我有时候会设立不切实际的目标, 比方说一个月要减肥10公斤, 一个小时把表格打出来。我觉得, 设立不切实际的目标对我个人来讲的确不是一件坏事 การแปล - 我有时候会设立不切实际的目标, 比方说一个月要减肥10公斤, 一个小时把表格打出来。我觉得, 设立不切实际的目标对我个人来讲的确不是一件坏事 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

我有时候会设立不切实际的目标, 比方说一个月要减肥10公斤, 一个小时

我有时候会设立不切实际的目标, 比方说一个月要减肥10公斤, 一个小时把表格打出来。我觉得, 设立不切实际的目标对我个人来讲的确不是一件坏事, 所谓Aim at the Sun, land on the Moon.(向着太阳飞, 至少落在月亮上。) 有了高目标就会有很大的动力, 即使完不成也无所谓。但是, 当我在一个团队里工作的时候, 这就变成了一个很大的缺点。在团队里, 一旦目标定得太高, 就会引发很多管理上的问题。我想这是我需要克服的一个缺点。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Sometimes I will set up unrealistic goals, say a month to lose weight 10 kg, one hour break out form. I think that really is not a bad thing for me personally set up unrealistic goals, the so-called aim at the sun, land on the moon (fly toward the sun, at least on the moon.) With high goals there will be great power, even if not finish it does not matter. However, when I work in a team, it becomes a big disadvantage. Once the target is set too high in the team, it will cause a lot of management problems.I think this is a drawback that I need to be overcome.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
I sometimes set unrealistic goals, for example, to lose 10 kilograms a month, another hour to form out. I think, set unrealistic goals for me is not a bad thing, the so-called Aim at the Sun, land on the Moon. (fly toward the sun, at least on the moon. ) have high goals will have great power, even if not does not matter. But, when I worked in a team, which has become a big disadvantage. In a team, once the goal is set too high, it will cause a lot of problems in the management of.I think this is one of my weaknesses to overcome.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
I sometimes set unrealistic goals, for example, to lose 10 kg in a month, an hour to type out the form. I think that setting unrealistic goals for me personally is not a bad thing, the so-called Aim at the Sun, land on the Moon. (Toward the Sun, at least landed on the moon. ) Have high goals will have a lot of power, even if the finish doesn't matter. However, when I was working in a team, and this becomes a major shortcoming. On the team, and once you have set the target too high, throws a lot of management problems.I think this is the one I need to overcome disadvantages.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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