专利名称用于润滑剂流的分割器装置和润滑系统的制作方法技术领域本发明涉及通过由气体,典型地由压缩空气所携带的润滑剂的雾化进行的润滑。 背景技术 การแปล - 专利名称用于润滑剂流的分割器装置和润滑系统的制作方法技术领域本发明涉及通过由气体,典型地由压缩空气所携带的润滑剂的雾化进行的润滑。 背景技术 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


背景技术机床轴和心轴的轴承以及用于滚磨机和校平机中的滚动接触轴承通常通过递送由气体,典型地压缩空气,携带的润滑剂流的润滑剂集中供应而进行润滑。空气和润滑剂的混合物通过管道传送到润滑点,在那里润滑剂必须以由气流携带的细滴的润滑剂雾的形式递送。润滑剂以通常由气流推进的软化剂膜的形式沿着管道传送到润滑点。该混合物因此必须变化为将其转变为由多个小液滴的润滑剂组成的雾以便用于每个润滑点。各个润滑点因此设置有用于将润滑剂雾化为在气流中的小液滴的分割器装置。德国实用新型申请29724492,其对应美国专利6257370 (REBS),描述使用一连接件,该连接件在供应孔中具有角向区域,供应孔后面是限定分配腔室的锥形的漏斗形状的区域。在该腔室中,润滑剂液滴积累在死区中,从那里它们被气流拾取。分配筒耦合到连接件并包括纵向通道,该纵向通道分配润滑剂/空气混合物。相似的配置在德国实用新型申请202007005930 (REBS)中出现,该实用新型申请教导通过定位在耦合到分配主体的连接件中的漏斗形状的部分在供应流中形成紊流。但是,在这些装置中,观察到,当分割器装置下游的背压在所有的分配通道中并不相同时,润滑混合物并不正确地分配。相同的故障在德国实用新型申请202007009472(Lincoln)中的分割器装置中出现,其中不同通道之间的分配受到向上分割流的圆锥件的影响。国际专利申请 W02005/113157 (REBS)试图通过径向安置排出孔而产生旋流进而改善润滑剂/空气混合物的分配。其目的是在位于连接件和分配筒之间的分配腔室中产生螺旋涡流。相同类型的构造同样在德国实用新型申请DE20311631 (Delimon)中发现,其在润滑剂/空气混合物的供应和分配之间使用涡流室和膨胀室。这些装置在实践中并未令人满意地实施。此外,所有已知的装置被发现工作有缺陷,因为润滑剂没有完全在位于分割器装置后面的分配通道中变化形态。该润滑剂在装置内部积聚起来并且与分割器的操作干涉。
本发明的目的是改进现有技术的分割器装置。本发明还涉及一种分割器装置,其中润滑剂雾化为小液滴得以发生,而不管装置下游的水头抑损(Loss Of Head)或者背压损失(Loss Of The Backpressure)如何。结果是,润滑剂在给定系统的各个润滑点均一分配。本发明还涉及一种分割器装置,其消除由在分割器装置中积聚润滑剂所引起的操作故障。在一个实施例中,用于由气体,典型地由空气所携带的润滑剂流的分割器装置,包括具有端面的分配筒,纵向分配通道延伸到该端面中,该通道与排出孔连通;以及安装在分配筒的上游并包括中空主体的连接件,所述中空主体具有孔洞,润滑剂和气体流能够通过该孔洞。连接件的孔洞具有横截面减少的局部节流区域,该区域后面是横截面变大的区域。在连接件和分配筒之间具有限定腔室的间隙。这样,润滑剂通过由节流区域产生的文丘里效应雾化为细滴。润滑剂液滴的直径为大约1-100微米。腔室的存在增大润滑剂液滴和气体混合物流的紊流。小的雾化液滴自身然后在撞击分配筒的端面并通入到纵向分配通道中之前跨过腔室的横截面均一地分配。润滑剂跨过全部的分配通道的分配是优秀的,即使在每个分配通道中的水头抑损并不一致。分配筒和连接件有利地插入在组件管中,组件管的孔洞限定所述腔室。筒的包括排出孔的那部分可以从所述组件管突出。在优选实施例中,分割器装置还包括用于没有进入分配筒中并处于上述腔室中的润滑剂的再循环的装置。其原因在与,一些润滑剂停留在腔室中,没有进入到分配通道之一中。这些润滑剂在腔室中的积聚会有损所述分割器装置的操作。通过连续再循环这些润滑剂并再利用它, 这一困难得以解决。为此,连接件优选地包括至少一个径向通道,该径向通道通过它的壁,与所述腔室连通,并开口到局部节流区域中或者紧挨着局部节流区域的附近。连接件可包括多个均勻分布的径向通道,该径向通道通过它的壁,与所述腔室连通,并开口到局部节流区域中或者紧挨着局部节流区域的附近中。停留在腔室中的润滑剂这样通过由连接件的节流的文丘里效应所引起的低压被吸吮出去并再循环到混合的润滑剂和气体流中,进入到连接件中。在一个有利的实施例中,连接件包括上游管状部分和下游管状部分,这两个部分通过环形肋部彼此间隔开,该环形肋部外径大于所述管状部分的外径但小于组件管的孔洞的外径,上述径向通道通过该环形肋部。连接件的上游管状部分压配合(Force Fit)到组件管中,下游管状部分和环形肋部罩在限定在所述组件管内部的腔室中,并且在环形肋部周边和所述腔室中的组件管的孔洞之间留有径向间隙。在一个实施例中,分配筒在它的端面上具有指向连接件的大致圆锥形状的突出部分。分配筒可有利地包括与第一组纵向分配通道连通的第一组径向排出孔,以及与第二组纵向分配通道连通的第二组径向排出孔。所述装置这样可以润滑特定点并允许润滑剂和气体流被传送到另一润滑点,所述另一润滑点任选地装有相同结构的另一分割器装置。在另一方面,本发明提供润滑系统,特别地用于在滚磨机或者校平机中的多个滚动接触轴承的腔室的润滑系统,具有来自提供由气体,典型地由空气所携带的润滑剂流的集中供应的多点润滑。所述系统使用顺次安装在供应通道中的如上所述的多个分割器装置,每个分割器装置供应一个润滑点并将剩余的润滑剂和气体流递送到下一装置。

具体实施例方式如图1所示,多轴承组件或者也称作“轴承座(Chock) ”,其总的标记为1,支撑多个安装在圆柱形凹陷2中的滚轮轴。对于每个滚动接触的轴承(在图中未示出),润滑密封器包括分割器装置3。这种类型的分割器装置,在本发明的图2-5所示的一个例子中,包括具有端面5的分配筒4,纵向的分配通道6和7延伸到端面5中。这些围绕端面5的周边区域均一分配。在所述的例子中,两个分配通道6,其在图2和3中可见,定位在直径向相对的侧面上,并与由径向通道形成的排出孔8连通,所述排出孔8同样是直径向相对的,其在一直围绕筒4的圆周延伸的更小直径的环形区域9中从分配筒4通出来。区域9大致位于筒4 的中心。其它的纵向通道7,其在示出的例子中有6个,对称地分布在通道6的各侧上并通向排出孔10,排出孔10采取从端面5通向在分配筒4的远端的环形更小直径的区域11的径向通道的形式。分配通道7比纵向通道6纵向延伸得更远,并止于筒4的末端附近,如可以从图4看出的。分配筒4配合在贯穿通道12内部,通道12形成在轴承座1的壁的实际厚度中。分配筒4包括包含环形更小直径的区域9的中央部,但是它的远离所述环形区域9的外径对应通道12的孔洞。包含端面5的筒4的末端插入到组件管13的末端中,组件管13相应地安装在轴承座1中的通道12内部。包括排出孔8和10的筒4的那个部分从组件管13突出。组件管13的大部分具有等于通道12的孔洞的内径的外径。向着它的末端之一,组件管13具有其中孔洞14允许分配筒4的末端强迫地插入以形成密封的部分。分配筒4的与端面5相对的末端插入到连接管15中,连接管15限定用于空气/ 润滑剂混合物从第一分割器装置3到下一分割器装置3的通道,如特别地可以在图1中看出的。这样,连接管15组成间隔器,其在通道12内部限定在两个分割器装置3之间的精确的间隙。打算插入到连接管15的末端中的分配筒4的末端的外径等于连接管15的孔洞的直径,从而产生防漏配合。这样,在分配筒4的末端处的环形更小直径的区域11限定在筒 4的这个部分的外表面和连接管15的孔洞之间的间隙,并且孔10与该间隙连通。类似地,环形更小直径的区域9限定围绕分配筒4的周边凹槽,孔8与该凹槽连通,并且该凹槽还与连接到凹陷2的润滑通道16连通,凹陷2对应分割器装置3。润滑通道16优选地关于圆形截面的凹陷2径向取向以为了最小化必须被润滑的作为轴承壳体的凹陷2和分割器装置3之间的长度。可以看出,分配筒4的端面具有位于限定端面5的圆的中央的标记为17的大致圆锥形状的突出部分,从而形成在相反方向通向分配通道6和7的钉状物。连接件18安装在空气/润滑剂混合物流中,在组件管13内部的分配筒4上游。连接件18具有带孔洞20的中空主体,润滑剂/空气流可以从中心供应处(在图中未示出) 通过该孔洞20。连接件18包括通过环形肋部23彼此间隔开的上游管状部分21和下游管状部分22 (图6),肋部23的外径大于管状部分21和22的外径。连接件18经由它的上游管状部分21配合到具有直径对应管状部分21的外径的孔洞的组件管13的部分13a中,以形成密封。下游的管状部分22,如同环形肋部23,从组件管13突出到后者的部分13b中, 在那里孔洞大于环形肋部23的外径。以这种方法,在环形肋部23的圆柱的周边表面和组件管13的部分1 的孔洞之间留下一间隙,如图6所示。下游的管状部分22止于端面24, 远离分配筒4的端面5,如图2和4所示,以为了在连接件18和分配筒4之间限定腔室25。分配件18的孔洞具有局部节流区域沈(图6)。这是在环形肋部23的内部并且它经由锥形部分观连接到上游管状部分21的孔洞20,该锥形部分观的角度在所示例子中为大约120度。节流区域沈通过锥形部分四开口到下游管状部分22的孔洞27中,该锥形部分四的角度在所示例子中同样为大约120度。径向通道30,其在所示例子中有六个,在环形肋部23的位置通过壁和连接件18。 这些均勻分布的径向通道30止于紧挨着在连接件18的孔洞中在其下游的节流区域沈附近的锥形部分四。在外面,径向通道30开口到环形肋部23的圆柱表面和组件管13的孔洞 13b之间的间隙中。这样径向通道与腔室25连通。如图1和2所示,组件管13经由它的包含连接件18的末端插入到连接管15a的孔洞中。这是一种压配合以防止泄漏。上面描述的分割器装置以下面的方式工作在2和8巴之间的压力下的压缩空气和润滑剂的混合物通过位于最上游的连接管1 递送,从而从集中供应处(图中未示出) 开始。该混合物通过沿着连接件18的上游管状部分21的孔洞20流动而进入第一分割器装置3中。节流区域26,与锥形部分观和四结合,在连接件18a的孔洞内部形成文氏管 (Venturi),其在流中产生雾化润滑剂的紊流。这样,当在冲击端面5之前所述流通过节流区域沈并被传送到腔室25中时许多小液滴得以形成。节流区域的该雾化作用以及由于沿着腔室25设置的路径而产生的润滑剂小液滴在端面5的整个表面区域的均勻分布,形成在分配筒4内部的精细的雾化形式的润滑剂的良好分配。以这种方法在气流中雾化的润滑剂混合物均一分布,而不管由于分割器装置3下游的各润滑通道的长度和路径所致的水头抑损如何。与腔室25结合的节流区域沈的存在因此产生雾化的润滑剂的优良分配,而不管下游的水头抑损如何。突出部分17的存在同样是有利地的,因为它有利于雾化的润滑剂和压缩空气的混合物的分配。撞击端面5但是没有进入纵向通道6和7之一的一些润滑剂滴入腔室25的底部中。这些润滑剂优选地被吸上来并再循环到压缩空气流中。延伸通过连接件18的环形肋部23的径向通道30使得这些润滑剂能够再循环。其原因在与,这些径向通道30在紧挨着其下游或者上游的节流区域26附近,或者作为一种变体在该节流区域沈中具有开口端,并经受文丘里效应,其通过所述通道30吸取在腔室25中的任何润滑剂,这是由于压缩气体和润滑剂流动沿着连接件18的孔洞的运动所致。在腔室25中的润滑剂通过径向通道30被吸上来并在节流区域沈的位置或者紧挨着它上游或者下游再次注
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Proprietary names used in lubricant flow splitter device and production method of lubrication systemTechnical field of the invention to pass gas, typically carried by compressed air spray lubrication of lubricant. 背景技术机床轴和心轴的轴承以及用于滚磨机和校平机中的滚动接触轴承通常通过递送由气体,典型地压缩空气,携带的润滑剂流的润滑剂集中供应而进行润滑。空气和润滑剂的混合物通过管道传送到润滑点,在那里润滑剂必须以由气流携带的细滴的润滑剂雾的形式递送。润滑剂以通常由气流推进的软化剂膜的形式沿着管道传送到润滑点。该混合物因此必须变化为将其转变为由多个小液滴的润滑剂组成的雾以便用于每个润滑点。各个润滑点因此设置有用于将润滑剂雾化为在气流中的小液滴的分割器装置。德国实用新型申请29724492,其对应美国专利6257370 (REBS),描述使用一连接件,该连接件在供应孔中具有角向区域,供应孔后面是限定分配腔室的锥形的漏斗形状的区域。在该腔室中,润滑剂液滴积累在死区中,从那里它们被气流拾取。分配筒耦合到连接件并包括纵向通道,该纵向通道分配润滑剂/空气混合物。相似的配置在德国实用新型申请202007005930 (REBS)中出现,该实用新型申请教导通过定位在耦合到分配主体的连接件中的漏斗形状的部分在供应流中形成紊流。但是,在这些装置中,观察到,当分割器装置下游的背压在所有的分配通道中并不相同时,润滑混合物并不正确地分配。相同的故障在德国实用新型申请202007009472(Lincoln)中的分割器装置中出现,其中不同通道之间的分配受到向上分割流的圆锥件的影响。国际专利申请 W02005/113157 (REBS)试图通过径向安置排出孔而产生旋流进而改善润滑剂/空气混合物的分配。其目的是在位于连接件和分配筒之间的分配腔室中产生螺旋涡流。相同类型的构造同样在德国实用新型申请DE20311631 (Delimon)中发现,其在润滑剂/空气混合物的供应和分配之间使用涡流室和膨胀室。这些装置在实践中并未令人满意地实施。此外,所有已知的装置被发现工作有缺陷,因为润滑剂没有完全在位于分割器装置后面的分配通道中变化形态。该润滑剂在装置内部积聚起来并且与分割器的操作干涉。发明内容本发明的目的是改进现有技术的分割器装置。本发明还涉及一种分割器装置,其中润滑剂雾化为小液滴得以发生,而不管装置下游的水头抑损(Loss Of Head)或者背压损失(Loss Of The Backpressure)如何。结果是,润滑剂在给定系统的各个润滑点均一分配。本发明还涉及一种分割器装置,其消除由在分割器装置中积聚润滑剂所引起的操作故障。在一个实施例中,用于由气体,典型地由空气所携带的润滑剂流的分割器装置,包括具有端面的分配筒,纵向分配通道延伸到该端面中,该通道与排出孔连通;以及安装在分配筒的上游并包括中空主体的连接件,所述中空主体具有孔洞,润滑剂和气体流能够通过该孔洞。连接件的孔洞具有横截面减少的局部节流区域,该区域后面是横截面变大的区域。在连接件和分配筒之间具有限定腔室的间隙。这样,润滑剂通过由节流区域产生的文丘里效应雾化为细滴。润滑剂液滴的直径为大约1-100微米。腔室的存在增大润滑剂液滴和气体混合物流的紊流。小的雾化液滴自身然后在撞击分配筒的端面并通入到纵向分配通道中之前跨过腔室的横截面均一地分配。润滑剂跨过全部的分配通道的分配是优秀的,即使在每个分配通道中的水头抑损并不一致。分配筒和连接件有利地插入在组件管中,组件管的孔洞限定所述腔室。筒的包括排出孔的那部分可以从所述组件管突出。在优选实施例中,分割器装置还包括用于没有进入分配筒中并处于上述腔室中的润滑剂的再循环的装置。其原因在与,一些润滑剂停留在腔室中,没有进入到分配通道之一中。这些润滑剂在腔室中的积聚会有损所述分割器装置的操作。通过连续再循环这些润滑剂并再利用它, 这一困难得以解决。为此,连接件优选地包括至少一个径向通道,该径向通道通过它的壁,与所述腔室连通,并开口到局部节流区域中或者紧挨着局部节流区域的附近。连接件可包括多个均勻分布的径向通道,该径向通道通过它的壁,与所述腔室连通,并开口到局部节流区域中或者紧挨着局部节流区域的附近中。停留在腔室中的润滑剂这样通过由连接件的节流的文丘里效应所引起的低压被吸吮出去并再循环到混合的润滑剂和气体流中,进入到连接件中。在一个有利的实施例中,连接件包括上游管状部分和下游管状部分,这两个部分通过环形肋部彼此间隔开,该环形肋部外径大于所述管状部分的外径但小于组件管的孔洞的外径,上述径向通道通过该环形肋部。连接件的上游管状部分压配合(Force Fit)到组件管中,下游管状部分和环形肋部罩在限定在所述组件管内部的腔室中,并且在环形肋部周边和所述腔室中的组件管的孔洞之间留有径向间隙。在一个实施例中,分配筒在它的端面上具有指向连接件的大致圆锥形状的突出部分。分配筒可有利地包括与第一组纵向分配通道连通的第一组径向排出孔,以及与第二组纵向分配通道连通的第二组径向排出孔。所述装置这样可以润滑特定点并允许润滑剂和气体流被传送到另一润滑点,所述另一润滑点任选地装有相同结构的另一分割器装置。在另一方面,本发明提供润滑系统,特别地用于在滚磨机或者校平机中的多个滚动接触轴承的腔室的润滑系统,具有来自提供由气体,典型地由空气所携带的润滑剂流的集中供应的多点润滑。所述系统使用顺次安装在供应通道中的如上所述的多个分割器装置,每个分割器装置供应一个润滑点并将剩余的润滑剂和气体流递送到下一装置。附图说明本发明将通过研读作为例子、在附图中示出并且未施加任何限制的实施例而得以更加清楚地理解,其中图1是通过根据本发明的用于装有润滑装置的钢滚磨机的多轴承组件的截面;图2是通过用于如图1所示的系统中的根据本发明的分割器装置的第一纵向平面的放大截面;图3是在图中的标记为III-III上的横截面;图4是通过相同分割器装置的在另一个纵向平面上的截面;图5是在图4中标记有V-V上的横截面;以及图6是更特别地示出根据本发明的分割器装置的连接件的放大截面。具体实施例方式如图1所示,多轴承组件或者也称作“轴承座(Chock) ”,其总的标记为1,支撑多个安装在圆柱形凹陷2中的滚轮轴。对于每个滚动接触的轴承(在图中未示出),润滑密封器包括分割器装置3。这种类型的分割器装置,在本发明的图2-5所示的一个例子中,包括具有端面5的分配筒4,纵向的分配通道6和7延伸到端面5中。这些围绕端面5的周边区域均一分配。在所述的例子中,两个分配通道6,其在图2和3中可见,定位在直径向相对的侧面上,并与由径向通道形成的排出孔8连通,所述排出孔8同样是直径向相对的,其在一直围绕筒4的圆周延伸的更小直径的环形区域9中从分配筒4通出来。区域9大致位于筒4 的中心。其它的纵向通道7,其在示出的例子中有6个,对称地分布在通道6的各侧上并通向排出孔10,排出孔10采取从端面5通向在分配筒4的远端的环形更小直径的区域11的径向通道的形式。分配通道7比纵向通道6纵向延伸得更远,并止于筒4的末端附近,如可以从图4看出的。分配筒4配合在贯穿通道12内部,通道12形成在轴承座1的壁的实际厚度中。分配筒4包括包含环形更小直径的区域9的中央部,但是它的远离所述环形区域9的外径对应通道12的孔洞。包含端面5的筒4的末端插入到组件管13的末端中,组件管13相应地安装在轴承座1中的通道12内部。包括排出孔8和10的筒4的那个部分从组件管13突出。组件管13的大部分具有等于通道12的孔洞的内径的外径。向着它的末端之一,组件管13具有其中孔洞14允许分配筒4的末端强迫地插入以形成密封的部分。分配筒4的与端面5相对的末端插入到连接管15中,连接管15限定用于空气/ 润滑剂混合物从第一分割器装置3到下一分割器装置3的通道,如特别地可以在图1中看出的。这样,连接管15组成间隔器,其在通道12内部限定在两个分割器装置3之间的精确的间隙。打算插入到连接管15的末端中的分配筒4的末端的外径等于连接管15的孔洞的直径,从而产生防漏配合。这样,在分配筒4的末端处的环形更小直径的区域11限定在筒 4的这个部分的外表面和连接管15的孔洞之间的间隙,并且孔10与该间隙连通。类似地,环形更小直径的区域9限定围绕分配筒4的周边凹槽,孔8与该凹槽连通,并且该凹槽还与连接到凹陷2的润滑通道16连通,凹陷2对应分割器装置3。润滑通道16优选地关于圆形截面的凹陷2径向取向以为了最小化必须被润滑的作为轴承壳体的凹陷2和分割器装置3之间的长度。可以看出,分配筒4的端面具有位于限定端面5的圆的中央的标记为17的大致圆锥形状的突出部分,从而形成在相反方向通向分配通道6和7的钉状物。连接件18安装在空气/润滑剂混合物流中,在组件管13内部的分配筒4上游。连接件18具有带孔洞20的中空主体,润滑剂/空气流可以从中心供应处(在图中未示出) 通过该孔洞20。连接件18包括通过环形肋部23彼此间隔开的上游管状部分21和下游管状部分22 (图6),肋部23的外径大于管状部分21和22的外径。连接件18经由它的上游管状部分21配合到具有直径对应管状部分21的外径的孔洞的组件管13的部分13a中,以形成密封。下游的管状部分22,如同环形肋部23,从组件管13突出到后者的部分13b中, 在那里孔洞大于环形肋部23的外径。以这种方法,在环形肋部23的圆柱的周边表面和组件管13的部分1 的孔洞之间留下一间隙,如图6所示。下游的管状部分22止于端面24, 远离分配筒4的端面5,如图2和4所示,以为了在连接件18和分配筒4之间限定腔室25。分配件18的孔洞具有局部节流区域沈(图6)。这是在环形肋部23的内部并且它经由锥形部分观连接到上游管状部分21的孔洞20,该锥形部分观的角度在所示例子中为大约120度。节流区域沈通过锥形部分四开口到下游管状部分22的孔洞27中,该锥形部分四的角度在所示例子中同样为大约120度。径向通道30,其在所示例子中有六个,在环形肋部23的位置通过壁和连接件18。 这些均勻分布的径向通道30止于紧挨着在连接件18的孔洞中在其下游的节流区域沈附近的锥形部分四。在外面,径向通道30开口到环形肋部23的圆柱表面和组件管13的孔洞 13b之间的间隙中。这样径向通道与腔室25连通。如图1和2所示,组件管13经由它的包含连接件18的末端插入到连接管15a的孔洞中。这是一种压配合以防止泄漏。上面描述的分割器装置以下面的方式工作在2和8巴之间的压力下的压缩空气和润滑剂的混合物通过位于最上游的连接管1 递送,从而从集中供应处(图中未示出) 开始。该混合物通过沿着连接件18的上游管状部分21的孔洞20流动而进入第一分割器装置3中。节流区域26,与锥形部分观和四结合,在连接件18a的孔洞内部形成文氏管 (Venturi),其在流中产生雾化润滑剂的紊流。这样,当在冲击端面5之前所述流通过节流区域沈并被传送到腔室25中时许多小液滴得以形成。节流区域的该雾化作用以及由于沿着腔室25设置的路径而产生的润滑剂小液滴在端面5的整个表面区域的均勻分布,形成在分配筒4内部的精细的雾化形式的润滑剂的良好分配。以这种方法在气流中雾化的润滑剂混合物均一分布,而不管由于分割器装置3下游的各润滑通道的长度和路径所致的水头抑损如何。与腔室25结合的节流区域沈的存在因此产生雾化的润滑剂的优良分配,而不管下游的水头抑损如何。突出部分17的存在同样是有利地的,因为它有利于雾化的润滑剂和压缩空气的混合物的分配。撞击端面5但是没有进入纵向通道6和7之一的一些润滑剂滴入腔室25的底部中。这些润滑剂优选地被吸上来并再循环到压缩空气流中。延伸通过连接件18的环形肋部23的径向通道30使得这些润滑剂能够再循环。其原因在与,这些径向通道30在紧挨着其下游或者上游的节流区域26附近,或者作为一种变体在该节流区域沈中具有开口端,并经受文丘里效应,其通过所述通道30吸取在腔室25中的任何润滑剂,这是由于压缩气体和润滑剂流动沿着连接件18的孔洞的运动所致。在腔室25中的润滑剂通过径向通道30被吸上来并在节流区域沈的位置或者紧挨着它上游或者下游再次注
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

Method for the production flow of lubricant Patent Title dividing means and lubrication system
Technical Field The present invention relates to lubrication by a gas, typically compressed air carried by the atomization of the lubricant.
Background of the Invention Machine shaft and bearing spindle and roller mill and leveler in rolling contact bearings are used typically by delivery, typically compressed air from the gas flow of lubricant carried by the lubricant supply and centralized lubrication. A mixture of air and lubricant conveyed through pipes to the lubrication point, where the lubricant must be delivered in the form of fine droplets carried by the air flow of lubricant mist. Lubricant in the form of generally propelled by a stream transmitted to the softener film lubrication points along the pipeline. The mixture must be changed to be converted by the plurality of droplets of a lubricant mist to be used for each lubrication point. Therefore various lubrication points provided for the lubricant is atomized in the gas stream divider device droplets. German Utility Model Application 29724492, which corresponds to U.S. Patent No. 6257370 (REBS), describes the use of a connecting member, the connecting member having the supply holes in the corner area, serving a defined region behind this hole is tapered funnel-shaped distribution chamber. In the chamber, the lubricant droplets accumulate in the dead zone, from where they are picked up stream. Distribution cylinder coupled to the connector and includes a longitudinal channel, said longitudinal channel allocation lubricant / air mixture. A similar arrangement is German Utility Model Application 202007005930 (REBS) appears in the utility model application teaches by locating the connecting member is coupled to the distribution of the main body portion of the funnel-shaped formation of turbulence in the supply stream. However, in these devices, we observed that when divider means downstream of the back pressure in all distribution channels are not the same, the lubricant mixture is not properly assigned. The same fault German Utility Model Application 202007009472 (Lincoln) in the divider means appear, which assigns different channels is influenced by the conical part of the divided upward flow. International patent application W02005 / 113157 (REBS) tries to generate a swirling flow and thus improve the distribution of the lubricant / air mixture is discharged through a radially disposed hole. Its purpose is to generate a spiral vortex in the distribution chamber located between the connecting member and the distribution barrel. The same type of construction also German Utility Model Application DE20311631 (Delimon) found in its use of the swirl chamber and the expansion chamber between the supply and distribution of lubricant / air mixture. In practice, these devices have not satisfactorily implemented. Further, all known devices is found defective work, since the lubricant is not completely change in morphology splitter means located aft of the distribution channel. The lubricant build up inside the device and interference with the operation of the division.
The object of the present invention to improve the prior art apparatus divider. The present invention also relates to a divider device, wherein the lubricant is atomized into small droplets to occur, downstream of the device regardless of the head vitiate (Loss Of Head) or the back pressure loss (Loss Of The Backpressure) how. As a result, the lubricant in various lubrication points uniform distribution of a given system. The present invention also relates to a divider device, which eliminates operating failures due to the collection means divided in the lubricant caused. In one embodiment, the gas used, are typically carried by the air flow of lubricant divider device, comprising a distribution tube has an end, extending into the longitudinal end surface of the distribution channel, the channel and the discharge hole; and installed upstream of the distribution barrel and the connecting member comprises a hollow body, said hollow body having a hole, a lubricant and the gas flow through the hole. Holes connecting member having a cross-section of the restriction between the reduced region, the rear region is larger cross-sectional area. Allocation between the connecting member and the cylinder defining a chamber having a gap. Thus, the lubricant through the Venturi effect atomization by the choke area produced fine droplets. Lubricant droplet diameter of about 100 micrometers. The presence of the lubricant chamber is increased droplets and the gas mixture flow turbulence. Small atomized droplets in the end face of the impact itself and the distribution barrel and introduced into the chamber across the cross-section of a uniform distribution of longitudinal distribution channels before. Lubricant distribution across all channels of distribution is excellent, even in each distribution channel head derogation is not consistent. Distribution tube and fittings are advantageously inserted into the tube assembly, the hole defining the chamber assembly tube. The cylinder includes a discharge hole portion of tube protruding from the assembly. In a preferred embodiment, the apparatus further comprises a divider means for not entering the distribution tube and in the chamber of the recycled lubricant. The reason the number of stays in the lubricant chamber, does not enter one of the distribution channels. These lubricants accumulate in the chamber would be detrimental to the operation of the dividing means. These lubricants by continuously recycled and reused it, this problem is solved. To this end, the connector preferably comprises at least one radial passage, the radial passage through its wall, communicating with said chamber and opening into the localized throttling region or immediately near the area of the restriction between. Connecting member may include a plurality of radial passages uniformly distributed, the radial channels through its wall communicating with the chamber, and the throttle opening to a local area or next to the throttle near the local area. Stay in the chamber by a low-pressure lubricant so by the Venturi effect connection of throttle caused by sucking out and recycled to the mixing of lubricant and gas flow into the connection member. In an advantageous embodiment, the tubular connecting member comprising an upstream portion and a downstream tubular portion, the two portions spaced from each other by an annular rib, an outer diameter greater than the outer diameter of the annular rib of the tubular portion of the tube but less than the component the outer diameter of the holes, said radial passages through the annular rib. An upstream portion of the tubular connecting member is press-fitted (Force Fit) to the component tube downstream of the tubular portion and the annular rib cover defined in the assembly chamber inside the tube, and an annular rib and the peripheral chamber leaving radial clearance between the tube assembly holes. In one embodiment, the dispensing tube having at its end face directed generally conical shaped connecting member projecting portion. Distribution cylinder may advantageously comprise a first set of a first set of radial longitudinal distribution of passage exhaust hole, and a second set of radial distribution of the second set of longitudinal passage of the discharge orifice. This means the lubrication points and allows specific lubricant and gas flow is transferred to the other lubrication points, the lubrication points further optionally containing another division means the same structure. In another aspect, the present invention provides a lubricating system, particularly for a plurality of rolling contact roller mill or leveler in the bearing chamber lubrication system, supplied by gas from, typically carried by the air multi-point lubrication centralized supply of lubricant flow. The system uses a plurality of splitter device as described above sequentially installed in the supply channel, each of the divided device supply a lubrication point and the remaining lubricant and gas flow delivered to the next device.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION The present invention will be read as an example, is shown in the drawings and not to impose any limitation to the embodiments more clearly understood, in which FIG. 1 is formed by rolling the steel according to the present invention is provided with lubricating means multi-sectional mill bearing assembly; FIG. 2 is illustrated by FIG. 1 in the system according to the enlarged longitudinal sectional view of the first plane of the divider device according to the present invention is used; Fig. 3 is labeled as in FIG III on the cross section -III; Figure 4 is a cross-section through the same splitter means on the other longitudinal plane; Figure 5 is marked in FIG. 4 in cross section on VV; and Figure 6 is more particularly shown in accordance with an enlarged section of the connection member divider device of the present invention. Specific Example As shown in Figure 1, or more bearing assemblies is also called "chocks (Chock)", which is labeled 1 overall, supporting a plurality of cylindrical recesses 2 mounted on the roller shaft. For bearings (not shown in the figure) of each rolling contact, lubricated seal comprises dividing means 3. Divider device of this type, in an example of the present invention is shown in FIG. 2-5, the end face 5 comprises a dispensing tube 4, the longitudinal distribution channels 6 and 7 extend to the end face 5. The area around the periphery of the end face 5 of uniform distribution. In the example described, the two distribution channels 6, in which can be seen in FIG. 2 and 3, positioned on diametrically opposite sides, and the discharge orifice 8 formed by a radial passage communicating the exhaust openings 8 also It is diametrically opposite, from its distribution barrel 4 through the annular region has a smaller diameter around the circumference of the cylinder 4 extending 9. 9 approximately in the center region of the cylinder 4. Other longitudinal channels 7, which are six in the example shown, symmetrically distributed on each side of the channel 6 and the discharge hole 10 leading to the discharge hole 10 taken from the leading end surface of the distal end 5 of the distribution barrel 4 smaller diameter forms an annular region of the radial channels 11. Longitudinal distribution channel 7 to channel 6 extends longitudinally farther, and terminates near the end of the cylinder 4, as can be seen from Figure 4. Distribution tube 4 fitted through the inner channel 12, channel 12 is formed in the actual thickness of the bearing walls 1. Distribution barrel 4 includes a central annular portion comprising a smaller diameter region 9, but it is remote from the outer diameter of the annular region 9 corresponding to the holes 12 of the channel. Containing a facing end of the cartridge 5 is inserted into the end 4 of the tube assembly 13, the tube 13 corresponding to the components mounted inside the bearing housing 12 in a channel. It includes a discharge tube holes 8 and 10 of the section 4 of the tube 13 protruding from the component. Most tube assembly 13 has a passage hole 12 is equal to the inner diameter of the outer diameter. Towards one of its end, the tube assembly 13 having a hole 14 which allows the end of the distribution barrel 4 is forcibly inserted to form a seal portion. 5 with the distribution tube is inserted into the end opposite the end face 4 of the connecting tube 15, connecting tube 15 for defining an air / lubricant mixture from the first splitter 3 to the next divider device 3 channel means, such as in particular Figure 1 seen. Thus, the connecting pipe 15 composed of a spacer, which defines precisely the two divider means in the gap between the inner passage 12. Intended to be inserted into the end of the connecting tube 15 in the outer diameter of the end of the distribution barrel 4 is equal to the hole 15 of the connecting tube diameter, resulting in leak-proof fit. Thus, the annular region at the end of the distribution barrel 4 of a smaller diameter defining a gap 11 between the outer surface of the cylindrical portion of the holes 4 and the connecting tube 15, and the hole 10 communicates with the gap. Similarly, the annular region 9 defines a smaller diameter around the peripheral groove of the distribution barrel 4, the hole 8 communicates with the recess, and the recess 16 also communicates with the lubrication channel is connected to the recess 2, the divider means 2 corresponds to the recess 3. Lubrication channel 16 is preferably about 2 circular cross section radially oriented recess that must be minimized as recesses lubricated bearing housing 2 and the divider 3 between the length of the apparatus. As can be seen, the end face of the distribution barrel 4 having end faces 5 situated defining the center of a circle marked projecting portion 17 of a substantially conical shape, thereby forming in the opposite direction towards the distribution channels 6 and 7 of the spike. Connecting member 18 is mounted at the air / lubricant mixture flow in the pipe 13 internal components of the upstream distribution barrel 4. Connecting member 18 has a hollow body with a hole 20, a lubricant / air flow can (not shown in the figure) from the center of the supply through the hole 20. By connecting member 18 comprises an annular rib 23 spaced from each other upstream and the downstream tubular portion 21 of the tubular portion 22 (FIG. 6), the rib 23 is larger than the outer diameter of the tubular portion 21 and an outer diameter of 22. Connecting member 18 via its upstream tubular portion 21 having a diameter corresponding to the hole to fit the tubular portion 21 of the outer diameter of the tube portion 13a of the component 13 to form a seal. Downstream of the tubular portion 22, as an annular rib 23, projecting from the assembly 13 to the tube portion 13b of the latter, where the hole is larger than the outer diameter of the annular rib 23. In this way, the holes between the annular rib 23 of the peripheral surface of the cylinder assembly and a portion of the pipe 13 to leave a gap, as shown in Fig. The downstream ends 22 of the end face of the tubular portion 24, away from the end face 5 of the distribution barrel 4, as shown in Figures 2 and 4, that the connecting member 18 between the cylinder 4 and the distribution chamber 25 is defined. Dispensing hole 18 has a partial choke area sink (Fig. 6). This is an internal annular rib 23 and which is connected via a tapered tubular portion to the upstream portion 21 Viewpoint holes 20, the tapered portion Viewpoint In the illustrated example is about 120 degrees. Shen throttle opening area by four downstream tapered portion of the tubular portion 22 of the hole 27, the angle of the tapered portion of the four in the example shown in the same is about 120 degrees. Radial passage 30, which has six, in the position of the annular rib 23 and the connecting member 18 through the wall in the illustrated example. The uniform distribution of the radial passage 30 and ends next to the hole in the connecting member 18 in the area downstream of the throttle near the sink tapered portion IV. Outside, the radial passage 30 opening into the annular gap between the cylindrical surface of the rib 23 and the hole 13b 13 of the tube assembly between. Such radial passage 25 in communication with the chamber. 1 and 2, the assembly 13 is inserted through the end of the pipe which comprises a connecting member 18 to the connecting hole 15a of the pipe. This is a press fit to prevent leakage. Divider device described above in the following manner in a mixture of compressed air and lubricant under pressure between 2 and 8 bar by the connection pipe located in the most upstream delivery 1, so from a centralized office supply (not shown in FIG. ) begin. The mixture was passed through along the upstream portion of the tubular member 18 of the connector 21 of the hole 20 into the first flow divider device 3. Throttling region 26, and a tapered portion Concept and combine four, inside the hole in the connecting member 18a of the venturi tube (Venturi) is formed, which produces atomized lubricant turbulence in the stream. Thus, when the end surface 5 before the impact of the stream transmitted through a choke area and sink into the chamber 25 when many small droplets to be formed. The atomization choke area and because the small droplets of lubricant paths 25 are provided along the chamber generated in the form of fine atomization and uniform distribution of the entire surface area of the end surface 5, are formed at four cylinder internal distribution of good distribution of lubricants. In this way the lubricant mixture atomization gas stream uniformly distributed, and because the head regardless of the divider means and path length of the lubrication passage 3 downstream due to vitiate how. Shen choke area exists in the chamber 25 thus producing an excellent combination of atomized lubricant distribution, regardless of how vitiate the downstream head. The same protruding portion 17 is advantageously because it facilitates distribution of atomized lubricant and compressed air mixture. 5 but did not hit the end face some of the lubricant into the longitudinal channel dropped chambers 6 and 7 of the bottom 25 of. These lubricants are preferably sucked up and recycled into the compressed air stream. Connecting member 18 extends through the annular rib 23 of the radial passage 30 so that these lubricants can be recycled. The reason with these radial passage 30 in the vicinity of the throttle immediately upstream or downstream region 26, or as a variant having an open end in the sink in the choke area, and subjected to a venturi effect, through its the passage 25 in the chamber 30 to draw any lubricant, which is due to the compressed gas and lubricant flow caused by the connecting member along the holes 18 of the movement. Lubricant chamber 25 through a radial passage 30 is sucked up and the position of the throttle in the area next to the sink, or upstream or downstream of the injection it again

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