孙容华身为内宫女眷,其身不贤,有违妇德,撤其封号,贬至冷宫,无圣上旨意,不得出宫门。『雅*文*言*情*首*发』 在后宫得意不过几月的孙容华就 การแปล - 孙容华身为内宫女眷,其身不贤,有违妇德,撤其封号,贬至冷宫,无圣上旨意,不得出宫门。『雅*文*言*情*首*发』 在后宫得意不过几月的孙容华就 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด







































“是。”高德忠见皇上似乎不愿再开口,便安分的站在一边,只是心里开始盘算着往日是否有怠慢过熙和宫的那位主儿。他冷眼瞧着,皇上 ... [本章未完,请点击下一页继续阅读!]
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
孙容华身为内宫女眷,其身不贤,有违妇德,撤其封号,贬至冷宫,无圣上旨意,不得出宫门。『雅*文*言*情*首*发』 在后宫得意不过几月的孙容华就这样惨淡落幕,连带着孙家也被圣上责问教女不严,甚至官降三级,孙家算是在朝堂上失了势。与孙家交好的赵家也失去了一个帮手。 倒是庄家的人仍旧表现如常,没有趁机上折子为昭充仪抱不满,在皇上偶然问起时,只说女儿入了皇家门,出嫁从夫,一切皆有皇上安排,他们一切皆无意见。 皇帝对庄家之人的识趣非常满意,把原本在工部任职的庄家嫡子调至户部,任户部侍郎,变相的抚慰庄家之人。朝堂之人瞧着,心里皆大骂庄大人是只老狐狸,不仅得了皇上的好印象,还给自家儿子谋划了个好前程,这户部与工部虽说都是六部,可是孰轻孰重,谁又会看不出来? “哐!”向来贤德的皇后气得砸碎了一个茶杯,想着已经在冷宫的孙表妹,她就暗恨自己当初识人不清,怎么就找了这么个没脑子的进宫,连带把她也弄得没脸。 “皇后娘娘,”和玉上前换了一盏茶,语带安抚道,“如今皇上并没有责罚娘娘之意,娘娘何必这般气恼,倒不如只当此事不曾发生,往日怎么样,如今还是怎么样。” “本宫岂会不知该这样,只是想着这深宫之中,各个女人都不简单,本宫就觉得头疼,”皇后端起茶盏,喝了一口,按捺下心头的恼意,“昭充仪那里怎么样了,昨儿听太医说她嗓子还未全好,你差人去问问,让熙和宫有什么需要尽管开口。” “娘娘放心,奴婢已经差人去了,这几日您也不曾好好休息过,还是休息一会儿吧。”和玉跟随皇后进宫已经多年,见到皇后这个模样,心头多了几分担忧。 “本宫哪里睡得下去,”皇后微眯眼睛,“那池子的杂草乱绳查出是谁扔到里面没有?” 和玉神色凝重的摇摇头,“奴婢查过了,这几日从荷花池经过的,除了熙和宫的奴才,还有好几个其他主子身边的人,瞧着都可疑,可是每个从那经过的人都有差事,奴婢无能……” “你不必自责,既然做出这种螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后事情的主儿,又怎么会轻易暴露自己,”皇后摆摆手,“这事不必再查。” 和玉瞧着皇后已经变得平静的脸,称了一声是。 夏季总是容易让人浮躁的季节,可是临近夏末,秋老虎来了也挺难受,庄络胭因在病养中,宫里的冰块新鲜果蔬一样不缺,加之皇帝经常来做做,下面的奴才更加不敢怠慢。 把玩着手中的一截蚕丝线,庄络胭靠着贵妃椅上,神情说不出的惬意。 “主子,太医来给您请脉,在外面候着呢。”听竹走进屋内,瞧见自家主子把玩着蚕丝线,便想起从荷花池中打捞出的乱绳杂草,面色微微一变。 “让他进来吧,”随手把蚕丝线放置一边,庄络胭笑了笑,声音中尚带着一丝暗哑,却无端给人楚楚可怜的味道。 “微臣见过昭充仪。www.yawen8.com” “卢太医不必多礼,”庄络胭微微一笑,待卢太医起身后,由着身边的宫女替自己手腕上缠上请脉的丝线,每每这个时候,她都要赞叹中医的神奇。 卢太医在太医院任职多年,宫里见不得人的事情看得不少,所有越是昭充仪这样受宠却不骄纵的妃嫔越不敢得罪,因为这样的女人向来活得久,受帝王重视的时间也越久。 “昭主子身子已经好了很多,只是不能受热吹风,最近两日不可食辛辣之物,余者倒也不惧。”太医这话说得巧妙,明面上说着身子的事情,实际上却是在向庄络胭表示自己的善意,身体没事了,就表示可以侍寝了。 伺候在一旁的听竹与云夕闻言,便会意的取了东西赏给太医,后宫中不就是这样么,互相利用,既然存在共同的利益,不如在小事上大方一点。 待太医离开,庄络胭看了眼屋子里的几个宫人,摆了摆手,“这里留听竹与云夕伺候便是,你们退下吧。” “是,”伺候的人静静退了下去,庄络胭把手边的蚕丝线挽作一团,冷笑道,“我还真没有想到这徐昭容还会来这一手。”若她真的不识水性,就算是将计就计恐怕也要丢掉一条小命。 闺阁中的女子,自然不识水性,跳入水中被水草缠住,不管是有意无意也必死无疑。徐昭容来这一手,不管是自己与孙容华谁丢了命,另外一个人定会受皇上责罚,当真是一箭双雕的好计。 只怕唯一计划之外的,便是自己会水性了。庄络胭把蚕丝线团丢进旁边的茶盏中,见那白色的线团染上茶水的颜色,淡淡开口道:“咱们熙和宫里觉向来沉,晚上也瞧不见什么不该瞧的。这杯茶凉了,端出去倒了吧。” “是,”云夕端起茶盏走了出去。 听竹执起团扇上前替庄络胭摇着扇子,压低声音道:“主子,徐昭容怎么会料到孙容华会有这么一手?” “也许孙容华那里有她的人,或许……”庄络胭冷笑,或许这位是想派人把她推进池中,不管是哪一种可能,这位徐昭容想算计自己是不会错的了。 听竹也听出了庄络胭的话中之意,当下咬着牙道:“好个算计。” “这么点手段算什么,”庄络胭眯着眼睛打了个哈欠,“后宫中的女人谁没有几分算计,徐昭容敢这么做,就要有被人发现的胆子,这四周眼睛多着呢。” 听竹倒是没有料到庄络胭说起这种事情如此平静,有些黯然道:“难不成主子就让她白白算计了?” “怎么会是白算计?”庄络胭睁开眼笑了笑,她这具身体的同母兄长得到升迁,瞧着皇帝的态度对她也不是没有半点情义,至少自己如今已经入了她的眼,究竟是祸是福还说不准呢。 御案前,封谨合上手中上报鸡毛蒜皮小事的折子,抬首看向一边的高德忠,“高德忠,熙和宫的昭充仪怎么样了?” “回皇上,方才太医院的人来报,昭主子已经无甚大碍,只是嗓子略有沙哑,近来不能食辛辣之物,也不可受热。”知道皇上对熙和宫的主儿有几分兴致,高德忠对这位主儿的事情也时时上心着。 “既是如此,让殿中省的人不可短缺了熙和宫的冰块,果蔬也挑新鲜的送去,”封谨想了想,“顺便你派人去问问昭充仪,熙和宫的厨子用得可还顺心,若是不得用,便重新换个人。” “皇上细心,奴才这便叫人问去。”高德忠犹豫了一下,又开口道,“方才内侍监的太监见皇上忙于国事,也不敢御前叨扰,所以奴才斗胆替内侍监的人问问,皇上今儿可是要翻牌子?” “既然昭充仪身体已经大安,今儿晚上便去熙和宫吧。”封谨重新拿起一道折子,“昭充仪受了不少惊,合该抚慰一下才是。”
“是。”高德忠见皇上似乎不愿再开口,便安分的站在一边,只是心里开始盘算着往日是否有怠慢过熙和宫的那位主儿。他冷眼瞧着,皇上 ... [本章未完,请点击下一页继续阅读!]
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Sun Yung Hua being inside the palace harem, his body is not virtuous, contrary to the German women, withdraw its titles, demoted to the limbo, without His Majesty's will, not a palace. "Ya-Wen * * Introduction * love * first * hair" proud but a few months in the harem of Sun Yung Hua so bleak ending, even with His Majesty Chia also questioned goddaughter lax, even down three officer, Sun be moving classroom lost potential. And Chia pay Zhao also lost a good helper. Makers touches people still behave as usual, there is no charge Zhezi Sho instrument on the opportunity to hold resentment, when the emperor asked occasionally, but said her daughter into the royal doors, married husbands, everything emperor arrangements, they all are no comments. Emperor Makers of people are very satisfied with the good grace to the dealer Ministry had raised legitimate son serving in Industry, either Hubushilang disguise comfort bookmakers person. Chodo people looked, and my heart are cursed village adults only fox, not only had a good impression of the emperor and his son returned home to a good future plan, which the Ministry of Industry Although all six, but the pros and cons Who would not see it? "Bang!" Always virtuous Queen anger smashed a cup, thinking has been in limbo Sun cousin, she had to know people Anhen own unclear how to find such a no-brainer in the palace, and it gets the She also got people called. "Queen Goddess," and Yu came a change of tea, words with soothingly, "Now the emperor and empress meaning no punishment, why so angry goddess, it would be better if this did not only happen in the past how, now or how. " "How could this house so I do not know, just thinking about this palace among each woman is not simple, this house felt a headache," Queen put that cup of tea, drank, under restrain heart mad Italy, "Zhao charge meter there how, called yesterday to listen to the voice of the imperial doctor said she has not been all good, you sent messengers to ask, let Xi and Palace have what it takes despite the opening." "Goddess assured, slaves have been sent and the past few days you do not have to take a break, or break it. "Follow the Queen and jade palace has been for many years, to see the appearance of the Queen, my heart a little worried. "Where to go to sleep in this house," Queen slightly narrowed eyes, "That pond weed chaos rope thrown inside to find out who does not?" Yu look dignified and shook his head. "slaves checked, the past few days from After the lotus pond, except hee and Palace I, there are several other boss people around, looked at all suspicious, but each person has a job since been slaves incompetent ...... " "You do not have to blame, Since making this mantis stalks the cicada oriole Zhuer after things, how will easily expose themselves, "Queen waved his hand," It does not have to take another look. " Jade looked at Queen and has become calm in the face, saying a cry yes. Summer season is always easy to impetuous, but near the end of the summer, autumn tiger came also very uncomfortable, because in the village popliteal disease support network, the palace of ice as no shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables, combined with the emperor often do do the following for I dare not neglect. Started playing in a length of silk thread, village network chaise chair against rouge, and looked indescribably happy. "Master, the imperial doctor to give you your pulse on the outside waiting to go again." Listen bamboo into the house, saw their own masters playing with silk thread, they think of the lotus pond salvaged from chaos rope weeds, looking slightly changed. "Let him come in," shut the place silk line side, village network rouge smiled, still with a hint of the sound dull, but no reason to give the flavor of delicate and charming. "Zhao Wei Chen seen charging instrument .www.yawen8.com" "Lu Needless imperial ceremony," Zhuang network rouge smile until after Lu imperial up, by the side of the ladies on his wrist wraps for your thread veins, Whenever this time, she must admire the magic of traditional Chinese medicine. Lu imperial doctor in the hospital for many years too, people can not see the palace to see a lot of things, all the more so favored instrument does not charge Zhao arrogant concubines more afraid to offend, because it has always been a woman live longer, by the emperor attention The longer time. "Zhao Zhuzai body has a lot of good, but not heat the hair, the best two days can not eat spicy things, while the remainder is pretty afraid." Imperial this point was clever, bright surface of said body thing, but it is actually In the village envelope rouge express their goodwill, the body right, it means you can Shi Qin up. Wait on the side of the evening listening to the bamboo and cloud heard, meaning it will take something Shanggei imperial harem is not what is so, mutual advantage, since the existence of common interests, as in the little things a little generous. Imperial be leaving the village envelope glanced around the room a few rouge palace people waved, "here to stay and listen to the bamboo cloud evening is wait, you withdraw it." "yes," serve the people quietly retreat down, Zhuang network rouge silk thread to hand pull heap, sneered, "I really did not think it would come to this Xuzhao Rong hand." If she really did not know the water, even if it is to count on the meter probably have lost a his life. Boudoir woman, naturally do not know the water, jumped into the water to be entangled in weeds, either intentionally or unintentionally, also die. Xuzhao Rong to the hand, whether it is their own and Sun Yung Chinese who lost their lives, another man - will be affected by the emperor punishment, really is a good gauge double-edged sword. I'm afraid only unplanned, that is, they will water the. Chuang network rouge silk thread group threw the cup of tea next to see the white line group infected with the color of tea, a light opening: "We always felt Shen Xi and the palace at night could not see what not to look for This tea is cold, pour out the end of it. " "yes," Cloud porting evening cup of tea and went out. Listen bamboo round fan hold up the front for Trang network rouge waving fans, a low voice: "? Masters, how would expect Xuzhao Rong Sun Ronghua have such a hand." "Maybe Sun Yung Hua where her people, perhaps ......" Zhuang network rouge sneer, perhaps this is want to send someone pushed her in the pool, no matter what kind of possibility, the Xuzhao Rong think he is wrong in the calculations. Bamboo also listen to hear the words of the village envelope rouge meaning, the moment teeth and said:. "Well a calculation" "What means such a point count," Zhuang network rouge squint yawned, "harem woman Who did a bit calculating,徐昭容dare to do so, we must have the courage to be found, which are plenty around the eyes. " Listen bamboo village envelope touches did not expect this kind of thing so calm talking rouge, some sadly: "Difficult not let her masters in vain framed? " "how is white calculated?" Zhuang network rouge opened his eyes and smiled, this body of her brother get a promotion with the mother, looking at the emperor's attitude to her is not without the slightest brotherhood, at least now into her own eyes, what a curse is a blessing it is still in doubt. Former royal case, sealing the honor to close the hands of reporting trivial little things suriko, Taishou look to the side of the high Dezhong, "high Dezhong, Xi and Palace Chao charge meter how?" "Back to the emperor, just too hospital staff to report, Zhao master has been little serious, but slightly hoarse voice, recently can not eat spicy things, nor heat. "knew the emperor Zhu Er Gong Xi and somewhat interested, high Dezhong things about this Zhuer also always got the idea a. "That being the case, so that the house can not be a shortage of people who save and Palace Hee ice pick fresh fruits and vegetables are also sent" letters would like thought, "By the way you send someone to ask Zhao charge meter, Hee and cook Palace with DEK also liking, if not used, then again for individuals. " "The emperor careful, I asked which would perhaps go." High Dezhong hesitated, and began, "just to see the emperor chamberlain eunuchs supervisor busy state, and also Imperial afraid your hospitality, so I ventured chamberlain prison for people to ask, but to turn the emperor Comin sign? " "Since the charge meter Zhao body has Daan, tonight it went Hee and the Palace." I would like to again pick up a seal Zhezi, "Zhao charging instrument by a lot of panic, what is close to the comfort." "是." High Dezhong see the emperor seemed reluctant to speak again, he's on the side of law-abiding, but my heart began to wonder whether there is neglect over the past Hee who Zhuer and Palace. He looked cold, emperor ... [This chapter is finished, click Next to continue reading! ]

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Sun Ronghua as the inner palace harem, the body is not virtuous, against women, from his title, banished to limbo, without your majesty will, not out of the door. "Ya Wen * * * love * * say first"

in the harem proud but few months Sun Ronghua was so bleak ending, along with Sun Jia is also the emperor asked the woman is not strict, even the officer down three, Sun Jiasuan is moving in the classroom lost potential. Befriend with Sun Jia Zhao also lost a helper.

pour is banker people still displayed as usual, not to fold son for Zhao filling instrument held dissatisfaction at the emperor accidentally, when asked, only said her daughter into the Royal gate, follow the husband, all have the emperor arrangements, they all are no opinion.

Very satisfied with the emperor to the banker who wrong, originally in municipal office to the Department of dizi makers, he served as the Ministry of Lang, soothe the dealer disguised people. Chao Tang people look, the heart is cursed Zhuang adults is an old fox, not only got the emperor's good impression, his son back to plan a good future, the industry it is six households and department, but the pros and cons, who would look not to come out? , "bang!" Always virtuous queen mad smashed a teacup, thought to have been put in the sun cousin, she secretly hated his original knowledge is not clear, how to find such a mindless palace, put her too did not face.

"The queen," and jade came up for a cup of tea, words with a conciliation way, "the emperor did not punish the empress empress meaning now, why so angry, rather than just the matter has not occurred, the past how, now or what."

"the palace will don't know it, just think of this deep palace, all women are not simple, the house I feel headache," the queen to carry a tea, sip, restrain my irritation, "Zhao filling instrument there how to listen to her voice, yesterday doctor yet all right, you sent to ask, let the city and palace have what it takes to open despite." Description: "mother, rest assured, the maidservant have sentThese days you do not have a good rest, and rest for a while." And follow the queen in the palace jade has been for many years, to see the queen this appearance, the heart a little more concern.

"the palace where sleep forever," the queen closed his eyes, "the pond weed rope disorder found out who was thrown into the inside?"

and jade dignified shook his head, "the maidservant checked, this several day from Lotus Pond after, in addition to Xi and house slaves, and several other masters of the people around, looked suspicious, but each passed that people have a job, the maidservant incompetence......" , "you don't blame yourself,Since making this Mantis Catch Cicadas Huangque in things get, how easily expose themselves, "Queen waved his hand," it does not need to check."

and Yu looked at the queen has become calm face, call a sound is.

summer always easy to let people impetuous season, but near the end of the summer, the hot weather here is also very uncomfortable, Zhuang collaterals Rouge because in the disease raise, the palace of ice fresh fruits and vegetables is missing, and the emperor often do, following minions more dare not neglect.

toying with a silk line hand, Zhuang collaterals Rouge against Royal chair, looked strangely pleasing. Description: "Lord son, pulse, cure too much to give you
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