“你父亲是个好官,”作为皇帝,一般不会轻易在后妃面前说起前朝之事,所以封瑾只说了这么一句后便转开话题,“有什么病痛自己多注意着,太医院的人闲 การแปล - “你父亲是个好官,”作为皇帝,一般不会轻易在后妃面前说起前朝之事,所以封瑾只说了这么一句后便转开话题,“有什么病痛自己多注意着,太医院的人闲 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด







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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
“你父亲是个好官,”作为皇帝,一般不会轻易在后妃面前说起前朝之事,所以封瑾只说了这么一句后便转开话题,“有什么病痛自己多注意着,太医院的人闲着又干什么用?” 皇帝不提她的伤怎么来的,庄络胭自然不会自作多情的说些别的,只是笑道:“妾只是想着夜深,不宜吵着宫里其他人。” “你是朕的女人,不必顾虑太多,”封瑾拍拍庄络胭的手背,语气里带着几分温和,“你不好好护着自己的身子,让朕怎么安心。” “皇上,”庄络胭感动的看了眼皇帝,缓缓的低下头,相信皇帝的一张嘴,还不如相信白日见鬼。 有人曾说,女子低头那一抹娇羞时,最是吸引人,封瑾是个正常男人,所以在这等容颜下,难免动了些心思,只是想着昭嫔膝上还未上药,他只是伸手抚着那一头青丝,另一只手握住了那微凉的柔荑。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
"Your father was a good officer," as the Emperor, Empress generally not easily talk about in front of the former things, so Jin Feng said only such a sentence after the turn on the topic, "What is more attention to the pain yourself, too hospital people idle and do use "? emperor not to mention how to hurt her, the village envelope rouge unrequited love of nature will not say anything else, just smiled and said: "concubine just thinking late at night, not arguing with palace other people. " "You're a woman I do not have to worry too much," Feng Jin Chuang network patted the back of rouge, with a sort of gentle tone, "You do not take guarding his body, so I how at ease." "The emperor," Zhuang network rouge moved glanced emperor, slowly bowed his head, I believe that the emperor's a mouth, might as well believe the day hell. Someone once said that when the bow that touch shy woman, is the most attractive, sealing Jin is a normal man, so in the face of this and other inevitable move some thought, just thinking about Zhao Bin lap yet on drugs, he just reached stroking that a black hair, the other hand holding a physique that cool earth.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
"Your father was a good officer," as the emperor, generally not easily in front of the former empress of things, so Jin said only this one sentence and then turn the subject, "what sickness pay more attention to himself, the hospital too carefree and what for?"

the emperor not to mention her hurt how to network, Zhuang Rouge will naturally not unrequited love to say something else, just smiled and said: "just think of the night the concubine palace, not arguing with others."

"you is my woman, do not have to worry too much," Jin Zhuang Luo Yan letter pat on the back of the hand, with a mild tone, "you don't take care of his own body, let me how to feel at ease."

"the emperor,"Yan Zhuang Luo moved to look at the emperor, slowly lower the head, believe a mouth of the emperor, do not believe that see ghosts in broad daylight.

someone once said, that a shy woman down, is the most attractive, letter of Jin is a normal man, so in this face, it is inevitable to move some of idea, just think of Zhao and knee is not medicine, he just hand stroking the head of black hair, the other hand holding the cool hand.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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