第一百七十八章 造反?readx(); “凝儿侄女真是出落得亭亭玉立,不知现在什么修为了。±小,..o”聂海问道,之前他也听说肖凝儿将沈飞打 การแปล - 第一百七十八章 造反?readx(); “凝儿侄女真是出落得亭亭玉立,不知现在什么修为了。±小,..o”聂海问道,之前他也听说肖凝儿将沈飞打 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第一百七十八章 造反?readx(); “凝儿侄女真是出落得亭亭玉立,

第一百七十八章 造反?
readx(); “凝儿侄女真是出落得亭亭玉立,不知现在什么修为了。±小,..o”聂海问道,之前他也听说肖凝儿将沈飞打了一顿的消息,这才有心询问一下。











































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
178th insurgence?readx(); "Coagulation son niece was grown slim, I do not know what to do now. ±小,.. O "NIE haisheng said, he heard before Xiaoning shenfei had a message, this just ask. Next to each family of the owner of the House, Nie En, who do they greet, but the conversation between NIE haisheng and Xiao YF, they are listening. "My daughter has just now reached the gold star peak, it is estimated that Jin soon-order gold-Samsung. "Xiao YF kindly look Xiaoning, slight smiles. Hear what Xiao YF, many home owners are in for a surprise, even though they have heard before, but now all of a sudden I heard, was still very shocked, so young age, is already practicing to gold star level, that at least is the younger generation in the day really prides itself in the top three female!NIE haisheng eyebrows picked up a pick, Xiao Ning is still quite promising, Nie Li's daughter-in-law was done rather well, if the Duke's daughter on the League, then marry Xiaoning is also good. Xiaoning looks good, looks pretty, looks absolutely impeccable. NIE haisheng has been contemplating how to find wife Nie Li, he laughs: "NIE the kid in trouble everywhere, and niece, as he was the friend, usually more care of Nie Li, trace family drop in time to come to our day! ” NIE haisheng also does not say never, Nie Li, after all, has not been set. "Thanks man, I'll go. "Xiaoning will hear some of NIE haisheng, burns her cheeks slightly, but still in a soft voice replied.Xiao YF, NIE haisheng have each House all over the about, although mark family is simply a noble family, but no one dared to trace family day is a noble gesture. Hall's first. "The NIE from the boy, the banquet, hosted by you. How to? "To Nie Li Ye Xiu, slight smiles, Nie Li in the family's prestige in the eyes of the master of the House, just past wave of beast and reached a peak. And now, after each family to re-examine Nie Li, there has been a new assessment of the Nie Li. Nie Li looked at Ye Xiu. Ye Xiu do I'm afraid there are intentions, his di di ǎ ǎ n n first: "it's OK to to me to preside over! ” Ye Xiu smiles, in the face of such a big scene, all of the family nearly five thousand or six thousand master scene, Nie Li had no stage fright, but I thought, NIE this kid can't completely measured by an ordinary teenager. Buzzing noise, master of each family are greeted each other freely. Scene spectacular. But Nie Li and Ye Xiu, new moon, no open seats mean, patiently waiting for the masters of each family finished greeting. After all, they are here to stall for time, action drags on for as long as possible. Ye Zong there was arranged a long time ago, with half an hour ago according to the masters of the snow family, Holy family entered the mansion at the moment. Has started, I'm afraid, but I don't know now how. On the location of the Holy family. In addition to drinking one bulkhead of the Holy family, in a crowded Hall look di ǎ n deserted. Sacred family down the snow family, each family of the master of the House who are still watching, where they dare speak to find Shen Hong, if they take the initiative to speak to Shen Hong, is meant to keep snow family to do? Plus the usual domineering the Holy family. Each family without adding insult to injury was very welcome, how unlucky at this time? But someone who is not at all, that is huyanxiong of huyan family. "Shen-brother, long time no talk to shenjia a drink, taking advantage of the time. Ye Zong big brother host, we have a toast! "Huyanxiong to the table with a bowl of wine, hearty laugh, he said."Huyan brother polite. "Chen Hong but authentic, look up wine in a clean Bowl. "Hello brother Shen liquor, how another bowl? Come, brother to Shen on full! "Huyanxiong laugh says. Snow family suppressed the sacred family, each family of Holy family home owners to fear of being shunned for fear of being misunderstood the snow family relationship have to do with the Holy family, but huyanxiong can be completely don't care, who does not know huyanshi family is a family of snow's right-hand man, absolutely loyal to the family in the snow. Snow family is hardly what's no doubt huyanshi to Holy family connections. Meet huyanxiong's toast, surrounded by noisy scenes, Shen Hong inexplicably upset, di ǎ n Chen Hong suddenly felt this party have gone wrong, but wrong, he couldn't say. Shen Hong's heart, there is a great mystery, that Ye Zong dead not dead? If Ye Zong was dead, that the party is likely to propose new city of superior, I'm afraid not so fast the snow family to find the right candidate. If Ye Zong did not die, that the party might just have to deal with the Holy family. Master of the Holy family are here, really the snow family to deal with the Holy family, Ye Zong will appear! Ye Zong did not appear, probably should say to Ye Han, has a dragon herb poison die. But huyanxiong's face, how completely devoid of compassion? Yet Ye Zong died such a message, it cannot notify huyanxiong! "I'd like to see you trying to figure out what the hell! "Shen Hong secretly thought road, cold snorted, a face, and continued to finish a bowl of wine. It was getting dark, the night slowly enveloped the Earth.Shining city quieted down anywhere else, only city lights mansion here. City Mansion, in addition to the Hall, and elsewhere has been in full martial law, all the guards were armed, shedding cold chill on body armor, Duke city wall flamed with crossbow and steel Spears and body armor shield, meaning cold chill. City gate of the mansion, a man in a gray robe people hurrying in, his face anxious color immediately stopped by guards. "I'm going to get! ” "Here is the City Government, unauthorized persons are prohibited from entering! "One guard, cold drinks, kowtowed."We are the master of the House I'm looking for! "The man said. "What family are you? ” "Huyan family! "The one eye turned, she said. This group of the guards looked at each other and one eye, exchanged glances, one of the guards: "you're coming with us, we take you to your home! ” "Thank you, this is a di ǎ n biggie. "That person a flattering, and slipped the two guards some demon spirit money. Two guards quietly accept it, said quietly: "come on. ” "Good, good. "The man smiled and said, with two guards behindTwo of the guards with the man in a gray robe way forward, rounding a long corridor, into the dark yard. "Where are you taking me? This is not the way to the Banquet Hall. "The man has just finished, guards covered his mouth, a guard of a sword into his stomach, the man kept struggling, trying to sound, but eyes grew lax and soon breathed. "Well, Holy Family treason, die deserved it! Huyan family in saying that, we just don't recognize it? This is ridiculous to the extreme, Holy family looking for all of you, we all remember! ”In that person's possession of them search for it, found nothing, estimated that the person in nothing more than a message. The master of the House had confessed before, Castellan's House no one is going out, if people wanted to come in or leave the Holy family, shoot on sight. Night is inky, dark gray mist, seems to be with a heavy kill an idea. 城主府大殿里面,依然喧哗热闹,各种声音此起彼伏。 呼延雄跟沈鸿喝了十几杯之后,突然哈哈大笑,那笑声中,还带着灵魂力的穿透力量,他猛地将碗嘭的一声摔在了地上,那口碗顿时乒的一阵脆响,四分五裂。这一声脆响,令原本就一直沉默的神圣世家的高手们突然受惊,一个个呼啦啦的站了起来,有些甚至从空间戒指中抽出了兵器,刹那间刀光剑影,气氛变得格外紧张。因为来到这里之前,沈鸿就交代过他们,进了城主府就要万分小心,风雪世家说不定会跟他们动手,所以他们的神经一直处在紧绷状态,猝不及防呼延雄这样的举动,还以为是呼延雄给风雪世家的人暗示,以为是动手的信号呢。 大厅之中其他各个世家的人顿时将目光全都投注在了神圣世家这群人身上,一个个惊讶诧异,不明白发生了什么事情。神圣世家的人怎么突然间拿出了兵器,各个世家的高手们笑容都僵在了脸上。 整个大厅里的气氛,突然间变得微妙了起来。 呼延雄浑然不觉,豪爽地哈哈大笑道:“好酒好酒,沈兄好酒量,佩服佩服!”呼延雄像是什么都不知道一般,扫了扫神圣世家众多高手,微微一愣道,“咦,沈兄,你们神圣世家这是什么意思……拿出兵器干什么?” 呼延雄这是在诈他们,沈鸿心中恼火,目光冷冷地瞪了一眼神圣世家的众多高手们,哼了一声道:“你们这是干什么?还不把兵器收起来!这里是城主府,城主大人的宴会,一个个咋呼什么?” 神圣世家的高手们纷纷把兵器收了起来,坐了下去。 呼延雄哈哈大笑道:“被神圣世家的诸位兄弟吓了一跳,在这宴会上拔什么兵器,不知道的人还以为神圣世家要造反呢!不过神圣世家怎么可能会造反呢,这简直是天大的玩笑!造反对神圣世家有什么好处?”(未完待续。。)章节错误,点此举报(免注册)5分钟内会处理,举报后请耐心等待,并刷新页面。如果20分钟内没解决请发邮件给我们。谢谢书迷们的支持!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 178th chapter?
readx (); "Ninger niece is really grown tall and straight, now I do not know what to fix for the. Was small,..o asked "Nie Hai, before he heard Xiao Shenyang Ninger will hit the news, which have to ask.

next to each family home owners are, although they are on the small talk with Nie en, et al, but the dialogue between Nie Hai and Yun Feng Xiao. They are also in listening. The little girl now

"has just reached a gold star peak, estimates will soon be Samsung's order of Shanxi gold." Xiao Yunfeng kind to see a look of Xiao Ning son, a tiny smile way. Hear the words of Xiao Yunfeng,Many home owners are heart in a surprised, although before they have to hear, but now suddenly heard, is still very shocked, such a small age, it has been the practice to the Samsung gold level, that at least is the young generation in ranking the first three tianzhijiao female!
Nie Hai eyebrows pick a pick, the Xiao Ning Er is quite promising, do Nie from the daughter-in-law is still quite good, if not the Duke's daughter climb, then marry Xiao Ning is also good. But Xiao Ninger looks good, looks handsome, looks absolutely impeccable.

Nie Hai has been contemplating how to find a wife from the Nie, he laughed and said:"Nie from the boy everywhere to stir up trouble, coagulation niece since it is his friend, usually have a lot to look after the Nie from, time ago we day mark family strings of the door!"

Nie Hai also does not have the words of death, after all, from the mind of Nie has not been determined. Thank you

"uncle, I will go." Xiao Ninger would not listen to some meaning in her cheek if the Nie, slightly hot, but still softly replied.
Yun Feng Xiao, Nie Hai and each main rambling chat up, although the day mark family just in a noble family, but who also dare not to day mark family viewed as a noble family. The first hall.

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