第330章 重创焚断魂 雷霆般的声音席卷整个焚天门,甚至激荡起一层薄薄的沙尘。焚天门内的弟子纷纷抬头……焚天门的上空,赫然飘浮着一个通体雪白 การแปล - 第330章 重创焚断魂 雷霆般的声音席卷整个焚天门,甚至激荡起一层薄薄的沙尘。焚天门内的弟子纷纷抬头……焚天门的上空,赫然飘浮着一个通体雪白 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第330章 重创焚断魂 雷霆般的声音席卷整个焚天门,甚至激荡起一层薄薄

第330章 重创焚断魂































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 330 Grande burn rains Like thunder across the burnt gate, even stirring up a thin layer of dust. Burning heavenly gate disciples have looked up ... ... Burning heavenly gate, and floating a full-bodied white, majestic bird, a cold power from its body, release, on its back, stands a full body black, listless young man, his body, releasing a strong essence of Judah, made their full horror to her death. The odd-shaped sword in his hand, as a roar of anger and evil dragons, people just looking to touch and feel a deep sense of suffocation. "Cloud ... ... Yun Che!! ” "Beneath him that is ... ... Ice cloud fairy snow Phoenix beasts! ” Burning heavenly gate, immediately sounded an exclamation.Yun Che's reputation, has not only limited to civil. Even in the four-door, he is also a very powerful name, especially when he stirred burn vast City wedding, also in the eight-day black player's escort after the injury, he became at the burnt gate was the most mentioned name. Subsequently, began to spread among eight people led by the elders to assassinate Yun Che, but rumors of being killed seven, he almost became a near-demonization of all population figures. Most people do not see Yun Che, but he hands-EPEE Dragon, has already become a symbol of his identity. Pieces of spoil Yun Che family information just came in the door, a lot of people still don't know what happened, Yun Che, it has directly they burn over the gate. Those seen Yun Che, or has been questioned, even people who don't believe in his power, in the sense that momentum from Yun Che and murderous, without alteration.Yun Che's eyes like a hawk, straight spines look in the eyes of every corner of the ... ... A full 6,000 miles, he does not eat or drink or sleep, without a moment's arrival, snow Phoenix beasts beneath him, was overdraw a strength, even overdraft Shou Yuan. Time burning heavenly gate he came from Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi is here, only bad about half an hour! After 6,000 miles of running, his anger has not dissipated, the spirit, it is not the slightest bit of exhaustion under the impact of anger and resentment, his chest, blood, soul ... ... Are all murderous impulse! Burning heavenly gate Chambers, two sky from ... ... One is burning heavenly gate main burned in deep sorrow, the other, you are burning heavenly Gate two elders burned Morris. They appeared, burning heavenly gate disciples bow flurried around: "the Lord ... ... Two elders! ” They burned deep sorrow and burning call Mo Yun Che binocular ling, eyes firmly locked on them. Rains and burning-burning is also the first time I saw Yun Che Mo real touch Yun Che look, and fear in their minds a bit, but his momentum, is that they cannot not scared ... ... Only occult six mysterious atmosphere, was released with a feeling that they are suffocating. However, here is the burn worse site ... ... Is burning heavenly gate where the Millennium Foundation and, where they do not fear anyone! Even sword Villa too shangzhuang primary ... ... They are surprised, but how will I fear! Yun Che come morning time than they had expected too much, but Yun Che, come, they just met. In their eyes, Yun Che of today is already kome. Burn not very swift before flying to Yun Che's back, shouted: "you are Yun Che? For good! You owe us burning heavenly gate, and today gives me a lot of return! ”Owed to you? "Yun Che binocular round stare, he of anger almost to into real of flame from eyes in spray out:" I really regret in you sent burn Mo away from old dog killed I zhihou, I no immediately revenge back, instead idiot as of left has a points room...... "Yun Che binocular suddenly of steering burn rains, tightly of at with he, eye in full with endless of taunt, and contempt and resentment:" burn Tianmen thousand years cases door, thousand years famous! While burning vast sinister, MO from two near misses me, burn to death, but beyond these individuals, I am burning heavenly gate, burning heavenly gate main burned in deep sorrow to you, always have a minimum of respect for, but ... ... I was blind! Even if a thousand grudges, hatred, are the one for me, you can shout at me alone! And you ... ... Make a move that made such a shameless! This is the burning heavenly gate has thousands of years of history! I don't think ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you! ” Yun Che cut like a sharp knife, poke burning rains the key, although he is calm on the surface, but agitated, mouth is saying a Word. Such as, he takes pride not shame, but people have been abducted, Yun Che has rage to, in addition to have him blocked here, there's no other way. Burn never growled: "you killed my three main, kill my brother, my little host and the little beast! As long as they can kill you, comfort me his grave three little Lord and brother, not by any means too much! Since you came here today, I die! ” “受死!?”云澈冷笑,随之怒气如爆发的火焰一样骤然释放,低沉的声音,如魔鬼的低吟,传遍了整个焚天门的少空:“我给你们最后一次机会……马上放了我的爷爷和小姑妈,我还可以考虑只杀焚绝城和焚绝尘!否则……我必你焚天门上下……寸草不生!!” “死到临头,居然还如此狂妄自大,真是天大的笑话,我今天就亲自了结了你!” 焚莫极一声高吼,手臂一甩,一把紫色的焚天刀已抓在手中,刀身挥舞,窜起一道近二十丈之长的火舌,隔空斩向云澈。 云澈到来后所引发的动静,已引发整个焚天门的轰动,这么多年以来,还从来没有谁在焚天门的宗门驻地如此张狂。几乎所有焚天门人的目光都集中在了上空,大量的人群涌了过去,这些人中,上至长老、阁主、堂主、护法,下至普通弟子……数量足有十数万之多。 看到焚莫极出手,一些焚天弟子都兴奋的惊呼起来……因为他们之中大多数,还从未见过有着天玄境十级恐怖实力的二长老出手。天玄境十级,纵然在焚天门之内,也是最最巅峰的层次。焚莫极一出手,那巨大的声势和波及百丈的热浪如无数焚天弟子两眼放光。紫色火舌横扫而去,直切向云澈的喉咙,云澈身影未动,就在火舌距离他还有不到一尺之遥时,他的手掌如闪电般伸出,一把抓在火舌上,一股狂暴的力量沿着火舌,瞬间传导至焚莫极的手上。 "Ah! ” In Yun Che with Palm caught to purple tongues Shi, people thought Yun Che of right hand will was moments cut, whole only arm also will firing Coke, but any who are didn't thought, issued screaming of, was is burn Mo very, screaming sound in the, he holds knife of Palm blood spent splash, Tiger directly collapse into a beach rotten meat, burn days knife sold and out, was Yun Che led with tongues directly sucking to himself hands...... Ping!!! Follow burn don't very much, knife grade black advanced burn day, Yun Che Palm ... ... Directly into two paragraphs. Fracture of the body falling from the sky at the same time, when the landing, with "when" a snapping. "What ... the ... What ... ... What ... ... What!! ” In this scene, as a nine-day black Ray bombardment in their deep inside and let all fear-stricken. Able to defeat the burned Mo, Yun Che natural high strength of the mark. Burn but don't even have no idea, Yun Che was strong to the point that only a brief glimpse of it is very easy to take away his weapon directly, destroying his attack, was hit by the Palm of his hand ... ... Come back, burning Maupin said, Yun Che's strength is likely to close too the door, they did no one believes, but at the moment, he suddenly began to realize that burning of Maupin, appears not to be alarmist. "That's your response? That's good. "Yun Che dump debris burn days in the hands of a knife, cold face, began floating road grim:" you son of a bitch, a bitch today, I in this nasty burn worse ... ... Good drink!! ”“死!!” 云澈一声暴吼,龙阙剑出,一声愤怒的龙吟化破天际,直冲焚断魂和焚莫极而去。 “门主,二长老,小心!!!” 下方,焚莫平看到云澈出手,口中发出骇然呼喊……他是在场所有人中,唯一一个亲眼见识过云澈实力的人。他比任何人都清楚,十几天前,焚莫离之死,不仅仅是被云澈击败那么简单……而根本就是单纯的碾压!强大无比,有着半步王玄之威的焚莫离,在云澈的手上几乎连挣扎、逃走的能力都没有,便遭遇惨死! 以云澈的实力和此时的怒火,如果单独对上焚断魂和焚莫极中的任何一人……他们都绝不可能活过五个照面! “小辈敢尔!!” 极度的震惊之余,焚断魂和焚莫极都再也不敢轻敌,他们甚至开始后悔就这么两个人直接当先面对向了云澈。他们同时出手,两道粗壮的紫炎融合在一起,带着冲天热浪迎向云澈。 轰!!!紫炎与龙阙相撞,只一瞬间就被绞成漫天散乱的火花,焚断魂和焚莫极大惊失色,全身玄力涌上,结合两人的全部力量,硬生生挡住了云澈的重剑。 僵持只持续了短短一息的时间,焚断魂和焚莫极还没来得及喘息,重剑上的后力猛然袭来,将焚断魂的右臂和焚莫极左臂同时摧断,然后又如一口万钧大锤般狠狠的轰在他们的胸口上。 暴怒之下的云澈心中没有丝毫的犹豫与怜悯,出手奇重无比,焚断魂和焚莫极同时仰口喷血,倒飞而去,拖起两道长长的血雾。 这两个人在云澈手中仅仅两个照面便惨败的人绝不是什么阿猫阿狗,他们一人,是名震天下,有着天玄境九级神威的焚天门主,另一人,是在长老中仅次于焚莫离,玄力高达天玄境十级的焚莫极,两个都是处在当世最巅峰的人物。但他们两人联合,却在暴怒的云澈手下,转眼之间惨败重伤。 这样的画面,宛若不可思议而又无比可怕的梦魇,狠狠冲击着所有焚天弟子的灵魂。 “休伤我门主……受死!! 焚天门的强者们在这时从四面八方涌上,足足数以千计的蓝、紫火龙冲天而起,噬向云澈,云澈被无数道焚天之火汇成的火焰风暴完全的淹没其中,如此的攻击,就算是同修焚天之火的焚莫离也足以焚成焦炭,但他却没有受到一丝一毫的伤害,火焰风暴之中,传出着他愤怒、残忍而张狂的咆哮:“来的好……来的越多越好!省的我浪费时间去把你们一个个的找出来送入地狱!!”章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 330th chapter hit thunder sound
duanhun burning across the Fantian door, even stirring up a thin layer of dust. Fantian door disciple have looked up...... Above the burning Tianmen, impressively floating with a white quintana, majestic bird, a stream of cold ferocity from its body far release, its back, stood a whole body of black, looked indifferent to the poles of the young man, his body, the release of strong to uruo substance, let them full of hair cold horror murder. He hands the odd shaped huge sword, as the Dragon roar of anger, let a person is just touching the eyes, they begin to feel a deep asphyxia.

"Cloud...... Clouds!!" It is under him

"...... Ice snow fairy beast phoenix!"

Fantian inside the door, suddenly sounded again and exclaimed.
clouds fame big, has not only limited to the folk. Even in the four large door, he is also a name for a very shocking, especially he stirred the burning city wedding, convoy was eight days Xuan master will seriously injured, he became the in Tianmen burn was the most mentioned by name. Later, Pope door began to spread the elders lead eight people to kill Che Yun, is back to kill seven rumors. He almost became a all population in a near demonized characters.

Most people haven't seen clouds, but he was in the hands of the dragon shaped Epee, but has become a symbol of his identity. Zong men captive to cloud Che family news just in case the door came, many people also don't know what happened, Che Yun, he was already coming directly over their burning Tianmen. Those not seen in the cloud Che, or has been in question, or even completely believe his strength, in the perception to from Che Yun that momentum and murderous look, without exception, agitatedly change color.
clouds binocular like a hawk, every corner at the sight of the straight thorns...... For six thousand years, he did not drink, do not eat all the way around the clock, not for a moment,Under him the snow Phoenix beast, but also for the overdraft physical overdraft, even Shou yuan. He burned the Tianmen time arrival, distance Xiao and Xiao Lingxi were brought to lie here, only Campbell poor half an hour!

and six thousand miles of running after, his anger did not the slightest bit of dissipation and spirit, but also under the impact of anger and resentment without the slightest bit of tired, his chest, blood and soul... It's all a murder! Burn hall Tianmen

two, sky...... A, is the main burning burning Tianmen duanhun, another, is burning Tianmen two elders burn Mo pole. They appear,Around the Fantian disciples worship: "Lord in the door hurriedly...... Two elders!" To burn and burn them
duanhun Mo pole called clouds let a Ling, eyes tightly locked on them.

burn lethal and burning Mo pole are also first saw cloud Che reality, touch Che Yun's eyes, their hearts simultaneously fright, and his body momentum is so that they can not scared... Obviously only the mysterious atmosphere of the six level, but the release of a let them have some sense of suffocation. However, here is the burning of Tianmen...... The door is burning the Millennium foundation and location, here, they don't have to fear anyone!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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