第336章 绝境的焚天门上一章 ← 章节目录 → 下一章推荐阅读:弑天封神仙念学园都市乐园计划穿越蛊真人医步登天新奉系我的青春恋爱物语没有问 การแปล - 第336章 绝境的焚天门上一章 ← 章节目录 → 下一章推荐阅读:弑天封神仙念学园都市乐园计划穿越蛊真人医步登天新奉系我的青春恋爱物语没有问 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第336章 绝境的焚天门上一章 ← 章节目录 → 下一章推荐阅读:弑天

第336章 绝境的焚天门
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第336章 绝境的焚天门上一章 ← 章节目录 → 下一章推荐阅读:弑天封神仙念学园都市乐园计划穿越蛊真人医步登天新奉系我的青春恋爱物语没有问题贫农大魔师铁血特战队香江一九八四 (www.exiaoshuo.com E小说),高速全文字在线阅读! 下方的玄阵在旋转,几十根冲天的火柱封死了云澈所有的进路与退路,这些火柱所释放的高温,比之云澈交手过的任何一个焚天长老的焚天之火都要可怕十数倍。 玄阵之外,传来一个怨恨的大吼声:“云澈,这次我看你还如何张狂!连九玄天罡阵都奈何不了你,那你就给我死在这天火焚星阵之下吧!能死在我焚天门的天火焚星阵中,你这辈子也算是值了!天火焚星阵承载的,是我焚天门最高层次的焚天之火,在这焚天之火下,你将被一瞬间……烧成灰烬!!” 轰!! 几十道冲天火柱同时爆开,连成一片深紫色的火海,铺满了整个天火焚星阵,将云澈和萧泠汐完全的吞没其中。 天火焚星阵旋转的度开始快到极致,带动着深紫色的焚天之炎疯狂燃烧,玄阵之中所有的一切都燃烧了起来,灼热的气浪和焦糊的味道直漫整个焚天门,但这些神紫之炎却没有一丝溢出玄阵之外,全部在玄阵之中熊熊燃烧,吞噬着其中一切的事物,久久不灭。整个玄阵之中,除了火焰,再无其他。 “终于……死了!” 一把把焚天刀无力的跌落在地,那些长老、阁主们也全部坐倒在地,看着满地的鲜血、狼藉,和那一片深紫火海久久无言。 “先祖记载,天火焚星阵的威力,足以将王玄后期的级强者都轻易焚灭,云澈已是必死无疑了。他现在,应该已经化成焦灰了。”焚莫极喘着粗气,向焚断魂说道。 焚断魂同样瘫坐在地……云澈死了,被天火焚星阵笼罩,他绝对没有活的可能,但他半点都喜悦不起来。这个天火焚星阵可以说是焚天门最后,也是最强大的一道防线,如果宗门万一哪日遭遇实力远胜自己的势力入侵,天火焚星阵一旦开启,将足以把所有入侵者焚灭……但今天,却被迫用在了一个人身上……还是一个只有十九岁的年轻人! 而在这之前,已有大量的宗门弟子,甚至长老、阁主死在了他的手上。 一日之间,在苍风帝国呼风唤雨的焚天宗门,遭遇了噩梦般的重创……整体实力,都因此而元气大伤,甚至有可能就此一蹶不振。 看着云澈死在天火焚星阵中,他非但半点都笑不出来,反而只想嚎啕大哭,心中唯有无尽的凄凉与悲哀。如果再给他一次选择的机会,他哪怕丧尽尊严的一次次向云澈妥协,也绝不愿再招惹他半分。 “门主,你没事吧?” Several elders burning day came, gasping for breath road. Upon their common pain, each boy with a heavy, no one with the joy of color. "Well, if the door, or so elders in would be nice. If they were, justifiable and Yun Che, how can we be forced to this...... " "The sense of being all the elders on the home owners and too closed five hidden hidden for so many years, and already do not say things. Unless they develop, ... ... Alas. ” "Don't say that again. "Burn a wave of rains, stood up with a rocking, deep channel:" call all disciples to clean up, as well as prepare you lost elders, the Pavilion Lord's funeral ... ... Other things later. ” "Today a robbery, after all, is what we deserve! Since we burned door exhibition, from the elders, down to servant, excessive arrogance, defiant, if not, how could hate with Yun Che! Even taken as prisoners to their families! Such despicable acts, I finally brings retribution! "Burn the rains said, Yin Li's eyes swept the elders in the face, his gaze lowered his head to go to, a face of shame. So could degrade the despicable burning heavenly gate fame, if not supported by the Presbyterian Church, burning vast city even if you hate Yun Che, categorically dared not go it alone. These elders to avenge for elders and other people, can't wait to hand blade Yun Che to support plunder Yun Che family as bait, and keep up with burned in deep sorrow ... ... Their decision, Munekado encountered such a viselike disaster ... ... Thousands of disciples, over more than 20 Court of elders die and waste the fire of burning stars. Investigating further, they can be considered as the sinners burning heavenly gate. Elders have fanned out arrangements under the disciple of cleaning up the clutter. Since then, half a quarter of an hour in the past, burning disciples managed to slightly smooth the mood of the day. Fire burning stars deep purple flame still burning, the fire weakened not the slightest bit of ... ... According to the records of the ancestors, and flames of fire burning in stars, to burn a full quarter of an hour. At this time, an elder's eyes fell on top of a flame of fire burning in stars, out of disbelief: "look, black fire in the array, there seems to be some strange. ” Fire burning in stars were quiet until the violet flame burns, sinks into a sea of flames stirred evenly. At this time, flames rising road fire wave, wave and fire more and more bounce, manic ups and downs, as in violent struggles. Suddenly, the entire purple fire that has been holding up, slowly float upwards ... ... That's right! Is the fire on the floating! But rose higher and higher, ranging from half an inch to one foot, two feet ... ... With a uniform rise. This incredible burn to an extreme scene so that all your door all froze on the spot, astonishing. At first, they thought he had appeared an illusion ... ... But a person can be illusory, for all to see, all is illusion? Flames still rising, has gradually risen to a higher level ... ... While under fire, were silhouetted against a purple flame-shrouded figure. His left arm and hold a tiny girl in a coma, his right hand raised, Palm ... ... Purple fire that is burning! "Cloud ... ... Yun Che!! ” "Yun Che is!! ” Extremely alarmed the roars reverberated through the entire burn worse ... ... They thought were burnt into ashes by fire burning star Yun Che is not dead! Instead of dying, he is no injury at all! Even his clothing, his head, and the girl in his arms, not the slightest traces of burning. And the fire of burning star array generated by the fire, enough to kill Wang xuanlan's ultimate burning in the late days of inflammation, is Yun Che to Palm ... ... To hold up!! In this scene, was burned by all disciples, even the elders and main, astonished heart and gallbladder, break it. "Impossible ... ... Impossible ... ... Impossible ... ... Impossible ... ... No way!! How could there be such a thing!! "Burning virtual soft rains all over, even said it's unlikely the five, as a burning heavenly gate, he, when pupils huddled, shaking all over ... ... Terrible fire did not burn days hurt Yun Che half points, but he lifted, became of inflammation in his hand! Yun Che under bathed in purple light at this time, as the inflammation from the world of gods God, let all the people soul shudder of fear. 在茉莉说起这个攻击玄阵是纯粹的玄火之阵时,云澈就没有了任何的担心,任由自己被天火焚星阵吞没。火海之中,他收起雪凰兽,隔绝一切火焰,不让萧泠汐受到任何伤害,同时以邪神火种天下无双的控火之力,用了整整半刻钟的时间,将这片火海完全的纳入了自己的控制之中。 “想让我死?凭你们还不配!!”云澈咧着嘴,脸上布满着张狂的冷笑和疯狂的恨意:“就凭一个小小的玄火之阵,也想杀了我?简直痴人说梦……我本想直接脱离,一走了之。但我改变主意了,我忽然想知道这片火焰如果砸在你们焚天门之中……会是怎样的奇景!” 云澈的话,犹如恶魔之音,让所有人脸色大变,每个人的脸上,都露出的深深的惊恐。 “你……你……你敢!!”一个长老嘶声吼道,但他的脚步已是在恐惧中仓惶后退,然后一屁股坐倒在地上。整个人如风中残叶般瑟瑟抖。这片火海虽然恐怖,但之前是被限制在玄阵之中,不会外溢。但若真的被云澈砸向焚天门,这些恐怖的焚天之炎都化作最可怕的灾难之火,疯狂的焚烧、蔓延、淹没焚天门,其中所蕴含的的焚天之炎,将足以将近半个宗门焚成平地!在场的人如果被吞没其中,也将全部葬身!没有一个人可以幸免。 这片火海如真的就此被云澈抛下……焚天门就彻底的完了!! “嗯?你是说……我不敢?”云澈眼睛一眯,看向了那个说话的长老。那个长老全身一抖,嘴唇颤动,再也说不出半个字来。 “住手……住手!!”焚断魂向云澈的方向伸出手掌,一双眼睛满是血丝,他颤抖着声音道:“云澈……有话好说,有话好说……你千万不要冲动!” “嘿!我和你们这群焚天门的老狗们没有什么可说的!!” “不……不不!”焚断魂连忙摆手,整张面孔都惊恐中疯狂.抽搐:“这个世界上,没有化不开的恩怨……你……你先把手中的火放下,我们什么都可以商量,什么都可以化解……我们所犯的错,我们一定承担……之前的事,我亲自向你和你的家人道歉,你需要什么补偿,什么条件,只要你开口……我就算拼了命,我们也一定满足你!!” 这些话,是从焚天门主的口中说出,站在一个宗门的立场,这已是丧尽了宗门的尊严。但,焚断魂此时面对的,却是整个宗门被毁灭的威胁,只要能保住宗门,再屈辱十倍的话,他也必须去说。 但焚断魂低到尘埃里的妥协和求饶,换来的依然是云澈的冷笑。偌大一片焚天火海,又岂是那么容易控制的,他能支撑这么久,已是极限,三息之间,若他再不把火海推出,火海就会直接在他头顶上爆散。他看了一眼昏迷中的小姑妈,心中疼痛,更多的是恐惧与深深的后怕。因为焚天门,他和萧泠汐险些就天人相隔,爷爷此时也在他们手中,生死未卜。想到这些,他的怒火就无法控制的疯狂燃烧,愤怒的声音狂吼而出:“你们犯下的错……必须以毁灭的代价来偿还!全……部……去……死!!!!” 最后一个字落下,云澈的手臂猛然挥动,那片紫色火海带着漫天热浪,在无数双绝望的瞳孔之中,砸向了前方……
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Cap 336 desperate burning Tianmen
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Recommended reading: Murder Tianfeng read fairy paradise city academy plans to step beyond the bounds of the medical reality through the insanity new Manchurian my youth Love Story poor peasants have no problem big magic Jagged division commandos Lights one thousand nine hundred eighty-four
(www.exiaoshuo.com E novel), high-speed full-text reading online! Mysterious array below in the rotation, dozens root towering pillar of fire sealed the cloud Che all approach and retreat, these high temperature released pillar of fire, than the cloud Che played against any one of the burning days of the elders of the fire burning all day To terrible ten times. Outside the mysterious array, came a resentment of big roar: "Cloud Che, this time I see you how insolent even Jiuxuan Plough array can not do nothing for you, that you give me this day burnt to death under the constellation! it! can die in my burn days the gate of heaven burnt constellation, you in this life can be considered worth it! Day burnt star array bearer, I burn Tianmen highest level of fire burning days under fire this burning days, You will be a moment ...... ashes !! " Boom! ! Meanwhile dozens of towering pillar of fire burst open, and even into a deep purple flames, covered the entire sky burnt star array, cloud and Xiao Ling Xi Che completely engulfed them. Days burnt star array began approaching the ultimate degree of rotation, led the inflammation burning days of madness burning deep purple, mysterious array into everything burning up, burning and scorching blast of flavor straight diffuse throughout the burn Tianmen But Yan Zi of these gods but no trace of the mysterious array overflow outside, all burning in the mysterious array into, devouring all things which, for a long time immortal. Whole mysterious array, apart from the flame, no other. "Finally ...... dead!" a day to burn the knife fall to the ground powerless, those elders, who are all Gezhu Zuodao the ground, looking at the floor of the blood, messy, and that a long purple flames None statement. "Ancestral records, day burnt constellation of power, enough to Wang Xuan late stage strong are easily burn off the cloud Che is certain death. He should have been burnt into ash." Mo burn very panted crude gas, said the burning Lethal. Lethal same burning slumped ...... cloud Che died, and was burnt star array shrouded day, he absolutely could not live, but he is not the slightest joy all together. The day can be said to be burnt constellation burn days door Finally, and most powerful line of defense, if the number of doors in case suffered strength which is far better than their Japanese forces invaded, burnt constellation days once opened, will be sufficient to burn all the invaders Off ...... But today, I was forced to use in a person or a body ...... only nineteen-year-olds! Prior to this, there were a lot of disciples, even the elders, Gezhu died in his hands. One day, the rage in Cang wind Empire Munekado burning days, suffered a nightmare hit ...... overall strength, are therefore badly hurt, there may even this slump. Yun Chol looked dead in the days of burnt constellation, he not only has the slightest laugh, but just crying, only endless desolate hearts with sorrow. If you give him a chance to choose, even if it ruined his dignity again and again to the cloud Che compromise, and never lost their desire to provoke him a half minutes. "The door Lord, are you okay?" burn days Some elders came up, breathing heavily Road. Their body generally wounding, and all of a looking heavy, no one with the joy of color. "Well, if it is too home owners, or too much on the elders in just fine. If they are, why fear a cloud Che, and how we might be forced to the point ......" "Too home owners too much on the elders have a sense of closure V. Qianxiu hidden for so many years, and have long, but asked what were the door. unless they appear, otherwise ...... alas. " "Do not say that again." Lethal burning a wave, shaking stood up, Shen Channel: "bringing together all the disciples clean up the site, as well as prepare you gone elders, Gezhu funeral ...... other things, a later date. " " Today, unharmed, after all, still burning days we blame our door exhibition so far,! On to the elders, down to the servants, both outer excessive arrogance, arrogant, if not so, how will cloud Che forged so hate! Finally, even captive to their families! So despicable act, finally attracted such retribution! "Burning Lethal spoke, Yin Li's eyes swept the elders of a face, his gaze is everyone hung his head, a look of shame. So might degrading burning Tianmen prestigious despicable act, if not supported by the Presbyterian, the burning of the city even then absolutely hate cloud Chol, also categorically not dare be so self-assertion. These elders as revenge for the great elders, who are can not wait to hand edge cloud Che, to support captive Yun Chul family as bait, and hiding together under the burning Lethal ...... is their decision, let Munekado encounter such a monstrous disaster ...... thousands of disciples, more than twenty elders Gezhu violent death, also spent the day burnt constellation. If held up, they can be regarded as sinners burn days door. The elders have spread, arrange subglottic disciples to clean up messy Munekado unbearable. Suddenly, over the past quarter of an hour and a half, the burning day emotions disciples finally slightly smooth a little. The days of burnt constellation of purple flame still burning, the fire has not diminished the slightest ...... but according to records left by the ancestors, the day burnt constellation flame, to burn a whole quarter of an hour. At this time, an elder's eyes suddenly fell on top of the burnt-day constellation flame, mouth and out bewildered voice: "You look, mysterious array of fire, it seems a little strange." constellation in the sky burnt It has been in the quiet before burning purple fire, which merged into a sea of flame waves evenly. But this time, but the flames rising from the fire lines in waves, and the waves more and more fire, ran up and down, manic ups and downs, like something in a violent struggle. Suddenly, the whole purple flames are what hold Jingru general, slowly floated upward ...... right! The entire flames floating! And rose higher and higher, from half a foot to a foot to two feet ...... with a uniform elevated significantly. This incredible scene so extreme burning all day the door were all Dai Li on the spot, dumbfounded. The first time, they thought he was hallucinating all ...... but a person can be an illusion that everyone can see, is an illusion it? Flames still on the rise, gradually rose to the height of a man's height ...... and under the flames, reflected a figure shrouded in purple flames. Tightly holding his left arm in a coma delicate girl, holding his right hand, above the palm ...... is that flaming purple flames! "Cloud ...... Cloud Che !!" "Che cloud !!" extremely frightened roar resounded through the entire burning Tianmen ...... they thought were days constellation burning burnt into ashes cloud Che did not die! Not only did not die, he simply is no injury! Even his dress, his head, and his arms girl, have not been the slightest traces of burning. The entire day burnt constellation derived flames, enough to kill Yan Wang Xuan ultimate burn days late, even by cloud Che ...... palms to prop up! ! This scene, so that all the disciples burn days, even the elders and the main door, killing all heart guts horror. "Impossible ...... impossible ...... impossible ...... impossible ...... impossible !! how could such a thing !!" Lethal body burn virtual soft, mouth can not even say five, as the burning of Tianmen Lord, he was actually a pupil at this time huddle, whole body shaking ...... terror flames burning days and did not hurt to cloud Che half points, but that he hold up, became the inflammation of his hands! At this time bathed in purple clouds fire Che, as Yan God from the world of God, so that all people fear trembling soul. Speaking of the mysterious attack in jasmine array is purely array of mysterious fire, cloud Che, there is no fear of any let themselves be swallowed day burnt constellation. Flames, he put away the snow beast Phoenix, isolated all flames, do not let any harm Xiao Ling Xi, while Cthulhu kindling fire force control unparalleled in the world, with a full quarter of an hour and a half, this film completely in flames into his own control. "I want to die with you are not fit !!?" Cloud Che grinning, his face covered with insolent sneer and frenzied hatred: "Relying on a small array of mysterious fire, and tried to kill me ? I wanted to simply nonsense ...... direct detachment walk away, but I changed my mind, I suddenly want to know this flame burning days if you hit the door into ...... wonders what will! " Cloud Che words as if the devil's voice, so that all face became pale, everyone's face, they are exposed deep panic. "You ...... you ...... you dare !!" an elder hissed and roared, but his pace is desperate retreat in fear, then a butt Zuodao on the ground. Grottoes whole person in the wind like shivering. Although this piece of flames horror, but before the array is limited to being mysterious, does not spill. But if the cloud was really Che door slams burning days, these days of terror inflammation burning fire are turned into the most terrible disaster, frantic burning, spread, burning days submerged gate, Yan burning days of the implied will Nearly half of these doors is sufficient to burn into the ground! The presence of people if swallowed which will all perish! No one can escape. This piece of flames as this really is a cloud Che thrown ...... burning days door completely finished! ! "Ah? ...... I dare say you are?" Says Che a blind eye to see that talking to the elders. The elders body flick, lips trembling, unable to utter a word about coming. "Stop ...... Stop !!" Lethal burning cloud in the direction of Che out of hand, a pair of eyes full of bloodshot, his voice trembling, said: "Cloud Che ...... have something to say, have something to say ...... you do not ! impulse " "Hey! I'm with you these burning days old dog door had nothing to say!" "No, no, no ......" Lethal burn quickly waved, the whole face were horrified crazy convulsions:. "! this world, no intractable scores ...... you ...... you put in the hands of the fire down, what we can discuss what can be resolved ...... we made ​​mistake, we must assume things before ......, I personally apologize to you and your family, what you need to compensate for, what conditions, if you open ...... I even mad, we must also meet you !! " These words are spoken from the mouth of the main door of the burning day, standing in a number of doors stance, which has ruined the dignity of the cases is the door. However, this time facing the burning Lethal, but it is the threat of the destruction of the entire case of the door, as long as can keep these doors, then humiliation ten times, he would have to say. But burning Lethal low to the dust of compromise and mercy, in exchange for cloud Che still sneer. A huge flames burning days, How can it be so easy to control, he can support so long, it is the limit between the three interest, if he still refuses to launch the flames, the flames will be directly above his head burst loose. He glanced at the small aunt coma, heart pain, more fear and deeply scared. Because burning days door, he and Xiao Ling Xi an effort to Heaven apart, this time my grandfather also their hands, dead or alive. Think of these, could not control his anger crazy burn, angry voice howling out:! "Wrong committed by ...... you must repay the full cost of destruction to go ...... ...... ...... portion dead !!! ! " The last word falls, cloud Che's arm suddenly waving purple patch of sky with flames heat wave, in countless pairs of despair among pupils, pound the front ......

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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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