剛才我上樹沒多久,這些ตะขาบ就湧了出來,應該是這個人偷偷在林中行走引起的。我回憶ตะขาบ出現的順序,第一個出現ตะขาบ的井口,是在東 การแปล - 剛才我上樹沒多久,這些ตะขาบ就湧了出來,應該是這個人偷偷在林中行走引起的。我回憶ตะขาบ出現的順序,第一個出現ตะขาบ的井口,是在東 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
剛才我上樹沒多久,這些ตะขาบ就湧了出來,應該是這個人偷偷在林中行走引起的。我回憶ตะขาบ出現的順序,第一個出現ตะขาบ的井口,是在東南邊,這個人是從那兒走過來的。หวังเหมิง應該就在那個方向。手心的傷口特別疼。癒合需要好久,我真的不想現在就用這個方法,但是也沒有其他辦法了。“東家,我需要下去嗎?”坎肩在樹上問,我道:“你要能自己搞定你就待樹上。”坎肩跳下來,來到我面前,看著我的手,我給他也弄上,他第一次看到我的血,很興奮。“我不洗手了。”他道。“別扯淡,做不到的事情別在那兒說。”我道。一個人以來,開堂口多少人說著一起走下去,結果連半程都不到。人的保證大多基於一時的感動。“你們兩個到底為什麼會鬧成這樣?”小花從包裡掏出他的棍棍,擰成一根長棍,順手把四周礙眼不走的一些ตะขาบ挑走。這根棍他都可以當筷子用,在他手裡做什麼都可以。我知道他在問หวังเหมิง,我頓了頓,回憶起來有點疲倦:“人想成為什麼樣的人,和你能成為什麼樣的人,是完全不同的兩件事情。”說著我拉緊褲腰帶,對兩個人點了一下頭,三個人開始在林子裡加快行進的速度。因為滿地都是菟絲子,照明只有我們的冷焰火,所以即使跑起來速度也不快,跑了一段就發現整個森林裡,樹上樹下,灌木裡,全是星星點點的熒光。似有無數的螢火蟲。如果不知道那是什麼,覺得天下怎麼會有這麼夢幻的地方。這裡也都是落葉松,還有一些我叫不出名字的闊葉木,樹木之間很緊密,兩棵樹有時候一個人都擠不過去。菟絲子就在中間形成蜘蛛網一樣的群落。跑了十幾分鐘,就看到前面的樹上有火光和吵鬧聲,我們靠攏過去,用望遠鏡看火光,就看到一棵針葉大樹上,หวังเหมิง一行正在用火把逼退爬上來的ตะขาบ。火把已經快熄滅了,他和他的伙計大呼小叫,互相推搡。松針刺得他們屁股疼。所以幾欲摔下來。坎肩想上去,我把他拉住,我的目光從หวังเหมิง他們的位置,轉向後面的林子。我覺得,หวังเหมิง四周的林子,和我們四周的不太一樣。說不出的感覺,都是松樹的樣子,但是怎麼好像,枝椏的形狀很怪,沒有樹木那種協調感?我滅掉冷焰火,做了個手勢,三個人蹲入灌木中,我死死地用望遠鏡盯著หวังเหมิง四周的林子的黑影。看了一會兒,連沒有望遠鏡的小花都倒吸了一口冷氣。"Those trees shadow in begins to shift. "He said NG Qingsheng.My little head, bian shadows of trees, in a little bit closer to the หวังเหมิง they, those "big trees", Cha is worth is to the naked eye can gather at a speed of 攏.My spiritual light Shem, take out the PAD and see all the GPS signal Hao Yue, all หวังเหมิง that one direction shapes've maneuverings, change becomes a real symptoms."Not to the tree, who is standing up to the giant ตะขาบ. "I said.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
I just did not take long on the tree, these ตะขาบ gushed out, should be this man walking in the woods secretly caused. I recall the order ตะขาบ appear first ตะขาบ wellhead appear in the southeast, where the person came from. หวัง เห มิ ง would be in that direction.
Palm particularly painful wound. Healing requires a long time, now I really do not want to use this method, but there is no other way.
"? Club, I need to go on it," waistcoat in a tree and asked, I said:. "You want to be able to get their own tree, you'll be"
jumped waistcoat, came to me and looked at my hand, I gave him also get the first time he saw my blood, very excited.
"I do not wash their hands." He Road.
"Do not crap, can not do not say in there." I said. Since one person, open parishes many people said to go together, the results are less than even half. Ensure people are mostly based on temporary moved.
"Why did the two of you in the end trouble like this?" Flowers from the bag and pulled out his stick stick, twisted together into a root sticks, unsightly shoving around some of ตะขาบ not go pick away. This is the root stick chopsticks when he can, in his hands to do what you can.
I knew he was asked หวัง เห มิ ง, I paused, remembering a bit tired: "People want to be what kind of person, and you can become the kind of person, are two entirely different things."
Then I pull tight waistband, two people nod, the three men began to accelerate in the woods road speed. Because the floor Dodder, lighting only our cold fireworks, so speed is not even up and running fast, running for a while to find the whole forest, tree tree, bush, full of bits and pieces of fluorescence. There are countless like fireflies. If you do not know what that is, I think how the world is there such a fantastic place.
Here we are also very close between the larch, and some I could not utter the name of hardwood trees, two trees are crowded and sometimes a person not in the past. Community dodder cobwebs formed in the middle.
Ran ten minutes, you see a tree in front of the fire and noise there, we move closer to the past, with a telescope to see the fire, to see the tree coniferous trees, หวัง เห มิ ง line being driven back by torch climb The ตะขาบ. Torch almost extinguished, he and his buddies yelling, pushing each other. Pine needling them pain in the ass. So Jiyu fall.
Vests want to go, I pulled him, my eyes from หวัง เห มิ ง their position, turning the back woods. I think, หวัง เห มิ ง around the woods, and we are not the same around.
Indescribable feeling, it is pine look, but how it seems, the shape of the branches of weird, kind of sense of coordination no trees?
I exterminate cold fireworks, made ​​a gesture, three men squatting in the bushes, staring at me with binoculars tightly หวัง เห มิ ง shadows around the woods. After a while, even without a telescope flowers all suck down air-conditioning.
"Those shadows moving." He whispered.
I nod, there's shadows, in a little bit closer หวัง เห มิ ง them, those "tree", is perceptible to the naked eye gather speed.
I flash, out of PAD, to see all the GPS signal points, all in the หวัง เห มิ ง that direction has changed shape into a circle shape.
"Those are not the tree, those are giant ตะขาบ stand up." I said.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
I have a tree not long, the was poured out, should be the people walking in the woods by secretly. I recall order. The first wellhead, is in the southeast. The man is from there came to be. Search should be in that direction. The wound in the palm of the hand is very special. Healing takes a long time, I really do not want to use this method, but there is no other way.

"club, do I need to go down?" Kanjian asked, I said in the tree: "you can do it myself. You must stay on the tree."
Kanjian jumped down, came to me,Look at my hand. I'll get him. He's the first time he sees my blood. It's very exciting. I don't wash my hands." He said.
"not nonsense, do not say there." I road. A person has to open the mouth, said many people go together, even less than half. People's guarantee is based on a moment's move. "What are you going to do in two?" Floret took out his sticks from the bag, screwed into a long stick, so don't go around shoving some picked. He can be used as chopsticks in his hand. I knew he was asked
search,I paused, remembering to be a little tired, "what people want to be, and what you can become, is totally different from the two." I
he tightened their belts, the two men nodded, three people began to travel faster in the woods. Because dodder is on the floor, lighting only our cold fireworks, so even run up speed is not fast, run a found in the whole forest, the tree under the tree, shrub, all scattered on the fluorescence. Seems like a million of firefly. If you don't know what it is, what you think about the world will be a place for you. It's all larch,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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