“父皇,你你怎么忽然说起这个。”苍万壑的话让苍月一时间手足无措,用力的扯了一下苍万壑的衣服,神色半是慌张但悄悄投向云澈的眸光,透着极力掩饰的 การแปล - “父皇,你你怎么忽然说起这个。”苍万壑的话让苍月一时间手足无措,用力的扯了一下苍万壑的衣服,神色半是慌张但悄悄投向云澈的眸光,透着极力掩饰的 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


“父皇,你你怎么忽然说起这个。”苍万壑的话让苍月一时间手足无措,用力的扯了一下苍万壑的衣服,神色半是慌张但悄悄投向云澈的眸光,透着极力掩饰的期待。 苍万壑说这些话是什么意思,只要不是傻子都听的一清二楚。而且他说这些话时,苍月就在旁边。有她在,云澈当然无法在言语上搪塞。他嘴唇动了动,目光与苍月的眸光稍一碰触,然后一脸正色的道:“皇上,我和师姐两情相悦,曾经共历过患难与生死,也曾有过一生的承诺。只是那个时候,我却并不知道雪若师姐居然就是苍月公主。我云澈只是一介凡夫,只要师姐愿意,只要皇上不嫌弃,我这一生,一定会用自己的生命去保护师姐,绝不相负。” “云师弟”苍月嘴唇颤动,美眸一瞬间水雾迷蒙。 云澈,有你这番话,朕这辈子最大的牵挂,也算是放下了。你可以为了自己的亲人,不惜冲冠一怒灭掉整个焚天门,朕便知道你绝对是一个重情重义之人。月儿交给你,朕可以万分放心,哈哈哈哈。” 苍万壑由衷的大笑着。云澈此时的实力、影响力,已达到了苍风之巅,他让剑圣落败,让苍风所有宗门战栗,让堂堂萧宗不惜万里登门以求妥协。若是苍月可以嫁给他,那么,以他的实力、威慑力和对亲人那近乎极致的保护,他便可以放下10000个人。而整个皇室,也将因此而无比强势的崛起! 苍万壑身后的东方休也是点头微笑起来。 苍万壑大笑声停止,然后神色一转,一本正经的道:“你们既然是两情相悦,那也便没什么问题了,两个月后的初八,是这一年最吉利之日,便在这皇宫之中,把你俩的婚事办了,你们俩可有什么异议?” “啊!”苍月一声娇呼,她全然没有想到,苍万壑居然忽然就提到了婚事。 “啊这这这个”虽然早有预感,但苍万壑一口就定在两个月之后,让他也是一时间措手不及:“这个会不会有点太急了” “太急?哪里急了?”苍万壑一瞪眼,声音直接高了八度:“月儿今年二十有一,早该嫁人了。你今年也已满19,也早该娶妻。宫中人手众多,两个月时间,别说一场大婚,十场都准备的过来,哪里急了!?” “父皇”苍月拽了拽苍万壑的衣角,垂着螓首,有些扭捏的道:“这件事这件事父皇是不是太草率了一些再说,云师弟他在三年前已有了妻室,再娶的话,是不是应该先” “这个朕当然知道!”苍万壑一摆手:“这年头,哪个男人不是三妻四妾,这根本不是个事儿!云澈啊,19岁才一房妻子,作为男人,朕可都有点鄙视你啊。就算你自己这方面不上进,你也该顾虑下你爷爷的” 说道“爷爷”二字,苍万壑一拍脑门:“朕居然把这么重要的事给忘了萧老兄,哦不,萧前辈,你是云澈的长辈,他的婚事,当然要经过你的许可。你看如何?” 苍万壑这声“萧前辈”是叫的心甘情愿。他为苍月之父,萧烈是云澈的祖父,若是两人成婚,萧烈在辈分上可就实打实是他的长辈了。 这件事,萧烈当然不会有半点反对。自己的孙儿娶苍风皇室唯一的公主,这在之前,是他做梦都不敢想的事。而且两人分明早已感情笃深,他又怎么会有丝毫犹豫。他笑呵呵的道:“澈儿能娶公主殿下为妻,是他三生之幸,这件事,我当然不会有反对之言。就看皇上,和两位小辈的意思了。”他转向云澈,声音平和的道:“澈儿,你和苍月公主既已互许一生,那么早日结为夫妇,又有何不可?若是时间上不便,你大可提出来,让皇上再定时日便是。” 从天剑山庄御剑台离开后的这段时间,云澈赴皇城、赴雪域、回新月流云、赴苍火没有一天的停歇,也从未有闲暇去想到“成婚”二字。苍万壑忽然提起时,他本能的失措,但缓缓的镇定下来,他忽然觉得,这明明是一件很美好的事。 他喜欢苍月,不是因为她公主的身份,而是因为她是不知不觉刻印在他心间的雪若师姐。 他愧对了苓儿 他丢失了楚月婵 现在,苍月就在身边,自己不正应该把她牢牢的抓住,让她永远属于自己吗? 他看向苍月,苍月也在这时悄然看向他,从她的眸光中,他看到了忐忑、失措但更多的,是期盼和羞喜。他不自觉的笑了起来,脸上那少许的慌乱全部消失,他向苍万壑行礼,斩钉截铁的道:“能娶师姐为妻,也是我云澈今生之愿。感谢皇上成全,一切,就依皇上之言。” “好!好!好!!”苍万壑连说三个好字,然后仰起头来,畅快淋漓的大笑起来,直笑的眼角溢出泪痕。 在这时,云澈忽然感觉到外面传来一缕异样的玄力波动,随之,这缕气息忽然浮空而起,然后以极快的速度向北远去。 这是倾月的气息? 她一直在外面?那么之间他们所说的话,她全部听在了耳中。 等等,她所去的方向,还有越来越快的速度分明是要离开皇宫! “速速昭告天下,朕的苍月公主将于两月之后与云澈完婚!让文院速拟请帖,广邀天下” 半刻钟后,苍万壑的吼声便在宫中响起,原本安静的皇室也顿时如炸开锅一般变得喧闹一片。而夏倾月却是不辞而别 不知不觉,两个月过去。 苍风国的这两个月并不平静,而不平静的原因只有一个那便是苍月公主与云澈的大婚。 原本,公主成婚虽然算是半个举国欢庆的事,但也只限于平民之间,与那些宗门可以说毫无干系。但加上另一方云澈,那可就是全然不同的两个概念了。 一个灭掉焚天门,重伤凌天逆,现年仅仅只有19岁的人,他的未来,只能用不可估量来形容。他无疑让无数人崇拜敬仰,也同样让无数人忌惮和恐惧,如今他大婚之时,正是他们表现的机会,若是能亲自到场,就算能给他留下丁点印象,那也是巨大无比的收获。另一方面,其他宗门都去,若是自己不去,那无疑有不敬之嫌,云澈连焚天门都能说灭就灭了,若是当真引起这祖宗不满,灭满门还不跟玩似的。 一时间,无论大宗门小宗门,收到和没收到请柬的,都开始忙活起来,绞尽脑汁的去找寻各种能让云澈满意,最好是能让他留心的贺礼,为此,各大主城的拍卖会场场爆满,黑月商会一旦有什么奇珍异宝出现,各大宗门都会第一时间蜂拥而上为此,还起了不少次大大小小的宗门之争。 风华城,位于苍风之西,是苍风国比较大的几个主城之一。 此时,在风华城的一个酒馆中,几桌人在各自攀谈着。 “三天后,就是云澈和苍月公主的大婚之日了,这次,我们宗门费尽千辛万苦,也只寻得一块3000年的血参,就是不知道上不上得了台面。”一个中年玄者饮了口酒道。虽然话上含蓄,但脸上却分明闪过自得的神采。血参本就稀少,3000年的血参更是无价之宝。 “华门主过谦了,我们宗也才勉勉强强凑到三块龙纹紫玉,怕是到时候都没脸拿出手啊。”另一个中年人一脸“惭愧”的道。 同桌的另一人道:“李某这次没寻到什么像样的贺礼,和两位门主比起来,简直是不堪一提。不过,李某人倒是把女儿带来了,嘿嘿,嘿嘿嘿嘿。” 他这笑一露出来,另外两人岂会不知道他的想法,顿时齐齐嗤鼻:“你这是要玩美人计?得了吧!云澈的正妻夏倾月美若天仙,不亚于当年的楚月婵,是公认的苍风第一美女,被他搞怀孕的楚月婵更不必说。苍月公主同样国色天香,身份更是尊贵无比,他会看上你女儿?不是打击你,他怕是连正眼看一眼都嘿嘿。” 李姓玄者却是一点都不生气,眯着眼睛道:“看来两位的消息不够灵通啊。我可是听说,两个月前,萧宗大长老萧薄云亲自带了三个貌美如花的28少女去向云澈献礼啧啧,云澈可是照单全收。他现在20岁不到,正是男人最血气方刚的时候,这个年纪的男人会嫌身边女人多?我女儿的相貌虽然不能和夏倾月相比,但也万中无一,若是被云澈看上,就算给他当个丫鬟侍妾什么的,那也是一步登天,到时候嘿,还有谁敢招惹我们碎玉宗。” 一番话,直说的对面两人面色呆滞,嘴唇直哆嗦,直恨自己没能生个国色天香的女儿。 这时,一行四人走进了酒馆之中,他们步履缓慢,眼神高傲,每个人都是一副高高在上,俯视众生的样子。 酒馆之中,有不少是赶路去皇城的宗主级人物,这样的目光和姿态让他们不爽之极。四个人走到唯一的空桌之上,还未坐下,一张镶金的请柬便“啪”的拍在了酒桌之上,四人的神色,也变得更加傲然。 看到那张请柬,整个酒馆顿时安静一片,一些人眼睛发直,当场屏息。 “是请柬!” “看到了说话小点声,只有实力排在前百的宗门才有请柬,我们惹不起。” “唉,大宗门就是好。我们这些没有请柬的,估计连偏厅都进不去。” “我认出来了!那是铁掌宗!穿青色衣服的那个便是铁掌宗的宗主!据说玄力已是天玄境五级。铁掌门是西北一带三霸之一,在之前的排位战,可是排在第27位!” 铁掌宗的人一亮出请柬,整个酒馆都安静了许多,之前的热闹攀谈,顿时变成了窃窃私语。四人缓缓坐下,用一种上位者的目光扫视了一下周围,脸上的傲慢清晰可见。 “这种实力的货色,在排位战居然能排到27位?呵呵我不是在听笑话吧?” 酒馆的一个角落,一个略显陈旧的桌子上坐着三个人,中间的年轻男子看上去20多岁,一身麒麟袍,剑眉星目,气质不凡,束起的头发黑中带赤,他把玩着手中酒杯,面带淡笑。说话的也便是他,他的声音绝不算小,但酒馆之中的其他人却没有一个人听到,似是他的声音被某种看不到的结界隔绝。 与其同桌的,是两个看上去五六十岁的老者,一个一身黑袍,一个一身赤袍,眼神都沉淀着一种让人无法看透的深邃。黑袍老者淡淡的道:“殿下不必惊讶,在苍风国,灵玄已是高手,地玄可为导师,天玄已可为万人敬仰的一代宗师,天玄后期几近无敌。王座则如凤毛麟角,除了四大宗门,再无宗门有王座的存在。这个宗门的宗主天玄五级,在苍风玄界,已算得上是一等一的宗门。”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
"Father, how did you suddenly say this. "Pale among thousands of pale Moon time loss, pulling a bit pale among thousands of clothes, looking half panic but quietly into Yun Che's eyes, shows trying to hide looks. Pale he said what do these words mean, if not a fool to listen to clear. And when he said these words, pale moon on the side. Girl, Yun Che cannot prevaricate on the speech. His lips moved, eyes and pale eyes a slight touch of the month, and then a face normal way: "your Majesty, my sister and the two lovers, once calendar thick with life and death, there have been a lifetime commitment. Just at that time, I do not know if the sister is Snow Princess pale moon. I Yun Che is a common, if sisters are willing to, as long as the Emperor don't mind, my life, will use their own lives to protect school mates, not negative. "" Brother "pale Moon lips quivering, eyes an instant spray mist. Yun Che, your words, my greatest concern, is also down. You can order your own loved ones, at the rushing Crown anger destroy the entire burning heavenly gate, I knew you were a heavy feeling heavy righteousness. Moon over to you, I can rest assured that, HA HA HA HA. "Pale among thousands of hearty laughs. Yun Che's strength and influence, have reached top of the dark wind, he defeated juggernaut, let all the were Sofu tremble, Xiao Zong at thousands of miles in order to compromise. If blue month to marry him, then, with his strength, deterrence and protection of the family, bordering on the extreme, he can put 10,000 people. And the entire royal family, will also be very strong as a result of rising! Pale behind among thousands East Hugh nodded and smiled. Pale among thousands of laughter to stop and look around, straight face: "since you were two lovers, that's no problem, and two months later the day, is the most auspicious day of the year, then in the Palace, do your marriage, you both can have any objections? ” “啊! "Charming with a pale Moon, she thought, pale among thousands of suddenly mentioned marriage. "This this" had a hunch, but pale million two months later, he, he was caught in time: "this is a bit too fast," "too quickly? Where nasty? "Pale among thousands of stare, high voice an octave:" Moon, 20, should get married. You also this year has reached 19, would already take a wife. Large Palace staff, two months, let alone a marriage, ten were ready to come, wait!? "" Father "drag drag pale pale month among thousands of skirts, hanging Qin song, some shy:" this father thing it is too hasty to say, cloud brother three years ago, he had a wife, remarried, should we not take "" the course I know! "Pale among thousands of a hand:" these days, which man is not polygamy, this was not a business! Yun Che, 19, is a wife, as a man, I can be a little contempt for you. Even if you do not make progress in this regard, you should worry about your grandfather, "says," Grandpa "the word pale among thousands of forehead:" I actually forgot such an important thing Siew dude, Oh no, Shaw senior, you are Yun Che elders, his marriage, with your permission, of course. What do you think? "Pale among thousands that" Shaw predecessor "is called the willingness. Him as the father of pale Moon, Xiao Lie Yun Che's grandfather, if two people marry, may actually be on the Xiao Lie in the context of his elders. This matter, Xiao Lie, of course without any opposition. His grandson married Sofu only Princess of the Royal family, and before this, was he did not dare think about it. And both had Benedict deep feelings, how can he have the slightest hesitation. He was smiling and said: "Che son to marry the Princess for his wife, was his great, fortunate that this incident, and I'm certainly not against words. The Emperor, and two Juniors, meaning. "He turned to Yun Che, quietly:" Che son, and pale Princess has promised you life, then married as soon as possible, and why not? If time inconvenience, you can come and ask Emperor and then set the time. "Jian manor from heaven imperial sword left after this period of time, Yun Che went to the Imperial City, snow, back to Crescent cloud, pale fire is not a day of rest, has never had the leisure to think of" married "two characters. Pale among thousands of suddenly when he lost, but slowly calmed down, he suddenly thought, clearly this is a very good thing. He likes dark months, not because of her Princess status, but because she is unconsciously etched in his heart if snow masters. He was unworthy of Ling he lost chuyuechan and now, pale moon on the side, I should be firmly seized her, so she will always belong to you? He looked pale Moon, dark months also quietly to him, seen in her eyes, he sees apprehension and lost, but more of, is hope and shame. He unconsciously started to laugh, the little panic on his face disappeared, Cang among thousands, he bowed to him, firmly: "sister can marry him and Yun Che I wish in this life. Thank the Emperor fulfilled all, according to the word of the emperor. ” “好! All right! Well! "Pale among thousands even say three words, then looked up, dripping laughing, laughing eyes overflowing tears. At this time, Yun Che suddenly felt there was a strange plume of black power fluctuations, then, this scent suddenly float up and at a very fast speed away to the North. This is the lean months in the air? She had been outside? So what they say, she's all ears. Wait a minute, she went, still faster and speed is to leave the Palace! "Quick to tell the whole world, pale Princess will be in two months after I married and Yun Che! Speed to be invitations, invite the world "half a quarter of an hour later, sounded pale among thousands of roaring in the Palace, quiet Royal suddenly became like a frying boiling noise. While the lean summer months are left before you know it, two months in the past. Sofu two months did not calm, but not quiet because there is only one that is pale Princess Yun Che's wedding. Originally, the Princess married a half-celebrating thing, but only between the civilian, who can say nothing. But Yun Che together with the other party, it's completely different concepts. Extinguish burning heavenly gate, injured Ling inverse,, only 19 years old, and his future, can only be described as incalculable. He no doubt made millions of people worship worship, also many people dread and fear, when he married, they get the chance to, if it is able to appear in person, even can leave little impression, that's huge gains. On the other hand, if they are not, it would be disrespectful and discourteous, Yun Che even can speak out against the burnt gate, if it really caused the dissatisfaction of his ancestors, fight begins is not like a play. Time, regardless of bulk door small door, received and confiscated to invitations of, are began busy up, racked of to find various can let Yun Che satisfaction, best is can let he watch of gifts, for, the big main city of auction venue field full, black months Chamber of Commerce once has what treasures appeared, the bulk door will first time swarming for, also up has many times greatly small of cases door of race. Fenghua city, located in the West of Sofu, Cang of wind one of several main cities. At this point, in a pub in Fenghua city, several tables of people in their conversation. "After three days, is Yun Che and pale Moon Princess's wedding day, this time we were Pilgrim, also found only one 3,000 years of blood, just do not know not aboveboard. "A middle-aged black man drink the wine road. On words implicit, but flashed complacent look on her face. Blood is rare, 3000 blood was priceless. "China main guoqian, we also just barely over three Dragon-purple jade, afraid to face shots all the time. "Another middle-aged face," "shameful way. Table of another humanitarian: "Lee did not find anything decent gifts, compared with two doors is simply unbearable. However, someone's daughter Lee, Hey Hey, Hey Hey Hey. "He laughed out, two others will not know his ideas, suddenly even dismiss the nose:" you want to play a Badger? Come on! Yun Che is divinely wives lean summer months, rivaled that of the chuyuechan, is the first beauty recognized Sofu, was pregnant by his chuyuechan to say. Dark Princess the same celestial beauty, is a noble status, and he will see your daughter? Not against you, even if he didn't even look at hehe. "Li Xuan who is not angry, squinted:" two messages apparently not enough informed. I've heard, two months ago, Xiao Zong Xiao Baoyun herself brought to the elders of three beautiful gift 28 girls went to Yun Che tut, Yun Che but accept according to the order. He is now 20 years old, is the man most energetic when men would think that age women around? My daughter's face cannot be compared with the lean summer months, but also no, Yun Che look, if he be a servant girl concubine, and that was sweeping, and hey, who else dares to provoke us to jade. "Words, and both looked sluggish on the opposite side, lips tremble, hate myself not able to have a celestial beauty's daughter. At this time, the four of us walked into the pub, they walked slowly, eyes of pride, everyone is a high horse, overlooking others ' look like. Pub, a lot is on his way to the Imperial City of the main figure, look and attitude made them uncomfortable in the extreme. Four of us went to the only empty table above, has not yet sat down, an invitation to gold will "pop" above the table of four people look, more proudly. See the invitation, the pub was suddenly quiet, some eyes, breath. "The invitation! "" See talk low voice, only ranked in the top hundred of invitations, we couldn't afford to make. "" Well, big is good. We don't have an invitation, it is estimated that even get into Office. "I realized it was! It is iron! That is dressed in blue iron Palm master! Xuan is the occult is said to have five levels. Iron head is one of the three fighter along the Northwest, before qualifying, but ranked 27th! "Iron man light up out the invitations, the pub is quiet a lot, before the lively conversation, suddenly became a whisper. Four people sit down slowly, with a superior look glanced around the pride on his face is clearly visible. "The strength of the goods, in war to rank 27? HA HA I'm not listening to the joke, right? "A corner of the pub, a slightly old sat on the table for three people, young men appeared to be more than 20 years in the Middle, a Unicorn robe, eyebrows like scimitars, Star eyes, temperament, and bunch of black with red hair, he played with the hand glass, with a light laugh. Talk is him, his voice was by no means small, but pub among others but no one hears, like his voice is something Ward could not be isolated. Table, two appeared to be fifty or sixty years old, and a black robe, a red-robed, precipitated a people can not see through the eyes of the deep. Black man with a touch of: "His Highness not surprisingly, Sofu, Ling Xuan is superior, Xuan for mentors, greatly respected master, greatly late almost invincible. Thrones are rare, except four big doors, and there is no throne. This greatly five levels, Sofu Xuan, has been considered as the number one door. ”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
"Fu Huang, how do you suddenly talking about this." Cang Cang myriad words made a loss for a time, forced to twitch Cang myriad clothes look half panic but quietly toward cloud Che Mouguang, reveals trying to hide expectations. Cang myriad say these words mean, as long as not fool heard clearly. And when he said these words, Cang month on the side. There she was, of course, can not cloud Che stall in speech. He moved his lips, eyes and Mouguang Cang month slightest touch, and then a look Stern said: "The emperor, my senior sister apprentice sexual gratification, who had trouble with the total experience of life and death, have had a lifetime commitment. just at that time, I did not know if the senior sister apprentice actually the princess of snow Cang months. I just ordinary Bono Che cloud, as long as senior sister apprentice willing, as long as the emperor do not mind, my life, I will use my life to protect senior sister apprentice, never a negative phase. "" cloud Young "Cang lips trembling, Meimou mist misty moment. Yun Chol, have your words, they worried about most in this life, but also be put down. You can order their loved ones, at the angry red crown to exterminate the entire burn days door, I will know that you are definitely an Emotion Shigeyoshi person. Month child to you, I can rest assured that very, ha ha ha ha. "Cang myriad heartfelt laughing cloud Che strength at this time, influence, has reached the top of the wind Cang, he let Juggernaut defeat, let all the wind Cang sect trembling, so dignified Xiao Zong door at Miles in order to compromise. if Cang could marry him, then, with his strength, deterrence and relatives that almost the ultimate protection, he can put down 10,000 people, while the entire royal family, will thus very strong rise! East Cang myriad behind Hugh also smiled and nodded Cang myriad laughter stopped, and then look for a turn, solemnly said:. "Since you is sexual gratification, that they will be no problem, after two months eighth day, is the most auspicious day of the year, this will be in the palace, the two of you to do the marriage, the two of you can have any objection? " "what! "Cang soon Jiaohu, she totally did not expect, suddenly pale myriad actually mentioned marriage." Ah this this this "Although long been a feeling, but Cang myriad bite on the set after two months, so that he is also a time taken by surprise: "this will not be a bit in a hurry," "hurry? Where is the urgency? "Cang myriad a stare, direct high-octave voice:" May twenty-one children, should have married this year. Your full 19 this year, also should have a wife. Numerous palace staff, two months, let alone a wedding, ten games are ready to come, where anxious! ? "" Fu Huang, "Cang Cang tugged myriad of clothes, hanging the first cicada, some tweaking and said:" This thing about it is not too hasty Fuhuang some say, three years his junior cloud With wife before, marry, then, is not it first "" of course I know this! "Cang myriad waved:" This year, which is not a man three wives four concubines, this is simply not a thing! Yun Chol, ah, just a 19-year-old house wife, as a man, it can be a little despise you ah. Even if you do not make progress in this area, you should also concern under your grandfather, "said," Grandpa, "the word Cang myriad shot forehead:" I actually put such an important thing to forget Xiao Man, oh no, Xiao predecessors you cloud Che elders, his marriage, of course, after your permission. What do you think? "Cang myriad sound of" Xiao senior "is called willingly. He is the father of Cang month, Xiao Yun Chol grandfather is strong, if the two married, Xiao strong on generational respect of his elders is the real deal. This thing, of course, will not have the slightest Xiao strong opposition. Cang wind their grandchildren marry only royal princess, which before was his dream unthinkable. and two distinct had a deep affection for, and how he Xiaohe have the slightest hesitation he said:. "Che child to marry his wife Her Royal Highness, whose son he is fortunate, this thing, I certainly would not have opposed the statement. To see the emperor, and two junior mean. "He turned to cloud Che, calm voice said:" Che child, you and the princess Cang Now that mutual 许一生, so early married, then why not? If inconvenient time, you can be raised, so the emperor is retiming day. "This time from Sword Sword sets to leave Villa after the cloud Che went to the Imperial City, he went to the snow, clouds, moon back, not a day went pale fire stop, never had leisure to think of" married "two word when Cang myriad suddenly lifted his instinct stricken, but slowly calm down, he suddenly felt, this is obviously a wonderful thing. he likes Cang month, not because of the identity of her princess, but because she was unconsciously engraved in the heart of snow between his senior sister apprentice if he unworthy Ling child he lost 楚月婵 now, Cang month on the side, her own errors should firmly grasp and let her own ? he looked at Cang, Cang also then quietly watching him from her Mouguang, he saw disturbed, stricken but more is hope and shame happy. he does not consciously laugh up, his face was a little confusion all but disappeared, he told Cang myriad salute, categorically said: "senior sister apprentice to marry his wife, also a cloud I wish life of Che. Thanks for the sake of the emperor, everything, according to the words of the emperor. " "it is good! it is good! it is good! ! "Cang myriad even said three good character, then looked up, dripping laughed, straight smile eyes overflow with tears. At this point, the cloud came a ray of Che suddenly felt a strange mysterious outside force fluctuations, Following this, this thread breath suddenly floating into the sky, then at great speed away northward. this month is poured breath? she's been out? so between what they say, all she heard in the ears Wait, she took, as well as increasing speed is clearly want to leave the palace! "come quickly tell the world, she will be Princess of Cang month after two months with clouds Che married! School speed so that the text proposed invitation and invite the world after "half quarter of an hour, then Cang myriad roar sounded in the palace, the royal family also had quiet as suddenly exploded pot generally becomes a noisy, while the summer months it is poured walked unconsciously, the past two months. this is not the country for two months Cang wind calm, quiet and not only one reason and that is dark green on the Princess and cloud Che wedding. originally, the princess married although a half nationwide celebrating something, but limited to between civilians and those were the door can be said that has nothing to do. but with other cloud Che, it can be is two totally different concept. extinguish burning days a door, injured Ling day against, now with only 19 years of age, his future, can only be described as immeasurable. he is undoubtedly so many people worship admiration, too, so many people dread and fear, now, when he's wedding, it is their opportunity to show, if personally present, even give the slightest impression he left, that is enormous harvest. On the other hand, went to the door to other cases, if you do not go, there is no doubt that smacks of disrespect, even Che cloud Brahma door can speak out you off, if this really discontent fathers, not with the play off over the door like a time, regardless of large doors careen door, received and did not receive the invitation, are beginning to work again, twist their brains to find a variety of cloud make Che satisfaction, it is best to let him pay attention to the gifts, for the auction hall full field of capital cities, once the black Moon Chamber what treasures are found, the bulk gate will be the first time for this swarm, but also played a lot of times, large and small sect of contention. Fenghua city, located west wind Cang, Cang wind is one of the country's few relatively large main city. this when, in a tavern in Fenghua City, a few tables of people in their conversation with. "Three days later, Che is the cloud and dark green on the princess wedding day, and this time, we were the door Exhausted, also but they found a 3,000 years of blood parameters, I do not know trail is not got on the table. "A middle-aged mysterious person drinking port wine road. Although implicitly on words, but his face was flashed clearly contented look. Blood parameters on this rare, with 3,000 years of blood parameters is priceless." Hua main door too modest, we were also only reluctantly conspire three Purple dragon, fear is not the time to hand out the face ah. "Another middle-aged look" ashamed "of another channel at the same table of humanity:." The Lee did not find a decent gift, and two main door than it is simply bear mentioning. However, Lee who'd brought their daughters, hey, hey hey. "He exposed a smile, how could the other two did not know his thoughts, Chibi suddenly shouted:" What are you going to play Notorious? Come on! Cloud's first wife Che beauty like summer pour month, less than the year Chuyue Chan, is recognized as the first beauty Cang wind, he was not to get pregnant Chuyue Chan said. Cang Princess same Aromatic, identity is very distinguished, he will fancy your daughter? Not against you, he is not even afraid to look the other way one can hehe. "Li Xuan who is not angry, his eyes and said:" It seems that two of the message informed enough ah. But I heard that two months ago, Xiao Xiao elders were big Haze himself with three beautiful as the whereabouts of 28 girls gift Gee Chul Yun, Yun Chol but accept all. He is now less than 20 years old, is the most energetic man, when this young man will be around women too much? My daughter looks dumping summer months and although it can not be compared, but also one in a million, if the cloud was spotted Che, even to him as a concubine maid or something, that is asking for the moon, to the time Hey, who would dare provoke us Suiyu cases. "Remarks, said two opposite straight dull complexion, lips trembling, straight hate myself did not give birth to a daughter Aromatic At this time, a line of four walked into the pub, they walked slowly, eyes haughty, everyone is a condescending, overlooking the living beings look. among pubs, many are on their way to the Imperial sovereign class people, so let them look and attitude is extremely unhappy. four people went to the only empty tables on, has not yet sat down, a gilded invitations will "pop" shot in the Jiuzhuo, four look, has become more proudly. invitation goes to see the whole pub quieted a number of people's eyes straight ahead, on the spot breath. "is an invitation! "" To see the speaker sound a small point, only the strength of the top hundred sect have invitations, we untouchables. "" Oh, large door is good. Those of us who do not have invitations, estimated that even Pianting have no access. "" I recognize them! That Tiezhang cases! Wearing a blue dress that is Tiezhang were sovereign! It is said that mysterious force is Tianxuan territory five. Iron is one of the head northwest along the three gangsters, before qualifying battle, but ranked No. 27! "Tiezhang were a man flashed invitations whole pub has a lot of quiet, before a lively conversation, suddenly turned into a whisper. Four slowly sat down in a host's eyes glance around the face clearly visible on the arrogant. "this powerful stuff, actually qualifying battle can be routed 27? Oh I'm not listening to a joke, right? "A corner pub, sitting on a table with three people slightly old middle young man looks 20 years old, one unicorn robe, Jian Mei Star eyes, extraordinary temperament, black hair tied back in the red zone, he play It started in the glass face with Dan Xiao. he is also to speak, his voice will not be considered small, but others among the pub but no one heard his voice seems to be some kind of invisible enchantment isolated Rather at the same table, the two looked fifties and sixties old man, a black robe, a red one robe, eyes are the sediment of a people can not see through the deep black gown old man faint : "Your Highness Not surprisingly, the country Cang wind, mysterious spirit is master, can be mysterious mentor Tianxuan may have people admire the great master, the late Tianxuan almost invincible. Throne is as rare, in addition to four large doors, no sect presence throne. The sovereign sect of Tianxuan five in Cang wind Genkai been regarded as the number one sect. "
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
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