叶紫芸的别院,聂离静静地盘坐修炼着。+, 一幕幕画面在他的脑海中浮现,包括回来之后与叶紫芸、肖凝儿等人发生的种种,如今神圣世家被灭,他算是完 การแปล - 叶紫芸的别院,聂离静静地盘坐修炼着。+, 一幕幕画面在他的脑海中浮现,包括回来之后与叶紫芸、肖凝儿等人发生的种种,如今神圣世家被灭,他算是完 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

叶紫芸的别院,聂离静静地盘坐修炼着。+, 一幕幕画面在他的脑海中浮现,

























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Assists Yun yard, Nie Li sites sit quietly practicing. +, Scene picture emerges in his mind, including back and Ye Ziyun, Xiaoning, who after all, Holy family was destroyed, he might have completed the first wish, no matter what will happen in the future, but at least it has completely changed. After the Holy family, that the dark Guild and mystery lurking in the shadows of the dark Guild and that threatening the demon Lord of the shining city. If not a day out dark guilds, kill the demon Lord, Nie Li squirm. However, the normal practice schedule and cannot be achieved within a short time the legendary realm, only useful in other ways! Nie Lixin read, there are a number of ideas, but it also means he must leave the shining city for some time. Besides increasing outside of practice, Nie Li also want to explore how, society of dark Lair where. Nie Li looked up and gazed at the sky, I saw Ling GUI Shu more swooped over and falling down from the sky and landed on the shoulders of Nie Li. "Ye Yan ancestor, I was ready to leave the shining city, experience, I write a few letters, please give it to my friends, parents. "Said Nie Li thought for a moment. "The NIE from the boy, where are you going? "Ye Yan father asks," do you want this proto-go? ” "Don't have to. "Nie Li shook said," is not far from where I went to, I also want to take a look you say by the end of the world, tracking the location of dark Association, or the enemy tomorrow, I'm in the dark, don't ever want to get rid of dark Guild. ” Hear what Nie Li, Ye Yan first awe-inspiring surprise and said, "are you going alone to explore the dark Guild? Is it too dangerous? ” "No, I have a means of preserving life. "Nie Lidao, as long as it doesn't hit the demon Lord himself, the NIE should be able to protect themselves. Nie Li mind juice. Space Demon Soul books, whether in the distant desert shrine? Three months back, such a short time, I am afraid, cannot travel to the shrine of the desert. But apart from the desert outside the shrine, there are some places, the footprints of the past have had Nie Li and memory. Want visited legends field in a very short time. Is still quite difficult, but he is, and no one could save the shining city, he must shoulder the responsibility. So I have to go out to experience, at top speed, the impact of legend. Nie Li wrote the letter, gave the letter to the ancestor Ye Yan. "You be careful. "Ye Yan ancestor reminded Nie Lidao, then grabbed a letter off. Look Ye Yan ancestor farther, NIE assists Yun's room at a glance. Assists Yun room. Assists yun was still sore, she managed to cultivate to the gold level, thought he had enough ability to share for his father, also can help NIE. But when the war came, Nie Li and his father had put her in the closet. Know Nie Li and father care for her to do that, but her heart is still a bit aggrieved. Today she wants to at least see NIE, who let the NIE had cheated her. This is a punishment for Nie Li! Assists Yun lips pouting, somewhat unwillingly to road. She was sitting on the bed, uniting the soul force, behind her, the snow Queen's shadow gradually emerges, weeks for her to pull up a layer of light Frost, the Moonlight poured on her body. She is like a beautiful fairy in General. Nie Li looked at the silence of the night, sensing assists Yun soul force escaping out of the room. Nie Li knew that Zi Yun tried to cultivate. He leaves purple Brassica leaf purple Yun to become more powerful, keep shining city. Yun Guan assists in the back room before. Because Nie Li don't really want to any trace of injury to leaves purple blue Merle, born again come back, NIE is not willing to lose. If Nie Li told Ye Ziyun, Xiaoning, Douzet them myself to go out and experience, they are sure to follow, more dangerous. Nie Li should leave quietly, but his mind at the moment, a bit of sadness. Nie Li to violet blue Merle's door, hesitated, wanted to knock a few times, but hesitated. Sitting on the bed smell of the leaves purple Yun felt outside, she opened her eyes, people outside the doors, should be the NIE. "I'm not going to give you the door, who let you put me in the back room! "Violet Blue Merle thought, so late, Nie Li and want to come in, leaf purple Brassica heart fibrillation, cheeks rosy, who knew that NIE will do anything, she just don't give NIE away! Before thought himself into the bed with Nie Li, Zi Yun can't wait to dig and hide. 站在叶紫芸的房间门口许久,聂离想了想之后,终究没有敲响叶紫芸的房门,还是不道别了吧,免得到时候又走不了。 为了能够有足够的实力对抗妖主、对抗黑暗公会,聂离必须以最快的速度,提升自身的修为,而提升修为,光是靠闭关修炼是不够的,需要一些东西来作为催化剂。 叶紫芸看着房门上聂离的身影,聂离已经站了很久了,她犹豫着,到底要不要给聂离开门呢? “这么危险的战斗,居然把我关在密室里,想让我原谅你,可没那么容易!”叶紫芸撅了撅嘴,嗔恼地想道,聂离真是太气人了。明知道父亲、族人们还有聂离都在为光辉之城的生死存亡而战斗,自己却被关在了密室里面,那心情可想而知。她一整天都不想跟聂离说话了。 叶紫芸几次想要站起来,去给聂离开门,但还是忍住了。 “我才不要给你开门呢,免得你又欺负我。”叶紫芸哼哼了一声。 月光之下,少女的脸颊因为染上了一抹晕红,更显动人。 聂离迟疑了许久之后,把一封信放在了台阶上,这才转身离开,迅速地掠去,消失在了漆黑的夜幕之中。 看到聂离走了,叶紫芸这才有点慌了,她跺了跺脚:“笨蛋,谁让你不敲门的?” 她走到门口,吱呀的一声,打开了大门,四周张望,哪里还看得到聂离的人影,只见门口的地上静静地躺着一封信件,她的心里突然涌起了一阵不好的预感,弯腰把这封信拾了起来,打开信件看了起来。 一行泪水顺着叶紫芸清丽的面颊滑落了下来,原来聂离来这里,是来跟她道别的。 前往遥远的世界修炼,谁知道会遇到什么样的危险? 她很想跟聂离说一句,不希望他走,但是周围寂静的黑夜,哪还有聂离的身影?叶紫芸心里明白,聂离之所以前去远方历练,是因为他把光辉之城的安危,都看成了自己的责任,但是,光辉之城不是还有爷爷和父亲吗? 但是,聂离已经走了。 叶紫芸紧紧攥着信件,心中微微抽痛着,如果知道聂离是来道别的,她就不会故意矜持着不开门了。 聂离,会去哪里呢?他会不会遇到危险? 翼龙世家。 当肖凝儿收到信件的时候,聂离已经看不到人了,她把那封信件贴在了胸口,她有太多太多的话想要跟聂离说,却只化作了思念,伴随着聂离离开。 “我一定会等你回来的!”肖凝儿凝望着远方,“光辉之城并不只要你一个人守护,我们也可以!” 少女的头发,在风中飞扬,她的心事,深深地埋在了心底,神色坚毅,想要变强的心情,愈发地炽热。 圣兰学院。 “聂离这小子也太不够意思了,居然说走就走,也不带上我们!”陆飘忿忿地捏着拳头,要是聂离在的话,他肯定冲上去把聂离暴扁一顿,“等他回来,我一定要揍他一顿!” “我们去了,对聂离来说,不过只是负担!”杜泽摇了摇头道,他明白聂离为什么这么做。 “我们好歹也跟他一个级别的修为!”陆飘不满地说道。 “确实是一个级别的修为,但是论实力呢?”杜泽苦笑着说道,“我们所有人加起来也打不过他,而且他有影妖妖灵,就算面对危险,也来去自如。而我们只能拖累他。” “那我们接下来做什么?”陆飘颓然地苦笑道。 “刻苦修炼。”杜泽坚定地道,“至少等聂离回来,我们还能跟他同一个级别的修为。聂离每晋升一个层次,难度可是我们的十几倍,要是这样我们的修炼速度还跟不上,那还不如一头撞死算了!” “段剑,你呢?聂离有没有给你留了信件?”陆飘看向旁边的段剑问道,段剑可是有着黑金级的实力还有传奇级的肉身,聂离为什么连段剑都不带上? “主人说,他要去的地方,连我去了都是死路一条,所以让我留下来,或者在光辉之城附近的一些地方历练。”段剑说道,他凝望远方,不知道聂离要去什么地方,虽然聂离这么说,但是段剑有绝对的信心,聂离一定可以安然归来。


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Ye Ziyun other homes, Nie away quietly sit cross-legged practicing with. +, scenes picture in his mind emerges, including back after the叶紫芸, Xiao Ning, who happen all the children, now sacred family destroyed, he considered completed the first wish, no matter what happens next, but at least It has completely changed. After the holy family, it is dark guild, guild mysterious darkness lurking in the shadows, as well as the threatening demon master Shining City. If one day's immortal dark guild, kill the demon master, Nie felt from sleepless nights. However, a normal practice schedule, can not reach the realm of legend in a short time, the only other way! Nie from the mind of a dynamic, with some ideas, but it also means that he must leave the city Shining some time. Besides increasing beyond repair, I would like to explore what the NIE from the dark lair Where guild. Nie looked up from staring at the sky, I saw the spirit puppet from edge to fly over the flap down and landed on the shoulders of Nie away. "Ye Yan ancestor, I was ready to leave the city Shining, out of experience, I write a few letters, please send me your friends, parents." Nie said from thought for a moment. "Nie away boy, you ready to go?" Ye Yan ancestor asked, "Do you want to go with this ancestor? " " not be necessary. "Nie from shook his head," I went to a place not far, and I You also want to say that the end of the world look to track the position of the Association at the dark, or the enemy in the next, I was in the dark, never even think to get rid of dark guild. " Nie hear from, then leaves the extension of the ancestor stern surprised, said: "Are you ready to go to probe dark guild alone it would not be too dangerous??" "No, I have the means to protect life" Nie from the road, they do not run into a demon master himself, the NIE should be able to leave. protect themselves. Nie thoughts limp walk away. Book temporal demon spirit, whether still in that distant desert shrine being? We have to come back within three months, in such a short time, probably can not go to the desert shrine. But in addition to the desert shrine, there are some places from the past have had Nie footprint and memory. I want to set foot in a very short time the legendary field. Still quite difficult, but in addition to his outside, no one can save the city of glory, he must shoulder this responsibility. So only out of experience, to the fastest speed, the impact of legend. Nie from written letters, the letters to the leaf delay ancestor. "You be careful." Ye Yan ancestor remind Nie from the road, then grabbed the letter off the sky. Delay start Zuyue Fei Ye looked farther away toward Yezi Yun Nie room looked. Ye Ziyun room. Ye Ziyun still angry sulk, she finally practice to gold level, think they have the ability, for his father share those concerns, but also help to Nie away from. But the war comes, Nie away and father kept her in a closet inside. Although it is known from Nie and his father is so concerned she did, but her heart is still a little aggrieved. At least today, she did not want to see Nie away, Who Nie from lied to her. This is a punishment from NIE! Ye Ziyun stick a pouting, a little displeased to thought. She hunkered down on the bed, practicing from the soul force behind her, the snow queen figure gradually emerge, so her body weeks shrouded from a layer of lightly frost, the moonlight pouring in her body. Make her like a beautiful fairy general. Nie from the silence of the night staring, sensing the Yezi Yun room, escaping out of the soul force. Nie from know, Yezi Yun also desperately practicing them. He understands叶紫芸mood,叶紫芸also want to become more powerful, the guardian of the city's glory. The reason why Ye Ziyun before shut in the closet. Because really I do not want Yezi Yun Nie suffer from any trace of damage, rebirth back, reluctant to lose from NIE. If you tell Yezi Yun Nie away, Xiao Ning children, D'Souza them, they have to go out of experience, they will certainly have to follow, but the risk of more people. Nie off should quietly leave, but at the moment his heart, but also a bit of sadness. Nie went to the door叶紫芸away, and hesitated for a moment, I want to knock on the door several times, but hesitated. Hunkered down on the bed Yezi Yun felt the door of breath, she opened her eyes, outside of people, it should be is away from NIE. "I will not give you open it, why did you put me in today's secret room!" Ye Ziyun think to myself, so late, would like to come in from Nie, Ye Ziyun heart tremble, blush, who knows Nie departure do something, she was not to leave the door Nie! Think before he actually got into the Nie from the bed, I can not wait to dig Yezi Yun strip seam drilling to go. Standing叶紫芸room door for a long time, after the NIE from thought, he did not wake叶紫芸door, or it does not say goodbye, free time and could not walk. To be able to have enough strength to fight the demon Lord, against the dark guild, Nie from the fastest to enhance their repair, upgrade and repair, just by closed-door practice is not enough, need something as a catalyst. Ye Ziyun watching the door from the figure Nie Nie has stood for a long time away, she hesitated, in the end not to leave the door Nie it? "Such a dangerous fight, actually put me in the closet, I want to forgive you, but not so easy!" Ye Ziyun stick a pouting, angry angry to think Road, Nie from a really angry. I know my father, Nie from all ethnic people there for the glory of the city's survival and fighting, but was shut themselves inside the chamber, and that the mood can be imagined. She did not want a day off Nie speak. Ye Ziyun few want to stand up, go to Nie leave the door, but refrained. "I would not give you open it, so you bully me." Ye Ziyun hum loudly. Under the moonlight, the girl's cheeks flushed infected with a touch, even more moving. Nie away after a long hesitation, the letter placed on the stage, this turned to leave, quickly snatched, disappeared in the dark night into. See Nie walked away, Ye Ziyun this a little nervous, she stamped her foot: "? Idiot, why did not you knock on the door," she went to the door, squeak is heard, he opened the door, looked around, where also Nie seen from the figure, the door saw a letter lying on the ground quietly, her heart suddenly filled with a burst of bad feeling, bend the letter picked it up, opened the letter and began to read. Tears ran down his party Yezi Yun elegant cheek slipped down from the original Nie come here, come with her ​​to say goodbye. Go distant world practice, who knows what kind of danger will encounter? She wanted to leave with Nie say, do not want him to go, but around the still of the night, which also Nie figure from? Ye Ziyun knew Nie reason to go the distance from experience, because he put the glorious city of safety, are looking into their own responsibility, but the city is not there Shining grandfather and father? However, Nie has gone away. Ye Ziyun Jinjinzuanzhao letters, slightly throbbing heart, if you know Nie is to say goodbye from, she would not have deliberately reserved the not open the door. Nie away, where would you go? He will not be in danger? Pterosaur family. When Xiao Ning children receive a letter when Nie could not see from the people, and she put the letters posted on the chest, she had too much if you want to leave with Nie said, but only turned into a miss, With Nie from leave. "I will wait for you to come back!" Xiao Ning child gazing into the distance, "Shining City, as long as you are not a man guard, we can!" the girl's hair flying in the wind, her mind, deeply buried in the bottom of my heart, look resolute, the mood you want to become strong, and increasingly to hot. St. Portland College. "Nie away from this kid too mean, and actually stay away, do not bring us!" Miss Gone hurled upon her fist, if Nie away at it, he must rush to the NIE from storms flat meal, "When he came back, I have to beat him! " " We went for the NIE from it, but only burden! "D'Souza shook his head and said he understands why the NIE from doing so. "We told him whatever the outcome, a level of repair!" Lu said floating dissatisfaction. "Really is a level of cultivation, but on the strength of it?" D'Souza said with a wry smile, "All of us together can beat him, and he has shadow Yao Yao Ling, even if the face of danger, but also come and go. And we can only drag him. " " That we are going to do? "Miss Gone slumped smile. "Assiduous practice." D'Souza firm authentic, "Nie wait at least from back, we'll tell him the same level of cultivation. Nie promoted one level from every difficulty but our ten times, and if so our practice speed also can not keep up, you might as well kill myself! " " section sword, How about you? Nie from there left you a letter? "Lu asked to see floating next segment sword, but the sword has black gold-level segment The strength of the flesh as well as the legendary stage, Nie sword segment from why even do not take? "The owner said he was going, even I went to are a dead end, so let me stay, or in some places near the city's glorious experience." Said paragraph sword, he stared into the distance, I do not know Nie from to go somewhere, although Nie from say, but the sword segment have absolute confidence, Nie will be able to safely return from. Hear the words of paragraph sword, everyone looking slightly changed, but has a legendary sword level segment flesh ah, generally can not get rid of the biological section sword, sword segment that place even to go, are a dead end? Nie away in the end to go somewhere? Some people can not help but worry about them. But thought, Nie said so from now, there should be absolutely sure before they go, Nie from never do no sure thing. Before leaving, Nie pass from one segment sword miscellaneous formulas, paragraph sword staring far into the distance, Nie walk away this time, he will continue to upgrade themselves and become Nie from the right-hand man. (To be continued..)

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Ye Ziyun's home, the NIE is away from the quiet site to sit and practice. +,

scenes pictures surfaced in his mind, including back after and Ye Ziyun, Xiao Ning et al have all now the holy family destroyed too, he was completed the first wish, no matter how the future will be, but at least it's a thoroughly change.

sacred family after, that is public of the dark, mysterious lurking in the shadows of darkness public will, and the constantly threatens the city of splendors of the Demon Lord. If one day out of the dark guild, kill the demon lord, Nie away feeling uncomfortable. But in the normal practice

, progress,Can not be achieved in a short period of time to reach the legendary realm, only with other methods!

Nie centrifugal reads a to move, with some of the ideas, however, this also means that, he must take some time away from the bright city. In addition to enhance the repair, also want to find out from the Nie, the dark guild lair where. Look at the sky from the Nie

, I saw the spirit means from the sky flew down, fell on the shoulders of the nie.

"leaf extension ancestor, I'm going to leave the city of splendors, out of experience, I wrote several letters, please give you my friends, parents." The Nie said, "Nie.". "Boy from the Nie,Where are you going?" Ye Yan asked whether the "ancestor, ancestor go?"

"no." Nie Liyao shook to shake head a way, "I went to the place is not far, in addition, I also want to go to what you said at the end of the world look, tracking the dark guild position, or the enemy in the Ming, I in the dark. Don't ever want to kill dark guild." Hear from you

Nie leaf extension, ancestor of awe inspiring a surprised, said: "you are alone to explore the dark guild? Would it be too dangerous?" "No, I

means of life insurance." Nie Li Road, as long as it does not meet the Demon Lord himself, should be able to protect themselves from nie.

Nie from her thoughts around.This time the book, is still in the distant desert shrine? You have to be back within three months, in such a short time, I am afraid not to desert shrine. But there are some places outside the desert shrine, past, have the memory footprint and from nie.

want in a very short period of time into the legendary field. It is quite difficult, but no one can save the glorious city except him. He must take the responsibility. So only go out to experience, with the fastest speed, the impact of the legend. Written letters from Nie

, put the letter to Ye Yan ancestor.

"that you be careful."Remind Nie leaf extension ancestor from the Tao, then grabbed the letter soar. Looking at the leaf extension

ancestor farther, Nie from toward Ye Ziyun's room to see one eye. Thanks to Ye Ziyun's room. Ye Ziyun still sulking, she managed to practice to gold level, think they have enough ability, to share the worries of the father, but also help to the Nie from the. But when the war came, the Nie and his father shut her in the chamber. I know from the Nie and his father

is concerned about what she was doing, but her heart is still a little aggrieved. At least today she did not want to see the Nie, who let the Nie lie to her.This is the punishment of the Nie!

Ye Ziyun pouted, a little displeased to. She sit cross legged on the bed, practicing the soul force, behind her, the snow queen figure gradually emerged, that her body week settled on the a light frost layer, moonlight poured on her body. Make her like a beautiful fairy general. From watching the Nie

the silence of the night, a fugitive Ye Ziyun induction room soul force. Nie know, Ye Ziyun is also in the hard way to practice. He understood Ye Ziyun's mood, Ye Ziyun also want to become more powerful, the guardian of the glorious city. The reason why Ye Ziyun shut in the room before.Because the Nie did not want to be Ye Ziyun by any one of the injury, rebirth back, the NIE is not willing to lose again.

If Nie leaves to tell Ye Ziyun, Xiao Ninger, Du Ze they, they have to go out and experience, they definitely want to follow, but dangerous. The Nie should leave quietly, but at the moment his heart, there is a bit of A. Go away to Ye Ziyun

Nie door, hesitated, several times to knock on the door, but hesitated.

sit cross legged on the feelings of Ye Ziyun in bed on the to the atmosphere outside, she opened her eyes, people out of the door, it should be is Nie from the.

"I'm not gonna give you open the door,Who asked you to put me in the closet today!" Ye Ziyun thought, so late, Nie can also want to come in, Ye Ziyun heart fibrillation, flushed cheeks, who know Nie will do anything, she just don't give Nie leave open the door! Think before he climbed from the bed in the Nie, Ye Ziyun hates not to dig a seam drilling.

station in Ye Ziyun room door for a long time, Nie from after wanted to think, after all, is not sounded Ye Ziyun of door, or don't say goodbye the bar, get free time and could not walk.

in order to have enough strength against the demon lord, fighting the dark guild, Nie from must be to the fastest speed, improve self-cultivation.And enhance the repair, only by uniting the retreat is not enough, need something as catalyst.

Ye Ziyun looked at the door Nie from the figure, Nie from has stood for a long time, she hesitated, whether to give NIE to go out of the door?

"so dangerous in battle, actually put me in the room, want me to forgive you, but not so easy!" Ye Ziyun pouted, vexation thought, Nie Lizhen is too irritating. Knows the father, tribe people and Nie from fighting for the bright city of life and death, he was shut in the room, the mood can be imagined. She doesn't want to talk to the Nie all day.

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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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