From the Mid-Autumn Festival drawing near, Lu Chengyu in huading work more smoothly together. As Yan Mu is a good boss, and his work was also very hard, leaning on his vision, as well as past lives even know some of the things, Yan Mu some investment advice. That Tripod ready to participate in the m on the site bidding, he suddenly thought of m then there are a few known ghost towns in the city. Because the place proposed development case, construction businessman invested a lot, but many homes are not selling. But because of cost reasons, investors cannot reduce the price, and finally m, many newly developed housing estates has become a ghost town no one lived, caught many investors. "The city of m? "Lu Chengyu in the Executive room, listening to talk Yan Mu Cao Jingshen, hesitated to speak and asked," is close to the North of that one yet? ” Cao Jingshen nodded wondering, can't understand why Lu Chengyu asked so strange, he saw Yan Mu, find each other a look ready to listen, short cut: "North what? ” "I heard that, there aren't many people, m, and there are others in the local investment property, will not affect the housing market? "Yan Mu Lu Chengyu go beside his desk, lying in front of the computer to bring up some information on m, and the news that" people purchase/look of this place is not strong, some people's economic power may not be enough to buy this sort of community. ” "But the last two years it will develop the place, now m-city land price is low, if you can take the place of the Earth's crust, but a rare opportunity," Cao Jingshen frowned, "and our market should not just consider, m people, also taking into account foreign investment or workers. ” "But the case may not be able to succeed, and if that fails, put the money and has been unable to recover within a short time. "Lu Chengyu, really, remember m developing, but because the practice is too difficult, this development was put on hold after a year. At that time I do not know how many developers were stuck, even developers jumped building, caused quite a stir also prompted some community thoughts on the housing market. – Years later, house prices have been steady, even where there is price, so even after the death of his previous life, real estate, m to a rebounding also won't make much profit. Instead into which these funds to invest in other businesses, – years, I do not know how much they can earn back. He can't know whether my tripod had no investment in this place, but the proposal where Yan Mu, he also is responsible for that. Cao Jingshen after hearing these words, lost in thought, he just thought that land is cheap, does not expect to develop this one. Lu Chengyu words, equivalent to a warning call to him. "You don't believe in m, this market? "Yan Mu watching Lu Chengyu, look to see what seems to be going from him. "I was a suggestion," Lu Chengyu shakes her head, "but I, personally, is not too optimistic about this place. ” Yan Mu nodded, start bids, handed Lu Chengyu: "I got it. "He thought about it," tomorrow I will go to m's bid, you have to go with me. ” Lu Chengyu looked at the hands of the tenders, nodded. “标书重新做一份,虽然我们不想中标,但是还是要走个过场,”严穆赞同道,“M市确实不是个容易开发的地方,你说得很对。” 曹京申在旁边叹了口气,之前谈起这件事,老板就怀疑M市开发案的成功性,没有想到陆承余也怀疑到这一点。 这段日子下来,他觉得陆承余真是一个难得的助理,难怪老板越来越看重了。 “我去订今天晚上到M市的机票,”曹京申退出办公室,就打电话去订机票和酒店去了。 陆承余回到办公室,把标书重新改了一下,又查了一下M市最近的气温,发现就是天气热了点,太阳烈了一点,没什么特别需要注意的地方,于是下午提前赶回家里,收了一套换洗的衣服,直接赶到了机场与曹京申与严穆汇合。 等登上飞机后,陆承余才发现曹京申买的是商务舱机票,这比经济舱可要舒适宽敞多了,刚舒适的躺下后,就听到曹京申在跟严穆解释机票的事情:“这个航班只有两种舱位选择,虽然比不上国际航班,但还算不错。” 这要上辈子出门连经济舱机票都舍不得买,跑去挤火车的他情何以堪? “嗯,”严穆点了点头,看了眼坐在自己身边一言不发的陆承余道“等下要是觉得闷,就睡一会。” 陆承余对严穆笑了笑:“好。”像严穆这种有钱长得好又会做菜的男人,九年后都没有找老婆,对女同胞来说,真是一种罪大恶极的资源浪费行为。 "Did not expect to meet Mr Rudd here, too, is linked by fate. "Let Lu Chengyu somewhat familiar and somewhat annoying voice sounded behind him, he looked up to see, it really was he surprised people, Liang Prince ye Liang Deyou. Liang Deyou followed by an elite dress Jin Chen and two bodyguards, Jin Chen apparently saw him, just looked down pretended not to see. "The so-called meet as decreed by Mr Leung at an altitude of miles aircraft in the same class with me, really took a century of fate," smiled Lu Chengyu Liang Deyou, "were so overjoyed. ” Liang Deyou Hsi smile by Lu Chengyu of the Trinidad feel ill, turns, and Jin Chen sat down in the other side of the aisle and across the aisle to Lu Chengyu said, "heard that Mr Rudd is one person, often out of town, does not know that habits are not used by air? ” "Very good," Lu Chengyu hear each other trying to ridicule themselves don't even have a plane ride, don't laugh, "just couldn't open the window, close. ” Hissing sound, Liang Deyou find it vulgar eyes, Jin Chen ever seeing someone. However, Lu Chengyu sitting together is the man who, his eyes do not seem too friendly. Liang Deyou remember Yan Mu, Chen Jin yet impressed, he recognized it was graduation day with Lu Chengyu man go together. I don't know why, he subconsciously don't like this look a little difficult person, and perhaps other momentum problem? A glance at Yan Mu, he pursed smiles, remembering earlier Liang Deyou mocking Lu Chengyu, he finds himself a very embarrassed, because he is really the first time flying, Liang Deyou heard his ears, like as if laughing at him. “你怎么不说,等飞机进云层后,打开窗子去摸摸白云。” 他发现用这种玩笑口吻说话的是陆承余前座一个戴眼镜的男人,看起来这个人似乎与陆承余很熟悉。 “我是刚毕业的大学生,社会经验少,你别骗我,晚上能看到云?”陆承余挽了一下白衬衫的袖子,一脸天真表情看着回过头来的曹京申,故意搞怪道,“而且飞机起风时,还能开窗?” 曹京申推了推眼镜,一脸认真道:“你快点睡着,睡着后就能做到了。” 陆承余扬了扬嘴角,对曹京申露出八颗整齐的白牙:“呵呵。” 沉默的看着眼前这一幕,陈瑾心情有些复杂,陆承余似乎在哪里都能这么容易与人打成一片,甚至招人喜欢,难怪看不上自己这样的人。 梁德佑偏头看到陈瑾脸上的神情,面色沉了沉。 严穆转头看了梁德佑一眼,随即默然的收回自己的视线。梁氏这位太子爷,比起他父亲,还是差得太远了。 梁家老爷子现在就想退位把公司交给梁家太子爷,这个决定大概会成为他晚节不保的最大证明。 飞机升空平稳后,正是晚餐时间,空乘开始给乘客发放饮料水果以及晚餐,陆承余不喜欢西式风味,所以选了传统的中餐,刚吃到一半,飞机遇到气流,猛的一抖,他忙伸手把饮料杯子抓稳,看着饮料一滴没漏,缓缓舒了口气。 严穆注意到他这个动作,所以等他喝完后,又按铃叫来空乘给陆承余添了一杯。 陆承余看着面前满满一杯的橙汁:“……”他只是不想浪费而已。 下了飞机,M市负责接待他们的人,把他们送到了之前已经订好的酒店。然后在服务台拿房卡时,陆承余看到梁德佑与陈瑾也走了进来。在他与梁德佑四目相对的那一刻,梁德佑的脸色沉了下来,他眨了眨眼,向对方露出一个灿烂的笑容。 梁德佑把头扭开,对身边的陈瑾道:“陈瑾,你那个讨人厌的大学同学,是不是有毛病?” 陈瑾淡淡看了他一眼:“你是第一个说他有毛病的人,所以……你觉得呢?”他虽然怨陆承余不喜欢他,但是撇开这些,陆承余是个很优秀的人,他不想跟梁德佑那样像小孩子般胡闹。 “我就知道你还舍不得他,”梁德佑脸色难看道,“可是,他根本就不喜欢你,你知不知道?” 陈瑾瞪了他一眼,不声不响的往前走,似乎连话也懒得说了。 所以在陆承余准备上楼时,他就发现梁德佑莫名其妙的瞪了他一眼,那架势仿佛恨不得扑上来打一架似的。 他摸了摸下巴,小声对曹京申道:“这位梁氏太子爷没毛病吧?” 曹京申推了推眼镜:“大概他是中二期重症患者吧。” 这是M市最好的酒店,但是硬件设施与服务质量,与京城一流的酒店比起来,还是有些差距。陆承余看了下时间,现在是晚上九点多,但是酒店外面的街道上,已经没有多少行人了。 严穆与他一样,注意到了这些,他伸手拍了拍陆承余肩膀:“走吧。”幸好这次决定放弃竞标,不然还真要亏损一笔不小的钱。 三人的房间是挨在一块儿的,陆承余选了中间的一间,如果两边房间里有什么响动,他也能及时发现。 放好自己换洗的衣服,他提着自己的笔记本出了房门,听到对门也有人出来,他抬头看去,就看到陈瑾从里面走了出来,身后还跟着梁德佑。 陈瑾也没有想到事情会这么凑巧,他想起自己与梁德佑住一个房间,还被陆承余看见,顿时变得不自在起来。 陆承余最终只是对陈瑾点了点头,不知道与这人还有什么可说的了。 “喲,还真是巧了,”梁德佑皮笑肉不笑的走到陈瑾前面,隔开陈瑾看陆承余的视线,“陆先生这次也是为了竞标而来?”京城有好几家房地产公司准备朝M市这块下嘴,不知道这陆承余哪来的本事,刚工作不久就能代表公司来了。 “商场有句老话叫知己知彼百战百胜,梁先生要是不清楚,就回去问问你父亲,想必他一定能好好教教你,”严穆突然从房间里走出来,面无表情的瞥了梁德佑一眼,转头对陆承余道,“进去吧,京申已经先到了。”然后看也不看梁德佑,带着陆承余就进了自己房间。 梁德佑看着严穆的背影,半天才吐出两个字:“卧槽!”这个人又从哪里冒出来的,说话拽得二五八万,“他家没有教他什么叫礼貌?!” 陈瑾看着被关上的房门,忽然想起,陆承余就职的公司叫华鼎国际,难道刚才出来的人是华鼎的高层或者总裁? 现在的陆承余……究竟已经站在了哪种高度上?
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