Yu Wenzhou把三个小副本的榜单逐一点出来看了一遍后,回头问向了Huang Shaotian。 Huang Shaotian立他身后, การแปล - Yu Wenzhou把三个小副本的榜单逐一点出来看了一遍后,回头问向了Huang Shaotian。 Huang Shaotian立他身后, อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Yu Wenzhou把三个小副本的榜单逐一点出来看了一遍后,回头问向了

Yu Wenzhou把三个小副本的榜单逐一点出来看了一遍后,回头问向了Huang Shaotian。

Huang Shaotian立他身后,抬手摸了摸下巴后摇了摇头:“这些本太久没玩过了,光看记录看不出什么。刷出记录的人认识吗?有什么特别的?职业,装备,都知道吗?”Huang Shaotian说了两句后却是望向了春易老。


“这人怎么了?”Huang Shaotian问。


“哦?竟然会有这样的武器?”Yu Wenzhou听到这关注度又是提高了不少。之前的话,多少也是看出了春易老的来意,所以客气地应对一下,这一下却是的确有了令他关心的东西。

“这样的武器肯定是自制的吧!听起来倒像是专门针对散人做的。”Huang Shaotian说。

“散人……”Yu Wenzhou显然也是知道这种玩法的。

“如果确实的话,这把武器倒是真能完全发挥出散人的特点了。早期的散人,因为武器的切换冷却以及高负重,攻击的连续性上是有许多缺陷的,并不能把多职业的低阶技能完美串联一起,这样一把武器的话这个问题倒是解决了。而且如果它拥有银武属性的话,伤害输出就会比橙武还高,加上散人职业的技能连贯性,拥有这样一个角色的队伍输出能力自然比寻常队伍要高出一些,这人的确是个很关键的角色。”Huang Shaotian说着。

Yu Wenzhou点了点头,显然是很赞同Huang Shaotian的看法,随后又看了看君莫笑队伍里的其他队员:“那么其他人呢?”


“冰霜森林嘉王朝的这支队伍呢?”Yu Wenzhou问道。


“很明显是代打啊……区人玩家,没能力刷出这么高的成绩的。”Yu Wenzhou说着。


“而且可能还不是普通的代打。你看埋骨之地这个副本成绩的时间,正好是我们和嘉世战队比赛的前后刷出来的。嘉世的副队长刘皓那天的比赛中多次出现极其低级的失误,状态出奇的差,看来这家伙是跑去区打副本分散了注意力啊!”Yu Wenzhou说。


“这个埋骨之地的副本成绩不寻常的,少天你觉得呢?”Yu Wenzhou说着。

Huang Shaotian点了点头:“埋骨之地的这个成绩已经不只只是技术问题了。这样的成绩光有技术也刷不出来。区这个阶段也不可能有太多华丽的装备,所以只可能是有了比以前加优秀的副本打法,提高了通关速度。”

“不愧是黄少啊……”春易老此时也忍不住惊叹了,就这记录成绩他们也看过不知多少遍了,却根本都不敢下什么定论。或许也只有Huang Shaotian这样技术顶尖,又有着惊人判断力的大神才敢这么自信地给出答案。


“恐怕不只,这家伙,或许不是去研究打法,而是去偷打法……”Yu Wenzhou说。


“这个打法的记录先后出现了三次。”Yu Wenzhou敲了敲屏幕说,“两支队伍,这么巧正好都研究出了打法?注意君莫笑他们的第一次记录,队伍里有一个叫离恨剑的人,但被嘉王朝超越后,他们的队伍中这个叫离恨剑的不见了,又换了个叫流木的。这两个角色不同职业,所以应该不是同一个人。这个副本里,剑客也没有比狂剑士多出什么优势。如果说是因为剑客的玩家比狂剑士的这位水平高的话,那么第一次的时候为什么不直接让这个剑客来?所以很大的可能是,打法是君莫笑研究的,这个狂剑士离恨剑是嘉王朝这边混入他们队伍的,跟着他们学到打法后,回去带领导嘉王朝的人又重刷了记录,君莫笑这个时候当然是不可能再找到离恨剑这人帮忙,所以才又找来了流木这个剑客。”


记录出现的时间,嘉王朝公会的背景,联赛中刘皓非一般的糟糕表现……Yu Wenzhou居然留意到了这么多的细节。这位蓝雨的队长,显然并不如外界所说的只是一个很会团结队员的温和的人。这样的观察力和判断力,根本就不Huang Shaotian之下。不,或许比Huang Shaotian还要强。至少此时,Huang Shaotian都没有做出这样大胆的推断。

“队长你也太夸张了,构思小说呢吧你这是。”非但没有推断,Huang Shaotian还对Yu Wenzhou的推断产生怀疑。可春易老看来,Yu Wenzhou的这些推断细细入扣,大有可能。

“刘皓难道疯了,一个区的副本他会下这么大功夫?”Huang Shaotian的话怎么可能只有这一句,这还接着说呢!


春易风惊讶的嘴都合不上,分析竟然已经到了这种程度了吗?他不由地望了一眼和他一起的听众Huang Shaotian,却发现春少天却没有因此露出丝毫惊讶的神情,看起来依然是挺平静的。

“果然是黄少……”春易风又忍不住感慨了一次。或许会有一些人因为Huang Shaotian的话痨觉得这人不够沉稳,但事实上,作为联盟中出色的机会主义者,Huang Shaotian绝非是非常沉得住气的人。


“所以说,想知道君莫笑是什么来头,直接打个电话问问刘皓就清楚了。刘皓的电话,我这应该有的……”Yu Wenzhou一边笑道一边摸起了口袋,但很快却又恍然:“哦,手机没带。”训练室不许带手机,这是很多俱乐部都有的规定。

春易老期待着,期待着能知道这个答案。他当然希望Yu Wenzhou能主动一些,不过看到Yu Wenzhou没有摸出手机,却也没有要去取的意思时,春易老有点失望。他当然不敢支使这位战队的队长,但此时此刻,也说不得要拜托一下了。正准备开口,却见Yu Wenzhou拍了拍没装手机的空口袋后笑了笑说:“其实刘皓又针对,又害怕,又认可,却又信赖的人,不用问也已经知道是谁了。”


“叶秋。”Yu Wenzhou说。


“少天和叶秋近有联系吗?”Yu Wenzhou问。

“没有啊,那家伙从退役后就好像人间蒸发了一样,或许已经被外星人绑架了吧!”Huang Shaotian说。

“他不用手机的对吧!”Yu Wenzhou说。


“现看起来,是被外星人绑架到第十区继续玩荣耀去了啊……散人君莫笑吗?或许哪一天就又突然比赛里看到也说不定呢!”Yu Wenzhou说。

“……”春易老觉得自己应该是有很多话要说的,却又好像理不出思绪似的不知从何说起。这Yu Wenzhou和Huang Shaotian,对于这个惊到人的结论却都没有什么过大的反应。Yu Wenzhou若有所思了一下后,抬头看了看训练室的挂钟,突得站起了身。

“吃饭了。”Yu Wenzhou说。

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Yu Wenzhou by three smaller copies of the list after looking at it again, and asked Huang to Shaotian. Huang Shaotian standing behind him, reached up and touched his Chin shook after: "haven't played in these too, not just by looking at the record to see what. Brush out the records people know? What's special? Professional equipment, you know? "Huang Shaotian said two sentences but is looking to spring the old. "Oh ... ... Key is the man, you don't laugh. "Spring old pointed to the three lists have names that appear. Frosty forest is ranked second, buried land and displaced is high up in the top spot. "What has happened to this man? "Huang Shaotian said. "This person's role is not transferred, is the people, hands arms very odd, is free to transform weapons modeling and lower order to display their professional skills. "Chun yi Lao said. Thousands of umbrella's secret is impossible to hide, so how do Ye Xiu did not want to hide it, like LAN River has dealt the ACE players, most of them have been seen playing at the. "Oh, really? Will have such a weapon? "Yu Wenzhou heard this concern is improved a lot. Before that, then is seen Chun yi Lao purpose, so politely, this is certainly something he cares about. "Such weapons must be homemade! Sounds like is specifically designed for people to do. "Huang Shaotian said. "People......" Yu Wenzhou is also obviously knows that game. "If you do, this weapon is really able to fully play out feature. Early man, weapon switching the cooling and a high load, is to attack the continuity of many flaws, not low level professional skills perfectly in-line with such a weapon, then the problem is solved. And if it has a silver property, damage will be higher than an orange, plus professional skills consistency, has the role of team output capacity higher than ordinary team, this is indeed a very critical role. "Huang Shaotian said. Yu Wenzhou nodded, apparently agreed with Huang Shaotian views, then looks at you not laugh at other players in the team: "other people? ” "These three people are you not smiling team fixed player, a mage, a gunnery Division, there is also a rogue, the three levels are quite high. Addition a location, seems no fixed players, Frost forest here, this is domineering designs of people, buried bone of to this flow wood, is a swordsman, at is joined has we blue Brook GE, no said words, and day brush finished records zhihou on never Shang had line; Hou this a inch gray is this two days just appeared of, currently also not clear origin. ” "Frost senlinjia dynasty of this team? "Yu Wenzhou asked. Spring easy old hurriedly introduced a dynasty team of five Professional, these they are all done in the investigation. "Obviously is playing ... ... One player, and no ability to brush such high scores. "Yu Wenzhou said. "I think so too. "Chun yi Lao said. "And probably not an ordinary hitter. Copies you have buried in the time just before and after we play team justice brush out. Vice Captain Liu Hao extremely low-level errors often occurred during the day, surprisingly bad, it seems that this guy is running copy distracts attention! "Yu Wenzhou said. "No ... ... Such a small copy Pro is not just brush your record out, he affects the game's attention? "Chun yi Lao said. "Copy of this burial place unusual, few days, what do you think? "Yu Wenzhou said. Huang Shaotian nodded: "buried in the results have been more than just a technical problem. Such achievements are also brush does not come out. This phase can not have too much fancy equipment, so there can only be a plus excellent than before a copy of the game, improve customs clearance. ” "Less worthy of yellow ... ..." spring old can't help but marvel at this time on this record performance-they do not know how many times we have seen, but not any conclusion. Maybe only Huang Shaotian technology's top, also has a remarkable sense of God before they dare to confidently to answer. "In this way, records of the dynasty was Liu Haodai, and also to study the game, spent a lot of energy, this game badly? "Spring old summary. "I'm afraid not this guy, maybe not to study the game, but to steal the game......" said Yu Wenzhou. "Ah? ” "The playing records and has appeared three times. "Yu Wenzhou knocked on the screen saying," two teams, study on coincidence to happen out of the game? Note you not laugh at their first record, line and there was a man called away from hate, but after overtaken by dynasty, called in their ranks from the hate is gone, and changing the flow of wood. Different occupation in both roles, so should not be the same person. In this copy, swordsman and no advantage more than swords. If we say that is because the players than the Swordsman swordsmen of the level high, so for the first time why not just let the Musketeers to? So is big of May is, play is June Mo laugh research of, this crazy sword scholar away from hate sword is Ka dynasty side mix they team of, followed they learn to play Hou, back with led Ka dynasty of people and heavy brush has records, June Mo laugh this when certainly is impossible again found away from hate sword this people help, so only and find to has flow wood this swordsman. ” Spring wind stunned, as can be seen from here so many things he did not want to. Record the time, Kerry dynasty Association background, non-General Liu Hao's poor showing in the League ... ... Yu Wenzhou had noticed so much detail. The captain of the blue rain, obviously not as outsiders say, is a very modest man teams together. This observation and judgment, not at all under Huang Shaotian. No, maybe stronger than the Huang Shaotian. At least this time, Huang Shaotian did not make such a bold inference. "Captain, you are too exaggerated, the idea of novel, you are. "Rather than inferred, Huang Shaotian doubt on Yu Wenzhou inferences. Chun yi Lao, Yu Wenzhou these thin stab, most likely. "Liu Hao is crazy, a copy of his will so much? "Huang Shaotian, how do you have this sentence, which also went on to say it! "Oh, say yes! So it may have some other special reason, led him to the copy record unusual attention. Frosty forest previously and you not brush with a smile, even after mixing with you not laugh teams gather intelligence, also seems attached great importance to this you not laugh! Can make professional eye and heart you don't laughed less than either. I have a feeling, Liu Hao is a smile to you not know about. Under the guise of his behavior, there is fear, recognition and trust. Fear, he went to spy on the other side; recognition, stealing each other's playing and it will be used directly because he believed each other's play has to be a better choice, there will be no best tactics. ” Spring wind surprised mouth cannot close, analysis has reached this level yet? He looked a glance and his audience with Huang Shaotian, only to find that spring day has not revealed any less admiration, still looks pretty calm. "It was less yellow......" spring wind couldn't help feeling once again. Perhaps some people because of Huang Shaotian TB think this person is not steady enough, but the fact is, as the League's outstanding opportunist, Huang Shaotian is not very heavy the gas man. Only the patient breath, sharp observation on the field, grasp the good opportunity. "So, want to know what you not laugh, clearly a direct call to ask Liu Hao. Liu Hao's phone, I should have ... ... "Yu Wenzhou laughs while touching on the Pocket, but soon realize:" Oh, phone no. "The training room do not carry a cell phone, this is a lot of clubs have rules. Spring easy old looking, looking forward to know the answer. He can certainly hope that Yu Wenzhou took the initiative, but see Yu Wenzhou but did not find out a cell phone, but I did not mean to get on, Chun yi Lao was a little disappointed. He, of course, ordered the captain of the team, but at this moment, is said not to come on. Is preparing to open, but see Yu Wenzhou patted the empty pockets that did not install the phone laughed and said: "in fact, Liu Hao, and frightened, and recognition, and trustworthy person without asking already know who he is. ” "Who is it? "Spring is easy to talk of spring road. "Ye Qiu. "Yu Wenzhou said. "Autumn leaves God......" spring is easy to be honest don't know what kind of expression to show he put hearts surprise. "And Ye Qiu have less connection? "Yu Wenzhou asked. "No, that guy seems to have disappeared from the retired, may have been abducted by aliens! "Huang Shaotian said. "His cell phone on it! "Yu Wenzhou said. "Well. ” "Now look, was abducted by aliens to the tenth district continues to play honor went ... ... People do you not laugh? Perhaps one day and then all of a sudden the game who will see it! "Yu Wenzhou said. "......" Spring feel there should be a lot to say, but if no mind as I do not know how to begin. The Yu Huang Shaotian and Wenzhou, the surprised man's conclusion are not excessive reaction. After Yu Wenzhou thoughtfully for a moment, looked up at the training room wall clock, suddenly stood up. "Dinner. "Yu Wenzhou said. "Well, eating dinner. And spring go together. Restaurants do you know? I will take you, Ah! "Spring day less over one-arm hug easy old put him out in the spring.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Yu Wenzhou small copy of the list three out one by one point after reading it again, turned around and asked to the Huang Shaotian. Huang Shaotian stand behind him, after raising his hand touched his chin and shook his head: "These have not played this long, and look at the recording of the recording can not see what people know to brush you have any particular career.?? equipment, you know it? "Huang Shaotian said a few words, but after the spring is easy to look old. "Oh ...... The key is this person, Jun Mo laugh." Chun Yi old pointed to three names have appeared list. Frost which is ranked second in the forest, resting place and the displacement of the earth is hanging top. "This is how the people?" Huang Shaotian asked. "This man's role does not transfer, is scattered, additional weapon in the hands of very strange, is free to change the shape of the weapon, and then display low-level skills for each occupation." Chun Yi old said. Thousands of machines umbrella secret is simply not hiding, it leaves the repair is also thought to how the cover, like Blue River dealt with these expert players, most of them have seen the tricks. "Oh? Actually have such a weapon?" Yu Wenzhou heard this concern is improving a lot. Before then, how much it is easy to see the old spring had come, so politely respond to it, which is really what has made ​​him something of interest. "This is certainly a homemade weapon now! Sounded like specifically for the bulk of people do." Huang Shaotian said. "Scattered people ......" Yu Wenzhou obviously also know that the games are played. "If you do so, this weapon was certainly able to fully play out the bulk of people's personality. Early scattered people, because switching cooling weapons and the high load, attack continuity has many shortcomings, and not be able to multi-professional low-level Skills perfectly together in series, such a weapon, then the problem is actually solved, and if it has Yinwu attributes, damage output will be higher than the orange arms, plus scattered coherent vocational skills, have such a role team Natural output capacity higher than usual contingent of some, this man is indeed a very crucial role. "Huang Shaotian said. Yu Wenzhou nodded, apparently agree Huang Shaotian view, and then looked at the Jun Mo laugh ranks of other players: "? What about other people do." "This trio is fixed Jun Mo laugh teams players, a Battle Mage is, one is guns division, there is a rogue, three levels are quite high. Also a position, it seems there is no fixed team, frost forest here, this is aggressively domineering man, resting place of the flow of wood , is a swordsman, was joined our Blue Stream Court, not spoken, but the day after brushing the record is no longer over the line; After the inch of ash is these days just appeared unclear origin " "Frost Senlin Jia dynasty team do?" Yu Wenzhou asked. Chun Yi Jia old dynasty team quickly introduced five people profession, conducted a survey of those who are. "Obviously people are cosmetologists ah ...... area players can not afford to brush out such a high score." Yu Wenzhou said. "I think so." Chun Yi old said. "And it may not be the normal pinch. You see a copy of the results of the resting place of the time, just us and the world around Kerry clan brush out of the tournament matches vice captain Liu Hao Jia Shi appears multiple times in the day extremely surprisingly poor low-level errors, the state, it seems that this guy is playing a copy go zone distracted ah! "Yu Wenzhou said. "Would not it ...... such a small copy of the pros is not casually brush a record out, he regards the impact on the game's attention to it?" Chun Yi old said. "The resting place of the copy of the results are not unusual, less one day you feel it?" Yu Wenzhou said. Huang Shaotian nodded:. "Resting place of the results have been more than just a technical issue such an achievement light art also brush out area at this stage it is impossible to have too many beautiful equipment, it just might be there. plus outstanding than the previous copy play, improve the clearance rate. " "less is indeed yellow ah ......" Chun Yi old at this time can not help but wonder, and on this record they have seen the results I do not know how many times, but did not dare what conclusion. Perhaps only Huang Shaotian such top technology, but also has amazing sense of the great God dare so confident answers. "So to say, Jia Liu Hao dynasty record cosmetologists, but also do this to research the play, spend a lot of energy, this game bad state?" Chun Yi summed up the old. "I'm afraid not only that this guy, probably not going to research the play, but to steal the play ......" Yu Wenzhou said. "Ah? " " The style of play has appeared in a record three times. "Yu Wenzhou knocked on the screen says," two teams have developed a style of play just a coincidence? Note Jun Mo laugh their first record, There is a team of people called Lihen sword, but was beyond Ka dynasty, whose team this is called Lihen sword was gone, replaced by another one called stream wood. These two roles of different occupations, so it should not be the same personal. The copy, mad swordsman swordsman nor more than any advantage. If we say that is because the swordsman of the players is higher than the level of mad swordsman, then the first time why not come directly from this swordsman? So much more likely that the play is a study of Jun Mo laugh, this mad swordsman sword Lihen Jia dynasty here is mixed with their team, after they have learned to follow the play, go back to the people with the leadership of Ka dynasty and heavy brush the recording, Jun Mo laugh this time, of course it is impossible to find Lihen sword this help, so that she got the driftwood this swordsman. " Chun Yi wind stunned, from where he was able to see that so many did not want to think the things. Time record appear, Kerry will王朝公background, Liu Hao non-league general poor performance ...... Yu Wenzhou actually noticed so many details. The Lanyu captain, obviously not as the outside world will say just a very united team of gentle person. Such observation and judgment, did not Huang under Shaotian. No, perhaps even stronger than Huang Shaotian. At least this time, Huang Shaotian have not made ​​such a bold inference. "Captain you are too exaggerated, the idea of the novel are you do it." Not only did not infer, Huang Shaotian also inferred Yu Wenzhou doubt. Spring seems to be old Yi, Yu Wenzhou of these inferences carefully into the buckle, very likely. "Is it crazy Liu Hao, a copy of a zone of so much effort, he will be the next?" Huang Shaotian, then how could be in this one, which also then say! "Oh, that is ah! So that perhaps there were some other particular reason, a copy of the records led him to this abnormal attention. Previously had frost forest and brush Jun Mo laugh, even after making mixed Jun Mo laugh Team spying act, it seems also attaches great importance to this Jun Mo laugh ah! let the pros have made ​​the eyes must look, Jun Mo laugh difference is not where to go. I have a feeling, Liu Hao on Jun Mo laugh with .. know understand too much of his acts against the cover, hidden fear, because fear of recognition and trust, he has to go spy on their situation; for approval, he stole back to the other side of the play on the direct use, because He believes the other's style of play is already a good choice, will not have a good tactic. " Chun Yi wind surprised Zuidou not close, the analysis actually has come to such a degree it? He could not help but glance at the audience with him Huang Shaotian, but found little spring day did not therefore reveal the slightest surprised look, it seems still quite calm. "Really is less yellow ......" Yi Chun could not help feeling the wind again. Perhaps there will be some people because of the words of tuberculosis Huang Shaotian think that not enough people calm, but in fact, as the league's outstanding opportunist, Huang Shaotian is definitely not very tolerant person. Only tolerant, keen observation on to the game, a good grasp of timing. "So, want to know what is backing Jun Mo laugh, a direct call to ask Liu Hao clear. Liu Hao's phone, I should have it ......" Yu Wenzhou while laughing while Moqi pocket, but but soon come to realize: "Oh, the phone did not bring." training room not allowed to bring cell phones, which is to provide a lot of clubs have. Chun Yi old looking forward, looking forward to know the answer. Yu Wenzhou certainly hope he can take the initiative of some, but to see Yu Wenzhou did not work out the phone, but did not want to pick up the meaning, the spring of the old little disappointed. He certainly did not dare to send away the team's captain, but at the moment, can not be said to come on a little longer. After being ready to open, Yu Wenzhou patted fleet not equipped handsets empty pockets smiled and said: "In fact, Liu Hao and against, and fear, and recognition, but trust people, do not ask also already know who it is . " "Who?" Chun Yi Chun blurting out. "Autumn Leaves." Yu Wenzhou said. "Autumn Leaves Great God ......" Chun Yi honestly have no idea what kind of expression put to showcase his mind at the moment of surprise. "There are few days Autumn leaves near contact you?" Yu Wenzhou asked. "No, ah, that guy seemed to evaporate after the decommissioning of the same, may have been abducted by aliens, right!" Huang Shaotian said. "He did not have the phone, right!" Yu Wenzhou said. "Ah. " " Now it seems, is abducted by aliens to the tenth district to continue to play the glory went to the ah ...... San ruler Mo laugh? Maybe one day you suddenly see the game might get it! "Yu Wenzhou said. "......" Spring of the old feel that they should be a lot to say, but it seems like the reason no thoughts do not know where to start. This Yu Wenzhou and Huang Shaotian, for the people scared to conclusions too big but had no response. Yu Wenzhou thoughtfully for a moment after, looked up at the training room wall clock, suddenly stood up too. "Eat." Yu Wenzhou said. "Er er, eat dinner. Come on, go with Spring restaurant where you know? I walked with you!" Spring fewer days over spring arm round the old trade took him dragged out.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Wenzhou Yu put three small copy of the list one by one to see it again, back to the Shaotian Huang.

Huang Shaotian standing behind him and raised to touched touch chin shook his head: "the too long didn't play, just look at the records do not see what. Do you know the people who have a record? What is special? Career, equipment, all know it?" Shaotian Huang said the two after it is the hope of the old and the spring. Oh

"...... The key is this person, do not laugh at." Spring is easy to refer to the three list have the name of the list. The Sherbet forest is qualifying for second,Boneyard and displaced are hanging top.

"this person how?" Shaotian Huang asked.

"the role of the people did not resume is scattered, also the weapon in the hand is strange is can be free to change weapons modeling, and then cast the occupation of the lower order skills." Chun Yi old saying. Thousands of machines umbrella's secret is no hiding method, so ye Xiu did not think of how to hide, like the blue river these played dealings for expert players, most have been see tricks the. "Oh

? There is such a weapon?" Wenzhou Yu heard that this is a lot of attention. Previous words,How much is that the spring is easy old errand, so politely shall, which a is indeed that he cares about things.

"such weapons must be made! Sounds like a specific people do." Shaotian Huang said. "People......" Wenzhou Yu is clearly aware of this play.

"if true, this weapon was fully play in the characteristics of the. Early scattered, because weapon switching cooling and high load, the continuity of the attack is there are many defects, and not occupation of lower order skills perfectly connected in series,Such a weapon would be a solution to the problem. And if it has silver Wu properties and damage output will than orange Wu also high, coherence scattered vocational skills, has the team output capacity of such a role than ordinary team should be higher than some, this is indeed a very key role. " Shaotian Huang said. Wenzhou

Yu nodded, obviously is very much agree with the views of Huang Shaotian, then see Jun Mo laugh the other members of the team: "then the other person?" This is three

"fixed players do not laugh at the team, a battle mage, a division of the gun,There is a rogue, the level of three people are quite high. Another position. It seems that there is no fixed players, frost forest here, this is a domineering xiongtu. Buried bone the driftwood is a swordsman, then joined the blue Creek Pavilion, not spoken, and the day brushing records have never been on line; after this inch of ash is this two days just appeared. It is unclear origin. " "Scarlett Dynasty forest Sherbet

the team?" Wenzhou Yu asked.

spring easy old introduced Jia Dynasty team quickly five occupation, they all did the investigation.

"It's obviously a generation...... District players, no ability to brush such a high score." Wenzhou Yu said. "I think so." Chun Yi Lao said.

"and may also not ordinary generation play. You look at the time of the copy of the copy of the ground, just before and after the competition of the team and the team. Liu Hao, vice captain of the day of the game in the game many times a very low level of error, the state is surprisingly poor, it seems that this guy is running to the area to play a copy of the attention ah!" Wenzhou Yu said. Wouldn't you

"...... So a small copy of the professional players are not just brush a record out of the,Does he affect the attention of the game?" Chun Yi Lao said.

"the Boneyard copy of the score unusual, fewer days do you think?" Wenzhou Yu said.

Huang Shaotian nodded: "this result Boneyard has not only technical problems. Such a result light has the technology also brush not come out. District this stage can not have too many gorgeous equipment, so it is only possible to have a better than before the copy of the game, improve the speed of customs clearance."

"is indeed less yellow ah......" Spring easily old at this time also could not help but wonder, and this record record they have seen how many times,But no conclusion at all. Perhaps the only Huang Shaotian top technology, and have a surprising sense of God would dare to give confident answers.

"say so, Jia Dynasty record is Liu Haodai play, and is therefore to play research, spent a lot of energy, this game state incompetence?" Chun Yi old summary. I'm afraid not, "

this guy, maybe not to play, but to steal the game......" Wenzhou Yu said.

"?" The play record

"has appeared in three." Wenzhou Yu said, "the two teams,So what happens all the way? Attention Jun Mo laugh their first record, the team have a call from hate sword, but is beyond the Jia Dynasty, their team the call from hate sword disappeared, and changed the name of driftwood. These two roles are different occupations, so should not be the same person. In this copy, there is no swordsman what advantage than mad swordsman. If it is said that is because swordsman players than crazy swordman the high level, then the first time why not just let this swordsman? So a lot of play is, do not laugh at study,The crazy swordman from hate sword is Jia Dynasty side mixed with their team and follow what they have learned to play after, go back with leadership Jia Dynasty and heavy brush records, Jun Mo laugh this time, of course, is impossible to find from hate this sword people help, so they find to the driftwood this sword off. "

spring easy wind terrified, from here can see so much he never thought of things.

record appearing time, Scarlett Dynasty guild background, general Liu Haofei in the League poor performance...... Wenzhou Yu actually noticed so many details. The captain of the Lan Yu,Obviously not as good as the outside world is a very gentle person who will unite. Such observation and judgment, not Shaotian Huang. No, it might be better than Shaotian Huang. At this time, Shaotian Huang did not make such a bold inference.

"captain you too exaggerated, it is you this novel." Not only did not infer, Shaotian Yu is also on the Wenzhou Huang's inference to suspect. Wenzhou Yu, which can be easy to the old, it is possible to infer the thin, large. Liu Hao is crazy,

"copy of a zone he will work so hard?"Shaotian Huang" how could it be just this, and that's the next! "Oh,

oh yeah! So there may be some other special reasons, leading to his unusual attention to the copy of the record. Previous frost forest and don't laugh to brush, even after making mixed with Jun Mo laugh team for spying on the move, seems to have been attached great importance to the Mo laugh ah! Can let the players make their occupation eye, do not laugh at also do not go to the poor. I have a feeling for Liu Hao, do not laugh at a zhigenzhidi understanding. Under the cover of his actions, hidden fear, recognition and trust. Because of fear,He had to run to spy on each other; because of the recognition, he stole back each other's style is used directly, because he believed that each other's style is a good choice, there won't be an excellent tactics. "

spring easy wind surprised the mouth shut, analysis should have been to such a degree? He did not look at the audience with his Shaotian Huang, but found no surprise in the spring of the day, but it is still quite calm. "It is a little yellow......" Spring wind and can not help but sigh with emotion. Maybe there will be some people because the Huang Shaotian words that this person is not calm, but in fact,As well the opportunism in the league, Huang Shaotian is not very tolerant of people. The game can only

tolerant, keen observation, grasp the good time.

"so, want to know do not laugh at what is backing, directly call Liu Hao and ask him to clear. Liu Hao's phone, I should have it......" Yu Wenzhou side smile touched the side of the pocket, but soon but suddenly: "Oh, no mobile phone." The training room is not allowed to bring a cell phone, which is a lot of the club have to.

spring easy old looking forward, looking forward to know the answer. Of course he wants Wenzhou Yu to be active,But see Wenzhou Yu did not touch the phone, but did not want to get the meaning of the old and a little disappointed. Of course he did not make the team captain, but at the moment, also said not to please. Is preparing to open, but see Wenzhou Yu took a shot did not put on the phone's empty pocket after a smile, said: "in fact, Liu Hao also for, and fear, and recognition, but also the trust of people, do not have to ask who has been." Who is

"?" Spring easy spring. "Ye Qiu." Wenzhou Yu said.

"The God of autumn leaves......" Spring is easy to be honest has no idea what kind of facial expression to show him at the moment the hearts of the surprised. "There is little contact

day and Ye Qiujin?" Wenzhou Yu asked.

"no, the guy from the retired disappeared like a same, may have been abducted by aliens!" Shaotian Huang said. "He's not on the mobile phone

!" Wenzhou Yu said. "Well." Now look, is "

kidnapped by aliens to Tenth District continue to play go to glory...... People do not laugh at? Perhaps which day will suddenly see also perhaps in the game!" Wenzhou Yu said.

"......" Chun Yi old think they should have a lot of things to say, but it seems that I do not know how to talk about. This Wenzhou Huang and Shaotian Yu, for the surprise to the conclusion that there is no big reaction. Yu Wenzhou as if thinking of sth. look, looked up at the clock to the training room, suddenly stood up.

"dinner." Wenzhou Yu said. "Well, eat a meal. Come, go to the spring. Restaurant where you know? I will take you away!" Few days over the spring arm around spring easy old pulled him out.
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