庄络胭停下脚步,转身看着庄琬青,“姐姐今日又何出此言?” 庄琬青闻言猛的抬头瞪着庄络胭,那眼眶已经泛红,声音却寒利无比,“庄络胭,我总会看着 การแปล - 庄络胭停下脚步,转身看着庄琬青,“姐姐今日又何出此言?” 庄琬青闻言猛的抬头瞪着庄络胭,那眼眶已经泛红,声音却寒利无比,“庄络胭,我总会看着 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

庄络胭停下脚步,转身看着庄琬青,“姐姐今日又何出此言?” 庄琬青闻言猛





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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
庄络胭停下脚步,转身看着庄琬青,“姐姐今日又何出此言?” 庄琬青闻言猛的抬头瞪着庄络胭,那眼眶已经泛红,声音却寒利无比,“庄络胭,我总会看着你哭的那一天!”说完,转身疾走消失在小道尽头。 这种强烈的恨意让庄络胭不自觉皱起眉头,即便身体原主做的那些事情过分,但是也不至于让庄琬青在此时此地说出这么没脑子的话,难不成发生了什么她不知道的事情? “主子,宫外传来消息说,二姨太昨夜去了。”云夕俯身在庄络胭耳边道,“想必大小姐知道消息了。” 庄络胭闻言一顿,瞥了眼庄琬青的方向,若说往日庄琬青还有顾及,现在的她恐怕半点顾及都不剩了,看来以后在后宫里的日子麻烦更多了。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Zhuang network rouge stopped, turned and looked at Zhuangwan Qing, "how can yore sister today?" Zhuangwan Qing heard shoved glared up at the village envelope rouge, that eyes have been flushed, the sound is extremely cold Lee, "Zhuang network rouge I always watch you cry that day! "Then, turning Rush trail disappeared in the end. This strong hatred let Zhuang network rouge unconsciously frowning, even if those things do excessive physical origin, but that does not make庄琬青in here and say such words did not mind, do not know what happened she thing? "Master, ectopic came the news that, Er Yitai last night went." Yun Xi Zhuang leaned in popliteal ear road network, "presumably Missy know the news." Zhuang network rouge heard meal, glanced Zhuangwan Qing direction, if that also take into account past Zhuangwan Qing, now she is afraid to take into account not left the slightest bit, it seems the palace later in the day after the trouble more.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Zhuang Luo Yan stopped, turned and looked at Zhuang Wanqing, "sister today and why?" Wen Yanmeng looked up and stared at the

Zhuang Wanqing Zhuang collaterals rouge, the eyes have been red, the voice is cold Li incomparable, "Zhuang Luoyan, I always looked at the day you cry!" Finished, turned and disappeared at the end of the trail running.

this strong hate let Luo Rouge unconscious frown, even those things body owner do too much, but also not let Zhuang Wanqing in the here and now say so no brain, difficult don't become what happened she don't know?

"masters, palace outside sources said, two Chiam too last night went."Yun Xi Zhuang Luo Yan leaned in ear," it must miss know the news."

Zhuang collaterals Rouge smell speech one meal, glanced at the direction of Zhuang Wan chin Chen, said Zhuang Wan chin Chen and take into account if the past, now I'm afraid she the slightest consideration is not left, it appears later in the day of trouble more harem.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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