ZL351第三百五十一章 守护者小队2013-07-30 08:00:00 晚上九点许,杭州西湖区特别行动组所在的警区秘密基地。 门卫处,我 การแปล - ZL351第三百五十一章 守护者小队2013-07-30 08:00:00 晚上九点许,杭州西湖区特别行动组所在的警区秘密基地。 门卫处,我 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ZL351第三百五十一章 守护者小队2013-07-30 08:00:


第三百五十一章 守护者小队

2013-07-30 08:00:00




“OK! ”

进入基地深处,到处都是绿化林,这里新建了不足一个月,在警区的深处,非常隐秘,而我们特别行动组担任的任务又非常神秘,所以便选择了这里,最近南京方面给我们加派了人手,这里也就成了浙江区域的指挥中心了,主要攻略目标就是拥有超能量的非普通{Human} ,也可以说,特别行动组是一个执行普通警员甚至军队都无法执行的任务的强大组织。


一座偏矮的平房下,秘密基地的入口,我径直而入,地下数层,灯光通明,训练室里,一群特别行动组成员正在电子模拟设计,bursts*** 红外线落在标靶上,同时训练室飞速计算移动射击的分值,我转身看了看,一旁,走出一个身穿特别行动组衣服的MM,笑speaking* :“李队,你来啦?”

“嗯,带我去技skill/tactics* 科。”

“OK! ”

我一边走,一边看着两侧的训练项目,这MM微微笑speaking* :“这几天,在上海、厦门、深圳等几个发达城市里都出现了类似于殖装人的组织,虽然没有对外宣布,但是上面已经高度关注了,王队也觉得一场风波即将降临大陆,为了应对殖装人的Agility 速度,大家都在积极训练枪法以及对纳米子弹设计轨迹的掌握,因为纳米弹的燃烧会产生高热,所以,弹speaking* 都会产生一些偏斜。”

我试过纳米弹头,确实会产生偏斜,弹speaking* 的上扬曲线非常明显,压低一下枪口就可以了,看着这MM肩膀上的徽记,我说:“好像……特别行动组要重新命名了?”

MM笑着点头:“嗯啊,你的消息倒是非常灵通,你直接问王队好了,他也在技skill/tactics* 部里观察最近的情报呢……”



再往前,技skill/tactics* 部到了,偌大的空间里密密麻麻满是电脑,这里几乎是全浙江省的警方计算机精英集合地了。

Shen Bing 坐在一台电脑前,十指如蝶翻飞,正在查阅着资料,Wang Xin(Chief) 则抱臂站在一旁,我轻声走近,speaking* :“王队,你也在啊!”

Wang Xin(Chief) 点点头:“Li Xiao Yao(MC) ,这个Qing Meng(Brother?) ,你认识?”

“不认识。”我摇头,speaking* :“不过他的Younger Sister* 叫Qin Yu(M) ,是我在DESTINY 这款游戏里所建立的行会里的一个成员,Qin Yu(M) 一直在追寻Elder Brother 的下落,而且Qing Meng(Brother?) 之前是在Cruising[MG](S) 手下做事,Cruising[MG](S) 恰巧又是Mass Burial(G-) 的人,Mass Burial(G-) 的成分太不简单了,上次我们抓到的Dong Feng(B) 就是Mass Burial(G-) 的Vice GM* ,所以我怀疑Cruising[MG](S) 也可能参与了殖装人的事件,这一连串的事件联系起来就很简单了,Qing Meng(Brother?) 极有可能参与了殖装人的实验,所以找到Qing Meng(Brother?) 对于我来说非常重要,这可能是一个突破口!对了,Dong Feng(B) 的审问怎么样了?”

Wang Xin(Chief) 眉头紧皱:“别提了,死活不愿意开口,我们甚至请动了国外的审讯专家,还是没有什么结果,所以……南京方面来人了,要对Dong Feng(B) 进行DNA活体分析,因为Dong Feng(B) 本身也是殖装人,两天前,他把牢笼硬生生的撕破了,差点就越狱……”

“靠……”我握了握拳头:“那王队你打算怎么处理Dong Feng(B) ?”

“不知speaking* ,看南京方面的意向吧……他们对Dong Feng(B) 非常重视,孙翔将军几乎每天都在关注殖装人的基因变异解析进度,Dong Feng(B) 是我们抓获的唯一一个活着的殖装人,他的Body 在发生变化,产生鳞片的时候DNA波动非常明显,是个不可多得的研究对象!”

我吁了口气:“其实,更应该着手的是通过Dong Feng(B) 挖[[Bleed]] 镰的幕后主使,是谁提供了殖装人的技skill/tactics* ,这才是最大的问题,只要挖掉这毒根,这一连串的事件才算是真正有个结果,对吗?”

Wang Xin(Chief) 点头:“嗯,我知speaking* ,不过这件事情需要从长计议,其中不少掣肘难为的地方你也该明白,不管是哪个势力提供了这种技skill/tactics* ,它一定在中国拥有非常庞大的势力网和关系网,否则也不可能悄无声息的就实验出那么多恐怖的殖装人。”

我伸头看看Shen Bing ,speaking* :“Shen Bing 姐,找到了吗?”

Shen Bing 注视着屏幕,摇摇头:“只能确认Qing Meng(Brother?) 在两个月前进入蓝水街的夜幕酒吧,很巧的是,夜幕酒吧的老板就是我们抓获的Dong Feng(B) ,之后,Qing Meng(Brother?) 的一切消息就全部失踪了,并且我用云计算查询了好久,发现Qing Meng(Brother?) 的搜索引lifting up* 被加密屏蔽了,要破解这些加密程序还需要一点时间。”

我轻轻靠在身边的座椅旁边,抱臂看着不断跳动的屏幕,说:“Shen Bing 姐,大约多久能破解掉?”

“不知speaking* ……”Shen Bing 眨了眨眼睛:“大约……大约要7小时以上。”

“那……”我咬咬牙:“Shen Bing 姐今天连夜加班吧,我在这里陪你,直到找到Qing Meng(Brother?) 的下落为止,不然实在是放不下心……”

“不会吧?”Shen Bing 抬头看着我,笑speaking* :“你小子不会是喜欢上了那个Qin Yu(M) 了吧?不然怎么会那么心紧她的Elder Brother ?”

我不由苦笑:“怎么会?我只是……只是在游戏里看到Qin Yu(M) 哭了,Qing Meng(Brother?) 是她和Mother* 唯一的依靠,这样的Elder Brother 不该就这么消失掉,如果可以的话,一定要全力把Qing Meng(Brother?) 从BLOOD SCYTHE 的手里救出来。”



glanced*** 一眼Shen Bing 手臂上,一个非常鲜艳的盾形徽记,上面印着五星红旗以及杭州所属的图案,然后就是一个大大的“守护者”三个字。

我不禁suprised! however* ,转身看着Wang Xin(Chief) :“王队,特别行动组更名了?”

Wang Xin(Chief) 微笑点头:“嗯,一个星期前的决议,全国每个中上LEVEL 城市都拥有一个特别行动组的基地,统一命名为守护者,因为我们这群人是不会出现在大众的视野内的,我们甚至比特种兵更加神秘,所以我们是每个城市的守护者,但是却又不为人知,怎么样,这个名字够酷吧?”


“拿什么?”Wang Xin(Chief) 瞪眼。

我也瞪眼:“我也是守护者组织的成员之一,难speaking* 我没有番号什么的吗?”

“哼……”Wang Xin(Chief) 撇撇嘴:“小赵,去把Li Xiao Yao(MC) 的袖章拿给他!”

“OK! ”

带我过来的MM答应了一声,不久之后折返回来,手中捧着一枚一样鲜艳的袖章,五星红旗、地区所属等图案与Shen Bing 的一模一样,只不过中间不是“守护者”三个大字,而是一个大大的“护”字,顿时我脸都绿了:“为什么我的不是守护者,而是护?这护到底是个什么意思啊老大!?”

Wang Xin(Chief) 笑了:“因为你是我们杭州区域守护者小组的Captain ,这也是孙翔将军亲自任命的,所以当然不一样了,怎么,不满意?”


一旁,Shen Bing 嘻嘻笑:“有什么不好的?多么拉风的护字,这是一种幸福的祝愿,你小子正是身在福中不知福……”


Wang Xin(Chief) 摇头:“必须佩带,否则被自己人误杀了怎么办?”



继续守在技skill/tactics* 部里,然后看着Shen Bing 忙碌,她的脸上渗出细细的汗水,不断的进行各种技skill/tactics* 操作,并且时不时的回头看向Wang Xin(Chief) ——



“王队,去帮我买一份夜宵,我要吃鱼{Fragrant} 肉丝,给Li Xiao Yao(MC) 买一份尖椒炒猪心,我知speaking* 那小子喜欢吃那个……”

Wang Xin(Chief) :“……”


一直等到第二天凌晨7点多,忽然间,Shen Bing 一指屏幕,speaking* :“查到了!”


我和Wang Xin(Chief) 急忙凑过去,果然,在一项机密文件上,赫然是一个年轻男子的头像,然后是一连串的注射数据与反应明细,这是一个研究组织的机密文件,而这个男子就是Qin Yu(M) 的Elder Brother Qing Meng(Brother?) !

Wang Xin(Chief) 紧握拳头:“这些人体试验……是在什么地方进行的?”

“卫星正在锁定,稍微等一下!”Shen Bing 脸上满是细汗,又过了几分钟,屏幕上的地图跳动完成,卫星锁定着杭州市西湖区的某处地图!


“真隐秘,原来躲在这里!”Wang Xin(Chief) 手臂上的青筋都出来了:“这群畜生,把正常人变成那种怪物,老子终于找到你们了!”


Shen Bing speaking* :“马上就天亮了,我们公然过去容易引起注意,等明天天黑吧!”

“嗯!”Wang Xin(Chief) speaking* :“明天凌晨0点,准时出发!Li Xiao Yao(MC) ,由你带队,必须一举剿灭这个实验室,但是要务必小心,他们一定有防范。”

“知speaking* 了……”


正在这时,我的手机响了,是Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM的号码,接通之后,电话另一头就传来她轻轻的哭泣声——

“老大,找到Elder Brother 的下落没有?我……我担心他,Mother* 刚才给我打电话,哭得好伤心……我……我该怎么办?我该怎么办……”

我咬咬牙:“小雨不用担心,我会找到你Elder Brother 的。”

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
ZL351Guardian chapter No. 351 unit2013-07-30 08:00:00 At about nine o'clock in the evening, Hangzhou West Lake District of the special operations group officers attached to the secret base. Doorman, I looked to the eye scan, iris scan identification, the armed police officers smiled at me: "Lee, here? ” "Well, I went in. ” "OK! " Into base deep, everywhere are is green forest, here new has insufficient a months, in police district of deep, very secret, and we special action group served as of task and very mystery, so will select has here, recently Nanjing aspects to we deployed has staff, here also on into has Zhejiang regional of command center has, main Raiders target is has super energy of non-General {Human}, also can said, special action group is a implementation general police even army are cannot implementation of task of powerful organization. …… A seat partial short of bungalow Xia, secret base of entrance, I straight and into, underground number layer, lights lit, training room in, group special action group members is electronic simulation design, bursts*** infrared fell in standard target Shang, while training room rapid calculation mobile shooting of score, I turned see has see, aside, out of a wearing special action group clothes of MM, laugh speaking*: "Lee team, you to's? ” "Yes, take me to the skill/tactics* section. ” "OK! " 我一边走,一边看着两侧的训练项目,这MM微微笑speaking* :“这几天,在上海、厦门、深圳等几个发达城市里都出现了类似于殖装人的组织,虽然没有对外宣布,但是上面已经高度关注了,王队也觉得一场风波即将降临大陆,为了应对殖装人的Agility 速度,大家都在积极训练枪法以及对纳米子弹设计轨迹的掌握,因为纳米弹的燃烧会产生高热,所以,弹speaking* 都会产生一些偏斜。” 我试过纳米弹头,确实会产生偏斜,弹speaking* 的上扬曲线非常明显,压低一下枪口就可以了,看着这MM肩膀上的徽记,我说:“好像……特别行动组要重新命名了?” MM笑着点头:“嗯啊,你的消息倒是非常灵通,你直接问王队好了,他也在技skill/tactics* 部里观察最近的情报呢……” “嗯!” …… 再往前,技skill/tactics* 部到了,偌大的空间里密密麻麻满是电脑,这里几乎是全浙江省的警方计算机精英集合地了。 Shen Bing 坐在一台电脑前,十指如蝶翻飞,正在查阅着资料,Wang Xin(Chief) 则抱臂站在一旁,我轻声走近,speaking* :“王队,你也在啊!” Wang Xin(Chief) 点点头:“Li Xiao Yao(MC) ,这个Qing Meng(Brother?) ,你认识?” “不认识。”我摇头,speaking* :“不过他的Younger Sister* 叫Qin Yu(M) ,是我在DESTINY 这款游戏里所建立的行会里的一个成员,Qin Yu(M) 一直在追寻Elder Brother 的下落,而且Qing Meng(Brother?) 之前是在Cruising[MG](S) 手下做事,Cruising[MG](S) 恰巧又是Mass Burial(G-) 的人,Mass Burial(G-) 的成分太不简单了,上次我们抓到的Dong Feng(B) 就是Mass Burial(G-) 的Vice GM* ,所以我怀疑Cruising[MG](S) 也可能参与了殖装人的事件,这一连串的事件联系起来就很简单了,Qing Meng(Brother?) 极有可能参与了殖装人的实验,所以找到Qing Meng(Brother?) 对于我来说非常重要,这可能是一个突破口!对了,Dong Feng(B) 的审问怎么样了?” Wang Xin(Chief) 眉头紧皱:“别提了,死活不愿意开口,我们甚至请动了国外的审讯专家,还是没有什么结果,所以……南京方面来人了,要对Dong Feng(B) 进行DNA活体分析,因为Dong Feng(B) 本身也是殖装人,两天前,他把牢笼硬生生的撕破了,差点就越狱……” “靠……”我握了握拳头:“那王队你打算怎么处理Dong Feng(B) ?” “不知speaking* ,看南京方面的意向吧……他们对Dong Feng(B) 非常重视,孙翔将军几乎每天都在关注殖装人的基因变异解析进度,Dong Feng(B) 是我们抓获的唯一一个活着的殖装人,他的Body 在发生变化,产生鳞片的时候DNA波动非常明显,是个不可多得的研究对象!” I heaved a sigh: "in fact, we should proceed to the adoption of Dong Feng (b) digs [[Bleed]] behind the sickle, who provided a colonization the man skill/tactics*, which is the biggest problem, just dig out the root of this, this series of events is truly a result, right? ” Wang Xin (Chief) nodded: "Yes, I know speaking*, but this thing needs to compromise, many of them hard, you also know that, regardless of which provides the technical and skill/tactics*, it must have presence in China has a very large network and connections, otherwise impossible to quietly test the colonization the man of so much terror. ” I head to see Shen Bing, speaking*: "Shen Bing Han, have you found? ” Shen Bing watched with screen, shake shook his head: "only confirmed Qing Meng (Brother?) in two months Qian into blue water street of night bar, is skillfully of is, night bar of boss is we captured of Dong Feng (b), zhihou, Qing Meng (Brother?) of all message on all missing has, and I with cloud computing query has long, found Qing Meng (Brother?) of search introduction lifting Up* encrypted blocks, cracking the encryption program also takes a little time. ” I gently against the side of the seat next to the arm beats looking at the screen and said, "sister Shen Bing, about how long can break off? ” "I do not know speaking* ... ..." Shen Bing blinked: "about ... ... About 7 hours. ” "......" I bite: "sister Shen Bing overnight work overtime today, and I am here with you until you find the Qing Meng (Brother?) accounted for, or it is put down......" "Come on? "Shen Bing looked up at me, smiling speaking*:" your kid will not be like the Qin Yu (m), right? Or how can the mind of her Elder Brother? ” I can't help but smile: "How come? I'm just ... ... Just saw Qin Yu in the game (m) cried, Qing Meng (Brother?) is Mother* and she can only rely on, the Elder Brother should not just disappear, if that's all right, be sure to fully Qing Meng (Brother?) from BLOOD SCYTHE hand out. ” "Well, I did my best! ” "MMM! ” Glanced*** Shen Bing at a glance on the arm, a very bright shield-shaped emblem stamped on Hangzhou City, the five-star red flag and belongs to a pattern, then that is a big "keepers" three words. I can not help but suprised! However*, turned to see Wang Xin (Chief): "King, the special operations group was renamed? ” Wang Xin (Chief) smile nodded: "well, a week Qian of resolution, national each in the Shang LEVEL city are has a special action group of base, unified named for guardian who, because we this group people is not appeared in mass of vision within of, we even than commando more mystery, so we is each city of guardian who, but is and not is know, how, this name enough cool's? ” I could reach out: "take! ” "What? "Wang Xin (Chief) stare. I stared also: at "the guardian I was one of the members of the Organization, is hard to speaking*: I don't have a serial number? ” "Hmm......" Wang Xin (Chief) pie pie: "little Zhao, Li Xiao Yao (MC) armbands to show him! ” “OK! ” 带我过来的MM答应了一声,不久之后折返回来,手中捧着一枚一样鲜艳的袖章,五星红旗、地区所属等图案与Shen Bing 的一模一样,只不过中间不是“守护者”三个大字,而是一个大大的“护”字,顿时我脸都绿了:“为什么我的不是守护者,而是护?这护到底是个什么意思啊老大!?” Wang Xin(Chief) 笑了:“因为你是我们杭州区域守护者小组的Captain ,这也是孙翔将军亲自任命的,所以当然不一样了,怎么,不满意?” 我捧着袖章:“呃……好吧……” 一旁,Shen Bing 嘻嘻笑:“有什么不好的?多么拉风的护字,这是一种幸福的祝愿,你小子正是身在福中不知福……” 我脸上的肌肉都差点抽搐了:“那我以后参加行动可以不佩戴吗?” Wang Xin(Chief) 摇头:“必须佩带,否则被自己人误杀了怎么办?” 我咧咧嘴:“好吧……” …… 继续守在技skill/tactics* 部里,然后看着Shen Bing 忙碌,她的脸上渗出细细的汗水,不断的进行各种技skill/tactics* 操作,并且时不时的回头看向Wang Xin(Chief) —— “王队,给国安局打个电话,开放C开头的文件查询权限。” “王队,我需要军方授权我的账号。” “王队,去帮我买一份夜宵,我要吃鱼{Fragrant} 肉丝,给Li Xiao Yao(MC) 买一份尖椒炒猪心,我知speaking* 那小子喜欢吃那个……” Wang Xin(Chief) :“……” …… 一直等到第二天凌晨7点多,忽然间,Shen Bing 一指屏幕,speaking* :“查到了!” “嗯?” 我和Wang Xin(Chief) 急忙凑过去,果然,在一项机密文件上,赫然是一个年轻男子的头像,然后是一连串的注射数据与反应明细,这是一个研究组织的机密文件,而这个男子就是Qin Yu(M) 的Elder Brother Qing Meng(Brother?) ! Wang Xin(Chief) 紧握拳头:“这些人体试验……是在什么地方进行的?” “卫星正在锁定,稍微等一下!”Shen Bing 脸上满是细汗,又过了几分钟,屏幕上的地图跳动完成,卫星锁定着杭州市西湖区的某处地图! “找到了!蓝水街,夜幕酒吧一旁的洪升商场,目前正在装修,但是三维数据锁定显示,这个实验室就在洪升商场的地下三层!” “真隐秘,原来躲在这里!”Wang Xin(Chief) 手臂上的青筋都出来了:“这群畜生,把正常人变成那种怪物,老子终于找到你们了!” “我们什么时候行动?”我问。 Shen Bing speaking* :“马上就天亮了,我们公然过去容易引起注意,等明天天黑吧!” “嗯!”Wang Xin(Chief) speaking* :“明天凌晨0点,准时出发!Li Xiao Yao(MC) ,由你带队,必须一举剿灭这个实验室,但是要务必小心,他们一定有防范。” “知speaking* 了……” …… 正在这时,我的手机响了,是Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM的号码,接通之后,电话另一头就传来她轻轻的哭泣声—— “老大,找到Elder Brother 的下落没有?我……我担心他,Mother* 刚才给我打电话,哭得好伤心……我……我该怎么办?我该怎么办……” 我咬咬牙:“小雨不用担心,我会找到你Elder Brother 的。”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The ZL351

351 Guardian nine crew

2013-07-30 08:00:00

night Xu, Hangzhou West Lake District, the special operations group where the district secret base.
guard. I looked up to see to the eye scan and iris scans confirm the identity of the armed police rushed I smiled: "Lee team to?" "Well, I went to

into the depths of the base, everywhere is green forest. This new less than a month, in the depths of the District, very secretive, and US special operations group as the task and very mysterious, so will choose here.Recently in Nanjing to we deploy more staff, here is the command center of Zhejiang area the, the main goal of the strategy is to have super energy of non ordinary {Human}, also can say, the special action group is a powerful organization of ordinary police and the armed forces are unable to perform the task execution.

a partial short cottage, the entrance of a secret base, I walked in, underground layers, bright lights, the training room, a group of special action group members is electronic analog design, bursts*** infrared falls on the target, also the training room rapid calculation mobile shooting value. I turned to look at, one side,Out of a special action group wearing clothes MM, speaking* laughed: "Lee team, you're here?"

"well, take me to the science and technology skill/tactics*."
I walked, side looked at both sides of the training program, this mm smile speaking*: "in the past few days, in Shanghai, Xiamen, Shenzhen and other cities in a few developed appeared similar to colonization loading organization. Although not announced, but above has a high degree of attention, King team also feel a storm coming to the mainland. In order to deal with the colonization of agility, speed andEveryone in positive marksmanship training and the mastery of nano bullet trajectory design, because nano bomb combustion will produce high fever, so, playing the speaking* all will produce some deviation. "
I tried a nanomite warhead will indeed to deflect, bulletproof speaking* rose curve is very obvious, depress the muzzle can, looked at the MM shoulder badge, I said: "it seems...... The special action group was renamed?" Mm
nodded with a smile: "uh uh. Your message is very well informed, you directly asked the King team, he is also in the technical skill/tactics* ministry observed recent intelligence......" "Well


and then move forward, technology skill/tactics*, densely packed in the huge space full of computers, here is almost in Zhejiang Province police computer elite collection.
Shen Bing sitting in front of a computer, ten refers to such as butterflies, is access to information, Wang Xin (chief), arms stood, I quietly approached, speaking*: "King team, you are ah!"

Wang Xin (Chief) Li Xiao Yao nods: "(MC), the Qing Meng (Brother?), you know?" "Don't know

." I shook my head, speaking*:
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