, a flashing red light, the shape of the flame of vegetation present in people's line of sight, and subsequently, Yuhe and was immediately closed to prevent the loss of its potency. "Oh, it is actually the phoenix Kwai!" One man surprised Road. Phoenix Kwai hear words, cloud Che suddenly fell on sight ...... it seems that Yu He can leave in advance. "Yes, that is the Phoenix Kwai, but also a just grow to maturity, there is no damage oh Phoenix Kwai." Small qi smiling and said: "Your son knows, Phoenix sunflower not only can be used as medicine, forging through, Tong Xuan, also Xuangong fire department for practicing, especially the impact of the bottleneck has a great help. But, where once the Phoenix Kwai will be the first time Phoenix Ancestor all taken away. And Nujia hands of this strain in the whole God Phoenix Empire in addition to Phoenix Phoenix Ancestor unique Kwai, even black on the Chamber of Commerce, it is impossible to buy ...... So your son if desired, be sure not to miss it, otherwise, have to wait until this time next year, will it be possible to buy to. " small qi it sound somewhat exaggerated, but the cloud does not know Che false, because he went to black on the Chamber of Commerce yesterday, indeed, there are not even Phoenix Kwai. Small qi a finish, he straightforward aloud: "? Low number of" small qi Shuimou a slight turn toward the cloud Che, soft voice and said: "It seems that the son of the country from Cang wind Phoenix is also very interested in this Kwai, this strain of Phoenix sunflower, purple mysterious low-cost one thousand coins. " Phoenix Kwai although rare, but not what the top of immortality, and medicine has great difficulty and turnover, for not practicing fire department Xuangong people, not much of a role, so the price of one thousand mysterious purple coins really too high, apparently to a "last a Phoenix Kwai" gimmick wild speculations, the Office of the People basically they showed no interest in the way, but then just a small qi finished, cloud Che then followed loud: "! Two thousand purple mysterious coins, I want a" mysterious purple pregnant million coins, cloud Che matchless emboldened enough, he now just want to get this strain Phoenix early Kwai, I do not want to waste any time ...... qualifying there are two weeks of war will come, the time for him, every minute is precious particularly . "I rely on!" A lot of people were loud Di Hu. Spend fifteen hundred coins to buy two mysterious purple amethyst chalcedony ...... now actually buy credits bite thousand mysterious purple nightshade strain of Phoenix ...... Cang wind kid this country is more money or brain Slayers! ? After a thousand reported mysterious purple coins, small qi heart still full of apprehension, because she is very aware of this price is a bit inflated, but did not expect, in their own words just finished speaking, the price will be directly soared doubled, she instantly elated, a face becomes glory Ying Ran: "The son from Cang wind nation is generous atmosphere, direct bid two thousand mysterious purple, Nujia favorite son of this ...... there who are willing to pay higher son prices? This is the final year of a Phoenix Kwai oh, if missed, even if there is no amount of money, it is impossible to buy ...... " others are quiet and silent ...... joke, except the fire department practicing mysterious Power to the bottleneck, or an urgent need for refining immortality important, otherwise who would spend more than two thousand purple mysterious coins to buy a Phoenix Kwai. Small qi see no echo back, smiling toward cloud Che:. "Congratulations to you, the son, this strain of Phoenix Kwai is yours, you had better be careful when handling Ay" cloud Che neat hand over two thousand mysterious purple coins and then filled with the Phoenix took Yuhe ...... Phoenix Kwai Kwai hand, the purpose of today has reached, and then he just find a place with a day poison bead grown universe Dan, and then probably two to three days time refining, mysterious force should be sufficient to lift the mysterious territory to be the pinnacle, the face of the Phoenix Ancestor, and will have a greater grasp. As for the back to sell something, he has no interest. Yun Chul just be prepared to get up and leave, suddenly, a big laugh came from the outside: "Ha ha ha ha small qi girl, I'm sorry, not opening the eyes of the road met a few, readily learned a little, so late,! Small qi girl can never blame. " The voice thick thick, and filled with a clear overbearing, with voice sounded, a tall, burly man dressed in light armor came prancing. The man looked about thirty, though not as tall Xia Yuan Ba, but also exceptionally burly, especially exposed muscle, each piece muster, also flashing a metallic sheen, people only with eyes can feel where the explosive force. His hair was red, stud overturned erected, as a cluster of burning flame, who also exudes a strong fire department Xuangong atmosphere. I saw this tall man appeared, hall of the people face are significantly changed, and even the look of arrogance before Kung Utsunomiya look for a tight, revealing a deep fear of color. See this person, as if to see little qi Qindie Usually, all blooming straight smile facial features, willowy pace greeted the initiative:! "Ouch Sunburn son, you say something, you can come, Jesus Christ is Nujia to repair honor, how could blame ...... come, son Treat Sunburn attendance, the fair is just beginning, the main event has not arrived yet, I believe that today's 'main event', Sunburn son will be very interested in, this is absolutely not true Line oh. " " Who is this guy, so arrogant demeanor. "Che one cloud on the right side of the seat and whispered to his companions inquired. "You did not hear him shouting little girl qi 'Sunburn son' it! Of course he is Sunburn Yangzong man! " " What! Sunburn Yangzong? God Ancestor Phoenix Phoenix Empire after a second case of the door? " " No Wrong! This person is called Sunburn Yan, seven positive cases of less Sunburn! evildoer extremely talented, this year only twenty eight years old, is already half a step Wang Xuan, Wang Xuan said to have been in the realm of shock! In God Phoenix Empire, in addition to Phoenix Shenzong , nobody Rede Qi him. " " Little girl, said the highlight of qi, it is naturally a must see. But the main purpose of the present less of today, is a small girl in the hands of the Phoenix qi Kwai. "Sunburn Yan face proudly said: "This little Wang Xuan bottleneck has released a breakthrough soon, the urgent need to help the Phoenix Kwai, but asshole Phoenix Phoenix Kwai Shenzong all rolled again empty, but fortunately there is a strain of the small qi girl here this strain. Phoenix Kwai, this is going to take less, and this little grab whoever ...... hehe. " Sunburn Yan is what people, and cloud Che did not half dime. He has stood up from his seat, ready to direct U-turn to leave, but I heard Sunburn Yan mouth when it comes to "Phoenix Kwai" in the name, cloud Che's footsteps suddenly stop ...... and what's special day a dog! R1058 fastest updates, no popups reading please. 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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 406 Phoenix Kwai
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Gongsun Yu breath price mentioned a thousand purple Xuan currency, then look askance at to the clouds. If in the black chamber of Commerce of the auction, he categorically not have slightest arrogant, but in this underground transactions will, in his holy sword Pope's prestige, the absolute domineering and contempt for a number of qualified. He pours is don't think, a only a mere to the mysterious territory people, dare in his verbal warnings, and his rival bid.

Saint sword UNITA, the Wal Mart, with his strong financial and suddenly raise price, he thought cloud Che will directly be frighten, did not expect,The other side of the face is not the slightest change, very quiet way: one thousand one hundred purple hyun!
one thousand many purple Xuan coins casually without very strong escape one's lips, how resources can not be. Gongsun Yu was the son of Saint sword Pope Clanlord, a year received the purple Xuan coins in about twenty thousand, and this is he practiced throughout the year, out of 1000 to buy two pieces of Amethyst chalcedony, has been basically is his limit and also greatly exceeded the value of Amethyst chalcedony. But before pride full, now cold not the D blaze personal unceremoniously on the top of his offer, he if so be pressed down doth not a shame pole.

Gongsun Yu's teeth bite, but the look is a relaxed: one thousand two hundred purple black." One thousand five hundred

"!" Without the slightest hesitation pauses and clouds, followed by Gongsun Yu's voice. Hall of the People
is the facial expression is tiny to change, small Qiyi face is smile Begonia flower, before she didn't put too much attention on Che Yun, this time to see the cloud Che is a look languishing, Shuangfeng eyes charming almost to drip with water.

Gongsun Yu facial expression is finally became ugly, one thousand and five purple Xuan currency, which has been basically is a month of his expenses, with the money to buy two pieces of Amethyst chalcedony.This is far more than his psychological bottom line. Engendered by a purple Xuan crystal mine the essence, is the purple veins Tianjing, second is the Amethyst chalcedony, one thousand and five purple Xuan coins are enough to buy one or two purple veins Tianjing, buy the Amethyst chalcedony is simply throwing money away.

he turned, skin laugh meat smile way: "this friend, see you shot so heroic, want a family must be very prominent. In the God Phoenix, whenever is extraordinary family, the son did not say all of them, but also 7788, for you is very unfamiliar. Are you from the field to the people? Oh...... Look at your dress, it is a friend of the six countries?"
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