第334章 小澈,一定要想我……冲向云澈的九人脚步全部停止,他们的脸色由凶狠变得惊诧,然后忽然间化作了强烈无比的惊恐,他们的瞳孔开始了急剧的 การแปล - 第334章 小澈,一定要想我……冲向云澈的九人脚步全部停止,他们的脸色由凶狠变得惊诧,然后忽然间化作了强烈无比的惊恐,他们的瞳孔开始了急剧的 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第334章 小澈,一定要想我……冲向云澈的九人脚步全部停止,他们的脸色

第334章 小澈,一定要想我……












































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
No. 334 Zhang Xiaoche must think I ... ...Chong Yun Che's nine-step stop, they face fierce became astonished, and then suddenly turned into a strong horror, they began a sharp contraction of the pupil, the whole body trembled as have malaria. Because they see a one-stop ... ... A filled the sky, giant dragon. Progress on it long, just long, just like the size of mountains. A powerful momentum to describe terror under the pressure of overwhelming, in the momentum of this massive, they feel as small as a grain of dust between heaven and Earth. The sky is dark down, one angry lightning from the sky down, trembling of the Earth to tremble. This picture, as the terrorist suddenly coming to an end. "That ... ... That ... ... That ... ... What is that!? "A sheltered sky Dragon of terror and sudden changes of the world, their limbs limp, trembling, eyes outward, sent a roar of fear in my life.Dragons seem to have heard their cry of fear, huge dragon suddenly fell from the sky, opened huge, and to swallow them down. “啊!!!! ” Fear to pole of calls almost torn sky, these powerful very of days Xuan strong in so of Granville pressure and fear zhixia on as Tiger claw Xia of mouse, fundamental health not out even shred of against desire, fear zhixia of body limp, let they even escape of power are almost completely lost, a limp in to, hands instinct hold live head, mouth release with shrill very of panic scream...... Bang! A trembling in the burning day elder was Yun Che a sword through the chest, eyes wide with fear look straight down. Bang!! A frightening roaring Dragon Sword que hit burning Tin House into two paragraphs. Boom!! A heavy ring, four elders were burning days a sword blow fly, instantly die ... ... Nine Xuan Tian gang completely broken, no powerful Xuan Xuan conferred, their defense is vulnerable in front of Yun Che.Dragon soul realm, they are under very great deterrent, had lost all will to fight, leaving only fear, let alone continue to attack Yun Che, even the revolt and escape was almost totally lost, strong, their vulnerable just like turned into a slaughter the Lamb, Yun Che easily Slayer's sword and the sword. Dragon soul outside all those burning heavenly gate was completely surprised. They heard shouts, see Yun Che suddenly now Dragon shadow behind ... ... Following this, they see siege of Yun Che people stop in there, shivering, dilated pupils, look on his face ... ... Just as they saw the terrorist in the world picture. Almost at that moment, black light suddenly flashed, connecting all nine Xuan Xuan Xuan Mai and the strong spirit all ... ... Vanished!! Yun Che as rushed as the cheetahs, long que crazy crush elders one by one and GE ... ... These elders and Cabinet are all possessed by the demon, when faced with Yun Che, all down to the horror, cries in fear of a deadly sword ... ... No response, no resistance, eyes still holding after the death stare, filled as if hell came the fear. "How ... ... What's going on!? What's going on!! "Watching Yun Che died in under nine Xuan Tian gang, but as a nightmare suddenly fell, they burn the Xuan Tian men strong days strong men that they were suddenly in the shivering is a piece by Yun Che Slayer ... ... Dragon God is a spiritual realm in the field, colorless and invisible, beyond, unless mentally strong enough, or simply are not aware of what had happened.Yun Che opening Dragon soul area is not large, because the more open, more spiritual consumed huge, just black all over the whole nine. Dragon soul is not strong in the area of the attack area, not a cloud over areas of control in the field of ice, but a spiritual realm that Yun Che had never been exposed to ... ... He didn't think, Dragon soul areas even stronger to the point, let these powerful greatly strong all turned into slaughter lambs with no ability to resist, let him take his life in the huddle. So the power of horror that even he was aghast! Although it does not directly kill people, or even causing any damage to any target, but than Yun Che knew any attack, control must be a terrorist. After all, this is from God, must be made by OTO to power the soul of God space!However, such a strong field, associated with black power consumption and spiritual consumed is enormous. Especially spiritual consumed ... ... Just five hours later, Yun Che brain has started to get heavy, and the increasing sense of Vertigo. He felt vaguely that, in their current state, as the continues to forcibly continue lifting when oneself will be subject to strong spirit power, someone might faint on the spot does not wake up. 而这五息的时间,整整十二个天玄强者丧命在龙阙之下。 “霸王怒!!” 云澈身影前冲,一下子冲至焚天长老站位最密集的地方,龙阙狂暴砸下,持续了短短几息的龙魂领域,也在这时解除。 轰!!! 十几丈的大地完全崩裂,六个焚天长老被同时轰飞出去,龙魂领域之下,他们的身上不但不会有九玄天罡阵所转移的玄力,就连自身的玄力防御也在恐惧中崩溃,云澈一剑之下,六个焚天长老全部毙命,没有一个幸免。 原本是马上.将击杀云澈的局面,却在几息之间,被他如切菜一般连杀十八个天玄长老,局势的骤变,让所有人都来不及反应过来。焚断魂眼前一黑,一口鲜血狂喷而出。龙魂领域解除,剩下的长老、阁主如从噩梦中忽然清醒,他们知道自己必然是中了云澈的某种暗算,看着周围横躺的同门尸体,他们大吼一声,愤怒冲向……但溃散的九玄天罡阵已无法筑起,他们纵然一拥而上,对云澈的威胁也大幅度降低。 云澈此时的状态只堪有全盛状态下的一半,但面对这些没有九玄天罡阵支撑的天玄强者,他的压力却是骤然下降,龙阙起舞,风暴呼啸,将一个又一个的人卷入死亡漩涡,这些名震苍风的天玄强者们,在云澈的重剑之威下,几乎都无法近到三丈之内,而他们只要被龙阙沾上,轻则重伤,重则毙命。没过多久,这些天玄强者已是手忙脚乱,自顾不暇,一个个面露绝望之色。焚绝城脸上的冷笑全部消失,每一块肌肉都在剧烈的抽搐着。他死死瞪大的眼睛,看着云澈一个接一个的灭杀着焚天门的中流砥柱……更是在步步切断着焚天门的命脉!他手足冰凉,牙齿咬紧,一股深深的恐惧在胸腔里扩散……忽然,他一下子想到了什么,如疯了一般的向绝尘天阁上跑去。 绝尘天阁的门被一脚踢开,焚绝城目光死死锁定在了萧泠汐的身上,快步向她冲去。 他的身前人影一晃,焚绝尘挡在了他的前方,眼神一片冰冷:“你要做什么?” “做什么?当然是拿她的命给云澈看!”焚绝城低沉的道:“云澈肯为了她找上来,显然她对云澈很重要!把她带到云澈面前……我要他用自己的命来换她的命!” 萧泠汐身体后退,后背紧紧的依在木窗上,眸中满是惊恐。 焚绝尘的脚步没有让开,就连表情,依旧是毫无感情的冰冷:“我说过,她只是个诱饵!仅此而已,这也是我答应你去把她带来的底线!除此之外……谁都不能动她!!” “长老和阁主已被云澈杀了二十多个,整个焚天门都快要葬送在他的手里,你居然还在叫喊你那可笑的底线……给我滚开!!” 焚绝城脸色狰狞,右臂横起,将焚绝尘粗暴的撞开,抓向萧泠汐。找死!!”焚绝尘大怒,一道长长的火焰锁链从他手上射出,死死的缠住了冲向萧泠汐的焚绝城,同时身体暴起,如恶狼般扑了上去。 “找死的人是你!你这个一无是处,却自以为高傲的废物,你在我眼里,始终不过是个可笑又可怜的小丑!就凭你……也配拦着我!?” 砰! 火焰之链崩断,焚绝城和焚绝城也交手在了一起,焚绝城急欲擒住萧泠汐去胁迫云澈,焚绝尘一半为了保护萧泠汐,一半怒火杀意横生,原本一直相处的还算“和睦”的两兄弟,此时却是杀机四起,出手狠辣无比,毫无余地。焚绝城左臂和右手处在伤重状态,同时带着内伤,但他的实力与焚绝尘之间有着一个大境界的相隔,依然很快就将焚绝尘压制到下风,十几个照面之后,一条火舌正中焚绝尘胸口,将他远远轰开,焚绝尘的后背重重砸在墙壁上,墙壁开裂,身边的木制桌椅也快速的燃烧起来。 “废物!!”焚绝城不屑的骂了一笑,再度抓向了萧泠汐。 “你说……谁……是……废物!!!” 一只巨大的火焰之手带着汹涌的怒气,一下子轰在了焚绝城的脸上,将他逼退了三四步,焚绝尘也从地上一跃而去,如一头被彻底激怒的恶狼般扑向了焚绝城。“找死!!” 焚绝城的脸上露出可怕的狰狞,他一声咆哮,身上的火焰随着怒气爆燃而起。焚绝尘目光凶狠,虽然玄火远远弱于焚绝城,但气势上却是丝毫不若,眼神,更是比刀锋还要冰冷,他口中发出声声低吼,硬是死死的撼住了焚绝城前进的脚步,他的双手,被焚绝城的火焰一点点的烧焦皮肉,却是一声不吭,脚步更没有半分的退却。 “我焚绝尘要保护的东西……除非……我死……否则……你永远别想得逞!” “不要以为我不敢杀了你!你这个没用的废物!”焚绝城的脸色愈加狰狞,他的火焰开始更加快速的吞噬焚绝尘的火焰,他的双手都已被烧焦近半,几乎露出了白森森的骨头,但依然没有半分的退让……火焰开始蔓延过手腕、手臂…… 萧泠汐站在木窗旁,一张嫩颜早已是毫无血色。对于焚绝尘,她本该是怨恨的,因为是他将自己和父亲带到了这里,但,他却又一次次的保护了她……甚至,不惜在用命保护着她。她不明白这个冷酷、沉默的人心里到底在想着什么,她对他几乎没有了所有的怨恨,反而是一种复杂的感激……





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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 334 small Che, must find me ......
rushed to cloud nine Che pace all stopped, their faces became surprised by the vicious, then suddenly turned into a very strong fear, they began a sharp pupil contraction, the body also as fight malaria-like shake. Because they appeared in front of a train filled the sky ......, very huge dragon. It lofty height, is just the first dragon, just like a mountain the size. An enormous momentum to the incomparable describe the terror overwhelming pressure, under which shares a huge momentum, they feel as a grain of sand between heaven and earth like small. The sky darkened, thunder from the sky one channel anger pixia, earth tremors shivering. All this picture, as the end of terror suddenly come. "That ...... that ...... that ...... what is that!?" Watching the sky obscured the horror in front of the dragon and the sudden change in the world, their limbs limp, body trembling, eyes convex, the most ever issued a big fear roar. The dragon seemed to hear their cries of fear, an immense dragon head suddenly falling from the sky, huge open Longkou, swallowed them down. "Ah !!!!" extreme fear sounds almost tear the sky, these so powerful Tianxuan strong under such coercion and fear as a mouse Tigers claw under simply not even a shred of Health against the desire, fear limp body beneath, so they can not even escape the forces are almost completely lost, one by one limp to the ground, his hands instinctively clinging to the head, mouth, release the shrill scream of panic incomparable ...... bang! Shivering in a burning cloud Che day elders are Guanxiong sword, eyes widened with fear upright fall. Bang! ! A positive horror roaring Gezhu burning days are long Que sword Zacheng two. boom! ! Sound snooze, four elders were burning days bombers flying sword, instant violent death ...... Jiuxuan Plough array completely collapsed, there is no mysterious force powerful array of mysterious conferred, their defense before the cloud Che simply vulnerable. Within the field of the Dragon Soul, they are under very great deterrent, completely lost the fight, leaving only fear, not to mention cloud Che continued to attack, and even the ability to resist and escape almost completely lost, so powerful they are, At this point just like turned into a very vulnerable lambs to the slaughter only is cloud Che sword and sword easily bombers kill. Dragon Soul areas outside all day the door of the burning man is completely panic disorder. They only heard the dragon roar, see behind the cloud Zhaxian Che Long Shadow ...... along, they saw the cloud Che siege were all parked in there, trembling, dilated pupils, his face look ...... As seen the world's most horrible picture. Almost is in this moment, a sudden flash of mysterious light array, connecting all Tianxuan strong pulse and Jiuxuan Plough array of mysterious spirit ...... actually vanished! ! Yun Chol as general cheetah out, Long Que crazy and threw one after another elder Gezhu ...... and these elders and Gezhu just like all possessed by demons, face cloud Che, the whole horror spread down to the ground , cries in fear is deadly sword ...... no counterattack, without resistance, after the death of eyes still tightly widened, as if filling the fear of hell come to like. "How ...... how is it!? How is it !!" Seeing the cloud would Che died at Jiuxuan Plough array, but would like a nightmare come suddenly, they burn the powerful Tianmen Tianxuan strong they actually suddenly in shivering is a piece of cloud Che bombers kill ...... Dragon field is the spiritual realm, colorless and invisible, outside the field, unless spiritual power is strong enough, or simply unaware of what happened. Dragon Soul Che open cloud field is not large, because the opening is larger, the more they consume tremendous spirit, but just the whole Jiuxuan Plough array enveloped them. Dragon Soul is not a powerful attack areas of the field, nor is there in the field of cloud ice control, but a cloud Che never touched the spiritual realm ...... He totally did not expect, dragon soul can escape the strong field to the point let these powerful Tianxuan strong they all turned into no ability to resist lambs to the slaughter, in the huddle and let him take in life. So the power of terror to even he himself was deeply aghast! Although it can not directly cause people to death, not even cause damage to any target's body, but the cloud than Che know of any attack, control areas have more terror. After all, it comes from the Dragon, Dragon's soul must be in order to launch the shenzhilingyu! However, such a powerful field, the accompanying power consumption and mysterious spirit consumption is very great. In particular spirit consumption ...... interest after just five times, cloud Che brain has started to become heavy, and the emergence of increasingly heavy sense of vertigo. He vaguely feel it in their current state, then continue as forcibly maintained, when the lifting of that he is bound by the strong spirit of bite, and could not wake fainted on the spot. And that five interest of time, a full twelve Tianxuan strong died under Long Que. "King anger !!" cloud Che figure pediment, suddenly rushed to the burning days of the elders of the stations where the most intensive, Long Que fury spent, lasted just a few areas of interest of the Dragon Soul, are then released. boom! ! ! More than ten feet of earth completely cracked, burning six elders bombers flying day while out in the field under the dragon soul, their body will not only not have Jiuxuan transferred Plough array of mysterious forces, and even self-defense is the mysterious force collapse in fear, under the cloud Che sword, killed all six elders burning days, no one is immune. Originally immediately would kill Che cloud the situation, but in between a few interest, such as vegetable in general he Liansha eighteen Tianxuan elders, sudden changes in the situation, so that everyone a chance to react. Lethal burning a black eyes, a blood Kuangpen out. Dragon Soul realm lifted, the rest of the elders, Gezhu as suddenly wake up from a nightmare, they know they must be in some kind of cloud Che plot, watching with the door body lying around, they shout, anger rushed ...... but collapsing Jiuxuan Plough array has been unable to build, even though they swarmed threat to cloud Che also significantly reduced. Yun Chol state at this time only half heyday worthy state, but the face of these not Jiuxuan Plough array support Tianxuan strong, his pressure is suddenly dropped, Que dragon dance, a storm blows, one after another The people involved in a death spiral, these reputed Cang Tianxuan strong winds were at epee the cloud Che Wei, almost can not close to within thirty feet, but they just were stained Long Que, ranging from injuries, while killed. Before long, these Tianxuan strong is confused, vulnerable, one cheeky color of despair. The burning of the city must face sneer disappeared, every muscle twitching violently. He widened his eyes tightly, watching clouds Che kill one by one day the door of the burning mainstay ...... it is step off at the door of the burning days lifeline! His cold hands and feet, teeth clenched, a surge of deep fear in the chest diffusion ...... Suddenly, he suddenly thought of something, such as Fengleyiban ran to pull the Tin House. Pull Tin House, the door was kicked open, burning eyes tightly locked in the city must Xiao Ling Xi's body, she Kuaibu Xiang rushed. Silhouette flashed in front of him, burning to pull the block in front of him, eyes a cold: "? What do you do" ?! "do what course to take her life to cloud Che look" absolutely burning city deep channel : "Cloud Che willing to get her up, obviously she was very important to bring her before the cloud cloud Che Che ...... I want him to use his life to change her life!!" Xiao Ling Xi body back, tight back tight depend on wooden windows, Mouzhong full of fear. Pull burning pace did not let on, even the expression, no emotion is still cold:!! "I said, she was just a bait that's it, I promise you this is going to bring her bottom line addition No one can move her outside ...... !! " "elders and Gezhu cloud Che had been killed over twenty, almost to the door the entire burning days buried in his hands, you actually still scream your ridiculous bottom line ...... away at !! " burning city must face grim, his right arm from the cross, the burning pull brutal broke, grasping Xiao Ling Xi. court death! ! "Burning pull furious, a long chain of flame shot from his hands, tightly wrapped rushed Xiao Ling Xi Brahman absolutely city, while the body soared, such as wolf-like rushed up. "court death who are you! You good for nothing, but since that arrogant waste, you are in my eyes, always just a ridiculous and pathetic clown! ...... Also feature alone, you stop me! ? " Bang! chain Bengduan flame, burning and burning city absolutely must also fight in the city together, the burning of the city never anxious to stress Xi Ling Xiao Qin Zhu Yun Chol, burning half to pull in order to protect Xiao Ling Xi, half anger kill Italy will occur, had been getting along pretty "harmony" of the two brothers, this time it is Murder everywhere, shot Henla incomparable, there is no room for the city must burn injuries left arm and his right hand in the state, at the same time with injuries, but with a large realm between his strength to pull apart and burning, still burning soon pull pressed to leeward, after more than a dozen face to face, a flame burning in the middle to pull the chest, he will be much blew open, burning pull back heavy hit on the wall, the wall cracks, surrounded by wooden tables and chairs are also burning up fast. "Waste! ! "Burning city never scolded disdain smile, once again grasping Xiao Ling Xi. "Who you say ...... ...... ...... is waste! ! ! " a giant hand with a raging flame of anger, all of a sudden boom in the burning city must face, he will push back the San Sibu, burning to pull from the ground jumped away, as is a thorough enraged wolf-like toward the burning city absolutely. "killed! ! " burning city must face the terrible ferocious, he roar, the body of flame into the sky exploding with anger. burning eyes fierce pull, although much weaker than the mysterious fire must burn the city, but the momentum is in no way If, eyes, Geng Shibi blade but also cold, his mouth issued a growl sound, simply shake the wearer must live burn the city moving forward, his hands, never burned the city a little bit of charred flesh flame , but it is silent, not a cent more footsteps retreat. "I want to protect something burning pull ...... unless otherwise ...... ...... ...... I die you never shall succeed! " "Do not think that I can not kill you! You useless waste! " burning city must face increasingly grim, his flame began to burn more quickly engulfed in flames to pull his hands have been burnt almost half, almost exposing dense white bones, but still not a cent of concession ...... flames began to spread through the wrist, arm ...... Xiao Ling Xi wood standing by the window, a tender Yan has long been a bloodless for burning to pull, she was supposed to be resentment, because he brought his father here But, again and again he was protecting her ...... even hesitate in Yongming protect her. She did not understand this grim, silent in his heart in the end thinking about what she told him all the little resentment, but is a complex of gratitude ...... though her ​​mysterious force is far and compared the two, but she knew enough, to pull even again burning fiercely, and ultimately impossible to block the city under the burning Jedi. Her eyes Ceguo, Through wooden windows, looking for her and that was bloody figure ...... Suddenly, all her fear, all disappear, his face, revealing a chilling and beautiful smile. "I must find a small Che ...... ...... " bang !! wooden windows shattered by her palm, she gently leaps, posture light through wooden windows, close your eyes, let the body fall away to the bottom ...... she was afraid to die. But if To be treated as kidnapped cloud Che, endanger his life hostage ...... she would rather choose death. chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page .

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 334th chapter is Che, we must think of me......
towards Che Yun nine steps to stop all, their faces by fierce become surprised, then suddenly turned into a strong very panic, their pupils began a sharp contraction, body such as malaria like tremble.

because they appeared in front of a dragon...... A sky filled the sky, a huge dragon. It is only a length, as the size of Longshou mountain. A huge to the very description of the horror of the overwhelming pressure, under the huge momentum, they feel like a grain of sand and dust in the world. The sky was dark,A thunder from the sky split off, the earth trembling tremor. All of these images, like the end of the day, suddenly come. It

"...... That...... That...... What is that!?" Looked at the cover the sky horror dragon immediate and sudden changes of the world, their aching and limp, trembled, binocular convex, issued a lifetime most fear roared.
and the Dragon seems to have heard the cry of fear that their, enormous dragon suddenly from the sky falling, open huge Longkou, to engulf them down. "Ah!!!!" Fear to cry almost pole

tearing up the sky,These mighty Tianxuan strong under such coercion and fear as tiger claw mouse, at a even a shred of desire to revolt, fear the limp body, let them even escape the forces are almost completely lost, one limp in, two manuscripts to hold the head, mouth release a shrill extremely frightened scream... Bang!
a shivering in the Fantian elders were clouds through sword chest, staring straight down with frightened eyes. Bang!! A panic is roaring. Fantian gezhu is the dragon sword Zacheng two que.

h!! The sound of a heavy ring

four, Fantian elders zapped by a sword,The moment a violent death...... XWB Tiangang array completely collapsed, no mysterious array conferred strong mysterious force, their defense in the face of Che Yun fundamental vulnerable.
Dragonsoul within the field, they under tremendous deterrent, completely lost the fight, leaving only fear, let alone continue to attack cloud Che, is the ability to resist and escape is almost completely lost, their incredibly powerful, this time as if turned into a little brittle than that without the lambs to the slaughter, is cloud Che sword and sword easily to bomb to kill. Besides Dragonsoul

field, all the people is completely burned Tianmen so confused. They only heard a loud roar,See the clouds behind the shadow dragon zhaxian...... Then, they saw the siege of clouds all the people stop there, trembling, dilated pupils, face...... Like the most horrible picture of the world.
is almost in the moment, Xuan array light gleamed, link all day Xuan lusty Xuan Mai and spiritual XWB plough array... Unexpectedly disappeared!!

clouds such as the cheetah out, at a crazy dragon que another elder gezhu...... These elders and gezhu as all demon possessed, in the face of clouds, all the panic spreads out,In the cry of horror is deadly sword...... Did not fight back, there is no resistance, after the death of the eyes still stare big, filled with the fear of hell. How

"...... What happened!? What's going on!!" Seeing the Che Yun to perish in the XWB plough array, but as a nightmare comes suddenly, they burn the Tianmen powerful Tianxuan strong unexpectedly suddenly in shivering is cloud Che a piece of a bomb to kill... Dragon field is the spiritual realm, invisible colorless, outside the field, unless the spirit force strong enough, or simply are not aware of any what happened.
clouds open Dragonsoul field is not large, because the more,The spirit of consumption will be more huge, just put the whole plough array enveloped xuan. Dragonic is a powerful attack on the field, not as ice fields on the other side of the control field, but a cloud Che never had contact with spirit... He totally did not expect, Dragonsoul unexpectedly can robust to such an extent, let these powerful Tianxuan strong all turned into no ability to resist to be slaughtered lambs, in groan let him take life. Such is the power of terror to

, even he himself was aghast! It

although not directly cause death, not even on any target body damage,But any attack, the control field must know Che cloud more terror. After all, this is from

, dragon, dragon soul must be by God to launch field! However, such a strong field, the accompanying the mysterious power consumption and spiritual consumption is also very huge. Especially the spirit of consumption...... In five time, clouds brain has become heavy, and the emergence of more and more sense of vertigo. He had a vague feeling that in their current state, as to forcibly maintained, released, they will be subject to strong spirit of pac man, might have fainted on the spot does not wake up. The five time to rest,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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