五百二十三章 我的东西2013-10-20 08:00:00 “顶盾,准备合围,诛神箭准备!” 纵然到了这种时候,问剑依旧保持着超稳的战术节 การแปล - 五百二十三章 我的东西2013-10-20 08:00:00 “顶盾,准备合围,诛神箭准备!” 纵然到了这种时候,问剑依旧保持着超稳的战术节 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

五百二十三章 我的东西2013-10-20 08:00:00 “顶盾,

五百二十三章 我的东西
2013-10-20 08:00:00





















































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter 523 my stuff2013-10-20 08:00:00 "Top shield ready to surround, and arrows ready! ” Even to has this when, asked sword still keep with Super stability of tactical rhythm, mention sword station presence outside, see with hero mound of group holding shield Knight to we approximation, altogether 200 + people of Knight, a eyes hid in helmet among, fine shiny of see with I and Li Mu, and Lin Waner three a people, distance, bows hand, and spirit operation Division also gradually came, this destined to is set fire of a war has. …… I hands mention sword, eyebrows like scimitars, locked, Lin Waner, and Li Mu back with I, three a people formed has triangle of Defense points, gently by in I of back Shang, Lin Waner whispered road: "Lee unfettered, you then also said himself not pig, you see well, a a people how may playing have had such of took, you a St Yun device also left to rear, you said I called you o pig is called wrong has did? ” I can't help but smile: "this time the ... ... Wan we are doomed to die in this...... " Li Mu lies open mouth: "two, do not show their affection in front of singles, I would mind to die......" My voice sank: "be careful, here! ” With with rushing of voice, group Knight lift with shield impact has came, we three a people immediately separate, waving blade split cut in shield on, I homeopathic in behind release out a dragon even crossbow, while basaltic pool, and God soldiers array also falls, even is died also to more pulled several pad back of, this a field 5000VS3 people of huge disparity fighting video destined to will in Forum Shang very hot of, after all, war complex flow two big guru level players encirclement Souci, and pale pupil, and general Li Mu, this originally is a is Madden of things. "Archers, arrows! "The edge of cold voice, sparse arrows also fly over, but my property and Li Mu, Lin Waner is very strong, low risk of dizziness, can 10% good. Long Chijian a pendulum, cut off I fire prison armored Shang of arrows vector, one Knight mention with shield on stormed and to, he only half blood, but defying died, I on like such of opponents, wrist a turned, cold iron sword from right left of bump in shield Shang, directly swing open, Dragon Pool sword homeopathic slammed cut in he of neck Shang, cold iron sword with Shang a sword, immediately killed off, fanshen suddenly impact in another Knight of shield Shang, war boots bottom suddenly a played, bang a sound will shield played have rose, double sword swept 4 times attack, and cut off has a. Lin Waner, Li Mu and almost similar to mine, is a type of continuous sterilization, open shield be a fatal blow, this is the most simple way, or blast shield directly kill the Knight, it would have been too much trouble. …… Skill, release, and soon, nearly 200 of the nearly Knight was kill us, OTC asked swords, sword and ugly face of cold, they were unable to bear the insult. "Sword, wild warriors, together with me! ” Sword and cold with a sharp knife, he desires to kill are too urgent, while forward while saying: "sister, with flames bursting stone + lava pit to help me! ” Simple nods. I carefully: "be careful, Janus cold here! ” Li Mu: "Yeah, I know......" The next moment, the earth trembled, lava pit have erupted at my feet, a group of swordsmen, and Berserker kill edge and, much of the berserkers were throwing battle axe, this is the Tomahawk project skills! "Keng kengkeng......" Splash on Mars, we each ate a 3-5 attack, blood instantly fall below 50%, I quickly gulped down a bottle of blood, while Lin Waner on hands. Li Mu a roar, dust-swept directly cut off two berserkers, and blade DART to kill a human wall, covered with sword + even roared out, even after killing 9 people back! "Pow!" ” A cold shot to fall, Li Mu of very bad luck froze there, crazier! Sword carrying swords kill cold rushed, broken cloud with chop + corruption + wolves edge even poured upon Li Mu, Lin Waner and I was too late to react, Li Mu a bad hum knelt to the ground and hung up! Lin Waner anger sword Han was killed in front of our martyrs ' battalion leader! White fingers open, Lin Waner field launched! "Brush! ” Sword cold around of space seemed by has twisted, he of action also no zhiqian so coherent has, Lin Waner q with Dragon Kiss fly bashing came, war boots fly up a played, "bang" a sound kick open has sword cold of sword edged Parry operation, Dragon Kiss Flash, chisel hit success, while all God of edged continuous three combo detonation in has sword cold of body. "Brush brush ... ..." Upon treatment of light cold keep falling on the sword and sword cold shouted: "rhyme I reinforce my! ” Far away, Murong Yun Yang with his staff and flame bursting stone arrows directly went to the Lin Waner + Indigo sea, Lin Waner raised engine tapping an umbrella defense, the body was thrown back several steps and sword behind cold suddenly opened wings of liberty, will leave! "Pow!" ” Boots and explosive step on a Knight's shield, my dragon becomes an instant start, lie back on the fly up, swung his left arm with an iron fist in the air across the arc, shouted: "do you still want to go? Murong Han?! ” "And BAM! ” Fist on the back of heavy bombardment hit the edge of cold, while my right hand long Chi sword suddenly penetrated his body, "bang" a half blood sword cold hit, turning in a pool of blood, Lin Waner remote blade folding step reinforced me, and I hand one, outbreak of prehistoric super close! "11074! ” Blade cold eyes, looking at this critical strike damage, white, hung it up with a dull hum, but it did not burst into what, it seems that this task players kill each other during the burst rate is not high. …… Behind, suddenly "bang" a sound, Lin Waner was asked sword a sword shake iron umbrella, along ground roll out has is far, asked sword once sword edged dash again swept near, residual light cut a Flash and had, directly will Lin Waner to Vertigo has, continued 1.5 seconds, bows hand, and spirit operation Division set fire, beauty big miss far of see with, beautiful of mouth with sad, on so hanging has. I no time to sentimental, waving double sword continues to hack around of sword scholar, and crazy soldiers, relies on 10% sucking blood to maintained himself of life value, far of a Zhang hand, captured Dragon effect a Flash that died, terrible have asked sword, and simple are back has is far, they not willing to with I positive relative, because who also cannot guarantee can escape out I of moments outbreak seven or eight sword of attack. Continue to pass, at the foot of the bodies pile higher and higher, piled up gradually with the bodies of almost 3 meters, and my blood had been maintained at between 30%-70%, watching rescue pool Yu Han's task was all over in just 5 minutes. …… 正在这时,问剑又带着一群精锐来了,目光看着队列中的一人,道:“唐七,只要六爻卦的眩晕效果出一次,再加上我的残光斩,逍遥自在必死,知道吗?” 唐七公子握着铁骨扇,目光有些闪烁:“盟主,我和逍遥自在在现实里认识,你是知道的,所以别逼我出手好吗?我无法面对朋友……” 问剑微微一笑:“嗯,如果你愿意看着英雄冢的兄弟一个个死在逍遥自在的龙池剑下的话,那就这样看着吧……” 说着,问剑、剑泪、剑叹等一群人齐齐冲了上来。 我看得真切,直接一次擒龙将剑叹抓了上来,一骑当千爆发,秒杀! 问剑纵身而来,双手擎剑一次烈虎决! “嘭!” “3717!” 身体微微一颤,斗气之壁被轰散了,还有7秒钟CD完毕。 剑刃横扫,荡开了问剑的下一次攻击,我脚下一滑,一柄长剑在我半秒钟前的位置刺透空气带出大大的MISS,剑泪的攻击被我闪避成功了,她一脸惊愕:“好快的速度!” 我没有说话,电光火石间寒铁剑轻轻一碰,直接砸在了剑泪的手腕之上,虽然她是问剑的妹妹,自幼想必也学习剑法,但是毕竟是20岁上下、清秀可人的MM,更多的精力必然是放在打扮、购物与看帅哥上了,被我这么轻轻一碰就失去了下一击的去向了。 双剑抡起,连续7剑,剑泪MM呜咽一声跌倒在地,同时我后背也中了问剑的一次猛击,直接开启技能执戟者炙炎! 问剑忍受着烈焰灼烧,大声喝道:“唐琦,你要看着所有人都被逍遥自在一个个的单挑杀掉吗?他的装备太好了,已经凌驾我们之上了!” 唐琦咬牙切齿,脸上尽是痛苦之色,几乎咆哮一样的怒吼着:“李逍遥!” “刷!” 缩地成寸成功,几乎贴脸的一次六爻卦攻击! “嘭!” “3129!” 我已然陷入了眩晕状态,并且是可怕的没有斗气之壁加持的情况下! 问剑低喝一声,剑刃刺入脚下的尸体堆中,狼群破阵发动,他的一双眸子里满是血色的看着我:“逍遥自在,杀掉我们那么多人,你死得也值了!” 狼群啃噬身体,我也失去了所有的力气,看着问剑,我微微一笑:“不过我赢了,池羽寒依旧活着!” 问剑眼中满是恨意! “刷!” 眼前猛然一阵黑暗,我挂了—— “叮!” 系统提示:请注意,你被玩家【问剑】杀死,等级降低1级,你所装备的【深海寒铁剑】已经掉落,你包裹里的道具【凌风剑】、【丛林护手】、【青虎战靴】等也已经爆出! …… 终于还是挂了,并且把我的副手武器寒铁剑给爆了! 系统提示我,还有4分钟就能重新上线了,所以也没有必要再下线了,就那么等待着,时间一点一滴过去,4分钟很快,而我也很放心,池羽寒、池玉清在叶来、飘渺云烟、王翦、东城月他们的保护下,谁也别想在4分钟内杀掉他! 很快的,四分钟结束,眼前一亮,我就站在龙城东方的沃野之中,周围还有大量没有退去的英雄冢、锋芒玩家,不过在60分钟内,这里的玩家都处于无敌状态,他们是杀不掉我的,每个人身上都浮现着金色护盾,无敌效果! 看看远处,我的寒铁剑已经被英雄冢的一个剑士握在手里了,我只能无奈一笑,还能说什么呢? …… 正在这时,一大群人穿透了东方丛林冲了过来,正是东城月、抹茶等人保护着池羽寒、池玉清来了,并且我身边两道白光闪烁,林婉儿、李牧也复活了。 “阿猪,你的寒铁剑呢?”林婉儿惊愕的看着我。 我两手一摊:“爆掉了……” 林婉儿马上转身看向英雄冢的人群,气呼呼的伸手一指那拿着寒铁剑的玩家,杀气腾腾道:“小白,把寒铁剑还给我,否则追杀你到天涯海角!” 那叫做“小白”的86级剑士目瞪口呆:“副盟主,我……” 问剑咳了咳:“小白,苍瞳已经不是我们英雄冢的副盟主了……” 不过,小白还是一脸无奈,走上前,捧着寒铁剑还给了林婉儿,林婉儿手捧着寒铁剑,笑容可掬、迷人至极,将寒铁剑重新递给了对方,说:“小白,就当是姐姐送给你的,拿着吧!” …… 问剑微微一颤:“婉儿,你这是什么意思?” 林婉儿握着粉拳,目光灼然:“我的东西,只能我送出去,却不能由别人从我这里抢过去!” 英雄冢的一群人目瞪口呆,窃窃私语:“太有个性了,喜欢得不行,怎么办,我们能不能加入斩龙继续追随她啊……?”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Five hundred twenty three chapters of my stuff
2013-10-20 08:00:00
"top shield, encircled ready, ready to punish sky!" Even to this time, asked the sword still retains super-steady rhythm tactics, mention sword to stand outside, watching a group of Addison Knights a shield to us approaching, a total of 200 + people knight, one eye hidden in the helmet among fine shiny looked at me and Li Mu, Ms Lin three people, distance, bows and arrows hand, Ling also gradually came Alchemist, this is destined to set fire to a fight. ...... I put the sword with both hands, Jian Mei locked, Ms Lin, Li Mu back to me, and all three formed a triangle defense point lightly against my back, Ms Lin small channel: "Happy Lee, you were also says he's not a pig, you Kan Ma, how a person could play such a mighty force, you holy one further Yun left rear, you say I told you阿猪are called wrong? " I could not help smile : "it's time to say this ...... Ms we are destined to die here together today, the ......" Li Mu grin: "Gentlemen, please do not show affection in front of bachelor, I would go to die ...... frenzied" I'm a voice Shen: "! be careful, come" accompanied by the rushing sound of a group of knight holding a shield hit over the three of us at once separated, wielding razor hacking on the shield, and I take advantage of the release of a dragon behind Liannu while basaltic pool, magic array also fall, even Dora also killed several scapegoat, which is a huge disparity 5000VS3 man destined to fight video on the forum is very popular, after all, the two war-reflow master-class player siege unaffected, Cang pupil, Admiral Li Mu, which was originally a very juicy thing. "Archer, throw!" Janus cold voice, sparse arrows also flew over, but I and Li Mu, Ms Lin attributes strong chance of being dizzy low, to 10% on the good . Longchi sword pendulum, I cut off the arrows Hell armor on a knight carrying a shield on the dash came, he was only half-blood, but not afraid of dying, I like this opponent, wrist doubled, cold iron sword from right to left bump in the shield directly slid longchi homeopathic sword slash on his neck, cold iron sword sword to keep up, and immediately killed, Fan Shen suddenly hit another knight the shield, boots suddenly a bottom-kick, bang loudly played up the shields, swords swept the four attacks, but also cut off a. Ms Lin, Li Mu and my operation is almost the same, even the consumer with all types of play, broke the shield to be a fatal blow, this is the most concise way, or directly bombers kill knight shield, it would be too laborious. ...... Skill one release, and soon nearly 200 knights almost kill us all, the OTC ask sword, the blade cold face more and more ugly, they can not tolerate this Zheru. "! Swordsman, Berserker, together with me on the" cold put the razor blade from his desire to kill is too urgent, while the forward side, said: "Sister, flame projections to the abyss lava stone + help me! " simply far nod. I carefully said: "! Be careful, Janus cold coming" Mu said: "ah, know ......" The next moment, the earth trembled, the abyss of the lava has erupted at my feet, a group of edge swordsman, mad soldiers rush afar Berserker have thrown out Tomahawk, Tomahawk which is projected skills! "Keng Keng ......" Mars darting, we eat 3-5 times per attack, blood instantly have dropped below 50%, I quickly downed a Xueping, while giving a command Hands Ms Lin. Li Mu roar heard, the sword-day sweep dust directly two Berserker cut off, while the blade through sudden kill a human wall, covered sword cut + say hello Xiao out of nine people after Liansha back! "Pop!" A cold shot off, Li Mu very good luck and stood, she was dizzy! Janus cold carrying swords Shaben over, broken clouds cut + Blade + Tanlang even move in together pouring Li Mu and to let her beat me and I'm simply a chance to respond, Li Mu Canheng it fell to his knees and hung up! Ms Lin shortness of breath, cold blade actually in front of us killed Valiant Camp Boss! White fingers open, Ms Lin areas to launch! "Brush!" Janus cold space around as if by a twisted, his actions did not before so coherent, and Ms Lin Long Kiss swoop puts it forward, boots fly a kick, "bang" sound flung open sword cold front blade to parry the operation, Long kiss flash, Gouge successful, and the gods of the blade in three consecutive batter bombers Janus cold body. "Brush brush ......" Treatment light falling on the blade body cold, while Janus cold shouted: "! I rhyme Sister reinforcements" far away, Murong Yun raised wand, suddenly the flame stone + Arrow indigo sea Ms Lin Hongxiang directly, Ms Lin, raising his hand engine out Tiesan defense, bombers Annealing body was a few steps behind the wing and the blade is free of cold suddenly open, have to go! ! "Snapped" riding boots explosion on a knight's shield, my dragon becomes instantly launch, fly the body back, picked up the iron fist of the left arm in the air across an arc, shouted: "want to go? Murong cold?! " " bOOM! " fist heavy bombers hit on the back of the blade cold, and my right hand longchi sword suddenly ripped through his body," bang "sound will be half-blood cold Janus hit the turn in a pool of blood, Ms Lin remote fold jump reinforcements me a razor, and I palm a prehistoric community outbreak super close! "11074!" Janus cold eyes wide open, looking at the damage this fatal blow, his face pale, Menheng soon hung up, but did not broke any equipment, it seems that the players kill each other during the task had burst rate It is not high. ...... Behind, suddenly "bang" sound, Ms Lin was asked Tiesan sword sword shake, get out very far along the ground, and asked the sword once again swept blade onrush near afterglow cut flashed, directly Ms Lin to vertigo, and 1.5 seconds, archers, set fire Alchemist Ling, Missy far looked beautiful, beautiful mouth with sad, so hung up. I do not have time to go sentimental, wielding swords continue slashing swordsman around, Berserker, 10% rely on the vampire to maintain their health, far a hand Qinlong fleeting effect, asked Haide sword , simply have retreated far, they do not want me relatively positive, because no one can guarantee that the moment the outbreak seventy-eight escape my sword attack. Constantly stabbed corpses piled at the foot of the more higher gradually with nearly 3 meters corpses pile up, and my blood has been maintained at between 30% and 70%, seeing the plume cold pool rescue tasks only five minutes is over. ...... Just then, asked the sword and with a group of elite came, looked at the queue one, said: "Don Seven, as long as the stun Gua Liu Yao out of time, plus my afterglow cut, Happy ? comfortable die, you know. " 唐七公child steel frame holding fan, some flashing eyes:" the chief and I travel freely recognize in reality, you know, so please do not force me to sell my friends can not face? ...... " asked the sword smiled:" ah, if you are willing to look at Addison's brother died in one longchi sword unaffected, then it would not look at it ...... " then, ask sword, tears sword sigh other group of people shouted rushed up. I see real, direct time Qinlong sword sigh caught up, Ikki Tousen outbreak, spike! Q. jump from the sword, sword hands engine once fierce tiger must! "Bang!" "3717!" Body slightly shocked, and the walls are scattered H grudge, there are seven seconds CD is completed. Blade sweep, asked the sword slid under an attack, I slipped a two-edged sword in my position half a second before piercing the air with a big MISS, sword tears I dodge attacks were successful, her look of astonishment: "! good fast." I did not speak, split between cold iron sword light touch, in a direct hit on the wrist sword tears, though she was asking sword sister, presumably since childhood learning swordsmanship, but after all, is 20 years or younger, handsome, pleasant MM, more effort must be put to dress up, shopping and watching the guy, and I was so touched lightly lost the whereabouts of the next attack . Swords picked up seven consecutive sword, sobbing loudly MM tears fell to the ground, but also in my back to ask sword Slam, directly open skill armor-bearer who Sunburn inflammation! Q. sword endure burning flames, shouted: "Don Qi, you have to look at all were unaffected singled to kill one of his equipment do good, already is above us?!" Tang Qi teeth, his face full of pain in color, almost like roaring roaring: "! Li Happy" ! "brush" shrink to inch success, almost one cheek Liu Yao Gua attack! "Bang!" "3129!" I was already into a state of vertigo, and the case wall terrible no grudge blessing! Q. sword Di heard, piercing the foot of the blade body heap, wolves Destroys launch, one of his eyes was full of blood at me: "travel freely, we kill so many people, you also die ! value of the " wolves Kenshi body, and I lost all strength, looked at the sword and asked, I smiled:" but I won, pool Yu Han still alive! " asked the sword eyes full of hatred! ! "Brush" dark eyes suddenly burst, I hung up - "bite!" System: Please note, you are the player [Q] sword to kill, reduce the level of 1, you are equipped with deep-sea cold iron sword [already] drop your parcel props Ling-feng sword [], [] guard jungle, tiger boots [green], also has burst! ...... Finally hung up and put my hand weapon cold iron sword to burst! Prompted me, there are four minutes back on the line, so there is no need to off the assembly line, so it waited, a little bit of time in the past four minutes fast, and I am assured, Yu cold pool, leaves to the pool Yuqing, misty clouds, Wang Jian, Dongcheng month under their protection, who also do not want to kill him within 4 minutes! Soon, the end of four minutes, shines, I stood among the fertile East Dragon, surrounded by a large number of mass graves have not receded hero, the player edge, but within 60 minutes, the players here are in a state of invincible they can not afford to kill me, everyone who has come to his golden shield, invincible effect! Look far, I have been a cold iron sword swordsman hero mound in her hand, and I could do nothing but smile, can I say? ...... Just then, a crowd of people rushed through the jungle over the East, it is East month, green tea and others to protect birds cold pool, pool Yuqing came, and me two white flashes, Ms Lin, Li Mu resurrected. "A Zhu, cold iron sword you do?" Ms Lin dismay at me. I made ​​a little: "explode ......" Ms Lin immediately turned to look at Addison crowd angrily reaching a mean cold iron sword that took players murderous said: "white, back to the cold iron sword me, or to the ends of the earth to kill you! " that is called the" white "of 86 stunned swordsman:" deputy chief, I ...... " asked the sword cough cough:" white, pale pupil is not our hero mound Deputy chief of the ...... " However, white or a look of frustration, stepped forward, holding the cold iron sword back to Ms Lin, Ms Lin hands with cold iron sword, smiling, extremely charming, and handed back the cold iron sword the other, said: "white, when is my sister gave you, take it!" ...... ask sword slightly shocked: "? Ms, what do you mean," Ms Lin holding Fenquan, burning eyes then: "my stuff, I can only send out, but not by someone else snatched from me!" Addison stunned group of people, whispering: "too personal, like was not, how to do, we can not Join slaying the dragon continued to follow her ah ......? "

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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