然而幸运的是,这次小木屋跌落下来的时候,竟然又刚巧砸落在一株千年古树上。 繁茂的枝桠抵挡了下坠的趋势,所以跌下去的时候,小木屋虽然被震的粉碎 การแปล - 然而幸运的是,这次小木屋跌落下来的时候,竟然又刚巧砸落在一株千年古树上。 繁茂的枝桠抵挡了下坠的趋势,所以跌下去的时候,小木屋虽然被震的粉碎 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด













































































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
However lucky is that the cabin falls down when there happens to fall on a thousand-year old tree. Leafy branches against the falling trend, fell when the cabin crushed by earthquake, but Sue was already a step ahead of holding the little guy tumbles out. Sue falls shooters are very flexible, she will little one kick into the arms, and grab branches, floating lightly in the past, go light and flexible. Due to her fast, so cabin breaks falling wood does not cause any harm to her. However, this does not mean that she was safe, obviously there are risks in waiting for her. At this point, from the Sue falls not far away, extremely brutal fight should have happened. A long with the LAD is very similar creatures, Dragon is Liu Ruohua before their mouths. And the other one, it is burned raged all over Phoenix. Two fights together, now almost a lose. Dragon? Sue falls suddenly flashed in my mind the idea. Her brain suddenly lit up and hate to his head. She finally came to the sunset mountains, overcoming all difficulties in order to what? It is dragon blood! Since the fighting that is long, then ... ... Sue falls view falls to sleep in the arms of her childlike, looks like a very nice kid. This guy should be long, right? Yes, Yes, this is long before the football great egg, is definitely Dragon eggs! Dragon blood she can not get, but the little dragon ... ... Now in her hand Ah! Hey, Hey! Sue falls brought a touch of evil smile on her lips, it was the pale without looking it not work at all. She found herself really good luck playing God, did not think Drake eggs then just down to him, but also automatic hatch, even more unusual is that it automatically into your arms up spontaneously. Sue fell proud of laughing. Small slender fingers poked in the arms of the Dragon, little dragon mouth spit bubbles, wheezing sound asleep are rare, completely unaware of had someone hit on the idea of it. If the Dragon's mother Sue hits the idea, lest you be spitting blood. Her Dragon had a hard time when it comes to hatching, she ran into the Phoenix looking for revenge, no way she just randomly picked a small dragon eggs stored. But how could she think, that choice in cabins hidden individuals, and it so happens that she needs most is the Dragon's blood? If Dragon mother know, lest you be mad. What's her name? This is called automatic door seeking child abuse. Sue falls drew a dagger from the boots, knives, glittered coldly issued cold light. However, at a time when Su left wondering where to start, the little dragon wakes up. It water misty eyes, little feet rubbing his sleepy eyes, bewildered expression on his little face. Bibs little MoE people have more like Moe man. Sue fell hard like iron heart softened. Suddenly, the little cute Dragon stared round the eyes, do not blink for an instant and looked at Sue falls. Sue fell silent and looked at it. 看到苏落,小神龙似乎很兴奋,小小的嘴张开,口中发出一声悦耳的龙吟 “嗡” 龙吟声就在苏落耳边响起,震的她脑门生疼,头痛欲裂。 而且就是这声龙吟,坏事儿了。龙妈妈正跟火凤凰打的战况激烈,它抽空回头一看,发现自家的小宝贝竟然躺在一个渺小人类的怀里,而那个人类竟然还拿着一把匕首比划!这还得了!龙妈妈一声嘹亮刺耳的龙吟,音量勃发,直透云霄。按照它的想法,最好直接一道龙息将苏落给焚烧殆尽,化成一股轻飘飘走。但苏落很好运的地方在于,她的手中抓着最有利的龙质,所以龙妈妈的远程攻击完全发挥不出来。生怕上了老鼠碰到玉瓶。投鼠忌器。此时,苏落看到一只体型庞大的神龙朝她扑来,那威严的龙威震的她心脏剧烈跳动。她眼底闪过一丝骇意,来不及多想,她抱起小萌龙转身就跑。这绝对是下意识的动作。跑跑跑——苏落知道,若是被龙妈妈追上,她的龙之血就泡汤了。非但如此,她的性命绝对会消失在暴怒龙妈妈的飞爪之下。神龙阵阵龙吟,震的苏落鲜血上涌,那龙威犹如千军万马奔腾,震耳欲聋。神龙在追杀苏落的时候,她身后的火凤凰也没放过她,也正是有了火凤凰的干扰,所以苏落还有一丝逃跑的机会。只见一道道火焰划破长空,万道惊雷在天穹响起,毁灭的力量蕴含着无尽的杀机。苏落边跑边抽空回头看,只见龙头狰狞而凶狠,一对龙眼透着两道血光,足球大的鳞片寒光闪闪,似乎每一片都蕴含着无尽的力量。“告非!”眼见神龙距离她越来越近,苏落脸色微变,暗骂一声。此时,神龙早已暴怒,若是被它抓住,下场绝对会很悲惨。苏落加快脚步,脚下生风,连冲带跳,头也不回地往前冲。苏落心中那个郁闷啊。以她的速度,肯定半道上就会被它追上。怎么破?神龙追的她上天入地,逃无可逃。同时,怀里的小家伙却也不安分,它似乎觉得在玩游戏,探出圆圆的小脑袋与它那位龙妈妈此起彼伏地发出龙吟。苏落郁闷个半死,她半是威胁半是恐吓地拍它脑袋:“不许叫!”小萌龙似乎不明白苏落话中的意思,圆圆的眼底尽是迷惘,但是见苏落面容凶狠而狰狞,于是,它弱弱地缩了缩脖子,默默地将小脑袋缩回苏落怀中。然而,过不了多久,它故态复萌,小脑袋又会探出来。“不许闹,回去!”苏落弹弹它脑袋,于是它又很听话地乖乖缩回苏落怀中。于是,每次它弹出来,苏落就将它弹回去。探出来,又弹回去。如此一来,小萌龙还以为苏落在跟它玩游戏,咯地笑,玩的那叫一个乐此不彼。后来苏落懒得戳它,它还不干了,一个人在那里嗷呜嗷呜地叫,小脸上还出现那种小委屈的表情,泪眼汪汪的。苏落脑门上的三条黑线又浮现了。她不就是想要点龙之血吗,容易吗她?前有小萌龙捣乱,后有大神龙紧追不舍……神龙速度如疾驰的闪电,它所到之处,所有的草木都倒向两旁,为它开路。书迷楼最快更新,无弹窗阅读请收藏书迷楼论心计,论城府,苏落绝对不输任何人。 “噗——”神龙一口龙息喷出。 浓黑如墨的烟雾将跑在后面的几个人笼罩在内,将他们团团覆盖住。 在神龙眼里,这些和苏落跑在一起的渺小人类就是她伙伴,全部都该死!她怕杀了苏落伤到小龙,但是这些渺小的蚂蚁却不必顾忌。 于是,她的龙息完全没有控制。 “啊——”人群后方传来一道惨烈的叫声。 是刘维明队伍中的一位。 这位少年极喜欢柳若华,对她几乎是千依百顺,但是龙息蔓延过来的最关键时刻,他拉了柳若华一把,而柳若华却将他往后方一推,她自己则借力逃跑—— 这位被龙息卷进去的少年满脸绝望,难以置信地瞪着柳若华越来越远的背景,眼底是满满的惊诧。 他怎么都没想到,他拉了柳若华一把,柳若华却顺势将他往后拖…… 他就连死都想不明白,这是为什么…… 这就是人性! 自私凉薄,忘恩负义,恩将仇报! 这原本是六个人的队伍,一开始因为蛮荒蛇而死了一人,现在又被神龙杀死一名,于是,队伍中就只剩下四个人。 队长刘维明,柳若华,李婉,以及另外的一名少年。 神龙越来越近,几乎触手可及—— “啊——”又一道惨烈的叫声。 那位少年被神龙一口吞噬,连渣渣都不剩。 苏落连飞带跑,速度飞快,但是她也忍不住心底发寒。 眼见着一个个人肉后盾被吞噬,谁知道什么时候会轮到自己。 “我们分开来跑!不然的话,我们全都会死!”刘维明不愧是队长,他静下心来,很快就找出了唯一的解决办法。 神龙只有一只,只要大家四处分散开来,那么其余三个方向的人就极有可能逃脱。 刘维明恨恨瞪了苏落一眼,他知道,苏落必须得死在这落日山脉,若是被她走出去,天知道晋王殿下知道他们要杀她的消息后,会怎样对付他们。 就算死,他们也不想与晋王殿下为敌。 所以,最好的办法就是借刀杀人,借神龙的威势将苏落铲除! 想至此,刘维明与柳若华和李婉对视一眼,他做了一个手势,于是,三个人分别朝着三个方向飞奔而出。 不得不说,刘维明这个办法真的很不错,他歪打正着,救了自己和柳若华、李婉一命。 眼看着那三人散去,苏落心中一阵失落。唉,人形肉盾果然没了。 此时,唯一的希望就寄托在小萌龙身上了。 神龙越追越近,最后,它将苏落堵在一座悬崖下面。 三面都是悬崖峭壁,无路可逃。 苏落双手举起,转过身,脸上笑得极其谄媚:“嘿嘿,神龙大人,累了么?要不要休息下?” 神龙狰狞着脸,一双眼神淡漠而冰冷,没有一丝温度,犹如在看死人一样,盯着苏落。 它四处打量着苏落周身,竟然没有发现她的小宝贝,一时之间,她怒了! “别别别——”苏落急得脸上冒汗。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Fortunately, however, this chalet falling down, it actually happened on the strain of the Millennium trees Zala. Lush branches resist the falling trend, so the fall down when crushing collapse, officials cabins though, but the Soviet Union has long been the first step down the little guy holding the roll out. Su falling very flexible skill, she will the little guy a kick to the arms, hands, grasp tree branches, floating drift past, light and flexible skill. As she hide fast, so shattered to fall wood cabin she did not cause the slightest damage. But that does not mean she has the security, it is clear that there is another danger in waiting for her. At this point, not far away from the Soviet Union fell, even extremely fierce fighting. Just a little guy with a long very similar creatures, should be the dragon before Liu Ruohua their mouth. And the other one, it is covered with raging fire burning phoenix bird. Two fighting together, now almost a lose-lose. Dragon? Su mind suddenly flashed down the idea. Her brain suddenly a bright, bitterly pat yourself a head. She painstakingly came to this sunset mountains, against all odds, for what is? That is the dragon's blood ah! Since it is only just to fight the dragon, then ...... Su sight fell off to sleep in her arms naive, it looks like a little guy who is very comfortable. This guy should also be long, right? Right, yes, this is definitely a dragon, a large egg before sinking football, is absolutely the dragon egg! She can not get the dragon blood, but little dragon ...... now in her hand ah! Hey! Su mouth brought back a touch off evil smile, it really is beyond the pale in hunting, must come not a waste of effort. She found herself really good luck to the Guards, did not expect so little dragon eggs fall just to the front of their own, but also automatic hatch, more unusual is that it spontaneously automatically climb into his arms. Su drop proud laugh. Slender finger poke small arms dragon, little dragon mouth making bubbles, wheezes sleep to being cooked, completely unaware of it has already been marked idea. If the dragon mother know Su fall have such thoughts, I'm afraid to vomit blood gas. Her dragons finally time to hatch, ran the Phoenix revenge, no way she can only place a small randomly selected small dragon eggs stored up. But how could she think of, it would only free to choose cabins even possession of individuals, but it happens, she needs most is the dragon's blood it? If the dragon mother know, I'm afraid to be mad. What is she called? This is called automatically delivered to their doorsteps seeking child. Sue took out a dagger from falling boots, gleaming dagger, issued youleng light. However, in the Soviet Union fell wondered where the occasion of the start of a small dragon actually woke up. It opened my eyes misty water, little paws rubbed bleary-eyed eyes, small face is confused. This Hutouhunao little like there are more people to be more Meng Meng people. Sue look down hard like iron heart would soften. Suddenly, Xiao-meng dragon staring round eyes, do not blink moment, looking at the Soviet Union fell. Su also fell silent and looked at it. See the Soviet Union fell, a small dragon seems very excited, a little mouth open, mouth uttered sweet Dragons "Om" sound Dragons in the Soviet Union fell ears, stinging shock of her forehead, splitting headache. And is this the sound of the Dragons, a bad child. Long mom was with Phoenix playing fierce fighting, which was evacuated looked back and found their own little baby turned out to be lying in the arms of a tiny human, and that human beings actually still holding a knife and pointing! This has to be it! Long mom heard loud shrill Dragons, volume blooming, Zhitou sky. According to its ideas, the best long interest rates will direct a Soviet colony to incineration and exhausted, into a surge of floating away. But Su off place is well run, her hands clutching the most favorable dragon quality, so remote attackers dragon mother fully play out. Fear on the rat met Yuping. Legislator. At this time, the Soviet Union's fall saw a huge dragon body lunged towards her, and that her majesty dragon Megatron heart pounding. Italian startle her eyes flashed, time to think, she picked up meng dragon turned and ran. This is definitely a subconscious action. Paopao Pao - Su falling know, if it was to catch up with the dragon mother, her dragon's blood would be spoiled. Not only that, her life will definitely disappear under the fury of the dragon mother Feizhao. Dragons dragon bursts, shock Su drop of blood on the Bay, like a mighty force that Longwei Pentium, deafening. Dragon in the kill when the Soviet Union fell behind her Phoenix did not let go of her, it is also interfering with the Phoenix, so the Soviet Union have the opportunity to drop a hint to escape. I saw a Road flame across the sky, ten thousand thunder sounded in the sky, to destroy the power of the beholder contains endless. Su evacuated ran back down and saw leading ferocious and fierce, one pair of longan reveals two carnage, Football scales gleaming, it seems that every one contains all the endless power. "Notice the non!" Seeing her dragon distance getting closer, the Soviet Union fell face slightly changed, cursed loudly. At this time, Dragon had rage, if it is caught, they will definitely be miserable fate. Su off up the pace, at the foot of the wind, even the red with jumps, never looking back to go forward. Su drop heart that depressed ah. With her ​​speed, certainly it will be half way to catch up. How to break? dragon chasing her into heaven, escape no escape. Meanwhile, the arms of the little guy, but not law-abiding, it seems that in playing games, round little head stuck with it who issued Dragons dragon mother come and go. Su depressed down to death, her half-threatening, half threatening to beat its head: "! Do not call" meng dragon does not seem to understand the meaning of the words of the Soviet Union fell, round eyes full of confusion, but see the Soviet Union fell face fierce and ferocious, so it weak weak to shrink the shrink neck, small head retracts silently down the Soviet Union arms. However, before long, it relapse, small head will explore it. "Do not trouble, go back!" Su Bouncing off its head, so it is very obedient obediently fall retracted Soviet arms. So, every time it pops up, the Soviet Union will drop its bombs back. Explore out, and bounced back. As a result, the Soviet Union fell meng Long thought to play games with it, a little laugh, play is called a music is not he. Later, the Soviet Union fell too lazy to poke it, it quit, a person in there wailing wailing woo woo cried, his face still appears that small little expression of grievances, tearfully. Three black lines on the forehead and down the Soviet Union emerged. She does not just want to point the dragon's blood do, easy to do for her? Long before there meng trouble, after a large dragon chased ...... Dragon gallop lightning speed as it went, all the vegetation are backward on both sides, as it open. House avid reader fastest updates, no popups reading please bookmark bookworm floor scheming theory, theory of Ayutthaya, the Soviet Union fell absolutely do not lose anyone. "Poof -" Dragon a long interest ejected. Thick black smoke as ink will run in a few people behind the shadow account, covering them round and round. In the dragon's eyes, and Sue bunk together these tiny human is her partner, all hell! She was afraid to kill off the injury to the Soviet Union dragons, but these tiny ants, but do not have to think twice. So she did not control the dragon's breath. "Ah -" behind the crowd came a tragic cry. Liu Weiming team is one. The juvenile very like Liu Ruohua, she was almost a thousand by Baishun, but the most critical moment Breath spread over, he pulled柳若华a while柳若华puts him back side of a push, she is leveraging escape - the by Dragon's Breath roll into juvenile face despair, disbelief staring Liu Ruohua increasingly distant background, eyes are full of surprise. How he did not think he pulled a Liuruo Hua, Liu Ruohua but homeopathy would he postpone ...... he even wants to die do not understand, which is why ...... This is human nature! Cold-blooded selfish, ungrateful, good deed goes unpunished! It was originally a team of six people, since the beginning of the wild snake died a man, was killed by a dragon now, so the team left with four. Captain Liu Weiming, Liu Ruohua, Nina, and another of a teenager. Dragon is getting closer, almost within reach - "ah -" has a tragic cry. Dragon juvenile who was swallowed a mouthful, even slag residue left. Sue even fly off and run, fast speed, but she can not help but heart chills. Seeing a personal backing of meat to be swallowed, and who knows when it will turn itself. "We separate run! Otherwise, we will all die!" Liu Weiming worthy captain, he stop and soon found out the only solution. Dragon only one, as long as we spread out everywhere, so people remaining three directions are most likely to escape. Liu Weiming bitterly stared down the Soviet Union one, he knew, the Soviet Union had to die in this fall sunset mountains, if she go out, God knows the king Highness know they want to kill her after the news, it will be how to deal with them. Even dead, they also do not want the king Highness enemies. Therefore, the best way is to Collateral, by the dragon's power to eradicate the Soviet Union fall! Think point, Liu Weiming and Liu Ruohua and Nina as one, he made ​​a gesture, then, three people were moving in three directions flew out. Have to say, Liu Weiming this approach is really good, he was a lucky hit, saved himself and Liu Ruohua, Nina's life. Watch that trio disappeared, the Soviet Union lost the hearts of a fall. Well, not really a human form human shields. At this point, the only hope is pinned on meng dragon bodies. Dragon came closer, finally, the Soviet Union would fall stuck in a cliff below. Cliffs on three sides, run away. Su off his hands raised, turned around, his face extremely flattering smile: "Hey, Dragon adults, tired to rest what to do next??" Dragon hideous face, a pair of eyes indifferent and cold, without a trace of temperature, like in look like dead men stared down the Soviet Union. It looked around the whole body of the Soviet Union fell, there is not even found her baby, while, her anger! "Do not Do not Do not -" Su sweat off his face anxious.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Fortunately, when the cabin fell down, and you should fall under a thousand years old.

lush branches against the falling trend, so fell down, the cabin although were shattered, but Su Luo has already the first step holding small guy rolling out.

Su Luo skill is very flexible, she will the little guy to bosom Chuai, his hands grasp the branches, gossamer Floating past skill lithe and nimble. Because she hid the

so fast, the cabin shattered falling wood for her not least harm. But this does not mean that

, she is safe,Obviously there is another danger waiting for her.

at this time, not far away from Su fall, should happen is extremely fierce battle. A

long with the little guy is very similar to the biological, should be before Liu Ruohua in their mouth dragon.

and another one, is covered with the fire phoenix. Two

fighting together, now almost cause destruction to both sides.

the dragon? Suddenly flash across the mind.

in her head suddenly a bright, hate hate to shoot his head. She came to the sunset mountains
go through untold hardships, in order to push aside all obstacles and difficulties, what? That's the blood of the dragon!

Now that you are fighting, it's just a dragon...... Su's eyes fell to fall asleep in her arms naive, looks very comfortable small guy. It should also be the Dragon guy? Yes, yes, this is definitely a big football before the dragon, the egg, egg is absolute! She couldn't get the dragon dragon blood

, but...... Right now in her hand! Hey!

Su Luo mouth evoke a wicked smile, it is difficult to find all feigongfu don't come.

she found his luck is good to the guards the, did not expect little dragon egg then just drop to the front of their own, but also automatically hatch,More difficult is that it automatically automatically to their arms to climb. Su

fall smirked.

slender fingers poked at the bosom of the dragon, the dragon mouth bubbles, huchihuchi sleeping is ripe, totally do not know has hit on the idea of it. If the dragon mother know Su

drop this idea, I am afraid to gas hematemesis.

her dragon finally to incubation time, unexpectedly meet the Phoenix revenge, no way she could only randomly selected a small place the dragon eggs and stored. But how could she think

, the randomly selected cabins unexpectedly hid, and then you,What is the blood of the dragon? If the Dragon

mother know, lest you be mad. What's her name? This is called automatically send to the door for abuse.

Su Luo pulled out a dagger from boots, gleaming dagger, a light and cold. However, in the fall of Su

, wondering where to start on the occasion, the dragon was awake. It opened a boiling water

eyes, rubbed his paws have a drowsy look eyes, face full of confusion. It little more adorable looking dignified and strong like people are adorable. See Su fall hard

like iron heart will soften.

suddenly, small adorable dragon stared round eyes, unwaveringly looked at sue falls.

The Soviet Union fell silent and looked at it. Su Luo, little dragon seemed very excited to see

, small mouth open, mouth issued a beautiful sound Longyin


Longyin sound in the Su Luo ear rings, the shock of her brain students hurt, a splitting headache. But this is the sound of dragons

, bad thing.

the dragon mother is fire phoenix fight fierce fighting with, which evacuates a look back, found its own little baby lying in a small human arms actually, and the human unexpectedly with a dagger pointing! It also got! A loud harsh mother

dragon dragons, the volume of blooming, into the sky. According to the idea of it,The best direct Daolong interest will be charged to the Su burning, into a light go.

but Su Luo very good fortune is, her hands clutching the most favorable quality dragon, so take full advantage of the Dragon Mother ranged attack.

on the fear that mouse saw the bottle.


at this time, Su Luo saw a huge body of the Dragon lunged at her, the majesty of the shock of her heart beating hard. Her eyes flashed a terrible

, no time to think, she picked up a small adorable dragon turned and ran. It is definitely a conscious action.

-- Su run run to fall to know, if the dragon mother after her, the dragon blood would be spoiled. Not only that,Her life will disappear beneath the flying dragon claw furious mother. The Dragon dragons shock waves

, Su fall blood on the Bay, the dragon who like Ten thousand steeds gallop., deafen the ear with its roar.

the dragon to kill Su Luo, behind her fire phoenix also didn't pass her, it is with the interference of the fire phoenix, so Su Luo and a hint of escape of the opportunity. I saw a flame across the sky, thunder in the sky, 000 sounded, the destruction contains endless bloodshed.

Su fall edge running side evacuation look back, see leading the savage and cruel, a of longan reveals a two blood light, football scales Hanguang sparkling, it seems every piece contains endless power.

"Inform against!" The Dragon saw her closer distance, Su fall aback, dark scold 1. The dragon has been furious,

, if it is caught, the absolute end will be very miserable. Su

to accelerate the pace of fall, at the foot of the wind, even flush with jump, Touyebuhui to go forward. Su Luo heart that depressed ah

. To

her speed, certainly it will be to catch up on the way. How to break the Dragon

? After she try by hook to look for sth. escape no escape.

at the same time, the small guy of arms but also restless, it seems that in playing the game, leaned out of the round head and the dragon mother one after another issued dragons. Su fell half depressed,She threatened to shoot it with half a threatening!" Small dragon sprouting

do not seem to understand Su Luo words mean, round eyes full of confusion, but see Su Luo face fierce and ferocious, so it weakly shrink shrink neck, silently will small head retracted Su Luo bosom.

however, before long, it will return to one's old habits small head out. "No trouble, go back!" Su Luo play its head, so it is very obedient obediently retracted Su fall arms. So every time it comes out

, Su, it will bounce back down.

out, and bounced back.

so, small adorable dragon thought falls in with Sue it to play games, lo smile,The play is called a happy.

later Su Luo too lazy to poke it, it is not dry, where a person is AWU AWU called, face appeared on that small grievances expression, tearful.

Su Luo three black lines on the forehead and me. She is not like

dragon blood, easy to do her? Before the small adorable dragon trouble, after a big dragon chasing...... The dragon as the passing speed

lightning, it went, all the plants are backward on both sides, it is open. Building the fastest update

fan, no pop fans on floor of reading please

scheming, on Ayutthaya, Su fall absolutely don't lose any of them.

"-- a poof" dragon dragon breath spray.

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