ZL349 第三百四十九章 单刀赴会2013-07-29 08:00:00 Cold Forest Cemetery ,大雪飞扬。 带着Fl การแปล - ZL349 第三百四十九章 单刀赴会2013-07-29 08:00:00 Cold Forest Cemetery ,大雪飞扬。 带着Fl อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ZL349 第三百四十九章 单刀赴会2013-07-29 08:00:


第三百四十九章 单刀赴会

2013-07-29 08:00:00

Cold Forest Cemetery ,大雪飞扬。

带着Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 穿梭在冰冷的森林之中,远远的大地图上就显示出了一片密密麻麻的红色小点,情报有误,不止100人,看样子至少近200人的样子,并且清一色的都是宣战Guild 的玩家,Zhan Long(G) 的宣战行会不多,Hero Mound(G) {first division} 、Mass Burial(G-) 几个而已。

draw sword*** 疾行,几秒钟后{penetrate} 了密林,当我一身风雪的出现在一片开阔地的时候,赫然可见一大群Mass Burial(G-) 的玩家正在围攻内围的几个人,那几个人每个肩膀上都佩戴着Zhan Long(G) {first division} 的徽记,等LEVEL 不算太高,均在61-65LEVEL 之间,其中一个手持BATTLE AXE 的65LEVEL BERSERKER 一脸RAGE ,猛然一次BATTLE AXE 投射将一名Mass Burial(G-) ARCHER 砍杀,握住回旋而来的BATTLE AXE {continuous retreat} 数步,厉shouted*** :“来啊,看你们能杀我们多少次!能换1LEVEL 算1LEVEL ,老子不亏,破晓,保护好Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,能多杀一个算一个!”

这BERSERKER 的素质相当不错,BATTLE AXE trembled*** ,一次连环Attack ,又将另一名Mass Burial(G-) 的玩家斩杀,也让我看到他头顶上摇曳的字眼——

The King[ZL](B) LV-65 Gold Tier BERSERKER

主城:Ba Huang City

行会:Zhan Long(G) {first division}

职位:Team Leader


The King[ZL](B) lifting up* 着BATTLE AXE ,猛然一挥将两名KNIGHT 齐齐{knocked out}**** ,却冷不防胸前中了密密麻麻的七八箭,health -Shua! Shua!- 直掉,剑眉一皱:“NM,血下得太快,目测又要跪了,你们珍重!”

The King[ZL](B) 的身后,一个大约20岁上下的MAGE MM挥舞Staff ,[[Indigo Sea Arrow]] 出手,顿时Crowd 一个ARCHER 应声倒地,再来一次[[Pillar of Fire & Ice]] +[Chilling Wind] skill/tactics* ,又是一个MUSKETEER 也倒了,这MM的ID叫Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,有点印象,好像是WANG JIAN(S) 新近拉拢进{first division} 的高手,能有如Adams** Magic Power* Attack 的显然也不是庸手。

Mass Burial(G-) 的Crowd ,一个人站了出来,正是Mass Burial(G-) Guild Master* Not Ordinary[MG](B) ,手中提着BATTLE AXE ,嘴角raise* 笑speaking* :“Zhan Long(G) 的一个Sub-Guild* 几个菜鸟也那么有种,嘿嘿,真是让人感动,哥几个一起上,给我剁碎了这几个人,送他们跟队友一起去墓地团聚,先杀掉那Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,别让她点杀得太狠!”

说着,Not Ordinary[MG](B) 率先冲了出去,BATTLE AXE 一晃避开了The King[ZL](B) 的Attack ,狠狠的{about to hit T} Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) !


一声闷响,Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM的[[Mana Shield]] 韧性条猛掉一截,[[Haste]] 后退,召唤寒冰Magic* Attack 对方,Not Ordinary[MG](B) 再想继续Attack ,却被一个名叫Dawn Light[ZL-1](K) 的63LEVEL KNIGHT raise sword** 拦在前方,Dawn Light[ZL-1](K) 已经{cast} 了{skill} 守护,一speaking* 血色盾牌{emitting energy}**** 在Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) body twisting*** ,这样Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 在一定时间内受到的所有伤害都会转移到Dawn Light[ZL-1](K) 身上,这就是KNIGHT 的守护{skill} 。


Mass Burial(G-) 的一个Team Leader 啐了口唾沫,笑speaking* :“区区三个人还想阻挡得住我们Mass Burial(G-) 的铁蹄,做你的白日梦去!一起上,宰掉他们,快点,我们还要去墓地深处刷怪呢,别让这群Zhan Long(G) {first division} 的渣滓阻挡了我们的步伐!”



continuous* 砍劈之下,The King[ZL](B) 、Dawn Light[ZL-1](K) 连连后退,根本抵挡不住,而对方却像是在玩弄他们一样,明明一轮远程就能结束了,却让一群SWORDSMAN 在不断{cast} [[Combo]] 来虐杀,The King[ZL](B) 、Dawn Light[ZL-1](K) 的health 飞速见底,眼看是没法继续抗衡下去了。


Mass Burial(G-) 的66LEVEL Team Leader LEVEL SWORDSMAN “Cruising[MG](S) ”一剑怒劈在Dawn Light[ZL-1](K) 的盾牌,把他连人带盾震退,抬脚猛踹,将对方踹得连连跌退,Cruising[MG](S) 一脸桀骜,冷笑speaking* :“Zhan Long(G) 真的很强吗?你们这些只知speaking* 屈服强者的小人,真的觉得加入Zhan Long(G) {first division} 就等于找到一把保护Umbrella 了吧?告诉你们,老子不信邪,我们Mass Burial(G-) 就是要摸摸Zhan Long(G) 的老虎屁股,告诉你们,Zhan Long(G) 不过是一群乌合之众,Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 也不过是一个抱Cang Tong[ZL](A) thigh 的小白脸,继续留在Zhan Long(G) ,就等死吧!”

The King[ZL](B) 却怒了,吞下一个3000的[Health Potion] ,BATTLE AXE 一晃[[Soaring Fire]] +[[Skyshaker Slash]] 将Cruising[MG](S) 轰得{continuous retreat} ,extending out** The Young[MP-GM](?) 脸上满是恼火:“放P!我们加入Zhan Long(G) 不为寻求他人的庇护,我们加入Zhan Long(G) ……仅仅因为Zhan Long(G) 的Guild Master* 尊重我们每一个人,这是一个让我们有归属感的地方,Zhan Long(G) 永远不会败给你们这种垃圾行会!”

“-Shua! Shua!- 刷……”

bursts*** 圣光落下,Cruising[MG](S) 在身后一群HEALER 的HEAL*** 下迅速满血,长剑一指The King[ZL](B) ,哈哈大笑speaking* :“可惜,你们今天依旧会像是一条条死狗一样躺在这里,这是永远不会改变的结局……”

说着,Cruising[MG](S) 猛然突进,一连串Attack ,将The King[ZL](B) 再度砍成了{low health} !


一屁股跌坐在枯朽的松树下,The King[ZL](B) 一把紧抓住BATTLE AXE ,满脸不甘的继续吼speaking* :“曙光,保护住Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,我们继续杀,我们继续杀……”

“可怜的蚂蚁……我都不忍心踩下去了……”Cruising[MG](S) sword edge* trembled*** ,直接一次[[Skyshaker Slash]] 落向了The King[ZL](B) 的肩膀,这是志在必杀的一击!

The King[ZL](B) 已经{low health} ,{skill} 也在冷却之中,宠物被杀,根本一点希望都没有,却没有闭上眼睛,却睁大一双清澈的眼睛直盯着对方的blade** :“来啊,CNMMass Burial(G-) ,老子就看着你们杀我,终有一天你The King[ZL](B) 大爷会手执王旗,带着我的Brother* 把今天的耻辱十倍奉还给你们……”

“-SHUA!- ”


猛然一speaking* 圣光,The King[ZL](B) 的health 上涨了一截,这是三流HEALER 的8LEVEL [HEAL] !


The King[ZL](B) 、Dawn Light[ZL-1](K) 、Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM三个人几乎一起回头,顿时,三个人的眼睛里涌出了希望,特别是已经觉得无能为力的Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM,差点就哭了,{soft body} 颤抖,一字一句speaking* :“Xiao Yao(MC) ……自在……是总盟Guild Master* ,我们的Guild Master* 来了,Guild Master* 来了……”


积雪飞扬,我速度暴增,[[Haste]] {skill} 加持,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 、[Cold Iron Sword] 快若迅雷的{slash} 三击落在了Cruising[MG](S) 的胸口,continuous* 爆出三次Attack 伤害——




Cruising[MG](S) 的反应速度不慢,跌退中灌下一个9LEVEL [Health Potion] 才没有被强杀掉,extending out** 脸几乎扭曲的看着我:“Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) !艹,他怎么会在这里?!”

我单手extending out** ,低shouted*** :“侮辱我Zhan Long(G) Brother* 者,虽远必诛!”

“-BOOM!- ”

[[Great Realm of Desolation]](S) 爆发,直directly through* 透了Cruising[MG](S) 的身体,爆出了一个大大的双倍伤害——



看着Cruising[MG](S) 缓缓的倒下,Not Ordinary[MG](B) 一脸震惊:“操,Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 来了……Brother* 们,一起上,他们最多也就4个人,不足为惧!”

我sword edge* 一横,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 微微剑吟,[Cold Iron Sword] 则氤氲在寒Frost 之中,身后战袍飞扬,Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 匍匐在身边,我直视前方,淡淡的对身后的三个人说speaking* :“The King[ZL](B) 、曙光,你们保护好Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,这里暂时交给我了,你们辛苦了,休息一会……”

The King[ZL](B) 连连点头:“嗯,Guild Master* 小心!”


侧方,一名ARCHER Team Leader 怒吼一声:“上,[[Scatter Shot]] 齐射,灭掉他,只有一个人的Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) ,何足为惧?宰掉他!”


我一言不发的急冲10码,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] swinging* ,七颗流星窜动在剑刃之上,[[Seven Star Fragments Slash]](SS) 就那么轰了出去,“嘭”一声后,一群ARCHER 尽数只有{low health} 了,其中甚至还有不少人直接被killed* ,Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 咆哮而出,[[Burstfire Raid]] 在{low health} 的Crowd ,Miserable Cry!* 声不绝。


我不禁一笑,双剑微微swinging* ,猛然冲向了人群,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 猛然一探,直接刺{piercing} 入一名SWORDSMAN 的胸口,[Cold Iron Sword] 回旋激荡,“铿”一声撞开了一名BERSERKER 的BATTLE AXE ,身体旋转,双刃[[Multi Slash]] 的切割进攻,以我的Defence 力根本不需要畏惧这群人的Attack ,{dual wielding} 剑迅速染满了鲜血,猛然突进将一名ARCHER 杀掉之后,双刃齐齐的平推而出!



一名64LEVEL {third class advancement} SWORDSMAN 一脸惊愕的站在那里,就这么被我一击killed* 了,大概打死也没有想到连我的一击都受不了,而我身后,十几具尸体躺在那里,我自己却已经在10%{lifesteal} 效果下满血了!


一名Mass Burial(G-) 的Team Leader LEVEL KNIGHT 玩家倒吸冷气:“这Attack 速度和Attack 力也太丧心病狂了吧?还会{lifesteal} ,这Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 是打不死的吗?小三小五,跟我上,做掉他!”

他带着两名ASSASSIN 冲了过来,ASSASSIN 一起{cast} [[Absolute Step]] 和[[God’s Dance]] ,移动速度暴增,这是要操作Stun! 杀掉我的Attack 节奏!

“-SHUA!- ”

右翼的ASSASSIN 快速晃动匕首,[[Gouge]] 的前奏!

我迅速一个突进,[Cold Iron Sword] 闪电般掠过,“铿”的一声,对方[[Gouge]] 的匕首被我直接磕撞开,{skill} 蓄气被破坏,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] {take advantage} 一击,杀掉,[Cold Iron Sword] 平举,猛然扫过身后,另一名ASSASSIN groan*** 一声跪倒在地,迅速解决两个ASSASSIN ,我猛然蹬踏地面冲向了KNIGHT ,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 、[Cold Iron Sword] 迅猛交织在他的胸前,continuous* 五次狂攻,KNIGHT 一言不发的跪倒在地,眼睛睁圆。



远处,火光熊熊,至少30+名MAGE 在引导Magic* ,而我的health 也只有50%不到的,不知不觉就被集火打成了这样!

扬起手臂,两枚[God’s Army Card] 晃动,直接一个[[Soul Army]](S) 落下,同时召唤Mohist Five Scrolls [[Seven Stars Teleportation]](S) ,[[Seven Stars Teleportation]](S) 置印在了Crowd ,下一刻我踏碎时空法则,直接传送到远处,[[Seven Star Fragments Slash]](SS) 加上Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 的[[Burstfire Raid]] 肆虐在MAGE 的Crowd ,Miserable Cry!* 声不绝,不等对方的下一轮Magic* ,我直接又是一个七星移位,Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 加持[[Blazing Armor]] ,砍杀在MAGE 的Crowd ,如入无人之境!



The King[ZL](B) 睁大眼睛,看着混乱的战况,咽了下口水,说:“曙光,这……这才是我们Zhan Long(G) 巅峰玩家的实力吗?太……太可怕了……”

Dawn Light[ZL-1](K) 提着长剑:“嗯!”

Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM张大小嘴:“好强……Guild Master* 真的好强啊……就一个人……”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
ZL349 Chapter No. 349 single-blade2013-07-29 08:00:00 Cold Forest Cemetery, snow flying. With Flaming Tiger God (Pet) Shuttle in cold of forest among, far of big map Shang on displayed out has a dense of Red small points, intelligence errors, more than 100 people, seems at least near 200 people of like, and exclusively of are is war Guild of players, Zhan Long (G) of war Guild not more, Hero Mound (G) {first division}, and Mass Burial (G-) A few. Draw sword*** disease line, several seconds Hou {penetrate} has jungle, dang I a snow of appeared in a open of when, impressively visible a big group Mass Burial (G-) of players is siege within surrounding of several people, that several people each shoulder Shang are wearing with Zhan Long (G) {first division} of emblem,, LEVEL not is too high, are in 61-65LEVEL Zhijian, Face a BATTLE AXE-wielding 65LEVEL BERSERKER RAGE, one Mass Burial is suddenly projected a BATTLE AXE (G-) ARCHER wrote, hold maneuvers and BATTLE AXE {continuous retreat} steps, Li shouted***: "come on, how many times can you kill us! Can change the 1LEVEL is 1LEVEL, I do not lose, dawn, protect Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?), to kill a one! ” The BERSERKER's quality is quite good, BATTLE AXE trembled***, a chain Attack, and another Mass Burial (G-) Player killing, and I saw his head flickering on the word- The King[ZL](B) LV-65 Gold Tier BERSERKER Main city: Ba Huang City Guild: Zhan Long (G) {first division} Position: Team Leader …… The King[ZL] (b) lifting up* BATTLE AXE, suddenly a wave of two KNIGHT even {knocked out}****, cold front packed seven or eight arrows,! Shua!-straight, eyebrows like scimitars, one wrinkle: "NM, blood too quickly, Visual knelt again, take care of you! ” The King[ZL] (b) behind a MAGE MM wielding a Staff of about 20 years, [[Indigo Sea Arrow]] shot, an ARCHER fell suddenly Crowd, one more time [[Pillar of Fire & Ice]] +[Chilling Wind] skill/tactics* and a MUSKETEER, Ruo Yu[ZL of this MM ID] (m?), a Bell, like WANG JIAN (s) master of newly co-opted into {first division}, Adams** Magic of Power* Attack clearly is not a mediocre hand. Mass Burial (G-) the Crowd, a man stood up, it was Mass Burial (G-) Guild Master* Not Ordinary[MG] (b), carrying a BATTLE AXE in his hand, mouth raise* smile speaking*: "Zhan Long (G) of Sub-Guild* also had a rookie, Hey, really impressive, two brothers together, I chopped the men and sent them to go with team-mates reunite cemetery, to kill the Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?), don't let her kill too hard! ” With that, Not Ordinary[MG] (b) dashed out and BATTLE AXE from The King[ZL] (b) Attack and {t} Ruo Yu[ZL about to hit hard] (m?)! "And BAM! ” A thud, Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) MM [[Mana Shield]] toughness slammed off a length, [[Haste]] retreat, call ice Magic* Attack each other, Not Ordinary[MG] (b) want to continue to Attack, but was a man named Dawn Light[ZL-1] (k) 63LEVEL KNIGHT raise sword** stopped in front of Dawn Light[ZL-1] (k) has {cast} {Skill}, and {emitting energy}**** Ruo Yu[ZL speaking* blood shield] (m?) body twisting***, Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) within a certain time all the damage is transferred to the Dawn Light[ZL-1] (k), which is the guardian of KNIGHT {skill}. "Boo!" ” Mass Burial (G-), a Team Leader of spit spit, speaking* a smile: "just three of us also want to block our Mass Burial (G-) March, do your dreams! Together, kill them, come on, we have to go to the depths of the graveyard strange brush, don't make this Zhan Long (G) {first Division} were blocked with waste we moved! ” …… "Keng kengkeng......" Continuous* cut split zhixia, The King[ZL] (b), and Dawn Light[ZL-1] (k) repeatedly back, fundamental resist not, and other is like is in played they as, clearly a round remote on can end has, is let group SWORDSMAN in constantly {cast} [[Combo]] to killing, The King[ZL] (b), and Dawn Light[ZL-1] (k) of health rapid see end of , Cannot continue to compete anymore. "Die! ” Mass Burial(G-) 的66LEVEL Team Leader LEVEL SWORDSMAN “Cruising[MG](S) ”一剑怒劈在Dawn Light[ZL-1](K) 的盾牌,把他连人带盾震退,抬脚猛踹,将对方踹得连连跌退,Cruising[MG](S) 一脸桀骜,冷笑speaking* :“Zhan Long(G) 真的很强吗?你们这些只知speaking* 屈服强者的小人,真的觉得加入Zhan Long(G) {first division} 就等于找到一把保护Umbrella 了吧?告诉你们,老子不信邪,我们Mass Burial(G-) 就是要摸摸Zhan Long(G) 的老虎屁股,告诉你们,Zhan Long(G) 不过是一群乌合之众,Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 也不过是一个抱Cang Tong[ZL](A) thigh 的小白脸,继续留在Zhan Long(G) ,就等死吧!” The King[ZL](B) 却怒了,吞下一个3000的[Health Potion] ,BATTLE AXE 一晃[[Soaring Fire]] +[[Skyshaker Slash]] 将Cruising[MG](S) 轰得{continuous retreat} ,extending out** The Young[MP-GM](?) 脸上满是恼火:“放P!我们加入Zhan Long(G) 不为寻求他人的庇护,我们加入Zhan Long(G) ……仅仅因为Zhan Long(G) 的Guild Master* 尊重我们每一个人,这是一个让我们有归属感的地方,Zhan Long(G) 永远不会败给你们这种垃圾行会!” “-Shua! Shua!- 刷……” bursts*** 圣光落下,Cruising[MG](S) 在身后一群HEALER 的HEAL*** 下迅速满血,长剑一指The King[ZL](B) ,哈哈大笑speaking* :“可惜,你们今天依旧会像是一条条死狗一样躺在这里,这是永远不会改变的结局……” With that, Cruising[MG] (s) burst suddenly, a series of Attack, The King[ZL] (b) cut into {low health} again! "The flip-flop ... ..." Sat down ass rotten pine trees, The King[ZL] (b) a holding BATTLE AXE, face is unwilling to continue to roar with speaking*: "Dawn, protect Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?), we continue to kill, we continue killing......" "The poor ants ... ... I can't bear to step on it...... "Cruising[MG] (s) sword edge* trembled***, direct a [[Skyshaker Slash]] falls to The King[ZL] (b) on the shoulder, it is aimed at killing blow! The King[ZL] (b) has {low health}, {skill} also in cooling among, pet was killed, fundamental is hope are no, is no closed Shang eyes, is open freshman double clear of eyes straight at with other of blade**: "to Ah, CNMMass Burial (G-), I on see with you killed I, end one day you The King[ZL] (b) Uncle will hand practice Wang Qi, with I of Brother* Stigma today 10 times your money back to you...... " "-SHUA!- " "+1200! ” Suddenly a speaking* light, The King[ZL] (b) 's health has risen a bit, this is the third 8LEVEL of HEALER [HEAL]! "Ah!"? ” The King[ZL](B) 、Dawn Light[ZL-1](K) 、Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM with three people almost look back, suddenly, hope welled up in the eyes of three people, in particular, have felt powerless Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) MM, almost crying, trembling {soft body}, Word speaking*: "Xiao Yao (MC) ... ... At home ... ... Total Union Guild is Master*, our Guild Master*, Guild Master* ... ... " “嘭!” 积雪飞扬,我速度暴增,[[Haste]] {skill} 加持,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 、[Cold Iron Sword] 快若迅雷的{slash} 三击落在了Cruising[MG](S) 的胸口,continuous* 爆出三次Attack 伤害—— “2461!” “2726!” “2747!” Cruising[MG](S) 的反应速度不慢,跌退中灌下一个9LEVEL [Health Potion] 才没有被强杀掉,extending out** 脸几乎扭曲的看着我:“Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) !艹,他怎么会在这里?!” 我单手extending out** ,低shouted*** :“侮辱我Zhan Long(G) Brother* 者,虽远必诛!” “-BOOM!- ” [[Great Realm of Desolation]](S) 爆发,直directly through* 透了Cruising[MG](S) 的身体,爆出了一个大大的双倍伤害—— “9024!” …… 看着Cruising[MG](S) 缓缓的倒下,Not Ordinary[MG](B) 一脸震惊:“操,Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 来了……Brother* 们,一起上,他们最多也就4个人,不足为惧!” 我sword edge* 一横,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 微微剑吟,[Cold Iron Sword] 则氤氲在寒Frost 之中,身后战袍飞扬,Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 匍匐在身边,我直视前方,淡淡的对身后的三个人说speaking* :“The King[ZL](B) 、曙光,你们保护好Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,这里暂时交给我了,你们辛苦了,休息一会……” The King[ZL](B) 连连点头:“嗯,Guild Master* 小心!” …… 侧方,一名ARCHER Team Leader 怒吼一声:“上,[[Scatter Shot]] 齐射,灭掉他,只有一个人的Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) ,何足为惧?宰掉他!” 先发制人,后发受制于人! 我一言不发的急冲10码,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] swinging* ,七颗流星窜动在剑刃之上,[[Seven Star Fragments Slash]](SS) 就那么轰了出去,“嘭”一声后,一群ARCHER 尽数只有{low health} 了,其中甚至还有不少人直接被killed* ,Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 咆哮而出,[[Burstfire Raid]] 在{low health} 的Crowd ,Miserable Cry!* 声不绝。 一转身,十几个近战系玩家冲了过去! 我不禁一笑,双剑微微swinging* ,猛然冲向了人群,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 猛然一探,直接刺{piercing} 入一名SWORDSMAN 的胸口,[Cold Iron Sword] 回旋激荡,“铿”一声撞开了一名BERSERKER 的BATTLE AXE ,身体旋转,双刃[[Multi Slash]] 的切割进攻,以我的Defence 力根本不需要畏惧这群人的Attack ,{dual wielding} 剑迅速染满了鲜血,猛然突进将一名ARCHER 杀掉之后,双刃齐齐的平推而出! “噗嗤!” “5772!” 一名64LEVEL {third class advancement} SWORDSMAN 一脸惊愕的站在那里,就这么被我一击killed* 了,大概打死也没有想到连我的一击都受不了,而我身后,十几具尸体躺在那里,我自己却已经在10%{lifesteal} 效果下满血了! “操……” 一名Mass Burial(G-) 的Team Leader LEVEL KNIGHT 玩家倒吸冷气:“这Attack 速度和Attack 力也太丧心病狂了吧?还会{lifesteal} ,这Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 是打不死的吗?小三小五,跟我上,做掉他!” 他带着两名ASSASSIN 冲了过来,ASSASSIN 一起{cast} [[Absolute Step]] 和[[God’s Dance]] ,移动速度暴增,这是要操作Stun! 杀掉我的Attack 节奏! “-SHUA!- ” 右翼的ASSASSIN 快速晃动匕首,[[Gouge]] 的前奏! 我迅速一个突进,[Cold Iron Sword] 闪电般掠过,“铿”的一声,对方[[Gouge]] 的匕首被我直接磕撞开,{skill} 蓄气被破坏,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] {take advantage} 一击,杀掉,[Cold Iron Sword] 平举,猛然扫过身后,另一名ASSASSIN groan*** 一声跪倒在地,迅速解决两个ASSASSIN ,我猛然蹬踏地面冲向了KNIGHT ,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 、[Cold Iron Sword] 迅猛交织在他的胸前,continuous* 五次狂攻,KNIGHT 一言不发的跪倒在地,眼睛睁圆。 …… “洪洪洪……” 远处,火光熊熊,至少30+名MAGE 在引导Magic* ,而我的health 也只有50%不到的,不知不觉就被集火打成了这样! 扬起手臂,两枚[God’s Army Card] 晃动,直接一个[[Soul Army]](S) 落下,同时召唤Mohist Five Scrolls [[Seven Stars Teleportation]](S) ,[[Seven Stars Teleportation]](S) 置印在了Crowd ,下一刻我踏碎时空法则,直接传送到远处,[[Seven Star Fragments Slash]](SS) 加上Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 的[[Burstfire Raid]] 肆虐在MAGE 的Crowd ,Miserable Cry!* 声不绝,不等对方的下一轮Magic* ,我直接又是一个七星移位,Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 加持[[Blazing Armor]] ,砍杀在MAGE 的Crowd ,如入无人之境!



The King[ZL](B) 睁大眼睛,看着混乱的战况,咽了下口水,说:“曙光,这……这才是我们Zhan Long(G) 巅峰玩家的实力吗?太……太可怕了……”

Dawn Light[ZL-1](K) 提着长剑:“嗯!”

Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM张大小嘴:“好强……Guild Master* 真的好强啊……就一个人……”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
ZL349 three hundred and fortieth IX solo run 2013-07-29 08:00:00 Cold Forest Cemetery, snow flying. With Flaming Tiger God (Pet) shuttle in the cold forest, far from the big map on it showed a dense red dots, intelligence is wrong, more than 100 people, looks like at least nearly 200 people, and are exclusively Guild war players, Zhan Long (G) of war guild much, Hero Mound (G) {first division}, Mass Burial (G-) a few only. draw sword *** Fleet of Foot, a few seconds later {penetrate} the jungle, when I was one snow appeared in an open field when surprised to see a crowd of Mass Burial (G-) of the player is the inner circle of the siege of a few people , that few people are wearing on each shoulder Zhan Long (G) {first division} emblems, etc. LEVEL is not too high, are among 61-65LEVEL, one hand BATTLE AXE's 65LEVEL BERSERKER look RAGE, BATTLE AXE suddenly once projected will a Mass Burial (G-) ARCHER stabbed holding maneuver comes BATTLE AXE {continuous retreat} a few steps, Li shouted ***: "to ah, to see how many times you can kill us ! can change 1LEVEL count 1LEVEL, I do not lose, dawn, protect Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?), can kill even one! " It BERSERKER quality is quite good, BATTLE AXE trembled ***, a chain Attack , turn another Mass Burial (G-) players beheaded, let me see him swaying on his head wording - The King [ZL] (B) LV-65 Gold Tier Berserker main city: Ba Huang City Guild: Zhan Long (G) {first division} Position: Team Leader ...... The King [ZL] (B) lifting up * the BATTLE AXE, suddenly waved the two KNIGHT opt {knocked out} **** , but suddenly the chest in the seven or eight arrows dense, health -Shua Shua - straight away, Jian Mei Yi Zhou:!! "NM, under the blood too quickly, visually and also kneeling, and you treasure!" The King [ZL ] behind (B), and an approximately 20-year-old up and down the MAGE MM waving Staff, [[Indigo Sea Arrow]] shot, suddenly Crowd a ARCHER crashed down, and again [[Pillar of Fire & Ice]] + [Chilling Wind ] skill / tactics *, is a MUSKETEER also down, this MM of ID called Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?), a little impression, like WANG JIAN (S) recently rope into {first division} master, can like Adams ** Magic Power * Attack is obviously not a Yongshou. Mass Burial (G-) of the Crowd, a man stood out, it was Mass Burial (G-) Guild Master * Not Ordinary [MG] (B), in the hands carrying BATTLE AXE, mouth raise * laughs speaking *: "Zhan A Long (G) of the Sub-Guild * several rookie so kind, hey, people really touched, Ge Jige on together, I chopped up these people, send them to the cemetery along with his teammates reunite first Kill that Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?), do not let her kill point too hard! " Said, Not Ordinary [MG] (B) lead and rushed out, BATTLE AXE flash to avoid the The King [ZL] (B) of Attack, fiercely {about to hit T} Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?)! "Bang!" sound muffled, Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?) MM's [[Mana Shield]] Article fierce toughness off a length, [[Haste]] back, summon Ice Magic * Attack the other side, Not Ordinary [ MG] (B) continue to think of Attack, it was a man named Dawn Light [ZL-1] (K) of 63LEVEL KNIGHT raise sword ** stopped in front, Dawn Light [ZL-1] (K) has {cast} the {skill} guardian, a speaking * Scarlet Shield {emitting energy} **** in Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?) body twisting ***, so Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?) within a certain time being All damage will be transferred to Dawn Light [ZL-1] (K) body, which is the guardian KNIGHT {skill}. "Bah!" Mass Burial (G) of a Team Leader spit saliva mouth, laughing speaking *: "mere three people we want to stop is maintained Mass Burial (G-) of cruel, do your daydreams go! on together, slain them, hurry up, we have to go deep in the cemetery brush it strange, do not let these Zhan Long (G) {first division} dross stop our pace! " ...... "Kengkeng Keng ... ... " under continuous * hack, The King [ZL] (B), Dawn Light [ZL-1] (K) back again and again, simply could not withstand, and the other was like playing with them, like, obviously round remote will be able to end up, but let a group SWORDSMAN constantly {cast} [[Combo]] to murder, The King [ZL] (B), Dawn Light [ZL-1] (K) of the health rapid bottomed, seeing is not France continued to compete anymore. "Go die!" Mass Burial (G) of 66LEVEL Team Leader LEVEL SWORDSMAN "Cruising [MG] (S)" sword anger split in Dawn Light [ZL-1] (K) of the shield, the shield him both man Zhentui, heels Mengchuai, will kick each other again and again Dietui, Cruising [MG] (S) look unruly, sneer speaking *:? "Zhan Long (G) is really strong do you guys only knew speaking * Yield strong villain, really feel added Zhan Long (G) {first division} is equivalent to find a protection Umbrella, right? tell you, I believed in evil, we Mass Burial (G-) is to touch Zhan Long ( G) tiger ass, tell you, Zhan Long (G) just a bunch of rabble, Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC) is nothing but a hold Cang Tong [ZL] (A) thigh bitch, remain in Zhan Long (G ), so go die! " The King [ZL] (B) was angry, and swallow a 3000 [Health Potion], BATTLE AXE flash [[Soaring Fire]] + [[Skyshaker Slash]] will Cruising [MG ] (S) bombers {continuous retreat}, extending out ** The Young [MP-GM] face was annoyed (?):! "Let us join P Zhan Long (G) not to seek asylum others, we Join Zhan Long (G) ...... just because Zhan Long (G) of the Guild Master * respect for each one of us, this is a place where we have a sense of belonging, Zhan Long (G) never lost you this garbage Guild "! "-Shua Shua -!! brush ......" bursts *** Light falling, Cruising [MG] (S) in the group behind the HEAL *** HEALER quickly full of blood, a sword refers to The King [ZL] (B), laughed speaking *: "Unfortunately, you still will be the same as lying like a dead dog here today, this is never going to change the outcome ......" Then, Cruising [MG] ( S) suddenly onrush, a series of Attack, will The King [ZL] (B) once again slashed the {low health}! "Pata ......" an ass fell under the frail old pine, The King [ZL] (B) a clinching BATTLE AXE, unwilling to face the continuing roar speaking *: "Dawn, protect the lives of Ruo Yu [ZL ] (M?), we continue to kill, we continue to kill ...... " "Poor ants ...... I do not have the heart to step down ......" Cruising [MG] (S) sword edge * trembled ***, direct the [ [Skyshaker Slash]] down to the The King [ZL] (B) on the shoulder, which is Zhizai Bi killing blow! The King [ZL] (B) has {low health}, {skill} are cooled among pet was killed, there is little hope not, but no close your eyes, but a pair of clear eyes wide open staring at each other straight The blade **: "to ah, CNMMass Burial (G-), I looked at you kill me, one day you The King [ZL] (B) will be holding Grandpa Wang Qi, with my Brother * to Today's money back to you tenfold shame ...... " "-SHUA -!" ! "+1200" suddenly a speaking * Light, The King [ZL] (B) The health up part of it, this is the third stream of 8LEVEL HEALER [HEAL]! "Ah!?" The King [ZL] (B), Dawn Light [ZL-1] (K), Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?) MM three almost back together, suddenly, three people's eyes welled hope, especially already feel powerless Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?) MM, almost cried, {soft body} tremble, slowly, speaking *: "Xiao Yao (MC) ...... ...... is the total freedom League Guild Master *, our Guild Master * came, Guild Master * come ...... " "bang!" snow flying, I jumped speed, [[Haste]] {skill} blessing, [Emperor Qin's Sword], [Cold Iron Sword] fast if Thunder {slash} three shot down in the Cruising [MG] (S) of the chest, continuous * Attack hurt broke three times - "! 2461" ! "2726" "! 2747" Cruising [MG ] (S) of the reaction speed is not slow in filling Dietui next 9LEVEL [Health Potion] it has not been strong to kill, extending out ** almost looked at me face twisted:! "Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC) Lv , how could he here? "! I one hand extending out **, low shouted ***: "! insult me Zhan Long (G) Brother *, although much will punish" "! -BOOM -" [[Great Realm of Desolation]] (S) outbreak, straight directly through * thoroughly Cruising [MG] (S) of the body, broke a big double damage - "! 9024" ...... watching Cruising [MG] ( S) slowly fall, Not Ordinary [MG] (B) a look of shock: "Fuck, Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC) came ...... Brother * are on together, they are at most four people, lack of fear! " my sword edge * a cross, [Emperor Qin's Sword] slightly Jian Yin, [Cold Iron Sword] is dense in the cold Frost among flying behind the shirt, Flaming Tiger God (Pet) creeping around, I look in front, behind the faint of three people said speaking *: "The King [ZL] (B), Dawn, you protect Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?), here temporarily to me, and you have worked hard, rest for a ...... " The King [ZL] (B) nodded: "ah, Guild Master * Be careful! " ...... side, a ARCHER Team Leader roar loudly: "On, [[Scatter Shot]] salvo, exterminate him, only a person's Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC), mention the fear? Slain him! " pre-emptive strike, after the hair enslaved! I said nothing of rushing 10 yards, [Emperor Qin's Sword] swinging *, seven meteor ran over the blade, [[Seven Star Fragments Slash]] (SS) it so boom out, after the "bang" sound, a group ARCHER exhaustively only {low health}, and where even many people directly killed *, Flaming Tiger God (Pet) roaring out, [[Burstfire Raid]] in { low health} The Crowd, Miserable Cry! * endless. turned around, a dozen melee of players rushed past! I can not help but smile, swords slightly swinging *, suddenly rushed into the crowd, [Emperor Qin's Sword] suddenly a exploration, a direct stab {piercing} into a SWORDSMAN chest, [Cold Iron Sword] tossed and "hang" soon broke down a BERSERKER the BATTLE AXE, body rotation, double-edged [[Multi Slash]] cutting offensive to my Defence Force does not need to fear these people Attack, {dual wielding} swift sword stained with blood, suddenly onrush ARCHER after a kill, double-edged opt for flat push out! "Puchi! " "5772! " a 64LEVEL {third class advancement} SWORDSMAN look of astonishment standing there, so was I hit killed *, probably killed did not think even I can not stand a shot, but behind me, with more than a dozen ! corpse lay there, I was already full of blood, at 10% {lifesteal} effect of "fuck ......" a Mass Burial (G-) of Team Leader LEVEL KNIGHT players suck cool air: "This speed and Attack Attack force too insane, right? Also {lifesteal}, which Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC) is beat to death it? Small three fifth, with me on, make out of him! " He took two ASSASSIN rushed over, ASSASSIN together {cast} [[Absolute Step]] and [[God's Dance]], the moving speed surge, which is to operate Stun Attack kill my rhythm!! "- SHUA -! " right-wing ASSASSIN rapid shaking dagger, [[Gouge]] prelude! I quickly a sudden, [Cold Iron Sword] lightning passing, "hang" is heard, the other [[Gouge]] dagger was I direct knock broke, {skill} accumulator is destroyed, [Emperor Qin's Sword] {take advantage} a strike, kill, [Cold Iron Sword] flat, suddenly swept behind another ASSASSIN groan *** soon knees, quickly solve two ASSASSIN, I rushed to the ground suddenly pedaling KNIGHT, [Emperor Qin's Sword], [Cold Iron Sword] rapid interwoven in his chest, continuous * five Kuanggong, KNIGHT a word no hair fell to his knees, eyes Zheng Yuan. ...... "Hong Honghong ......" distant, glowing, at least 30+ name MAGE guide Magic *, and my health is only 50% less than, I do not know feel it was set fire to hit into it! raised arm, two [God's Army Card] shaking, direct a [[Soul Army]] (S) falling, while summoning Mohist Five Scrolls [[Seven Stars Teleportation]] ( S), [[Seven Stars Teleportation]] (S) is set printed on the Crowd, the next moment I Tasui temporal rule, sent directly to a remote, [[Seven Star Fragments Slash]] (SS) plus Flaming Tiger God ( Pet) of [[Burstfire Raid]] MAGE raging in the Crowd, Miserable Cry! * endless, ranging from the other side of the next round of Magic *, I direct is a seven shifts, Flaming Tiger God (Pet) blessing [ [Blazing Armor]], MAGE stabbed in the Crowd, such as unhindered! ...... "plump! " The King [ZL] (B) eyes wide open, watching the chaos of war, swallowed, he said: "Dawn, this ...... this is what we Zhan Long (G) of the peak strength of the players do? Too ...... horrible ...... " Dawn Light [ZL-1] (K) carrying a sword: "ah! " Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?) MM Zhang mouth: "Good strong ...... Guild Master * really good strong ah ...... to a person ......"

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Now it seems that this propaganda is indeed true, the popularity of the game.

then, system start sending me with the sword, figure was sent admission!
"-SHUA! -"
station on the contest stage, the mood of the excitement, the front, the white speaking* swiftly*, Fang Geng Que[L] (m) holding a paper fan shape also transfer the came in, polite smile: "Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC), Hello, I in the Heroes rise the most powerful opponent appeared at last!"

I nodded: "Yeah, I also like."

July 25th (Thursday) 8 p.m.,After a few seconds {penetrate} woods when me in the snow in a piece of open land when, surprised to see a large group of mass burial (g) players are siege around several people, that everyone shoulders are wearing Zhan long (g) {first division} emblem remember, the level is not too high, were between the 61-65LEVEL, which a handheld battle axe's 65LEVEL BERSERKER a face of rage, suddenly a battle axe projection will be a mass burial (g) Archer stabbed, hold the cyclotron and battle axe {continuous retreat} number of step,ZL349


2013-07-29 08:00:00

Cold Forest Cemetery: start a solo run, snow flying.
with flaming Tiger God (PET) shuttling back and forth in the cold forest, far map shows a piece of dense red dots, intelligence is wrong, more than 100 people, it seems at least nearly 200 people, and uniformly is war guild players, Zhan long (g) declared war on the guild, the hero mound (g) {first division}, mass burial (g) just a few. Draw sword*** and

,Li shouted***: "come, see how many times you can kill us! Can 1LEVEL 1LEVEL, I do not lose, dawn, to protect the Yu[ZL] Ruo (M?), can kill one more!" Pretty good qualities of this
BERSERKER, battle axe trembled***. A series of attack, and the players beheaded on a mass burial (g), also let me see his head swaying words -
the King[ZL] (b) LV-65 gold tier BERSERKER

City: Ba Huang City

guild: Zhan long (g) for the post of {first division}

: team Leader

the King[ZL] (b) ducting up* battle axe. Suddenly a sweep of the two Knight neat {knocked out}****, but suddenly chest in the densely packed seven or eight arrows, health -Shua! Shua! - straight off, the sword eyebrow a wrinkly: nm, and the blood was too fast and visual but also kneeling, you treasure! "
the King[ZL] (b), behind a about 20 years old mage mm waving staff, shot [[Indigo sea Arrow]], immediately crowd a Archer answered fell to the ground.Again a [[Pillar of fire? Ice]] [Chilling Wind] skill/tactics* and a MUSKETEER also fell to the, the mm ID named Ruo Yu[ZL] (M -?), impression, as if is Wang Jian (s) recently co opted into the {first division} master, such as Adams** magic Power* attack obviously not a yong hand.
mass burial (g) of the crowd, a man stand out, it is mass burial (g) guild Master* not Ordinary[MG] (b) of, hand carrying a battle axe, the corners of the mouth raise* laugh speaking*:"Zhan long (g) of a Sub-Guild* several rookie of the also there is a, hey, really is moving, several elder brother together, give I chop the several people, send them together with his teammates to the graveyard reunion, to kill the Ruo Yu[ZL] (M. And don't let her kill too hard!"
said, not Ordinary[MG] (b) of first rushed out and battle axe in a flash to avoid the attack of the King[ZL] (b), mercilessly {about to hit t} Ruo Yu[ZL] of M (?).


menxiang, Ruo Yu[ZL] (M?) [[Mana Shield]] MM off a fierce tenacity,[[Haste]] retreat, summon ice Magic* attack the other side, not Ordinary[MG] (b) want to continue to attack, but was a named dawn Light[ZL-1] (k) 63LEVEL Knight raise sword** stopped in front, the dawn Light[ZL-1] (k) has {cast} the {skill} guardian, a speaking* bloody shield {emitting energy}**** in Ruo Yu[ZL] (M. Body twisting***, such Ruo Yu[ZL] (M. In a certain period of time by all damage are will transfer to the dawn Light[ZL-1] (k), this is the knight to protect {skill}.

"bah!Obviously a remote round can end, but let a group of SWORDSMAN to murder in the continuous {cast} [[Combo]], the health of the King[ZL] (b), and dawn Light[ZL-1] (k) rapid bottomed out, seeing is unable to continue to compete on.

mass burial (g) 66LEVEL team leader level SWORDSMAN "Cruising[MG] (s) of the" sword of anger split shield in dawn Light[ZL-1] (k), he even with shield knockback, heels mengchuai will kick each other again fell back, Cruising[MG] (s) of a face unruly, sneer speaking*:"
mass burial (g) of a team leader spit spittle, laugh speaking*:" a mere three people also want to stop the heel of a US mass burial (g), your daydreams to do! Together, slain them, come on, we're going to the cemetery depths brush blame it. Don't let the dregs of the Zhan long (g) {first division} block the pace of our! "


"clang clang......"
continuous* chopping under, the King[ZL] (b), and dawn Light[ZL-1] (k) and back again and again, simply can't resist, and the other is like is toying with them.Swallow a 3000 [Health Potion], battle axe flash [[Soaring Fire]] [[Skyshaker Slash]] will Cruising[MG] (s) of the bomb {continuous retreat}, the extending out** Young[MP-GM] (?) face full is angry: "put the P! We join the Long Zhan (G) not to seek asylum for others, and we join Long Zhan (G)...... Just because every one of us in respect of Zhan long (g) of the guild Master*, this is a let us have a sense of belonging, Zhan long (g) never lost you the junk guild! "

"-Shua!"Long Zhan (G) is really strong? You only know that speaking* Umbrella Zhan {first (), really feel that the addition of the Long division} (G) to find a protection of the bar? Tell you, Lao Tze doesn't believe in evil, we mass burial (g) is to touch Zhan long (g) tiger buttocks, tell you, Zhan long (g) but is a mob, Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC) is nothing but a holding Cang Tong[ZL] (a) thigh gigolo, remain in Zhan long (g) and die! "

The King[ZL] (B) is angry,
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ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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