286.第286章 打上门来(3) 南宫流云微微挑眉,清冷地哼了句:“七阶?” “是,我爷爷现在可是七阶强者!”柳乘风傲慢地抬头挺胸,自豪万 การแปล - 286.第286章 打上门来(3) 南宫流云微微挑眉,清冷地哼了句:“七阶?” “是,我爷爷现在可是七阶强者!”柳乘风傲慢地抬头挺胸,自豪万 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

286.第286章 打上门来(3) 南宫流云微微挑眉,清冷地哼了句:“

286.第286章 打上门来(3)




















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
286.第286章 打上门来(3) 南宫流云微微挑眉,清冷地哼了句:“七阶?” “是,我爷爷现在可是七阶强者!”柳乘风傲慢地抬头挺胸,自豪万分,似乎那七阶强者不是他爷爷,而是他本人。 谁知,南宫流云下一句话,却让柳乘风几乎气到吐血。 只见南宫流云不紧不慢地放下茶盏,嘴角勾起一抹云淡风轻的笑,慢悠悠地随口问了句:“李老太爷也有一百多岁了吧?” 言下之意,一百多岁了才到七阶,你也好意思拿到本王面前炫耀?丢人不丢人呐? 南宫流云越是表现的云淡风轻,就越表明他眼中的轻视和不屑。 柳魄天闻言,顿时,一口气憋在喉咙里。 他一双眼睛瞪地如铜铃,恶狠狠地盯着南宫流云,一双拳头紧握成拳,心中暗骂:不知天高地厚的毛头小子!他看不起七阶,难道他也已经七阶了不成? 但是,常年身居高位,使得柳魄天的定力还算不错,他硬生生将喷薄而出的怒气竭力忍住,继而,嘴角勾起一抹嘲讽冷笑:“晋王殿下好高的眼光,竟连七阶修为也不放在眼里。呵呵,只怕陛下也不放在您的眼中吧!” 这话简直太诛心了! 若是应答不好,传扬出去,就不止是太子对晋王戒备了,陛下那边只怕也……深深的忌惮吧,毕竟他优秀的有些过分了。 南宫流云闻言,眼底浮现一抹流光溢彩的波光,嘴角缓缓勾起一抹邪魅妖娆的浅笑,声音轻缓如鸿毛,却字字血腥:“柳魄天,说实话,本王确实没将你放在眼里。” 柳魄天闻言,神色一僵,继而变得铁青,怒气高涨。 可恶的晋王!竟然当着他的面说出这种话,这无异于当场抽他耳光! 柳魄天脸色涨得通红,他倏然站起身,怒气冲冲地瞪着南宫流云,然而还未等他说话,南宫流云却似笑非笑地挑眉,慢悠悠地说,“但是,柳魄天,你一个小小的武者,能跟本王的父皇相提并论吗?还是,你早有篡位之心?” 若是柳魄天的话诛心,那南宫流云这话简直就是诛心诛肺,五脏六腑都诛了。 这样大的罪名扣下去,柳魄天哪里还按捺的住?这话要是传出去,就算他是七阶又如何?以他一人之力也无法保李姓全族安宁。 “殿下!莫要胡说!这样的罪名李家承担不起!”柳魄天眼中燃烧着熊熊烈火,冰冷地瞪着南宫流云! 相较于柳魄天的气急败坏,南宫流云却显得漫不经心,只见他慢腾腾地翘着腿,慵懒地斜靠在紫檀木椅背上,用那种睥睨天下的目光,轻飘飘地落到柳魄天身上,“哦?你承担不起,本王就承担的起?好一个严于律人宽以待己的七阶李高手啊。” 柳魄天一口血咽在喉咙里不上不下,憋屈的他难受极了。 是谁告诉他竟然殿下冷漠弑杀,凶残暴戾的?可怎么没告诉他,这妖孽活脱脱就是一条毒舌,嘴巴跟淬了毒汁似的,句句直刺人心。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
286. Cap 286 come to play (3)
Palace eyebrow slightly clouds, cold hum the sentence: "? seven order" , "yes, my grandfather, but now seven strong order" Liu wind proudly upright! , very proud, it seems that is not his strong seven bands grandfather, but he himself. Who knows, the next sentence Palace clouds, wind and almost let Liu gas to vomit blood. Palace saw clouds leisurely down tea cup, mouth evoke a touch of clear sky to laugh, slowly casually asked the sentence: "? Li old man also has more than a hundred years old now." The implication, a more than a hundred years old and only to the seven-stage, you have the nerve to get in front of the king to show off? Shame no shame about it? Palace clouds clear sky more performance, more show contempt and disdain in his eyes. Liu heard soul day, suddenly, in one breath hold in the throat. His eyes stare places such as bells, staring Palace clouds, a pair of fists clenched into a fist, heart cursed: uppity brat! He looked down seven bands, did not he also has seven bands of fragmentation? However, the perennial top, making willow soul of anyone pretty good day, he abruptly gushing out of anger tried to hold back, and then, mouth evoke a touch of mocking sneer: "His Highness the king good high vision, actually Even seven-stage repair is not looked down on. Oh, I'm afraid not to put on your eyes Majesty now! " words simply too punish heart! If the response is not good, spread out, it is not just the king, Prince of alert, and there I'm afraid ...... Majesty deep fear, after all, his excellent overdone. Heard Palace clouds, bright colors and shimmering surface touch eyes, mouth slowly brought back a touch Xiemei enchanting smile, voice gently as a feather, but every word bloody: "Liu soul day, to be honest, the king does will you not looked down on. " Liu soul day heard this, look for a stiff, then it became livid, anger rising. Damn the king! Even in front of him say such a thing, which is tantamount to the spot pumping his ears! Liu soul day face flushed, he stood shocked, staring angrily Palace clouds, but not wait for him to speak, but clouds palace eyebrow faint smile, said slowly, "but Liu soul day You a little fighter trophies the king of Fu Huang par? Or, you already usurper of the heart? " If Liu soul days, then punish heart, that words simply punish palace clouds heart punish lungs, internal organs punish the six internal organs are. Such big charges buckle down, Liu soul day where also restrain live? If these words spread out, even if he is seven bands and how? With his one man, surnamed Li, the whole family can not be guaranteed peace. "Your Highness! Do you want to nonsense! Such charges Li Jiacheng can not afford!" Liu soul day raging fire burning in the eyes, cold stare Palace clouds! Compared with Liu soul in the frantic days, the palace has become casual clouds, he saw he shuffles his feet up, lazily leaning against the red sandalwood wooden chair backs, with the kind of the world turned its eyes, floating in fall Liu soul day the body, "Oh? You can not afford, the king would afford that? What a strict person in law to be had seven wide-order master Lee ah." Liu soul day a blood pharynx in the throat flattening , stuck on him extremely uncomfortable. Who told him that the killing of even Highness indifferent, cruel violent? But how did not tell him that this evildoer look just like a poisonous tongue, mouth, quench with a venom-like, piercing sentence people.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
286 the 286th chapter come to play (3)
Nangong clouds tiny to pick eyebrow, chilly to hum a sentence: "the seven order?" "Yes, my grandfather now

but strong order seven!" Liu Feng proudly upright, proud, it seems that seven order stronger than his grandfather, but he himself.

who knows, Nangong clouds the next sentence, but let the willow wind almost to vomit blood gas.

I saw Nangong cloud leisurely down the tea cup, mouth evoke a touch of cloudless smile, slow longly casually asked the sentence: "elderly gentleman Lee also has more than one hundred years old now?"

the implication, more than one hundred years old to seven order, you mean or in front of the king to get off?Shame is not a shame?

Nangong clouds more the performance of the clear, it is that his eyes contempt and disdain. Liu Po

day heard, immediately, hold breath in the throat.

he a pair of eyes stare such as bells, bad ruthlessly stare at Nangong cloud, a pair of fists clenched into a fist, heart dark scold: I do not know the immensity of heaven and earth Maotou kid! He looked down on the seven order, but he also has a seven order not to?

but perennial occupies a high position, making Liu soul days anyone is pretty good, he abruptly gushing out of anger trying to endure, then mouth evoke a touch of ridicule sneer: "His Highness the king of Jin high vision.Even the seven order for is not put in the eye. Oh, your majesty does not put in your eyes!" It was too

punish the heart! If the response is not good

, spread, would not be the prince of the king. It was there, but also your majesty...... Deep fear, after all, his excellent is overblown.

Nangong cloud smell speech, fundus emerge waves of a touch of Ambilight, corner of mouth slowly evoke a touch of evil charm enchanting smile, the voice lightly and slowly as a feather, but uttering the bloody: "Liu Tuotian, to tell the truth, the king does not put you in the eye." Soul day

Liu Wenyan, face a stiff, then became livid, furious.

The wicked king! Even when he said this, this is tantamount to a slap on the spot!

Liu Tuotian face flushed, he suddenly stood up and angrily stare a Nangong clouds. However, before he spoke, Nangong cloud but smile don't smile eyebrow. Said slowly, "but Liu soul day, you a little warrior, with the king's father compared to you? Still, you have the heart of the usurper?" If the day

Liu Po punish the heart, this is simply the Nangong cloud punish heart lung Zhu, Zhu has all the viscera. The counts of

down, Liu Po days where also restrain live? If that was a pass,Even if he is the seven order and how? To him the strength to protect people surnamed Li ning. "Your Highness! Don't talk nonsense! Such charges Lee can not afford!" Liu Po eye in the fire, cold stare Nangong clouds!

compared to Liu soul day flustered, Nangong clouds seemed half hearted, saw him to slow steaming to Qiaozhuo legs, lazy leaning in rosewood chair, with the kind of the arrogance of the world's eyes, fall to the Liu Tuotian floated gently "Oh? You can not afford, the king will assume that? A strict in law took the seven order Master Li."

Liu Po days a blood swallow suspended in midair in the throat, stuck him very uncomfortable.

who told him to kill his highness was cold, violent? How can not tell him, this was a evildoer tongue, mouth with the quenching poison, piercing the sentence.
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